HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 22, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL I. Approve Minutes for January 11, 1991 EDC Workshop * Attached EDC Workshop Minutes II. Approve 1990 EDC Annual Report and 1991 Work Proqram * Attached Report and Work Program III. Confirm Lunch Date with Dick Underferth and Brad Larson for January 30, 1991 at 12:00 Noon - Hollvwood Inn IV. Discuss Potential Senior Housinq Contacts * Attached Copy of Policy and Letter from Wayne Annis V. Discuss Meetinq with Citv council on Development Philosophies VI. Review Star City Proqram A. Review Draft of One Year Plan B. Review Draft of Five Year Program C. Collect all BRE Interviews VII. Ad;ournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ANNUAL WORKSHOP JANUARY 11, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemler, Dave Miller, Darcy Running, Nat Wisser, J1m Hill, Bill Packer, Dave Unmacht, Rachel VanDenBoom, and Kay Schmudlach I. Approve Minutes of December 11, 1990 EDC Meetinq MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY NAT WISSER, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 11, 1990 EDC MINUTES AS READ. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Review the 1990 Activities The Economic Development Committee reviewed the draft of the 1990 Annual Report and made some changes. The Economic Development Committee also requested that Kay reduce the volume of the report. The Economic Development Committee took break at 8:00 a.m. to have breakfast and general discussion of economic development and direction for 1991. a scheduled continued a philosophies III. strateqic Planninq for 1991 EDC Activities City Manager Unmacht introduced the purpose of the Annual Workshop and covered some issues that he felt the Economic Development Committee should address. The Economic Development Committee talked generallr about philosophy of development, their relationship w1th the City Council, outreach to the community, and providing the liaison su~port between the businesses and government that 1S not being accomplished by the Chamber of Commerce. The Economic Development Committee also talked about stren9thening their outreach to include the local media and pr10rities for the 1990's. Mr. Unmacht asked for a report from Kay on the star City Program. Kay reported that the state program representatives would be coming to Prior Lake on Tuesday to meet with Kay, Dave Unmacht and Bob Barsness. The two remaining documents identified by the state are the Business Retention Expansion Interview and the One Year Work Program. The following people were identified to conduct the BRE interviews. The One Year Program will be updated by staff following the meeting with the state officials. hOb Barsness JRachel VanDenBoom J'Dave Miller ./Ray Lemley D~rcy Running .It.f./ B1ll Packer,..... '\)Rfl'- ~at Wisser Dar Fosse ~ Jim Hill Jere Phillips ./ ~&-0 1~a..('V\.ls,> Prior Lake state Bank Edina Realty Radermacher's Super Valu Hollywood Inn NOREX Scott Rice Tele~hone Prior Lake Mach1ne Rainbow Play Systems MNTEX Prior Lake Sanitation ~ .Qx t;..~ ~ Following the star City discussion the Economic Development Committee listed a series of activities they felt they should be participating in 1991. The issues listed included the continued implementation of the Business Office Park study; continuing to work with possible senior housing development professionals; providing a vision for our City including a revisitation with the Prior Lake 2000; working with staff, City Council, and Planning commission on the Comprehensive Plan; completing marketing of the vacant office space; work with Scott County on their Comprehensive Plan guidin9 them on our roadway improvements; continue to work w1th Scott County Transportation Coalition and Scott County Economic Development Coalition; strengthen the communication with the Chamber; work on a commercial/retail development tax increment policy and revisit the revolving loan program; provide outreach to businesses in the form of public relations; ~rovide outreach to regional development entities, market1ng our City; provide outreach to cottage industries to see if we can locate some of them in our office buildings that are vacant; provide ongoing sup~ort in the form of project review; complete and ma1ntain the Star City Program; and hold some type of business conference with our local businesses to review the state of affairs for businesses in Prior Lake. IV. Prioritization of Activities The Economic Develo~ment Committee then went through a process of identifY1ng and fine tuning each of the activities mentioned, grouping some of them, eliminating some of them, putting them on a time frame and designating a person who is responsible for this activity. The committee did not discuss whether they would operate in a formal subcommittee system, but did discuss having subcommittees for some of these activities. During the course of the year the Economic Development Committee may choose to identify ad hoc committees as needed. The prioritization of activities is included on the attached pages and will be used as a guide for our work plan for 1991. V. Conclusion The committee discussed in general the direction of the Economic Development Committee, the need to communicate better with the City Council, and a positive feeling towards the direction the City is going in. The next Economic Development Committee meeting will be JanUarr 22, 1991. As mentioned previously, the Econom1c Development Committee has been given assignments for their star City Program ongoing maintenance, individuals are requested to have their interviews completed by January 21, 1991. The Economic Development Committee concluded at 11:45 a.m. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 12, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL I. Approve Minutes for January 22. 1991 EDC Meetinq *Attached EDC Meeting Minutes *Attached Code of Ethics II. star city Proqram Submittals *Attached Copy of One Year Strategy - Recap BRE Survey - Update on Community Profile Update - Meetin9 date for developer contact training Star C1ty Assessment Survey III. Business Office Park Implementation IV. Update on Senior Housinq Contacts V. Review First Draft of the Commercial/Retail Development Policy *Attached First Draft VI. Chamber Report VI I . SCEDC *Draft Bylaws/Joint Powers Agreement IX. Other Business *Dick Underferth Lunch Meeting ) '<:1, r. ( J. . ( I' { t. ~1 L JlC\ '(\.. '((it ,L -1 f)/'-'~) Ad10urnment tC" J ~ ,." v)" ('0:. r-<), /./1. i, ~-}-- r ,/C .) - "'-. _. - ,il ,,".({"5 'I ;; i. '" ~.' t '. > -' '. I a c {~<<J ..-1- ~ t .," &&T' ,.,.t'.....- ( ._/;?,N ,I VIII. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 22, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Dave Miller, Darcy Running, Nat Wisser, Ray Lemley, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. Approve the Minutes for January 11, 1991 EDC Workshop MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAVE MILLER TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 11, 1991 EDC WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Approve the 1990 EDC Annual Report and the 1991 Work Proqram MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY DAVE MILLER, TO APPROVE BOTH REPORTS AS WRITTEN WITH MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE ONE YEAR WORK PROGRAM. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Confirm Lunch Date with Dick Underferth and Brad Larson The lunch date with Dick Underferth and Brad Larson has not been set as of yet. The January 30 luncheon had to be cancelled. When Dar Fosse gives me the date Kay will forward it to all the EDC members. IV. Discuss Potential Senior Housinq Contacts Attached is a copy of the policy and letter from Wayne Annis. The Committee discussed an approach to contacting Senior housing representatives. Kay indicated she had been contacted by a John Arkell from The Cottages. Kay met with him to discuss the potential sites and the Senior Housing Policy. Nat Wisser volunteered to follow-up with a phone call to Mr. Arkell and also a phone call to Bill Kempf from Helgeson and Associates. Bob Barsness indicated he would call Jack Nugent to let him know th~t our Senior Housing Policy has been approved and to determine his level of 1 interest with a future project. At the time that we have a potential developer available, the Committee will arrange a meeting to walk through the Senior Housing Policy with them, to discuss our thoughts on where the development should occur, and the potential for phasing in a Nursing Home. v. Discuss Meetinq With city Council and Development Philosophies Bob Barsness reported that he had met with Mayor Andren and the results of the meeting were excellent. Bob indicated that the Maror and he were open and expressed their concerns and op1nions of the role of the Economic Development Committee. Bob reported that the EDC had provided a liaison with the businesses which staff has not been successful in doing. He further indicated that he thought the EDC had brought the right people together and that in many instances had made a deal work. Examples of this would be the MNTEX deal, the Rick Swenson deal and also had weeded out some problems with Steve Nielson. Bob indicated that he had spoken to the Mayor regarding staff's problems in dealing with developers at times. Bob indicated he thought staff could be extremelr hard to deal with and that at times we are antagonist1c and unresponsive. The Mayor and Bob further discussed whether the EDC should be discussing housing and the issue of annexation. Bob indicated that the Council should not be threatened by the EDC's interest that they are not doing this as a result of a conflict of interest, but our concern with housing as housing is the main economic issue in the City at this time. The Haror had requested that the EDC consider the Planning Comm1ssion's Code of Ethics and adopt one of their own. Bob indicated to Kay that he would like to see a copy of the code and that he thought it was an excellent idea that we adopt a Code of Ethics. As a result of this conversation the EDC discussed talking to development experts to discuss housing development philosophies. Kay reported that the Planning Commission has brought in two different development company personnel to meet with them at their Plannin9 Retreat to discuss housing developments. One being S1enna and the second being Lundgren Brothers. Kay reported that she would request that the EDC be invited to attend this meeting and would be sending out notices if that is acceptable. 2 VI. Review star city Proqram Bob reported that Kay, Dave Unmacht and he had met with Harry Rosefelt and Joyce Simons with the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development star City Pr09ram on January 15, 1991. The meeting was very ~os1tive and the results were that the EDC must amend 1ts One Year strategy and also complete its Business Retention/Expansion Program. Kar will be redrafting the One Year strategy and working w1th Bob to submit it along with the Business Retention/Expansion Program. Following the submittals of these two documents, the star City Program officials will be reviewing the complete program and sending Bill Coleman out to work with our developer contact group. Following our training program with Bill Coleman, the EDC development contact group will be asked to host a meeting with state officials and private developers to make sure that we know our economic development policies, procedures and our ability to work with development personnel. VII. Other Business The Economic Development Committee talked' about the Business Office Park study draft. Kay reported that she had talked to Greg Foster and encouraged him to attend the February 4, 1991 City Council meeting. Kay felt that the Council should hear directly from an industrial business person that if we do not extend sewer and water out to that district Mr. Foster will be moving his business to another town. Economic Development Committee members are also encouraged to attend the February 4 City Council meeting. Kay further indicated that she had a phone call from Bryce Huemoeller who is representing the B & D Bar and interested in the downtown redevelopment project, specifically the Revolving Loan Program. Kay reported that the program was no longer being considered. Bob Barsness asked Kay to tell Bryce to call him directly regarding the elements of the Revolving Loan Program. VIII. Adiournment The Economic Development Committee meeting adjourned at 8:30 A.M. 3 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 26, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL I. Approve Minutes for Februarv 12. 1991 EDC Meetinq *Attached EDC Meeting Minutes II. Approve EDC Code of Ethics *Attached Code of Ethics III. Report on star City Proqress *Marketing Drawing *Fina1 Amendments to the One Year Plan - Handout *Attached Self Assessment Survey *Follow up with Red Flag Businesses IV. Report on Meetinq with County Enqineer Commissioner V. Update on Senior Housinq contact~ VI. Update on Business Office Park Implementation VII. Review Draft of Commercial/Retail TIF Polic~ VIII. Chamber Report IX. Report on SCEDC X. SCTC Fund Raisinq Subcommittee Report XI. Discuss Meetinq with James Company XII. Other Business *Attached article from MN Real Estate Journal XIII. Adiournment & County ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY l2, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Nielson, Bill Packer, Darcy Running, Lemley, Dar Fosse, and Dave Unmacht steve Ray The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:10 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. Approve the EDC Minutes for January 22, 1991 1. MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY BOB BARSNESS, TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 22, 1991 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Dar Fosse stated for the record that he was in attendance at the January 22, 1991 meeting. Jim Hill passed out general information Minnesota Real Estate Journal and from the Council on housing valuation information. 2. Discussion of Proposed Code of Ethics: Members discussed the proposed Code of Ethics distributed from staff. The sample code was from the Planning Commission Bylaws. Discussion occurred on the applicability to the EDC and the importance of disclosing a relationship between a member and an issue before the discussion. Staff was directed to rework the Code of Ethics to incorporate comments presented at the meeting. from the Metropolitan II. Star City Proqram Submittals Chairman Bob Barsness reported on the results of the State's review of the City'S submittals. Chairman Barsness indicated that a marketing presentation and trainin9 session will be held in the near future. Discuss10n occurred on the need to organize the presentation and select people to ~articipate. Chairman Barsness indicated that he would d1SCUSS this with staff member Kay Schmudlach. 1 III. Business Office Park Implementation Chairman Barsness highlighted the actions of the City Council on February 4, 1991. City Manager Unmacht reviewed the staff meeting which was held on Monday, Februar~ 11 regarding the distribution of responslbilities for the remaining work on each task. Unmacht discussed the timetable for gathering this information. Discussion occurred on the role of the EDC and Planning Commission in evaluating information gathered by staff. IV. Update on Senior Housinq Contacts Chairman Barsness initiated a brief discussion on this item. V. Review First Draft of the Tax Increment Financinq Policy No discussion occurred on this item. VI. Chamber Report Chairman Barsness requested that Kay follow letter to Laurie Hartmann with respect to Chamber and EDC activities. up on his the joint VII. SCEDO A discussion of the Scott County Organization, its agreement and Chairman Barsness indicated that he Schmudlach for details. Economic details would Development was held. contact Kay VIII. Other Business Discussion occurred on the Planning Commission Retreat. City Manager Unmacht reported that information he received back from the retreat has been positive. Ray Lemley spent extensive time reviewing his notes from the meeting. Lemley indicated that the discussion was very informative and an open discussion occurred between the Plannin9 Commission, staff and the developers. Discuss10n occurred on the ~erception of the difficulty dealing with the City of Pr10r Lake. Some suggestions on how to work on mending this perception were outlined. 2 The general theme was that the City should try to help find wa~s to make positive things happen instead of continu1ng the perception of trying to create road blocks to prevent things from happening. other suggested ideas for change were also discussed. Matters of general interest were discussed by members including the Lake Review Committee Workshop on January 19. Bill Packer discussed the Town Center Business Association, its purpose, its projects and its structure with the various subcommittees. A brief discussion occurred on the Redevelopment Committee and the plans for the Town Center Association with regard to a potential redevelopment improvement project. Discussion occurred on Rainbow Play Systems Proposal. Dar Fosse updated the members on the meeting between Kay and Gary. Dar indicated that Gary was reviewing the code requirements with respect to the proposal by Rainbow Play Systems. Jim Hill requested that staff meet with the James Company to talk about their future plans at the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 13. A brief discussion occurred on the Sign Ordinance Forum held on Wednesday, February 6, 1991. IX. Adiournment The Economic Development Committee meeting adjourned at 8:45 A.M. 3 "ETHIC" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ETHICS PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to ~rovide broad guidelines for the conduct of individual Econom1C Develo~ment Committee members. Each Economic Development Comm1ttee member must bear the responsibility of adherence to these guidelines. In the event a problem presents itself, the chairperson shall take the initiative to resolve it in a manner most appropriate. Economic Development Committee members who have an ongoing or vested interest with an applicant or parties with si~nificant interest in an Economic Development Committee d1scussion shall state the issue and/or relationship. The Economic Development Committee shall consider the participation of the individual on a case by case basis. ( 1) (2) An Economic Development Committee member's o~inion pertaining to a function, organization or specific appl1cation shall not be given to the media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the a member and not that of the entire Committee. If an Economic Development Committee member gives or represents the opinion(s) of the Economic Development Committee those opinion(s) must be approved by a consensus of the Economic Development Committee and recorded it its minutes. (3) Economic Development Committee members shall conduct themselves as professionals when representing the Committee. (4) An Economic Development Committee member shall avoid any appearance of impropriety. (5) If applicable, an Economic Development Committee member shall make every attempt to visit the site prior to discussing site related issues. 1991 STAR CITY SELF-ASSESSMENT SURVEY I)>~("I '/.4 '.J' 4' I... '} C. .... "-9/~?,I, The "Self-Assessment Survey" was designed as a tool to help your organization decide if any components of your economic development program can benefit from additional focus. Prior to a Star City meeting each member of an appropriate organizational subcommittee should independently complete one survey. Instructions are very straight forward, please circle one answer per question for each section and circle one response in the corresponding "Overall Assessment" section. In a planning meeting, the subcommittee members should compare responses with each other and discuss their answers with the Star City organization as a whole. If a majority have not answered each question the same way, the organization should explore the reasons why and reach a consensus. The organization's consensus answers should be entered on to a final survey document, a copy of which is due in the DTED Office by the 15th of Februarj. The Self-Assessment Survey provides a Star City an unique opportunity to identify and evaluate where the economic development plan has taken the community over the past year. This valuable information will provide Star Cities with a key resource and opportunity to fine tune its 1991 Action Plan and design successful strategies that are locally beneficial and create jobs and expanded taxbase. The Survey Key is as follows: SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT A=AGREE 0=0 I SAGREE NS=NOT SURE I. TOURISM A 0 NS 1. The board is involved in setting tourism policy. A 0 NS 2. A budget has been set to guide policy implementation. A 0 NS 3. A specific tourism objective has been identified to improve economic impact on the community. A 0 NS 4. Measurement indicators have been defined for determining the success of tourism activities. A 0 NS 5. The organization has sponsored in-service training for tourism related businesses. Tourism Proaram Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR II. MARKETING MATERIALS A 0 NS 1. The present promotional material accurately reflects the present status of the organization. A 0 NS 2. The Star City organization proactively identifies prospect opportunities. A 0 NS 3. The Organization has defined objectives and individuals have been assigned specific tasks. A 0 NS 4. Press releases have been effectively used by the commission to reinforce accomplishments. MarketinQ Materials Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR II I. BUSINESS RETENTION A 0 NS 1. Major employers have been surveyed by community leaders. A 0 NS 2. The organization has attempted to resolve all red flag issues identified by businesses. A 0 NS 3. The community has been informed of the results of the survey. A 0 NS 4. Survey results have been integrated into the overall economic development strategy. A 0 NS 5. A Retail Survey has been completed and information collected is used to develop target market strategies. A 0 NS 6. Businesses have been referred to the appropriate service provider or assisted through workshops. A 0 NS 7, Business ROUND TABLE discussions have been held. A 0 NS 8. Businesses are highlighted in regular newspaper/newsletter articles and business appreciation events held. Busine~s Retention Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR IV. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT A 0 NS 1. The organization meets on a regular basis. A 0 NS 2. The membership receives meeting minutes. A 0 NS 3. New volunteers are regularly recruited. - 2 - ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT--cont'd. A 0 NS 4. The Star City Video is used to provide an initial orientation for new members. A 0 NS 5. The organization encourages participation through an Annual Recognition Program. A 0 NS 6. Star City Commissioners are actively involved in setting goals and objectives and the annual evaluation process. A 0 NS 7. Star City Commissioners are actively involved in carrying out activities of the Annual Action Plan. A 0 NS 8. All Star City Commission positions are currently filled. A 0 NS 9. All major community stakeholders are represented on the Commission. A 0 NS 10. Leadership and in-service training is provided to the Commission. A 0 NS 11. The Star City Program has a current mission statement. Oraanilational Devel. Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR V. FINANCE A 0 NS 1. Within the last twelve months the organization provided deal packaging assistance to a prospective business assistance. A 0 NS 2. Formal policies guide decisions. A 0 NS 3. A Revolving Loan Fund has been established. A 0 NS 4. Existing loans are current. A 0 NS 5. A local banker serves on the finance committee. A 0 NS 6. Within the last twelve months the community has used local, state or federal funding to assist in financing at least one local business. Finance Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR - 3 - VI. MANUFACTURING RECRUITING A 0 NS 1. Through community analysis, the program is targeted and defines specific steps on how to achieve objectives. A 0 NS 2. A budget has been prepared and approved which assures program will be implementation. A 0 NS 3. The organization has studied its labor market and has targeted job creation at a realistic level. A 0 NS 4. A local educator currently serves on the committee to assist with the training needs of local businesses. A 0 NS S. A list of available buildings has been updated within the last six months. A 0 NS 6. A response to a prospect can be made within 24 hours. Manufacturina/Recruitina Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR VII. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT A 0 NS 1. Program is targeted and defines with specific tasks how to achieve objectives. A 0 NS 2. A budget has been prepared and approved which assures program implementation. A 0 NS 3. The CBD is served by an organization of property and business owners. A 0 NS 4. A CSD Program for facade and other improvements is operational. A 0 NS S. A downtown market analysis has been recently completed. A 0 NS 6. Joint promotions and marketing are undertaken by the downtown council. A 0 NS 7. The downtown council sponsors retail training seminars and workshops. Central Business District Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR - 4 - VIII. INFRASTRUCTURE A D NS 1. Infrastructure adequately meets development needs. A D NS 2. Organization uses public relations techniques to mitigate present infrastructure deficits. A D NS 3. The Star City Organization is aware and informed of the Capital Improvement Plan. A D NS 4. The Capital Improvement Plan is coordinated with the Economic Development Plan. A D NS S. The Star City organization is aware of the community's taxing capacity as it relates to paying for current and future capital expenditures. Infrastructure Overall Assessment: EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR, POOR - 5 - M'nnool4 Iteal ~ JIJIfmtIIl A city -Jerome; the land se]er .JORDAN HAS OPTION ON INDUSTRIAL PARK In its efforts to promote economic' deYe1. r" wnt. the city of Jordan is doina more than simply matching developm with land owners. Jordan, with a population of nearly 2.m. has become the effective owner of a business park where planning officials \IIOOJd like 10 see light industrial development. Recently. the privately owned. non-profit Jordan ~L t' , wnt Corp. gaye an ellclusiYe ~ to three-year option 10 the recently bm- cd Jordan Economic Development Authori- ty. a developmenJ ann of the city. 10 buy lots in the 42-acre Jordan Industrial Parle The deal gives Jordan - which has more ec., ..ic development resources than the ,",u.t^'...: . ,J - a f'M>-1O three-)'l2l' window or opportunity to stimulate de\'elopment in the park. "It seems not many have done this; it's not like ~ followed a model or anything like that:' says Jim Parsons. Jordan's director eX community deYel. r' w t. adding that only . three or four MinnesoCa cities haYe under- taken similar . t :..,J.. ''And what we'Ye done bas irnmediaIcIy b. "' ~ us some dc:finite pros- pects:' Parsons says he is negotiating with Ibosc potentia! ~hasers. The park. which the devel. t ',wnt corpora- tion sold to the city at 1980 land prices. is on County Road 9 less than a mile north of U. S. Higtnwy 169. From oo.vnrown Minneapolis. the.park is about a S5-minute drive. John Breimhorst. president of the Jordon Development Corp.. says the major players of the corporation simply don't have as much time as city officials to promoce the park. "We didn't feel we were doing the promo- tion eX development in the park justice:' Breimhorst says. "All eX us have ocher full- time jobs. We think the city will have more time to do what needs 10 be done:' In addition. Parsons says. having the city own the land makes it easier to set up tall- increment financing 10 pay for the construc- tion of roads and other utilities at various sires in the park. .~ Car as ~ think. Jordan is a nice area for industrial development:' Breimhorst says. "This should make it easier for developers to I1lO't'e into the area:' Land in the industrial park is graded and ready for development. Parsons says. Last ~k. the city sent announcements to 26 p~ spective buyers and developers offering the land for fT/J95 an acre. Parsons says the price for the land is low because of the deal the deveL.......nt ......t'ura- lion gave the city. and because the city's Housing and Redevel~t'...wnt Authority p~ vided a loan write~ for the land. o' The Jordan DeYeI. ~" ~, ,Corp. owned the ., 1md b about 1O)'em. 1b dale. four light in- dusIriaI users are in the p8It. including I beer distributor and roofin& manufacturer. -JoIut ""'dJtd January 11. 1991 "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 1991 Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Ray Lemley, Dave Unmacht, steve Nielson, Rachel VanDenBoom, Nat Wisser, Dar Fosse Jeannie Robbins Members Present: The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY l2, 1991 MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY NAT WISSER TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY l2, 1991 EDC MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. APPROVE EDC CODE OF ETHICS The Economic Development Committee reviewed the Ethics Policy as presented or as modified by Staff and they recommended no changes. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ETHICS POLICY. The policy will be forwarded to the City Council for their review. III. REPORT ON STAR CITY PROGRESS l. Kay Schmudlach reported that the Marketing Presentation was scheduled for March 5, 1991, and that the Star City Subcommittee was working diligentlr to put together a fine Marketing Presentat1on. Star City Subcommittee members include: Darcy Running as Chair, Bob Barsness, Dave Unmacht, Kay Schmudlach, and Dar Fosse. The final amendment to the One Year Plan have not been prepared but will be done expediently and distributed to the Economic Development Committee. Kay Schmudlach highli9hted that a Self Assessment Survey for the Star C1ty Program had been included in the packet for the EDC members completion. The Star Citr Assessment Survey is something that all Star cit1es are requested to do. Because we are f".'- 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer not a star City yet, it is not important that we send it into the state; however, from a staff ~rospective and from a EDC evaluation perspective 1t is a self hel~ tool that will hel~ us evaluate how we are d01ng on our Econom1C Development strategies. 2. Kay indicated that there had been one red flag business when we did the Community Business Expansion Retention Program Surveys, and this gentleman Dan Kell is the manager of the Prior Lake Machines operation. Kay asked the committee how they would like to address Dan Kell's issues, which are primarily infrastructure to his building. The Economic Development Committee discussed this and talked about other businesses in the Industrial Park and decided to call a meeting of all property owners in the current Industrial Park and ~erhaps ask Greg Foster to host a lunch in his build1ng at the EDC's cost and have people sit down and talk about what their needs are and see if there is any consensus on infrastructure in that area. Kay was asked to call Greg Foster and talk to him about this idea. She will be reporting at the next meeting. IV. REPORT ON MEETING WITH COUNTY ENGINEER AND COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Several members of the Economic Development Committee attended the meeting with the County Commissioner and County Engineer and reviewed the County's programs for com~letion of several major roadways. The County is hav1ng some problems dealing with the Township as far as the extension of County Road 21 and it is important that the City continue to lobby the County to have that project completed as soon as possible. The county also discussed their plans for upgrading several other roads, and included in that discussion was County Road 44, County Road 42, and Countr Road 21 going North. The Economic Development Comm1ttee indicated that a possible program for the Chamber of Commerce would be a presentation of the County road plan. V. UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING CONTACTS Nat Wisser indicated that he had talked to Bill and was interested in setting up a meeting between and Bill to talk about their pro~osal to the City. indicated that John Arkell w1th the Cottages indicated similar interest in Prior Lake. Kay and will be working with John and Bill to make sure they do submit proposals to the City. VI. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK IMPLEMENTATION Kempf staff Kay has Nat that Kay reported that the City continues to work on the internal tasks regarding the Business Office Park study. The Staff reports are due by March 15, 1991. At that time, Staff will be jointly evaluating them and distributing those results to the Planning commission/Economic Development Committee and anticipates having them to the council by April 15, 1991. VII. REVIEW DRAFT OF COMMERCIAL RETAIL TAX INCREMENT POLICY THIS ITEM WAS TABLED DUE TO LACK OF TIME AND A SPECIAL GUEST COMING IN LATER IN THE MEETING. VII. CHAMBER REPORT Kay reported that the Chamber of Commerce is interested in jointly sponsoring the Business Summit, the Business Info-Expo, and the Business Appreciation Golf Tournament. Kay asked for EDC liaisons to the Chamber on each one of these tasks. Jere Phillips and Dar Fosse volunteered to work on the Business Appreciation Golf Tournament. Bob Barsness agreed to work on the Business Summit and Rachel Van Den Boom agreed to work on the Business Info Expo. Kay will be talking to Chamber members and getting similar community appointments and setting up future meetings. IX. REPORT ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay has scheduled the Scott County Economic Development Coalition, proposed Bylaws and Joint Powers Agreement for the Agenda of March l8, 1991. The City Council will be asked to approve the Joint Powers Agreement and the Bylaws at that time when the actual Coalition is established. Nat Wisser from the Economic Development Committee and Darcy Running will be asked to attend those meetings. X. SCOTT COUNTY COALITION FUND RAISING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Kay requested to have two (2) Economic Development Committee members who are familiar with local businesses, review the business list to identify those businesses which would appear to be approachable as far as a donation to the Transportation Coalition. Bob Barsness and Rachel Van Den Boom have volunteered to work on this committee and a meeting was set up to review the list. Following the determination of the list, Kay will be preparing cards and information packets that will go to each EDC member and they will be asked to approach four to five businesses to request donations. XI. DISCUSS MEETING WITH JAMES COMPANY Jim Hill agreed to set up a meetin~ with Charlie James of James Company to talk about the1r future plans for their vacant land on Commerce Avenue. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Kay noted that there was an article from the Minnesota Real Estate Journal attached for the Economic Development Committee to read. 2. XIII. The second item under Other Business was to welcome the Super Valu representatives, Lyle Fuller, Marilyn and Lee Rademacher, and Dave Chromy. They asked them to attend the Economic Development Committee Meeting to talk a little about where they are at in their ~roject and to solicit Economic Development Comm1ttee support. The Super Valu representatives walked through the historr of their develo~ment plans with Enivid and ind1cated that there 1S no longer negotiations going on between Enivid and Super Value Super Valu has indicated to the City that they have an option on the land south of McDonald's and that they are putting together building plans for that site. The Super Valu people indicated that they feel very strongly about being in Prior Lake and that they intend to work closely with the Rademacher's to make sure that the store is built to meet their needs. Following of the exit of the Super Valu people, the Economic Development Committee discussed at length the City's commitment to Enivid and the City's obligation to the process of the Super Valu project. Economic Development Committee members stressed to Staff that they must go through the process very objectively with Super Valu and hopefully, at the end of it we will have a store on either site. 3. Kay introduced Jeannie Robbins and indicated a copy of her resume and EDC application was attached to the EDC Agenda. Ms. Robbins was recommended by the interview committee to fill a vacancy of the EDC. Motion by Nat Wisser, seconded by Dar Fosse to recommend approval by the City Council to appoint Jeannie Robbins to the EDC. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 A.M. CONSENT AGENDA: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: RECOMMENDATIONS: ALTERNATIVES: ~.>-O ~/8' "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" 3 (j) KAY SCHMUDLACH, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ETHICS POLICY MARCH l8, 1991 The Economic Development Committee (EDC) presented the 1990 Annual Report and 1991 Goals to the City Council on February 4, 1991. The City Council accepted the submitted reports and requested that the Economic Development Committee consider adopting a Ethics Policy to give members guidance on activities relating to development issues. The EDC has reviewed the Ethics Policy of the Planning Commission and modified the ~olicy to better serve the concerns of the Comm1ttee. The EDC considered the Ethics Policy on two separate occasions. At a regular meeting, on February 12, 1991, the committee reviewed a draft and made modifications. A motion by Nat Wisser, seconded by Dar Fosse to a~prove the Code of Ethics was approved unanlmously on February 26, 1991. The Code submitted Committee questions of Ethics for the EDC is being to the City Council for approval. members are available to address prior to the City council Meeting. The Economic Development Committee recommends approval of the Ethics Policy to be incorporated into their Bylaws. The city Council may consider the following alternatives: 1. Approve the Economic Development Committee's Ethics Policy as drafted. 2. Amend the Committee's adoption. Economic Ethics Policy Development prior to 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax ,612) 447-4245 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ACTION REQUIRED: 3. Denr the Economic Development Committee's Eth1CS Policy. Motion to ap~rove the Economic Development Committee Eth1CS Policy is in order as part of the Consent Agenda. "ETHIC" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ETHICS PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to provide broad guidelines for the conduct of individual Economic Develo~ment Committee members. Each Economic Development Comm1ttee member must bear the responsibility of adherence to these guidelines. In the event a problem presents itself, the chairperson shall take the initiative to resolve it in a manner most appropriate. Economic Development Committee members who have an ongoing or vested interest with an applicant or parties with si~nificant interest in an Economic Development Committee d1scussion shall state the issue and/or relationship. The Economic Development Committee shall consider the participation of the individual on a case by case basis. ( 1) (2) An Economic Development Committee member's o~inion pertaining to a function, organization or specific appl1cation shall not be given to the media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the a member and not that of the entire Committee. If an Economic Development Committee member gives or represents the opinion(s) of the Economic Development Committee those opinion(s) must be approved by a consensus of the Economic Development Committee and recorded it its minutes. (3) Economic Development Committee members shall conduct themselves as professionals when representing the Committee. (4) An Economic Development Committee member shall avoid any appearance of impropriety. (5) If applicable, an Economic Development Committee member shall make every attempt to visit the site prior to discussing site related issues. BYLAWS OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PREAMBLE The Prior Lake Economic Development Committee was created in May, 1983 by an act of the Prior Lake City Council to: (1) serve as a liaison between City Government and the Business Community, (2) serve as a contact/resource for new and existing bqsinesses seeking economic development assistance and information.n prior~' ~:~~iop~~~t ~~iici~s :~~ii~ c~;~ain~~r~~n.n;l~~~~~~~ ~~o~~i;~ 1~;11 Lake, and (4) to serve as a bodr to make recommendations to the. .--- City Council relating to specif1c~development projects. "h.....\.SltJ'dj {O/1/J Ivl fI L [It- ( I f tV" J vU f-nl,l ( ARTICLE 1. NAME Section A. Section B. Section A. Section B. Section C. Name. The legal name of the organization is the "Prior Lake Economic Development Committee". Office. The Office of the Prior Lake Economic Development Committee is at 4629 Dakota street S.E., P. O. Box 359, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS Prior Lake Economic a Chair, Vice-Chair serve as official Officers. The Officers of the Development Committee shall be and a Secretary. Staff shall Secretary of the Committee. Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have general charge of and control over the affairs of the Committee subject to the other members. At each meeting, the Chairman shall submit recommendations and information as she/he may consider proper concerning the affairs and policies of the Committee. Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee in the absence of the Chairman and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Committee. In case the Chairman resigns or is unable to perform duties assigned for some other reason, the Vice-Chairman shall perform and be vested with all duties and powers of the section D. section E. Section F. section G. Chairman until such time as the Committee shall select a new Chairman. Secretarv. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all meetings held by the Committee and such other functions as may be determined by the committee. staff The Committee may be assigned staff, who shall have general supervision over the day-to-day administrat10n of its policies, pursuant to actions by the Committee. staff shall perform all dutieo/\bV~\1 and responsibilities assigned by the Committee. \ I Staff shall serve as Secretary and be responsible I~ for recording and compiling a written summary of fAU all meetings held by the Committee. staff will.. . have general supervision over the dar-to-day ~!dftC administration of the Committee's polic1es and actions. Staff shall... p. erfo!1U ...Al. . ~~e:y-\ ~.fid ~ responsibil i ~'\~ne4. by/~j).e' co~ee ~Vl/' Appointment. The Committee shall consist of at) least five (5) members, but not greater than eleven (ll) members, appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for terms of two (2) years, and the City Manager. Composition of the Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live and/or work in Prior Lake. Committee members may serve additional terms upon approval by the Prior Lake City Council. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be elected by a majority of the Committee from among members of the Committee, and shall hold office for two (2) rears or until their successors are elected or qual1fied. Staff for the Committee shall be assigned by the City Manager. One Ex-officio member shall be appointed to the Economic Development committee as recommended by the School District. The person shall be the official representative of the Prior Lake - Savage School District #7l9 and provide direct communication of Economic Development Committee activities to the School Board. Vacancies. If the Office of Chairman and/or Vice Chairman becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. Should a member resi9n, or otherwise vacate a seat on the Comm1ttee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. rnlJ l' 2 "....".~~."..,.., MP1 JV\ f\ '( Section H. Section A. Section B. -- rY'-IJ-- (( (vi p '( The following shall occur: An interview Committee consisting of the Mayor, City Manager and staff will interview all interested candidates and make a recommendation to the Prior Lake City Council who shall appoint a replacement to complete the remaining term of office. Call for Resiqnation. It shall be the duty of each Committee member to actively participate in the affairs of the Committee and to attend its regular and special meetings. In the event that a Committee member is not present for 75% of the regular meetin~s during a year the Committee shall direct the Cha1r to send a Call for Resignation, in the form of a request, to the absent Committee member, or is not present for three consecutive regular meetings during a year, the Committee shall direct staff to send a letter to the member inquiring of his/her status on the Committee, including an inquiry into his/her interest in remaining on the Committee. ARTICLE 3. MEETINGS Reqular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:15 p.m. at Prior Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota. Regular meetings may be adjourned to the fourth Thursday of each month upon approval by the majority of the Committee. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, cancelled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the Chairman and/or vice-Chairman. Special Meetinqs. Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chairman, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the Chairman or tWQ m~mbers ~ the committee~ .~~ call for a special meeting may be 4~1~'~<~or to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member~of the committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. Such special meetings may be held in 3 ~ Vb~ '" Section C. Section D. section E. section A. , . t t+-- If C {!lV\)/VL c' C - I S rr\.(} \ l rJ C v... locations other than meetings. Quorum for Reqular and Soecial Meetinqs. A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. the place of regular Conduct of Business at Reqular Meetinqs. The agenda for regular meetings shall include the following in order of business: 1. Roll Call 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. Other Business 4. Staff U~date 5. New Bus1ness 5. Adj ournment Staff shall prepare the agenda and accompany material and distribute same to the Committee no later than the Monday prior to the Thursday meeting. Copies of the agenda and other related materials shall be given to the Citr Council, Planning Commission and other 1ndividuals designated by the Staff or Committee. votinq. All members of the Committee, including the city Manager, have equal voting authority. In addition to a quorum bein~ required for each meeting of the Committee 1n order to conduct business, a majority of those members present shall be required to transact business and approve any matter before the Committee. ARTICLE 4. SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES /Q-/ Powers and Duties. The Committee shall act in an / advisory capacity to the Prior Lake city Councilr' and shall advise the City Council on matters of ~ development assigned to the Committee. The Committee shall outline its duties in the form of goals and ob~ectives and shall give an accounting of its actit1vites to the City Council each year in writing. The Committee shall perform duties as subscribed in 4 ( ~vCt~I/' ~''''' . .~ \;\. {fr l/} \ t Ii'" ~ Section B. Section A. the Preamble of these Bylaws. In addition, the :ommittee shall advise the city Council on matters of development assigned to the Committee. (The Committee shall report annually in writing to the City Council on the activities of the Committee.) Specific powers and duties may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of Prior Lake City Council. Subcommittees. The Committee may provide for such subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement the goals and objectives of the Committee and may delegate such powers and duties to such subcommittees necessary to carry out its functions. ARTICLE 5. AMENDMENTS Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Committee provided that notice of such proposed amendments shall be mailed to each member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to such meeting. The amendment of the Bylaws and the vote required shall be in accordance with that set forth under the voting provisions of these Bylaws. The Committee may amend the Bylaws without City Council approval, however, the City Council may veto any amendments adopted by the Committee. 5 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MARCH 26, 1991 12:00 Noon -2:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM, CITY HALL The Economic Development Committee has invited the Chamber of Commerce to its next meeting to discuss several proposed joint ventures. The Chamber of Commerce president Laurie Hartmann has approved the idea and will be notifying the Chamber Board of the meeting. The joint meeting is pro~osed to last from 12:00 noon - 1 P.M. Box lunches will be prov1ded. The agenda will be as follows: I. Welcome and Introductions Chairman Barsness / President Laurie Hartmann II. Discussion of Joint activities A. star City Awards Ceremony date time location fOOd/beverage arrangements ceremony agenda participants advertising coordinators B. Business Appreciation Golf Tournament date location time financing coordinators C. Business Info - Expo Date: September l2, 1991 Location: High School, New Gym time organization coordinators D. Business Summit concept discussion III. Summary Following the joint meeting, the Economic Development Committee will be discussing the following items: ~ Update on Projects Super Valu Dr. Schwantes y{. ~. ~ ~ ,,'t"- Report on outdoor theater property ov Report on Charlie James Review list of available commercial lots on Hwy. 13 Report on Greg Foster and Business Office Park meeting Adjournment sSV- ~~!.v .A . t J \ (v,f; C~ .Y: ~. Id. -M. / ~ ~. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE APRIL 24, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approve Minutes of the ADril 12. 1991 EDC Meetinq * Attached Report on star city Open House * Copy of Agenda Attached Update on RSVP Assign Recertification Process to Subcommittee * Review Attached Star City Assessment Business Office Park studv Motion to Approve Recommendations Listed in Council Agenda Report - Hand out Update on Senior Housinq Proposals John Arkell Bill Kempf commercial - Industrial TIF Policy * Attached Third Draft Discussion of 'Package' Concept Update on EDC/Chamber Activities Business Summit Business Appreciation Golf Tournament - Jerry Info-Expo - Rachel Update on city Roadway Proiects Bloomington Ferry Bridge County Road l8 VIII. Discussion on Scot.t ~nunty Transportation Coalition Fund Raisinq Distribution of Packet to Solicit contributions IX. Update on SCEDC x. Update on Meetinqs With Developers/Pro;ect UDdate Tony Oxborough - James Company (discuss survey) Bill Pankonian - Burnett Realty.,.. Lyle Fuller - Su~er Valu Greg Foster - Ra1nbow Play Systems~ Dr. Schwantes - Prior Lake Pet Clinic~ XI. other Business XII. Ad;ournment * Denotes attachments ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Bill Packer, Dar Fosse, Rachel VanDenboom, Jeannie RObbins, Nat Wisser, and Dave Unmacht Others present: Larry Anderson, Schmudlach Deb Garross and Kay The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. The Economic Development Committee re9Uested that staff change the agenda to provide time to d1scuss the Bloomington Ferry Bridge issue. I. Bloominqton Ferry Bridqe Update City Manager Unmacht updated the Economic Development Committee on the hearing at the Metropolitan Council on Tuesday, April 9, 1991. Mr. Unmacht reported that the Metro~olitan Council had accepted the Metropolitan Counc1l's Staff recommendation to not allow access to the Bloomington Ferry Bridge from County Road l8/prior Lake. Mr. Unmacht explained that Prior Lake City Staff and County Staff had done a presentation and the presentation went well and the City did get support from their new Metro Council Representative Bonnie Featherstone. However the Metropolitan Council did not agree with our issues and did not decide to accept our proposal to have a connection to the Bloomington Ferry Bridge. However the Metropolitan Council did agree to reconsider this issue in two years and Staff thinks that this compromise will give us time to build political support. II. staff Presentation of Business Office Park Followup Study Kay introduced the Business Office Park presentation that would be given shortly. Kay explained that Assistant City Planner Deb Garross would be leading the presentation with the discussion of property area by area and then following Deb, Larry Anderson who would give an update on the cost estimate for infra structure put together for each site. Then a summary and a series of recommendations would be provided by Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach. 1 III. Discussion of Information staff did discuss each area and addressed questions. The EDC did generally support all of staff's recommendations and did not request any deviation from those recommendations that would be presented to the people in the Credit River Industrial Park that afternoon. IV. Preparation for April Noon Presentation and April 17 Noon Presentation staff requested any consideration or any amendments to the presentation that will be given at noon. The EDC suggested that staff concentrate on area 5 and provide some figures for their examinations of the anticipated cost of the extension of sewer and water. Also they suggested that staff provide some level of detail on the grants and loans available to assist financing of the infrastructure. v. other Business There was no other items discussed at this time. VI. Adiournment The Economic Development Committee meeting adjourned at 8:20 A.M. 2 ~ "CELEBRATE PRIOR LAKE'S CENTENNIAL - 1991" PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MAY 14, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. A~prove Minutes of the April 24, 1991 EDC Meetinq * Attached II. Report on star City Open House * Attached Copy of Recertification Process III. Business Office Park study Discuss Council Action and Future Action ,- IV. Commercial/Industrial TIF Policy Please refer to the April 23 EDC packet V. Update on EDC/Chamber Activities Business Summit Business Appreciation Golf Tournament Info/Expo VI. Report on SCTC Fund Raisinq Efforts VII. Update SCEDO VIII. Economic Development Assistance Kay Lewis with the Minnesota Extension Office will be discussing Economic Development Assistance Programs and Funding available. IX. Other Business X. Ad;ounment ,- 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 24, 1991 Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Rachel VanDenBoom, Ray Lemley, Nat Wisser, Jim Hill, Jeannie.Ro~bins~ D~ Darcy Running, Dar Fosse, and Jere Ph1ll1psJbVVY Kay Schmudlach and Dave Unmacht Members Present: The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Bob Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR APRIL l2J 1991 Motion by Nat Wisser, seconded by Darcy Running to approve the April 12, 1991 EDC meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously. II. REPORT ON STAR CITY OPEN HOUSE Kay updated the EDC on the May 1, 1991 Star City Open House. A copy of the agenda had been distributed in the agenda write up. About 45 people have responded to the invitation so far. Kay will be ordering food accordingly. The committee reviewed the Star City Assessment but didn't spend a great deal of time going throu9h the document at this time. They anticipate filling 1t out next year being better qualified as we go through the Star City Program for a period of time. The Subcommittee for Star city Re-certification was formed. That subcommittee included: Darcy Running, Jeannie Robbins and Dar Fosse. Kay said she would put together a list of the time frame of when the re-certification process has to begin and get that to the subcommittee. 1 III. BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY The EDC discussed the Business Office Park presentation and complimented staff on their professionalism. Staff reported that Council had appeared to be very supportive at the Council Retreat. Staff anticipates no problem in getting Council to support the feasibility study to determine the cost of the extension of utilities. Bill Packer and Darcy Running indicated to they had talked to most of the property property owners generally are supportive do not know the cost at this time determine their future support. the EDC owners. although and that that The they will One question regarding a property owner in the building behind Jerry Grendahl was raised and Kay was asked to research that. Bill Packer mentioned that the Town Center Association will be meeting May 7, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. at the Hollywood Inn. The speaker will be Dave Unmacht. They would be discussing the bridge and the Business Office Park. All members of the EDC are encouraged to attend. IV. UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING PROPOSAL Kay reported that John Arkell has been in contact with the City through Ed Tschida our consultant on Tax Increment Financing. John is anticipating working with the City on a senior Housing Proposal later this Fall. Also Bill Kempf from Helgeson & Associates did call and indicate that they had completed a proposal which Health Dimensions is reviewing before it is sent to the City, but there again, that will be coming to the city for review this Summer. v. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TIF POLICY The third draft of the TIF policy was included in the agenda. Kay was asked by Bob Barsness to send a draft out to the Council following Dave Unmacht's review to make sure that we have given them plenty of time to respond to any changes that they would anticipate before the Council meeting. The policy will be finalized at the May 14 EDC meeting, and will be scheduled for the City Council Agenda May 20. 2 ._ '~_'__'_____" "",'~_"__~'.'~"'_'~"""~_~'___~'-____'_."_"._~'_" ."...._.___,,_"~.......,... .._"_~~,_______,_~___~~___~._M_~___"_'" VI. UPDATE ON EDC/CHAMBER ACTIVITIES Kay reported that the Business Summit went very well and that overall she thinks the EDC and Chamber of Commerce people like the concept. We should anticipate doing another summit probably in 3-5 months. Jere Phillips reported that he and Jerry Spies have been working on the Business Appreciation Golf Tournament. They have changed the time of the golf tournament to 1:00 p.m. on July 18. They will be doing a dinner again and estimate l20 golfers and l50 for dinner. They will be working with Kay to send out a letter to request participation and funding for drawings. Kay reported that Rachel, Bonnie Maxwell and she had met and discussed the Info-Expo. Kay had met subse9?ently with Leanne Erickson to work out some of the deta1ls on the arrangements. Kay and Leanne will be meeting again in a week to finalize some of the details. VII. UPDATE ON CITY ROADWAY PROJECTS Dave Unmacht updated the Committee on the status of the Bloomington Ferry Bridge. He showed the EDC the strategy that the City Council has put together for changing the plans for the Bloomington Ferry Bridge and Prior Lake's access to that. Updates will be forwarded to the EDC as they are made public. Kay reported that no update has been made available on the County Road l8 project since the last time the EDC talked about it. Kay and Dave will research that and continue to keep the EDC up-to-date on that project. VIII DISCUSSION OF SCOTT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COALITION FUND RAIb.L1"lu Kay distributed a list of all the businesses that Bob, Rachel and Kay had determined that would be interested in contributing and also distributed packets of information. The EDC members went through the list and identified those businesses that they felt comfortable contacting regarding a donation. EDC members were asked to have made the contacts by the next meeting which is May l4. Checks for contributions can be either sent directly to the County or can be sent to Kay and she will forward them to the County. 3 __.____,.~_,,~ _...~"...".~ ~.._~.-,"__,...._.>.,_~______~_~~._.__~._<.__4_ "._,_~.___~____,"~,'_'_'~~_~'__" IX. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that the first meeting of the would be on Thursday the 25th and that anticipating a good turnout. Coalition they are X. UPDATE ON MEETINGS WITH DEVELOPERS PROJECTS Tony Oxboro - James Company Kay re~orted that she had met with Tony and has talked with h1m several times on the phone since. Tony is real excited about working with the city to get that property sold. The James Company will be working with the City on a survey for all Home Occupation businesses to see what it would take for them to move out into some type of incubator facility. Bill Pankonin - Burnet Realty Kay re~orted that she has not been able to get in touch with h1m at this time. Lyle Fuller - Super Valu No progress has been made on that. Greg Foster - Rainbow Play Systems No progress has been made on that. Dr. Schwantes - Prior Lake Pet Clinic The City has discontinued meeting with Dr. Schwantes, at his request, since this site will not work. XI. OTHER BUSINESS No other business was mentioned. XI I. ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned the meeting at 9:15 A.M. 4 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MAY 28, 1991 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve Minutes of the Mav l4. 1991 EDC Meetinq * Attached II. Update on Business Office Park study III. Review commercial/Industrial TIF Policy * Attached IV. Update on SCEDC V. Update on SCTC Fund Raisinq Effort VI. Update on Develoment Pro;ect~ Enivid Super Valu Malrony Giles Senior Housing VII. Other Business VIII. Ad;ounment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 14, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Bill Packer, Dar Fosse, Rachel VanDenboom, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Steve Nielson, Jim Hill, Ray Lemley, Jere Phillips, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR APRIL 24.. 1991 The minutes were moved and seconded and unanimously approved II. REPORT ON STAR CITY OPEN HOUSE The Economic Development C...........i ttee discussed the City Open House and agreed that the Open House great success and an important moment in Prior history. Kay indicated that the re-certification process had been summarized and attached for the re-certification subcommittee which includes: Dar Fosse, Darcy Running and Jeannie Robbins. Kay also handed out a copy of the re-certification process prepared by the State and gave it to the subcommittee members in attendance. A subcommittee meeting of the Star city group is anticipated for October or November 1991. Star was a Lake's III. BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY Staff reported that the Business Office Park Feasibility Study had been approved by the City Council at the May 6 City Council meeting. The EDC and Chamber of Commerce were in attendance to support it. The next action as far as the Business Office Park will be a discussion by staff of the feasibility study and all the elements that need to be completed in order to prepare the feasibility study. Staff will be meeting on Thursday, May 16 to discuss the time frame and that will be forwarded to the EDC as soon as possible. Staff also reported that approval has been 9iven by Don Schommer and Frank Muelken to do soil bor1ngs on the Adellman farmsite. 1 .>_,~_~..~.-..".. ..,_,."" ..".'~'''' '^ ,._....._.._>.'"-,_....'_~_"_,~___'....m'_"..'.,~_~.~~_~~,'.,.,..-..~~._-_... . ._-- IV. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TIF POLICY Kay reported that she had distributed the draft policy to all the Councilmembers and that Doug Larson had submitted comments. The EDC reviewed Mr. Larson's comments and agreed to make some changes. Staff was asked to make the appropriate changes and send out the redrafted policy for the next EDC meeting. V. UPDATE ON EDC/CHAMBER ACTIVITIES Business Summit Kay requested the EDC to suggest a future time and topic for a business summit. Kay will be forwarding the information to the Chamber of Commerce Board. The Chamber feels that the first business summit on the Business Office Park was very successful and would like to do that again some time this Fall. Bill Packer mentioned that the Town Center Association felt that some ty~e of meeting should be held with developers and bU1lders in town so that staff could identify the sites left to be developed within developed areas generally in some residential areas. Kay reported that on June 18 the City will be hosting a developers forum and that the purpose of the forum is to discuss things such as infill. The EDC requested that Kay encourage Horst or someone from the City to do a brief presentation specific on infill and identify the sites that need to be developed. Business Appreciation Golf Tournament Jere Phillips reported that progress 'is being made on the golf tournament and to date no invitations have been sent out because it's too early. Info-Expo Kay re~orted that EDC, Chamber and staff continue to work w1th Leanne Erickson from the School District Office to put together the arrangements for Info-Expo scheduled for September l6. VI. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION FUND RAISING EFFORTS Kay reported that she had gotten a good response from the EDC members and their assi~ned business people to contact. The Prior Lake bus1nesses have a goal of approximately $7,000 to raise and staff anticipates that they will beat that goal. 2 VII. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that the Coalition had their first meeting and that it was an educational meeting in addition to making some changes to the Joint Powers Agreement of the SCEDC. The next meeting for the SCEDC is scheduled for May 15 and at that time the SCEDC will be continuing their efforts to improve or modify the Joint Powers Agreement and also evaluating the small business administration processing. VIII ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE At approximately 8:20 p.m. Kay Lewis from the Minnesota Extension Office arrived and was asked to address the EDC. Kay reported that the University of Minnesota Services and Teaching Service and Researchin9 functions and that she provides assistance in the serv1cin9 area. Kay listed 4 different areas in which the M1nnesota Extension Service continue to work with businesses for economic development vitality. Kay listed those 4 different areas and they are: 1. Small business programming 2. Business retention and expansion programs 3. Project future or doing community service determine the futures of communities to 4. Leadership training and publication Kay went on to get more details of the type of services that the Extens10n Services that the Extension Service has provided for a variety of businesses or governmental entities. Miss Lewis encouraged the EDC, Chamber of Commerce or staff to use the extension services. Extension services are provided at a no cost or low cost for services. IX. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business at this time. X. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. 3 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 CUTJ.31CJJV 2Qgf PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE JUNE ll, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve May 14 and May 28. 1991 Meetinq Minutes II. Update on TIF Policy III. Update on Business Office Park StudV ..- IV. Update on SCEDC V. Update on Senior Housinq Proposals VI. Update on Other proiects VII. Discuss Development Tours VIII. Picture Takinq (8:l5 A.M.) IX. Other Business x. Ad;ournment 4629 Dakota 51. 5E, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 28, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, steve Nielson, Jim Hill, Dave Unmacht, Kay Schmudlach, and Ray Lemley The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR MAY 14. 1991 The minutes were not approved since they have prepared at this date. Kay indicated that have the minutes available for the June meeting. not she 11, been would 1991 II. UPDATE ON BUSINESS PARK OFFICE PARK STUDY Kay re~orted that the Engineerin~ Department is continu1ng to work on the Feasib1lity Study, and simultaneously Kar is working with Roger Guenette to put together the deta1ls of the project with the Rainbow Play Systems. It appears that there may be some concerns whether Rainbow Play Systems can support this type of improvement costs. As details become available they will be provided to the EDC. III. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL TIF POLICY The EDC spent a 9reat deal of time reviewing the Increment Financ1ng Policy and the integration of Larson's comments. Kay requested that the EDC final chan~es and that this would be forwarded to City Counc11 for the June 3, 1991 Council meeting. EDC made final comments and requested that a copy distributed to them prior to the meeting. Tax Doug make the The be IV. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that the Coalition has met twice now and are in the process of collecting the dues, amending the Bylaws and establishing subcommittees. Two subcommittees have been established and ther include: a Marketing Subcommittee and a Financ1al Review Subcommittee. 1 V. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COALITION FUND RAISING EFFORT Kay reported that Prior Lake has done extremely well on collecting money from local businesses. The effort has yielded over $2,000 at this time and sufficient funds are anticipated for the future. Kay thanked everyone for their participation and efforts in the fund raising. VI. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Enivid and Super Valu: Dave reported that Enivid continues to work with the Ericksons to secure a grocery vendor. Meetin~s with the Erickson family who run the More 4 stores d1d take place on May 24 and it appeared that the Ericksons were very excited about proceeding with the project in Prior Lake. Also Kay indicated that they would be meeting at 2:00 p.m. today with the Super Valu reps to review some further analysis that staff had done internally. staff mentioned to the EDC that a task force of John Fitzgerald and Carol Scott had been identified to work with staff to monitor their relationship with Super Value Mahoney/Giles: Dave reported that the annexation has been com~leted and that property is currently in the City lim1ts. We have not received the submittals from Mahoney/Giles and when we do we will be processing that. They anticipate having some construction this Fall. Senior Housinq: Kay reported that she had not heard from Helgeson & Associates at this time. However, John Arkell had sent a project pro~osal to staff to see if we would like to proceed with th1s. Staff forwarded the letter to the City Council to see if they were interested in this type of concept, and we are waiting for their response. VII. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business discussed at this time. VIII ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. 2 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 18'J9Y-JV 20)1 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE JUNE 25, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve June 11. 1991 Meetinq Minutes II. Update on Business Office Park study III. Update on Scott Countv Economic Development Coalition * Attached Joint Powers Agreement and Bylaws IV. Update on Other proiects Super Valu Enivid Country Inn V. Update on Business Appreciation Golf Tournament VI. Other Business VII. Adiournment 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 11, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Darcy Running, Jim Hill, Rachel VanDenBoom, Bill Packer, Ray Lemley, Jeannie Robbins, Jere Phillips, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR MAY l4, 1991 AND MAY 28. 1991 Ray Lemley indicated that his name had been left off the minutes from the May 28 meeting. Kay noted the correction. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DARCY RUNNING TO APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 14, 1991 AND MAY 28, 1991. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. UPDATE ON TIF POLICY Kay submitted a new copy of the Tax Increment Financing Policy for Commercial/Industrial use. The policy was reviewed and a minor correction made. Kay reported that the policy would be put on the Council Agenda for the June 17 meeting with the request for final approval. MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, TO APPROVE THE TIF POLICY AS AMENDED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Kay requested that the committee designated to review policies initiate discussion on the next policy and complete the booklet of financing policies that would be created with one part being the commercial/Industrial TIF Policy. Ray and Jim a9reed to meet with Kay in the near future and also w1th the Planning Intern to initiate work on this second policy. III. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY Kay reported that staff had met on The feasibility study is going well. several occasions. We are working on 1 ,.._~...,_,~._,_.^,_~,_c__,.._.....-.-.._..__,.,"__,_~_...". _",,,,___,,,,,~__,,__"""~_.___ft"_~'__~__~"__''"'_'_'__'___ a plat and that our consultant, R0ger Guenette, has been retained to work on some financ1ng options for the Business Office Park. IV. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that the Coalition had met in May and will be meeting again on June 19. Nat Wisser indicated that he had not been invited to the meetings. Kay reported that she would be including him and Jeannie Robbins on the agenda for their participation in the future. V. UPDATE ON SENIOR HOUSING PROPOSALS Kay reported that John Arkell had submitted an overview of a proposal which staff has taken and forwarded to the City Council. The City Council has a variety of opinions. staff has agreed to contact John Arkell and invite him in sharing the comments from the Council to encourage him to proceed, but be very up front about the fact that there is not universal support for this type of housing. Kay also reported that she had recently been contacted by Bill Kempf from Helgeson & Associates. Mr. Kempf reported that Helgeson & Associates would not be providing a proposal for Senior housing this Summer, perhaps over the Fall but probably not until next year. The reason for the delay is that Health Dimensions, the company they would be working with, has been delayed due to a buyout of another company. Mr. Kempf reiterated their interest in Prior Lake and their enthusiasm in coming to Prior Lake in the near future. The EDC spent a great deal of time talking about a Market Study and whether we should be doing some background information to set the stage for the Senior housin9 proposal. Kay reported that Mr. Arkell and Mr. Kempf 1ndicated interest in doing a Market Study and also indicated interest in the City participating in that. The obvious benefits of participating in the data is the City's. The drawback to participating is that we have to ~ay for it and we don't have control over the informat1on or who completes the study. Kay was asked to invite Bill Jaffa, Director of Scott County HRA, to the next meeting to clarify whether there is a strong need for Senior housing or what type of Senior housing we should be looking at. VI. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Kay reported that the Mahoney/Giles Woodridge Plat was moving along and staff is reviewing those submittals. 2 ~~-~.......__._-,~._,.-...- ..,.,.-.---' .. '. -. ,......_~.---..^......'_.,",-_._.~_.~,~",._,.~,,_..~"~_.._-"....-,,--......-.. .._._._._"._~--_.. The Super Valu and Enivid project have not had any progress recently. staff continues to work with Greg Foster as part of a Business Office Park study. Jere Phillips indicated that he knows a gentleman who owns and manages a Cashway store in st. Cloud. Jere said he would contact this person to see if they were interested in the site in Prior Lake. This gentleman's name is Dan Cobers. VII. DEVELOPMENT TOURS Kay inquired as to whether the EDC would be interested in doing Development Tours this year. Last year we skipped due to a lack of interest and a decision to go every other year. The EDC discussed this and decided that this would be a good idea. A subcommittee made up of Dar Fosse, Rachel VanDenBoom, Nat Wisser, and Bob Barsness will be ~lanning that. The subcommittee will be meeting some t1me in July to plan the Development Tours. The tours are tentatively scheduled for the first week in september. VIII ADJOURNMENT AND PICTURE TAKING The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m. in order to congregate by one of the star City signs to have their picture taken. 3 Approved3/5/91 Amended SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT This agreement made this day of , 1991 between the County of Scott, the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and the cities of Shakopee, Prior Lake, Savage, Belle Plaine, Jordan and New Prague and shall hereinafter be referred to as the participating bodies. WHEREAS, the participating bodies are Minnesota municipal corporations or bona fide governmental entities duly organized and licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, each of the participating bodies desires to work together to effectively promote economic development in Scott County; and WHEREAS, certain financial institutions, developers, and others share these interests with the participating bodies; and WHEREAS, the participating bodies historically have had a long and positive working relationship; and WHEREAS, there are a limited number of tools available to attract commercial and industrial prospects to the Scott County area; and WHEREAS, each of the participating bodies and others recognize the significant role that businesses play in contributing to the economic well being of Scott county; and WHEREAS, each of the participating bodies and others recognize that economic activity throughout Scott County will have a positive spinoff impact on their respective community and or jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, each of the respective participating bodies and others individually lack sufficient financial resources to obtain in house staff to process and package small business administration loans for interested business; and WHEREAS, the Twin cities Metro Development Co. has been certified by the State of Minnesota to process Small Business Administration (SBA) 503/504 loan programs; and WHEREAS, membership within the Twin cities Metro Development Co. may serve as a revenue source for the Scott county Economic Development Coalition to promote economic development opportunities in Scott County; and . .__,.,_,_...'~_"'_.~... ...... ........".._ ,.,....M...........''',....,,"."._.__...~.....""~_._~_____._.,..~....-~.... ,_..,_._,--~_.._,_._""-_..~--"_..,."._...~-_.,..,--"_.~~->_._,~..,". ......,,-, " WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute section 47l.59 allows the participating bodies to jointly exercise any power common to the participating bodies or any similar powers. NOW THEREFORE, the participating parties hereby mutually agree to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approved by motion at 4/25/9l SCEDC Board Mtg. The participating parties are entering into this agreement and creating the Scott County Economic Development Coalition in order to promote economic development throughout Scott County. Since development in anyone of the communities and areas within Scott County affects the other, and since a coordinated effort by the participating bodies may have greater impact and yield more benefits, the participating bodies agree to form this Coalition. The participating bodies hereby form the Scott County Economic Development Coalition. Each participating body shall appoint one representative to serve on the Board of Directors of the Scott County Economic Development Coalition. The Scott County Economic Development Coalition shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than 7 nor more than l5 Directors. Scott County Economic Development Coalition memberships shall be open to additional interested parties committing to a one time $500.00 membership fee. Scott County Economic Development Coalition Board of Director vacancies other than the position reserved to each participating body shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board. Each Director chosen by the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next election at the annual meeting and until his/her successor shall be duly elected and qualified. Each narticinatina body may have two renresentatives. One renresentative shall be a renresentative from the Board or Council servinq as the narticinatina bodv and the other renresentative mav be either a renresentative from a financial or develonment institution oneratina with the narticinatina bodv's ;urisdictional area. The Countv of Scott mav annoint two renresentatives to serve on the Board of Directors. One County reoresentative shall be aooointed bv the Scott County Board. The Scott County Economic Develonment Coalition shall have one at larqe Board of Director nosition to be filled at the nleasure of the Board of Directors. 6. Approved by motion at 5/15/91 SCEDC Board Mtg. lO. ll. 1/ 't.he Scott Coun~ Economic Development Coalition $ all investiaalfe usina anloraanization such as the ~ in cities Metro Development ~o. t~ocess and facilitate th~ ~~~~l of ~B~ ~~aranteed loans apply for membership in the Twin cities Metro Development Co. This action will facilitate participation in an established effective economic development organization. The Coalition may engage in other related economic development activities as selected by its Board of Directors. Provided, however, that any activity which requires funds in excess of those within the collected funds of the Coalition shall require the approval of the governing bodies of the participating bodies. 7. The Scott County Economic Development Coalition will serve as a vehicle to further economic development opportunities in Scott County, and to promote and assist the growth and development of business concerns in said area; including but not limited to the development of marketing materials which will promote economic development opportunities within Scott County as well as within the respective participating bodies jurisdiction. This Joint Powers Agreement shall not limit any of the participating bodies from pursuing other marketing efforts. 8. 9. The participating bodies agree to exchange all information, data, and reports which any participating body currently has, which would assist the Coalition in carrying out its work. Said information shall be furnished to the Coalition without charge. The participating bodies shall also cooperate with each other in every way possible in carrying out the scope of services. The Coalition may draw upon the staff of the participating bodies to perform any necessary work. Within its budget, the Coalition also may hire consultants as necessary. One participating body shall be designated as the deposi tory of Scott County Economic Development Coalition funds, by action of the Board of Directors at their first meeting. The depository may be changed on an annual basis, by a majority vote, or at any time if the participating body which was depository shall cease to be a participating body. The depository shall keep track of all funds available and all spent, and l2. 13. l4. l5. shall not allow expenditures in excess of the available funds. In the event the Board of Directors shall desire to exceed the amount of available funds, the depository shall bring the limits to their attention. The Board shall then consul t with the participating bodies and other members to determine whether or not they are prepared to provide additional funding. The Scott County Economic Development Coalition will abide by and support the bylaws of the Scott County Economic Development Coalition as attached in Exhibit A. This agreement shall remain in effect and shall govern the Scott County Economic Development Coalition, subject however to the right of the each respective participating body and any other interested body to terminate their participation with at least a 90 day notice to the Board of Directors. Upon termination of this agreement, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports or other materials prepared by or on behalf of the Coalition shall be distributed to the participating bodies as determined by the Board. In the event that the Board does not distribute the property, or there is an unsettled dispute as to distribution, then such undistributed or disputed property shall become the property of Scott County. In the event of any claims, suits, judgments and recoveries which may be asserted, made or may arise or be had, brought or recovered against the Scott County Economic Development Coalition in which adequate funds do not exist within the depository of the Scott County Economic Development Coalition to cover any of the foregoing claims, the participating bodies shall not be liable for anv a~~~_ L~ pro~grtionally s~~=~ in ~ cost of said claims. Approved by motion at 5/l5/9l SCEDC Board Mtg. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day of , 1991. auscjoint / Approved 5/15/91 Exhibit A JYLAWS OJ' SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION ARTICLE I Offices The official office of the Scott County Economic Development Coalition shall be in the City Hall of the City of Prior Lake, County of Scott, State of Minnesota. The Coalition may have offices at such other places as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine. ARTICLE II Purposes The primary purpose of the Coalition is to serve as a vehicle to further economic development opportunities in Scott County and to promote, and assist the growth and development of business concerns, including small business concerns in said area; to encourage and assist in the location of new business and industry in said area; and to contribute to the economic well being of the area as measured by increased employment, payroll, business volume and corresponding factors. ARTICLE III Membership 3.1} Membership within the Coalition shall be open to any person who has an interest in promoting economic development in Scott County. One membership class shall be established. In order to be in good standing, Coalition members shall be required to submit a one time membership fee in the amount of $500.00. 3.2} Meetings of members - Each February an annual meeting of the membership of this Coalition shall be held. The affairs and business of this Coalition shall be conducted by the Board of Directors as provided for elsewhere in these Bylaws. ARTICLE IV Board of Directors 4.1) General Powers - The property, affairs and business of 1 this Coalition shall be managed by the Board of Directors. 4.2) Number - The Coalition shall be managed by a Board of Directors which shall consist of not less than 7 and no more than 15 Directors. 4.3) Election. Term of Office and Oualifications - All Directors shall hold office until the next annual meeting and until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified or until their death, resignation or removal. A Director may serve an unlimited number of consecutive or non-consecutive terms. 4.4) votina Riahts - Each director shall be entitled to one vote. No director may cast an absentee vote, but written proxies shall be permitted. 4.5) Oraanization - A chairperson shall be one of the directors. Said chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote by the entire Board of Directors. At each meeting of the Board of Directors, the chairperson of this Coalition or, in his/her absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside. In the event both the chairperson and vice-chairperson are absent the Board may by majority vote appoint any member of the Board to serve as acting Chairperson to preside at the meeting. The secretary of this Coalition or, in his/her absence, any person whom the chairperson shall appoint, shall act as secretary of the meeting and take all minutes. 4.6) Resianation - Any director of this Coalition may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairperson or to the secretary. A resignation shall take effect at the time specified in such notice, unless otherwise stated therein. Acceptance of a resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 4.7) Vacancies - Director vacancies shall be filled by the authority of the respective organization or participating body in which the vacancy occurs. Any other vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board at the annual meeting or any other time vacancies occur. Each director chosen by the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next election at the annual meeting and until his/her successor shall be duly elected and qualified. 4.8) Place of Meetinas - The Board of Directors may hold its meetings at such place or places as it may from time to time determine by a majority vote. 4.9) Time of Reaular Meetinqs - The Board of Directors may hold its meetings at such times as it may from time to time determine by a majority vote of the members. 2 4.10) SDecial Meetinas - Special meetings of the Coalition may be called by the Chairperson, by any three Directors, or any five members. The Secretary shall cause a notice of such meeting to be mailed to all members at their addresses as they appear on the membership roll book at least ten days, but not more than thirty days, before the scheduled date of such meeting. Such notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting, and by whom called. 4.11) Ouorum: Manner of Actina - Except as otherwise provided by these bylaws, a majority of the total number of directors duly appointed shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the acts of a majority of the directors present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the acts of the Board of Directors. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the directors present may adjourn any meeting from time to time until a quorum be present. The Board of Directors and Coalition shall conduct all meetings in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Revised. ARTICLE V Officers 5.1) Number - The officers of this corporation shall be as follows: Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers of this Coalition as the Board may designate. 5.2) Election. Term of Office and Oualifications All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors at the annual meeting and shall hold office until the next annual meeting and until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified or until their death, resignation or removal. An officer may serve an unlimited number of consecutive or non-consecutive terms. 5.3) Resianations - Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, or the Chairperson. Any such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein or upon receipt if no time is specified. Unless otherwise specified in such resignation, the formal acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 5.4) Duties of Officers - The duties of the officers of this Coalition shall be as follows: 5.4.1) ChairDerson - Shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors; shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect; and shall have general managerial responsibility and authority. 3 5.4.2) Yice-Chairperso~ - Shall implement the orders and resolutions of the Board and shall have the management of the business affairs of the Coalition in assistance to the Chairperson. The Vice-Chair shall have all the powers of the Chairperson in the event of a vacancy or incapacity of the Chairperson. 5.4.3) Secretarv - Shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and shall give proper notice of meetings to directors. 5.4.4) Treasurer - Shall keep accurate accounts of all monies, drafts, and checks in the name of and to the credit of the Coalition in such banks and depositories as a majority of the whole Board of Directors shall designate from time to time. He/she shall have the power to endorse or deposit all notes, checks, and drafts received by the Coalition. He/she shall disburse the funds of the Coalition as ordered by the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers therefor. He/she shall render to the Chairperson and directors, whenever required, an account of all transactions as Treasurer. ARTICLE VI other Committees 6.1) Committees - The Board of Directors may, by motion, establish one or more committees and may designate one or more of the members of this Coalition to serve as members of such committees. The Board of Directors, by such motion, may also appoint non-members of this Coalition to serve on such committees. Such committees shall, if so requested by the Board, provide recommendations and other action or advice to the Board toward accomplishment of specific Coalition objectives. To the extent determined by the Board, a committee may have authority in the management of the specific business purpose for which the committee was formed. ARTICLE VII Fiscal Year 7.1) Fiscal Year: - The fiscal year of the Coalition shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year. 4 ARTICLE VIII Open Meetings 8.1} All meetings of the Board of Directors of this Coalition shall be open to the public to the extent required for public bodies under the Open Meetings Law. ARTICLE IX Amendments 9.1) Provisions of these Bylaws may be altered, amended or revised at any regular or special meeting if approved by a majority of all the members of the Board of Directors present at such duly noticed meeting. Certification The undersigned officer of the Coalition hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Bylaws of the Coalition duly adopted by the Board of Directors the day of 1991 and currently in effect. Dated: Chairperson aubylaws 5 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 W'J$% 2((91 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AUGUST l3, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve June 25, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. EDC Reappointments III. Update on Business Office Park IV. Update on SCEDC V. Update on Pro;ects-k VI. Info-Expo VII. Development Tours VIII. star citv Re-certification IX. Other Business x. Ad;ournment 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447.4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 25, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Darcy Running, Rachel VanDenBoom, Ray Lemley, Jeannie Robbins, Steve Nielson, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. ~PPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR JUNE 11, 1991 MOTION BY DAR FOSSE, SECONDED BY NAT WISSER, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 1l, 1991 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY Kay reported that the Business Office Park Study continues to be a high priority with city staff. The Engineerin9 Department has created several configurat1ons of plats for the ~roposed industrial land that's used within the City l1mits. Staff will be reviewing the plats, and puttin9 together a cost estimate as part of the feasib1lity study. Staff continues to work with an August time frame in getting the information to the City Council. Jeannie Robbins inquired as to whether the Chamber of Commerce had been updated on the progress of the Business Office Park Study. Kay reported that she would provide that information at the next Chamber meeting. III. UPDATE ON SCEDC The EDC reviewed the updated Joint Powers Agreement and Bylaws. Kay updated them on the progress of the group. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE, TO APPROVE THE BYLAWS AND JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AS REVISED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 . _...~~......,-~._-,..._,,-,..",,_...,~-~-_....----'" ,._..~--------'_.'"'"' IV. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Kay reported that we have not received any information from Super Value Staff will be reviewing their project as soon as it is submitted to the City. Kay reported that she had received a call from Kathleen Nye to indicate that Enivid has signed a sixty day exclusive contract which will limit their ability to bring in another grocer except for the Ericksons. The Ericksons than have sixty days to put together some type of proposal and to negotiate the lease agreement in an exclusive environment. Kay reported that Paul Johnson who is representing D.W. Hutt, a company out of st. Cloud, has contacted the City regarding building a Country Inn Hotel on the outdoor theater site. Kay has met with them and has talked to them on the phone on several occasions and continues to provide information to him in order for them to make a decision. V. UPDATE ON BUSINESS APPRECIATION GOLF TOURNAMENT Kay reported that the letters had been sent out, and that the registration for the ~olf tournament will be happening through the school d1strict office this year. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Bloominqton Ferry Bridge The EDC discussed the Bloomington Ferry Bridge issue and requested an update on the breakfast meeting last week. Kay reported that the issue has not been resolved and that city staff and Council continue to work on it. The EDC recommended that the City along with EDC support circulating a petition of support for our position of better access. Infill Issue Darcy Running requested that Kay continue to work on the infill issue providing maps and encouragement to all developers to build on lots that are available and serviced at this time. The EDC further discussed meetings and agreed not to hold any meetings in July. The next meeting will be August l3, 1991. VII. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m. 2 ~~""'--""-~"~"""""-"'~'-'- ,,,..~.... ... . ._._"..~.",.,~......"....-,,"..-~._,...~"-_.,.~_.-~."-.--,"._._---~"-"-"~-'" ".,._.~----------,_....._"~----^-_.~.,-~,._._."...,_.__.~-~_.-_.~--- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 25, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Oar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Darcy Running, Rachel VanDenBoom, Ray Lemley, Jeannie RObbins, steve Nielson, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR JUNE 11, 1991 MOTION BY DAR FOSSE, SECONDED BY NAT WISSER, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 11, 1991 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY Kay reported that the Business Office Park Study continues to be a high priority with City staff. The Engineerin9 Department has created several configurat1ons of plats for the ~roposed industrial land that's used within the city l1mits. Staff will be reviewing the plats, and puttin9 together a cost estimate as part of the feasib1lity study. Staff continues to work with an August time frame in getting the information to the City Council. Jeannie Robbins inquired as to whether the Chamber of Commerce had been updated on the progress of the Business Office Park Study. Kay reported that she would provide that information at the next Chamber meeting. III. UPDATE ON SCEDC The EDC reviewed the updated Joint Powers Agreement and Bylaws. Kay updated them on the progress of the group. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE, TO APPROVE THE BYLAWS AND JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AS REVISED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 IV. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Kay reported that we have not received any information from Super Value Staff will be reviewing their project as soon as it is submitted to the City. Kay reported that she had received a call from Kathleen Nye to indicate that Enivid has signed a sixty day exclusive con~rac~ which will limi~ ~heir abili~y ~o brinq in another grocer except for the Ericksons. The Ericksons than have sixty days to put together some type of proposal and to negotiate the lease agreement in an exclusive environment. Kay reported that Paul Johnson who is representing D.W. Hutt, a company out of st. Cloud, has contacted the City regarding building a Country Inn Hotel on the outdoor theater site. Kay has met with them and has talked to them on the phone on several occasions and continues to provide information to him in order for them to make a decision. v. UPDATE ON BUSINESS APPRECIATION GOLF TOURNAMENT Kay reported that the letters had been sent out, and that the registration for the 90lf tournament will be happening through the school d1strict office this year. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Bloominqton Ferry Bridqe The EDC discussed the Bloomington Ferry Bridge issue and requested an update on the breakfast meeting last week. Kay reported that the issue has not been resolved and that City staff and Council continue to work on it. The EDC recommended that the City along with EDC support circulating a petition of support for our position of better access. Infill Issue Darcy Running requested that Kay continue to work on the infill issue providing maps and encouragement to all developers to build on lots that are available and serviced at this time. The EDC further discussed meetings and agreed not to hold any meetings in July. The next meeting will be August 13, 1991. VII. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m. 2 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 18'J$K 2Q9/ PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AUGUST 27, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve Auqust 13, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. Info-Expo * Attachment for sign Up Duty III. ~oint Powers Aqreement for SCEDC IV. Update on Business Office Park V. Update on proiects VI. Star citv Recertification VII. Follow Up James Company Community Center New Business Questions Prior Lake American Column countr Road 2l Progress Bloom1ngton Ferry Bridge Progress IX. other Business , '\,.-1- C'-_ \L{ CM~-tm.bS V ~ ~ t:)~,/ Adiournment VIII. 4629 Dakota 51. 5E, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 13, 1991 Members present: Vice Chairman Rachel VanDenBoom, Nat wisser, Jeannie Robbins, Jere Phillips, Jim Hill, Bill Packer, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Vice Chairman VanDenBoom. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR JUNE 25, 1991 MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY JEANNIE ROBBINS TO APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 25, 1991. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. EDC REAPPOINTMENTS Kay Schmudlach reported that three members of the Economic Development Committee were up for rea~pointment in July of 1991. They are Dar Fosse, Nat W1sser and Darcy Running. Kay reported that Nat wisser and Dar Fosse have indicated interest in reappointment. Darcy Running has indicated that he will be discontinuing his membership with the EDC due to conflict with work. Darcy Running requested that he make the formal request to the EDC at the next meetin9 and will at that time submit his letter of resignat1on. MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY RACHEL VANDENBOOM TO REAPPOINT DAR FOSSE AND NAT WISSER TO THE EDC FOR A TWO YEAR TERM THAT WILL EXPIRE IN JULY OF 1993. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The EDC spent several minutes discussing new membership and requested that Kay call John E~gan from MNTEX to see if he would be interested in a pos1tion on the EDC. Jim Hill also asked Kay to research the file to find out other candidates who have indicated interest in the EDC and see if there would be likely candidates for these positions. III. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK STUDY Kay reported that staff continues to work on the feasibility study for the extension of sewer and water and public roadways into the existing industrial park and into the identified area for potential business 1 ~ .... ~._._--_..,.~._,~.",---~~.., ........~-_.._...._~,...,--_.~"._~_.~.~..,_..~-~-'-_.-~_.._._..----~.."..~---"'--- office park. The conclusion of the feasibility study is anticipated in two weeks. At that time staff will work with Roger Guenette putting together financial figures to indicate to the Council what trpe of financial commitment ther would be assuming 1f they indicate interest in g01ng ahead. committee members requested to know what type of figures we will be usin9 for the cost of the land. Kay reported that we are uS1ng a ball park figure of $10,000 per acre. The EDC discussed the cost of land and also the likelihood of the Council initiating an industrial park with the rather limited budget restrictions. Kay reported that she would be asking the Council at one of the next Council meetings to indicate a date for workshop, probably the first week in September. IV. UPDATE ON SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that the Coalition had met several weeks ago and had spent a 9reat deal of time discussing the Metropolitan certif1ed Development Company with Bob Heck. The Coalition has indicated that they would be willing to support the $5,000 membership fee to the Certified Development Company, and will be negotiating that following a formal approval from the board on August 21. The Coalition has also spent some time with the Joint Powers revisions. On August 1, 1991 Kay met with attorneys from the County, the city of Shakopee and with the Prior Lake attorney to work out the final details of the Joint Powers Agreement. It is anticipated that the Joint Powers Agreement will go to the Council the first meeting in September. V. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Kay reported that Enivid, at the last reporting of a~proximately a week ago, are continuing to negotiate w1th the Erickson family and it appears to be very close on the lease arrangement. They are antici~ating a construction date in1tiating in september of th1s year. Super Valu similarly is pursuing their project and staff anticipates that they will submit for preliminary approval in August. Kay reported that there are a couple of other projects that business people have indicated interest in. A local family is interested in constructing a drive thru cleaners. Kay indicated to them that a trailer home setup would not work and they are working with staff to find and alternate location. There is also a landscape company that has indicated interest in locating in Prior Lake. 2 ."".._._.~~-,-,~""._~,,~-".._-'-,,--~,_.,_._-~."".~"--'~~.~",_. --- VI. INFO-EXPO Kay reported that they have 32 ~eople signed up with only 34 spaces available. The s1gn up has gone very well. The subcommittee will have to meet again to work out some of the details on the brochure that will be printed, the publicity and some of the staffing arrangements. Kay reported that she will be sending out a sign up sheet for peo~le to work for the Chamber booth and the the EDC booth w1th the next agendas. VII. DEVELOPMENT TOURS The EDC discussed development tours and decided to postpone them for one year because the Business Office Park Study is not completed and there isn't a lot else happening in this area at this time. VIII.STAR CITY RE-CERTIFICATION Kay said that she would be calling a subcommittee meeting of the re-certification to initiate that process towards the end of this month. There are several items that need to be updated prior to the end of the year. These include the Five Year Work Program, the One Year Strategy, Business Retention, and etc. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Jim Hill requested an update on staff's work with the James Company on building a building for lease of two smaller businesses. Kay reported that she had not talked to Tony for some time but would do that. Kay would also try to work on that list of the cottage Industries. Jeannie Robbins suggested that we look at the IGA space for potential for this type of business and Jim Hill also requested that staff research community centers and check if there is sunset on the TIF legislation that would not allow us to construct a community center using TIF dollars. Rachel asked Kay to contact Ernie Peacock regarding our business office park concept and share the map with him. Also the committee talked about some out reach type projects. Kay was asked to put a list together of new bUS1nesses in town and call EDC members to have them contact the businesses and ask them 4 or 5 questions on how they have been treated in the City. One example of a new business would be Rich Barry the new owner of Cahots. 3 The committee also discussed running a column in the paper to update people on the actions of the EDC. Kay also reported that the Council had requested that from now on agendas for the EDC meetings be published in the paper. X. ADJOURNMENT The next date for the EDC meeting will be August 27, 1991 at 7:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 a.m. 4 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 CU!TJ.5f!)JV 2eg1 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER lO, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve Auqust 27, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. Confirm Info-Expo Details III. Update on Pro;ects Enivid Super Valu Hotel Business Office Park IV. Other Business v. Ad;ournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 27, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob VanDenBoom, Hill, Bill Unmacht, Ray Barsness, Vice Chairman Rachel Nat Wisser, Jeannie Robbins, Jim Packer, Steve Nielsen, Dave Lemley, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Bob Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR AUGUST l3, 1991 MOTION BY JEANNIE ROBBINS, SECONDED BY JIM APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1991 AS WRITTEN. THE PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. HILL, TO MEETING MOTION II. INFO-EXPO Kay passed around the sign up sheet for Info-Expo, and explained to the committee members that we will need several workers to help set up the booth and several workers to staff the booth. The sign up sheet will be typed and sent out to confirm those assignments prior to Info-Expo. III. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SCEDC The revised Joint Powers Agreement has not been completed by the Shakopee City Attorney, but they will have it completed prior to the September 18, 1991 SCEDC meeting. One of the attorneys from either Shako~ee or Prior Lake will be attending the meeting explain1ng to the group the reasons for the changes. Basically there has been a recommendation from the attorneys to change the Joint Powers Agreement so that the organizational structure is different than it is today. In practical application the committee will continue to function as it currently does. IV. UPDATE ON BUSINESS OFFICE PARK Kay updated the committee on the progress that City staff has been making on the Business Office Park. The Engineering De~artment has put together final figures for the extens10n of infrastructure for the existing 1 Industrial Park, the new park and both of those ~rojects. staff will be looking at those figures 1nternally this week. A meeting has been set up with our consultant for September 4, 1991. When Roger Guenette meets with us we will be giving him the financials, and he will be putting together several scenarios on how this project could be financed. The Council has set up a workshop date of October 9, 1991 to meet with the EDC and the Planning Commission to talk about the Business Office Park. Staff will be getting out a detailed outline of the plans for the workshop prior to that. The EDC will be on the agenda from 6:30-8:30 p.m. V. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Kar updated the committee on the Super Valu and the En1vid projects. On the Super Valu project Kay reported that as a result of the editorial in the paper, written by local grocery store manager Dave Chromy, Kay has been in contact with the Super Valu Corporation who have indicated that they will be resubmitting their preliminary plat information the week of August 26. Up until that time staff is not in a position to respond to anything since we have nothing to respond to. However, Kay's discussion with Lyle Fuller of Super Valu Corporation, revealed that Lyle had a different understanding then staff's understanding about several key issues. Kay asked that Lyle contact some local people and bring them in so that we can rehash some of these issues, specifically County Road 23, 170th Street, Highway 13, and the signal. To date there has been no contact from Mr. Fuller on the date of that meeting. The Enivid project appears not to be proceeding as well as had been anticipated. The Erickson family have indicated that Prior Lake is not the number one priority and that they may be backing off their pursuit of that project. Kathleen Nye has contacted Gateway Wholesale Corporation who have indicated that they would like to find a retailer for this spot. Staff, at the request of Council, is preparing a project update that will be reported on at the September 3, 1991 City Council meeting. City Attorney Glenn Kessel is also preparing a brief on our responsibilities in regards to the Development Agreement that we have signed with Enivid Corporation. VI. STAR CITY RE-CERTIFICATION Kay reported that committee members, Dar Foss~,. Rachel VanDenBoom and Darcy Runnin9 will be organ1z1ng and starting work on our Star C1ty re-certification. The re-certification necessary for 1992 is amendments to the 2 Five Year Plan, to the One Year strategy, and the Business Retention contacts. Kay will be calling Darcy Running the Chairman of that Subcommittee to set up a meeting sometime in the first week in October. VII. FOLLOW-UP James Company - Kay has not been in contact with Tony Oxboro regarding the James Company project. Community Center - Kay reported she has talked to Roger about doing some research on using Tax Increment Financing for a community center. Prior Lake American Column The committee discussed whether we should do a column in the paper, an update on our Economic Development Committee activities. It was a9reed that prior to the first Monday of the month, Kay w1ll summarize the activities of the EDC, focus in on one subject, draft the article, give it to Dave to edit, fax it to Bob Barsness in order for him to review it and comment, and then get it to the newspaper to be printed the first Monday of the month. County Road 21 Update - Dave reported that he had met last week with Dick Underferth, county CV&lUUission. Dick Underferth and Ed Macki are both verr supportive of County Road 21, and that progress is be1ng made from the standpoint that the plans continue to be worked on. However, the township has declined their responsibility for paying for the road as it goes through the township. Therefore the County will not proceed until they get at least the $150,000 to complete the project through the township. EDC members were encouraged to contact Ed Macki and Dick Underferth to put some pressure on the County in order to proceed with this project. Bloominqton Ferry Bridqe - Dave reported that a staff person from the Metropolitan Council Planning Department has been assigned to this project and is in the process of gathering and evaluating research data. He intends to contact the City staff of Prior Lake and Shakopee to discuss the plans and the impact on the area in the near future. Dave reported that the September 10 deadline that Bonnie Featherstone had suggested is not realistic, and that the gentleman from the Metropolitan Council has indicated that a decision will probably be made more in October to November. Kay reported that the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a meeting on se~tember 18 requesting Bonnie Featherstone to attend to d1SCUSS the Bloomington Ferry Bridge progress. 3 VIII.OTHER BUSINESS Several items were discussed under other business. Kay reported that the Prior Lake Christmas party will be December 14, 1991 at the Chart House. The EDC members are encouraged to attend. Kay also reported that Darcy Running has submitted a letter of resignation to the EDC. After some discussion there was a MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY RACHEL VANDENBOOM, TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION AND SEND DARCY A LETTER AND A CARD EXPRESSING OUR CONGRATULATIONS ON HIS NEW BUSINESS VENTURE. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Kay reported that on September 24 both Dave Unmacht and Kay will be at a conference. Therefore the EDC will have to be rescheduled. The EDC will be meeting on the following dates: September 10 at 7:00 a.m. and October 8 at 7:00 a.m. One of the primary topics at the October 8 meeting will be the results from the City'S internal study and the information forwarded by Roger Guenette on the Business Office Park. Next was a discussion by Ray Lemley on his progress regarding the hotel. Ray reported that he has met with several different hotels. They're leaning towards the Comfort Inn and he has been negotiating with the representatives from Comfort Inn and the representatives from the Redwood Falls Bank who owns the property. After much discussion the EDC encouraged the City to become involved to make the project work. Kay will be talking to Rar in the near future re9arding his plans and how the C1ty can become a player 1n this project. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION TO ADJOURN BY NAT WISSER. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. 4 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OCTOBER 8, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. ~pprove Auqust lO, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. Discuss the Business Office Park Plans III. Update on Pro;ects Enivid Su~er Valu Ra1nbow Play Systems IV. Other Business v. Ad;ournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, VanDenBoom, Nat wisser, Robbins, Jere Phillips, Schmudlach vice Chair Oar Fosse, Jim Hill, Rachel Jeannie and Kay The Economic Development committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR AUGUST 27, 1991 MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY RACHEL VANDENBOOM, TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 27, 1991. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. CONFIRM INFO-EXPO 1991 DETAILS Kay reported that the Business Expo is proceedin9 very well. There have been many requests for add1tional space. The committee discussed the drawings and recommended that the drawings be held after Expo and the results published in the ~aper. Kay was asked to call all the business partic1pants and remind them that tables will not be provided. III. UPDATE ON PROJECTS ENIVID Kay reported that the City had received a letter from Kathleen Nye-Reiling requesting an extension to the Development Agreement. The request has been forwarded to our Legal Counsel and is being reviewed at this time. The EDA will be meeting some time at the end of September or beginnin9 of October to discuss the request and the action that w1ll have to be taken. Enivid will have to be notified if the Citr intends to terminate the agreement. The developers, En1vid, have re9Uested an extension based on unavoidable delar. Staff 1S of the opinion that this is not an unavo1dable delay but a default, and if so, the Development Agreement would probably be discontinued. SUPER VALU Kay reported that the city has received the second draft of the Preliminary Plat from Super Value Staff has reviewed it and there are several minor deficiencies. More importantly there are several major outstanding 1 issues that need further discussion. staff is meeting with city council representatives Fitzgerald and Scott on Wednesday, September 11, 1991 to discuss the issues and come up with some type of staff and Council opinion. The Super Valu representatives will be asked to come in for a meeting next week to review the Preliminary Plat requirements. HOTEL Ka~ reported that she is unaware of any progress on th1s. The EDC did request that Kay contact the gentleman from st. Cloud regarding the hotel project and forwarded his name to Debbie McGaherty. BUSINESS OFFICE PARK Kay reported that staff has made progress on the Feasibility Study. Staff has met with consultants Roger Guenette and Ed Tschida on the Business Office Park. Staff will also be meeting with Frank Muelken to discuss the Adelman property. The EDC will be introduced to all the details of the Business Office Park on October 8, 1991, one day prior to the Council, Planning Commission and EDC Workshop. IV. OTHER BUSINESS Nat Wisser brought up Rainbow Play Systems and said that he had been contacted by Greg Foster regarding some concerns he had for ex~ansion. Greg has worked with the City in the past ident1fying the problem, but has not been able to come up with any concrete plan as to how to address the outstanding issues. Mr. Foster is in need of sewer and water in order to expand his building. Several other items were discussed. One being the Bloomington Ferry Bridge Progress. Kay reported that Bonnie Featherstone has been asked to attend the se~tember 18, 1991 Chamber of Commerce meeting. As of th1s date she has not confirmed her attendance but staff anticipates that she will. The EDC requested Kay to ask Dave how we should be responding to her attendance at the meeting. Kay reported that she would talk to Dave and get an answer back to all the EDC members. Also the EDC requested an update on countr Road 18. Kay reported that no progress has been made S1nce the last meeting. The EDC asked Kay to identify a way in which the EDC members can effectively facilitate this project. Kay will discuss it with Dave and get back to the EDC. Kay was also asked to contact the Town Center Association to see if they have set up a meeting with the County officials regarding County Road 21 plans. V. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. 2 HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OCTOBER 22, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve October 8, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes CUffJ~K 2Q91 II. Discuss the Follow-up for the Business Office Park Cost Benefit Analysis III. Update on Pro;ects Enivid Super Valu IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. "..- Discuss Re-certification of Star city Proqram Update on SCEDC Discussion of Senior Housinq Discussion of the EDC Annual Worksho~ Ad;ournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447.4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 8, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Nat Wisser, Jim Hill, Bill Packer, Ray Lemley, Jeannie Robbins, Kay Schmudlach, and Larry Anderson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY NAT WISSER TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER lO, 1991. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. DISCUSS BUSINESS OFFICE PARK PLANS The Business Office Park Report was distributed by mail on Friday, October 4, 1991. Committee members have read the report and requested a summary by City Engineer Larry Anderson. Larry walked through the four alternatives identifying the components of each infrastructure improvement and the cost. Following the presentation of the maps, the EDC discussed the alternatives. One ~f the key concerns was the extension of utility serv1ce to Rainbow Play Systems. The committee discussed the cost of extending the utilities to Rainbow Play Systems without providing services to the entire existing industrial park. The other option would be for Rainbow Play systems to relocate into the new Business Office Park area. The concern with alternative 3 and 4 dealt with the cost of $200 per front foot for property owners. The EDC agreed that an informational meeting was necessary in order to get feed back from the property owners on whether they want to proceed with this improvement. The EDC discussed subsidizing the cost of those improvements and felt that if the new Business Office Park is pursued, perhaps the anticipated revenues could be dedicated to subsidizing the cost of the existing industrial park utility extension at a future date. 1 The EDC discussed alternative one and two in detail. There was some discussion as to whether an additional alternative could be developed that would combine the benefits of alternate one by bringing infrastructure to the edge of the Business Office Park, but provide a grading of the sites to further encourage business development. The utilities would not be extended through the industrial park at this time but would be extended at the time that a business comes in. The EDC spent a great deal of time talking about whether a partnership between the city and the property owner could be mutually beneficial. The partnership would involve the city's commitment of infrastructure to the site and the property owners commitment of the land. The propertr is in a trust and the trustee is Frank Muelken. J1m Hill and Bill Packer discussed whether the trust could enter into the partnership deriving the same percentage of profit as their investment out of the deal. The EDC anticipates proposing this to the City council and the Planning Commission and staff at the October lO, 1991 Workshop. Staff reported that they had anticipated some type of long term contract whereby we make an up front paYment plus paYments over the lO or 25 years of the debt. The EDC felt more comfortable with some type of arrangement whereby the city would not pay anything until the land is actually sold to a private developer. Thereby the city's not becoming a property owner. The EDC concluded by asking staff to put cost estimates for the alternatives identified so that these could be added and proposed on October lO, 1991. together some that they had to the record III. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Kay reported that staff is requesting an EDA meeting on October 21, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. which will be prior to the city council meetin9' The EDA will be asked to consider authorizing Gene Wh1te, Chairman to sign a letter that will be sent to the EDA which will start the process for exiting out of the Development Agreement. Staff anticipates the meeting to be relatively short. Following the receipt of the letter, the Enivid representatives have the right to make a presentation to the EDA either substantiating their claim that they are not defaulting but have had no progress because of unavoidable delays; or requesting an extension based on the desire for the city to continue to have that development on-site. Kay further reported that at the Council meeting on October 7, 1991, the city council had approved the city entering into a study of transportation infrastructure 2 improvements for the proposed Super Valu site. The study will cost $20,000, the countr has committed up to $10,000, and the city will be pick1ng up the balance of $10,000. The developer will not be sharing in the cost of the study. The study is important and necessary whether it is done today or five years from now. However, the Radermacher's First Addition, as the plat is now referred to, is causing the study to be done at this time versus five years from now. The Council asked for several assurances from Super Valu, and the study initiation is contingent upon these. The first one is that the property owner, Valley Bank of Peoria, Illinois, provide an understanding that they will extend the option which is to expire on December 30, 1991 for at least 90 days. The representative of the bank was in attendance and has agreed to do that. The second is information that the Council needs which is proof that Super Valu, as the corporation purchasing the land, has entered into an agreement with Rachermacher's which states that they will sell the land to Rachermachers. The third item necessary is a written statement sars Lee Rachermacher will take responsibility re1mbursing the city and the county for the cost of study; if at some point he decides that he will proceed with the project based on him not wishing pursue the project. that for the not to IV. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business brought up at this time. V. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. 3 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 12, 1991 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approve October 22, 1991 EDC Meeting Minutes Discuss the Business Office Park Followu~ Update on proiects Enivid Super Valu Discuss Re-certification of star city Proqram Business Retention Expansion Interviews Five Year Program One Year Strategy Annual Report Discussion of EDC Annual Worksho~ Other Business Adiournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 22, 1991 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Nat Ray Lemley, Jeannie VanDenBoom, Jere Phillips, Fosse, and Kay Schmudlach wisser, Jim Hill, Robbins, Rachel Dave Unmacht, Dar The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 8, 1991 MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY, TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8, 1991. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. DISCUSS FOLLOWUP FOR BUSINESS OFFICE PARK Kay distributed a copy of a study analysis of the financial impact that proposed future development had in the northwest and north central municipal utility area pre~ared for the City of Plymouth by springstad Corporat1on. Kay suggested we use this as a model for the Council re~ested cost benefit analysis. At the workshop the C1ty Council requested that the EDC prepare this to support their argument for investing in this proposed development. The Council also asked that Rachel VanDenBoom, Jim Hill County Commissioner Dick County Road 21 extension. a committee made and Lee Andren meet Underferth to support up of with the The committee talked further about the cost benefit and asked Kay to do some research with the state to see if they had other formulas or other outlines available to identify all the benefits even those that are not associated with a cash value. There was a committee appointed including Jim, Rachel and Jeannie to work with Kay on this cost benefit analysis. The proposed deadline for this would be two weeks or by the next EDC meeting. Nat Wisser brought up the possible relocation of Greg Foster's Rainbow Play Systems again and encouraged staff to meet with Greg to layout the options for him and to encourage his relocation to the new park. EDC members 1 also suggested that we consider using the current Rainbow Play Systems facilities as the fire station. III. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Enivid Kay reported that on Mondar, October 21, 1991 the EDA with City council ratif1cation, approved an amended development agreement with Enivid corporation. What this means is that the agreement which currently exists will be extended for a one year period to be reviewed every six months, and so therefore, when the developer goes out to market the property they can still market the available city assistance with the soil correction problems. Super Valu Kay reported that she's still waiting for documentation from Lyle Fuller to meet the requirements which the City Council had set. The Council set three criteria that Super Valu had to meet prior to the city authorizing the study. There were: l) a letter from Lee Radermacher guaranteeing to cover the study if he chose not to pursue the project, 2) a letter of agreement between Radermacher and Super Valu stating that Super Valu will sell the land to Radermacher, and 3) an extension to the o~tion that they currently have on the site. Once the C1ty receives these documents they will initiate the traffic study. The study will take approximately 8 weeks. At that time those changes will be applied to the preliminary plat, and the city will continue to review it at that time to see if Super Valu will still be anticipating spring construction. IV. RE-CERTIFICATION OF STAR CITY Kay reported that the Star city Subcommittee had met and were going through the review process. The most important items to be updated and submitted for re-certification include the One Year Work Program and the Five Year study. Kay reported that the Scott County Economic Development Coalition will be working on some of the other items for re-certification that need not be done on an annual basis. Those include the Labor Survey and the Business Retention Expansion activities. Kay reported, however, that the EDC may want to take on some of the responsibilities for the Business Retention Expansion because it is a local project. Therefore, Kay will be putting together a list of those businesses to contact and proceeding with the Business Expansion Retention Program in November and December. 2 v. SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION Kay reported that on October 21, 1991 the City Council approved the amended Joint Powers Agreement. The items to be amended on the Joint Powers Agreement were minor however, clarification was necessary in order for the Coalition to proceed. Kay reported that the subcommittees are busy putting together their materials, including a marketing brochure for the Business Expansion Subcommittee. VI. SENIOR HOUSING Kay requested feed back from the committee regarding the pursuit of senior housing, two projects surfaced 1) the current HRA project and possible ex~ansion to a second building, and 2) the project with B1ll Kempf. Kay was asked to contact both individuals to see where they are at with the projects and offer help or guidance. VII. EDC ANNUAL WORKSHOP Kay reported that at this time the EDC anticipates a December or January Workshop, and requested input from the EDC as to how ther would like to proceed with it this year. The EDC d1scussed the workshop and agreed that it is an important function of the EDC. They would like Kay to schedule an EDC workshop in December and a followup, possibly a joint EDC/Planning Commission/City Council Workshop in January as part of the Council's regular workshop. Kay will discuss this with City Manager Unmacht and report back to the EDC in two weeks. Dar Fosse indicated that one of the topics for the EDC workshop could be to explore the type of businesses that would work well in Prior Lake, knowing what our transportation networks are, knowing what our local labor sup~ly is, and looking at our regional opportunit1es. Another topic for possible discussion at the workshop could be the City's purchase of the marina. The EDC discussed this idea and felt that the service is necessary and may be a good service to provide for our citizens. VIII.OTHER BUSINESS The Chairman, Bob Barsness, requested support of a motion to support both bond issues. 3 MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, TO ENDORSE BOTH BOND ISSUES. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Kay was requested to draft a paragraph of support for the bond issues that will be faxed Barsness. Bob will take it to Jim Ricciolli Prior Lake American to be placed either through or through a letter to the editor. general to Bob at the a column Attendance: record to attendance. record will or improved Bob asked Kay to update the attendance see who has not met their required 75% Those who haven't met that attendance be sent a letter asking for their continued participation or their resignation. IX. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. 4 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 26, 1991 7:30 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve November 12. 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. Discuss the Update Business Office Park Followup * Financial Analysis * Pro/Con Discussion * Results of the Negotiations III. Update on Pro;ects Enivid Super Valu Woodridge Estates Countr Road 21 Bloom1ngton Ferry Bridge Rainbow Play Systems IV. Update on Star citv Proqram . Business Retention Expansion Interviews * Five Year Program - Attached * One Year Strategy - Attached * Annual Report - Attached V. Formalize EDC Annual Workshop Outline * Attached VI. Other Business VII. Ad;ournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 Members Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Nat wisser, Jim Hill, Ray Lemley, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dar Fosse, Bill Packer, and Kay Schmudlach Jeannie Robbins, Jere Phillips, Steve Neilsen Members Absent: The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 22, 1991 MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY RACHEL VANDENBOOM TO APPROVE THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 1991 AS SUBMITTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. DISCUSS BUSINESS OFFICE PARK FOLLOWUP Kay reported to the EDC that as a result of the Council/ EDC/Planning C~~uission Workshop, three action items as follow up to the Business Office Park discussion were identified. The first item is the Financial Analysis. Two weeks ago a meeting with Jim Hill, his son, Ralph Teschner, Larry Anderson, Bruce Loney, Dave Unmacht, and Kay Schmudlach was held to review a financial analysis that was put together by Mr. Hill. Second, the assumptions used need to be modified, but overall the analysis is exceptional and will give the Council a good idea of the private, public partnership. Staff will be meeting to review the assumptions with Mr. Hill and will make recommended changes to the committee. The next meeting for this has been set for November 14, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. The committee plus Bob Barsness and John Fitzgerald will be meeting to do a final review of the financial analysis prior to the financial analysis going back to the Council. The second item which needs to be completed is a pro/con analysis of the impact of economic development on Prior Lake. Councilmembers requested that some type of document be prepared to identify those intangible benefits that impact a community. A subcommittee of Jim Hill, Rachel VanDenBoom, Jeannie Robbins, and Bill Packer has been created to do this. Kay will draft a pro/con analysis for discussion on Thursday. On Thursday, November 14 at 10:00 a.m. the committee will meet to review and make some revisions. The final item 1 is negotiations. John Fitzgerald and Bob Barsness met with Frank Muelken who represents the Estate to talk about the City purchasing or obtaining an option on this ~roperty. The subc....&&Uuittee has recommendations that 1nclude purchasing or acquiring an option on the property. These three things need to be prepared and put together in a package to go back to the Council by December 2, 1991. Followin~ the meeting on Thursday, ho~efully we can have a vis10n on how we want to package th1s product. The EDC recommended that we introduce this followup to the EDA prior to the City council. Kay was asked to inquire as to whether we can do this with City Manager Unmacht. County Road 21 Access: Bill Packer reported that the meeting on October 23, 1991 was held by the Business Association to talk about the improvements to County Road 21. Kay re9Uested that Bill talk to Dave about any type of continu1ng effort to make this development improvement occur. Bill also mentioned that through a conversation with Councilmember Larson, he thinks that we should look into having better signage on 35W in order to get the traffic going through Pr10r Lake to the recreational establishments in Scott County. We should start working on changing those traffic patterns NOW instead of waiting until County Road 21 is completed. Kay was asked to look into the approval process for erecting attraction signs on 35W and the County roads between 35W and Prior Lake. III. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Enivid: Kay reported that Jim O'Meara with Briggs and Morgan and Glenn Kessel the Citr Attorney are updating the development agreement. Bas1cally what they're doing is taking out any reference to Super Market and to the project value. The new development agreement will be a more generic document. The understanding by all will have to be that the increment will be less and the value put on the City participation will be less because of the change in tenure. The time clock for the tax increment project has alreadr been initiated. The amount of increment generated w1ll be less because we will only be able to capture it at this point over 6 years versus 8 years. with that understanding, the city still endorses the development agreement. Super Valu: Kay reported that at the last council meeting, Lee Radermacher attended, the Council renegotiated some requested information from him, and all parties left feelin9 comfortable with what was decided. Staff is antic1pating that the traffic study for Super Valu will be completed by the first of the year. This will allow the developer to complete their plans submitted to the city and have a project by spring of 1992. 2 Woodridqe Estates Update: Bill Packer asked Kay to update the EDC regarding the Metropolitan Council's decision on Woodridge Estates. Kay had not heard an update. Staff felt 900d after the last meeting and is anticipating a posit1ve response from the Metropolitan Council regarding the extension of urban service to Woodridge Estates. However, we will not hear until November 15, once we do hear staff will be reacting accordingly. If staff makes a negative recommendation, the option remains open to the city as far as swapping land out of the urban service area in order to put the Woodridge Estates in. IV. DISCUSS RE-CERTIFICATION OF STAR CITY PROGRAM Business Retention/Expansion Proqram Kay distributed three documents: one being interview instructions for doing the Business Retention and Expansion Program, two being the actual interview document, and three being the red flag sheets. Each member of the EDC was asked to take two businesses that they would contact and do an interview so we can complete our BRE program. The deadline is the end of December. Kay has requested that people sign up for two, take on those two and complete the interviews by the middle of December. Once everyone signs up, letters will be sent out indicating that someone will be contacting them in the next week or so to complete the interviews. Five Year Proqram, One Year Strateqy, Annual Report Kay is drafting these documents and will be sending those out to the committee prior to the next EDC meeting. At the December 26, 1991 EDC meeting there will be a discussion of the Star City Program. Darcy Runnin~ will be attending the meeting to talk about the star C1ty Program at that time. V. DISCUSSION OF EDC ANNUAL WORKSHOP The EDC discussed where and when they would like to have the workshop. Kay reported that she had talked to City Manager Unmacht about combining some efforts with the City Council's Annual Retreat on January 25, 1992. The EDC decided that its Annual Workshop meeting should be separate. The EDC decided to meet on January 9, 1992 at 8:00 to ll:30 a.m. at the Hollywood Inn. The meeting will include a breakfast. Kay was asked to contact Dave as to whether he can attend and facilitate this meetin9. The meeting will have the same format as last time 1n that we will be talking about our future vision, where we want to go, and what our priority projects are next year. 3 One item put on the agenda for a workshop was to discuss our policy on making ~olitical statements i.e. the two referendums. Bob ind1cated that he had a problem with the way that we decided to not put an editorial in the paper supporting the referendums. Two things need to be talked about, the ~rocess for changing a vote made by the EDC, and a POl1CY on political statements. Kay was asked to reference the ethics policy to see if we are prohibited from doing this type of activity. EDC members decided that they would like to discuss this with the City Council to see what their direction is on that. We will be coming up with an EDC opinion at our January 9 Workshop and we would like to discuss that with the Council on January 25. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Meetinq Dates The following schedule will be for the remainder of the year for the EDC meetings. There will be an EDC meeting on November 26 from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. At 9:00 to lO:OO a.m. there will be a Star City Subcommittee meeting. On December 10 there will be a regular EDC meeting from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. There will be NO meeting on December 24, 1991. The next meeting will be January 9, 1992 from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hollywood Inn. There will be NO meeting on January 14. There will be a Council Workshop on January 25 and NO meeting on January 28. This is sub~ect to change if there is an issue that comes up wh1ch requires attention. Referendums The EDC spent a great deal of time talking about the two referendums that failed to pass at the November 5 election. The committee talked about people's attitudes towards referendums and why the City has a difficult time passing them. The committee came up with several recommended ideas. First they recommended the Fire Department consider Rainbow Play Systems as a future location instead of a new hall. Secondly they recommended that the Citr join in a survey effort with the school district to f1nd out why the bond issues failed. 4 Promotional Materials Bob Barsness played a tape and distributed a promotional document from the City of Le Sueur. The tape is ap~roximately a $3,000 expense which includes video and sl1des that are put together to make their economic develo~ment contact with businesses. The brochure is someth1ng that they distribute at a charge of $3.00 except for potential businesses. The package is very impressive and Bob recommended that we consider doing something like this in the future instead of a slide presentation. VII. ADJOURNMENT The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. 5 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DECEMBER 10, 1991 7:30 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Approve November 26, 1991 EDC Meetinq Minutes II. Business Office Park Worksho9 (Information to be sent out with Workshop meeting notice. Please bring to the EDC meeting.) Cover Memo. positive/Negative Analysis Business Office Park Proforma Discuss Details of Workshop III. star citv Proqram Report (To be distributed at the meeting.) Business Retention Expansion Contact List 1991 Annual Report One Year strategy Five Year Program IV. Update on Pro;ects Enivid Super Valu Woodridge Estates count~ Road 21 / Bloom1ngton Ferry Bridge Rainbow Play Systems V. Other Business VI. ~diournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 26, 1991 Members Absent: Chairman Bob Barsness, Nat wisser, Jim Hill, Rar Lemley, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dar Fosse, Jere Ph1llips, Jeannie Robbins, Dave Unmacht, and Kay Schmudlach Steve Neilsen and Bill Packer Members Present: The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:30 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. I. APPROVE THE EDC MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 12, 1991 The minutes were corrected as follows: II, reference to the next EDC meeting named December instead of November. page 3, Section was incorrectly MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY TO THE AMENDED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER l2, 1991. THE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVE MEETING PASSED II. DISCUSS BUSINESS OFFICE PARK FOLLOWUP Kay reported that she had prepared a cover memo and a positive/negative discussion of the Business Office Park Development. Along with that Jim Hill has prepared a proforma that shows the financial application of going into this Business Office Park Development. These two items would be attached to the cover memo and sent to the Council in preparation for a council/EDC/Planning Commission Workshop. The committee reviewed the memo and the positive/Negative Impact and made a few comments or changes but otherwise agreed with the documents. The committee then discussed the December ll, 1991 Workshop. The December II Workshop is anticipated to be a workshop in which the EDC will present these documents to the planning Commission and the city council asking them to take action or to indicate agreement on an action plan. Formal action will be taken in January when the EDA meets and the motion is reaffirmed by the city council. The five action steps that the city Council will be asked to approve are as follows: 1) a meeting with the property owners of the existing industrial park to share the results and to inquire as to their interest in 1 proceeding with infrastructure extension, 2) finalize negotiations with the property owner, 3) create a tax increment plan, 4) further investigate the grant process and securing state grants for Rainbow Play systems or another manufacturing company, and 5) get a final appraisal for Frank Muelken on the purchase of the land. The EDC agreed with this strategy. Kay was asked to finalize the cover memo and the pro/con analysis, and work with Jim Hill on the proforma in order to get it out to the council in advance of their Workshop. III. UPDATE ON PROJECTS Enivid: Kay reported that the Development Agreement has been drafted and is currently being reviewed by the city Attorney and the City Manager. staff would anticipate bringin9 that before the EDA at the same time as the discuss10n of the Business Office Park, probably in January. Once the Development Agreement is finalized the document will go to Kathleen Nye-Reiling so that her attorneys can review it and sign off prior to the Council taking action in January. Super Valu: Kay reported that the transportation study is in progress. We have, at this time, not taken any further action as we are waiting for the results of the traffic study. Super Valu was present at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and did a presentation and indicated agreement with city staff on the process that's being followed. Woodridqe Estates Update: Kar reported that the Metropoiitan Council staff has 1ndicated that they will recommend denial of the extension of the utilities into Woodridge Estates. Generally the rationale for denying the extension has been that the supply currently in Prior Lake exceeds the demand. However, staff would contend that the supply is not adequate from the platted side of it because of extenuating circumstances. Staff will be meeting with the Metropolitan council on Monday, December 2, 1991 and/or with one of the subcommittees of the Metropolitan council challenging their recommendation. Our understanding is that Bonnie Featherstone is on our side and will be supporting us. Dave Unmacht requested that someone from the EDC attend the committee meeting to testify. Bob Barsness volunteered. County Road 21: Dave indicated that on December 3 the County Board is anticipating taking action on the County Road 21 extension. We should have a result on December 10 as far as whether they will be taking action or not. At that time Dave will be requesting support from the EDC on an action plan. Dave said that as far as he knows, the County Board has the position to take action 2 to complete County Road 21 at this time and hopefully worry about the ~olicy later. If the action is taken in 1992 the complet1on would be made in 1993. Bloomington Ferry Bridqe: Dave updated the committee. The Metropolitan Council continues to work on the Bloomington Ferry Bridge. We anticipate having an answer back from the Metropolitan council the first part of the year, probably late January early February. Kay reported that the Scott County Transportation Coalition is anticipating having their annual meeting in Prior Lake because of the recent concern with the access. The annual meeting will not be scheduled until we have the final results from the Metropolitan council. The SCTC is anticipating having the annual meeting sometime in late February or early March. IV. UPDATE ON STAR CITY PROGRAM Kay introduced Gene Goddard who is the new representative from the state serving as our star city staff contact person. Gene has been hired to replace Joyce Simon who is working in a different department in the State Office of Trade and Economic Development. Gene will be working with us on are-certification. Gene introduced himself and described a little bit of his background. Business Retention/Expansion Proqram The EDC watched' the Star City Business Retention/ Expansion interview tape. The committee ran out of time and decided to have a Star city subcommittee meeting at a later date and then have the committee report back to the full committee sometime in December. The Star city Subcommittee meeting has been set for December 5, 1991 from 8:00 a.m. to lO:OO a.m. At that meeting the committee will be asked to do several things which are: 1) review the list of the Business Retention/Expansion interviews that should be held to address the annual work program, 2) review the 1991 Annual Report, 3) review the 1992 Work Program, and 4) review the Five Year Work Program. Kay is asking the committee to try to focus on several issues before she tries to draft the documents. The documents will be provided at the December 10, 1991 EDC meeting. V. FORMALIZE EDC ANNUAL WORKSHOP OUTLINE, Attached was an outline for the EDC annual meeting. The c...""",ittee reviewed it and made no changes. 3 VI. OTHER BUSINESS There were several items brought that they would like to have industrial park which is located in Lakeville. It appears to be problems. Someone requested that Dave research tax comparison on cities with a strong economic development base. Dave said he would do this prior to the December 11 Workshop. up. Someone indicated research done on the on the west side of 35W having some financial VII. ADJOURNMENT The EDe meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. 4