HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/04 r- ~ 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 MINUTES OF THE LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 17,2004 I. CALL TO ORDER The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting was called to order at 5: 15 P.M. Members present: Donna Mankowski and Marv Mirsch. Members absent: Harry Alcorn, Dan O'Keefe, and Brad Beneke Others present: Jim Petersen; Council member, Shannon Lotthammer; Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Manager, Larry Poppler; Assistant City Engineer II. CONSIDER APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES III. NEW BUSINESS a. Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Update Lotthammer gave a presentation on the outlet and channel improvements. A copy of the presentation material is included in the minutes. Lotthammer also gave an update of other Watershed District projects including the shoreland restoration workshop, wetland restoration near Sutton Lake, and wetland project west of Spring Lake. Lotthammer gave a brief description on the efforts of the Watershed District to secure a grant for shoreline restoration. The Watershed District is looking at doing shoreland management workshops and shoreland restoration festival. The grant money would be used for outreach and cost sharing for private land owners. b. Boat Slip Policy Poppler stated that the City Council has asked the LAC to talk about and give a recommendation regarding the boat slips which are being constructed at Watzl's Beach. The issues include overnight policy, reservations, hour limits on certain slips, and enforcement. www.cityofwiorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 ~ ~ Mirsch stated that the boat slip policy should have been established before the construction. The boat slips will be constructed and in place before the policy will be decided upon. Mankowski stated that a reservation policy would be difficult to administer and that the boat slips should be done on a first come first serve. Petersen thinks that the boat Slips policy would be something that should be reviewed once the slips are open and used. Mirsch suggested that the someone should call other municipalities with boat slip policies in place. The issues discussed include: RESERVATIONS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE OVERNIGHT POLICY OR PARK HOURS ENFORCEMENT OF THE POLICY LIGHTING PORTA-POTTY ADVERTISEMENT OF THE POLICY IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN (---- IV. OLD BUSINESS a. Review of Lake Tour - Poppler created a package showing pictures of issues which were discussed on the boat tour. b. Dock Issue - Poppler stated that Jane Kansier will most likely attend the September meeting to discuss the dock issues. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. DNR Access - Pop pier circulated an e-mail from the DNR communicating the delay in the DNR access projects. b. Sand Point Shoreline Restoration Project Update - Pop pier stated that the City has completed part of the Sand Point Shoreline Restoration Project. The restoration below the water level has been completed. The Parks Department will complete the upland vegetation installation this fall when the weather is cooler. VI. ADJOURNMENT ~ THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:00. 2 Outlet & Channel Improvement Project and Programs and Projects Update Prior Lake Advisory Committee August 17, 2004 .~rior Lake-Spring Lake ~ ~atershed District Information & Discussion Items . Prior Lake Outlet & Channel Improvement Project - Status and Next Steps . District Programs: o Education o Land Management o Water Quality Improvement o Permitting/Rules . 2005 Projects 1 - ---- /, Prior Lake Outlet & Channel Improvement Project -- Background . Prior Lake has natural overflow at 918.0 feet . Outlet constructed in the early 1980s . Channel connected and improved to carry water from lake to Minnesota River . Watershed District operates outlet and completes maintenance/repairs . System has worked well for last 20+ years ~~ Prior Lake Outlet Channel, Scott Co., MN F'roJect Location ~~; ....-. - - -.-------.- -.- L ___<> ___"' ---- Prior Lake Outlet Channei D PriljectArea Public w,rers Prior Lake-Spnng Lake \/0, -- Municip,1 Boundaries ~..__. Roads N. , -~ V J.ilrlor L.k..sprl"ll L. :.. . _~ W.~..hed District 2 Changing Uses, Future Needs . Shift from flood mitigation to storm-water conveyance . Increasing pressures: o Current development o Approved future development plans o 20 years of "wear and tear" . 2003 Prior Lake Outlet Channel and Lake Volume Management Study o Five management strategies Outlet & Channel Improvement Project . Restoration and enhancement of system to reflect current and future conditions o Increased development o Maintenance needs . Two components: o Outlet structure modification o Channel restoration and improvement 3 / ". Need for the Project . Current system is expensive to operate and maintain . Erosion from 20 years of use . Flow in some segments is inefficient and causes highly fluctuating water levels . Future development pressures: o Channel needs additional stabilization to handle increased runoff volume o More efficient outlet needed to help protect about 80 floodplain homes from increased runoff to Prior Lake Outlet Box Improvements . Replace existing box with new structure o Same elevation (902.5') o Allow outlet to reach maximum capacity at lower lake elevations . Proposed Operating Plan changes: o Allow fall outletting between lake levels of 902.0' and 902.5' under certain conditions o Allow up to 30 cfs discharge in spring and fall discharge period 4 Impacts & Benefits of Outlet Box Improvements . Less maintenance during operation . Larger structure, enhanced aesthetics . Greater efficiency, no change in overall capacity o Potential for slightly higher volumes discharged o More likely to reduce intensity of discharge during high water events without increasing total volume . Prior Lake water quality is relatively good, so effect on downstream waters is minimal or beneficial Channel Restoration & Enhancement . Increase easement to 75 feet (minimum) . Remove accumulated sediment . Re-slope channel banks to enhance stability and increase capacity in some areas . Stabilize banks through combined approach: o Traditional engineering using rocks and boulders o Bioengineering using native plants such as willows, dogwoods and grasses 5 Impacts & Benefits of Outlet Channel Improvements . Decreased potential for future erosion . Increased habitat . Greater compatibility with greenway . Enhanced water quality (less erosion, wider buffer) . May impact wetlands; work in wetlands will be minimal i:I Outlets, channel side slopes and "toe protection" i:I Reduced erosion, increased habitat, reduced bounce . Winter construction to minimize potential impacts / . Project Costs & Financing . Overall cost estimated at $3.7 million . Cooperative effort of WD, cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee, and possibly the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community . Watershed District share proposed at $1.7 million . Watershed-wide levy, due to watershed-wide benefits . District likely to issue bonds for at least part of the project costs 6 Next Steps . Voluntary EAW on public notice until Sept. 1 . Other permits: DNR, WCA, Corps of Engineers, Cities, MPCA . Revision of Joint Powers Agreement . Plan to advertise bids this fall for first segment (Jeffers), and smaller project just south of CR 16 o Construction during winter o Planting during spring . Future segments as agreements, funding allow Highlights of District Programs . Education Cl Lake Friendly, Lakefront Days, shoreland restoration workshop, newspaper articles, web site . Land Management Cl Wetland restoration, storage and infiltration study . Water Quality Improvement Cl WQ Management Plans, Aquatic Plant Management plans . Permitting/Rules Cl Volume management 7 2005 Proj ects -- Highlights . Shoreland restoration program . Construction stormwater management . Outlet channel project . Filter strips, wetland restoration, infiltration protection . Monitoring o Outlet channel o Prior Lake Questions? Comments? 8 ,a'-o" R . ,'-0- "-0.1 31-. RCP r ~I NEW ..- ~. I r ,'-0- ,,- X ...- SUO[ QATE -......... I" i r7i::;. 1\; <';':~::::"~.':>.~~~i:';'.:';' ~TOPSWI .. - .. .-..,. "J E' 1lO70 .:.; .~.,,~.. :" :,.:" ... 0""1 . ::..~ .~ EllISllNC ~: I tERfBf CEJmfY 'JW\T TttS PLAN. 5PECIf'ICA'OON 01 REPORT WAS ENGINEERING PARTNERS ~ ...1 WENCK ASSOCIATES D PflfPARm Ih' ME OR UHODt II'( DlRECI' SlPEIMSlON N& lHA.T I All ...t ~: A DtLy REGlSJERED PRClFESSIOfrW. EtrGNEER UNODI TtE: lAWS OF . ", 1HE STAT[ OF ~A. INTERNATIONAL, lLC ~ ... PRIOR LAKE OUTLET STRUCTURE 4'" ~: F n-.s BAR DOES I-- SECTION X IlICtWlll .. GIlEDU[ .,..""'''''''' NOT lAEASUR[ ,. 1/'fll:I.€l:l'-RWG ~ taMSlJrA.55437 ~~~f"rs AI TFRNATF NO ? 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CUM: ILCICtMGION. ~ 55437 WENCK ASSOCIATE~ PRIOR lAKE OUTLET STf PLAN AI T""RNAT"" NO 1 '"'""'" f':.,,~ :E I "22 X' Larry Poppler -rom: ant: fo: Cc: Subject: Suzann Willhite [suzann.willhite@dnr.state.mn.us] Friday, July 30, 2004 11 :05 AM Jane Kansier; Larry Poppler Kent Skaar; Kim Waldof; Tom Reich; slotthammer@plslwd.org DNR Update on Rehab Plans for Prior lake Public Boat launches- Sand pt & DeWitte ~~ ~::~;i <N,N~'" - Summary of PriorLk Mtg 12May 0... Jane and Larry, Just a quick note to give you an update and request additional informatin on the rehab plans for the Prior Lake public boat launches at Sand pt and DeWitte. Please update other city staff as needed in regard to the sewer project. In an effort to have a good end product that meets the needs of all users, we are continuing to revise plans for both sites. The timeline for construction is being extended to the 2005 season. The DNR will continue to work with the city to address issues identified in the public open house (see attached memo dated May 12, 2004). Jane, Request for city information: Can you please provide written notes on the requirements for the development of the adjacent lot at DeWitte? I am confused by the city ordinance requirements for setbacks from "Yards", "Bufferyards" , and "Parking Space Abutting 'R' Use Districts". The DNR would like to know the specific setback and screening requirements for a parking lot from the city streets and the --1jacent neighbors. The DNR would like to explore alternative surfaces d options for handling the water for the adjacent lot and needs to ..now requirements for parking lots and the use of rain gardens. If there is anything else that pertains to this project, please keep me informed. I will plan to meet with city staff and neighbors again this fall to review the proposed plans. Please contact me if you have questions. Thank you for your cooperation on these projects. Suzann willhite DNR-Trails & Waterways 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 651-772-7937 651-772-7977 FAX 1 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Area 3B Trails & Waterways 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106. Office (651) 772-7937; Fax (651) 772-7977 SUBJECT:: DATE: LOCATION:: Prior Lake Public Boat Launch Information Meeting -COMMENTS RECEIVED Wednesday, May 12,2004 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Prior Lake Maintenance Center at 17073 Adelmann Street SE, Prior Lake DeWitte DNR Boat Launch - Rehab existing launch and develop additional parking lot. DNR: Repair boat ramp - too difficult to manuever, straighten approach. Repair boat ramp - provide two ramps for users. Existing lot - provide privacy fencing to adjacent landowners. Adjacent lot - provide privacy fencing and screenging to adjacent landowners. Adjacent lot - remove willow to east. Adjacent lot - address water drainage for all neighbors. Security lighting - provide adequate lighting for existing lot, not for adjacent lot. Maintenance - improve level of service. Toint DNR/Citv: rking problems - enforcement of illegal parking needs to be improved. lraffic problems - promote better traffic flow, gets jammed with boaters. Traffic problems - too much noise for neighborhoods. Citv: Traffic problems - provide for local walkers safety. Sand Point Cooperative DNR/City of Prior Lake Boat Launch - Develop additional parking spaces. DNR: Repair boat ramp - too steep. Dock placement - allow room for boaters to load/unload. Parking problems - provide adequate space for vehicles to manuever. Joint DNR/Citv: Parking problems - enforcement of illegal parking needs to be improved. Parking problems - install perimeter barrier (rocks, bollards, trees) to eliminate illegal parking. Parking problems - install signs stating "vehicles with trailers parking only". Traffic problems - promote better traffic flow, gets jammed with boaters. Education - teach classes to users on operating vehicles with trailers. y;. ~ arking problems - provide additional offsight parking. Parking problems - beach users are utilizing boater parking area because no fee. Traffic problems - install stop signs 4 ways at Carriage Hills and Shore Lane. Traffic problems - provide for local walkers safety. ~- PRIOR LAKE - SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRIC~' Phone (952) 447-4166 ' ~ Fax (952) 447-4167 /r . www.plslwd.org 13 ~ August 30, 2004 ~~@~O\YJ~~ J AUG 3 1 2004 j -" Neil V anderbosch DNR - Fisheries 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 By Dear Mr. Vanderbosch: Enclosed are three copies of the application and supporting materials for the Shoreland Habitat Grant Program. The proposed Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project presents a great opportunity to build on local interest in shoreland restoration by demonstrating alternatives to mowed lawns and providing residents the resources and support they need to successfully restore their lakeshore. The Prior Lake-'spring Lake Watershed District has been working closely with the Scott Soil and Water Conservation District and City of Prior Lake to promote shoreland restoration on area lakes. The proposed project would allow us to furtherproll1ote restoration efforts through educational workshops and events and cost-share assistance for the implementation of restoration plims. ' If you have any questions about our proposal, please contact me at 952-447-4166 or slotthammercmolslwd.6rg. Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this grant; we look forward to hearing from you later in the year! S~~Yt&k:' 0(, ,',~ Shannon Lotthamme~<'-~~ District Administrator CC: Pete Beckius, Scott SWCD Larry Poppler, City of Prior Lake 15815 FRANKLIN TRAIL S.E;, SUITE 100 · PRIOR LAKE, MN55372 Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Shoreland Habitat Program Grant Program FY2005-2006 Proposal Format DEADLINE: September 1,2004 Project Title Prior Lake-Sorint! Lake Shoreland Restoration Proiect Lead Organization Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District Project Lead - Name/Title _Shannon Lotthammer/Administrator Address_15815 Franklin Trail SE. Suite 100. Prior Lake. MN 55372 Phone_952-447-4166 Fax_952-447-4167 E-mail slotthammer(a)plslwd.org Description: . If multiple properties are involved, please complete this information for each one. . Include photos of the site. . If needed, attach additional pages that describe the project site and goals/results. [i] Private D Public Name of water body/watercourse _multiole. focused on Prior. Spring and Fish Lakes DOW number (*ifknown) County Scott Township_Soring Lake. City of Prior Lake Range Section(s) Project Size: variable Aquatic Zone: Transition Zone: Upland Zone: Project Location/Address_multiole. to be determined linear feet linear feet linear feet , width , width , width Total Project Cost: $29.000 Grant $: 10.000 Cash Match $: 16.000 In-Kind Match $: 3.000 I. Project Summary and Results: The summary is LIMITED TO 30 WORDS and must be a free standing summation of the project. Be specific. Provide a clear, concise summary of the proposed project and its results. This project will build on local interest in shoreland restoration by demonstrating alternatives to mowed lawns and providing residents the resources and support they need to successfully restore their lakeshore. II. Description of Project Results: Begin this section with a brief explanation as to WHY this project needs to be done and the specific outcomes of the project. Much of the shoreline of the three main recreational lakes of the watershed - Spring, Prior and Fish Lakes - has been impacted by years of development and use. Artificial beaches and mowed lawns have replaced native plants and altered the ecological communities. On Prior Lake in particular, the combination of turf-grass shorelines and lake level changes has resulted in bank erosion and failure, which has historically been addressed through rip-rap, timber walls and other artificial stabilization techniques. 1 Shore land Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Recently, some lake shore residents have expressed interest in restoring their shoreline (either fully or partially), and have contacted the Watershed District, City, and Soil and Water Conservation District for information and assistance. This increased interest presents a great opportunity to create local momentum around the shore land restoration option by providing "how-to" information and completing demonstration projects. The information and demonstration projects will show interested residents what a shoreland restoration project is, how it can integrate with their use of their property, and how it can be accomplished. The end result of this project will be the completion of up to 10 restoration projects, which will enhance shoreland habitat and reduce erosion and bank failure. Most importantly, these projects will provide other lake residents with a better picture of what a shoreland restoration project looks like and how shoreland restoration can be integrated with a resident's use of the lake, which will generate even greater interest in this option and lead to even more restoration projects around the lakes. Break the project into specific activities. Indicate the budget for each activity. Activitv I: Information and Education ($2.500 cost-share/in-kind) · Work with the University of Minnesota Extension Service, Metropolitan Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and area lake associations to develop, promote and host a one-day Shoreland Restoration Workshop in spring 2005. . Promote shoreland restoration through newsletters, community events, community meetings, web sites and the local newspaper. . Host a Shoreland Restoration Festival/Field Day in the summer of 2005 at a local park. Include presentations by landscape biologists and project partners, a guided tour of a previously-restored shoreland site, and a hands-on planting demonstration. . Offer a shoreland maintenance class in the fall of2005. . In the summer of 2006, work with the lake association and local garden club to host a lakeside tour (on pontoons) of the completed restoration projects. Activitv 2: Proiect Desil2:n ($4.000 cost-share) . Develop individual designs, planting plans and cost estimates for those who attended the spring Shoreland Workshop and are interested in completing a shoreland restoration project. The Watershed District will contract with the Soil and Water Conservation District to provide this service. Gregg Thompson of the Metropolitan Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts will meet with the interested lake shore residents and complete the plans. The Watershed District has funding for 10 to 15 plans. . Attached is an example plan that was completed during the summer of 2004 for a shoreline property on Prior Lake. This project has not yet been constructed, and would be eligible for cost-share funds. Activitv 3: Restoration Proiects ($20.000 total-- $10.000 l2:rant. $5.000 City cost-share. $5.000 orivate cost -share) . Provide up to 75 percent cost-share for implementing ten restoration plans on Prior, Spring and Fish Lakes. Participating lake shore owners will be required to sign a ten-year maintenance agreement and to provide at least 25 percent cost-share in the project. 2 Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Priority will be given to projects that address an existing erosion problem, demonstrate effective mixed-use of shoreland property, or are easily visible from the lake or road. Activitv 4: Follow-un Maintenance ($1.500. cost-share) . Provide some funds for follow-up maintenance of the restored sites during the year of planting, such as replanting of any plant failures. Activitv 5: Proiect Coordination and Renortinl! ($1.000. in-kind) . Includes grant reporting, coordination among project partners, and the cost-share application process. Total oroiect cost: $29.000 A. List known biologically or historically significant features (e.g., rare or listed species, critical habitat, archaeology): Known features: . Blanding's Turtle (non-specified site near Spring Lake) . Maple-Basswood Forest (Spring Lake Regional Park) B. List known invasive or exotic aquatic species present in the water body/watercourse [e.g., Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), Curlyleafpondweed (Potamogeton crispus), Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus)] : . Eurasian water mil foil is present in Prior Lake . Curlyleafpondweed is present in Fish, Spring, and Prior Lakes . Purple loosestrife is present in some floodplain wetlands around the lakes, although it is not widespread c. List existing management plans for the water body and/or related funding (existing or being applied for), (Lake Management Plan, Vegetation Management Plan, Conservation Partners grant, Other}: . Diagnostic and Feasibility Study for Prior Lake - 1993 . Spring Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan - 2000 . Sustainable Water Quality Management Plan for Spring and Prior Lakes - 2004 . Upper Prior Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan - in progress, completion in 2004 . Fish Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan - in progress, completion in 2004 . Fish Lake Water Quality Management Plan - in progress, completion by summer 2005 D. Public Outreach/Education: Describe public outreach and/or education activities associated with the project. The outreach and education component of the project will begin with a one-day shoreland restoration workshop in the spring of 2005, followed by a one-day field day/festival to be held at either Lakefront Park or Sand Point Beach during the early to mid summer. The project partners are currently discussing this proposal with the University of Minnesota's Water Resources Center, and it is anticipated that the workshop and festival/field-day may be coordinated through their 2005 Shoreland Education Workshop program. 3 Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project The spring workshop will guide participants through the restoration process from site evaluation, to selecting and finding the right plants, to planting and maintaining the new vegetation. Those interested in developing a restoration plan can then work one-on-one with the landscape biologist involved in the project to create a planting plan, plant list and cost estimate. The shoreland restoration field-day/festival will be scheduled later in the year, during mid- July. The festival will involve short presentations by landscape biologists and project partners, a guided tour of a previously-restored shoreland site at the park, and a hands-on planting demonstration. The project team also hopes to offer pontoon-boat tours of restored sites to allow participants to get a "waters-eye" view of the restorations. Finally, a fall maintenance class will also be offered. Throughout the project period, information about the shoreland restoration project will be included in newsletters, mailings, and factsheets distributed by the project partners. For example, the City of Prior Lake has a newsletter - the Wavelength - that is distributed to all households in the city on a quarterly basis. Information items will also be included on the project partners' web sites. E. Project Timeline: Describe the start and completion dates of the proposed project. The project will start in winter 2005 with the coordination of the education/outreach activities. The design of the restoration projects will occur during the spring and early summer of2005, and planting in the late summer and fall. Any follow-up maintenance or replanting will occur in the spring of2006. The project tour will be completed in the late summer of2006, once the plants have become established and begun to flower. III. Pro,iect Partners: Shannon Lotthammer Organization Title Prior Lake-Spring Lake WD Administrator Name Address 15815 Franklin Trail SE, Suite 100, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Telephone 952-447-4166 Fax Email 952-447-4167 slotthammer@plslwd.org Other Partners (See also attached letters of support/~ommitment): "1 ,."., 1. Name Organization Title Larry Poppler City of Prior Lake Assistant City Engineer Address 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Telephone Fax Email 952-447-9832 952-447-4245 lpoppler@cityofpriorlake.com 4 Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project 2. Name Organization Title Pete Beckius Scott SWCD Manager Address 7151 I 90th Street West, #125, Jordan, MN 55352 Telephone Fax Email 952-492-5411 952-492-5422 pbeckius@co.scott.mn.us Grants are administered on a reimbursement basis. This means that that designated grantee is responsible for paying for all project costs, and the DNR will reimburse the designated grantee for approved expenditures. Ifthis project is funded, who will be the designated grantee (usually a local unit of government)? _Prior Lake-SorinQ Lake Watershed District IV. Contributions to Project Cost: Project Partners Activity/Item Match $ Amount Grant $ Lead Person on Activity Amount Cash In-Kind Prior Lake-Spring 1,2,3 (coord.), Shannon Lotthammer Lake Watershed 5 Gregg Thompson (via $5,000 $1,000 $10,000 District contract for task 3) (Activity 3) I City of Prior Lake 1,3,5 Larry Poppler $5,000 $1,000 I Scott SWCD 1,2,3,4 Pete Beckius $1,000 $1,000 Lakeshore owners Individual cost- Individual homeowner $5,000 share for 3 Total $16,000 $3,000 $10,000 V. Plant List: Include a proposed plant list to be used. Include plants for the aquatic, transition, and upland zones. All plants used must be native plants to Minnesota. See attached example VI. Project Site Design: Include a design layout of the project site. Indicate the location of the aquatic, transition, and upland planting zones and linear feet and width of each zone. See attached example VII. Maintenance Plan: Describe the proposed short-term and long-term maintenance activities for the project. Include information on who will be responsible for maintenance and when maintenance activities will occur. Planting will be scheduled between May 15 and June 30 or between August 15 and September 15 to help ensure successful establishment of the plants. Maintenance will be the responsibility of the shoreland owner, except that any significant plant failure or erosion issues during the first year of restoration will be reported to the watershed district or SWCD for 5 Shore land Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project follow-up replanting or stabilization. After the first year, any replanting will be the responsibility of the shoreland owner. To assist in both short- and long-term maintenance of the restoration sites, a shoreland maintenance class will be offered in the fall of 2005. Short- Term Maintenance Short-term maintenance of the restored sites will involve the following: Year 1 (planting year): 1. Water as needed (at least one inch of water per week during the first two months of growth or during drought conditions). 2. Weed by hand to remove any non-native, invasive plants; carefully spot-spray if weeds persist. 3. Inspect the site weekly and after each rainfall over 0.5 inch to determine if any ofthe erosion control measures are failing. Year 2: 1. Check the planting for survival over the winter; replant any bare areas. 2. Continue to hand-weed as necessary and spot-spray any problem areas. 3. No watering should be necessary unless a long dry spell occurs. Year 3: 1. Check planting for winter survival; replant bare areas if necessary (unlikely, unless the winter was very cold with sparse snow cover). 2. Hand weed if necessary. LonQ:- Term Maintenance Plantings will be mowed to a height of 6 inches in late May (most likely), or burned every 3 to 5 years if possible (less likely). The watershed district or SWCD staffwill also complete an annual site visit to document continued health of the shoreland plantings, and will be available to provide the shore land owner technical assistance with any maintenance issues. VIII. MAP PAGE: Include a map of the project location and a design of the proposed restoration project See attached IX. PHOTO PAGE: Include photos of the project site See attached example 6 Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restomtion Project Example Plant List The attached example is representative of the types of plants that would be installed as the shoreland restoration sites. O'Keefe Property Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior lake Moisture Zone Kev: Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project Recommended Plantlist for buffer project ud - upland-dry: dry. well-drained soils 12-18" spacing um - upland-mesic: soil is moist, but not wet 't!. - soil is wet, occassionally standing water ~ - shallow water most of the time Pluas for olantina into Bio-Ioa:. Plant Container Q1y; Scientific Name: Common Name: Moisture: Native Habitat: Flower: Period: Size: Size: 48 Acarus calumus Sweet Flag s,w,um marsh, peatland, lake edge Yellow July - August 36" 2" plug / 48/f1at 48 Iris versicolor Blue flag iris w marsh, peatland, lake edge Violet June-July 18-42" 2" plug / 48/f1at 48 Scirpus pungens Three-square bulrush s, w marsh, pond, lake edge Brown July-August 24-48" 2" plug / 48/f1at 144 Total Aquatic Plugs (2") Aauatic I Transitional Plants (behind Bio-Ioal Wildflowers: Plant Container Scientific Common: Moisture: Native Habitat: Flower: Period: Size: Size: 36 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed w,um prairie, marsh, lake edge Lavender June - August 36-48" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Eupatorium maculatum Spotted Joe-pye-weed w,um wet prairie, marsh, swamp Pink July-Sept 36-72' 4" pot /18/f1at 18 Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset w.um prairie, marsh, swamp White July-Oct 24-48" 4" pot /18/f1at 18 Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia mountain mint w, um, ud prairie, marsh, swamp White July-August 12-36" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Vernonia fasciculata Ironweed w,um prairie, marsh, swamp Magenta July-Sept 36-72" 4" pot/18/f1at 108 Total Wildflowers (4" pot) Graminoids: 18 Carex comosa Bottlebrush sedge w marsh, peatland. lake edge Green 24-48" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Carex crinita Caterpillar sedge w marsh, swamp, lake edge Green 24-36" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Carex lacustris Lake sedge w marsh, swamp, lake edge Green 24-48" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Juncus effusus Soft rush w, um marsh, swamp. lake edge Green 18-48" 4" pot /18/f1at 18 Scirpus atrovirens Dark green bulrush w marsh, swamp, lake edge Green 24-60" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass w, um marsh, swamp, lake edge Brown 36-60" 4" pot/18/f1at 18 Spartina pectinata Prairie cordgrass w,um prairie, marsh, lake edge Yellow 36-72" 4" pot/18/f1at 126 Total Graminoids (4" pot) Plants for olantina lakeward of Bio-Ioa: Plant Container Q1y; Scientific Common: Moisture: Native Habitat: Flower: Period: Size: Size: 90 Scirpus acutus Hardstem Bulrush s,w lake edge, marsh Brown July-August 48-80" 4" pot /18/f1at 90 Scirpus pungens Three-square bulrush s,w marsh, pond, lake edge Brown July-August 24-48" 4" pot/18/f1at 180 Total Aquatics (4" pot) Shrubs for olantina at toe of slooe: Plant Container Q1y; Scientific Common: Moisture: Native Habitat: Flower: Period: Size: Size: 10 Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokeberry w,um,ud lake edge, forest, swamp White May-June 3-6' 6" 10 Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo w,um marsh, pond, lake edge Purple June-August 4-8' 6" 10 Cornus sericea (stolonifera) Red-osier Dogwood w,um,ud forest, lake edge White May-July 6-8' 6" 30 Total Shrubs (6" pot) Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restomtion Project Example Site Design The attached example (3 pages total) is representative of the design techniques that would be used at the shoreland restoration sites. ffi Scale: I I o 5' I 10' -t.-IN~,"",,'7 ~~ N'/.~ "\00.'7 (~) I 20' I 30' . '9{)%-.1.- ~.\.1 - ---J <"---r- AtJf,j'-VI.L- -'lVI.' (- c:.!,l)\.f;,,\ ~ 50' o~~ ~~ .. , . 1~\pcJ1 1(-0'<- y:~ ~,,\.--v. ~iY~/"?~ --+ "'''I.ur.,,~ ~ I --------- ------ Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restoration Project -~ -------- Existing Conditions Sheet! of3 Scott County, Shoreland Stabilization I Buffer Okeefe Property Green Heights Trail SW Prior Lake, M N prepared by: the Association of Metropolitan Soil a nd Water Conservation Districts Anoka . Carver. Dakota. Hennepin. Ramsey . Scott. Washington In 8ssodatlon with: USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service Shoreland Habitat Project Proposal Prior Lake-Spring Lake Shoreland Restomtion Project (' PHOTO PAGE These photos depict a proposed restoration site for which a design has been completed, but has not yet been installed. This is one site that would be eligible for restoration cost-share funding. It is also representative of other potential shoreland restoration sites on Spring, Prior and Fish Lakes. C' " Photos of shoreland restoration area -- the yellow rope is in the approximate location of the proposed biologs. This site is a private shoreline adjacent to Captain Jack's, a popular restaurant on Prior Lake that is open during the summer. . -~.r- --,.~..;:..:..: :.".- 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 August 27,2004 Shannon Lotthammer District Administrator Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District 15815 Franklin Trl Suite 100 Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INVOLVEMENT IN MN/DNR SHORELAND HABITAT GRANT PROGRAM (PL/SL WD SHORELAND RESTORATION PROJECT) Dear Shannon: This letter is to confirm the City of Prior Lake's participation in the upcoming Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District Shore1and Restoration Project. The City has $10,000 budgeted for this project. We support the MN/DNR Grant Application as you prepared it and appreciate your efforts in coordinating this project. The City is looking forward to working with the Watershed District and the other participants on this program. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 952-447-9832 or email me at 1poppler@cityofpriorlake.com. Thank you, ;f7/? Larry Poppler, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Prior Lake, MN - G:\Erosion Control\Shoreline Erosion Control\2004 Projects\DNR Shoreland Grant confirm letter. doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 SCOTT SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 7151 West 190th Street, Suite 125 * Jordan, MN 55352-2103 Phone: (952) 492-5425 Fax: (952) 492-5422 ---~ August 23, 2004 To: Shannon Lotthammer, Administrator Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District 15815 Franklin Trail SE, Suite 100 Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: DNR Shoreland Habitat Grant Program Dear Shannon: The Scott Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors supports the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District's grant application to education and design and implement shoreland restoration projects on lakes within the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed. As you know, the degradation of native shoreline habitat has resulted in shoreline erosion and bank failure in addition to loss offish and wildlife habitat. The efforts of this project will provide immediate and positive results to restore shoreline and stabilize the lakeshore banks. A significant effort is needed to protect and preserve the quality of the water in the Watershed District's lakes. This grant would help promote several initiatives, including: · Information and Education - Promote educational material, host a workshop and tour and provide a hands-on planting demonstration for several lakeshore restoration projects. · Project Design - Provide technical design assistance to landowners by developing restoration plans using suitable native vegetation and best management practices. · Restoration Projects -Implement projects that will demonstrate the value of native vegetation on shorelines and fish habitat restoration. We commend the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District for taking the initiative to gather support and coordinate the technical assistance needed to apply for and implement this grant. As with all watershed-based efforts, teamwork and partnerships are critical for success. Our staff looks forward to continuing to work with the Watershed District and the City of Prior Lake to obtain this grant and implement the project. Sincerely, ~~JJ~ Ewald Gruetzmacher, Chair Scott Soil and Water Conservation District EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Visit us on the web at: WWW.scottswcd.or~ ~~i6;;,\ 0\ l~ <' \ I E-. '7' \ 1....., ~I ,U rrJ I \ / '~ 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 August 27,2004 Shannon Lotthammer District Administrator Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District 15815 Franklin Trl Suite 100 Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INVOLVEMENT IN MN/DNR SHORELAND HABITAT GRANT PROGRAM (PL/SL WD SHORELAND RESTORATION PROJECT) Dear Shannon: .. This letter is to confirm the City of Prior Lake's participation in the upcoming Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District Shoreland Restoration Project. The City has $10,000 budgeted for this project. We support the MN/DNR Grant Application as you prepared it and appreciate your efforts in coordinating this project. The City is looking forward to working with the Watershed District and the other participants on this program. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 952-447-9832 or email me at lpoppler@cityofpriorlake.com. Thank you, ;;7/2 Larry Poppler, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Prior Lake, MN ~ G:\Erosion Control\Shoreline Erosion Control\2004 Projects\DNR Shoreland Grant confirm lettet.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 - '- Lake Advisory Committee Boat Tour July 20th 2004 The LAC held their annual boat tour on July 20th, 2004. The boat tour was guided by Donna Mankowski. Others attending were Harry Alcorn, Marv Mirsch and Larry Poppler. A variety of items were viewed and discussed. The weather was beautiful for the tour and many other boaters agreed as many vessels were boating that evening. The dock and boat rail issues were discussed at recent meetings, so viewing some of the irregular docks and boat rail systems were a priority for the Committee. These pictures show that iftopography on a small or pie shaped lot will greatly influence dock location. '- ,.-- " ..... , r. .....,.-..' . '"1 . .. . .~ ,,-..... \.. - The size of docks can vary greatly. This photograph shows a double-decker floating dock. The resident spend a great deal of money on this dock and it shows. Does the dock impede the view of the lake by neighbors? c I I I 1(' ~ 10, .""1 .. u: ~\, \) '/ -- 'll.l;~ j ~(_,,1- , c This is a cheaper imitation of the above double-decker dock does not have railings and does not look a,:; nice as the one sho~ above. Do these docks require regulation? c 1(' c c r ~ The size of canopies over boat lifts can vary greatly. This picture shows a large canopy covering a large boat. A picture of a dock built on the shoreline below 904 c Ie (' ~ A small number of boat rail systems exist on Prior Lake. The size and quality was discussed. c c I I I I I I I 1(' The use of floating play equipment was viewed and talked about. A couple of pictures were taken of various floating play equipment that is currently being used on Prior Lake. The Iceberg c CJ " ..... ~ . . Wake board jump? The DNR will be improving the DeWitte access this fall. 1 (-- -- c r . . The Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District is planning a project to reconstruction the outlet for Prior Lake. The proposed outlet will be a more efficient and require less maintenance. The picture below shows the existing outlet. Crystal Bay Townhomes is a development on Prior Lake. The ownership for this project has changed hands. While construction of the roads, ponds and utilities continues, model homes have not yet been constructed. c' c' f' .. . . The no wake zone was discussed. While the no wake is 150 feet from the lakeshore, the no wake bouys are placed at a variety of distances from the shoreline. The picture depicts the south side of Martinson Island. Residents in this area have concerns regarding boats traveling too fast. These residents have placed the no wake bouys to reduce the speed of boats in this area.