HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 8, 2006 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMI. . EE MEETING MONDAY, MAY 8th, 2006 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1 . Call to Order 2. Approval of May Agenda 3. Approval of April meeting minutes 4. Heritage Committee 5. Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Long Range Planning Task Force 6. Jeffers Pond & Woods in The Wilds Park 7. Canoe/Kayak Rack at Sandpoint 8. Discuss PAC Goal #10 9. Future Meeting Date a. June 13th, 2006 5:45 pm (Lakefront Park) Lake and Road Tour of Prior Lake Adjournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 05/8/06 6:05-7:20 p.m. Members Present: Mike Feriancek, Tim Libert Members Absent: Dick Carlson, CariGrayson, Todd Loose, Pat McFadden Staff Present: Angela Barstad Citv Council Liaison Present: Cheri Dornbush Public Present: Scott Martini (Prior Lake Hockey) Meetinfl called to order at 6:05 om bv Mike Feriancek Aooroval of the Aoril & Februarv Meetine Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the February & April meeting minutes and second by Tim Libert, approved Annroval of Mav Aeenda -Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the May agenda, second by Tim Libert, approved. Heritaee Committee - Update on barn and farm machinery. Angie updated the PAC on a barn that was donated from SMSC. The barn is in good condition and will cost $40,000 to dismantle, move, and rebuild on Heritage Farm sight by the Amish. The original number in the plan was $150,000, so this would be a substantial savings. The Wipp family would like to donate farm equipment from their farm, dated back to the turn of the century, to the city for the Heritage project. The only stipulation would be to have the city sign an agreement that it will never be sold. This equipment has been moved to the shelter that is currently on the Heritage Farm sight. Parks. Athletics. and Recreation Facilitv Lon'l Ranee Plannine Task Force - Mike Feriancek updated the PAC on the PAR. Mike stated the task force has identified that an ice arena is the #1 goal on the list. They discussed possible sites for this arena. If it is built at the high school, the City of Savage requires 1 parking spot for every 4 seats in the arena. This would mean that the parking lot would have to have at least 250 parking spots, which would not fit on the high school grounds. Oakridge was also brought up as a possible arena sight. An estimated 157 acres would be needed for an arena sight. On Thursday, 5/11, the City Council is invited to the PAR Task Force meeting to discuss what the task force has come up with. The Task Force is also discussing the possible benefits, if any, with installing lights at the Ryan fields. Jeffers Pond & Woods in The Wilds Park-Angie Barstad, per Al Friedges, updated the PAC on these projects. On 5/15 Al Friedges will go in front of the City Council to get bid approval for a play structure and trails at Jeffers Pond and a sidewalk from Woods in The Wilds Park to Wilds Parkway. Per AI, all bids were favorable. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 Canoe/Kavak Racks at Sand Point Beach - This was moved to the July PAC meeting because there were not enough PAC members for a quorum to vote on the installation of these racks. Discuss PAC Goal #10 - Cheri Dornbush discussed keeping green belts and preserving trees. There is a Tree Preservation Task Force meeting the first week of June. Mike Feriancek stated that we should find out how we can legally cover ourselves in order to keep green belts/trees when developers come in. The next meeting will be the lake and street tour with the LAC and City Council on June 13th, 2006 at 5 :45 pm, departing from Lakefront Park. Mike Feriancek motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tim Libert second, approved. Meeting adjourned, 7:20 pm 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 04/10/06 6:00-8:00 p.m. Members Present: Pat McFadden, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson, and Mike Feriancek Members Absent: Dick Carlson, Tim Libert Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges Citv Council Liaison Present: Cheri Dornbush, Steve Millar Heritae:e Committee Present: Charlotte Green, Jane Kansier Public Present: Scott Martini (Prior Lake Hockey) Meetine- called to order at 6:00 om bv Mike Feriancek ,Aporoval of the Januarv 9. 2006 Meetine Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the February meeting minutes and second by Pat McFadden, approved ,Aporoval of Aoril Agenda -Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the March agenda, second by Pat McFadden, approved. Heritae:e Committee - Discussion occurred about the merit and value of a historic park site vs. using the site for active fields, and the appropriate expenditure of City funds for park purposes. Discussion also occurred about the cost of including a barn on the site. AI is researching and looking at several barns and collecting cost estimates on moving and then re-constructing a barn on this site in relation to the budget. Feedback from the Parks Committee included: . Try to keep costs down . Do the work in phases . Explore grants and other funding · Invite SMSC to offer feedback; try to learn whether or not they would be interested in having a representation at the park, and if so, in what manner. Al commented that even though the work would be done in phases, a master plan needs to be agreed upon for long-range planning so all components will mesh when the project is complete. Steve commented that a master plan is also needed for financial planning. Pat stated his concept of a component for the park has not yet been documented, but he will continue to work towards completion of it. Cheri summarized the consensus of the group as being that if the project is completed in phases with no financial burden to the City, there is general support for it. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 Parks. Athletics. and Recreation Facilitv Long Ran~e Plannine Task Force - Mike Feriancek updated the PAC on the PAR. Mike stated the task force is getting closer to their goal. The task force has identified 25 needs and has prioritized these needs for the parks, athletics and recreation areas in order of most important/largest need. The next step will be to identify funding (private/public) for these needs. The # 1 item/need is a sheet of ice. Mike F eriancek mentioned the PAR task force meetings have been going on for a long time and have been tedious, but he understands the necessity of this process in order to hear all voices in this matter. Jeffers Park Imorovements - Al Friedges stated the City Council approved Jeffers Park Improvements at the 3/20/06 City Council meeting. The improvements include a play structure, picnic shelter, basketball court, parking lot and finish trails. The estimated cost of this project is $225,000 Lakefront Restoration & Fin Proiect Uodate (Goal #3) - Al Friedges stated the DNR is requesting a camera be placed in Lakefront Park to monitor the fishing that is occurring in the Fin project area. 2006 PAC Goals - In conjunction with Goal #3 - Al Friedges showed the PAC future trails that will go around Crystal and rice Lakes. These will be developed in the next 1 - 2 years. The developer will pay for these trails. The PAC agreed we should work on 1 goal each PAC meeting, the next one we will work on will be Goal #10. Ponds Restroom/Concession Buildine Uodate - Al Friedges informed the PAC that this project will be completed on time. The completion date is 5/1/06. Wildwood Trail Sidewalk - As discussed in previous PAC meetings, Al Friedges stated the City Council approved, on 3/26/06, a sidewalk along Wildwood Trail to go out to bid. Al will be going back to City Council on 5/15 to get approval on the bid and authorize the start of construction. This sidewalk improvement will help to alleviate the safety concerns the residents of this area have brought up several times regarding getting to the Woods in the Wilds Park and safer access to the bus stop on Wilds Parkway. Snrinfl Maintenance Activities - This was moved to the May PAC meeting in interest of time. Canoe Racks at Watzls Beach - This was moved to the May PAC meeting because Tim Libbert was not in attendance. Parks & Recreation Activities - Angie Barstad updated the PAC on upcoming summer activities in the parks and stated the beaches will open for the season on 6/3/06 and the Skate Park will open on 5/6/06. Mike Feriancek motioned to adjourn the meeting, Pat McFadden second, approved. Meeting adjourned, 8:00 pm 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 02/13/06 6:00-8:10 p.m. Members Present: Pat McFadden, Dick Carlson, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert, and Mike Feriancek Staff Present: Angela Barstad, AI Friedges Citv Council Liaison Present: Cheri Dornbush Public Present: Scott Martini (Prior Lake Hockey), Mark Schroeder (pLAY) Meetinfl: called to order at 6:00 om bv Mike Feriancek Annroval of the Januarv 9. 2006 Meetinfl: Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the January meeting minutes and second by Tim Libert, approved Aooroval of Februarv Agenda - Al Friedges added the following to the agenda: Heritage Committee. Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the February agenda, second by Tim Libert, approved. Parks. Athletics. and Recreation Facilitv Lone Ranee Planninfl: Task Force - Angie Barstad updated the PAC on the last PAR meeting, per Frank Boyles' notes. The PAR meeting was held on 2/2/06. Small groups met for the majority of the two hours. The groups wrestled with which are needs and wants regarding Parks, Athletics and Recreation Facilities. The facilities discussed were in two categories: 1. Existing - (to 2015) facility deficiencies. 2. Existing (to 2015) facility shortages. The groups then scored each facility in terms of needs and wants. The next meeting will continue this discussion in more specific terms. Four or more meetings remain to complete the draft report and recommendations. 2006 PAC Goals - Mike Feriancek has added Frank Boyles' recommendations to the presentation and will present the PAC Goals and a recap of 2005 at the 3/6/06 City Council/LAC workshop. Winter DNR Access at Sand Point Beach - Al Friedges informed the PAC that the LAC will be taking over this project because it impacts the lake. Tim Libert will be the liaison from the PAC that will attend the future LAC meetings regarding this issue. Chillers & Hockev Rinks - Scott Martini handed out the quotes he received from a couple companies on installing chillers on the rinks at Lakefront Park. The PARis currently looking at all facility needs for hockey, PLA Y, etc. No further research on this is needed until PAR makes their final recommendations. Al informed the PAC that the city at this time only has $75,000 identified in the 2008 CIP. These funds would provide the installation of lights, boards and bituminous surface. The remainder of www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 the project would have to be funded by the hockey association and operational costs would need to be discussed in the future. .Ponds Restroom/Concession Buildinl! Uodate - Al Friedges informed the PAC that the tile will be done in a few weeks then staffwill do cabinetry, etc. The keystone wall and cement will be installed this spring for the patio and the area around the building. PLAY donated $5,000 toward this part of the project. This project is on schedule with a target date of 5/1/06, for completion. Heritaee Committee - Cheri Dornbush explained that there was a committee set up to help with displaying, preserving and researching the Prior Lake heritage. Cheri Dornbush is on this committee along with Steve Miller, Frank Boyles, Al Friedges, Angie Barstad, Jane Kansier, Charlotte Green. This committee will have input on the Kop Farm Master Plan, along with the PAC. Koo Farm Master Plan - Al Friedges showed the PAC the drawing of the master plan by the HoisingtonIKoebler Group. The plan calls for the demolition of part of the original house. The walls that are still safe will be left up and the basement will be filled in so people can walk through a "ruin"- type model of the original house. The plan also calls for a barn (from 1920 or 1930) to be moved to the property, by the house, and be used for events (i.e. weddings, community gatherings, etc.). The windmill will remain on the property. The parking lot will be grass among fruit trees, which will provide approximately 65 parking spaces. In front of the house will be an open green space and will have different types of trees bordering it. There will be a small pond on the property that could be used for ice skating in the winter. An "old" - type warming house would be built for the skaters as well as lighting that would be ground level, versus hockey rink- type lighting. There will be a community garden, which for a fee, could be used by anyone in the community. These gardens could also be used by the Parks & Recreation department to teach children of all ages how to grow different things. There is also a possibility of having apple trees or a pumpkin patch on the property for kids to pick. This master plan is just an idea and can be altered or changed based on feedback and suggestions from the community, the Heritage Committee, and the PAC. Tim Libert suggested adding some tree houses to the trees on the property. Pat McFadden felt the plan was far too expensive and extensive. He envisioned a "simpler" plan. Pat proposed demolition everything on the property and building lean-tos out of the old boards from the house and bricks from the old City Hall and writing names of people on these lean-tos that had businesses in the community. He said these structures would be in the form of a circle, kind of a "circle of life" sort of idea. Al took down all suggestions and will turn them over to Hoisington/KoebIer. Jeffers South Floatinl! Boardwalk - AI Friedges showed a map of where the floating boardwalk will be installed at Jeffers South. Canoe Racks at Watzls Beach - Tim Libert showed the PAC examples of canoe racks, waivers and costs he received from other communities. Tim felt that if we tried the racks at only 1 beach it should be at Sand Point because of the higher volume of people versus Watzls. Tim will present this idea to the LAC for their input and come back to the PAC with his findings. 2007 - 2011 CIP Process - Al Friedges informed the PAC of some of the bigger projects coming up for the City of Prior Lake. In 2006 Jeffers Pond will be the biggest project. In 2007 Stemmer Ridge Park (which has been renamed to Howard Lake Park) will be developed along