HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Agenda Thursday, January 10, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Upstairs Conference Room Minutes of Previous Meeting "Development Potential for New Business Park" by Gary Solomonson Tax Increment District - Discussion of the merits for proceeding with: (a) G & E Industrial Park (b) Prior Lake Downtown 4. Staff Reports (a) Mike McGuire (b) Don Levens 5. Sub-Committee Review 6. Next Meeting - January 24, 1985 ADJOURNMENT (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE January 10, 1985 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at Conference Room of the Prior Lake City Hall. 5:15 Pm in the Upstairs MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Jim Hill, Bob Barsness, Lidy Flom, Mike McGuire, Prindle and Don Schussler Mike Babcock, Gary Gibbish and Mark Stromwall Consultant Charles Tooker Barb Chairman Hill asked for comments on the minutes of the meeting held on December 13, 1984. Motion by Flom, seconded by Barsness to approve the minutes of December 13, 1984 as distributed. A.P.I.F. Motion carried. Chairman Hill asked the Staff to respond to a newspaper add placed by a ~eveloper in Seottsdale, Arizona who is looking for prime: retail - hotel site in the Minneapolis area. Mike MeGuire was then asked for an update on the Maxfield & Solomonson report which was to be available prior to this meeting. McGuire's most recent corr~nunieations from the firm was that Solomonson has left the firm and that Lee Maxfield will see to it that copies are available in Prior Lake City Hall prior to the close of this meeting. Staff was asked to distribute copies of the report to a review eo~,~f, ittee appointed by the Mayor as soon as possible. Mike MeGuire reviewed the status of the proposed Municipal Development District involving the industrial area on County Road 12. The property is predominantly owned by Gerry Grendahl with the exception of several lot splits that were authorized to allow small industrial operations. Because a subdivision was never filed there are no city improvements and it may be impossible to catch up on necessary improvements without City participation. The method discussed by the Staff and Consultant, Ed Tehida in the draft reports presented during last months meeting, involved the creation of a City or Municipal Development District and Tax Increment Finance District in which anticipated improvements could be paid for with taxes generated after land values had been frozen by action of City Council. The process could also involve participation by other benefited properties and the developer. The consensus of those present suggested that the Economic Development CoH,,,ittee, City Council and Planning Corrmission have a round table session to discuss the implications of establishing a Tax Increment District possibly using the experience of another eorr~nunity to explain both objectives and procedures. It was (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ~uggested that building activity downtown namely, the construction started ,y Gary Gibbish at the north end of the business district could also be used as the basis for yet another Municipal Development District. Mike MeGuire discussed another recent contact he has had with an existing "High Tech~ industry with 130 employees, looking for a sixty acre site in Prior Lake from the point of view of keeping the Economic Development Committee up to date. Other subjects for discussion concerned the improvement schedule for County 21 and the potential for extending public facilities into the industrial area recommended at the intersection of County Road 42 and 21. Under Sub Committee review, Chairman Hill Special Events Sub Conrnittee. assigned Lisa Hansen to the Chairman Hill asked for copies of the goals and objectives approved in August to be distributed to the entire committee prior to the next regular meeting to be held on February 14, 1985 at 5:15 PM in the Upstairs Conference Room. Motion by to adjourn at 6:20 PM. A.P.I.F. Motion carried. Submitted by: Charles Tooker Acting Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER 1. AGENDA JOINT MEETING Prior Lake City Council Prior Lake Planning Cor~aission Prior Lake Economic Development Co,,,ittee Thursday, January 31, 1985 City Hall Council Chambers 7:00 PM Tax Increment Financing & Municipal Development Districts Tchida, Professional Planning and Development Company, Inc. - Ed Potential Municipal Development Districts - Charles Tooker, Staff a) Downtown Prior Lake b) G & E Industrial Park 3. General Discussion of Responsibility and Time Frame ADJOURNMBNT CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CALL TO OI{DER 1. 2. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Agenda Thursday, February 14, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Upstairs Conference Room Minutes of Previous Meeting Developer Contacts - Mike MeGuire a) McNulty Property b) Resort Hotel North Side 3. Solomonson Report Study Cof,~nittee Update 4. Tax Increment Districts Update 5. Sub-Corrmittee Review 6. Next Meeting - March 14, 1985 @ 5:15 PM ADJOURNMENT (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE March 14, 1985 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM in the Conference Room of Prior Lake City Hall. Upstairs MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Jim Hill, Gary Gibbish, Lidy Flom, Mike McGuire, Don Schussler, Mark Stromwall, Barb Prindle and Bob Barsness Mike Babcock Don Levens, Scott County HRA Approval of Minutes of February 14, 1985 - Chairman Hill asked for co,.,ents on the minutes of February 14, 1985. Motion by Stromwall, seconded by Flom to approve the minutes as presented and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City Managers Report - Mike McGuire provided an update to the Corrrnittee on the following topics: a) Cully's Restaurant - The restaurant has closed and ownership has reverted to the previous owner. The owner plans to reopen the restaurant within several weeks. b) C.S.A.H. 21 - Scheduled for the City Council on March 18, 1985 to review the merits of proposed new lighting at an estimated cost of $31,000. ($2200 each) from Main Street - Arcadia Avenue and Quincy Street. c) New Bank Facility (Highway 13 & County Road 42) - A ground breaking currently is scheduled for Friday, March 25, 1985. The new facility will consist of 10,000 square feet and include a combination bank & medical services. (612) 447-4230 Solomonson Report Analysis - A Corrmittee has continued to review the information on the basis of the Comprehensive Plan and/or planning (land uses, zoning, etc.). Generally, the review has included the areas of Downtown Redevelopment, Small Business Development Center (Incubator) Light Industrial Warehouse Park and the Resort Conference Hotel. A review of the financial aspects remain to be considered by the Congnittee. Upon conclusion of the analysis, a report will be presented to the City Council. 4629 DAKOTA STREETS.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Tax Increment Districts Update - A public hearing is scheduled for the Downtown District on Monday, March 18, 1985. The district is estimated to generate a net increment of $15,000 to facilitate planning efforts (market analysis etc.). Sub-Coa,,ittee Review - Gary Gibbish reported on the proposed Lakefront Days for 1985. A recent Corrrnittee meeting was held with 8 to 11 in attendance. A letter was sent to all local organizations indicating the dates of July 13 & 14, booth prices, events etc. Review of Goals & Objectives - Chairman Hill lead the general discussion of the 1984 Goals & Objectives. A copy of the Sub- Corrmittee assignments and existing By-Laws were requested to be sent to the Cou.,,ittee members prior to the April meeting. Hill also requested staff to continue with the "Business Briefs" column and Co~,~ittee members to consider the establishment of a Workshop/Retreat for 1985. Next Meeting - The Co~i~nittee agreed that the next meeting scheduled for April 11, 1985. is Adjournment - With adjourned. no other business, this meeting was Submitted by: Don Levens Recording Secretary RE: DATE: PRIOR LAKE EQONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMITCEE DON LEVENS, STAFF REVIEW OF GOALS & O~JECTIVES FOR 1985 APRIL 3, 1985 In review of the 1984 Prior Lake Goals & Objectives, I advocate that Committee consider to revise and incorporate the following changes for 1985. ae Be a e o 0 Be Ce the e Survey Sub-Committee 1. 2. 3. More Visible Committee - Public Relations Continue to publish "Business Briefs" col~nn quarterly. Hold informal "town meetings" to provide a public forum on economic development issues. Distribute minutes to City Council & Planning Cc~mission members and post agenda on Cc~uunity Bulletin Board. Participate in City Council Development Workshops as issues are discussed. Continue to work with the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce to establish a stronger business c~m~Anity. Attend/Speak at meetings of other civic organizations in Prior Lake regarding the Econcmic Development Committee efforts. Publicize data and information collected by the Cc~ttee. Update organization list annually. Update business list annually. Ensure that the State of Minnesota publishes the Prior Lake "C~muunity Profile" annually. Prepare a "Developer' s Information Guide" that provides a step-by-step guide to the City's development process. Special Events Sub-Committee 1. 0 Ccmplete planning/hold "I2%KEFRON~ DAYS" on July 13th and 14th an monitor its success/failure. Develop/publish/distribute a promotional brochure for "Prior Lake Profile" with statistical data to assist in efforts to attract new business and establish marketing plan. Continue to support the Chamber of Commerce with a modest cost "Business Appreciation" event. To facilitate with Police Department the development of a "Crime Watch" program to prevent home and business burglaries. D. Business Develo_~ment Sub-C~maittee Regularly contact existing business about needs and forward to staff those needing assistance. Continue to develop programs to help businesses expand, such as cc~ercial rehab loan program, etc. Continue to evaluate the need for a Local Development Corporation (LDC) and make a rec~,~ndation to the full Co~ittee. Continue participation in the "Minnesota Community Improvement Program" and make recommendations as to other program participation. Coordinate with the Planning Sub-C~ttee on new business attraction, recreational development, and community center/dinner theatre complex. Provide opportunities to learn about starting/improving small businesses through seminars/workshops. E. Planninq Sub-Committee Continue to develop ways to improve visual identity of Prior Lake with location of signs, design signs, and installation. Continue to work with Planning Staff on implementation of downtown landscaping plan. Update existing guidelines for City assistance for businesses with appropriate financial tools the City will utilize. 4. Continue to analyze c~L~nity assets and liabilities. Continue to determine overall economic development opportunities in the areas of manufacturing, recreation, retail and wholesale trade services. Evaluate the merits of a small center development proposal for submission in 1986. Continue to evaluate the merits of an industrial part adjacent to County Road 21 and south of County Road 42. a) Location - per zoning and city c~mprehensive guide plan; land availability. b) Plan site with parcels from 2 to 10 acre size; set industrial park standards for land development and building construction. c) Finance land purchase and development thru either tax increment financing (if building construction is part of initial project) or by other types of bonding available to the City. d) Size and scope of the initial phase will depend on financing available; have available by the end of year parcels ready for building locations. Continue toward the development of a plan for downtown Prior Lake incorporating ideas and committee suggestions, City Staff, and citizen input. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITI~E Agenda Thursday, April 11, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall City Council Chambers CALL TO O~DER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Approval of Minutes of March 14, 1985 City Manager' s Report Solomonson Report Analysis Update Review of Goals and Objectives for 1985 Review of By-Laws/Sub-C~L.~,~ttee Assignments General Discussion Next Meeting - May 9, 1985 @ 5:15 PM AD30~ (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET $.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CI.T ( F PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONCMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMI~fEE April 11, 1985 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Hill, Gary Gibbish, Lidy Flora, Mike McGuire, Don Schussler, and Bob Barsness. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Babcock, Mark Stromwall, and Barb Prindle Don Levens, Staff Approval of Minutes of March 14, 1985 - Chairman Hill asked for comments on the minutes. Motion by Schussler, seconded by Flcm to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved. ® City Managers P~port- Mike McGuire provided an update to the Cxa~mitt~ on the following topics: a) b) c) d) e) New Bank & Medical Emerqency_ Center - (Highway 13 & Cty Road 42) A groundbreaking cerenony was held on Friday, March 25, 1985. The new facility will consist of 10,000 square feet and include a combination branch office for Prior Lake State Bank and medical office space. Completion date is expected in June. CSAH 21- In accordance with the upgrading of the highway, a new wagon Bridge is under consideration. Funding is anticipated in 1986 either from the State or Federal governments. CSAH 42- (Highway 13 & County Road 42) Difficulty exist with securing the necessary easements. The road, ultimately, will be upgraded to a four lane. Permission was obtained from the DNR for necessary filling. Downtown Market Study_ - Proposals were requested from several firms. One firm will be selected by the City Manager for presentation to the City Council, EDC and Planning Commission. If approved by the City Council, the Market Study will be the first phase of the feasibility of redevelopaent. Revi~] ization of Prior~] e Shopp_inq Center - A preliminary resolution for Industrial Development Bond Financing in the amount of $500,000.00 is scheduled for consideration by the City Council. The revitalization will primarily be interior and exterior facade improvements. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Solumonson l~eport Analysis Update - Has provided an overview and evaluation of four components - planning, market ability, financing, priorities and implementation. The Cc~mittee has analyzed the report in great detail and recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council. Beview of Goals add Objectives for 1985 - Chairman Hill continued the general discussion with the Committee members. The consensus was that accomplishments were achieved such as Lakefront Days, Governors Design Team, Minnesota Improvement Program, Business Surveys and establishment of Tax Increment District. The Committee also stated that implementation is most difficult while meeting only once a month. Chairman Hill and Committee members then discussed and incorporated several changes for 1985: A. Be a More Visible Ccmmdttee - Public Relations (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Continue to publish "Business Briefs" col~n. Hold informal "town meetings" to provide a public forum on economic development issues. Distribute minutes to City Council and Planning Commission members. Participate and promote City Council Development Workshops as issues are discussed. Continue to work with the Prior Lake Chamber of Cc~merce to establish a stronger business community. Attend/Speak at meetings of other civic organizations in Prior Lake regarding the Economic Development Committee efforts. Publicize data and information collected by the Cc~mittee. B. Surve_v Sub-committee (1) (2) (3) Update/publish/distribute organization inventory and business surveys annually with appropriate credits. Ensure that the State of Minnesota publishes the Prior Lake "Community Profile" in April of each year. Prepare a "Developer's Information Guide" that provides a step-by- step guide to the City's development process. C. _S~ecial Events Sub-committee (1) (2) (3) Complete planning/hold "LAKEFRC~Tf I1%ZS on July 13th and 14th and monitor its success failure. Develop/publish/distribute a promotional brochure for "Prior Lake Profile" with statistical data to assist in efforts to attract new business and establish marketing plan. Continue to support the Chamber of Commerce with a modest cost "Business Appreciation" event with an award for the business person of the year. Do Business Develo_~ment Sub-committee (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Regularly contact existing business about needs and forward to staff those needing assistance. Continue to develop programs to help businesses expand, such as commercial rehab loan programs, etc. Continue to evaluate the need for our Local Development Corporation (LDC). Coordinate with the Planning Sub-committee on new business attraction, recreational development, and community center/dinner theater complex. Provide opportunities to learn about starting/improving small businesses through seminars/workshops. E. Planning Sub-c~am~ttee (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Continue to develop ways to improve visual identity of Prior Lake with location of signs, design signs, and installation. Continue toward the develoI~ent of a plan for downtown Prior Lake incorporating ideas and committee suggestions, City Staff, and citizen input.. Update existing guidelines for City assistance for businesses with appropriate fiD~ncial tools the City will utilize. Continue to analyze coam~ity assets and liabilities. Continue to determine overall economic development opportunities in the areas of manufacturing, recreation, retail and wholesale trade services. Evaluate the merits of a Small Cities Development Grant proposal for submission in 1986.. Continue to evalUate the merits of an industrial park adjacent to County Road 21 and south of County Road 42. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CALL TO O~DER 1. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMi~ITEE Agenda Thursday, May 9, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers Approval of Minutes of April 11, 1985 2. City Manager's Report ® Sol~monson Report Analysis Update 4. Committee Involvement in Downtown Study Area (Survey/Data ect. ) 5. Review of Committee Assigm~ents/Terms Appointment/By-Laws 6. General Discussion ® Next Meeting - June 13th, 1985 @ 5:15 PM Collection, (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE May 9, 1985 Vice Chairman Barsness called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Stromwall, Gary Gibbish, Lidy Flom, Mike McGuire, and Bob Barsness. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Babcock, Jim Hill, Barb Prindle and Don Schussler ALSO PRESENT: Don Lev·ns, Staff Approval of Minutes of April 11~ 1985 - Vice Chairman Barsness asked for comments on the minutes. Motion by Schussler, seconded by Flom to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved. City Managers Report - Mike McGuire provided an update to the Committee on the following topics: New Golf Course - received inquires from at least two groups to develop approximately 80 acres of land located near Highways 21 and 42. Convention Center - received inquiry from a developer from Madison, WI. For suitable sites, to develop a center on at least 20 acres of land with an investment of 25 million. Proposed new City Position (Administration/Economic Development) - authorization will be requested to advertise for a new staff person to work on administrative, community/economic development, public relations, State/Federal Grant applications and special projects as assigned. The City Council will consider the new position at the meeting of May 13, 1985. Solomonson Report Analysis - a final draft will be considered at the May 28th meeting. A formal committee recommendation will be formulated for approval on June lOth with Downtown Redevelopment as the first priority. Committee Involvement in Downtown Study Area - item was deferred for formal discussion until the June 6th meeting· Review of Committee Assisnments/Term Appointments/By Laws - item was also deferred for discussion until the June 6th meeting. e C,$neral Discussion U~te of 1985 Business List - Don Levens reported the update is nearly complete. The new lists will be available for the June 6th meeting. Marketing Analysis for Downtown Study Area - The City Manager has reviewed with Dan Wilson the concerns by the Economic Development Committee to include housing alternatives in the analysis of the downtown area. Lidy Flom also indicated that a need may exist to sponsor a future information meeting away from City Hall to enhance relationships and respond to questions about activities in the Study Area and Tax Increment Financing. Next Economic Development Committee Meeting - Due to the League of Cities Conference, the June meeting has been scheduled one week earlier to Thursday, June 6th at 5:15 PM at City Hall. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Agenda Thursday, June 6, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers e 6. General Discussion 7. Next Meeting - July 11, ADJOURNMENT Approval of Minutes of May 9, 1985 City Manager's Report Solomonson Report Analysis Update Con~nittee Involvement in Downtown Study Area (Survey/Data etc.) Review of Con~nittee Assignments/Terms Appointment/By-Laws 1985 ~ 5:15 PM Collection, (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITCEE June 6, 1985 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Hill, Gary Gibbish, Lidy Flora, Mike McGuire, Don' Schussler, Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall, Barb Prindle MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Babcock ALSO PRESENT: Don Levens, Staff _~pproval of Minutes of Ma_v 9. 1985 - Chairman Hill asked for co~nents on the minutes. Motion by Prindle, seconded by Barsness to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved. Cit_v Manaqers Report - Mike McGuire provided an update to the Ommpittee on the following topics: North Shore Project - the E.I.S. has been completed and the pending lawsuit dismissed. City Council has approved and scheduled a Public Hearing for Monday, June 24, 1985. Solcmonson Ama]ysis and recommmndations - The final report has been prepared and submitted to the City Council for consideration on Monday, June 10, 1985. Mnni¢i_rm] Home Mortqaqe Pr.qram (application) will be presented to the City Council for consideration on Monday, June 10, 1985. The program is proposed for $2 million from MHFA for single family construction and resale of existing homes with a "Rollover" (30%) provision to assist elderly homeowners. The application is due June 20, 1985 and contingent on commitments for local lending institutions. Committee Involv~nent in Downtown Study_ Area - the committee members reviewed the memo from Lidy Flora and article from "APA Maqazine" . The consensus of the committee was to continue to gather base data as proposed and to establish a neighborhood informational meeting to enhance relationships and respond to questions about activities in the study area and Tax Incrsment Financing. Review of Committee Assiqnments/Term Appointments/By_-Laws - The EDC concurred with the assignments and By-Laws as presented. Chairman Hill stated the terms of Lidy Fl~m, Don Schussler, Gary Gibbish and Mike Babcock are scheduled to expire at the end of June. Each is interested in reappointment by the City Council with the exception of possibly Mike Babcock. Chairman Hill will be in contact with Mr. Babcock regarding reappointment. The new appointment terms for the Economic Development Committee members is for two years. General Discussion Business Briefs - Chairman Hill stated he will write an article on the City Image to generate positive and responsible conversation about the City's future development plans. Lakefront Da_vs - Discussion centered around potential rides for children and insurance necessary with the City named as co-insured. Gary Gibbish and Barb Prindle indicated that allbooth reservations are necessary no later than June 15, 1985. Housinq and Develo_~ent S~minar - The Scott County HRA and Holmes and Graven are sponsoring a seminar for elected officials and administrators on Wednesday, July 17, 1985 at 6:30 PM at Prior Manor. The topics of discussion will include multi-family revenue bonds and Econcmic Development Progr~s. The next Economic Develo_~ment Committee Meetinq is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, 1985 at 5:15 PM at City Hall. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMIT~EE Agenda Thursday, July 11, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City F~%ll Council Chambers CJkT.'r, 'IY) OPJDER 1. 2. 3. Approval of Minutes of June 6, 1985 City Manager' s Report Eseahlishment of Public Information Meeting (Downtown Study Area) Wednesday, July 31, 1985 4. Reappoin~ent of Economic Develoi~ent Committee - Status Report 5. General Discussion 6. Next Meeting -August 8th @ 5:15 PM (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE /~3~rES OF THE PRIOR LAKE E(/)NOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~OMMI~fEE July 11, 1985 C~airman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:3~ PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. MF~ERS PRESENT: Jim Hill, Gary Gibbish, Lidy Flora, Mike MoGuire and Mark Stromwall MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Schussler, Bob Barsness and Barb Prindle ALSO PRESENT: Don Levens, Staff e _App_r.c~al of Minutes of June 6~. 1985 - Chairman Hill asked for comments on the minutes. Motion by Flora, seconded by Strcmwall to approve the minutes as presented, unanimously approved. City_ Managers Report - Mike MoGuire provided an update to the Committee on the following topics: North Shore Project - Approved by City Council construction is anticipated in September of 1985 with approximately 15 months to complete. C~ttaqe Cleaners - considering a potential consideration and expansion on a site located adjacent to Main Street in Downtown. T~w~r Street Multi-Family _Expansion - Bob and Vivian Brown are proposing a 54 unit expansion to an existing apartment building. Staff is currently reviewing the concept plan including acoessibility as well as financing options for the development. Office Facility_ _Expansion - (Highway 13 adjacent to Laker Restaurant) Ron Habakorn is proposing to revitalize and a 3000 square feet expansion of an existing building. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 0 Priordale Shopping Center - city has sukmitted a request on behalf of new owner for IR Bond financing in the amount of $5~,~0~ from the MDEED competitive pool. If funds are available an approval is expected by August 1st. New City___ position of A~lminist r ative/Economic ~- the selection in progress decision is anticipated by mid-July with a starting date by late August. Establis~m~_nt of Public Information Meeting. - City is sponsoring a meeting on Wednesday, July 31st, 7:00 PM at Scott-Rice Telephone Building (lower level). The purpose is to review the preliminary draft of the Market Ao~lysis prepared by Wilson Management Services for the Downtown Study Area. Rea__Dpointment of Economic Develo.~m~=_nt Committee members - On June 24, 1985 the City Council voted to approve Lidy Flora, Don Schussler and Gary Gibbish for two years, expiring in June 1987. General Discussion Lake_front Da_vs - Gary Gibbish reported are committed. Estimates are for approximately 6~0 people for saturday weather is cooperative. that 20 booths attendance of evening if the 0uestionnaire Request for Hotel Concept - The City Council has discussed the merit of a survey to determine community support for a future hotel concept northwest of the City. The Economic Development C~ttee members reviewed other alternatives such as an advisory board, liaison residents as well as how to stimulate responses for a proposal questionnaire or survey. ~ is scheduled for Thursday, August 8, 1985 at 5:15 PM at City Hall. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EfD~C DEVELOPMENT fDMMITrEE Agenda Thursday, August 8, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Council Cbmmber s 1. Approval of Minutes of July 11, 1985 2. City Manager' s Report 3. Review of Market & Development Strategy Analysis (Executive Stmmuary) for Downtown Study Area 4. General Discussion 5. Next Meeting - September 12, 1985 @ 5:15 PM. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE EODNC~IC DEVELOPMENT ~ ~/3GUST 8, 1985 Don Schussler called the meeting the order at Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Members Absent: Also Present: 5:30 PM in the Lidy Flom, Mike McGuire, Mark Stromwall and Don Schussler Bob Barsness, Barb Prindle, Gary Gibbish and Jim Hill Don Levens, Staff and Mike Babcock e _Approval of Minutes of July 11. 1985 - The acting Chairman asked for comments on the minutes. Motion by Stromwall, seconded by Stromwall to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved. City_ Manaqer' s l~_Dort -- Mike McGuire provided update to the committee on the following topics: Priordale Sho?ping Center - the Cities request on behalf of the new c~ner for I.R. Bond Financing in the amount of $5~0,000 from MDEED competitive pool was approved. ~- the city has hired Dave Unmacht, City of Belle Plaine. Mr. Unmacht will begin work with Prior Lake on August 19, 1985. Co~.tage Cleaners - the consolidation still under consideration for a site Street in old Downtown. and expansion is located on Main (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET $.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Review of Market and Develo_~nent Analysi~ - the City Manager provided a summary of the discussion with citizens and merchants at the Public Informational Meeting held on July 31, 1985. The stmmmry included the general conclusions, the short and long term reconmm~dations for the downtown study area. The EDC recommended that the city ~ately implement the short term recommendation to include a clean and fix up campaign in conjunction with local residents and merchants. General Discussion Recommendation of Mike Babcock for Rma__npointmen~ - the EDC discussed the membership terms of the members and reommm_nded the City Council reappoint Mike Babcock for another two year tern expiring in June 1987. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EOONDMIC Dh--~Ol~il~ OOI~II'ITEg ,~jenda Thursday, Septenber 12, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes of August 8, 1985 2. Introduction: David J. Unmacht, Economic Development Director/A. C. M. 3. City MaDmger ' s Report 4. General Discussion 5. Next Meeting - October 10, 1985 @ 5:15 PM. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Minutes of Prior Lake Economic DeveloI~nent (Immtittee September 12, 1985 Chairman Jim Hill called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mark Stromwall, Don Schussler, Gary Gibbish, Mike McGuire, Lidy Flora, Bob Barsness and Mike Babcock. Members Absent: Barb Prindle Also Present: David Ummacht, Eeonomic Develoi~nent Director/A. C. M. _Approval of Minutes of September 12. 1985 - called for comments on the Minutes. Motion seconded by MoGuire to approve the Minutes Unanimously approved. Chairman Hill by Schussler, as presented. City Manager MoGuire introduced new staff member Unmacht. MoGuire briefly reviewed the projects Unmacht is actively working on. Brief discussion occurred on the Star Cities Program and the possible Multi-Family Housing expansion. Committee discussion occurred on the Wilson Management Study. MoGuire requested Committee members to attend the September 23, City Council Workshop at which time staff will be responding to the short term and long term r~endations included in the report. 4. City Managers Report - McGuire updated the Omanittee on the following projects: Street Overlay Project - 1985 Project is near completion and the 1986 Project is in the planning and develol~ent stages. B® North Shore Project - Estimated cost of the Project to be undertaken in 1986 is $2.8 million. A new Water Tower may be constructed in 1986, but more likely in 1987. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Ce City Hall Project - Bids were opened on September 11 and the low bidder was Mahowald Builders at an estimated cost of $439,756. De Special Census - A City-wide special census for midyear 1986 is being explored. Purpose would be to increase governmental aids which are based on a population factor. 5. General Discussion - Extensive Committee discussion occurred on the following: A. Use of Tax Increment Financing and its relationship to sound and practical planning within the Downtown Developaent District. Be Usefulness (Workshop) Committee. and importance of a Committee Seminar to aD~lysis the purpose and direction of the Ce Concerns of local developers and their impediments to developing the downtown area. e After discussion, Chairman Hill requested staff to review the Star Cities Program and examine whether the Co~ittee should actively pursue the designation; requested staff to begin preparing an inventory of parcels in the Downtown Development District to include a listing of market and assessed values; and requested staff to begin preparation of a City questionnaire on hotel development. Chairman Hill requested Conmdttee members to review the Wilson Study in detail, and to brainstorm on ideas for a Co~ittee S~inar (Workshop). I~eview of the 1985 Goals and Objectives was set for the November Meeting. Motion by Flora, second by Hill to adjourn at 6:35 PM. Unanimously approved. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, October 10, 1985 at 5:15 PM at the Prior Lake Council Chambers. S[~{YI~EVIW~ANDANALYSIS Prepared by David J. Ur~acht Economic Development Director/Assistant City Manager On September 12, 1985 the Prior Lake Economic Development C~ittee directed staff to prepare a report outlining the Minnesota Star Cities Program. The purpose of the report is to analyze the programs which will enable the Committee to determine whether to actively pursue the Star Cities designation. The report is divided into five specific sections: I. Introduction II. Contents of the Star Cities Program III. Prior Lake and the Star Cities Program IV. C~mmentary on the Star Cities Program V. Action on the Star Cities Program Staff's aim in the report is to provide the Ccmmittee and other readers an objective and subjective look at the Minnesota Star Cities Program (hereinafter entitled Program) and its potential for the City of Prior Lake. II. (DNTENTS OF mE STAR CITIES PROGRAM The Program is sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development. The Program began in the early 1980's and is still relatively new and unknown to the citizens of the State. To date, approximately 30 cities have realized the designation of "Star City". Those 30 cities are an elite group insofar as they account for only 4% of the total number of cities in Minnesota. Star City Coordinator, Bob Stern, recently stated that by December 31 of this year, another four or five cities will achieve the designation. (Belle Plaine is anticipating completion of their program in late November. ) The impetus behind the Progr~n is to provide communities a tool or mechanism to use to plan for orderly economic develol~nent. Planning in any area, is a difficult process to understand and conceptualize! The originators of the Progr~n wanted to offer commmnity leaders an incentive and basis to begin their planning process. By and large, the Program has worked. Ideally a self-help Program, the fact that an established process is in place to perform the work has provided a fort~ for community leaders to undertake economic develolanent planning. The Department of EnerGy and Economic Develof~ent defines the Program as follc~s: "An Economic Development Strategy for Your Community". This definition is derived from the results a community will achieve when they successfully c~nplete all the program requirements. C~mpleting the requirements will produce a well-defined and detailed strategy for economic develotm~ent that can be utilized by leaders to guide the future of their communities. The Program requirenents are broken down into twelve distinct tasks. A review of each of the tasks follows: Task%l- Cxammmity representatives must Cities Training Conference. attend the annual Star ~Mk_~- Establish an organization responsible for the community's economic development. A local unit of govenmmnt must designate this responsibility by resolution. Task%3- Create a local develounent corporation. ~- Assess the c~mmunity in a profile. /~- Draft a Five Year Plan and strateGy for economic development. Task%6- Complete a one-year work program and define strateGy which relates to the five-year economic develot~nentplan. Task%7- Produce a slide presentation of the community. Task%8- Survey labor in your community and area. -2- Task ~9- Make a Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. ~ - Publish a marketing fact brochure for potential developers and industry. Task ~11 - Develop an annual survey of community industries to determine ~helr expansion/relocation plans and their legislative concerns. Task ~12 - Market your City successfully to an industrial client. The tasks vary widely in terms of degree of difficulty. Some tasks are simple and straight forward, while some tasks are complex and time-consuming. A detailed discussion of each is not appropriate for this report, but staff is very knowledgeable on the requirements within each task and can respond to questions on all of them. Prior Lake has already completed some of these tasks. A review of Prior Lake and the Star Cities Program will be in the next section. The length of time to complete the Progr~ varies with the community. The average time it takes to achieve the designation is 18 months. A city has completed the program in six months while several communities are still working on the program after 24 months. There is no time limit imposed on participating communities. The cost of the Program to the City depends on the City's wants and resources. The cost may range from $1,000 to $15,000 depending upon the degree of sophistication in the Program. Costs rise when consultants or professionals are used in the Program. The costlier tasks are the slide show and marketing fact brochure. In s~m~ary, the Progr~ encourages communities to become actively involved in their economic development. Participating cities will develop organizations, marketing and problem-solving skills. Successful designation as a Star City will provide the City with the accompanying benefits: -3- 1. Displaying the Star City ~blems. 2. Awards banquet attended by the DEED Commissioner. e C~munity recognition as a City organized to attract the attention of business and industry when they seek sites for new businesses and existing business expansions. Quarterly luncheons with the DEED Commissioner and other state officials where recent information on economic development program, s is explained and discussed. Additional, nontangible benefits are realized in the knowledge and information gained by all participating individ,mls. III. PRIOR LAKE AND THE STAR CITIES ~ The information contained in this section was compiled frcm a review of the files, discussions with past and present Economic Development Committee members and existing staff analysis. Between the months of June - August in 1983 the EDC explored the idea of participating in the Program. According to past Scott County HRA Executive Director, Mark Nagle, the Committee supported the Program, but never committed staff time or personnel time to actively pursue the designation. Nagle stated that this position was probably due to the infancy of the Ccmmittee and other more i~mediate Committee priorities. Nagle retained records of his work on the Program, but most information is now outdated. In May of 1984 the Program surfaced again on the EDC agenda but no action resulted frcm the discussion. In order to determine what, if any, requirements have been completed, a review of the tasks is in order. Of the twelve tasks required by the Program, staff believes that the following tasks have been completed or are capable of being updated to achieve satisfactory compliance: -4- #1 - Conference Attendance: September Conference was attended by staff and EDC Chairman, Jim Hill. #3 - Develo_unent Corporation: According to Bob Barsness, an established Develotm~nt Corporation exists within the community. Although it may be inactive, it is certified and incorporated. #4 - Cc~munit_v Profile: Completed June of 1985. #8 - Labor S~rvey: Detailed data exists in selected reports and a compilation and aggregation of the data is required. #9 - Capital Improv~nent Plan: Done annually by the City. #10 - Marketing Fact Brochure: May be able to use the Prior Lake Profile completed in the Summer of 1984. Of the twelve tasks required, staff believes that the following tasks need to be undertaken: #2 - Council Resolution: Since the EDC is established, this task would be easy. Simply request the Council to adopt a resolution designating the Econcmic Develo~nent Committee responsible for the Star Cities Program. ~5 - Five Year Plan: Must be more comprehensive than the existing goals and objectives. #6 - One Year Plan: An extension of the goals and objectives, but more specific and detailed. ~7 - Slide Presentation: Slides exist, but production must occur. #11 - Annual Surve_v: Might have occurred in the past, but a consistent form is required. #12 - Market City: Last task conducted by DEED staff. Note, even in the tasks that are not cc~pleted, scme of the groundwork for completing th~m is available. Keep in mind that the above information is general and preliminary. A thorough review of all tasks would be done if the Program is conducted. It is true to state that the Prior Lake Program would need organization, commitment and structure! -5- IVe (I)MMENTARY ON THE STAR CITIES PROGRAM In this section staff will attempt to interject personal thoughts and perceptions gained from experience with the program. All comments below are deemed important when considering whether to undertake the Program. Sections I, II, and III of this report contained facts; Section IV of this report will contain expressions and opinions. Planning for econcmic development in the 1980 's and beyond is not a matter of choice, but of necessity! This is especially true for small, agriculturally oriented rural communities, like New Prague, Jordan and Belle Plaine. Planning for economic develoI~ent in Prior Lake is also a necessity! In Prior Lake the impending doom or "dying town atmosphere" is not prevalent, like it is in the other three Scott County communities. In the three small communities economic develoI~ent planning is viewed as inm~diate and 'life-saving". In Prior Lake economic development planning can be long-term and supplementary. Based on Prior Lake's location in the Twin Cities area, economic development will be a reality, although the timing is unpredictable. The long-term component to the Prior Lake economic development' planning process should be envisioned as an advantage. Belle Plaine plans because it has to -- Prior Lake plans because it wants to! The Star Cities Program gives the people in Prior Lake a focal point to begin their long-term planning and short-term planning. It is important to point out that there are in~ediate or short-term planning needs in Prior Lake, but not to the degree of urgency as found in a co~unity like Belle Plaine. Enough cannot be stated about commitment if this Program is to be undertaken. A half-hearted attempt to achieve Star City status will not be -6- successful. Participation must be guaranteed and time schedules followed. It is too easy to lose. interest or drop the progr~ from a high priority to a low priority. Many communities have started the progr~, but as you are aware, only 30 have completed the program. If commitment is not evident, the program should not be undertaken. Participation from a variety of local organizations should be achieved. The one-year plan and five-year plan may call for action from many individuals or groups. Participation by other groups help to realize acceptance of the plan. Since this is a community-wide progr~, it is only logical that community interest and participation be high. A positive factor resulting from other organizations ~rticipation may come in the form of monetary support. The Progr~ should not be undertaken for the sole purpose of receiving the Star City designation. That desig~mtion is an added benefit to the knowledge gained fro~ performing the twelve tasks. The point is that the means (and effort toward accomplishing those means) is more important than the end itself. The Star City designation is a state declared incentive. Point being, that undertaking these tasks is essential for an'organized economic development effort above and beyond the extras involved with the Star City concept. Existing Star Cities have complained that the State is not doing anything tangible to promote the cities that have reached the designation. DEED officials are aware of this concern and are working on two ways to resolve that complaint. The first is already under way - the quarterly luncheons with the Commissioner and his staff. The second is still under consideration - that being, state and regional marketing and advertising -7- featuring the names of the Star cities. The promoting and advertising strategy could be finalized sometime in 1986. Participation in the Program requires public acceptance and positive press. ~ne process is too involved and difficult to not be accepted by the community. Encouraging and positive feelings tcward the Progr~n are needed before undertaking it. A short e~xamination of the actual Star City Designation is appropriate. What relevance does that have for Prior Lake? Prior Lake has an exceptionally strong housing base, and we are well known for that fact. At the same time, we do not have a strong business base, like Shakopee or Savage, and we are known for that, too. Given the fact that our industrial parks are not developed and our business base is weak, it would generate a positive reaction from existing businesses and potential businesses if we would be designated a Star City. It would mean more for Prior Lake to be designated a Star City than Shakopee due to the tax base and history of the communities. The Star City designation would signal to insiders and outsiders that Prior Lake (the housing community) is planned and organized to complement the housing community with a solid business base. Participation in the Program may not produce immediate results. Businesses do not "flock" to the community because you are a Star City. The Program is a step-by-step deliberate attempt to develop a long and short term strategy for economic develolmnent. Iam~diate results are measured only in terms of accomplishing the short term strategies. The tasks in the Program require the community to critique itself and admit to its potentials and constraints. Participants can enjoy the process and to many, it is a learning experience. V. ACTION ON THE STAR CITIES PROGRAM Staff believes that the tasks required to complete the Star City Progr~n are manageable and achievable. Staff believes that the work effort and eventual success towards receiving the Star City designation will produce a practical and realistic econcmic develoI~ent program in Prior Lake. Staff has the knowledge and skills available to develop a structure for a Prior Lake Star City Program. Based on your review of this report, your discussions at the meeting and your thoughts on the Program, you have the following options before you for consideration: ® Give preliminary approval to the Program and direct staff to prepare an outline and structure for a local program. When outline is adopted, make a recommendation to the City Council on the Program. Take no action on the Program. Direct specific questions to staff on the Program to be researched and reported on at a future meeting. -9- CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE E(I)NCMIC DEVEIX)PMENT fI)MMI%~fEE AGE~DA Thursday, October 10, 1985 5:15 PM Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers CAT.~. TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes of September 12, 1985 2. City Manager's Report 3. Market Development and Stratec/f Analysis (Wilson Downtown Market Study) 4. Minnesota Star City Program Report 5. Comittee Workshop (Seminar) Discussion 6. Staff Report of Pending Projects 7. General Discussion 8. Next Meeting - November 14, 1985 @ 5:15 PM (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINCH~S OF THE PRIOR LAKE EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OO~TtITi~_~ October 10, 1985 Chairman Jim Hill called the meeting to order at 5:2~ PM in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mike McGuire, Lidy Flora, Bob Barsness, and Barb Prindle. Members Absent: Mark Stro~wall, Don Schussler, Gary Gibbish and Mike Babcock. Also Present: David Unmacht, Economic Development Director/A. C. M. 1. Brief discussion occurred on the economic development (hotel development) survey requested by the Committee at the September 12th Meeting. 2. _Approval of the Minutes of~ 10. 1985 - Chairman Hill called for conm~ents on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. 3. City_ Manager Report - Mike McGuire updated the Committee in the follc~ing project: e City Hall Building - excavation is underway and project is proceeding as planned. WilsoB Downtown Market Study_ - David Ur~acht reviewed the City Council Workshop Session held on the study in September. C(~m-.ittee discussion occurred on the approach City staff will use to respond to the recommendations, the need for sound planning within the Municipal Develolm~ent District, and the circulation problom along the Highway 13 Conm~rcial District. Committee reommmnded to conduct a joint workshop session with the Planning Cxm~ission to discuss the City staff's response to the short term and long tenn recommendations contained in the study. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Lidy Fl~m discussed the possible curtailment or elimination of tax exempt financing tools and stressed that planning for the MDD should be completed as soon as possible. Se Minnesota Star City_ Program Report - C/m~nittee reviewed the Star City requirements contained within the report. Dave Ummacht reviewed the contents of the report and the Committee options on the Program. Bob Barsness moved, seconded by Jim Hill to proceed with Option 1 and give preliminary approval to the Program and direct staff to prepare an outline and a structure for a local program. Discussion occurred on the advantages of the Star City Program to the Economic Development Committee's efforts. Ail voted aye on the motion. e Committee Workshop ¢Seminar) Discussion- Committee discussion occurred on the time and format for a Workshop. Chairman Jim Hill directed staff to prepare a workshop plan to be considered at the next meeting. e ~taff .Re_uort of Pending Projects - Mike McGuire briefly reviewed the status of the Bank/Medical Center, Brown Apartment Proposal, Tax Increment Financing District, and upcoming meetings with land developers. Dave Unmacht discussed the property inventory being prepared for the MDD and stated the data is being accunulated for the inventory. The Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM. Tne next meeting of the Con~ittee will be Thursday, November 14, 1985 at 5:15 PM at the Prior Lake City Council Chambers. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MEMORANDUM November 7, 1985 ~_~.ic Development Committee Umnacht, Econcmic Development Director/A.C.M. nnesota Star City Outline Attached to this letter is an outline of a proposal to complete the Minnesota Star Cities Program. The outline was requested by the C~,.,tittee at its regular meeting held on October 10, 1985. The outline is divided into the seven distinct sections. Those sections are: 1. Star City Proqram Format: Details the sections required within the City application with estimated page totals of each section. e Star Cit_v Planninq Guide: Details seventeen steps to complete the program with estimated completion dates. 3. Star Cit_v Committee Structure: Describes briefly the proposed Committee makeup. 4. planning Committee: Outlines the requirements of the Planning Committee. 5. R~,.~iness Revitalization Committee: Outlines the requirements of the Business Bsvitalization Committee with a sample business survey attached. 6. Marketinq Committee: Outlines the requirements of the Marketing Committee. 7. ~arket the Cmmmunity: Describes the final requirement of the program. Details available within each section varies depending upon the extent of information needed to describe the requirements. It would be the intent of staff to work closely with each C~,mHttee in their successful completion of the Star City requirements. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The outline presented is for your review and discussion. If you approve the outline, the next step is to work to secure support for the Program from other locally interested organizations. Enclosed is a copy of a Prior Lake American article on the Star City Program which was on page one of the October 28, 1985 paper. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Call To Order 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PRIOR LAKE E(/)NOMIC DEVELOPMENT Thursday, November 14, 1985 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers Approval of the Minutes of October 1~, 1985 City MaD~ger' s Report Minnesota Star City Program Outline Review Proposed Workshop Agenda Review 1985 Goals and Objectives Staff Pmport of Pending Projects General Discussion Next Meeting - December 12, 1985 @ 5:15 p.m. Adj ourrm~ent (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET $.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF ~tE PRIOR LAKE E(DNC~IC DEVELOPMENT ~TrEE ~ER 14, 1985 Chairman Jim Hill called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. in the Council (b~mbers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mike McGuire, Mike Babcock, Don Schussler, Mark Strom~all. Members Absent: Lidy Flora, Bob Barsness, Barb Prindle and Gary Gibbish. Also Present: David Unmacht Economic Development Director/A. C. M. _Approval of the Minutes of the October 1~. 1985 Meetina - Chairman Hill called conm~nts on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. 2. City_ Manager's Report - Mike McGuire updated the Committee on the following: Results of the November 5, 1985 City General Election. Projected schedule for the North Shore Improvements. e Committee Workshop_ - Chairman Hill requested staff to change the date of the proposed workshop from the scheduled date of Saturday, February 22, 1985. Suggested dates were Saturday, March 1 or Saturday, March 8, 1985. e Minnesota Star City_ Program Outline - Spirited discussion occurred on the Star City Program. The discussion centered around the pros and cons of the Program; who should participate in the Program; the role of the Committee in the Program; and the proposed time guidelines set forth in the Outline prepared by staff. Chairman Hill appointed the following members to serve as catalysts for the formation of the individual Star City Committees. Planning Oamuittee: Mark Stronwall, Gary Gibbish Marketing Committees Don Schussler, Barb Prindle Business: Revitalization Committee: Bob Barsness, Mike Babcock (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Each Committee member was requested to find three to five interested individuals to serve on the Committee. Staff was directed to follow up with direct contact to the individ,,~] names submitted by the Ccmm~ittee members. ~ne Meeting ~journed at 6:25 p.m. ~ne next meeting of the Committee will be Tprrsday, December 12, 1985 at 5:15 p.m. at the Prior Lake City Council Chambers. Staff will contact all C~m-~ittee members on Wednesday, December 11 to remind you of the meeting. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE November 20, 1985 Economic Development Committee Members t,~~ J. Unmacht, Economic Develotm~nt Director/A.C.M. Follow-up to November 14 Meeting This letter is to follow-up on several items from the November 14 meeting. Chairman Jim Hill requested that I change the date of the Workshop session from the proposed date of Saturday, February 22, 1986. The reason for the change was due to schedule conflicts with several Committee members. Several dates were discussed and I have rescheduled the session for Saturday, March 1, 1986 at the Hotel Seville in Bloomington. A copy of the proposed agenda was included in your most recent agenda packet. Like all meetings of this nature perfect attendance is difficult, but the success or failure of these workshop oriented meetings depends, in large part, on good attendance. The meeting is scheduled for March which should allow you plenty of time to plan for your attendance. Final discussions on the workshop session will occur in future Committee meetings. A good discussion occurred on the Minnesota Star Cities Program. The primary areas of discussion occurred on the role of the Committee in the Program and the usefulness of the Program to the Committee and comunity. Although members disagreed on the role the Committee should take, everyone agreed that unless enough volunteers (10-20) are willing to help with the completion of the tasks the Program should not be undertaken. Chairman Hill appointed the following Committee members to serve as catalysts in soliciting volunteers to serve on the Star City Committees: Planning Committee: Mark Stromwall, Gary Gibbish Marketing Con~ittee: Don Schussler, Barb Prindle Business Revitalization Committee: Mike Babcock, Bob Barsness (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The idea behind serving as a catalyst is to develop a list of 4-5 volunteers who are willing to serve on the Star City C(m~ittee. When you have found support for the Committee, contact me and I will meet with the individuals to discuss the Program and the specific Committee tasks. I encourage you to contact your fellow Committee member and work as a team in finding the volunteers. Remember, staff is available to explain the Program in detail and to assist you in any way in securing the necessary co--unity support for the Program. If you haven't reviewed the Star City Report (October 10, 1985 agenda packet) and the Star City Outline (November 14, 1985 agenda packet), I recommend you examine those documents prior to searching for volunteers. Reviewing the documents will only take several minutes of your time and they should provide you with a good background on the Star Cities Program and a proposal to complete the Program for Prior Lake. I will be contacting you within a few days to check your progress on finding volunteers. Finally, several items of interest that were not discussed at the meeting are: Municipal Develo_~ment District Propert_v Inventory_: Close to being completed; should be ready for Committee review at December meeting. A preliminary Tax Increment Project has been discussed with staff and a developer. The proposed development is far from being secured, but interest is evident. The project would be on the Langhorst Block. e On November 7 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a P.U.D. Proposal for a 68-unit apartment complex. Staff is working with the developer, Bob Brown, on possible multi-family housing bond financing. The above information should update you on the status of selected projects as of the November 14 meeting. Once again, I will be contacting you shortly about your progress in the search for Star City volunteers. If you have any suggestions for me on the Star City Program or any projects, let me know. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE E(I)NOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO~4ITI~_~ AGESDA THURSDAY, DECE~SF~R 12, 1985 5:15 P.M. PRIOR I.AKE CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ADJOURNMENT Approval of the Minutes of November 14, City Manager' s Report Approve Workshop Time, Date and Format 1985 Review Municipal Develol~nent District Property Inventory Minnesota Star City Program Discussion General Discussion Next Meeting - January 9, 1985 @ 5:15 p.m. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, 1985 Chairman Jim Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mike McGuire, Mark Stromwall, Don Schussler, Bob Barsness Members Absent: Lidy Flom, ~rb Prindle, ~ry Gibbish and Mike Babcock Also Present: David Unmacht, Economic Development Director/A. C.M. and incoming Mayor Lee Andren Approval of the Minutes of the November 14, 1985 Meetina - C~irman Hill called for cc~ents on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. Cit_v Manaaer's Report - Mike McGuire updated the Con~ittee on the following items: Be Recent discussions with individuals on a Golf Course/Housing Develol~ent. The project would be located near the intersection of County Roads 42 and 21. The project is very preliminary at this stage. ~sviewed interest in a hotel development along the North side of Prior Lake. C® Upcoming City Council Public Hearing on the 1986-1990 Capital Improvement Program to be held December 15 at 8:00 p.m. De Upcoming Planning and Zoning Public Bearing on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Urban Service Area) to be held on December 19, 1985. McGuire reviewed the Amendment in detail and outlined the purpose for the change. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 3. Workshop Session - The Workshop date was set for Saturday, March 1, 1986 from 9:00 - 5:00 at the Hotel Seville in Bloomington. Short discussion occurred on the date of the workshop. Chairman Hill requested staff to proceed with scheduling the workshopandplace the item on the January agenda for final confirmation. 4. Municipal Development District Property Inventory - Staff reviewed the inventory in detail and discussed its purpose and objective. The inventory is broken down into two sections with each section containing quantitative and qualitative information on parcels within the district. Chairman Hill co~ents to staff that keeping the inventory current will be an important factor in obtaining maximum use of the information. Staff pointed out that usefulness of the information lies in its application to development proposals within the Downtown District. 5. Minnesota Star City Program - Staff reviewed through the use of the overhead the proposed Star City Outline for the City. Staff highlighted the Conmtittee structure and other details of the Program. Discussion occurred on the status of the Program with the Committee. Incoming Mayor Lee Andren stated the Program could establish a solid foundation for a c~L~,~rcial and industrial tax base within the co~m~unity. Committee members reviewed their work on the Program. General Consensus of the Committee was to proceed with the Program in this manner = Staff prepare a brief, but to the point, document outlining the "nuts and bolts" of the Star City Program. This document should answer essential questions about the Program and be available for individuals to review. Staff should contact local organizations to request permission to speak to them on the Program and its potential for Prior Lake. C~ttee members expressed support to staff and would attend the organizational meetings to provide assistance in promoting the Program. In a January City Council meeting the Committee will make a presentation on the Star City Program in an effort to update the new City Council on the C~m,ittee's progress. 6. Membership Status - Staff was directed to ¢0ntact C~ry Gibbish and Lidy Flom to determine their interest in continued involvement with the C~f, ittee. 7. General Discussion - Staff stated the City Council approved the $500,000.00 Co~aercial Revenue Bond for the Priordale Mall. Brief discussion occurred on the Mall. The Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next Meeting of the Co~ittee will be Thursday, January 9, 1986 at the Prior Lake City Council Chambers. Staff will contact C~f~ttee members prior to the Meeting. ae Be Ce PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OOMMIT~EE 1985 ~OALS AND ~IVES Be a More Visible Committee - Public Relation~ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Continue to publish "Business Briefs" column. Hold informal "tc~m meetings" to provide a public forum on economic develolmmmt issues. Distribute minutes to City Council and Planning Commission members. Participate and promote City Council DeveloI~ent Workshops as issues are discussed. Continue to work with the Prior Lake Chamber of C~mmerce to establish a stronger business community. Attend/Speak at meetings of other civic organizations in Prior Lake regarding the Economic Develol~ent Committee efforts. Publicize data and information collected by the Committee. Survey_ Sub-committee (1) (2) (3) Update/publish/distribute organization inventory and business surveys annually with appropriate credits. Ensure that the State of Minnesota publishes the Prior Lake "Ccmm~nity Profile" in April of each year. Prepare a "Developer's Information Guide" that provides a step-by- step guide to the City's develol~ent process. _Special Events Sub-c~mmittee (1) (2) (3) Ccmplete planning/hold 'LAKEF~TII%YSon July 13th and 14th and monitor its success failure. Develop/publish/distribute a promotional brochure for "Prior Lake Profile" with statistical data to assist in efforts to attract new business and establish marketing plan. Continue to support the Chamber of Oammerce with a modest cost "Business Appreciation" event with an award for the business person of the year. De Business Develo_~ment Sub-comm/tte~_ (1) (2) (3) Regularly contact existing business about needs and forward to staff those needing assistance. Continue to develop programs to help businesses expand, such as commercial rehab loan programs, etc. Continue to evaluate the need for our Local Development Corporation (LDC). (4) (5) Coordinate with the Planning Sub-committee on new business attraction, recreational develotanent, and community center/dinner theater complex. Provide opportunities to learn about starting/improving small businesses through s~ninars/workshops. E® Planninq Sub-committee (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Continue to develop ways to improve visual identity of Prior Lake with location of signs, design signs, and installation. Continue toward the develol~ent of a plan for downtown Prior Lake incorporating ideas and committee suggestions, City Staff, and citizen input.. Update existing guidelines for City assistance for businesses with appropriate financial tools the City will utilize. Continue to analyze community assets add liabilities. Continue to determine overall economic develolznent opportunities in the areas of manufacturing, recreation, retail and wholesale trade services. Evaluate the merits of a Small Cities Develounent Grant proposal for submission in 1986.. Continue to evaluate the merits of an industrial p~rk adjacent to County ~mad 21 and south of County Road 42.