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PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 12, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ADDrove December 22, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Reaffirmation of Officers, Committee Structure, Schedule Meetina III. Review Annual Report IV. Report by Committee Chairs Star City/Dar Fosse Business Office Park/Jim Hill Marketing/Dean Sutliff Review I-2 Standards VI. Project Update VII. Other Business VI I I. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES December 22~ 1992 Members present: Others Present: Nat Wisser, Kay Kuhlmann, Deborah Sutliff, Bret Woodson, Dar Fosse, VanDenBoom Mike Sweeney Rose, Dean and Rachel The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Kay Kuhlmann. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake City Hall. ADDrove December 11, 1992 EDC Annual Meetinq Minutes MOTION BY DEAN SUTLIFF, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 11, 1992 EDC ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Election of Officers Dar Fosse nominated Bob Barsness for Chair and Rachel VanDenBoom for Vice Chair. These nominations were seconded by Nat Wisser. Upon hearing no further nominations for Chair and Vice Chair, Bob Barsness and Rachel VanDenBoom were elected unanimously. The following committees were appointed: Marketinq Committee Chair Dean Sutliff Rachel VanDenBoom Mike Sweeney Deborah Rose Business Office Park Committee Chair Jim Hill Bob Underferth Bob Barsness Nat Wisser Star City and Community Relations Committee Chair Dar Fosse Jeannie Robbins David Pearson Jere Phillips It was recommended that the committee Chairpersons develop goals and objectives for their committees to be submitted by January 6, 1993 at a meeting to be held jointly with the EDC and Chamber of Commerce. III. Discussion of Marketing for Business Office Park Dean Sutliff has presented a draft of a marketing plan to Kay. This draft plan will be reviewed and presented to the Board at a future a date. Dean reported that he received five different proposals from five different companies who are interested in developing a public relations marketing format for use by the EDC and city in marketing the Business Office Park. Kay reported that the name of the Business Office Park has been selected as "Waterfront Passage Business Office Park". IV. Discussion of Meeting Dates After a prolonged discussion on the availability of individual members of the EDC, it was decided that the meetings should be held from 7:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and the probable day would be either Tuesday or Wednesday. The actual date to be picked at a later time pending the availability of Bob Barsness who is the Chairman. Ve Other Business It was recommended that future agendas contain a title "Report by Committee Chairman". It was further recommended that should there be on the agenda, they be placed as a second item agenda so they aren't waiting. guests on the A letter from Radermachers to members of the EDC was discussed. Kay indicated that a meetings had been held by Radermachers and the problems of signage had been resolved. An interim sign would be built and a permanent sign would be taken care of at a later date. It was noted that the present ordinance had been in existence for ten years and was in need of an updating. Deborah Rose reported that she had attended a meeting of SAIL. She is a member of the committee representing health providers. The committee consists of memberships from all the government health agencies including the Health Department. The purpose of SAIL is to keep persons outside of nursing homes providing them with various levels of home care. Deborah will brief the EDC on future events of SAIL as she attends their meetings. 2 Kay Kuhlmann reported that the Planning Commission was contemplating a community survey on the Comprehensive Plan. She noted that meetings should be arranged between these committees for review of this plan. She further indicated that the EDC would be able to study a timeframe developed by the Planning Commission for the implementation of the plan. It was further recommended that members of the EDC should indicate any ideas they have which might be included on an agenda for a possible meeting with the Planning Commission. Dar Fosse reported on a meeting he held with the Youth Council where they discussed the unavailability of a center for meetings, recreation or other activities. Members of the Youth Council indicated that their number one priority is getting a theater for the city. Dar recommended that the Student Council do a feasibility study and contact a number of the local theaters to see if it was feasible to have a theater in this area. Dar indicated a concern with information being obtained by the EDC about the status of events at The Wilds. He recommended that The Wilds be an item on all agendas and that we be kept informed of all developments. Nat Wisser reported on the meeting he had attended at Mystic Lake with the Scott County Economic Development Coalition. The meeting was held in the main board room at Mystic Lake and items discussed were: the number of magazines to be printed for the Coalition, each city would be obtaining 200 copies, and the banks in each city would receive 10 copies. Additional copies would be available for real estate developers and further copies may be obtained for a cost of $3.00 each. It was further noted that an "Economic Development Day" was being sponsored by the Scott County Coalition with a date of May 19, 1993 and to be held at Mystic Lake. There would be a number of real estate developers and other appropriate persons invited. A featured speaker would be an individual by the name of Jim McComb. There will be a luncheon and further displays by many of the utilities and other business interests within Scott County. Leonard Prescott welcomed the group prior to the meeting and indicated his interest in the development of the area surrounding Mystic Lake. He noted that there would be a need for housing complexes for the additional employees that are being projected for the various new buildings on the drawing board or in the status of completion. He noted that there would be a community house providing offices for the reservation people. Also there would be a recreation center and another facility equal to the size of the present Mystic Lake. This new facility would include: shops, restaurants and entertainment space and of course the casino and gambling items. VI. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 1993 at 12:00 noon at the Hollywood Bar and Grill with the Chamber of Commerce. An agenda for the January 6 meeting was included in the report of the agenda for the present meeting held this date. The next full meeting of the EDC will be on January 12, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. at Prior Lake City Hall. 4 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 26, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approve January 12, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory III. Project Update Sienna Student Advisory Council County Market Mystic Lake The Wilds IV. Report by Committee Chairs Star City/Dar Fosse Business Office Park/Jim Hill Marketing/Dean Sutliff Review Annual Report VI. Other Business - Annual Golf outing: Thursday, June 24, 1993 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. VII. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ! Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 Members present: Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Nat Wisser, Jeannie Robbins, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemley, Jere Phillips, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dean Sutliff% Mike Sweeney, Deborah Rose and Kay Kuhlmann Bret Woodson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. Approve the December 22, 1992 EDC Minutes Amendment to December 22 minutes as follows: add the names of Jeannie Robbins and Jim Hill Sr. to the Marketing Committee and add the name of Ray Lemley to the Star City and Community Relations Committee. MOTION BY DEAN SUTLIFF, SECONDED BY NAT APPROVE THE DECEMBER 22, 1992 EDC MEETING AMENDED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. WISSER, TO MINUTES AS II. Reaffirmation of Officers, Committee Structure, Schedule Meetinq MOTION BY DEAN SUTLIFF, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY, TO REAFFIRM THE ELECTION OF BOB BARSNESS AS THE CHAIR OF THE EDC COMMITTEE AND TO APPROVE THE COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AS AMENDED IN THE MINUTES. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Review Annual Report The draft of the Annual Report was distributed to all members present by Kay Kuhlmann. Bob Barsness moved that the report be delayed for review until the next meeting of the EDC scheduled for January 26, 1993. He further recommended that a separate listing of all members indicating committee structure be distributed to all EDC members. IV. Report by Committee Chairs Star City Dar Fosse reported that his committee had met and they are preparing their goals and objectives. will be available for the next EDC meeting. that This Business office Park Jim Hill Sr. reported that his committee would be meeting within the next week. He brought u~ the discussion held at the Council meeting and the review of the presentation made by the individuals for the EDA. Bob Barsness was elected as the President of the Economic Development Authority. He reported in great detail the meeting that was held between the EDA and the City Council on January 4, 1993. The subject of the Business'Office Park was discussed at great length, particularly the report presented by James R. Hill, Inc. and the report presented by Roger Guenette. Bob Barsness noted that City officials did debate land sales and pricings based on projections of the James R. Hill, Inc. report. He further indicated that Roger Guenette had explained to the City that they might have to bargain with prospective tenants in selling the land at the new Business Office Park. James Hill Sr. stated that at the next meeting of the Business Office Park Committee, they will develop plans to be used by potential purchasers of space. This will expedite the process allowing presentations to the City Council with minimum delay on a potential purchase. Marketing Dean Sutliff presented a copy of the Business Office Park Marketing Proposal to each EDC member. He reported that at the next meeting of his committee they will develop a Communications Plan including a date for its implementation. The marketing plan is very comprehensive. The committee recommended that the economic development person to be hired by the City should be brought on board by July 1993. Kay Kuhlmann reported that the marketing group has a budget of $7,500 to be used at their discretion. Kay further indicated that the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce has ~roposed that the new person hired for the EDC position be requested to perform a certain amount of hours for the Chamber of Commerce and compensated through the City system. This proposal will be explored further for possible adoption. Review I-2 Standards This item was tabled for the next EDC meeting. 2 VI. Project Update Kay Kuhlmann reported that she and Dar Fosse had met with students from the Student Action Council. They are preparing a proposal for attracting a movie theater to be built in the City of Prior Lake. VII. Other Business Kay Kuhlmann reported that at the joint meeting held between the EDC and the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Expo was discussed at great length. Recommendations were made to continue the Expo but to seek the following improvements: A) the layout of the various booths, B) the control of traffic, C) the awarding of door prizes, D) the publicity to be given, and E) the signage to indicate the entry way for the Business Expo. It was further felt that the EDC would cooperate with the Chamber on running golf day. Rachel reported on a Planning Commission meeting that she had attended. Subjects covered were: school issues, type of housing required by potential buyers, and inspections on new housing by City inspectors. It was noted that with the future availability of lots for residential homes, inspections would have to be expedited in order that they be conducted on a timely basis. This might necessitate the employment of additional inspectors. Bob Barsness requested that information be presented to the EDC at the next meeting referencing the river bridge as to the status with more details made available to entry and exit as planned as of this date. viii. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for January 26, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 9, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approve January 26, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Protective Covenants for Waterfront Passaqe Business Park III. Project Update Sienna Student Advisory Council Mystic Lake The Wilds County Road 18 IV. Report by Committee Chairs Star City/Dar Fosse Business Office Park/Jim Hill Marketing/Dean Sutliff - Initial Plan Other Business VI. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1993 Members present: Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dean Sutliff, Jere Phillips, Ray Lemley, Jim Hill, Mike Sweeney, Deborah Rose, Jeannie Robbins, Dar Fosse, Rachel VanDenBoom, and Kay Kuhlmann Bret Woodson and Roy Stromme The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake City Hall. Approve the January 12, 1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, THE JANUARY 12, 1993 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. TO APPROVE PRESENTED. II. Waterfront Passaqe Business Park Kay distributed a copy of the covenants of the Business Office Park. The EDC was asked to review them before the next meeting. Kay indicated that the document format is different but the content was the same as discussed last summer. Kay indicated that the City will be hiring a consultant to complete the usages and that the EDC will be asked to work with him on this project. Jim asked that the original members of the review committee be asked to comment. The EDC also questioned the name of the Business Office Park, indicating a strong dislike of the name. III. Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory Discussion on this item occurred because of the need to update the current inventory. The group discussed the format of the current Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory and made a couple of recommendations as to the changes that were desired. After reviewing the City of Champlin's Property Inventory, the group felt that it would be beneficial for Prior Lake's Inventory to have a table of contents that was more presentable and easier to understand. In general, the layout needs to be modified. Bob Barsness raised the question of whether or not it was solely a property inventory or also a building inventory. The group consensus was that it was a property inventory. However, if the property included an existing building, the square footage of that structure would also be included in the inventory. City staff will take responsibility in updating this Commercial and Industrial Property Inventory. IV. Project Update Sienna Jim Hill reported that this development will have around 220 lots and the homes will be in the $150,000 range. It was also reported that a modified plan will be presented to City staff for preliminary plat approval in 30 to 40 days. Student Advisory Council Dar Fosse reported that the group is still interested in pursuing the option of a movie theater for Prior Lake. They have been in contact with 3 or 4 potential groups who may be interested. Priordale Mall has come up as a potential site for a theater, but other options may be considered. A feasibility study is also in the works to determine the possibilities of this becoming a reality. County Market Bob Barsness reminded the group that they were invited to the Open House for the new County Market Grand Opening celebration that was to be held that evening. The official ribbon cutting was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Mystic Lake The group was informed by Bob Barsness that the casino was planning on adding an addition that would be larger than its existing bu%lding. The new facility, which will be connected an some way to the existing building, will have a country and western type theme. In a related issue, Ray Lemley commented on video gaming. He thought that the gaming law would get heard this year due to all of the involvement by the VFW's, American Legion's and all of the charitable gambling groups in the State. However, it is unlikely that anything will happen this year. Bob Barsness also reported that he recently spoke with Stanley Crooks. During this conversation, Mr. Crooks noted that construction of the new Community Center was anticipated for this spring. The Wilds There was no report. 2 V® Report by Committee Chairs star city Dar Fosse reported that the subcommittee was in the process of finalizing the re-certification material for 1993. The only ~iece left to be completed involves the goals and objectives of the EDC and how they relate to the 1993 work program. The completed package will be presented at the next EDC meeting. Business Office Park Jim Hill informed the group that the Business Office Park Subcommittee has not met recently and that they will report to the group at a later date. Marketing Dean Sutliff reported to the group that a Communication Plan is in the process of being developed. Discussion occurred as to what needed to be done before launching the Communication Plan. Dean indicated that the target market must be identified so that effective direct mailing can be used. The target market is going to consist of small industries and small businesses. If these can be identified, direct mailing can than occur. This is important when it comes to the costs involved. It is much more cost effective to use a specific approach when mailing as opposed to a blanket mailing. Equally important is the higher response rate that will also occur with direct mailing. It was the consensus of the committee that an EDC Director was essential in following up any marketing campaign that takes place so that proper correspondence can occur. An action plan for the Communication Program was discussed by the group and it was decided that an article in the Prior Lake American would be the first step. Kay said that she would talk to Jim Riccioli to try and set something up at the appropriate time. Discussion also occurred regarding the possibility of an "open listing" to try and sell the land. Rachel said she would try to come up with a list of people and publications that would be helpful in this matter if it were to be pursued. A timeframe was set regarding the article in the Prior Lake American. It was the consensus of the group that the article appear in the March 1 edition of the paper. The subcommittee will continue its work on the Communication Plan. A meeting was scheduled for January 28 at 7:30 a.m. at City Hall. VI. Review Annual Report Bret Woodson supplied the group with a new copy of pages 5 and 6 of the Annual Report. These two pages outline the timeframe for the 1993 Work Program. The revisions came as a result of the Star City Re-certification process. 3 MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY, TO THE 1992 ANNUAL REPORT AS CORRECTED. THE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVE PASSED VII · Other Business The date for the Annual Golf outing was Thursday, June 24, 1993 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. set for Discussion occurred regarding the January 21, 1993 Planning Commission meeting where the Planning Commission voted down (3-1) Warren Israelson's request to change the 18% lot coverage requirement. Because of the ramifications and impacts of this issue, Bob and Kay will look into the possibility of scheduling a meeting with the EDC and Mr. Israelson to discuss the issues at hand. Bob introduced Roy Stromme to the group. Roy is a resident of Prior Lake who is very interested in becoming involved with the EDC. He is a lawyer and has his own law office located in Minneapolis. Bob reported that Roy had made a suggestion to a company known as Katun, to check out the Business Office Park in Prior Lake. Katun is a company that deals in products for copy machines. They are one of the largest producers of this type of product. The company is currently located in Bloomington, but plans to relocate their manufacturing and distributing center to Davenport, Iowa. They are looking to keep their administrative office in the Twin Cities area. The space that they would need is roughly 75,000 square feet. The EDC will continue to pursue this matter. Bob requested that the following items be placed on the next EDC Agenda along with the usual items. They are: County Road 18, Protective Covenants for Waterfront Passage Business Park, and the initial Marketing Plan. VIII. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 23, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Approve February 9, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Report by Committee Chairs Star city/Dar Fosse Business office Park/Jim Hill Marketing/Dean Sutliff III. Project Update Sienna County Road 18 Student Advisory Council The Wilds ~ Response to Workshop IV. Other Business Ve Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNrfY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 Members present: Others Present: Guests Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Jere Phillips, Jim Hill, Mike Sweeney, Deborah Rose, Jeannie Robbins, Rachel VanDenBoom, and Kay Kuhlmann Bret Woodson Philip Carlson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake city Hall. II. Approve the January 26, 1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY DAR FOSSE, SECONDED BY DEAN APPROVE THE JANUARY 26, 1993 EDC MEETING PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. SUTLIFF, TO MINUTES AS Lot Coveraqe Ordinance (18%) Discussion occurred on this item due to the recent Planning Commission meeting on january. 21, 1993. At that meeting the Planning Commission voted down (3-1) Warren Israelson's request to change the 18% lot coverage requirement. Rachel reported that she spoke with Gary .Tupy, Todd Hertaus, and Warren Israelson about this issue. The overall consensus was that this ordinance has to be changed. She also reported that Jim Riccioli would not write an editorial in the paper until he hears more on the issue at the February 16 City Council meeting. Rachel then reported on her conversation with Councilmember Carol Scott. Carol said that the interested parties should briDg ._~ct~u_~l__pb&ktogra~hs showing the-p~oblem P~op~r~i6~ and also photos of other communities where they have a higher percentage than 18%, to see how it actually looks ~n regards to the house lot ratio. 1 Mike Sweeney reported that he had received calls from the Mayor and Planning Commission member Dave Wuellner who were trying to find out what the EDC's position was regarding this issue. Further discussion occurred regarding the position the EDC will take. A MOTION BY JIM HILL, SECONDED BY DEAN SUTLIFF, IN FAVOR OF ELIMINATING THE 18% LOT COVERAGE ORDINANCE. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. THE RATIONALE FOR THIS WAS AS FOLLOWS: CITY STAFF HAS NOT ENFORCED IT FOR 20 YEARS. THE CITIZENS OF PRIOR I2%KE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ADD-ON AND IMPROVE THE VALUE OF THEIR HOMES. THEY WONtT BE ABLE TO SELL THEIR HOME BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE A VARIANCE. LEGAL CONCERNS OVER A POSSIBLE LAWSUIT. III. Protective Covenants for Waterfront Passaqe Business Park Kay introduced Philip Carlson, a Senior Planner from Dahl~ren, Shardlow, and Uban. He will work with the committee to try and iron out the specifics of the Protective Covenants by critiquing them and helping the group go through the process. The issue was raised of whether or not Protective Covenants were the way to go, or if basic standards would be a better approach. Phil suggested creating a separate Business Park Zone. The City could then establish different standards for the Business office Park by creating the rationale for their existence. In summary, the group will consider the options of creating a new zoning district for this office park, and also consider using standards as opposed to Protective Covenants. These are things that will be discussed in meetings to follow. A subcommittee was formed to work with Phil on these issues. The subcommittee includes: Phil, Kay and Bob. IV. Project Update Sienna Jim Hi-l-l-repor~-~-d_o~k_the._ohang~s to the width of Fish Point Road from 75 feet to 100 feet. He also reported that there will be no individual driveways onto Fish Point Road in this new development. Student Advisory Council Dar Fosse reported that the students pursuing the movie theater. He stressed are still the fact that these students want to be involved in the whole process, they want to see how it works. They are in the process of putting together information that is needed such as: population figures, locale of other nearby theaters, and any other statistics that are needed by interested theater groups. Mystic Lake Bob informed the group once again about the plans for an addition to be added on to the already existing casino. This would include more gaming, a sit down restaurant and possible conference area. There are no plans for a hotel in this phase of the operation. The group ~as also %nformed of the possibility of another building being erected on the northeast corner of County Roads 82 and 83. This facility would be mainly office space and storage space for the casino and its operations. Some discussion also occurred on the new Community Center being proposed for this sp~ing. The sticking point still seems to be resting on the sewer and water issue. The Wilds Kay reported to the group that a special Wilds Workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 16 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers. She explained that this should be a very important Workshop and that all members should try and attend. County Road 18. The group discussion centered around the idea that "we are not getting anywhere" with this project. There were questions and concerns oyer the bypass up to Prior Lake, and various lane 1ssues. Bob informed the group that the next Chamber of Commerce meeting would feature Bonnie Featherstone, our Met Council Representative. All group members are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be Wednesday, February 17, 1993 at 12:00. Ve Report by Committee Chairs Star City The S~ar City ~ubcommittee distributed the re-certification materials for 1993 that they have been working on for the past few months. The group was asked to look over the material and inform the subcommittee by February 16 if there were any changes they desired. The only item mis~ing from the packet is a resolution by the Prior Lake City Council approving the 1992 EDC Annual Regort and the 1993 EDC Work Program. This is expected to occur at the next Council meeting February 16, 1993. VI. Other Business Bob informed the group that he will be meeting with the Vice President of Katun that afternoon to discuss the possibilities of moving Katun into the new Business Office Park in Prior Lake. The meeting was to include a tour of the site, the Prior Lake area, and then to City Hall where they could explore their options. The idea is to find out the company's desires, needs and expe?tations ~o.see if the Waterfront Passage Business Park 1s a possibility. VII. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next ~eeting is scheduled for February 23, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. 4 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MARCH 16, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Approve February 23, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Update on Standards for Business Office Park * Special Meeting set for March 18 III. Formulation of Katun Proposal IV. Report by Committee Chairs Star City/Dar Fosse Business Office Park/Jim Hill Marketing/Dean Sutliff V® Project Update Westbury Ponds Sienna Student Advisory Council Subway County Road 18 County Road 21 VI. Other Business VII. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETINH MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1993 Members present: Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Mike Sweeney, Deborah Rose, Jeannie Robbins, Rachel VanDenBoom, Ray Lemley, and Kay Kuhlmann Bret Woodson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake City Hall. ADprove the February 9, 1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY JEANNIE ROBBINS, SECONDED BY DEAN SUTLIFF, TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 9, 1993 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Chanqe of Next EDC Meetinq Chairman Barsness announced that the next EDC meeting, scheduled for March 9, will be moved to Tuesday, March 16, 1993 at the usual time and place. There were no objections from the group. III. Report by Committee Chairs Star City Committee Chair Fosse asked the group if they had any changes to the re-certification materials they received at the last EDC meeting. There were no changes noted. Bret Woodson announced that the completed re-certification materials would be submitted to the State by the end of the week for approval. Business Office Park Bob informed the group that a meeting was trying to be set up for the parties involved in the office park regarding Katun Corporation. This meeting would also involve a tour of Katun's existing facilities. The possible dates for this meeting would be Friday, February 26 or Monday, March 1, 1993. Discussion occurred on the new bill proposed by Orfield, which restricts the use of tax igcrement financing in the metropolitan 9rea by eliminatlng.the use of economic development districts and by requlring redevelopment districts to be located in larger project areas that meet certain criteria. In respect to this it was the consensus of the group to make sure we are prepared for the different outcomes this could have on Prior Lake. Bob also reported that Kay had met with County officials to make sure that everything was u~ to speed in accordance with this issue so the group is ready to act when approached by an interested party, such as Katun Corporation. It was also reported that any deal with Katun Corporation must get Council approval through the Economic Development Authority. Discussion occurred as to what Katun Corporation was looking, for when making a decision on their new facilities. Bob reported that the bottom line really comes down to dollars. A brief discussion occurred surrounding the idea of lowering the price for land to draw Katun Corporation into Prior Lake. Marketinq Dean presented to the group the layout for the brochure being prepared to market the new Business Office Park. He also presented to the group a copy of the written material suggested for the brochure. This contained a "bullet" page of information, a page on the community, a page on economic development, and a page on the actual business park. He directed the group to give any feedback they had on the suggested format and material. Further discussion occurred. The next item of discussion was the cost for production on the brochure. Mike informed the group that 5,000 copies could be produced for $1,980 and 10,000 copies for $2,870. It was also recommended by Mike to use a "cover stock" type of paper as opposed to basic sheet paper. The group agreed. Dean reported to the group that the committee will bring back a "proof" to the next EDC meeting on March 16, 1993. At that time further action can take place. IV. Senior Health Awareness Group, Inc. Kay distributed material to the group that was given to · ' l! ' l! her by Wayne Ann~s regarding the commodity system of long term health care. Further discussion occurred in regards to this issue. Ve Project Update Sienna Bob reported that he regarding various issues such as: widening the main road, lot sizes, issues, etc. Kay informed the group that the engineering staff originally wanted a four road connecting Highway 13 to County Road However, there has been some discussion downgrading it to a two lane highway. talked with Rick Packer concerning the project, park City lane 21. on Rachel informed the group that this was a r~putable corporation who has a lot of experience in this sort of development. She also said it is important that problem issues are resolved, to ensure that this project is carried out. Count~ Road 18 A brief discussion occurred regarding the Met Council and the numerous problems that exist in the organization. Bob reported that Bonnie Featherstone, our area Met Council representative, seemed very pessimistic about any projects being approved for our area. She told the Chamber of Commerce, at last week's meeting, that the Met Council can find some sort of problem in any issue it wants. She also pointed out that the Orfield Legislation could pose many other problems for this part of the Metropolitan area. Further discussion occurred on these issues. VI. Other Business Bob informed the group about the previous City Council meeting, where he presented the EDC's Annual Report for 1992 and introduced the 1993 Work Program. The Council approved the Annual Re~ort, but tabled the 1993 Work Program. The EDC was invited to the Council's April Workshop to solidify the Work Program to ensure the program reflects the goals of the City Council. Discussion occurred regarding the 18% coverage issue. Topics discussed included: the February 16, 1993 Council meeting and the February 22, 1993 Prior Lake American articles. The group was also reminded of the special Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, February 25 and the special City Council meeting on Friday, February 26, 1993. VII. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the city Hall Council Chambers. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MARCH 23, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Discuss Star Program Marketing Conference * See Attached Brochure II. Update on Business Office Park * Katun III. Discuss Agenda for Council Workshop * See Attached Schedule IV. Other Business Ve Adjournment INTER-OFFICE MEMO MEMO TO: FROM: RE: DATE: CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, EDC MEMBERS, AND STAFF DEB GARROSS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER LOT COVERAGE AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE MARCH 16, 1993 The attached three sheets should be inserted into your copy of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. Please then discard pages 4, 23, and 24, which are currently incorporated into your Zoning Ordinance copy. The changes reflect a recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to change the coverage ratio standard for single and two family dwellings within all "R" zones from 18% to 22%. AMENDMENT DATE DESCRIPTION SECTION PAS-~D ORD # 91-07 91-12 91-13 91-14 92-09 93-08 Water Oriented Access. Structures Amend Lot of Record Paragraph Delete Paragraph re: Setback Ave. w/ duplicated SMO Regulations Delete Regs that allow admin. variances for decks Delete Mineral Extraction as C.U. In A-l, C-1 Zones. Change Coverage Ratio from 18 to 22%. Title 5-5-3 Sec 6,3E Title 5-4-1C Sec 4.1C Title 5-4-1J Sec 4.1J Title 5-8-3E3 Sec9.3E3 Title 5-3-3 Sec. 3.2 Title 5-4-1 Sec 4.2 09-03-91 11-04~91 11-04-91 11-04-91 08-17-92 02-26-93 4 PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA April 2 - 3, 1993 Radisson Conference Center 12:00 - 12:45 FRIDAY~ APRIL 2~ 1993 Check In 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. - DISCUSSION ON CITY COMPENSATION SYSTEM PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager, Department Heads Goal: Review Alternative to Present System Presentation and Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann Frank Boyles 3:15 - 5:30 P.M. - ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PLANNING COMMISSION PARTICIPANTS: Council, Planning Commission, city Manager, Assistant city Manager, Planning Director, city Engineer Goal: Establish Planning Commission Priorities for 1993. Review and Discussion of Priorities - Horst Graser 5:30 - 6:00 P.M. - Buffet Dinner in Conference Room 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1993-1994 PARTICIPANTS: Council, Planning Commissioners, city Manager, Assistant city Manager, Planning Director, City Engineer. Goal: Identify and Discuss Issues to be Addressed in 1993-1994 Round Table Discussion - Frank Boyles 7:45 - 9:00 P.M. - ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EDC PARTICIPANTS: Council, EDC, City Manager, Assistant City Manager Goal: Refine 1993 Work Program for EDC Clarification of Committee Goals - Kay Kuhlmann 9:00 P.M. - ADJOURN SATURDAYf APRIL 3f 1993 7:00 - 7:45 A.M. - Breakfast 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. REPORT ON CITY ATTORNEY AND ANIMAL CONTROL PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager and Department Heads Goal: Determine Best Method to Enhance Services. Round Table Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann Frank Boyles 9:00 - 9:15 A.M. - Break 9:15 - 11:30 A.M.- DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Building Official Gary Staber - Kay Kuhlmann: Building Activity Report Uniform Building Code Requirements Present Recommendations from Development Task Force. Overview of Staffing Needs in Building Dept. Financial Implications. Goal: Direction on staffing needs. Presentations and Discussion - Gary Staber 11:30 - 1:00 P.M.- Buffet Lunch in Restaurant 1:00 - 4:30 P.M. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ON INDIAN ISSUES PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager, Department Heads Goal: Develop Action Plan for Resolving City Indian Community Concerns (see attached agenda) Presentations and Discussion - Gary Cavander Jerry Seck SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1993 AGENDA (Continued) 4:45 - 6:00 P.M. PARTICIPANTS: FIRE DEPARTMENT ISSUES Council, city Manager, Assistant City Manager, Finance Director and Fire Chief Goal: 1. Future Service Levels Hazardous Waste 2. Number of Fire Stations/Locations 3. Future Staffing Needs 4. Referendum a. Date b. Amount c. Process Presentation and Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann and Frank Boyles **** PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE **** PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 7:15 Approve March 23, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. III. Confirm 1993 Goals & Objectives Discuss EDC Director Position 8:00 IV. Phil Carlson - Industrial Park Standards Business office Park Update - Katun Proposal VI. Project Update VII. Discuss Economic Impact of Residential Lot Sizes VIII. Other Business 9:00 IX. Adjournment PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA April 2 - 3, 1993 Radisson Conference Center 12:00 - 12:45 ~RIDAYt APRIL 2t 1993 Check In 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. - DISCUSSION ON CITY COMPENSATION SYSTEM PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager, Department Heads Goal: Review Alternative to Present System Presentation and Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann Frank Boyles 3:15 - 5:30 P.M. - ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PLANNING COMMISSION PARTICIPANTS: Council, Planning Commission, City Manager, Assistant city Manager, Planning Director, city Engineer Goal: Establish Planning Commission Priorities for 1993. Review and Discussion of Priorities - Horst Graser 5:30 - 6:00 P.M. - Buffet Dinner in Conference Room 6:00 - 7:30 P.M. - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1993-1994 PARTICIPANTS: Council, Planning Commissioners, City Manager, Assistant city Manager, Planning Director, City Engineer. Goal: Identify and Discuss Issues to be Addressed in 1993-1994 Round Table Discussion - Frank Boyles 7:45 - 9:00 P.M. - ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EDC PARTICIPANTS: Council, EDC, city Manager, Assistant City Manager Goal: Refine 1993 Work Program for EDC Clarification of Committee Goals - Kay Kuhlmann 9:00 P.M. - ADJOURN SATURDAY~ APRIL 3~ 1993 7:00 - 7:45 A.M. - Breakfast 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. REPORT ON CITY ATTORNEY AND ANIMAL CONTROL PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager and Department Heads Goal: Determine Best Method to Enhance Services. Round Table Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann Frank Boyles 9:00 - 9:15 A.M. - Break 9:15 - 11:30 A.M.- DEVELOPMENT ISSUES: PARTICIPANTS: Council, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Building Official Gary Staber - Kay Kuhlmann: Building Activity Report Uniform Building Code Requirements Present Recommendations from Development Task Force. Overview of Staffing Needs in Building Dept. Financial Implications. Goal: Direction on staffing needs. Presentations and Discussion - Gary Staber 11:30 - 1:00 P.M.- Buffet Lunch in Restaurant 1:00 - 4:30 P.M. PARTICIPANTS: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ON INDIAN ISSUES Council, City Manager, Department Heads Goal: Develop Action Plan for Resolving City Indian Community Concerns (see attached agenda) Presentations and Discussion - Gary Cavander Jerry Seck SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1993 AGENDA (Continued) 4:45 - 6:00 P.M. PARTICIPANTS: FIRE DEPARTMENT ISSUES Council, city Manager, Assistant City Manager, Finance Director and Fire Chief Goal: 1. Future Service Levels Hazardous Waste 2. Number of Fire Stations/Locations 3. Future Staffing Needs 4. Referendum a. Date b. Amount c. Process Presentation and Discussion - Kay Kuhlmann and Frank Boyles OUTI.INE FOR MARKETING PRESENTATIONS TO COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS KAY I. OVERVIEW OF EDC Membership, purpose and organization history Services available include assessment of development potential, deal structuring, financial packaging and coordination with public and private resources. C. Relationship to City Council, EDA and Development Review Committee KAY KAY EDC REP EDC REP REVIEW OF CURRENT MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT ACTIVfI'IES Ct De Waterfront Passage Business Park 1. Location, cost, development standards and timeframe for development Financial Incentives 1. Tax Increment Financing 2. SBA 504 and 7A loans 3. Minnesota Department Development Marketing focus 1. Goals of Trade and Economic Small/medium sized manufacturers, office/warehouse operations and wholesale distributors Reasons for marketing focus include transportation access, lot size and existence of numerous embryonic business within 15 mile radius that have grown to an extent where they will require a permanent facility 2 projects/year ot, creation Tax base enhancement EDC REP F.. Marketing Strategy 2. 3. 4. 5. Brochure/mailing Signs on Hwys 13 & 42 Attendance at trade shows and development expos Personal contacts and referrals from community membem Groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings and media events EDC REP CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Urge audience to communicate with business and personal contacts regarding opportunities in Prior Lake and provide referrals to EDC/City Assure audience that all referrals will be handled in a professional and confidential manner Invite audience members to participate on EDC or specific aspects of the development/marketing effort ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 23, 1993 Members present: Others Present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Debra Rose, Rachel VanDenBoom, Jim Hill, Jere Phillips, Ray Lemley, .Bob Underferth, Dean Sutliff, Jeannie Robblns, Mike Sweeney, and Nat Wisser Bret Woodson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake city Hall. II. III. me ADDrove the March 16, 1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE, TO APPROVE THE MARCH 16, 1993 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. StarjProgram Marketing Conference A brochure was circulated regarding the upcoming Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic'Development Conference on Regional Targeted Marketing. Efforts~ This presentation will take place on April 20, 1993 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the St. Cloud Radisson. Bret distributed a sign up sheet for the conference; nine members signed up for the conference. Further details and car pool information will be worked out at a later date. Economic DeVelopment Day Nat informed the group about the upcoming Economic Development Day being put on by the Scott County Economic Development Coalition. The purpose of the event is to inform developers, real estate brokers, and business p~ospects of the development opportunities available in Scott County. The mailing list will include around 250 individuals, not including community representatives. In response to this, Bret circulated a tentative list of 1 invitees put together by the SCEDC. Bret instructed the roup to add any names that they felt should be ncluded. The event is scheduled for Friday, May 21, 1993 at the Canterbury Inn in the Tr%ple Crown Room. Invitees will be guests of the coalition for lunch which will be served at 12:00 noon. The featured speaker will be James McComb of McComb and Associates. Mr. McComb's firm specializes in market analysis. The members were encouraged to mark this date on their calendars. Further details will be shared at a later date. IV. Update on Business Office Park Bob Barsness informed the group that he, Kay and Roger Guenette met with the executives of Katun on Friday, March 19, 1993. The purpose of the meeting was to present the City's proposal to the corporation in hopes of enticing them to relocate to Waterfront Passage Office Park. Katun is entertaining proposals from various communities in the area. Katun officials reported to Bob B., Kay and Roger, after their meeting, that Prior Lake's proposal was very competitive with other offers they have received to date. Bob B. re~o~ted that the trio requested that Katun make a decision on the Prior Lake proposal within 30 a days. A brief discussion occurred regarding the purchase of the land for the proposed office park. Bob B. informed the group that he hoped this issue would be resolved and settled soon. In a related issue, Jeannie reported on Burnsville's Industrial Park. She explained that they have four or five possible tenants, including a medical waste disposal company. The group responded to this with the question of how can the EDC stay abreast on these issues on a regular basis. One suggestion was to monitor all neighboring communities local papers. Bret informed the group that he would check to see which newspapers the City was currently receiving. Jim Hill brought up for discussion Keyland Homes. He reported that Keyland Homes was waiting for a proposal from the City on the details of the proposed office park. Jim .q~.estioned what the hold up was at City Hall and why nothing has been presented to Keyland Homes. Dean informed the group about the recent Planning 2 We Commission meeting where Phil Carlson made a presentation on the history of planning and zoning standards. Phil has been hired by the City to .develop Standards for the new office park. The information Phil is basing the Standards on comes from a draft of Protective Covenants that were created at an earlier date. Bret reported that Phil will be attending the April 13, 1993 EDC meeting to present the Standards for thoughts and comments. The Standards are also scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission on May 6, 1993. Bob B. reminded the group of the fact that if Katun Corporation decides to come to Prior Lake, the Standards may need to be higher. The group agreed and further discussion occurred on the timeframe details. The members also raised the issue that the open forum pro?ess was being shied away from by hiring one individual to draft the Standards. Bret responded to this by stating that Phil Carlson has met with City Planner Horst Graser and has been supplied with all data that has been collected on the subject. A brief discussion occurred. Agenda for Council Workshop Bret distributed to the members a copy of the Outline For Discussion of the Roles and Responsibilities of the EDC for the April 2nd Council Workshop, drafted by Kay. The following discussion occurred on this.item. The first item talked about was the group's dissatisfaction with where they were placed on the Workshop Agenda. Many members felt it would be a waste of time for the EDC to go all the way to Plymouth for an hour and a half meeting. The big concern centered around the fact that the EDC was not included in the 6:00-7:30 p.m. session involving the overall City goals for 1993-1994. Bob B. said that he would talk to Frank about possibly including the EDC in this earlier session. The next item of discussion focused on revising and editing the draft EDC Outline for the Council Workshop put together by Kay. It was the consensus of the group to change the format of the outline to list the top four priorities, and then the rest of the priorities to follow with no distinction between low and medium priorities. They should simply fall under the category of other priorities. The top four priorities, as decided by the group, 3 include: 1) hiring a full-time EDC Director, 2) Business office Park, 3) The Wilds, and 4) County Road 18 bridge project. It was also the consensus of the group to e%i~inate the o~tion of using a consultant as opposed to hiring a full-time EDC Director. The group felt that it was important to have the individual in the Prior Lake area to ensure effective, prompt follow-up on any ~ossible lead. Further discussion occurred on this issue. The group requested that the revised outline be faxed to them as soon as the revisions have been made. Bret stated he would discuss the changes with Kay, and fax the revised outline when complete. vi. Other Business Nat informed the group of the recent Chamber of Commerce meeting where Richard Burtness gave a presentation on The Wilds. Nat said the presentation was similar to one that was given about a month ago to the City Council and staff. He once again explained the housing project, golf course and hotels. The issue that struck Nat the most was Mr. Burtness' persistence in stressing the education system of Prior Lake. Nat said that Mr. Burtness really hammered on the issue. In response to that, Dar read an excerpt from a letter he received from the head of the Metropolitan Council. The letter was in response to Dar's letter he sent a few weeks ago asking for support of the County Road 18 bridge project. Further discussion occurred on this item. VII. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 13, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. WAYNE P. ANNI§ ~rch ~0, ~9~ (612) 447-4226 , 4607 COLORAOO S. E. · PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55:~72 . toJ Members, Prior Lake =ity Oouncil and E.D.~.. Yesterday I attened your public hearing on our lagging indus- trial~ development promotion in Prior Lake. I,ve watched it over the past 15 years, and I,m ready to offer a suggestion. As a retired professional,' I boil it all down to one word: what you have is a. PERSONNEL problem. You need to select an employee who has' experience and skills in industrial promotion and development, somebody with an Outreaching personality. You need a person with salesmanship personality, somebody who can walk out there and sell himself and Prior Lake; locate and serve industrial and residential developers. Go find them'. Once you have such a producer, you would of course have to make certain changes within the City Oouncil. It is possible' you have been a bit negativ, e, a hit picky. Possibly you haven't involved the C0~I~SINIT~ in you~ decision making. NOW: Let's get down to business on the HEALTHCARE CENTER, an s~ue which is about to burst, an issue which Council Lady Carol Sco~ refused to let me bring up at the week's meeting. 'What we want now is a total reversal of what you did in 1986 when a nursing home developer came to town. Let me help: In those days, prior to the GoVernor Carlson era, .we used the '"commodity system" in long-term care. If a.developer saw a bus- iness opportunity, let him try it and help him get past the morator i urn. The Arne Carlson viewpoint is the opposite. He wants appropriate.ness, business_ efficiency,, dollar-saving econ- omy, and human services provided rather tha~ dodge,d. Whether we can get an innovation like LOCALIZATION thru this s.es- sion of the legislature is. doubtful because everybody is under inhuman pressure due to budget crisis 'and all those changes. That should not deter us in our local efforts. We nee d that local group we've called-Senior--_~ealth Awareness G_roup activated.. With the Moratorium shelved, we start relying on community needs, community demand, local activation,' who is behind wha t~ Get a healthcare developer going and work with him, push a little. With our LOCALIZATION plan afoot, using S.H.A.G~, our fish are all ready to fry. Sure we work appropriately with our E.D.C. group, but the muscle behind it all is PEOPLE. PRIOR-LAKE SAVAGE AREA SCHOOLS COMMUNITY SERVICES STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP LIST April 6 - April 13 - April 17 - April 20 - April - April 19-23 - Apdl 26, 27, May 27 - Appreciation Dinner - 6:15 to 9.'00 p.m. at Hidden Oaks Cafeteria (R.S.V.P. if you haven't already). Tour of Movie Theater, bring permission slip signed by parent (enclosed). Meet at the District Services Center - time to be advised. Kids' Company - In-person Registration. Let me know if you want to work at this. I need to know ASAP. 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. Student Advisory Council Meeting - DSC (Send agenda items ASAP) - Major discussion will be reviewing accomplishments and new goals, and new membership, etc. Applications will be accepted beginning April 1 for qualified students interested in summer employment for the Kids' Company- School-Age Child Care Program. If you know anyone who would be interested, have them call me at 447-2185 for an application. (Hours vary - we are open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and pay is $5.10/hr.) Volunteer Recognition Week - Think of something you guys can do in your school to recognize parent and other volunteers (thank you posters, thank you to booster club in paper, etc.) and you can get posters to hang from me and buttons to wear. 28 - Fingerprint Project in Elementary Schools (Schedule enclosed) - Can anyone volunteer - get released from school to help police officers with this project? Let me know by April 13 (you can get community service hours). 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. - HOMS - Volunteer Celebration (Food, prizes, and recognition). Please mark your calendars. Kevin Graves Kay Kuhlmann Dar Fosse RELEASE FORM TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION I give permission for my son/daughter to go on a tour of a Draft Movie Theater in Shoreview, MN, and I give permission for him/her to ride with Distdct or City of Prior Lake staff. Date Signature of Parent/Guardian INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 719 Box 539 - 5300 WestWood Drive Southeast Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 DISTRICT SERVICES CEHTER (612) 447-2~ 85 Dr. Le~ Sonrabend Superintendent Jeny Spie~ Curriculum & Personnel Jere Phillipe Buaine~ Aflaim SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Fred Blaisdell Principai HIDDEN OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL (612) 447-2188 Craig Obon P~incipai GRAINWOOD ELEMENTARY Ronaid Machacek Principal FIVE HAWKS ELEMENTARY Darwin Fosse Principal WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY (612) 447-2178 Rick Ravnholclt Principal MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Schmidt, Ltp. Dennis Left, Officer Mary Greenwood-PTC President Darwin Fosse Ron Machacek Rick Ravnholdt Jan Leifgren Jennifer Hart Roger O. Byrd Sister Irene Komer Lenom Doering FROM: Leanne J. Erickson, Director Community Services DATE: March 30, 1993 RE: Fingerprint Program - Apdl 26, 27, 28 MARK YOUR CALENDARS (Please note In your newsletters to parents) The Fingerprint program will be offered the week of April 26, 1993. Please review the following schedule and have volunteers available to help Steve Schmidt, Ltp. and/or Dennis Left; Officer at the times listed.' Jan Leifgren will help in recruiting volunteers. Monday, April 26 (approximate schedule) WestWood Elementary School- Rick Ravnholdt, Principal 8:45- 9:45 a.m. - Moming Kindergarten (51) 9:45 - 11:45 a.m. New Students (91) 11:45 - 12:15 p.m Lunch Break 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. Afternoon Kindergarten (50) Tuesday, April 27 (approximate schedule) 1. Five Hawks Elementary School- Darwin Fosse, Principal 8:45 - 10:45 a.m. Morning Kindergarten (99) Serving Prior Lake, Savage, Spring Lake Township, Credit River Township, Sand Creek Township and Cedar Lake Township 10:45 - 12:00 noon - 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. 12:35 - 2:00 p.m. New Students (approximately 80) Lunch Break Afternoon Kindergarten (76) St. Michael's Catholic School - Sister Irene Komer, Principal 2:15 - 3:15 p.m. Afternoon Kindergarten (25) and New Students (8) Wednesday, April 28 (approximate schedule) 1. St. Paul's Lutheran School - Jennifer Hart, Official 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Kindergarten (7) and New Students (2) 2. Prior Lake Baptist School - Roger Byrd, Official 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Kindergarten (6) and New Students 3. St. Michael's Catholic School - Sister Irene Komer, Principal 9:45- 10:30 a.m. Morning Kindergarten (25) 4. Grainwood Elementary School - Ron Machacek, Principal 10:45 - 12:15 p.m. - New Students (approximately 50) 5. Shakopee Sioux Community 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Pro-school (18) and Daycare (32) During the first week of April, teachers will receive flyers to be sent home with students. Parents will need to complete and return the bottom-portion of the flyer if they want their child to be fingerprinted. The child's teacher will then send a Fingerprinting card home to be signed by the parent and returned to the teacher. Children without signed fingerprinting cards cannot participate in the program. Thank you for your support in this worthwhile program. If you have any questions, please call me at 447-2185. CC: Dr. Les Sonnabend Community Services Advisory Council Building Secretaries PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 7:15 Approve April 14, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Confirm 1993 Goals & Objectives III. Report on Contractual Services - Advanced Resources IV. Business Office Park Update Distribute CIP VI. P.roj ect .Update VII. Discuss Economic Impact of Lot Sizes VIII. Redevelopment Options & Possibilities 8:00 IX. Phil Carlson - Industrial Park Standards Other Business 9:00 XI. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ! Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 14, 1993 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemley, Jere Phillips, Rachel Nat Wisser, and Kay Kuhlmann Jim Hill, VanDenBoom, Others Present: Frank Boyles and Bret Woodson Guest: Phil Carlson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Chairman Barsness. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake City Hall. II. Approve the March 23, 1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, THE MARCH 23, 1993 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. TO APPROVE PRESENTED. Confirm 1993 Goals & Objectives Bob informed the group, that he attended the Annual Council Workshop on April 2, 1993 to represent the EDC. The members reviewed and discussed a draft copy of the 1993-1994 Goals and Objectives. Discussion occurred on objective number one. Kay clarified to the group what the Council had expressed as the reasons for having this objective. She continued by saying that all EDC members should remember that they are representing the City of Prior Lake in their day to day activities. Kay also informed the group ~hat if they received a complaint on anything regarding the City, they should go directly to the City Manager. Nat Wisser brought up objective number five for discussion. The group agreed with Nat, that this objective had to be revised. Further discussion occurred on this and other objectives of the draft copy. This item will be continued at the next EDC meeting on April 27, 1993. III. Discuss EDC Director Position Kay explained to the group the proposed option of 1 contracting out for economic development services as o~posed to hiring a full-time Economic Development Director. A memo prepared by Kay was provided to the committee explaining the recommendation for contractual economic development services. A brief discussion occurred. After agreeing that this would be a productive alternative Kay informed the group that staff would begin preparing RFP's in order to encourage competitive proposals. Advanced Resources, which th? City has used for many years, was brought up for discussion. The group suggested that the City go ahead and hire this firm, specifically Roger Guenette, to handle the responsibilities. It was a consensus of the group that a drawn out process would be a waste of time. The group stressed the importance of getting someone started as soon as possible. Because the City has used Roger Guenette in the past, and it has been successful, he should be the person we use. A MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT ROGER GUENETTE OF ADVANCED RESOURCES BE HIRED ON A CONTRACTUAL BASIS AS A SHORT TERM STRATEGY TO ACCOMPLISH THE EDC GOALS, WITH A REVIEWAL AFTER THE FIRST SIX MONTHS TO ENSURE EFFECTIVENESS. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. Phil Carlson - Industrial Park Standards Phil Carlson attended the meeting to present to the committee the suggested Business Park Zoning Standards. Phil reported to' the group that based on preliminary discussions with City staff and the Planning Commission, he has prepared a draft of a Business Park Zoning District for Prior Lake The gr?up members were supplied a copy of this drift for revlewal and comments. Discussion occurred on the suggested Development Review Committee (DRC) which would be an appointed committee of City staff to review all development plans and determine if they comply with the set forth standards. Phil clarified for the group that these appointments would be made by the City Manager. Bob brought up the Katun situation and wondered how their decision to come to Prior Lake, or not to come, would effect these Standards. These standards may need to be adjusted depending on their decision to make the park more marketable. Kay suggested that Katun be sent a copy of these proposed Standards along with the Landscape Ordinance for their reviewal. The rest of the group agreed. 2 Dar raised a question regarding the signage section of the Standards. The statement in question was "no advertising or identification signage shall be permitted on any building exterior in the Business Park District " Further discussion occurred on this issue. Jim had a question on the lot coverage requirement. The draft Standard currently states that no more than 35% of any lot shall be covered by buildings. A brief discussion followed. Phil reminded the group that this was only a draft copy and it could be changed if it does not reflect the look that is wanted. Because of time constraints, this item will be continued at the next EDC meeting on April 27, 1993. Ve Business office Park ~pdate - Katun Proposal Kay informed the group that she had recently spoke with Glenn Spitzer, the Vice President of Katun, regarding Prior Lake's proposal. According to Mr. Spitzer, Prior Lake submitted the best financial pr?posal, and is on top of the list of potential sites for Katun to relocate. The President of Katun has been out of the country and is due back soon. Upon his return, he is supposedly going to visit the sites before making the final decision. VI. P~oject Update Student Advisory Council Kay reported to the committee that she took a group of students to tour a movie theater up in New Hope who seemed interested in the idea of expanding their operation in the Prior Lake area. The Cinema 'n' Drafthouse, managed by Brian Minette, is a new entertainment option that combines eating at a restaurant and seeing a movie. Their current facility is located in an old grocery store. The group agreed that this would be a perfect anchor tenant for the Priordale Mall. Kay also told the grou~ ~hat Nell Boderman of Priordale Mall has been recelv~ng a lot of calls showing interest in the Mall. The Wilds Discussion occurred on this project, specifically its status with the Met Council. Supposedly the Met Council has found a snag in the plan regarding the MUSA Line. Kay informed the committee that there is going to 3 be more and more workshops coming up explaining The Wilds and its status. She also reminded the group that The Wilds committee meets weekly here at City to out . Hall tryigg ~ron details of the project Further discussion occurred. Bloominqton Ferry Bridge The EDC stated that they are ready to do what is necessary regarding the bridge, project. Kay reported that the Council may d~cide to turn over some ~espons%bility to the committee at an upcoming Council meeting. VII. Discuss Economic Impact of Residential Lot Sizes Bob informed the group that the City Council had instructed the EDC to analyze the economic impact of residential lot sizes. Some of the thoughts from the group included the following: growth i? coming .whether we want it or not; we need a cross-sect~on of d~fferent sized lots that allow different groups to come into Prior Lake; no one will come to Prior Lake to pay big bucks for these big lots; smaller lots mean more growth; we need affordable housing; when people go to a bank for a loan, they want to know how much house they can get for their money{ people want more home, not more lot. Further discussion occurred on this issue. Dar mentioned that he had heard that Lakeville has some set-up where they can establish a break even point. Bob then directed Bret to look into this study to see if Prior Lake can figure out a break even point. Bob also asked Bret to fax a co~y of a study he did on area cities regarding lot s~zes, coverage ratios, etc. to all EDC members. This item will be continued at a later date. IX. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 27, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. DRAFT 1993 - 1994 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE GOALS & OBJECTIVES APRIL 6~ 1993 Develop an implementation plan for City Council which provides for community outreach to existing businesses through in person, telephone, and/or means. review and new written e Review and comment upon the Staff plan for providing Economic Development services. Assist in the development of policies or ordinances required to successfully complete the Business/Office Park and redevelopment areas including Gateway, Priordale Mall, and Towncenter. Participate in the public meetings to be Planning Commission regarding the 2010 comments and observations. scheduled by the Plan and provide Se Act as a liaison between existing commercial/industrial representatives and the City Staff. Provide similar liaison with residential representatives only on an emergency basis. Recognize that in both cases complaints about Staff should be brought to the attention of the City Manager. 0 Assist in the promotion of a master plan for Priordale Mall, Gateway, and Towncenter. Identify for promotional purposes, the potential benefits which the Mdewakanton Sioux Community development could have on commerce and the community. Coordinate the Star City recertification process. DisPlay commitment to the Student Advisory Council by supporting their efforts to hiring youth oriented businesses to the community. (WORKSP) 13. INDIAN COMMUNITY SEWER AGREEMENTS - On Thursday, _April 1~, i993, Bill Rudnicki repr~senting-the Dakota Co~munity, Dennis Kraft~ C~ty Administrator of Shakopee, and I met to discuss the prov!sions of _the new Sewer Agreement proposed for reservation land lying north of County Road 42. At the meeting, I learned for the first time that the Sioux Communi~y's cWrrent thinking does not include a Recreation Center in Shakopee as was or~Hl~ proposed. They are, none the less, s~eking a Sewer Agreement for the resi~ential properties in this area. They are.now consider~ng placing the Recreation_Center ~loser to Mystic Lake Casino, on trust proper~y within Prior Lake. I advised Bill that if the Community Center were to come to pass, we would be interested in some sort of guarantee that Prior Lake residents would receive equal access to the facility as members of the Indian Community or corporation. also indicated that he would provide me with a copy of hensive ~lan which shows the intended usage of ty oyer the next several years. He stated that Indian Community owned some two-hundred and sixty acres of land, it now owns six-hundred and ten acres and the ultimate projections of land acquisitions amount to fifteen-hundred acres in Prior Lake and Shakopee. We agreed that both Cities would supply_their proposed amendments to both Sewer'Agreements by Friday, May 7, 1993. Then by Friday, May 25, 1993, a Fe-draft of the plans will be made availab~e, after we submit our amendments, I expect that there will be a necessity for additional meetings with Bill to review our concerns. INCORPORATED CONSULTING PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 300 FIRST AVENUE NORTH SUITE 210 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 612.339.3300 DATE: 14 April 1993 Prior Lake Economic Development Committee FROM: Philip Carlson, AICP; Dahlgren, Shardlow, and Ub.an, Inc. Suggested Business Park Zoning Standards Based on preliminary discussions with City Staff and the Planning Commission, we have prepared the attached draft of a Business Park Zoning District for Prior Lake. The district sets forth not only standards for development in the City's new business park, but also a new process for reviewing development plans. The new district contains the following: 1) Intent. A clearly stated purpose for the new district and its standards. 2) Development Review Committee (DRC). An appointed committee of City staff to review all development plans and determine if they comply with the standards. This is similar to, but not identical to, the Architectural Review Committee that was suggested in the Covenants proposed earlier- Because there are clearly stated standards, the DRC's role is interpretation of the ordinance, not subjective critique of design and aesthetics. 3) Uses. The various permitted, conditional, and accessory uses are a combination of the existing ordinance and discussions on the Business Park. 4) Lot Requirements, Setbacks: Similar to existing ordinance standards. s) Design Standards~ The standards proposed here arc consistent with high quality business parks in the metropolitan area. If there are businesses that do not or cannot fit within these standards there may still be a place for them in Prior Lake, but not in this business park. These standards do not include landscaping, which is covered in the newly adopted landscape ordinance. We plan to take the EDC's comments to the Plnnning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council on this new zoning district. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BP BUSINESS PARK ZONING DISTRICT Intent. It is the intent of this section to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in thc City. These standards arc set forth in order to enhance thc visual appearance of the Business Park Districts within the City, to preserve the taxable value, and to promote the public health, safety, and welfare. Development Review Committee. Any construction or alteration of buildings, structures, equipment or property within the BP District which requires a building permit under the provisions of this Code must be reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC). The DRC shall consist of at least three members of the City staff to be appointed by the City Manager. It shall be the responsibility of the DRC to review all plans for proposed development within the BP District. If the DRC determines that the plans comply with the intent and standards of the BP District, a building permit may be issued. All decisions of the DRC may be appealed to City Council, whose decision shall be final. The City Council may refer such an appeal to the Planning Commission first for a recommendation. The DRC shall develop, with the approval of the City Manager, specific submission requirements and procedures to be followed for processing permit applications in the BP District. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses in the BP District are: a) Offices b) Manufacturing, fabrication, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and/or assembly of products, goods and materials. c) Essential services, public utility uses, transmission services, buildings and storage. d)' Wholesale use occurring within an enclosed building, but not involving live animals. e) Warehouse, enclosed storage. 0 Business services. g) Blueprint, photostat, and printing shops. h) Research and testing laboratories. Conditional Uses. Uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the BP District are: a) Storage or parking of passenger vehicles larger than standard passenger cars, or trucks larger than one ton capacity, provided that such vehicles are associated with a business in the principal structure on site and are screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets. b) Outdoor storage. c) Public buildings. d) Animal and veterinary clinics, provided all animals are kept within thc principal structure. e) Heliport f) Retail sales or services to the public, provided that such use occupies no more than two thousand square feet of floor area in the principal structure. Prior Lake Business Park District Page 2 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses allowed in the BP District are: a) Parking lots or parking structures for permitted or conditional uses. b) Structures to enclose trash handling equipment if built in accordance with the standards of this section. c) Radio transmitters, micwwave, and telecommunication towers, subject to Sections 5.2 and 6.12 of thc Zoning Ordinance. d) Outdoor display of products which are manufactured or assembled on the premises, in an area not to exceed 500 square feet. Lot Requirements. The minimum lot size in the BP District shall be one acre, and the minimum lot width, 100 feet. No more than 35% of any lot shall be covered by buildings. Required Setbacks. Within the BP District the following minimum setbacks shall apply: Arterial & Collector Front Side Rear ~ Structure 30 feet 20 feet 30 feet 50 feet Structure 75 feet (abutting a Residential Distric0 75 feet 75 feet Parking Area, Drive Aisle, Ground Sign 15 feet 10 feet 10 feet 30 feet Parking Area, 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet Drive Aisle, Ground Sign (abutting a Residential Distric0 Design Standards inthe BP District. Building Materials. Exterior building materials of all structures shall be one of, or a combination of, the following materials: face brick; stone; glass; architecturally treated concrete; decorative concrete block whose color and texture is integral to the material (if not more than 50% of the building elevation facing any roadway), plain, fiat unpainted concrete block is not allowed, nor is any type of painted concrete block; cast-in-place or precast concrete panels; metal panels with interlocking, concealed, or tongne-and-groove seams and concealed fasteners, if the exterior surface finish is warranted by the manufacturer for twenty years against blistering, peeling, cracking, flsldug, checking, or chipping (if not more than 50% of the building elevation facing any roadway); stucco or other cementitious coating applied in a manner so as to create a harmonious design with other exterior materials. Prior Lake Business Park District Page 3 Additions. Alterations. and Accessory_ Structures. All subsequent additions, exterior alterations, and accessory structures, built after the construction of the original building or buildings shall be of the same materials as those used in the original building and shall be designed to conform to the original architectural concept and general appearance. These provisions shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodelling or expansion project. Other Structures. Garages, screen walls, exposed areas of retaining walls, and other areas of exposed permanent materials shall be of a similar type, quality and appearance as the principal structure. These provisions shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodelling or expansion project. Paving and Curbing. All parking areas and drives shall be constructed of concrete, blacktop, or similar durable hard surface free of dust. The periphery of all parking areas and drives shall be conslructed with poured-in-place concrete curbing. Utility. F. qu~ment. All utility equipment, such as heating and ventilating equipment, meters and other devices shall be completely screened from eye-level view' of adjacent properties and streets. If on the ground, the equipment shall be screened with a screen wall, berm,.or landscaping. If on the roof, the equipment shall be screened with a parapet or screen wall of materials compatible with the principal structure. Vertical or horizontal wood slats, fencing or similar material arc not an acceptable screening material. Loading and Service Areas. All loading and service areas shall be completely screened from eye-level view of adjacent residential properties and adjacent streets, except at driveway access points. Exterior loading docks or other provisions for handling materials brought to or removed from the site shall be on those sides of buildings which do not face any roadway or proposed roadway. Trash Handling. Dumpsters, trash, and trash handling equipment shall be stored within a principal structure or within an accessory structure of the same materials as the principal structure which is completely enclosed with doors that close and a roof. ~ Lighting fixtures shall be of a downcast, cutoff type, concealing the light source from view and preventing glare from spilling into residential areas. Lighting levels shall be measured in foot candles five feet off the ground or floor level. The following light levels shall be met: Lot line of adjacent residential property: 0.5 foot candle maximum Open parking areas: 1.0 foot candle minimum Covered parking facilities/night (minimum): General parking & pedestrian areas Ramps & comers Entrances & exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 20 foot candles Prior Lake Business Park District Page 4 Covered parking facilities/day (minimum): General parking & pedcsuian areas Ramps & comers Entrances & exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 10 foot candles 50 foot candles 20 foot candles Signage. No advertising or identification signage shall be permitted on any building exterior in thc BP District, except for address numbers no taller than twelve inches high. Each property shall be allowed one free-standing ground sign no higher than six feet off thc ground and no more than 80 square feet in area. Each property shall be allowed a reasonable number of directional signs, each no more than six square feet in area and no taller than six feet, for the purpose of indicating entries and exits, office locations, and other information necessary to direct people to areas on site. Noxious Matter. Thc emission of noxious matter shall be controlled so that no such emission crosses thc lot linc of thc property from which it originates. Noxious matter shall mcan any solid, liquid or gaseous material, including but not limited to gases, vapors, odor, dusts, fumes, mists, or combinations thereof, the emission of which is detrimental to or endangers the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare, or causes damage to property. Thc operator of thc facility shall comply with a regular inspection schedule as approved by the City and shall submit reports of such inspections to thc City. Restricted Operations. Uses which because of thc nature of their operation arc accompanied by an excess of noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, odor, noxious gases, glare or wastes shall not be permitted. Noise, odors, smoke and particulate matter shall not exceed Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. Glare, whether directed or reflected, such as from spotlights or high temperature processes, as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible beyond thc lot linc of thc property from which it originates. Exceptions for Legal Non-Conforming Structures. For legal non-conforming structures in the BP District, new cons~uction projects for repairs, remodeling, or additions to thc structure do not need to meet thc standards in this section ff thc construction increases thc size of thc building by less than ten percent, or if it increases thc assessor's market value by less than twenty percent. Construction projects involving a building expansion between ten and fifty percent of the size of the building or an increase in assessor's market value between twenty and f'Lf-ty percent of its value need not meet all thc standards of this section, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of thc requirements as determined by the DRC. For the purposes of determining compliance with thc standards in this section, site work not involving the structures on site shall be considered separately from work on the structures. For legal non-conforming uses in the BP District, new construction projects for repairs, remodeling, or additions to the parking lot, outdoor spaces, landscaping, or other exterior areas do not need to meet the standards in this section if the construction increases the size of these areas by less than ten percent. Construction projects involving an expansion of exterior space between ten and fifty percent of the size of the parking lot or other outdoor space need not meet all the standards of this section, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of the requirements as determined by the DRC. For the purposes of this section, adding one inch or more of new material to an existing parking lot surface shall be considered an increase of 100 percent of the area involved. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 7:15 ADDrove April 27, 1993 EDC Meetinq Minutes * Attached II. Confirm 1993 Goals & Objectives III. Discuss CIP IV. Discuss Redevelopment Issues Project Update VI. ADDrove Industrial Park Standards 8:30 VII. Introductions: Advanced Resources Personnel VIII. Other Business 9:00 IX. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 27, 1993 Members present: Jim Hill, Dar Fosse, Ray Phillips, Nat Wisser, Jeanne Rose, and Kay Kuhlmann Lemley, Jere Robbins, Debra Others Present: Bret Woodson Guest: Phil Carlson The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:15 a.m. by Jim Hill. The meeting was held at the Prior Lake City Hall. Approve the April 14, ..1993 EDC Minutes MOTION BY DAR FOSSE, SECONDED BY JEANNE APPROVE THE APRIL 14, 1993 EDC MEETING PRESENTED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. ROBBINS, TO MINUTES AS II. Confirm 1993 Goals & Objectives Discussion continued on this item as a carry over from the last EDC meeting. Jim wanted someone to define what "community outreach" consisted of in goal number one. Kay pointed out that it was not meant to be such a structured process. It is something that the EDC members should do in their day to day activities. Goal number three was up for discussion next. Dar raised the question of where the center of our community is. Kay explained that this was defined in the Comprehensive Plan that each EDC member should have received. This goal centers around redevelopment areas within the city. Jim brought up the point that there are all sorts of redevelopment plans for the downtown area. We should find these plans and use them. A master plan should be developed to address three areas of the City: Gateway Center, Downtown, and the Priordale Mall. This will be addressed in the upcoming EDC meetings. Kay pointed out that according to the Comprehensive Plan, County Road 21 will be the focal point of the community. The Downtown should consist of service oriented shops, while the Priordale Mall may be considered our Commercial Center. III. IV. VI. Further discussion occurred on the rest of the goals and objectives, minor modifications were made to accommodate the group's concerns. Some of the modifications included combining number six with three, due to their similarity. Number five was simplified to stress the EDC's liaison role in the community. The seventh goal was discussed and it was decided to include The Wilds in this particular goal, which the group thought to be very important. Report on Contractual Services - Advanced Resources Kay informed the group that the Council during the last Council meeting approved staff's recommendation of Roger Guenette to handle the EDC services. Roger will be on board starting May 1, and his first EDC meeting will be May 11, 1993. A reviewal will take place after six months to inform the Council how the arrangement is working. Business Office Park Update Kay reported to the group that we have not closed on the land. Hopefully this will happen soon so the process can continue. Kay also reported on Katun Corporation and what their plans were. The thirty day period the City gave Katun to decide has come and gone. According to Glenn Spitzer, the President is still out of the country and has not been able to come out and visit the site. Kay reported that Keyland was still interested, but this raised the issue of outdoor storage. Something that Katun has expressed they didn't want. Distribute CIP Bret and Kay distributed a copy of the CIP for the EDC to review for the next meeting. This will be on the agenda for the May 11, 1993 EDC meeting. Phil Carlson - Industrial Park Standards Phil distributed an exercise to the members in an attempt to visualize the concepts of the Industrial Park Standards. The exercise showed a five acre site. Items illustrated within the exercise included: site square footage, building sq~.are footage, coverage percentage, office/warehouse mix, and parking setbacks. Extensive discussion occurred on the illustrated issues. Phil pointed out that their must be an agreement as to what should be the image of the Business Park District, because once the Standards are set they must be abided by and enforced. VII. IX. Discussion continued on the thirty five percent coverage ratio. The group instructed Phil to do a similar exercise showing an eighty five percent impervious surface ratio to let the group visualize that concept. Phil also stated that a coverage ratio may not be needed, if proper and effective outside parameters are established. Another issue in the Standards that was addressed included the area of outdoor storage. The.group agreed that this should be limited and have restrictions as to the amount and location of the outdoor storage. Further discussion occurred on this and other areas of the Standards. Any changes made will be addressed by Phil and the final draft will be on the EDC Agenda for final approval on May 11, 1993. If approved the Standards will go to the Planning Commission on May 20, 1993. Other Business Nat reported on the upcoming Economic Development Day being put on by the Scott County Economic Development Committee. The date has been scheduled for May 21, 1993. Further details will be available in the upcoming weeks. Ray informed the group about a recent trip he took to the Green Bay area of Wisconsin. Currently that area is experiencing similar issues as Prior Lake is concerning Indian gaming. The tribe from Green Bay started small, like Little 6, and now it is buying all the land that goes up for sale in the area in an attempt to gain more land. This land, of course, gets taken off of the tax rolls. The City of Prior Lake should be aware of what is going on elsewhere in the area regarding this issue. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 11, 1993 at 7:15 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. 3 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Attendance II. Minutes III. Project Update - Busse's (Subway) - Keyland Homes - Office Redevelopment IV. CIP Presentation V® Discussion of Marketing Material for Business Office Park VI. Discussion of Retention/Expansion Minutes of May 12, 1993 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: EDC Meeting Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Jim Hill, Ray Lemley, Dean Sutliff, Jere Phillips, Debra Rose, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Kay Kuhlmann Rachel VanDenBoom, Bob Underferth, Mike Sweeney, David Pearson Roger Guenette, Frank Boyles, Bret Woodson, Phil Carlson, Tom Kedrowski, Ellen Cummings Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:15 Minutes of April 27, 1993 approved by motion of Nat Wisser, seconded by Darwin Fossee. Motion Passed. III. IV. Vo VI. VII. EDC Goals and Objectives. Frank Boyles initiated a discussion regarding EDC Goals and Objectives for 1993-94 explaining the Council's position and expectations of the EDC. Darwin Fosse and Jim Hill suggested that Goal #5 language to amended by eliminating last sentence. Frank communicated that the Council wants the EDC to focus on commercial/industrial issues. Capital Improvement Projects Budget. Kay Kuhlmann raised a question on what role the EDC should play in reviewing the Capital Improvement Project (ClP) budget for coming year. Discussion ensued with consensus that City Engineer or other appropriate staff will be asked to provide information on aspects of ClP that relate to economic development. EDC Meeting Schedule. Discussion ensured relating to the EDC meeting schedule. Alternatives were discussed with consensus that this issue will be revisited at a later time. Redevelopment Issues - Kay Kuhlmann reported that Pdordale Mall ownership issues will soon be decided by the bankruptcy court. This development and several other commercial areas are in need of redevelopment and reinvestment. She suggested that the EDC take the lead in analyzing what redevelopment potential and related issues exist. Jeannie Robbins suggested that Minnegasco or other resources by tapped for funding to analyze redevelopment. Project Update. Kay Kuhlmann reviewed information on current residential subdivision development. The EDC requested that she obtain information on subdivision names, number of lots and status of plat approvals. Roger Guenette reported that the KATUN, INC. project has been put on hold until such time as the company is able to sell their existing facility. Approve Industrial Park Standards. Phil Carlson reviewed the modifications to the proposed Industrial Park Standards. After discussion on the changes including the building lot coverage, signage, etc. Dean Satliff made a motion to recommend, Jere Phillips seconded. Motion passed. IX. Xo Xl. Other Business. Ellen Cummings was introduced and she announced her intention to initiate a gymnastic center in the City. She inquired as to the availability of a business revolving loan fund, She indicated a need for space and asked if the EDC could assist, The EDC directed staff to work with her to determine if there were opportunities to assist, Introduction of Development Staff. Roger Guenette, Ed Tschida and Michael Mulrooney, all of Advance Resources for Development, Inc, were introduced as the consultants who will be providing technical assistance and staff services to the EDC, Adjournment. Dean Sutliff moved and Jeannie Robbins seconded for adjournment. Motion passes at 9:25 a,m, j :~ '~ L ° ': ~ © '-'1 r .... '. ',, ~..,-?" . I · · \. ....' . ...... ..- ~ , '--'1 " I i , I . PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA Roll Call Bob Barsness Rachel VanDenBoom Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Bob Underferth II. Minutes (attached) III. Resignation & Reappointments (letter attached) IV. CIP Priorities (map & priorities attached) Project Update - office Redevelopment - Business Office Park * Keyland * Inquiries - Draft & Cinema House VI. VII. Business Office Park Marketing Discussion Redevelopment Project 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ! Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER VIII. General Information - Planning Commission Meeting for I-2 Standards June 15, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. - Business Golf Tournament on June 24, 1993 noon IX. Correspondence - Star City Recertification Letter (attached) Other Business Future Agenda Items * John Young * Fabcon XI. Adjournment Minutes of May 25, 1993 EDC Meeting Members Present: Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemley, Jere Phillips, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Mike Sweeney Members Absent: Jim Hill, Dean Sutliff, Rachel VanDenBoom, Bob Underferth, Mike Sweeney, David Pearson, Debra Rose Others Present: Roger Guenette, Larry Anderson, Kay Kuhlmann III. IV. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:25 a.m. Minutes of May 12, 1993 approved by motion of Jeannie Robbins, seconded by Nat Wisser. Motion Passed. Membership Report Kay Kuhlmann reported that Rachel Van Den Boom has submitted her resignation to the EDC; she indicated that her other responsibilities are detracting from her ability to serve on the EDC. The committee directed staff to arrange a reception honoring Rachel and Jim Hill (who is also ending service on the EDC) for their contributions and efforts on behalf of the community. The date for the reception has tentatively been set for June 21, 1993. Roger Guenette suggest that the EDC may wish to extend an invitation to the Mdewakanton Dakota Development Director to serve on the EDC in order to better coordinate activities and enhance communication on development issues. Committee members agreed and requested that this information be communicated to the City Council and City Manager for their concurrence. Project Update Kay Kuhlmann and Roger Guenette reported on the status of Keyland Homes, Inc. and a proposed office redevelopment adjacent to the downtown. Keyland Homes is a prospect considering location in the Business Park. The office redevelopment is being contemplated by several local professionals who would be investors and operate businesses in the facility. Kay also reported that several leads were genera{ed during the Scott County Economic Development Day. These leads will be responded to with appropriate materials and contact be staff. Capital Improvement Program City Engineer Larry Anderson gave an excellent presentation overviewing the 5 year Capital Improvement Program. Enclosed is a map detailing the CIP recommendations from the city staff. The EDC is asked to review this information and forward their recommendations to the Council prior to June 21. VI. Other Business VII. Jere Phillips reported that the school board authorized hiring 20 new staff positions for the 1993-94 school year. The staff increases will dramatically reduce class sizes and facilitate educational improvement. To meet the needs for additional classroom space the school board is investigating the possible use of Priordale Mall for the Early Childhood Program and Kindergarten classes. Adjournment Jeannie Robbins moved, Jere Phillips seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 9:15 a.m. a[:.IHA R:EALT'..' F'RIOR LA,::iE 05. 25. 1997 15:04 i'llZ~. 12 F'. 2 Edlna Really,.. Southw~t Suburban OJff'we 14198 Commeme Avenue N.E. Prior Lake, Mlnnesot~ 55372 (612) 447-4700 May 25, 1993 c/o Bob Barsness, Chairman EDC Committee Prior Lake State Bank 16677 Duluth Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, MN. 55372 Dear Bob: I am resigning as a member of the EDC Committee. Although I have enjoyed my years with the committee, I feel that the growth and demands of my business and additional demands of my family need to take priority. The progress and the future of the City of Prior Lake is very ~mportant to me. I will continue to be involved although I can no longer take an active part. Sincerely, Rachel Van Den Boom RV/de cc: Frank Boyles, City Manager Kay Kuhlmann, Assistant City Manager Lee Andren, Mayor * COUNTY ROAD PRIORITIES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. County Read 42, Femdale to Boone County Road 18, County Road 42 to T.H. 101 County Read 21, Fish Point to 35W County Read 42, Femdale to County Read 21 County Read 83, County Read 82 to County Read 42 County Read 42, County Road 21 to County Read 17 County Road 21, County Read 42 to County Read 82 County Read 23, Realignment County Read 44, Highway 13 to County Read 27 County Read 17, Highway 13 to County Read 12 Subject to Council Review MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 500 Metro Square 121 7th Place East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-2146 USA RECEIVED MAY 17 ! 93 CITY OF PI:%IOP ' .... May 15, 1993 Ms. Kay Kuhlman Assistant city Administrator City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota, SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Ms. Kuhlman: Congratulations! The City of Prior Lake has been Recertified as a Minnesota Star City for 1993. Your Community must be very proud of its innovative Economic Development Team! Its goals are the catalyst that propels your City's productive job creation strategies and enables a bright and promising future for Prior Lake. Business Retention and Expansion activities play an important role in creating a long-term economic development strategy. Prior Lake has continued to address these issues by working to expand housing development, developing a plan to develop the P.L. Business office Park, and by working to keep both the business community and the residential community informed on the shifting trends that effect growth. Should your Community need any technical assistance DTED Regional Star Staff is available to be of service to you. Wishing you and your Star Organization continued success. An Equal Opportunity Employer PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 7:15 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Jem Phillips Jeannie Robbins Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Bob Undede~h Mike Sweeney Dave Mocal II. Minutes (attached) III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SEARCH PROCESS IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF 1993-1994 WORK PLAN (attached) PROJECT UPDATE Downtown Redevelopment Business Office Park Priordale Mall Draft Cinema House VI. BUSINESS OFFICE PARK APPROVAL OF BROCHURE VII. BUSINESS OFFICE PARK INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS OTHER BUSINESS IX. ADJOURNMENT EDC~ Minutes of June 8, 1993 EDC Meeting Members Present: Bob Barsness, Darwin Fosse, Nat Wisser, Jeannie Robbins, Dean Sutliff, Jere Phillips, Kay Kuhlmann, Mike Sweeney, David Pearson, Debra Rose Members Absent: Raymond Winley, Bob Underferth, Others Present: Roger Guenette, Tom Kedrowski Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:21 a.m. II. Minutes of May 28, 1993 approved by motion of Nat Wisser, seconded by Dean Sutliff. Motion Passed. II1. Membership. Kay Kuhlmann reported that David Mocol will join the EDC as a representative of the Mdewakanton Sioux community. IV. ClP Priorities. Discussion ensued regarding the priorities as were presented by Larry Anderson at the May 28th meeting. Kay suggested that the EDC recommend the Council add a line item to the CiP budget for EDC/EDA activities by implementing the EDA tax levy to the overall city budget for 1994. Nat Wisser moved, Darwin Fosse seconded that the EDC recommend the ClP plan as presented by staff and request the council to implement an EDA levy for 1994 to provide a budget for discretionary development activities. Motion passed. Vo Project Update. Kay reported on status of downtown office redevelopment. Initial meeting occurred on June 3rd, a second meeting has been scheduled for June 10 with potential developers. VI. Marketing Committee Report. Dean reported that the marketing brochure is ready for final review. Dean will present the mock-up of the brochure at the next EDC meeting. The Marketing Committee is in the process of scheduling presentations to local business leaders regarding new development opportunities. A mailing will also be sent to existing businesses in Scott County and the surrounding area. VII. Golf Tournament. Jere Phillips reported that arrangements are being finalized for the Business Appreciation Day golf tournament set for June 24th. Star City Recertification. Bob Barsness reported that the city has receive recertiflcation as a Star City by the MnDTED. IX. Adjournment. Darwin Fosse moved, Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried at 8:47 a.m. _, I~esources for Development, Inc. DATE: May 17, 1993 TO: Prior Lake EDC FROM: Roger Guenette RE: Implementation of 93/94 Work Program In reviewing the 1993 Economic Development Work Program it is apparent that there are many issues that the EDC has identified for involvement. Based upon our past work with the city and recent activity regarding the business park it is my sense that the priority goal is to successfully structure and implement 1-2 new developments within the park during the remainder of this year. At the same time, we must find a way to successfully address and respond to the needs of existing businesses and pressing redevelopment needs. In this regard I have outlined various activities and related tasks designed to impact upon these development priorities. The activities/tasks are identified as follows: Prior Lake Business Park Activity Responsible Party Timeframe City Attorney/City Council City Engineer, City Manager, C.ity Council, Bond Consultant, Finance Director A. Close on land purchase Finalize grading, infrastructure roadway specifications and implement Market development opportunity 1. Finalize materials 2. Establish 'sales' network/ promote a. Meet with civic organizations b. Develop & distribute press releases c. Arrange tour of area realtors, developers, lenders and business leaders Prospect analysis, structure, negotiation 1. Work with prospects to determine qualifications, appropriate financing structure, finalize negotiations and obtain commitments for financing and development EDC/Marketing Committee EDC/Marketing Committee EDC/EDA/City Council May May-June May June Ongoing June Ongoing Business Finance and Economic Development Specialists CORPOEAIE OFFICES: P.O. Box 32609 Mpls., MN 55432-0609 Phone: (612) 785-2227 P.O. Box 3027 Mankato, MN 56002-3027 Phone: (507) 387-7117 Fax: (507) 387-6115 ~ ~' II. Business Retention/Expansion Activity .Responsible Party Ao Analyze redevelopment potential EDC and limitations 1. Identify projects and related issues a. Ownership b. Cost c. Equity d. Vacancy factors 2. Determine appropriate measures EDC/City Council to promote redevelopment B. Develop land & building inventory EDC Create "Facilitation" service for EDC existing businesses 1. Publicize availability of assistance EDC 2. Coordinate resources & meet w/businesses 3. Determine training needs and what Chamber/Schools programs (if any) should be offered Create revolving loan program 1, Determine needs and priorities a. Adopt strategy and guidelines 2. Secure funds, publicize and implement EDC/City Council/ EDA/Area Lenders Timeframe June June-July June June-ongoing Jun~ongoing June-ongoing July-August ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA JULY 27, 1993 PRIOR LAKE COUNCIL CHAMBERS II. III. IV. ROLL CALL MINUTES DISCUSS MARKETING ACTIVITIES ao DISTRIBUTION OF BROCHURES IN WAVELENGTH CONFIRM CIVIC ORGANIZATION MEETING LIST DISCUSS RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY PROJECT UPDATE DISCUSS SIX MONTH EVALUATION OF CONTRACT WITH ADVANCE RESOURCES INC. VI. ADJOURNMENT Minutes of July 13, 1993 EDC Meeting Members Present: Bob Barsness, David Pearson, Jere Phillips, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Members Absent: Dar Fosse, Jim Hill, Dean Sutliff, Rachel VanDenBoom, Bob Underferth, Mike Sweeney, Ray Lemley, Mike Sweeney, Debra Rose Others Present: Roger Guenette, Kay Kuhlmann II1. IV. VI. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Minutes of June 25, 1993 approved by motion of Jeanne Robbins, seconded by Nat Wisser subject to a quorum, contingent upon stated corrections to the minutes. Discussion ensued regarding EDA levy. The levy request will be presented to the City Council on Monday, July 19. Marketing Meetings - A schedule has been set for presentations to community organizations re: Waterfront Passage. EDC members will be asked to volunteer for assisting with presentations, A schedule of meeting dates is enclosed, A ground breaking ceremony will be organized for the week of August 15-20, Projects - Roger Guenette outlined a proposal to Keyland Homes to enable their location in Waterfront Passage Business Park. The EDC concurred with the proposed offer to Keyland Homes. Roger presented an update on the downtown office redevelopment. The project cost estimates and potential for return on investments are being analyzed by the proposed developers. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA AUGUST 10, 1993 I. Roll Call II. Minutes * See attached minutes III. Update on Service Club Presentations * See attached outline IV. Discuss Ground Breaking Ceremony V. Project Update VI. Discuss Request for Council Representative VII. Other Business VIII. Adjoumment EDCNI. KK Minutes of July 27, 1993 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: EDC Meeting Bob Barsness, Debra Rose, Mike Sweeney, Dean Sutliff, Ray Lemley, David Pearson, Jere Phillips, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Dar Fosse, Bob Underferth Roger Guenette Ill. IV. VI. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Jeanne Robbins. Motion passed. Meeting Schedule. EDC members volunteered to assist with marketing presentations to community organizations. These meetings are scheduled to begin in August. The EDC instructed staff to prepare an outline for meetings to community groups. In addition to the outline the staff will also prepare materials which may assist the EDC members in their presentation. (These materials and the revised meeting schedule are included with the agenda and the meeting minutes.) Marketing Reports - Dean Sutliff and Mike Sweeney volunteered to design and research a sign promoting and identifying the business park and arranging for the placement of such sign on County Rd. 42. Roger Guenette reported on the initial marketing presentation to the Chamber of Commerce at their July meeting. Bob Barsness requested that a letter be drafted and sent to NSP and Scott-Rice Telephone thanking them for financing and installing the sign designating the Waterfront Passage Business Park. Roger Guenette also reported on the status of the Keyland Homes Project and the proposed downtown redevelopment. A proposal was submitted to Gary Horkey of Keyland Homes relating to their proposed project in the Waterfront Passage Park. Mr. Horkey indicated that he considered the City's offer significant and that he would confer with his partner and respond back to the city the first week of August regarding their willingness to commit to the project. The downtown development project is currently under study by the potential investor group and they are in the process of exploring methods of controlling the property and conducting site assessments. EDC Member Report. Nat Wisser reported that he attended the City Council meeting on July 19th and that the City Council approved a PUD for the Wild's Development. Nat was also present and participated in the presentation to the Chamber of Commerce regarding marketing of the Waterfront Business Park. Adjournment. Jere Phillips moved and Dean Sutliff seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 9:00 a.m. OUTLINE FOR MARKETING PRESENTATIONS TO CO~MUNITY ORGANIZATIONS KAY I. OVERVIEW OF EDC Membership, purpose and organization history Services available include assessment of development potential, deal structuring, financial packaging and coordination with public and private resources. Relationship to City Council, EDA and Development Review Committee KAY KAY EDC REP EDC REP REVIEW OF CUILRENT MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES he Be Ce Waterfront Passage Business Park 1. Location, cost, development standards and timeframe for development Financial Incentives Tax Increment Financing SBA 504 and 7A loans Minnesota Department Development Marketing focus Goals of Trade and Economic Small/medium sized manufacturers, office/warehouse operations and wholesale distributors Reasons for marketing focus include transportation access, lot size and existence of numerous embryonic business within 15 mile radius that have grown to an extent where they will require a permanem facility 2 projects/year lob creation Tax base enhancement EDC REP E. Marketing Strategy Brochure/mailing Signs on Hwys 13 & 42 Attendance at trade shows and development expos Personal contacts and referrals from community members Groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings and media events EDC REP CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Urge audience to communicate with busin~ and personal contacts regarding opportunities in Prior Lake and provide referrals to EDt/City Assure audience that all referrals will be handled in a professional and confidential manner Invite audience members to participate on EDC or specific aspects of the development/marketing effort ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I-rEE AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1993 7:15 - 9:00AM II. II!. ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Dean Sutliff - Nat Wisser _ v~'~t~ ~~ MINUTES See attached minutes REVIEW GROUND BREAKING DETAILS * See attached outline IV. REVIEW MARKETING MATERIALS PROJECT UPDATE VI. REVIEW BUSINESS EXPO OUTLINE * See attache~l outline VII. OTHER BUSINESS * See attached update on The Wilds EDC:Ag.KK Minutes of August 10, 1993 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: EDC Meeting Bob Barsness, Debra Rose, Mike Sweeney, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemley, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser, Dave Mocol Bob Underferth, Dean Sutliff, David Pearson, Jere Phillips, Ed Tschida, Kay Kuhlmann III. IV. III. IV. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Dar Fosse. Motion passed. Marketing Presentations to Community Organizations. Kay Kuhlmann reviewed the marketing presentation outline and the schedule of community organization presentations. Additional meeting times for the presentations were selected and EDC members volunteered to act as presenters. Annexation/Expansion of Industrial Park. EDC members briefly discussed the status of property abutting the industrial park. It was determined that the properties adjoining the industrial park should be identified as to ownership, size and location. This information would be used to discuss ideas for the potential expansion of the industrial park, including obtaining purchase options on the property. It was also decided to obtain this same information for property north of Highway 42. On a related matter, it was recommended that the neighbors surrounding the industrial park should be notified about the status of the industrial park and the city's plans for future development. Kay Kuhlmann and Mike Sweeney presented information on the ground breaking ceremony for the Business Office/Park. Kay indicated that the ground breaking ceremony would attempt to attract 100-200 individuals and would occur in late September. EDC members discussed details of the ground breaking and made several suggestions for including additional items. Example{ of printed materials and their costs were presented by Mike Sweeney. A motion was made by Nat Wisser to order the single pocket brochures. Discussion on the motion determined that 1,000 units should be ordered. Motion seconded by Ray Lemley. Motion carried. Discussion on request for Council Representative. Bob Barsness introduced this item and indicated that both the EDC and Council has previously supported this idea. Dar Fosse made a motion that the EDC support a city council representative on the EDC. Ray Lemley seconded the motion. Motion carried. Bob Barsness indicated that he would attend the August 16 City Council meeting to convey the EDC's motion on this matter. Other Discussion/Business. 1. Dave Mocol suggested that an EDC marketing strategy might focus on businesses servicing Mystic Lake and that a list of these businesses could be requested from Bill Johnson. Dave also suggested that an additional strategy could be to focus on businesses in the metro area who have strong Southern Minnesota connections. VI. 2. Dave Mocol presented an update on Mystic Lake activities. EDC members discussed scheduling a September EDC meeting to tour the improved facilities. 3. Bob Barsness discussed the need to encourage additional EDC membership as there are twelve members authorized. 4. Kay Kuhlmann indicated that John Young, a developer, would be scheduled for an appearance before the EDC (possibly in October) to discuss a developer's view of Prior Lake development opportunities. Adjournment. Dar Fosse moved and Bob Barsness seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 9:00 a.m. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser I1. MINUTES * See attached minutes/August 25, 1993, meeting II1. DISCUSS MARKETING OF BUSINESS OFFICE PARK · 1. · 2. · 3. · 4. Review marketing presentation Status report on folder Status report on ground breaking activity Requested update from Councilmember Fitzgerald on marketing activities IV. DISCUSSION OF THE EDC BUDGET FOR 1994 PROJECT UPDATE · 1. Office redevelopment · 2. KeyLand Homes and other prospects VI. DETAILS ON BUSINESS EXPO VII. ADJOURNMENT Minutes of August 25, 1993 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: EDC Ms®ting Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Ray Lemley, Nat Wisser and Dean Sutliff Jere Phillips, Jeannie Robbins and Mike Sweeney Ed Tschida and Kay Kuhlmann II1. IV. Vo VI. VII. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:25 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Dar Fosse. Motion passed. Review of Ground Breaking Details. Kay Kuhlmann reviewed the outline for the ground breaking ceremony for the business office park. She indicated that the tentative date of September 30, 1993, had been selected for the ceremony. On a related matter a discussion ensued on the EDC's marketing budget. Due to the fact that the city council is in its budget process Nat Wisser moved that a resolution be submitted to the city council requesting continued financial support for the EDC. The motion was seconded by Ray Lemley and unanimously approved. A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes. Review of Marketing Materials. Kay Kuhlmann presented samples of the marketing materials for the Prior Lake Business Office Park. EDC members reviewed the materials and recommended that Kay proceed with printing. Project Update. Kay Kuhlmann presented an update on the status of the bid letting and construction schedule for the improvements to the business office park. Kay Kuhlmann and Ed Tschida discussed the KeyLand Homes proposal and indicated that the company has verbally committed to locating its new facility in the business office park. Kay Kuhlmann brought the EDC up to date on several other inquiries for development opportunities in the community. EDC members discussed progress on the Wilds development project. Mr. Wayne Annis appeared before the EDC to discuss a draft of a bill to be presented to the Minnesota Legislature requesting the establishment of an advisory task force which would develop a plan for the localization of long-term care services. Dar Fosse presented an update for the space needs for the school district. Review of Business Expo Outline. Kay Kuhlmann presented an outline for the Economic Development Committee and Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce 1993 Business Expo. The outline activities were reviewed by EDC members. Kay requested volunteers from the EDC to assist at the Business Expo. Adjournment. Dar Fosse moved and Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 8:40 a.m. RES OL U TION OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ~It the regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Nat 14rtsser moved the following: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Prior Lake has established the Prior Lake Economic Development Committee for the purpose of improving the quality of life in the community by encouraging high quality development within the community which increases the tax base, creates job opportunities and provides a variety of services for the citizens of Prior Lake; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Committee in carrying out its mission has established the Waterfront Passage Business Office Park and is actively seeking businesses to locate in this park; and WHEREAS, continued development of the Business Office Park requires the city's financial support to assist in marketing the park and providing professional services for preparing proposals to prospective park tenants: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Prior Lake maintain the EDC's budget for professional assistance at $10,000 and increase the marketing budget to a minimum of $10,000. Motion Seconded by Ray Lemley. Members Barsness, Fosse, Lemley, Sutliff and Wisser voting in favor of the resolution. Voting against resolution: None Dated: August 25, 1993 Bob Barsness, Chairman Economic Development Committee PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 AM PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser II. MINUTES * See attached minutes of September 14, 1993, EDC meeting III. UPDATE ON SEPTEMBER 30 GROUNDBREAKING AT WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK IV. REPORT ON SEPTEMBER 20 PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING KEY-LAND HOMES REPORT ON MEETING WITH MDEWAKANTON SIOUX COMMUNITY REGARDING COORDINATION AND JOINT VENTURE DEVELOPMENTS VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT EDCA09 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER oEP-20-1995 1~:~5 FROM ADUANCE INC. TO PRIOR LAKE-CITY P.O1 Minutes of September 14, 1993 EDC Meeting Membem Present: Bob Baroness, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Mike Sweeney, Dean Sutliff, Jeannie Robbins, Jere Phillips, Dave Pearson, and Mike Sweeney Members Absent: Ray Lemley, Others Present: Roger Guenette and Kay Kuhlmann I11. IV. VI. VII, Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:25 a.m, Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Jeannie Robbins. Motion passed. Marketing Report. Kay Kuhlmann distributed copies of the folder for presenting marketing information to prospects, Discussion ensued regarding enclosures for groundbreaking ceremony. She backgrounded members on status of preparation plans for groundbreaking. Presentation/Discussion on Residential Development Task Force. Bob Barsness reported that he had attended a meeting of this group on July 28th and he distributed a copy o1 the meeting minutes. He believes that the minutes do not accurately reflect the "tone" of discussion at the meeting nor the prevailing sentiment of the balance of the commun~y. He cautioned that the City may be led to take actions which could be impractical and limit residential growth. Project Update. A, Wi[ds. Kay Kuhlmann reported that the development was given initial approval by Met Council; the EAW comment period will be concluded on September 20th. It is possible that utilities and improvements will begin this fall. B. Waterfront Passage. Bob Barsness and Roger Guenette presented information on a new prospect. They are interested in building a 4,000 - 5,000 sq. ft. facility. Staff indicated that they will continue to work with the company and other prospects to determine if several "smaller" projects could be combined to enhance lot coverage in the Business Park. C. Key[and Homes. Roger Guenette reported that the TIF public hearing will be held on September 2Oth. The City's proposal should allow for 100% reimbursement of public costs through the TIF revenue and the $,3,500 down payment. Business Expo. September 20th. atthe Expo. Kay Kuhlmann reported on the Scott County Business Expo to be held on She overviewed the program and asked for volunteers to help staff the booth Adjournment. Nat Wisser moved and Jeannie Robbins seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 8;50 a.m. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 AM PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Dave Mocal II. MINUTES * See attached minutes of September 28, 1993, EDC meeting III. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS IV. REVIEW SEPTEMBER 30 GROUNDBREAKING AT WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK/FOLLOW UP TO MARKETING EFFORT REVIEW EDC GOALS VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. EDOAIO ADJOURNMENT 0CT-04-199~ 09:36 FROM ADUANCE INC. TO PRIOR LAKE-CITY P.O~ Minutes of September 28, 1993 ;=DC Meeting Members Present: Members Absentl Others Present; Bob Barsness, Ray Lemle¥, Nat Wisser, Mike Sweeney, Jere Phillips Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Jeannie Robbins, Dave Pearson, and Mike Sweeney Kay Kuhlmann and Ed Tschida IV. VI. ¥11. VIII. Update: Homes. Council Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:25 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Ray Lemley. Motion passed. Update: Groundbreaking at Waterfront Passage Business Park. Kay kuhlmann presented information on the final preparations for the groundbreaking at Waterfront Passage Business Park. Key[and Homes Project. Bob 8arsness reported on the public hearing for KeyL~nd }(ay Kuhlmann reported that the industrial standards have been approved by the City Update: Mdewakanton Sioux Community meeting. Ed Tschida presented an update on the September 17th meeting with Bill Ridnicki representing the Mdewakanton community. Bob Barsness discussed issues relating to housing development in the community. Kay Kuhlmann discussed City Council request to locate sign identifying location of business office park at the intersection o1 roadways 42 and 13 or ~,2 and 21 or both. Adjournment. Ray Lemley moved and Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 8:15 a.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR T,AIiF, CITY HAT,I,- CITY COUNCIl, CHAMBERS AGENDA I. Roll Call BOB BARSNESS DAR FOSSE RAY LEM7 JEANNIE BOBBINS MIKE SWEENEY NAT WISSER LARRY GREENFIELD WES MAI)ER DEAN SUTLIFF DAVE MOCAL DEBORAH ROSE DAVE PEARSON JOHN VAUGHN II. MINUTES * See attached minutes of October 12, 1993 EDC Meeting III. LrPDATE ON EDC SPECIAL MEETING ON THE WILDS IV. DISCUSS A~rACHED DRAFI' LETTER TO PRIORDALE AREA BUSINESSES * See attached dra/t letter to Sue Sticha V. CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON EDC GOALS * See attached 1993 goals VI. REAFFIRM EDC ANNUAL MEETING - JANUARY 11, 1993 (7:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) * Discuss facil/taWr, format and speakers VII. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENT ISSUES VIII. OTHER BUSI]XrESS * See attached copy of EDC Membership and edit list Minutes of October 12, 1993 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: EDC Meeting Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Jeannie Robbins, Nat Wisser,Jere Phillips Wes Mader and Larry Greenfield Ray Lemley, Dave Pearson, Mike Sweeney, Deborah Rose and Bob Underfeth Kay Kuhlmann. John Vaughn and Roger Guenette Ill. IV. Chairman Bob Barsness called meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Jeanne Robbins. Motion passed. New Members: Wes Mader and Larry Greenfield were introduced as new members of the EDC. John Vaughn was introduced as a student intern working with the City. Report on September 30, Groundbreaking. Discussion focused on the early start of the groundbreaking due to weather conditions that day. As a result, the local newspaper reporter missed the groundbreaking ceremony and expressed his disappointment. Committee members talked about various strategies to follow up with groundbreaking attendees/invitees on continued marketing of the business park. Dean Sutliff suggested that the EDC obtain a list of industrial tenants int he SW Metro area to be used as a marketing too[ for potential tenants in the business park. It was determined that staff/EDC will follow up on the attendee list. Roger Guenette reported on the needs of area firms for small manufacturing space. (3,000 - 10,000 sq. ff.) The EDC considered the question of development of "spec space" to meet the needs of small manufacturers. In this regard the EDC/staffwill contact local persons to determine the potential for private investment for development of "spec space". Review of EDC Goals, The Committee reviewed progress in attaining the 1993-1994 Development Goals. Areas in which the members believed additional work was necessary included: 1) Development of a redevelopment plan to address needs/issues of Priordale Mall, Gateway Center and Town Center and, 2) incorporate the development activities/success of the Mdewakanton Sioux and '~Nilds" project into the EDC's promotional effort. To better address the accomplishment of goals the EDC decided to invite representatives from the various commercial centers to subsequent EDC meetings in order to gain insights to their needs and willingness to participate in a redevelopment planning process. Regarding the Sioux Community and 'Wilds" development, staff will continue to meet with the Mdewankanton community and business leader in order to monitor ongoing development and determine how to incorporate this information into the City's development efforts. Adjournment. Ray Lemley moved and Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 9:10 a.m. TERI JO'S FLORAL Sue Stichad Priordale Mall Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 Dear Ms. Sticha: The City of Prior Lake's Economic Development Committee is a volunteer entity whose charge is to assist the City in promoting development in Prior Lake. The Economic Development Committe has developed goals which include working with existing businesses to identify and explore ways to enhance their business profitability. On Tuesday, November 9, 1993 the EDC has set aside time on their regular meeting schedule to discuss with property and business owners from the Priodale commercial area, thoughts and plans for enhancing existing business development in the Priordale mall area. The EDC would appreciate your attendance at this meeting. Please come with thoughts about the following: I. What are your business needs, and are they being met? 2. What are your business plans for the future? 3. Educate us on business issues in Prior Lake. Please call Kay Kuhlmann at 447-4230 if you cannot attend. Thank you for your anticipated participation. Sincerely Bob Barsness Chairperson Economic Development Committee REDELT. WRT ~1993 - 1994 GOA o c?zvzs - MAY ' 11_, 19.9 ~. Develop an implementation plan for City Council review which provides for community outreach to existing and new businesses through in person, telephone, and/or written means. Review and comment upon the staff plan for providing Economic Development services. Assist in the development of policies or ordinances required to successfully complete the Business/Office Park. Participate in the public meetings to be scheduled by the Planning Commission regarding the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and provide comments and observations. 5. Act as a _liaison between existing commercial/industrial representatives an4 the City Staff. Provide slmilar liaison with residential representatives if a problem exists. 6. Assist in soliciting input from stake holders to determine the advisability of completing a redevelopment master plan for Priordale Mall, Gateway, and Town Center. 7. Identify for promotional ~urpose$, the potential benefits which the Mdewakanton Sioux Community and "The Wilds" development could have on commerce and the community. 8. Coordinate the Star City recertification process· 9. Display commitment to the .S~udent Advisory Council by supporting their efforts to hiring youth oriented businesses to the community. "EDCGOA" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 11, 1993 7:15 - 1:15 P.M. HOLLYWOOD BAR AND GRILL 7:15 7:30 8:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:15 1:15 ACTIVITY Coffee and discussion of meeting expectations Breakfast and fellowship Review of 1993 successes Presentation by Horst Graser on Comprehensive Plan 2010 Brainstorming on 1994 Goals Summary of a.m. accomplishments and 1994 workplan Break Lunch with Chamber Board Adjournment Frank individual Frank Horst Frank Frank individual Kay Kay EDC MEMBERS Bob Barsness 5400 Fairlawn Shores Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 Darwin Fosse 16228 Franklin Circle SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Nat R. W'mser 6576 Harbor Beach Prior Lake, MN 55372 Raymond Lemley Sr. 5955 Hidden Oaks Circle SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Jeannie Robbins 5445 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dean Sutliff 3162 Linden Circle NW Prior Lake, MN 55372 Kay Kuhlmann 15696 Wildwood Circle Prior Lake, MN 55372 Mike Sweeney Advertising 3401 Willow Beach Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 Updated 10/18/93 447-4422 (I-I) 447-2101 (W) 447-2104 (W) 447-3337 (FAX) 447-4139 (W) 447-6742 (H) 447-4158 (FAX) 445-5503 (H) 447-4937 (H) 440-9800 (W) 445-6052 (H) 492-8203 (W) 492-8274 (FAX) 440-4232 (H) 884-6706 (W) 884-6707 (FAX) 440-7432 (H) 447-4230 (W) 447-4245 (FAX) 440-5749 (H) 894-6644 (W) Same FAX Larry Greenfield 15849 Island View Road Prior Lake, MN 55372 Wesley Mader 3470 Sycamore Trail SW Prior Lake, MN 55372 Jere Phillips - Ex-Officio 5650 150th Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 447-6125 (H) 432-3467 (W) 432-4492 (FAX) 440-1069 (H) 440-2396 (H) 447-2185 (W) John Vaughn - Ex-Officio 5530 Woodside Road SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 440-2720 (H) David S. Pearson - Ex-Officio Community Service Rep. Marketing & Community Affairs Northern States Power Company P.O. Box 1090 Mankato, MN 56001 Deborah Rose - Ex-Officio Cedar Pines Health Care Facility 2739 Cedar Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55407 1-800-722-9360 724-5495 (W) 724-5491 (H) Dave Mocal - Ex-Officio Mdewakanton Sioux Community 2300 Sioux Trail Prior lake, MN 55372 445-8900 (W) £DCMEM.WRT PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMrn'EE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 AM PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Dave Mocal II. MINUTES * See attached minutes of October 26, 1993, EDC meeting III. IV, BRIEFLY REVIEW UPDATED MARKETING PLAN FROM MIKE DISCUSSION WITH PRIORDALE AREA BUSINESSES DEAN AND SUBMIT COMMENTS ON JANUARY 11 ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA * See attached VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. EDCA11 ADJOURNMENT .1'-~8-1993 09:5~ FROM ADUANCE INC. TO PRIOR LAKE-CITY P.02 Minutes of October..~, 1993 EDC Meeting Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Ray Lemley, Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Nat Wisser, Dave Pearson, Mike 8weeney, Jere Phillips. Wes Mader, Dave Moeol and Larry Greent'~ld Deborah Rose, Bob Underfeth and Jeannie Robbins Kay Kuhlmann, John Vaughn and Roger Guenette III. IV. VII, Vlll. Acting Chairman Dar Fosse called meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Dar Fosse. Motion passed. Wilds Update. Kay reported on the Wilds development project. Staff has met with the developers and negotiated a compromise regarding developer fees for utility extensions onto the project. Communication With Priordale Mall tenants and owner. Kay presented a draft letter inviting the tenants/owner of the Priordale Mall to a joint meeting in order to discuss development concerns and issues. EDC members expressed opinions that the meeting with the Mall tenants/owner should not be allowed to become adversarial. Ray Lemley reported that some of the Mall tenants are disappointed in the lack of aggressiveness by the Mall management to promote and lease the property. EDC Goals. The EDC continued a review of the 1993 Development Goals. After discussing the progress made on the 1993 Goals. Nat Wisser moved, Jere Phillips seconded that the EDC support a proposal for the city to provide financial support to the Chamber of Commerce for hiring a part.time marketing/outreach staff person. Motion passed. EDC Annual Meeting, The EDC confirmed the annual meeting date as January 11, 1994. Development Updates. A. Keyland closing will occur next week. B. Kay determined signage DOSt for industrial park at 42 & 13 to be $500. Letters requesting donations will be sent to the utllity companies next week. Adjournment. Dar Fosse moved and Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 8:47 a.m. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 AM PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Dave Mocal I1. MINUTES * See attached minutes of November 9, 1993, EDC meeting II1. REVIEW DISCUSSION WITH PRIORDALE AREA BUSINESSES AND AGREE TO FOLLOWUP ITEMS IV. SUBMIT COMMENTS ON JANUARY 11 ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA * See attached DISCUSS EDC STAFF LIAISON TRANSITION VI. PRESENTATION BY JIM SENTYRZ AND BOB PASCHKE ON MARINE RENOVATIONS Mr. Sentyrz and Mr. Paschke will present plans for upgrading the marine. The plans include expanded number of slips, parking and changes in service. VII. OTHER BUSINESS EDC11 ADJOURNMENT i1-1995 ~9:5~ FROM ADUANCE INC, PRIOR LAKE-CITY P.02 Minutes of November Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: 9, 1993 EDC Meeting Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff, Nat Wisser, Ray Lemley, Jeannie Robbins, Dave Pearson, Mike Sweeney and Larry Greenfield Deborah Rose, Bob Underfeth, Wes Mader, Dave Mocol and Jere Phillips Kay Kuhlmann, Frank Boyles, Roger Guanette, Bob Cikanek, Al Wetterlin, Dorothy Wetterlin, Bill Gilbertson, Helmet Ohlgart, Mark Schmintbauer, Sue Sticha, Bill Noll, Howard Clausen, Bob Nikolai, Klm Nikolai, Dabble McGahey, David Velishek, Nell Boderman III. IV. Chairman Bob Barsness called the meeting to order at 7:17 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Dar Fosse. Motion passed. Marketing Plan Report. Dean Suffiff handed out a draft marketing plan and presented an oral summary for the Committee members. The focus of the plan is two pronged and will seek to work with both established businesses from outside of the city and local cottage industries. A primary source of contacts for outside companies will be real estate brokers/developers. Discussion Regarding Priordale Mall Businesses. Thirteen representatives of Priordale Mall businesses were in attendance to discuss various issues, concerns and opportunities for future success. Helmet Ohlgart is the President of the Mall Association and articulated a series of concerns on behalf of Mall tenants. Among the issues identified were: - Improved access (existing entrances route franc through other free standing businesses)~ Signage (the existing signage does not adequately identify tenants in the mall. Lack of support from local residents. Suggestions to address Issues included: Install left turn lane for southbound traffic from Hwy 13 into the mall. - Reconfigure Franklin Trail intersection and install signal lights to improve circulation and safety. - Explore modi~cations to sign ordinance and consider additional lighting to highlight mall and individual tenants. - "Shop at Home" program to increase area residents support of local merchants. - Develop a formal partnership between the City, Mall Association and Mall Developer in order to identify a realistic plan for redevelopment. Following the discussion between the EDC and Priordale Mall business representatives it was determined that a follow up meeting would be scheduled with City officials, Nell Boderman and the President of the Mall Association to determine what steps may be considered to address the issues which were identified. Adjournment. Nat Wisser moved, Larry Greenfield seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed at 9:08 a.m. TOTAL P.02 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMrl-rEE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 7:15 - 9:00 AM PRIOR LAKE STATE BANK BASEMENT AGENDA ROLL CALL Bob Barsness Dar Fosse Ray Lemley Dave Pearson Jere Phillips Jeannie Robbins Deborah Rose. Mike Sweeney Dean Sutliff Nat Wisser Dave Mocal I1. MINUTES * See attached minutes of November 23, 1993, EDC meeting II1. UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY: ROGER/FRANK Residential Info Business Office Park Redevelopment IV. PRESENTATIONS BY JIM SENTYRZ AND BOB PASCHKE ON MARINE RENOVATIONS (8:00 P.M.) Mr. Sentyrz and Mr. Paschke will present plans for upgrading the marine. The plans include expanded number of slips, parking and changes in service. OTHER BUSINESS VI. EDCA12 ADJOURNMENT Mlnutea of November 23, 1993 EDC Meeting Members Present: Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Dean Sutliff. Nat Wisser. Ray Lemley. Jeannie Robbins, Mike Sweeney and Lar~ Greenfield Members Absent: Deborah Rose. 8ob Underfeth, Wes Mader, Dave Mocol, Dave Pearson, and Jere Phillips Others Present: Kay Kuhlmann, Frank Boyles, Roger Guenette, Pete $chenck, Tom Kedrowski III. Chairman Bob Barsness called the meeting to order at 7:20 a.m. Minutes of previous meeting approved by motion of Nat Wisser seconded by Ray Lemley. Motion passed. Review of Priordale Mall Issues. Bob Barsness reported on a follow up meeting with the Mall Association regarding the issues of 1) Improved traffic circulation; 2) Signage; and 3) 'Shop at Home'. A copy of a letter that was drafted and sent to the Chamber of Commerce and the Mall Association regarding these issues was read to the EDC. The EDC decided to invite representatives from the other commercial/retail areas within the community to attend subsequent EDC meetings in order to identify other development issues/opportunities. IV. Discussion on Mystic Lake/Wilds Development. Kay Kuhlmann, Ray Lemley and Frank Boyles reported on information that was related at the November 16 Chamber meeting regarding development strategies for the Mystic Lake/Wilds developments. Expansion of Prior Lake MArine. Jim SentryZ and Bob Paschke were scheduled to present information to the EDC on a proposed expansion of their business. This action was tabled because the business owners did not appear. VI. Adjournment. Larry Greenfield moved, Nat Wisser seconded that the meeting be &djourned. Motion passed at 8:47 a.m. TOTAL P.~2