HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A Major PUD Amend Applewood Pointe Report 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: AMANDA SCHWABE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: AMANDA SCHWABE AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENT (PUD) PLAN FOR APPLEWOOD POINTE ON OUTLOT B, JEFFERS POND 1st ADDITION DISCUSSION: Introduction United Properties, on behalf of the property owner, Jeffers Foundation, has ap- plied for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Jef- fers Pond for the proposed Applewood Pointe project. The subject property is in the southwest corner of the CSAH 42 and Fountain Hills Drive NW intersection, along Jeffers Parkway NW. History The original PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond was approved in 2005. Since that time, the residential neighborhoods have been platted and developed, as well as the streets, public park/trail system, the elementary school and the fire station. Two outlots (totaling three parcels) remain undeveloped, including: • Outlot B – approximately 9.28 acres, designated as “future retail” in the Preliminary PUD Plan. • Outlot C – Two parcels, approximately 11 acres and 10 acres respec- tively. This area was designated as “The Pier” which included commercial and residential uses in the PUD Plan. The Jeffers Pond PUD was designed and approved as a lifecycle housing project which would offer various types of housing in a range of density and models in- cluding small single-family homes, large single family detached homes, attached one and two-story single-family townhomes, and apartment condominiums. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the site, zoning designations, and information as it relates to the proposed Applewood Pointe project. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Site Area: Outlot B, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition consists of approximately 9.28 acres. A single detached accessory structure exists on the site. Topography: This area has elevations which change approximately 13 feet from 889’ by the wetland on the west portion of the property to approximately 902’ at the highest point near the center of the property. 2 Wetlands: One DNR protected wetland exists on the site. Any features associ- ated with the Applewood Pointe project that may impact the wetland (example: docks, fountains, etc.) may require review and/or permits from the DNR. Access: The current access to the site is a single curb cut off CSAH 42. This access is proposed to be removed. The site will be accessed from Jeffers Park- way NW, south of the existing roundabout. Zoning: The site is presently zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). PROPOSED APPLEWOOD POINTE PLAN Lots: The development plan proposes one, four-story building with a total of 99 owner occupied units. The unit sizes range from approximately 1,295 sq. ft. to 1,912 sq. ft. Both underground and at grade parking is proposed. Density: Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is approximately 4.5 acres. A total of 99 units are proposed, for an overall density of approximately 22 units per acre. Building Setbacks: The developer is not requesting any changes to the previ- ously approved PUD building setbacks. Parks / Trails: The applicant proposes to construct a private trail surrounding the proposed building which will connect to the existing regional trail along CSAH 42 to the north and Fountain Hills Dr NW to the east. Tree Preservation/Landscaping: There are presumed to be significant trees on the far west side of the property. Existing vegetation west of the wetland is proposed to remain undisturbed. A conservation easement encompasses the wooded and wetland area on the property. City Code requires 1 tree per 40 feet of site perimeter, which equates to 46 trees. The applicant has prepared an ex- tensive landscape plan which will incorporate 100 trees on this property. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermain service are avail- able in Jeffers Parkway NW. Grading / Storm water: The applicant proposes to direct storm water to a new infiltration basin to the southwest. The new basin will function as part of the re- gional storm water system designed for the Jeffers Pond development. The City and the applicants engineer have discussed the City Engineering Department comments related to storm water and grading. Senior Cooperative: The proposed Applewood Pointe project is a cooperative community for seniors which provides for ownership of units in addition to shared ownership of the common areas including the property and grounds. Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the standard de- velopment fees, including utility service charges. 3 Public Comment: Staff has received communications both in support of and against the proposed Major PUD Amendment for Applewood Pointe. The primary concerns of those not in support are listed and addressed below: Traffic: The original Jeffers Pond development completed a comprehen- sive traffic study in 2004. In 2015, the study was updated to reflect a change in the proposed use in the area of Outlot B from condominiums to a mix of townhomes and retail. At that time, it was concluded that the existing roadway network provides sufficient capacity. Per the applicants’ engineer, the proposed 99-unit senior cooperative will generate fewer to- tal daily trips than what was proposed originally in 2004 and in 2015. Views/Shadowing: The applicant provided a shadow study to identify the anticipated shadowing as a result of the proposed building during different times of the year. The building as proposed does not create shadows which extend onto existing, adjacent Jeffers Pond residential lots. Building Height: Due to the proposed grades of the structure, the build- ing height will vary depending on which direction you are viewing the building. Per City Code, the building front is the side of the building facing Jeffers Parkway NW and heights are measured from the finished grade level to the mid-point of the highest gable on a hip roof. As the applicant addresses Staff comments related to storm water and grading, the pro- posed building heights may be increased from what is shown in the pro- vided elevations approximately four (4) feet. With that said, the proposed building height from the average grade is not anticipated to exceed the following: Need: Maxfield Research and Consulting completed a Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment Study for the Scott County CDA in Novem- ber 2016. The purpose of the study was to project housing demand for each community in Scott County from 2017-2040. This study included for- sale, general occupancy rental and senior housing products including af- fordable (shallow-subsidy) and subsidized (deep subsidy). An update of that study was completed in August 2019. Both the original study and the update identify a need for senior ownership housing in Prior Lake. Accord- ing to the Update, by 2040 the City of Prior Lake will need approximately 1,017 units. Of those, approximately 110 should be non-rental units. Elevation Proposed Max. Building Height East 53’ South 50’ West 50’ North 54’ ISSUES: PUD’s provide a flexible approach to development that allows creative, efficient and effective use of land, including the mixing of land uses. The proposed Apple- wood Pointe project offers a high-density residential housing option not currently available in the Jeffers Pond Development. High density residential housing was approved as part of the original PUD Plan and was always anticipated, in addition to commercial uses in this area. 4 The PUD must be reviewed based on the criteria found in Section 1106 of the Zoning Ordinance. The criteria which are applicable to the proposed Major Amendment request are discussed below: (1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed PUD Amendment is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designations for this area. (2) More creative, efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses. The proposed PUD amendment provides over 40% of open space on the site. (3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people; The proposed PUD amendment proposes a multi-family residential structure with an abundance of landscaping and features on the site including, but not limited to: trails, garden, and athletic amenities which promote interaction among the residents of the building in an outdoor setting while providing an aesthetically pleasing addition to the Jeffers Pond development. The proposed architectural design of the building is a continuation of the housing styles in the development. (4) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking or bussing; The proposed PUD amendment provides for private trails around the proposed building which connect into the regional trail along CSAH 42 and local train along Jeffers Parkway NW. (5) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages. The proposed PUD amendment provides opportunities for a senior cooperative housing type that is appealing to seniors looking for an active lifestyle and maintenance free living. (6) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. The proposed PUD amendment will utilize existing street and utility infrastructure which was designed and installed previously to accommodate high density residential and commercial uses in the areas of Outlot B & C. (7) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. The proposed PUD amendment is consistent with the originally approved plan related to high density residential and/or commercial in this area of the Jeffers Pond development. 5 (8) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also encourage historic preservation, re-use and redevelopment of existing buildings. The proposed PUD amendment does not include any changes to the existing wetland and wooded areas on the west half of the site. (9) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. The proposed PUD amendment design is compatible with the surrounding residential land use. The applicant has committed to the use of architectural standards including but not limited to: stone, brick, and lap siding, non- monotony standards, as well as accent design features, and landscaping standards that exceed city standards. ALTERNATIVES: Conclusion City staff believes the developer is complying with the originally approved PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond by incorporating a high-density residential life cycle housing type option within the Jeffers Pond Development within the allowances for imper- vious surface and residential units. As noted in the attached staff memorandums, the developer must refine the de- velopment plans to assure compliance with the Public Works Design Manual re- quirements and City Zoning Ordinance prior to consideration by the City Council. The City Staff feels these comments will not drastically alter the design of the proposed amendment. Therefore, City staff does advise the Planning Commis- sion to consider approval of the Major PUD Amendment for Applewood Pointe with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall revise the plans per the September 13, 2019 Memoran- dum from WSB. 2. The applicant shall revise the plans per the September 18, 2019 City Com- munity Development Department Memorandum. 1. Motion and a second recommending approval of the Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD subject to the listed conditions, or others that may be added or modified by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD plan based on findings of fact. 3. Motion and a second to table this item to a future Planning Commission meeting and provide the applicant with direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant Narrative 3. Existing Conditions 4. PUD Plans 5. Architectural Plans & Shadow Study 6 6. WSB (Engineering/Public Works Dept.) Memorandum – September 13, 2019 7. Pioneer Engineering Transportation Memorandum – September 16, 2019 8. Community Development Department Memorandum – September 18, 2019 9. Public Comment Email 140TH ST NW JEFFERS PKW Y NWMCKENNA RD NWFOUNTAIN HILLS DR NWPARKVIEW LN NWJeffers Wildlife Pond Ü XXXX JEFFERS PARKWAY NW - Applewood PointeMajor PUD AmendmentLocation Map UPPER PRIOR LAKEGD(904) LOWER PRIOR LAKEGD(904) PIKELAKENE(820.5) MYSTICLAKENE HAASLAKENE(907.3) ARTICLAKENE(906.7) MARKLEYLAKERD( ) HOWARD LAKENE(957.3) SUBJECTPROPERTY SUBJECTPROPERTY PUD Amendment Submittal Applewood Pointe Prior Lake Prior Lake, Minnesota August 29, 2019 Momentum Design Group, LLC The Lyric at Carleton Place 765 N. Hampden Ave. Suite 180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 1 | P a g e Amanda Schwabe Planner City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Applewood Pointe -Jeffers Pond PUD Amendment Submittal Amanda, On behalf of United Properties Residential, Momentum Design Group and Pioneer Engineering has prepared a design and corresponding plans for a new 99-unit multifamily cooperative housing development. The site is located on the southwest corner of Country Road 42 and Fountain Hills Road within the Jeffers Pond Development. The project site is approximately 9.28 acres. There will be 116 underground parking stalls and 48 surface parking stalls in the project. The building consists of 4-stories containing residential units above the parking garage. Common areas for the units are located at first and second levels. The total building height from average grade level to midpoint of the sloped roof is 53'-0". The current zoning for the site is a PUD, guided by R-HD, Urban High-Density Use in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan which allows for 4 story buildings and up to 20 units per acre. Our proposed project has total of 9.28 acres with approximately 5.75 acres of wetland and conservation easements reducing the buildable area to 3.5 acres. The proposed project is 4 stories in height and 28 units per acre. The entire massing consists of a rockface block, brick masonry base with cultured stone, metal lap siding, composite panels, vinyl shake siding at the 4th floor and balconies at upper floors, with large windows and glass patio doors throughout. The structure will be precast concrete at the garage level, with wood frame construction above the concrete podium. We would like to thank you for reviewing our application and submittal. If you have any questions, please let us know. Brian Gadient, Architect Momentum Design Group, LLC COUNTY ROAD 42 MCKENNA ROAD NWJEFFERS PARKWAY NWC 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX00 PUD SUBMITTAL08/29/1919032CheckerSHEET INDEX ALL NECESSARY AND/OR REQUIRED TESTS, INSPECTIONS SHOP DRAWING REVIEWS AND DRAWING INTERPRETATIONS, REQUIRED BY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, SHALL BE EXECUTED BY A REGISTERED ARCHITECT AND/OR BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER; IF NOT, THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD AND/ OR THE ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS FOR THAT PORTION OF THE WORK IMPROPERLY EXECUTED. THE INSPECTION ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER SHALL BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE INSPECTIONS, DECISIONS AND/OR DOCUMENT INTERPRETATIONS MADE AS THEY RELATE TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND THEIR INTENT. • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND MOST STRINGENT SHALL APPLY. • DIMENSIONS GIVEN FOR MASONRY ON ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, ARE NOMINAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • SCALED MEASUREMENTS OF DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. • DIMENSION FOR STUD WALLS ARE TO FACE OF STUD AND DIMENSIONS FOR MASONRY WALLS ARE TO FACE OF BLOCK UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. GENERAL NOTES PROJECT SUMMARY SITE LOCATION MAP ABBREVIATIONS DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT SHALL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF 99 FOR SALE UNITS AND WILL CONSIST OF A MIXTURE OF UNIT TYPES. THE SITE IS APPROXIMATELY 9.29 ACRES. THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE A COMBINATION OF SURFACE PARKING AND ONE LEVEL OF BELOW-GRADE PARKING. THE COOPERATIVE STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONCRETE BELOW GRADE AND PRECAST CONCRETE AT THE FIRST FLOOR TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPER FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE PARKING AND HOUSING. THE UPPER FLOORS SHALL BE TYPE V, WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION WITH AN OUTDOOR PATIO LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY. THE EXTERIOR SKIN OF THE BUILDING IS ANTICIPATED TO BE VENEER BRICK, SIMULATED STONE AND SIDING. APPLEWOOD POINTE -PRIOR LAKE 08-29 2019 PUD SUBMITTAL Jeffers Pond ARCHITECT MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP BRIAN GADIENT KELCIE ROBINSON 765 N. HAMPDEN AVE, STE 180 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55114 DIRECT | 612.290.6523 DIRECT | 651.279.3294 brian@mdgarchitects.com kelcie@mdgarchitects.com DEVELOPER UNITED PROPERTIES RESIDENTIAL DAVE YOUNG 651 NICOLLET MALL, SUITE 450 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 CELL | 612.282.7879 OFFICE | 952.837.8667 dave.young@upproperties.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PIONEER ENGINEERING PIONEER ENGINEERING 2422 ENTERPRISE DRIVE MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 OFFICE | 651.681.1914 CIVIL ENGINEER PRIONEER ENGINEERING NICK POLTA 2422 ENTERPRISE DRIVE MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 DIRECT | 651.251.0607 CELL | 651.587.7048 npolta@pioneereng.com SPEC SPECIFICATION SQ SQUARE SSTL STAINLESS STEEL STC SOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT STRUCT STRUCTURAL T TREAD TO TOP OF TOC TOP OF CONCRETE TOS TOP OF SLAB TOW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL UNFIN UNFINISHED UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VT VINYL TILE VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF VWC VINYL WALL COVERING WC WATER CLOSET WD WOOD WDW WINDOW WH WATER HEATER WP WATERPROOFING WPM WATERPROOF MEMBRANE WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC PAR PARALLEL PART PARTITION PC PRECAST PL PROPERTY LINE PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PP POWER POLE PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PT PRESSURE TREATED PVMT PAVEMENT QT QUARRY TILE R&S ROD AND SHELF RA RETURN AIR RAD RADIUS RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN RD ROOF DRAIN RF ROCK FACE RH RIGHT HAND RM ROOM RO ROUGH OPENING ROW RIGHT OF WAY RWL RAIN WATER LEADER SC SOLID CORE SF SQUARE FEET/FOOT SHR SHOWER SHTG SHEATHING SIM SIMILAR HT HEIGHT HVAC HEATING VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING ID INSIDE DIAMETER INCL INCLUDED/INCLUDIN G INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR INV INVERT JST JOIST LAM LAMINATE LAV LAVATORY LH LEFT HAND LT LIGHT MAS MASONRY MAT MATERIAL MECH MECHANICAL MFR MANUFACTURER MISC MISCELLANEOUS MO MASONRY OPENING MTL METAL NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NO NUMBER NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER OH OVERHEAD OHD OVERHEAD DOOR OPH OPPOSITE HAND OPNG OPENING OPP OPPOSITE DW DISHWASHER EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL EP ELECTRICAL PANEL EQ EQUAL EXH EXHAUST EXIST EXISTING EXP EXPANSION EXT EXTERIOR FA FIRE ALARM FD FLOOR DRAIN FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FF&E FURNITURE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT FFEL FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FH FIRE HYDRANT FND FOUNDATION FTG FOOTING GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GB GRAB BAR GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GYP GYPSUM HB HOSE BIBB HC HANDICAPPED HDWR HARDWARE HM HOLLOW METAL ABV ABOVE ACC ACCESSIBLE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ALUM ALUMINUM APPROX APPROXIMATE BLKG BLOCKING BOT BOTTOM BOW BOTTOM OF WALL BPL BEARING PLATE CB CATCH BASIN CIP CAST-lN-PLACE CJ CONTROL JOINT CL CENTERLINE CLG CEILING CLR CLEAR CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONC CONCRETE CONT CONTINUOUS CPT CARPET CRS COURSE CT CERAMIC TILE DEMO DEMOLISH OR DEMOLITION DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIA DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DN DOWN DR DOOR DS DOWNSPOUT DTL DETAIL N PARKING SCHEDULE GARAGE 116 SURFACE 56 Grand total 172 GROSS BUILDING AREA BY FLOOR GARAGE LEVEL 51864 SF 1ST FLOOR 51470 SF 2ND FLOOR 50608 SF 3RD FLOOR 50263 SF 4TH FLOOR 50263 SF Grand total 254468 SF UNIT MIX - AREA COUNT NAME AREA TYPE 11 BRAEBURN 1295 SF 2 BED, 2 BATH 6 BRAEBURN W/SUNROOM 1382 SF 2 BED, 2 BATH 4 CORTLAND PLUS 1634 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 CORTLAND PLUS REVERSE 1635 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 FIRESIDE 1659 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 8 GALA 1687 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 GOLDEN BRAEBURN 1459 SF 2 BED, 2 BATH 8 HARALSON 1533 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 6 HONEYCRISP 1558 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 LIBERTY 1447 SF 2 BED, 2 BATH 4 OPAL 1652 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 OPAL REVERSE 1652 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 REGENT 1912 SF 3 BED 6 ROME BEAUTY 1643 SF 3 BED 4 SOUTHERN ROSE 1712 SF 3 BED 8 SOUTHERN ROSE W/SUNROOM 1760 SF 3 BED 2 WASHINGTON 1543 SF 2 BED, 2 BATH 4 YORK 1424 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN 4 YORK PLUS 1459 SF 2 BED PLUS DEN Grand total: 99 ARCHITECTURAL - PUD SHEET SHEET NAME DATE ISSUED X00 PUD SUBMITTAL 08/29/19 X11 FLOOR PLANS 08/29/19 X12 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08/29/19 X13 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08/29/19 X14 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08/29/19 X15 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08/29/19 X16 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 08/29/19 X17 CONTEXT IMAGES 08/29/19 X18 SHADOW STUDIES 08/29/19 LANDSCAPE SHEET SHEET NAME DATE ISSUED L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN 08/29/19 CIVIL SHEET SHEET NAME DATE ISSUED C0.1 COVER SHEET 08/29/19 C0.2 LEGEND 08/29/19 C1.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 08/29/19 C2.1 PUD PLAN 08/29/19 C2.2 SITE PLAN 08/29/19 C3.1 SHORELAND OVERLAY PLAN 08/29/19 C4.1 GRADING PLAN 08/29/19 C4.2 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 08/29/19 C4.3 WALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN 08/29/19 C4.4 GRADING DETAILS 08/29/19 C5.1 SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLAN 08/29/19 C6.1 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 08/29/19 C7.1 PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION 08/29/19 C8.1 CITY DETAILS 08/29/19 C8.2 CITY DETAILS 08/29/19 C8.3 CITY DETAILS 08/29/19 C8.4 CITY DETAILS 08/29/19 PARLOR LOBBY CORTLAND PLUS CORTLAND PLUS REVERSE HARALSON YORK LIBERTY HARALSON REVERSE OPAL REVERSE OPALBRAEBURN TRASH MAIN ENTRY GREAT ROOM GUEST GOLDEN BRAEBURN STORAGE VESTIBULEHONEYCRISP STORAGE LIBRARY OFFICE SETBACK15' - 0"FRONT YARD SETBACK30' - 0"SETBACK15' - 0"SETBACK15' - 0"RR MAIL ROME BEAUTY SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN YORK PLUS GUEST FITNESSRR HOUSE KEEPING FIRESIDE GALA GALA REVERSE SOUTHERN ROSE BRAEBURN W/ SUN BRAEBURN REGENT SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN STORAGE DATA TRASH STORAGE ELEC ELEV LOBBY ELEV LOBBY PACKAGE ROOM MECHSTORAGE SEATING ROME BEAUTY CORTLAND PLUS REVERSE HARALSON YORK LIBERTY HARALSON REVERSE OPAL REVERSE OPAL GOLDEN BRAEBURN TRASH STORAGE HOUSEKEEPING CLUB ROOM CONF. ROOM SMALL LOUNGE HONEYCRISP SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN LOUNGE OPEN TO BELOW CORTLAND PLUS BRAEBURN REVERSE YORK PLUS ARTS & CRAFTS LOUNGE RR MECH OPEN TO BELOW GALA REVERSE SOUTHERN ROSE BRAEBURN W/ SUN STORAGE DATA TRASH STORAGE SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN REGENT BRAEBURN STORAGE ELEV LOBBY BRAEBURN WORK ROOM GALA FIRESIDE ELEV LOBBY ROME BEAUTY GALA REVERSE CORTLAND PLUS REVERSE HARALSON OPAL REVERSE OPAL GOLDEN BRAEBURN ELEV LOBBY STORAGE REGENT TRASH BRAEBURN W/ SUN SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN SOUTHERN ROSE CORTLAND PLUS GALA BRAEBURN W/ SUN YORK HONEYCRISP LIBERTY HARALSON REVERSE HONEYCRISP ROME BEAUTY REVERSE SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN YORK PLUS WASHINGTON BRAEBURN BRAEBURN REVERSE FIRESIDE BRAEBURN STORAGE TRASH DATA STORAGE STORAGE ELEC GALA LIBERTY HARALSON REVERSE HONEYCRISP ROME BEAUTY REVERSE BRAEBURN W/ SUN SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN REGENT OPAL REVERSE OPAL ELEV 2 SOUTHERN ROSE STORAGE GOLDEN BRAEBURN CORTLAND PLUS REVERSE WASHINGTON HARALSON BRAEBURN W/ SUN YORK GALA REVERSE SOUTHERN ROSE W/ SUN CORTLAND PLUS STAIR YORK PLUS BRAEBURN REVERSE BRAEBURN HONEYCRISP ROME BEAUTY FIRESIDE ELEV LOBBY ELEV LOBBY BRAEBURN TRASH ELEC STORAGE TRASH DATA STORAGE STORAGE GARAGE GARAGE ENTRANCE GARAGE EXIT HOBBY SHOP Golf Cart Parking (14 Stalls)MECHTRASH MECHANICAL BIKE REPAIR MAINTENANCE TRASH ELEV LOBBY BUILDING STORAGE BUILDING STORAGE STORAGESTORAGE STORAGE MECH GARDEN STORAGE RR ELEV LOBBY BUILDINGSTORAGESTORAGE ELEV 1 STAIR C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX11 FLOOR PLANS08/29/1919032Checker1" = 30'-0" First Floor 1" = 30'-0" Second Floor 1" = 30'-0" Third Floor 1" = 30'-0" Fourth Floor 1" = 30'-0" Garage Floor 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 4567899.1 7.9 6.9 5.6 W1 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W22 W10 W10 W10 W10 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION PREFINISHED METAL RAILING VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM CAST STONE CAP, TYP. AT MASONRY FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S1 S3 S2 MS1 M1 S2S3 S1 M1 S2 S2 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" HJKLM G F PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. PREFINISHED METAL RAILING VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM FYPON URETHANE BRACKET CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE W4 W4 W4 W22 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W1 W1 W1 W1 SF01 W12 W12 W1 W1 SPD2 SPD2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W2 W2 W2 W10 W10 W10 W4 W4 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W22 W1 W1 W1 W7 W7 W7 W7 D-49 D-49 D-49 D-49 W5 W5 W5 W5 S1 S2 M1 S3 S3 MS1 M1 S2 S1 S2 CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S2 EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE S1 PREFINISHED VINYL SHAKE SIDING S2 HORIZONTAL STEEL SIDING S3 RAISED STUCCO TEXTURED PANEL SIDING - FIELD PAINTED M1 BRICK MS1 MANUFACTURED STONE CMU COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX12 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS08/29/1919032CheckerSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION - INTERIOR SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION - INTERIOR 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" UT D-49 D-49 D-49 D-49 W5 W5 W5 W5 W8 W8 W8 W8 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W9 W9 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 W7 W7 W7 S1 S2 M1 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 7 8 9 10 W9 W9 W9 W9 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W9 W9 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W10 W10 W10 W10 W4 W4 W4 W22 W2 W2 W2 W2 W7 W7 W7 W7 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 S1 S2 M1 CMU S2 S1 S2 S1 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF M1 W2 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 11.1 11.2 12.1 13.1 13.2 W2 W2 W2 W7 W7 W7 W7 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 W5 W5 W5 W5 W8 W8 W8 W8 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 S1 CMU M1 S3 S1 S2 S1 S1 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF S3 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 12 13 14 15 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W8 W8 W8 W8 S1 S2 CMU MS1 S3 S1 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX13 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS08/29/1919032CheckerSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTHEAST ELEVATION - INTERIOR SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION - INTERIOR SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"3 SOUTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"4 SOUTH ELEVATION - EAST LEG N.5N.9P.7Q.3 W8 W8 W8 W8 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4W4W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W8 W8 W8 W8 W2 W2 W2 W1 W1 W1 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF S2 S1 MS1 S3 CMU S2 MS1 S1 S3 S1 S2 CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. 131415 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. W8 W8 W8 W8 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W2 W2 W2 S3 MS1 S2 CMU S1 S1 CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF W2 W2 W2 W22 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W2 W2 W2 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 S2 S1 S1 M1 S2 M1 S3 S1 CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" AB W5 W5 W5 W5W5W5 W5W5W5 W5 W5 W5 S1 S2 S3 M1 CMU 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 5678910 11 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 W8 W8 W8 W8 W5 W5 W5 W5 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W9 W9 W8 W8 W8 W8 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W5 W5 W5 W5 W8 W8 W8 W8 CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE S3 S1 CMU S1 S3S2 M1 S3 S1 S2 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM S1S1 S2 C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX14 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS08/29/1919032CheckerSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION - EAST LEG SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION - EAST LEG SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"3 NORTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"4 EAST ELEVATION - NORTH LEG SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"5 NORTH ELEVATION 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" U T S SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 SPD1 W2 W2 W2 W2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W9 W9 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W5 W5 W5 W5 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. S3 M1 S2 M1S3 S1 S3 S2 S1 CMU CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" H J K L M N P Q RGF W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W10 W2 W2 W2 W2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W8 W8 W10 W10 W10 W23 W20 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W23 W23 W23 W23 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 W9 W9 W9 W9 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W10 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W4 W4 W4 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S1S1 S2 S1 S3 PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIMS3S1 S1 M1 S2 M1 S3 CMU S1 MS1M1MS1S2 S2 S1 S3 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. W1 W4 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" A B W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 CMU M1 S3 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX15 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS08/29/1919032CheckerSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 NORTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"3 WEST ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION - NORTH LEG 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W8 W9 W9 W9 W9 W8 W8 W8 W8 W1 W1 W1 W1 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 SPD2 SPD2 SPD2 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE VINYL DOOR; SEE UNIT DOOR SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF FYPON URETHANE BRACKET EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER; TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXTERIOR FINISH, TYP. SUBMIT PROPOSED PAINT COLORS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. S3 M1 S1 S2 CMU S3 S3 S2 M1 MS1 S1S3 CMU CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S1 M1 S2 S1 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" QR W8 W8 W8 W8 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS W/ CIVIL CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S3 M1 S1 S2 CMU 1ST FLOOR 0" ROOF 42' -4 3/4" 2ND FLOOR 10' -11 1/4" 3RD FLOOR 21' -11 1/8" 4TH FLOOR 32' -11" GARAGE LEVEL -10' -8" ROOF BEARING HT. 41' -10 3/4" LM NPQ W1 W1 W1 W1 W10 W10 W10 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4W4W4 W10 W10 W10 W1 W1 W1 W1 D12 D-3 GROUND LINE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPING INFORMATION VINYL WINDOW; SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE FIBER CEMENT TRIM; SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COORDINATING FC PANELS AND TRIM PREFINISHED FASCIA, BARGEBOARD & TRIM FIBER CEMENT ACCENT TRIM PREFINISHED METAL RAILING ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF EXPOSED COLORED ROCK FACE BLOCK ABOVE GROUND LINE, CONFIRM FINAL EXTERIOR GRADES AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS WITH CIVIL CAST STONE SILL & LINTEL AT MASONRY OPENINGS, TYP. CAST STONE CAP; TYP. ABOVE MASONRY & MANUFACTURED STONE CAST STONE CAP AT PIERS, TYP. S3 M1 S2 MS1S2 M1 S3 S1 S3MS1 C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX16 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS08/29/1919032CheckerSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"2 EAST ELEVATION - REGENT SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"3 EAST ELEVATION - SOUTH LEG UPUP garage entrance 60 parking stalls entry new drive entrance patio areagarage exit pickle ball courts standard size P1 P2 P3 P4 C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX17 CONTEXT IMAGES08/29/1919032Checker1" = 50'-0" Aerial Site Plan Perspective #1 Perspective #2 Perspective #4Perspective #3 C 2019 MOMENTUM DESIGN GROUP LLCDateProject ArchitectProject NumberARCHITECTURAL SHEETS ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLYPUD SUBMITTAL - PRELIMINARY DESIGN 765 North Hampden Avenue, #180 St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 952.583.9788 APPLEWOOD POINTE OF PRIOR LAKEJeffers PondX18 SHADOW STUDIES08/29/1919032CheckerMARCH & SEPTEMBER 21, NOONMARCH & SEPTEMBER 21, 9 AM MARCH & SEPTEMBER 21, 3 PM JUNE 21, NOONJUNE 21, 9 AM JUNE 21, 3 PM DECEMBER 21, NOONDECEMBER 21, 9AM DECEMBER 21, 3PM L:\19 FILES\19 SUBDIVISIONS\PUD\Applewood Pointe - Major PUD Amendment\PC\Applewood Pointe - Review Memo 091319.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Nick Monserud, Project Engineer Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer From: Kris Keller, Dustin Simonson, Stephanie Hatten - WSB Date: September 13, 2019 Re: Applewood Pointe Development City Project No. DEV19-000024 WSB Project No. 10704-000 We have reviewed the PUD amendment Submittal documents submitted for the Applewood Pointe Development dated September 4, 2019 as prepared by Pioneer Engineering. We have the following comments with regards to engineering; General 1. Submit for and provide copies to the City of any required permits from regulatory agencies (MCES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, NPDES, etc.) Stormwater Management 1. Provide a copy of the original stormwater management plan to include as an appendix in the Stormwater Memo. 2. Provide a SWPPP meeting the requirements of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. The SWPPP must be reviewed and approved by the City before an Excavating and Grading Permit is issued. 3. Labeling must be consistent between the drainage map and the HydroCAD nodes. Currently, there are multiple nodes shown in the HydroCAD report not included in the drainage map or labeled differently. 4. Time of concentration values in the HydroCAD model should be revised for consistency based on drainage area size and curve number value. 5. Label elevations on the stormwater basin section detail. Elevations labeled should include pond bottom, NWL, outlet, HWL, EOF, filtration basin bottom, etc. Elevations should be consistent with those on the plans and in the HydroCAD model. 6. Rainfall depths used in the HydroCAD model should be Atlas 14 values. Required rainfall depths for Prior Lake are 2.84 for the 2-year, 4.22 for the 10-year, and 7.39 for the 100- year. 7. Consider using the curve number reductions provided in the Public Works Design Manual to meet the volume control requirement. These methods include tree plantings, native grass buffers, porous pavements, impervious disconnections, green roofs, and soil amendments. Applewood Pointe September 13, 2019 Page 2 8. Confirm the bottom of the filtration basin has adequate separation from current groundwater levels. 9. Low floor elevations must be 2 feet above the HWL of the stormwater basin and filtra tion basin and 3 feet above the OHW of Wetland 10. 10. Low opening elevations must be 2 feet above any EOF elevations. 11. Show all EOF locations and elevations on the plans. Add the EOF from the pond into the HydroCAD model. 12. The bottom of the pond in HydroCAD is 978, whereas the plans show the bottom at 980. Revise so values are consistent. 13. Label contour lines for the filtration basin on the grading plan. 14. Provide water quality calculations confirming the water quality requirement of 60% TP and 90% TSS removal is met. 15. Provide storm sewer calculations confirming that the facilities are designed to hand a 10- year, 24-hour Atlas 14 rainfall event. 16. Provide calculations showing catch basins are receiving a maximum of 3 cfs and confirm of additional catch basins are needed in the parking lot area to minimize overland flow. 17. Show locations of roof discharge points on the plans to confirm that roof drainage will be directed to the stormwater basin. 18. Rate control discharge analysis should include the discharge from Subcatchment 3S that currently drains offsite to the north. 19. A 10-foot-wide aquatic vegetation bench is required below the outlet elevation of the pond, with a maximum slope of 10:1. 20. The EOF of the pond should be at least 1 foot higher than the HWL. The top berm elevation should be at least 2 feet higher than the HWL. 21. The wet volume listed on the plans (0.72 ac-ft) does not match the value in the HydroCAD model listed below the 886.5 outlet elevation. Revise and confirm values are consistent throughout. 22. Device #2 (weir) in the HydroCAD model shows an elevation of 887. The outlet detail has an elevation of 886.5. Confirm the correct value. Additionally, the weir is modeled as a 4- foot length while the manhole diameter is shown at 5 feet. 23. Device #1 (15” culvert) in the HydroCAD model should have matching length, outlet invert and slope to match what is shown on the plans. Please revise. Grading 1. Grade around the ends of the retaining walls and in the driveways to m inimize the amount of drainage that is directed down the ramps to the trench drains. 2. Show flow arrows and any spot elevations in the parking lot to confirm drainage patterns. Applewood Pointe September 13, 2019 Page 3 Utilities 1. Show the proposed water service in the profile under the storm sewer with the minimum required 18” vertical separation and insulation. 2. Shift the proposed hydrant lead to connect to the service behind (to the west of) the gate valve which connects to the existing. 3. Match the crowns of the proposed 15” pipe with the existing 18” pipe at existing structure EX-CBMH-702. 4. Provide the invert elevation and size of the northern pipe at existing structure EX-CBMH- 702. 5. Consider additional structures to limit the length of surface flow and flow crossing driving paths. 6. Provide proposed draintile elevations and grades. 7. The depths and cover of the catch basins associated with the trench drains are extr emely shallow. It appears that they would be highly susceptible to freezing and frost heaving. 8. Verify that the water pressure will accommodate fire protection and supplying water for the 4th floor. This is generally a lower pressure zone in the City. 9. Storm sewer pipe size and grade shall be greater than 15” ID and 0.5% slope. Miscellaneous 1. The development/driveway entrance will need to be shifted to the southwest as far as possible to minimize conflicts with roundabout traffic. 2. Provide additional easement for the existing public trail in the northeast portion of the project. 3. Identify all pedestrian ramps in the development. 4. Describe the type of driveway that is proposed for the development. Both valley gutter and commercial are provided with the submittal. 5. The catch basins in the driveway will need to be shifted to allow for the depressed curb of the sidewalk crossing. 6. Shift the ‘accessible parking’ signs north to the appropriate spaces. 7. Verify the current City standard detail plates are being referenced. 8. Trail easements will need to be granted for the N.E. trail. Wetland 1. There is currently a wetland delineation review for the development that is out for comment. The comment period ends September 20. The report shows that no wetlands occur within the proposed construction. If the wetland boundary from the submitted report is approved, then there will not be any wetland impacts or concerned with this project. Additional comments may follow the wetland review site visit and end of the comment period. PLSLWD 1. PLSLWD comments have been provided to the applicant. Memorandum To: Amanda Schwabe Planner - City of Prior Lake From: Nicholas Polta Date: September 16, 2019 Subject: Applewood Pointe- Jeffers 9th Addition – Transportation Some concern has been expressed in regards to the traffic generated by the proposed Applewood Pointe Development. Some historical prospective will show these concerns are unwarranted in regards to the road network. The original 2004 Jeffers Pond development completed an EAW; as part of that EAW, SRF Consulting Group provided a comprehensive traffic analysis of the development – See Attached. The infrastructure, including streets, of the project is designed based on the information and recommendations found in this study. The City of Prior Lake approved the project based on the projected traffic and the design of the infrastructure as constructed. In 2015, SRF Consulting Group updated the traffic analysis to reflect new proposed uses for the northern commercial area, specifically outlots B and C of the original Jeffers Pond plat. The change is use from 114 residential condominium to 60 residential townhomes and 5000sf of retail space resulted in a decrease in traffic generation. At that time SRF concluded “the existing roadway network will continue to provide sufficient capacity”. The proposed Applewood Pointe, is a 99-unit senior cooperative. By its nature “senior” related uses generate fewer trips and occur more frequently outside of the peak travel hours. A quick comparison of trip generation using the ITE Trip Generation Manual by land use is below: Study Land Use AM PM Daily in out In out 2004 Traffic Study 114 Residential Condo’s 9 42 41 20 668 Revised 2015 Traffic Study 60 Townhomes and 500SF Retail 7 24 30 20 572 Applewood Pointe 99 Unit Senior Cooperative 7 9 15 11 485 This comparison of the original traffic volume to the reduced traffic volume proposed, reflect our assertion that the existing roadway network has sufficient capacity. For this development If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to call. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo The Community Development Department has reviewed the Major PUD Amendment for the subject project with a plan date of 9-4-19 (Civil Set) and 8-29-19 (Architectural) we have the following comments: General 1. Development fees – The following development fees are to be collected at the time of final plat approval: Trunk Water ($7,506/net acre), Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($4,450/net acre), Trunk Storm Sewer ($6,735/net acre), and a 4% administrative fee and 5% construction observation fee based on the total estimated construction costs (which include grading and public utility connections). 2. Site details – All site details must meet requirements outlined in Section 1107 of the City Code including but not limited to parking, signage, landscaping, bufferyards, tree preservation, and architectural design. Further detailed review will be conducted during formal site plan and building permit reviews. 3. As part of the Final Plat, easements will be required for all lateral utilities across adjacent properties, trails, etc. Easements will be required to be identified on the plat. 4. Easements are required for all lateral utilities across adjacent properties. Identify easements on plat. 5. City Signature lines shall include the Mayor and City Clerk on the final plat. Date: September 18, 2019 To: Dave Young, United Properties From: Amanda Schwabe, Planner Subject: Applewood Pointe Major PUD Amendment City Project #DEV19-000024 From:Mike Baynes To:Casey McCabe Cc:rpgeister55@gmail.com; lecollins0314@yahoo.com; harris481@msn.com; bradhansen012@gmail.com; greybeard57@gmail.com; lynnchampine@gmail.com; klh0226@aol.com; Baynesm@aol.com; mikem@slalom.com; plmcpherson@hotmail.com; christinepeters@mediacombb.net; thesepehrfamily@yahoo.com; ahofschild@gmail.com; priorlakeleech@outlook.com; patlindamoriarty@gmail.com; jmjpflaum@gmail.com; sweeney.sharon@me.com; alex@trevinomn.com; twolonnsinmn@aol.com; judithdahl612@gmail.com; khaas31@gmail.com; vf702@hotmail.com; jspexa@gmail.com; markpexa@hotmail.com; marrone.dave@gmail.com; kimmarrone@gmail.com; jenniferann3134@outlook.com; robyn.thomas@ftr.com; golfmort@gmail.com; plmorty@gmail.com; brianjunso@gmail.com; mjjunso@aol.com Subject:Please Share with the Planning Commission Date:Wednesday, September 18, 2019 10:06:24 AM ** SENT BY EXTERNAL SENDER Please make sure you trust the sender before responding, clicking links or opening attachments. ** Casey,   Thank you for your time on the phone on Monday.  Due to a prior work commitment, I will be unable to attend the Public Hearing to consider a request for a MAJOR PUD AMENDMENT related to Outlot B Jeffers Pond 1st addition.  Parcel #254371690   As a matter of Full Disclosure, I live at 3588 Cove Point Circle and as such I am not in favor of this project.    I understand that the city would like to see High Density development and as such that is the current zoning.  That same zoning was in place for our development as well ( zoning can be modified to need / use).   I have several concerns about what is being proposed:   Building Height: a 4 story building will be very obtrusive to the neighboring properties. Several homes and townhomes would have a shadow effect such that this new development would block the existing views, along with the majority of the sunlight.  The wildlife would be displaced as well.   Traffic:  As proposed this development would have 95 residential units and all of these units would be reasonably be expected to have 1.25 cars.  This is nearly 120 cars that would be added to the traffic circle daily.  This traffic, could would reasonably occur all times of the day and night.  With the other side of the circle also scheduled for development, the traffic would have a strong negative effect on the neighborhood surrounding.   Property Values in the area: Has anyone did a study as to what effect a 4 story building would have on surruronding property values ?   Misinformation: Several of our neighbors seem to be of the opinion that if this isn’t approved, there will automatically be a low income housing development in its stead.  This seems to come from a conversation that one of the residents had with the United Properties Representative.