HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 04 2019 Green Heights Trail Water Main Break Report and Presentation
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4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
INTRODUCTION: On February 3, 2019, a water main on Green Heights Trail broke. After
the break, the water broke through the street and flowed down a hill to a
sanitary sewer lift station at the bottom of the hill. The pumps were not
able to keep up with the amount of water flowing into the station which
caused water in the sanitary sewer system to backup into the basements
of four homes in the area.
TOPIC: Since the break occurred City staff has been in contact with the League
of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (“the League”) to provide as much
information as possible so that the League could make an informed
decision. Unfortunately, the League determined that the claims related
to the breakage were not covered events due to the finding that the City
did not act in a negligent manner. What that determination means is that
the impacted residents do not have coverage under the City’s insurance
policy. Additionally, it is unlikely that the majority of the impacted
residents would have coverage under their individual homeowner’s
insurance policies as a sewage backup typically requires a separate
insurance rider that most homeowners do not have in place.
Since the breakage and notification from the League that the claims
would not be covered City staff has worked to both try and address this
situation while also planning for the future. Part of that process included
having a discussion during the February 19, 2019 Council Work Session.
Based off feedback from that discussion City staff has secured having a
representative present from the League to discuss and answer questions
related to “no fault” insurance that the League offers.
Additionally, different approaches have been sought to try and identify a
way to respond to the damages from the breakage. Included in that
review was looking into the feasibility of utilizing the City’s sewer and
water enterprise funds to address the damages that were incurred and to
potentially fund “no fault” insurance coverage from the League moving
forward should the Council wish to pursue such a policy.
Utility funds could be utilized to fund potential expenses related to the
breakage as well as to fund coverage for the “no fault” insurance moving
forward. However, in the short term those funds would have to be
advanced from the City and be factored in to the 2020 utility rates. If this
is a concept that the Council would be in support of pursuing the timing is
somewhat fortuitous as it is envisioned that the City would be
undertaking a utility rate study this year. If this concept is supported, it
would be recommended that this situation be handled in a manner that
would be consistent with the insurance coverage moving forward.
LMCIT No-Fault Sewer Backup
and Water Main Break
Sewer Backup Coverages
1.Standard Coverage –legally liable/negligence
•Standard feature of LMCIT liability coverage
•$2 million per occurrence coverage limit
•No specific exclusions arising out of sewer backups
for which the city is negligent in causing
•A mandatory $2,500 deductible applies
•Incentive program available (deductible savings
Sewer Incentive Program
Prior Lake has qualified since 11/9/2016
•Municipal liability deductible is
•If $50,000 aggregate limit is exceeded, sewer losses are
subject to the $1,000 maintenance deductible
•If the City did not qualify for this incentive program and the
$50,000 aggregate limit is exceeded, sewer losses would be
subject to the $2,500 minimum deductible
Prior Lake Sewer Claim History –10 Years
Year Claim # Amount Accident Description
2009 11070405 $1,234
2009 11070405 $1,711
2009 11070405 $1,123
2009 11070405 $19,909
2009 11070405 $9,849
2009 11070754 $9,802
2009 11070754 $1,796
2014 C0032250 $3,188 Sewer Backup due to lift station malfunction
2015 C0038620 $2,995
Sewer backup due to blockage in city main;
maintenance related
2017 43326 $2,157
Sewer backup during the city's work on the
Franklin Trail SE Street Improvement project
2017 48004 $9,230
2017 48004 $7,250
Sewer backups due to hydrant flushing being
discharged into sanitary line.
Sewer backup due to unknown blockage in
Sewer backed up into claimant's basement
due to root intrusion from service laterals.
LMCIT Claim History
No-Fault Sewer and Water Main Break
2. No-Fault Sewer Backup Coverage
•Provides coverage to property owners irrespective of
whether the backup was caused by city negligence
•Residents’ homeowners insurance is primary
•City must qualify for coverage
Sewer Backup Coverages
93 of LMCIT’s 1206 members purchase No-Fault Sewer Backup
Coverage (~8%)
Population NFSB Participation
0-2,500 59 Members (64%)
2,501-25,000 29 Members (31%)
Greater than 25,000 5 Members (5%)
No-Fault Sewer Backup Coverage
•Exclusions do apply
•Any event where FEMA assistance is available
•Interruption in city electric supply is more than 72 hours
•A 100 year rainfall as determined by the National Weather
•Limits available
•$10,000, $25,000 and $40,000
•Limit for NFSB coverage is per building per year, regardless of
the number of occurrences or the number of claimants
•Limit for water main break coverage is per claimant
No-Fault Sewer Backup Coverage
(NFSB) -Premium
•Per-connection cost
•Large deductible credit will apply, if any
•Experience rating component
•No losses –10% credit
•Loss frequency higher than program average –10% debit
•Frequency average is roughly 1 sewer loss per 9,000 sewer
•Prior Lake has 8,811 sewer connections
No Fault Sewer Backup Coverage
(NFSB) -Premium
•Charge is in addition to the municipal liability premium associated
with the sewer connection exposure ($12,170)
Estimated annual premium Limit
$ 9,000 10,000$
$ 10,500 25,000$
$ 13,000 40,000$
LMCIT Claim History
NFSB Deductible
•Coverage is provided by endorsement to the municipal liability
•Municipal liability deductible applies for NFSB
•No-Fault coverage counts toward the aggregate deductible
Advantages of NFSB Coverage
• Give cities a way to address the sticky political problems that can
arise when a property owner learns the city and LMCIT won’t
reimburse for sewer backup damages because the city wasn’t
negligent and therefore not legally liable.
•LMCIT will provide claim adjusting assistance
Policy Decision
City would be agreeing to fund costs it’s not otherwise legally
obligated to pay
•Some find it worth the cost
•Some do not