HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda & 2/27/06 Minutes Draft16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2006
Fire Station - City Council Chambers
6:30 p.m.
Call Meeting to Order:
Roll Call:
Approval of Minutes:
Consent Agenda:
Public Hearings:
A. #EP 05-228 Tollefson Development has submitted a preliminary plat consisting
of approximately 30 acres of land for the development of 51 single family
dwellings and three outlots. This property is located south of TH 13 (just south of
the Maple Glen 2nd development), west of Wedgewood Lane, and north of 180th
6. Old Business: None
7. New Business:
A. #EP 06-104 City Council is requesting a vacation of drainage and utility easement
for property owned by Roger Ferguson at 4500 Lords Street.
8. Announcements and Correspondence:
9. Adjournment:
L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING C O MMIS S I ONL~.GEN DAS'~AGO3130~,0k/' cityofpriorlake, corn
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Stamson called the February 27, 2006, Planning Commission meeting to order
at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Lemke, Perez, Ringstad and Stamson,
Planning Director Jane Kansier, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler and Recording
Secretary Connie Carlson.
2. Roll Call:
Billington Absent
Lemke Present
Perez Present
Ringstad Present
Stamson Present
3. Approval of Minutes:
The Minutes from the February 13, 2006, Planning Commission meeting were approved
as presented.
4. Consent: None
5. Public Hearings:
Commissioner Stamson read the Public Heating Statement and opened the meeting.
A. EP05-220 & 220 Manley Land Development, Donnay Homes, and Cardinal
Development Group submitted an application for Preliminary Plat and Planned
Unit Development to be known as Northwood Meadows for 136 single family
residential homes on 34 acres. The site is located south of CSAH 82, north of Spring
Lake Road/CSAH 12, west of Northwood Road, east of Howard Lake Road/Co. Rd
81, and in the vicinity of Hawk Ridge Rd.
Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated February 27, 2006,
on file in the office of the City Planning Department.
Manley Land Development, Cardinal Development Group, and Donnay Homes have
applied for approval of a development to be known as Northwood Meadows on the
property located on the west side of Northwood Road, directly west of the Northwood
Oaks development and east of Spring Lake Regional Park. The application includes a
Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan and a Preliminary Plat. The proposal calls
for a residential development consisting of 136 single family homes along with parks and
trail on a total of 79 acres.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
The developers are proposing to develop this site as a Planned Unit Development; this
process allows the developers to submit a combined proposal developing lots smaller
than the minimum lot area. In return, the development provides the following benefits to
the City:
· An additional 8.76 acres of parkland over the required 6.72 acre dedication.
A cash contribution of $30,000 towards the park improvements.
· Some additional tree preservation.
The developer has submitted a conceptual plan for a conventional development of 106
lots. This plan does not include any parkland dedication. The proposed PUD creates an
additional 30 lots with parkland dedication. The cost to the City to develop a
neighborhood park of this type is $80,000 to $100,000. The City has funds programmed
for 2008 for this park development. While the developer is proposing a cash contribution
of $30,000, this amount will cover only a fraction of the City's costs.
If the Planning Commission finds the PUD acceptable, the staff would recommend the
following conditions:
1. A wetland mitigation plan must be approved prior to any grading on the site.
2. The plan must be revised to include an access to the park from Knoll Ridge Drive.
3. Revise the plans to address all of the Engineering comments in the memorandum
from Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler dated January 5, 2006. All grading,
hydrology and stormwater issues must be addressed prior to any grading on the site.
4. On the final PUD plan, clearly indicate which lots will be allowed a 7.5' side yard
5. As part of the final PUD plan, provide a table which will enable staff to track the
impervious surface on the site. Overall impervious surface may not exceed the
percentages shown on the plans.
6. As part of the park development, the developer is responsible for grading, topsoil, turf
establishment and construction of the trails to the specifications provided by the City.
7. The developer must submit a cash contribution for park development as part of the
development contract.
8. Provide street names unique to the City street naming system for all streets.
9. The developer must submit a Letter of Credit in an amount equal to 125% of the cost
of the required replacement trees.
10. The developer must provide a phasing plan for this development.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Usually there is a recommendation from the City. Kansier said the decision to make this
a PUD.
Commissioner Ringstad requested abstaining from the discussions and voting as he is
connected with business to one of the partners.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Comments from the Public:
Applicant Frank Blundetto representing Manley Brothers, with co-developers Donnay
Homes and Cardinal Development were available to answer questions.
John Uban, of DSU, Planning Consultant for the developers explained the design with
some of the following comments:
· The site has over 30 acres of open space, parks and trails.
· The County is going to update their (adjoining) park plan. In that process they
would like to swap some land which would benefit the City.
· Everyone from the adjacent neighborhoods will be able to use the parks and trails.
Instead of a cash contribution, they will install some of the first park equipment.
It is a feature that everyone who moves into the neighborhood should have from
day one. They think they can stretch that dollar a little further by putting the
equipment in themselves.
· There is a variety of different properties and sizes with three different developers
all coordinating the project.
Bill Keegan, 3137 Shady Cove Point, said there have been a lot of studies done for this
project but one of his concerns is for the additional traffic on Fremont Avenue and
Northwood Road as the capacity will double with this development. How is the access
on County Road 82 going to be able to handle the additional traffic?
Kansier said the County has control of the intersection. The design of the intersection is
designed on the projected ultimate traffic. Kansier said the County Road 82 project is
scheduled later this year. If residents have questions, they can contact the City and we
will give the appropriate numbers to call.
Poppler believed it was planned for a three-quarters intersection. It has to meet certain
criteria to get a signal.
Stamson pointed out the County, not the City, is in control of the access.
Kansier explained the County and City have been working on the project for a few years
and a lot of thought have gone into the design.
Jim Weninger, 2591 Spring Lake Road, Shakopee, questioned the wetland mitigation and
questioned if the Watershed reviews this project.
Poppler responded the Watershed reviews the project similar to City staff. The wetlands
themselves have to follow the Wetland Conservation Act. It goes to a technical
evaluation panel where they decide whether it meets the Conservation Act or not.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Weninger pointed out a lot of the runoff goes into Prior Lake and Spring Lake. His other
concern would be for water management and quality. He also noted the lots are smaller
than other residential areas.
Kansier noted this is a PUD (Planned Unit Development) and explained the project
Stamson questioned the 20,000 square foot lots in the Arctic Lake Shoreland District.
Kansier pointed out the 5 lots in the Shoreland District.
Jim Manfred, 3032 Knollridge Drive, said he did not feel the proposed parking lot or trail
access was necessary going in near his property. He would prefer a walking path. The
streets are pretty wide and can accommodate the parking.
Terrie Schrank, 2956 Hawk Ridge Road, sold their property to Manley Development.
Schrank explained their idea when selling to the developer was to view Prior Lake,
Spring Lake and the park and was wondering why there were no trails to the south of the
Darren Dickenson, 3149 Shady Cove Point, questioned the City's ordinances for the cul-
de-sac and if there were any variances required.
Kansier explained the City ordinances and the area he is concemed about is not
considered a cul-de-sac. Northwood Road is designed to handle the traffic. Under the
PUD process there is no need for a variance.
Jim Casey, 3049 Hawk Ridge Road, asked if it was possible to restore the wetland that
was filled in from a previous owner instead of purchasing credits and moving it
somewhere else. Poppler responded the developer had talked about putting in a rain
garden in that area and did not know if that was still in the plans. Casey said it still fills
in with water with heavy rain.
Jerry Schrank, 2956 Hawk Ridge Road, requested the Planning Commission to require
the developers to put in the additional trails to the south end of the development.
Kelly Olson, 3060 Knollridge, said the park has a lot of accesses to it and sees no reason
to add a parking lot for the trails and park.
Todd Murr, 3022 Hawk Ridge Road, said he challenges the City's estimates as far as
assuming the traffic is going to be 50/50 off Hawk Ridge Road. He would like the City to
review the sidewalk extensions on Fremont and Northwood. Murr stated one of the cul-
de-sacs is 5 feet over the easement. Murr also said when he did the assessment there
would be quite a bit of grading to make it work and questioned who would be handling
the expenses. Kansier said any costs incurred with the development of the road will be
the developer's expense.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Poppler said one of the conditions is to remove the cul-de-sac.
Bart Sheffield, 3061 Hawk Ridge, questioned the County not allowing access off the
gravel road into the park. Kansier explained it is a private driveway.
Sheffield said his other concern is the smaller lot sizes. All the traffic is going to go
down Northwood Road onto Hawk Ridge and questioned if there was any other access.
Kansier said there are no other options with the County Park and it is pretty limited.
There were no more comments from the public and the hearing was closed at 7:30 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
· Questioned the applicants about the lack of trails in the southwest portion of the
development. Frank Blundetto responded they specifically put a sidewalk in to
keep the flow of the southern part of the development. There is not as much area
in the south to put in a trail - grading concerns. Initially they were told the
County wanted to connect a trail but that is not going to work for them at this
time. There have been a lot of discussions but the County would like to keep a
controlled access. The developer would like to see it work.
· Pretty familiar with the area and know the property quite well. In this case, there
is an overall benefit to the City.
· Ten acres of trees will be preserved.
· Thirty plus acres of open space is not common even in a conventional
· The active parkland requirements are exceeded. The developer is providing more
than double the parkland.
· Nowhere else except a PUD can a development preserve so much of the character
of the land.
· The PUD process is the right way to proceed.
· In all aspects the density and tiers are well below the minimums.
· Would like to see the trails to the south but there are a number of other trails
· Tend to agree with the neighbors on the trail parking lots. However I feel the
streets will provide enough parking. Not convinced a parking lot is needed.
· Support.
Looked over the proposal and benefits and found the PUD process favorable.
There are no issues with the tiers.
The lot sizes are smaller but there are more tradeoffs.
Regarding the traffic impact - the traffic coming in is still within the design
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
· Agree with the parking spots - don't see a real need for a parking lot. Fine with
removing that condition.
· Share Lemke's concern with continuing the trail system to the south. Would like
to see something happen but the developer does not have full control of the
· Recommend approval.
· Agree with fellow Commissioners. Overall, the development is attractive and
appropriate for the property.
· As far as the smaller lots- as Commissioner Lemke pointed out there is one acre
of open space for each of the lots more than makes up for it.
· The additional open space, parks, tree preservation and the amount of usable open
space really does offset the smaller lot size and side yard setbacks.
· Overall, I am in favor of it.
· Same thoughts as everyone else on the parking lot - not a lot of traffic going
through, but in this particular case there is enough on-street parking. I do agree
there should be some access from the other side.
· Agree with the Schranks with the trails on the south side however the grading is
very steep. Ideally, the County would be able to work with us and run some trails
in that area. With this particular piece of land there is almost no way to do it.
Great idea but don't think it is possible.
· Overall, approve as staff recommends omitting the parking lot condition.
· The $30,000 cash contribution should be left up to the City Council.
Kansier questioned Mr. Uban's comments on the developer building some of the park
equipment and asked specifically which park.
Blundetto responded that after the neighborhood meeting, they felt some sort of tot lot
and gazebo would work. Blundetto said they would like to learn a little more about that
because they intend to spend that amount of money for those types of amenities. Would
like further discussions.
Stamson suggested having a little more detail before going to the City Council.
Blundetto said they will work with staff and be prepared before going to Council.
Vote taken indicated ayes by Perez, Lemke and Stamson. Ringstad abstained. MOTION
This item will go before the City Council on March 20, 2006.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
A recess was called at 7:46 p.m. and reconvened at 7:53 p.m.
B. EP06-103 Manley Land Development has submitted an application for a
preliminary plat consisting of 28.04 acres to be subdivided into 44 lots for single
family residential homes to be known as Pike Lake Ponds. This property is located
½ mile north of CSAH 42, directly north of the Vierling property and east of Pike
Lake Trail.
Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated February 27, 2006,
on file in the office of the City Planning Department.
Manley Land Development has applied for approval of a development to be known as
Pike Lake Ponds on the property located V2 mile north of CSAH 42, directly north of the
Vierling property, and east of Pike Lake Trail. The application includes a rezoning of
approximately 28.04 acres from the R-S (Rural Residential) District to the R-1 (Low
Density Residential) District and a Preliminary Plat consisting of 28.04 acres to be
subdivided into 44 lots for single family development.
The major issue pertaining to this development is whether or not it is a premature
Development of this property involves the extension of utilities and road improvements,
none of which are programmed in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
Further, the development of this property is impacted by the plans for Pike Lake Trail and
the Vierling property to the south.
The City of Shakopee recently initiated a transportation study to look at transportation
system in east Shakopee and, specifically the CSAH 16 area. Shakopee intends to work
with the City of Prior Lake in this study to coordinate the transportation system. This
may include development of a collector roadway system, both north/south and east/west
to accommodate the existing and future growth in the area. The City of Shakopee has
also contacted staff to discuss the extension of sewer service, and Shakopee Public
Utilities has contacted the City about coordinating water service in the area. The location
and sizing of roads and services in this development may be impacted by the results of
these discussions.
In 2004, Toll Brothers approached the City about developing this parcel. The City staff
advised Toll Brothers, in staff's opinion, the proposed development was premature. The
City Council discussed this matter at a workshop on September 7, 2004. Ultimately, the
Council determined the development of this property could move forward subject to
several conditions.
These conditions were outlined in the attached letter to Toll Brothers, dated October 14,
2004. These same conditions still apply today, and the staff has allowed the developer to
move forward with this preliminary plat based on the previous direction from the City
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Rezoning from R-S to R-1: The property is designated as R-L/MD (Low to Medium
Density Residential) on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The R-1 district is
consistent with this designation.
Preliminary Plat: The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into 44 lots for
single family dwellings. The general layout of the plat appears appropriate, given the
constraints of the site. There are a several issues pertaining to this preliminary plat that
are somewhat unique. These are discussed below:
1. The developer must agree to all of the previous conditions for development of this
site, including upgrade of Pike Lake Trail from 42 to the north boundary of the
former Arima property to an urban collector street, pavement of Pike Lake Trail, and
the extension ofwatermain, all at the developers' cost. This segment of Pike Lake
Trail must be done before this development can proceed.
2. The current plan identifies 58.8% tree removal for drainage and utilities. The staff
and the developer discussed whether the development, especially the easterly cul-de-
sac, could be redesigned in a manner that would not require the removal of so many
trees. The developer provided a letter, dated February 23, 2006, stating this cul-de-
sac has been revised, resulting in saving an additional 35 trees.
3. The proposed plan disturbs a wetland on the east side of the property to extend a cul-
de-sac and create additional lots. This impact must be studied, and approved prior to
any work on the site.
4. The developer must provide concept plans for properties to the north, east, and south
of the development. There are retaining walls proposed at the property lines in the
future road right-of-way. The developer must verify that future grades will connect to
the proposed development properly.
5. There are some lots within the development that do not appear to meet the minimum
net lot area or lot width requirements. These lots must be adjusted to meet minimum
6. In the memorandum dated February 15, 2006, the Assistant City Engineer has
identified several design issues. The staff has met with the applicant to discuss and
resolve many of these items.
The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the preliminary
plat is consistent with the City Council's previous direction. The staff therefore
recommended approval, subject to the following conditions summarized by Kansier:
1. Complete items 1-6 (preconditions of development).
2. Adjust all lots to meet minimum lot area and width requirements.
3. A wetland mitigation plan must be approved prior to any work on the site.
4. The developer must provide concept plans for properties to the north, east, and south
of the development. There are retaining walls proposed at the property lines in the
future road fight-of-way. The developer must verify that future grades will connect to
the proposed development properly.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
5. Three Pike Lake Trail typical sections should be shown. The Pike Lake Trail typical
section in front of the development should be 42 feet wide and show B618 concrete
curb and gutter both sides of the street. A separate rural typical section should be
shown for the Pike Lake Trail segment from Pike Lake Meadows to Pike Lake Ponds.
A third typical section should be shown at the intersection of Pike Lake Trail and
County Road 42. The urban typical sections should include an 8' bituminous trail (2-
1/2" bituminous, 6" class 5) on the west side and a 5' sidewalk (4" thick) on the east
6. The Developer should dedicate additional right of way along Pike Lake Trail to
accommodate 80' of total right of way.
7. A preliminary 40 mph state aid design must be completed to verify Pike Lake Trail
alignment. The proposed park along Pike Lake should be depicted in the alignment
8. Any issues identified in the February 15, 2006, memorandum from the Engineering
Department must be addressed.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Lemke questioned the additional water storage facility. Poppler replied it could be a
water tower or a ground storage facility.
Comments from the Public:
Frank Blundetto representing Manley Land Development, explained their initial
application was a PUD similar to their other PUD (Northwood Meadows). However this
is a difficult piece and had to redesign the site. This is good way for Prior Lake and
Shakopee to connect with County Road 18. Blundetto went on to explain the roads,
wetlands and runoff. It was hard during the winter months to observe the drain tile. In
the neighborhood meeting they tried to address their concerns for traffic and runoff.
Blundetto pointed out it was not their idea or intention to develop any part of the Vierling
property. Staff suggested the realignment of Pike Lake Trail.
Blundetto went on to explain the potential road alignment to County Road 18. It will be
tricky as there are wetlands and elevations to consider. They are going to end the
improvements at their property line.
Lernke asked Blundetto if there were any heartburns with staff's conditions. Blundetto
responded they understand the City's concerns and will try to meet them. They have
talked to the Vierlings however they will speak for themselves.
Ringstad questioned the estimated cost for the road improvements and lot. Frank
responded said the homes will be in the range of $600,000 to $800,000. The cost for the
in road improvements are in excess of $1,000,000.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Ringstad questioned how does saving the 35 trees work into the equation. Blundetto
responded it would be down to 30+ %. There are not a lot of trees on the site so 35 trees
is significant.
John Uban briefly reiterated the process of creating the development.
Jeffery Carlson, 13496 Pike Lake Trail, said they are on septic and wells and asked if any
of the assessments would be incurred by the homeowners along the lake. Kansier said
they would not. All costs would be incurred by the developer. If those homeowners
would like to hook up they would pay the costs. Carlson also pointed out the heavy
traffic at the intersection and to consider that with this development. Carlson felt it is a
great development.
Mike Vierling, 13985 Pike Lake Trail, said his first concern is the intersection at Pike
Lake and County Road 42 and questioned if the developer would need an easement on
his property. Kansier said they have not looked at the specifics of the adjoining
development and work within the constraints. The City is not expecting the Vierlings to
dedicate any land to the project. If the developer needs the property it would be their
responsibility to negotiate with you. It is not a City project.
Vierling explained Toll Brothers told him he had to sign a document indicating he would
give them land for an easement and holding pond but couldn't give him an idea on how
many acres. Vierling felt the entire Pike Lake Road should be redesigned before the
project is approved.
Kansier agreed with Vierling and said that would be one of the City's concerns. Manley
would have to work with the Vierlings to figure it out.
Vierling said the lower area of property is in Ag (Agriculture) Preserve. An easement
could be done but is a longer process. Kansier said at this point the City is looking at
paving the existing road did not know how that impacted the Ag Preserve.
Vierling felt it was not their responsibility to have a park on their property to benefit
Manley's project. Kansier explained the park dedication and future plans. Vierling said
his main concern is having the road planned out prior to the development.
Steve Czech, 13360 Hickory Avenue, said the developer has decided to extend the paving
of Pike Lake Road up to Martindale. It would be nice of Prior Lake to take the paving to
the Shakopee line. To leave a gap of dirt road between Martindale and Shakopee doesn't
make sense. Also, a stoplight should be provided at the intersection of County Road 42
and Pike Lake. Steve's other concern is for police and fire access during construction.
Poppler explained staff deals with that issue on all reconstruction projects.
Czech said he would like to see a plan on the reconstruction of the cul-de-sacs and get
feedback from the neighbors. This will increase the traffic in front of his house. Czech
also questioned if there would be a lot construction traffic through Hickory Hills.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Blundetto explained the traffic pattems in the development.
Kansier briefly explained the costs associated with the additional paving and the fact the
road is not in the City's Capital Improvement Program.
Bill Huser, 13289 Hickory Avenue, said his concerns were for the stormwater
management and extending the road all the way to Martindale Drive. Huser explained
the existing problems with Martindale's grade and felt this is a perfect opportunity to
realign the road. He also explained Shakopee will be building a new school and paving
their portion of Pike Lake Trail and asked if Prior Lake would be proactive and work
together and pave the road. Complemented Frank Blundetto on his neighborhood
presentation and residents are happy with this proposed development. Huser felt the
existing roads were not built up for any kind of heavy road construction vehicles. He
also stated there is no point of upgrading the roads until sewer and water extensions are
Kansier said at this point the City does not have any desire to go up and connect that area
to sewer and water. It is a costly project for both the City and residents. The neighbors'
points are valid. She also pointed out the City's funds are not set up to pave and connect
that segment of Martindale. The collector street funds are in the "red" because of the
number of county road projects.
Scott Vig, 13171 Pike Lake Trail, questioned how many houses will the sewer and water
supply. Kansier said they would be able to handle the 44 lots. Vig asked if it would
make sense to connect the existing 4 or 5 homes on Pike Lake Road. Kansier said they
could but it would be at their cost. Poppler said he could bring a request to connect
forward in a petition to the City.
The public hearing closed at 9:03 p.m.
Comments from the Commissioners:
Ringstad: · There are a lot of good public comments tonight.
· This has potential for a good development.
· One thing not brought up yet is conditions 6 through 9 - Half the lots need to be
corrected to meet the minimum square footage and the street width. Not sure the
development is ready to be approved.
· 35 trees will significantly reduce the percentage - would like to see what those
numbers will be.
· I think this can go for-ward with the changes. Glad to see the improvements to
Pike Lake Trail and the developer is offering to cover the costs for that.
· Until I hear something different from the Commissioners, with half of the lots
needing to be reconfigured.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Questioned staff's recommendation.
· Kansier said the lot sizes can easily be corrected. Staff got a letter from the
engineers saying it is easy to correct but we do not have the corrections.
· One of the conditions was that the former Arima property has to be completed.
Does that mean it has to be built or occupied before anything can proceed?
· Kansier responded the City needs a preliminary and final plat approval before
they can move on with the Pike Lake Ponds final plat. The developer owns both
properties so it makes sense to work the timing out and develop at the same time.
· Questioned why it is important the developer correct the road access on Pike Lake
Road. Kansier said it is the first extension for Pike Lake Trail and the watermain.
· Could they just do the road? Why force them to do the whole development? Not
that I disagree, just wondering. Kansier responded it originally was two separate
developers and that was the segment that needed to get done first. In this case it is
the same developer and they need preliminary approval.
· The real concern is that the infrastructure gets in.
· Does staffknow the zoning for Shakopee to the east? Kansier said she felt it was
residential but the area is outside of Shakopee's MUSA.
· This seems a little premature from the standpoint of developing the 42 and Pike
Lake Trail intersection. Apparently there has to be quite a bit of work done.
· However, agree if this piece of land is going to develop this is the way to do it and
I would support that. Whether or not they're ready to move forward on the
preliminary plat, maybe, its not going anywhere for quite a while.
· Would like the developer to come back with a final configuration with elevations
and road right-of-way so we could see what the final plan would be. It is also
premature because some land is not available for redevelopment.
· Kansier said staff would be looking at potential road information.
· Sounds like City Council said the development could go forward with all the
· I can see it moving forward but don't see the rush.
Questioned the additional water storage facility. Poppler said staff is trying to
work it in the CIP. Staff has not identified a site.
· The development itself fits.
· Regarding the traffic - it is not a big deal. The change in traffic will not
overburden anyone.
· Comfortable with the lot corrections and should be easy to adjust.
· The only wild card is that the conditions are from 2004 but it is a different City
Council. Hopefully they will see this as the previous Council.
· If Manley is going to abide by the conditions, I would move forward.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
· Agree with fellow Commissioners - It is a great development.
The developers
have done well with a tricky piece of property.
· The road connections make sense. Don't think the traffic between the
developments will be a major issue.
· As far as timing, in this case, the Vierling property to the south is in Ag Preserve
and will not develop for a long time. My understanding is that the Vierlings will
farm for quite some time and will not develop soon.
· If the developer is willing to abide by the conditions, I am comfortable moving
forward with it. This is quite a list of expensive conditions.
· Had the same thought as Ringstad with the lot re-drawings, but if staff felt it
would be easy to correct, and does not require major redrawing, I am comfortable
moving it forward.
The Commissioners briefly discussed the lots and touched on not having a neighborhood
park. The developer will have to explain there will not be a neighborhood park at the
time of development and maybe not for quite awhile.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
Commissioner Stamson asked staff to point out the neighbors concerns on the road
connection in the Minutes for City Council.
This item will go before City Council on March 20, 2006.
A recess was called at 9:18 and reconvened at 9:21 p.m.
6. Old Business: None
7. New Business:
A. 06-112 Premiere Dance Academy requesting Tax Increment Financing for
the property located at 4616 Colorado Street.
Economic Development Director Paul Snook presented the Planning Report dated
February 27, 2006, on file in the office of the City Planning Department.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
On January 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution #06-07 calling for a public
hearing on March 6, 2006 for the establishment of the Development Program for
Development District No. 5, the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No.
5-1, and the awarding of a business subsidy.
The TIF Development Program for Development District No. 5 is to be established for
redevelopment of Lot 13, Block 13 & Lot 14 & west 12' of Lot 12 (4616 Colorado St.).
The specific project within TIF District 5-1 is for a newly constructed building in the
downtown area for the future location of Premiere Dance Academy (PDA). Construction
of the project is planned for summer and fall of this year.
The applicant is proposing a two-story approximately 10,000 square foot building to be
constructed on currently zoned R-2, with the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan calling
for that parcel to be designated as C-TC (Town Center). The proposed use is consistent
with this designation and zoning.
Comments from the Commissioners:
· How long docs a redevelopment district run for? Snook responded they could
typically run up to 25 years.
· The dance studio is a specific usc. Does the design of the building prohibit other
uses? Snook responded thc applicant is planning to build an open, expansive
building which could be pretty versatile.
Agree with staff's report on meeting the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
Do not see any issues.
Ringstad: · Agree that it meets the goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
· Will support.
Lemke: · Concur with Commissioners.
· If this is approved is there a rezoning process? Kansier said it is already
appropriately zoned in 2004.
· Snook said the neighbors were notified.
· If this is approved will the building come back before the Planning Commission?
Kansier said it is a site plan processed through staff. The only way the Planning
Commission would see it if they needed variances.
· Support.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27, 2006
Stamson: · What about parking? This use will generate a lot of traffic in a residential area.
· Kansier explained that was a concern for staff as well. They have designed a
drop-off lane.
· Snook said there will be a curb-cut lane in and out.
Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED.
This item will go to the City Council on March 6, 2006.
8. Announcements and Correspondence:
Good luck to the Prior Lake Wresting team competing at the State level.
9. Adjournment:
The meeting adjoumed at 9:30 p.m.
Connie Carlson
Recording Secretary