HomeMy WebLinkAbout032006 Work Session 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY COUNCIL I PLSL WATERSHED DISTRICT WORK SESSION Monday, March 20, 2006 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Dinner & Introductions 2. PLSL Watershed District Presentation · Role of Watershed District · Projects · Goals 3. Discussion · Prior Lake Outlet System Improvements (including channel project and outlet box) · PLSL Watershed District rules and permitting 4. Adjournment: 6:45pm www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 February 2006 Out_et C_lanne~ Restoration and Enhancemen-: Project - Segment 1 Prior >>sPring Lake _ Lake ~-----~ WATERSHED DISTRIC1 ~' (€ ~) ~ About the Project Construction has begun on the first of the eight segments of the Prior Lake Outlet Channel Restoration and Enhancement Project. This multi-year project will restore and enhance the channel to address current maintenance needs and prepare for future de- velopment in the Prior Lake watershed and downstream communities. . ..... The channel design is based on mimicking natural stream conditions to enhance long- term bank stability and improve water quality, habitat and aesthetics. The design com- bines "traditional" engineering techniques such as installing rocks and boulders with "bioengineering" techniques such as planting deep-rooted native plants. The result will be a living, self-repairing system that gets stronger with age. The project is an element of the Watershed District's plan for managing Prior Lake water levels, and a key part of the stormwater system for the Cities of Prior Lake and Shako- pee and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. :.,' ~ k i . "l...-1'! T . , ' ',' '!; 't. () The Kestrel Design Group, Inc. 2005 Sketch of the Prior lake Outlet Channel (Prior Creek) shortly after restoration. Natural channel technology approaches are used to restore and maintain a stable stream. ,. Segment 1 The first of the eight channel seg- ments extends from County Road 21 to County Road 42 through the Jeffers property in Prior Lake. .r. The Segment 1 construction involves installing boulders along parts of the channel to direct water flow, replacing the culverts between Upper and Lower Jeffers Ponds with a rock cascade, and planting and seed- ing native plants. Some trees will be removed or herbicided to al- low more sunlight to reach the channel banks. The trees will be replaced with native grasses and shrubs that enhance bank stabil- ity and reflect the original plant community found in the area be- fore European settlement. Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District; 15815 Franklin Trail SE; Prior Lake, MN 55372; Phone: 952-447-4166; Fax: 952-447-4167: www.plslwd.org Conditional Use Permit Application for the Prior Lake Outlet Channel, Channel Restoration Sediment Deposition Project Narrative and Supporting Information I. Contact Information Applicant/Channel Easement Owner: Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District Attn: Shannon Lotthammer, District Administrator 15815 Franklin Trail SE, Suite 100 Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-447-4166; slotthammer@plslwd.org Project Engineer: Ed Matthiesen, PE Wenck Associates 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 763-479-4208 Contractor: Joe Schaffer Minnesota Native Landscapes 14088 Highway 95 Northeast Foley, MN 56329 320-968-4222 II. Backl:!:round The Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD), City of Prior Lake, the City of Shakopee, and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community are undertaking a project, entitled the Prior Lake Outlet Channel Restoration and Enhancement Project, to restore and enhance the Prior Lake outlet system to stabilize channel banks, improve efficiency, plan for future conditions and improve the aesthetics and wildlife habitat of the channel. This project will be constructed in several phases over the next five to seven years. In anticipation of the restoration of the area of the channel between County Road 42 and Pike Lake and to address sediment that has accumulated in the channel over a number of years, the PLSL WD plans to remove 2600 cubic yards of sediment from the channel at the inlet to Pike Lake to restore the channel contours. The removed sediment is proposed to be deposited on an upland site near the channel restoration site, outside of the Pike Lake floodplain and any wetland areas. III. Proiect Site The sediment removal site is located within the Prior Lake Outlet Channel at the mouth of Pike Lake; the proposed soil deposition site is on the property adjacent to the sediment removal site, just northwest of the sediment removal site, along a private driveway (see Exhibit A: Location Map). 1 IV. ExistinlZ Site Conditions (see also Exhibit B: Site Overview and Exhibit C: Site Contours) At the sediment removal site, a sediment delta has developed in the Prior Lake Outlet Channel, which is impacting the channel flow pattern and which has the potential to contribute sediment loading to Pike Lake. The sediment deposition site is an upland area of grassy vegetation, much of which is currently being mowed. There are no trees located in the sediment deposition site, so no trees are proposed to be removed in conjunction with the sediment deposition. V. Prooosed Site Conditions The project will restore the outlet channel contours through the removal of the sediment delta. The proposed sediment deposition area will be graded to match into the existing topography, and will be seeded and straw mulched following final grading to restore the site to the existing vegetated condition. VI. Proiect Details (see also Exhibits B and C. and Exhibit D: Soil Deoosition Site Plan) Exhibits B and C illustrate the location and approximate size of the sediment removal area and the soil deposition site. Exhibit D provides more detail on the location and dimensions of the sediment deposition site, and also identifies the temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures proposed for the site. The sediment delta will be removed from Pike Lake using a backhoe. The sediment will be removed during frozen ground conditions; however, the sediment itselfwill not be frozen (much of it is below the existing water level in the channel), which will allow the contractor to spread the sediment evenly at the deposition site. The removed sediment will be loaded into trucks and transported along the private driveway to the sediment deposition site. Once the sediment removal is complete and the channel contours have been restored, the sediment deposition area will be graded to match into the existing topography and stabilized with seed and straw mulch. Prior to the start of the project, a floating silt curtain will be installed where the outlet channel enters Pike Lake. Also, a 6 inch biolog and overlapping rows of silt fence will be installed on the downslope side of the sediment deposition site. These temporary erosion and sediment control practices will be maintained during the duration of the project to prevent erosion and off- site migration of sediment. Prior to final completion of the project, all disturbed areas will be repaired and stabilized with seed and mulch, and the temporary erosion control measures will be removed once the site has been stabilized. The contractor is also responsible for repairing any damage to the private driveway caused by truck or other equipment traffic. The channel restoration/sediment removal project is anticipated to take two weeks, with final seeding and stabilization occurring after the sediment removal is complete. 2 . -MhtM$Ot.l Rivel Exhibit A: Location Map Pike Lake Sediment Removal Project Location ..~, , Blue lake e //'~-'''''''''-l~ -, ._-'~~~ ?C f0~~- - Hwy 101 '.\ Note thai there is no defined channel through Dean Lake, Pike Lake or Jeffers Ponds. The channel centerline through these water bodies is only provided for stationing purposes. Hwy 169 ';0;, - -~~ ~... - <;. II L~j ./y . Pike Lake Sediment Removal --< (Remove sediment delta in channel at Pike Lake inlet) ~, prior. ~ Spri ng Lake'" Lake ....... - - ~ - - - \\AT[RSIII:D DISTRICT CR42- <;R 42 '\ i _ .." ~, -':.1\ ; Prior La~~' 0.5 H~.Jl~6s ~.~..;,~~-~ < ',.... ,,--..,,-' /0" " "",~,.... """,. ",. .-~. .,.._;,- "'" -."'.. '-;J" Legend Prior Lake Outlet Channel I"' ~ , Roads ~ \.. ._. I PLSLWD Boundary , OJ Outlet Channel Segment Segment Boundary 2 Mles 1 Exhibit B: Site Overview (1:7,000 scale) A Exhibit D: Soil Deposition Site Plan SILT FENCE ......../<ter IfE: r ......... -0- -0- ~ -<r ~SP TRANS, ISSI w TOWER #75 -l (.v't- <( s: .f 1Il <l: O~ l.IJ W ,'" ~~O~ ex: ~ <t <I; . <:>';I"<)~~~~ 1Il III Z ~ Cl 0 ~<3 ~ bo. 9;-~ 0 :r: ..::( 0 0 r.r. N ,0,<::> G ;: I- a '"V ~ co Q I?O,vv.$,,~ ex: z ~& ,I? :::J ~ I- ..... ~+ VI III - 0 x ALL DISTURBED I- w AREAS TO BE 0 SEEDED AND STRAW :z MULCHED FOllOWING 0 FINAL GRADING 0 no' JOE KINNEY 4210 140TH STREET NE PRIOR LAKE. MN 55372 SEC 23. T115. R022 Oli-~l~ TfJ\14 v~~.~ ~v. ~ Vf.61 "NIlAi:. -ri GH~IlUl llV, .)!; <1: /,/ /-<. < NOT TO SCALE M1NN~50fA NAfIV~ ~AN05CAP~5J \4088 HlbHWAY 95 N~ fO\....~Y) MN 56329 320.968.4222 I NC. JOE KINNEY RESIDENCE PROPOSED SOIL DEPOSITION AREA PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 6