HomeMy WebLinkAbout119-05 - Garbage Hauler AmendmentPRIp\
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake. MN 55372
Section 1. City Code Section 601 is amended by deleting subsection 601.300 in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:
601.301 Licenses Required: Any individual, corporation, partnership or other form of
business entity that desires to engage in the business of waste management or
refuse hauling is required to first make application to the City Clerk for a license
which application shall be on a form provided by the City and shall include but not
be limited to the following information:
• License Fee as set forth in the City Fee Schedule
• The name of the owner and licensee
• A description of each motor vehicle to be used for hauling, including the license
number thereof
• The manner and kind of services to be provided to customers and the cost of
• Certificate of insurance
Any falsification of, or missing information on the license application shall result in
the denial of said license. If any falsification is discovered after the license is issued,
the license shall be null and void.
601.302 Background Check: In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the
public, the Prior Lake Police Department is authorized to conduct a criminal history
background investigation and/or driver's license check on all persons who have
applied for, or who will sell, hawk, vend, peddle or solicit under a license issued
herein and who have not held a valid garbage and refuse collectors license with the
City in the prior year. The results of the criminal history background investigation
and/or driver's license check may be cause for denial of the license at the sole
discretion of the City.
(Amd. Ord. 111-01, publ. 1/1/2011)
601.303 Persons Ineligible For License: No garbage and refuse collectors license shall
be issued to an applicant who: (a) Is under eighteen (18) years of age; (b) has had
his or her driving privileges suspended, revoked, or canceled within one (1) year of
the date of application; provided, however, the City may issue a license to a person
who had his or her driving privileges suspended within one (1) year of the date of
application if the suspension was based on nonpayment of a fine and the applicant
has a currently valid driver's license; (c)The City finds the person is a habitually
reckless or negligent driver or an habitual violator of the traffic laws; or (d) Provides
faIse or misleading information on their license application.
601.304 Duration and Renewal of License:
(1) All licenses issued pursuant to this Section are issued for one (1) year beginning on
January 1 and expiring on December 31. License fees shall not be pro -rated.
(2) Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the license, the licensee shall
submit a renewal application to the City Clerk. A renewal application shall be made
in the same manner as provided for the original application.
(3) Licenses are not transferable.
601.305 Insurance Requirements : No license shall be issued until the applicant provides
the City with a current policy of insurance covering all vehicles to be used by the
applicant in its business. The minimum limits of coverage for such insurance is a
combined style limit for bodily injury and property damage of $500,000.
601.306 Hours Of Operation: No person engaged in hauling refuse or garbage for hire
shall do so after seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. or before seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. of
any day. There shall be no garbage or refuse pickup on Sundays except in
commercial zones between nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and noon (12:00) P.M. or in
other zoning districts without prior written consent of the City Manager following the
conclusion of special City-wide events.
601.307 Vehicles For Hauling Garbage And Refuse: All persons hauling or conveying
garbage or refuse over the streets of the City shall use a vehicle provided with a
tight cover and so operated and maintained as to prevent offensive odors escaping
therefrom and garbage or refuse from being blown, dropped or spilled from the
vehicle. Any such vehicles shall be kept clean and as free from offensive odors as
possible, and if customarily used for the hauling of garbage or refuse, shall not be
allowed to stand in any street alley or other place longer than is reasonably
necessary to collect garbage and refuse. Any vehicle customarily used for such
purposes shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be thoroughly
disinfected at least once each week unless the same has not been used since the
last disinfection.
Each vehicle for which a license is applied for or which is licensed shall be subject
to inspection by the City at all reasonable times. Any such vehicle, while it is used
by the licensee in the City, shall have the name of the licensee clearly printed on
both sides and the license for the vehicle shall be kept in the vehicle at all time while
it is being so used.
601.308 Revocation or Suspension Of License: Said license for garbage collection, when
issued, may be revoked or suspended by the City Council without notice in the case
of the conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction of the licensee on a complaint
alleging the violation of this Section or alleging the violation of the provisions of the
Page 2 of 3
City Code or the laws of the State of Minnesota regarding public health. Further,
said license may be revoked or suspended at any time by the City Council, upon a
hearing; provided, that the licensee shall be given at least five (5) days' written
notice of such hearing and shall have an opportunity to appear in person or by
agent or attorney and present evidence relative to the matter under consideration.
601.309 No Vested Right: No person licensed pursuant to this Section shall gain a vested
right in said license. The City may, upon finding that public necessity requires,
determine to establish another means of refuse collection.
601.310 Obligation Of Licensed Collectors: A licensed garbage and refuse collector shall
pick up any garbage and refuse of his customers which has been deposited for
collection, in the manner provided by this Section.
(Amd. Ord. 107-13, publ 07/21/2007)
Section 2. City Code Section 104 entitled "General Penalty" is adopted in its entirety, by
reference, as though repeated verbatim herein.
Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 6t" day of May 2019.
Michael Plante, City Manager
Annette Thompson, Acting Mayor
Published in the Prior Lake American on the 11 ch day of May 2019.
Page 3 of 3
Section City Code
Section 601 is amended by
deleting subsection 601.300 in its
entirety and replacing it with the
6016300: Garbage And
Refuse Collectors:
601,301 Licenses Required:
Any individual, corporation,
partnership or other form of
business entity that desires to
engage in the business of waste,
management or refuse hauling is
required to first make application
to the City Clerk for a license
which application shall be on a
form provided by the City and
shall include but not be limited to
the following information:
*License Fee as set forth in
the City Fee Schedule
*The name of the owner and
*A description of each motor
vehicle to be used for hauling,
including the license number
*The manner and kind
of services to be provided to
customers and the cost of pick-
*Certificate of insurance
Any falsification of, or
missing information on the
license application shall result 'in
the denial of said license. If any
falsification is discovered after
the license is issued, the license
shall be null and void.
601,302 Background Check: hi
order to protect the health, safety
and welfare of the public, the
Prior Lake Police Department is
authorized to conduct a criminal
history background investigation
and/or driver's license check
on all persons who have applied
for, or who will sell, hawk, vend,
peddle or solicit under a license
issued herein and who have not
held a valid garbage and refuse
collectors license with the City
in the prior year. The results of
the criminal history background
investigation and/or driver's
license check may be cause for
denial of the license at the sole
discretion of the City.
(Amd. Ord. 111-01, publ.
601.303 Persons Ineligible For
License: No garbage and refuse
collectors license shall be issued
to an applicant who: (a) Is under
eighteen (18) years of age; (b) has
had his or her driving privileges
suspended, revoked, or canceled
within one (1) year of the date of
application; provided, however,
the City may issue a license to a
person who had his or her driving
privileges suspended within one
(1) year of the date of application
if the suspension was based on
nonpayment of a fine and the
applicant has a currently valid
driver's license; (c)The City finds
the person is a habitually reckless
or negligent driver or an habitual
violator of the traffic law��s��; or
Affidavit of Publication
Southwest Newspapers
State of Minnesota)
County of Scott )
LaurieA. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent
of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, Jordan Independent, Prior
Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
(A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal
newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as
amended. f
(B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. ' /h L/ 7
was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said
Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of
the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both
inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition
and publication of the Notice:
CBy4 Y l�l�
Laurie A. Hartmann
Subscribed and sworn before me on
this !� day of / / / 2019
Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per column inch
Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter. &0&0000000 $31.20 per column inch
Rate actually charged for the above matter .............................................. $13.v4 per column inch
application. Each vehicle for which a
601.304 Duration and Renewal license is applied for or which
of License: is licensed shall be subject to
(1) All licenses issued inspection by the City at all
pursuant to this Section are reasonable times. Any such
issued for one (1) year beginning vehicle, while it is used by the
on January 1 and expiring on licensee in the City, shall have
December 31, License fees shall the name of the licensee clearly
not be pro -rated. printed on both sides and the
(2) Not less than thirty (30) license for the vehicle shall be
days prior to the expiration of kept in the vehicle at all time
the license, the licensee shall while it is being so used.
submit a renewal application 601.308 Revocation or
to the City Clerk. A renewal Suspension Of License: Said
application shall be made in the license for garbage collection,
same manner as provided for the when issued, may be revoked
originalapplication, or suspended by the City
(3) Licenses are not Council without notice in the
transferable, case of the conviction in a court
6 0 1.305 Insurance of competent jurisdiction of
Requirements : No license shall the licensee on a complaint
be issued until the applicant alleging the violation of this
provides the City with a current Section or alleging the violation
policy of insurance covering of the provisions of the City
all vehicles to be used by the Code or the laws of the State
applicant in its business. The of Minnesota regarding public
minimum limits of coverage for health. Further, said license may
such insurance is a combined be revoked or suspended at any
style limit for bodily injury and time by the City Council, upon
property damage of $500,000. a hearing; provided, that the
601.306 Hours Of Operation: licensee shall be given at least
No person engaged in hauling five (5) days' written notice of
refuse or garbage for hire shall such hearing and shall have an
do so after seven o'clock (7:00) opportunity to appear in person
P.M. or before seven o'clock (7:00) or by agent or attorney and
A.M. of any day. There shall be present evidence relative to the
no garbage or refuse pickup on matter under consideration.
Sundays except in commercial 601.309 No Vested Right:
zones between nine o'clock (9:00) No person licensed pursuant to
A.M, and noon (12:00) P.M. or in this Section shall gain a vested
other zoning districts without right in said license. The City
prior written consent of the City may, upon finding that public
Manager following the conclusion necessity requires, determine to
oI special City-wide events. establish another means of refuse
601.307 Vehicles For collection.
Hauling Garbage And Refuse: 6016310 Obligation
All persons hauling or conveying Of Licensed Collectors: Alicensed
garbage or refuse over the streets garbage and refuse collector shall
of the City shall use a vehicle pick up any garbage and refuse
provided with a tight cover and of his customers which has been
so operated and maintained as to deposited for collection, in the
prevent offensive odors escaping manner provided by this Section,
therefrom and garbage or refuse (Amd. Ord. 107-13, publ
from being blown, dropped or 07/21/2007)
spilled from the vehicle. Any Section2. City Code
such vehicles shall be kept clean Section 104 entitled "General
and as free from offensive odors Penalty" is adopted in its entirety,
as possible, and if customarily by reference, as though repeated
used for the hauling of garbage verbatim herein,
or refuse, shall not be allowed to Section 3. T h i s
stand in any street alley or other ordinance shall become effective
place longer than is reasonably upon its passage and publication.
necessary to collect garbage and Passed by the City Council of
refuse. Any vehicle customarily the City of Prior Lake this 61h day
used for such purposes shall of May 2019,
be kept in a clean and sanitary ATTEST:
condition and shall be thoroughly Michael Plante
disinfected at least once each City Manager
week unless the same has not been Annette Thompson
used since the last disinfection. Acting Mayor
(Published in the Prior Lake
American on Saturday, May 11,
2019: No. 7434)