HomeMy WebLinkAbout4B PC Boat Slip Report - Amendment
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this public hearing is to consider recommending certain amend-
ments to Sections 1101 General Provisions, 1102 Use District Regulations, 1104
Shoreland Regulations, 1106 Planned Unit Developments, and 1109 Adminis-
trative Procedures related to personal boat slips and mooring facilities.
Under the city’s current zoning ordinance, renting or leasing of personal dock
space or boat slips is not permitted. Renting of boat slips is a commercial oper-
ation and commercial uses are not permitted in residential districts, except for
certain home occupations and uses allowed with a conditional use permit (CUP).
Use of a dock and/or lot down to the low water mark for commercial purposes,
including but not limited to, renting boat slips, storage of commercial equipment
and employee or customer pickup or drop off, is prohibited.
City staff and City Council members have received an increasing number of com-
plaints from residents that some lake property owners are renting out private
slips. This has caused concern from the public related to increased boat traffic
on the lakes, on and off-water safety, strangers walking through private yards to
access watercraft, increased on-street parking, etc.
Although renting of personal boat slips is not permitted, this regulation is tough
to enforce due to the difficulty for code enforcement staff to prove personal boat
slips are being rented.
Current Circumstances
On April 15, 2019, the City Council directed staff to evaluate potential ordinance
amendments related to boat slip rental and report findings and recommendations
to the council.
The initial focus of the ordinance amendments was to clarify language related to
personal boat slip rental. To help staff draft potential amendments, representa-
tives of the Prior Lake Association, Spring Lake Association, Prior Lake City
Council, and City Code Enforcement staff were assembled to identify some com-
mon concerns and brainstorm possible solutions.
After this group met the first time, a residential development concept plan was
submitted for Planning Commission and City Council review. The concept plan
included a neighborhood association dock system, which caused some public
concern due to the number of proposed boat slips and resulted in questions
about the city’s controlled access lot regulations. Residents questioned the boat
slip to shoreline ratio, how the shoreline is measured and the ability to utilize
unbuildable land areas for controlled access lot calculations.
City staff and the City Attorney utilized the assembled community representa-
tives to prepare ordinance revisions related to renting of private boat slips as well
as the controlled access lots.
As proposed, the primary ordinance amendments relate to:
Controlled Access Lots
• Revise boat slip to shoreline ratio from 1:18.75’ to 1:50’
• Revise method to measure shoreline from measuring the contour of the
ordinary high water level (OHW ) to the lesser of the contour at the OHW
or a straight line between where the two side lot lines intersect with the
• Requirement that shoreline counted must be usable (no wetlands,
marsh, bog, etc.)
• Requires land counted toward shoreline length to abut or lie within 10’ of
navigable water.
• Requires watercraft to be owned and registered to owners or tenants in
the subdivision or their immediate family (spouse, parents, children).
• Clarifies rental of slips is prohibited.
Personal Boat Slips
• Revised from a maximum of 6 slips to a maximum of 5 slips per property.
• New language requiring a dock setback of 10’ from the side property line
if 3 or more boat slips exist.
• Language added to clarify owner of property (or immediate family) can
use the slips, or property tenant (or immediate family) can use the slips,
not both.
• Allows for a boarder, or boarders, to place a total of 1 slip, provided the
property owner is not using slip(s). If property owner has a slip, then a
boarder would not be permitted to have a slip.
• Clarifies rental of slips is prohibited.
• City boat slip language added requiring a public hearing if the city pro-
poses to add city boat slips in the future.
• Many housekeeping items moving language from one section of the code
to another to make it easier to navigate.
• Language added related to authority for city to require submittal of wa-
tercraft registration and proof of ownership or tenancy to establish com-
pliance with the ordinance.
• Changed definition of Personal Docks to Personal Boat Slips; the city
regulates boat slips not docks.
• Language added to the short-term rental section setting maximum limit
of 2 watercraft for short term rental properties.
Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance states:
1108.600 POLICY FOR AMENDMENTS. Recommendations of the Planning Com-
mission and final determinations of the City Council shall be supported by find-
ings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following
policies. In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance:
There is a public need for the amendment, or
The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordi-
nance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the
City, or
The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal re-
There is a public need for the amendments. Complaints received from resi-
dents regarding lake property owners renting out private slips and the related
increase in boat traffic on the lakes, on and off-water safety concerns, strangers
walking through private yards to access watercraft, increased on-street parking
demands, and the difficulty for city staff to enforce current city code regulations
demonstrate a public need for the amendments. In addition, many residents
attended recent City Council and Planning Commission meetings and submitted
written communication in opposition to the number of controlled access lot boat
slips being proposed in a development concept plan demonstrate a public need
for the amendments.
The adoption of this amendment is consistent with State and/or federal re-
quirements. The proposed amendments are consistent with state and federal
requirements. The Minnesota DNR has received a copy and is in the process of
reviewing the proposed amendments. Staff anticipates receiving comment from
the MnDNR prior to the public hearing.
ISSUES: There are two separate subjects that staff has attempted to address with these
ordinance amendments. The first is personal boat slip rental and the difficulty
staff has in enforcing this activity. The second is related to controlled access
lots, the appropriate number of boat slips and how the number of boat slips is
To provide an example of the proposed controlled access lot amendments,
Lower Prior Lake has two large property areas that are anticipated for residential
development. Both areas have approximately 1,325 linear feet of shoreline. Un-
der the current controlled access lot regulations of one boat slip per 18.75’ of
shoreline, both areas could seek approval for approximately 70 controlled ac-
cess lot dock slips. Under the proposed ordinance amendment of one boat slip
per 50’ of shoreline, the maximum number of controlled access lot slips would
be approximately 25.
City staff has received two conditional use permit (CUP) applications for expan-
sion of existing controlled access lots. These applications were submitted prior
to consideration of these ordinance amendments and thus, both CUP applica-
tions will be reviewed under the current city code criteria.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council approve the amend-
ments to Sections 1101 General Provisions, 1102 Use District Regulations,
1104 Shoreland Regulations, 1106 Planned Unit Developments, and 1109
Administrative Procedures as proposed, or as may be amended by the Plan-
ning Commission.
2. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council deny the proposed
amendments to Sections 1101 General Provisions, 1102 Use District Regu-
lations, 1104 Shoreland Regulations, 1106 Planned Unit Developments, and
1109 Administrative Procedures.
3. Provide direction to staff and continue discussion to a future meeting date.
Alternative No. 1.
ATTACHMENT: 1. Proposed Redline Amendments
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p1
Use Districts:
Add Personal Boat Slips and City Boat Slips as a permitted use in all use districts (except TC
and TC-T):
• 1102.200 – A
• 1102.300 – R-S
• 1102.400 – R-1
• 1102.500 – R-2
• 1102.600 – R-3
• 1102.1000 – C-1
• 1102.1100 – C-2
• 1102.1200 – C-3
• 1102.1400 – I-1
Dedicated waterfront is a permitted use in R-1 – 1102.401
Controlled access lot is a CUP in R-1 – 1102.403 (7); and in R-2 – 1102.503 (9)
Marinas are a CUP in R-2 - 1102.503 (5) and (6); and in C-2 – 1102.1103 (9) and (10)
Conditions in Use Districts
• Controlled Access Lot (R-1 – 1102.403 (7); and in R-2 – 1102.503 (9)) - relocated
conditions all into 1102; updated conditions; fix formatting in 1102.503(9)
• Marinas (R-2 - 1102.503 (5) and (6); and in C-2 – 1102.1103 (9) and (10)) – relocated
conditions all into 1102; updated conditions in 1102.1103 to match conditions in
(7) Controlled Access Lot on General Development Lake. Conditions
a. The lot mustshall be suitable for the intended use as a Mooring Facility.
b. The lot mustshall be jointly owned by all purchasers of lots in the subdivision or by all
purchasers of non-riparian lots in the subdivision who are provided access rights on
the lot.
c. The lot mustshall meet, at a minimum, the width and area requirements for a Single-
Family residential riparian lot.
d. The allowable number of Boat Slips for a Controlled Access Lot shall be based on the
conditions identified in Subsection 1104.307(3); provided however, in no case shall the
number of Boat Slips exceed one (1) Boat Slip for every 5018.75 feet of lot width. Lot
width shall be the lesser of either the shoreline as measured at the ordinary high water
elevation or a straight line measured between where the two side lot lines intersect
with the ordinary high water elevation (or the straight extension of the side lot lines if
the side lot lines do not intersect with the ordinary high water elevation). Regardless of
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p2
measurement method, any shoreland area which is unusable (wetland, swamp, bog,
marsh, etc.) or which does not abut or lie within 10 feet of navigable water, shall not
count toward lot width. as measured at the Ordinary High Water Elevation.
e. All restricted watercraft moored at the lot shall be owned and registered to owners or
tenants of the subdivision lots or their immediate family. For purposes of this
requirement, “immediate family” means the spouse, parents and children (all including
step- and foster-) of the owner or tenant or the owner or tenant’s spouse. Use of slips
by persons described in this provision is not considered “rental” of slips.
e.f. Rental of slips is prohibited.
f.g. Covenants mustshall be recorded against the Controlled Access Lot and all benefiting
lots that specify which lot owners have authority to use the Controlled Access Lot and
what activities are allowed. The activities may include watercraft launching, loading,
storing, beaching, mooring, or docking. The covenants may also include other outdoor
recreational activities that do not significantly conflict with general public use of the
public water or the enjoyment of normal property rights by adjacent property owners.
Examples of the non-significant conflict activities include swimming, sunbathing, or
picnicking. The covenants mustshall limit the total number of watercraft allowed to be
securely moored, docked, or stored over water, and mustshall require centralization of
all common facilities and activities in the most suitable locations on the lot to minimize
topographic and vegetation alteration. The covenants mustshall also require all
parking areas, storage buildings, and other facilities to be screened by vegetation or
topography as much as practical, from view from public water, assuming summer, leaf-
on conditions.
g.h. Functioning restroom facilities shall be accessible on the lot for all users of the lot 24
hours per day during the boating season (from May 1 through September 30). The
restrooms shall either be connected to municipal sanitary sewer or shall be Portable
Toilets as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
h.i. No dock, mooring facility or other structure shall be located so as to:
➢ Obstruct the navigation of any lake;
➢ Obstruct reasonable use or access to any other dock, mooring facility or other
➢ Present a potential safety hazard; or
➢ Be detrimental to significant fish and wildlife habitat or protected vegetation.
i.j. Docks and mooring facilities shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from side
property lines as measured at the Ordinary High Water Elevation. Docks and mooring
facilities shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet from a straight line extension of
the side property lines of the lot into the Lake. This requirement may be adjusted, at
the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, in cases where topography significantly
limits the placement of docks.
Zoning Ordinance
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j.k. One (1) paved off-street parking space shall be provided for each four (4) Boat Slips
for which the owners, lessees or users do not live within one thousand (1,000) feet of
the Controlled Access Lot. In addition, a landscaping buffer shall be installed and
maintained between the parking and the Ordinary High Water Elevation sufficient to
capture and filter all run-off from the parking area.
k.l. The storage of materials that are flammable, explosive, or potentially injurious to
human, animal, or plant life upon any Controlled Access Lot, dock or mooring facility is
l.m. No oscillating, rotating, flashing, moving or advertising signs shall be permitted on any
Controlled Access Lot, dock or mooring facility.
m.n. Access across wetlands is permitted only in accordance with the State and
Federal wetland regulations.
n.o. Controlled Access Lots shall meet the Residential Performance Standards of
Subsection 1102.700.
o.p. Garbage receptacles shall be made available on the lot f or use during the boating
season (from May 1 through September 30) and all garbage receptacles shall be
emptied on a regular basis to avoid the accumulation of refuse.
p. All docks, mooring facilities, and Controlled Access Lots legally existing on the date of
this ordinance which do not meet the above listed conditions shall be considered
legally nonconforming and the use may be continued in conformance with Minnesota
Statutes Section 462.357 Subd. 1e, including through repair, replacement, restoration,
maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion. It is the intent of the City
of Prior Lake to allow legally nonconforming Controlled Access Lots to maintain the
number of Boat Slips which were approved via permit issued by the City of Prior Lake
or Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as of the date of adoption of this
ordinance. Below is a list of legally nonconforming Controlled Access Lots and the
number of Boat Slips permitted for each.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p4
(5) Marina, Commercial. Conditions:
a. The minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre.
b. The lot shall provide paved off-street parking at a minimum ratio of one (1)
parking space per four (4) boat slips; parking shall not be located below the
Ordinary High Water Elevation and further meet the standards in
Subsection 1104.501(1) of this Ordinance. In addition, a landscaping
buffer shall be installed and maintained between the parking and the
Ordinary High Water Elevation sufficient to capture and filter all run-off from
the parking. Additional off-street parking may be required for boat tours or
if the Zoning Administrator determines that an ancillary use requires
additional parking.
c. The lot shall have public bathrooms connected to municipal sanitary sewer
as approved by the City.
d. The lot shall meet the impervious surface coverage requirements in
Subsection 1104.306 of this Ordinance. For purposes Subsection
1104.306 (2) and (3), Commercial Marinas shall be defined as a permitted
commercial (“C”) use.
e. All General Performance Standards in Section 1107 of this Ordinance shall
apply. Bufferyard, Type C, as defined in Subsection 1107.2005, shall be
constructed along any “R” Use District. Signage shall be allowed per
Subsection 1107.810 for Lake Services and further meet the standards in
Subsection 1104.501(3) of this Ordinance.
Zoning Ordinance
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June 1, 2009 1104/p5
f. Hours of operation for boat tours shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and
10:00 p.m., seven days a week.
g. Commercial Marinas shall obtain and comply with a permit issued by the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The permit shall determine
the number of allowable Boat Slips
(6) Marina, Recreational. Conditions:
a. The minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre.
b. The allowable number of Boat Slips shall be based on the conditions
identified in Subsection 1104.307(3) and (65).
c. The lot shall provide paved off-street parking at a minimum ratio of one
(1) parking space per four (4) Boat Slips; parking shall not be located
below the Ordinary High Water Elevation and shall further meet the
standards in Subsection 1104.501(1) of this Ordinance. In addition, a
landscaping buffer shall be installed and maintained between the parking
and the Ordinary High Water Elevation sufficient to capture and filter all
run-off from the parking.
d. The lot shall meet the impervious surface coverage requirements in
Subsection 1104.306 of this Ordinance. For purposes Subsection
1104.306 (2) and (3), Recreational Marinas shall be defined as a
permitted commercial (“C”) use.
e. All General Performance Standards in Section 1107 of this Ordinance
shall apply. Bufferyard, Type C, as defined in Subsection 1107.2005,
shall be constructed along any “R” Use District. Signage shall be
allowed per Subsection 1107.810 for Lake Services and shall further
meet the standards in Subsection 1104.501(3) of this Ordinance.
1106.500 ALLOWED USES: Uses allowed within a PUD District are limited tomay
include only those uses allowedgenerally considered associated inwith the general use
district which is consistent with the land use category shown for the area on the official
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map. Specific allowed uses and performance
standards for each PUD shall be as provided in the City Code Section for the relevant use
district and shall be delineated in the PUDan ordinance and development plan. The PUD
development plan shall identify all the proposed land uses and those uses shall become
permitted uses with the approval of the development plan by the City Council. Any change in
the list of uses presented in the development plan will be considered an amendment to the
PUD and will follow the procedures specified in City Code Section 1106.711 of this
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p6
1104.307 Additional Special Provision:
(1) Residential subdivisions with dwelling unit densities exceeding those in
Subsection 1104.301 and 1104.302 of this subsection shall only be allowed if
designed and approved as residential planned unit developments under
Subsection 1104.800. Only land above the ordinary high-water level of public
water can be used to meet lot area standards, and lot width standards
mustshall be met at both the ordinary high-water level and at the building line.
(2) Subdivisions of duplexes, triplexes, and quads on Natural Environment Lakes
mustshall also meet the following standards:
a. Each building mustshall be set back at least 200 feet from the ordinary
high-water level;
b. Each dwelling unit mustshall be separately served by public utilities,
none of which are shared;
c. Watercraft docking units mustshall be separately served by public
utilities, none of which are shared;
d. No more than 25% of a lake's shoreline can be in duplex, triplex or
quad developments.
There are no revisions to 1104.307 (1) or (2) above, but provisions (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7)
are moved to a new 1104.310 below.
1104.308 and 309 remain the same with no revisions.
1104.310 Personal Boat Slips and Mooring Facilities:
(2) Personal Boat Slips are permitted only on riparian lots. The lot and Personal
Boat Slips shall meet the following minimum conditions as determined by the
Zoning Administrator:
a. The slips can be located on separate dock structures, but no more than
five (5) slips can be located on a lot.
b. No more than five (5) restricted watercraft may be moored at any one lot
at a time.
c. If three (3) or more restricted watercraft are moored at any one lot at a
time, any dock structure on that lot shall be at least ten (10) feet from all
side lot lines at the ordinary high water mark.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p7
d. All Personal Boat Slips on a lot shall be used in only one of the following
i.Owner use - all restricted watercraft moored at the lot shall be
owned and registered to the property owner or the property
owner’s immediate family. For purposes of this requirement,
“immediate family” means the spouse, parents and children (all
including step- and foster-) of the property owner or the property
owner’s spouse.
ii.Tenant use – if the entire dwelling on the lot is being leased to a
tenant and the owner occupies no portion of the lot, all restricted
watercraft moored at the lot shall be owned and registered to the
tenant or the tenant’s immediate family (as immediate family is
defiend above). In no case may the property owner and tenant
both moor watercraft at the lot.
iii.Boarder use – if a portion of a dwelling on the lot is being leased to
a boarder(s) but the owner still occupies a portion of the lot, all
restricted watercraft moored at the lot shall be owned and
registered to the owner under provision (i) above or the
boarder(s) (regardless of number of boarders) may moor only
one (1) restricted watercraft at the lot. In no case may the
property owner and boarder both moor watercraft at the lot.
e. Rental of slips is prohibited. Use of slips allowed by (d) above is not
considered “rental” of slips.
(2)(3) City Boat Slips are permitted only on riparian property owned or controlled by
the City of Prior Lake, subject to DNR approval. The City may use the slips as
determined and regulated by the City Council including rental of the slips. The
City shall not increase the number of boat slips or increase the number of boat
slips which the City rents without first holding a public hearing.
(3)(4) Mooring Facilities, including Controlled Access Lots, Dedicated Waterfronts,
Recreational Marinas and Commercial Marinas, shall meet the following
conditions as determined by the Zoning Administrator:
a. The facility shall be compatible with the adjacent land and water uses.
b. Adequate water depth is available for the proposed facility without
churning of bottom sediments.
c. The facility will not create a volume of traffic on the lake in the vicinity
of the facility that will be unsafe or will cause an undue burden.
d. The facility will not affect the quality of water and the ecology of the
e. The facility, by reason of noise, fumes or other nuisance
characteristics, will not be a source of annoyance to persons in the
vicinity of the facility.
Zoning Ordinance
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June 1, 2009 1104/p8
f. Adequate sanitary and parking facilities will be provided in connection
with the facility.
g. Compliance with the provisions of Subsection 1104.307 (4), (5), (6),
(7), (8) and/or (69) as applicable.
(5) (4) Controlled Access Lots are allowedpermitted only on riparian lots on
General Development Lakes by Conditional Use Permit in the PUD, R-1 and R-
2 Zoning Districts. Controlled Access Lots shall comply with all applicablethe
conditions listed in this subsection 1104.310, the applicable Zoning
DistrictSection 1102 and with any other conditions the Planning Commission, or
City Council in the case of an appeal, may impose that are intended to promote
the health, safety and welfare of the residents within the City. All docks, mooring
facilities, and Controlled Access Lots legally existing on the date of this ordinance which do
not meet the above listed applicable conditions shall be considered legally nonconforming
and the use may be continued in conformance with Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357
Subd. 1e, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement,
but not including expansion. It is the intent of the City of Prior Lake to allow legally
nonconforming Controlled Access Lots to maintain the number of Boat Slips which were
approved via permit issued by the City of Prior Lake or Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources as of the date of adoption of this ordinance. Below is a list of legally
nonconforming Controlled Access Lots and the number of Boat Slips permitted for each.
Ord. Amd. 115-23, Pub. 10/10/2015
(5) Dedicated Waterfronts are allowed only in R-1 zoning districts. No new
Dedicated Waterfront may be established after January 1, 2016. Dedicated
Waterfront are permitted a maximum of 1 Boat Slip for every 18.75 feet of Lot
width as measured at the Ordinary High Water Elevation.
(Ord. Amd. 116-05, publ. 04/02/16)
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p9
(56) Recreational Marinas sare allowed only on riparian lots on General
Development Lakes, by Conditional Use Permit in hall be allowed on a
riparian lot in the PUD, R-2 or C-2 Zoning Districts. The lot and Recreational
Marina shall meet comply with all applicable conditions listed in this
subsection 1104.310, the applicable Zoning District and with any other
conditions the Planning Commission, or City Council in the case of an appeal,
may impose that are intended to promote the health, safety and welfare of the
residents within the City.the following minimum conditions as determined by
the Zoning Administrator:
a. The minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre.
b. The allowable number of Boat Slips shall be based on the conditions
identified in Subsection 1104.307(3) and (5).
c. The lot shall provide paved off-street parking at a minimum ratio of one
(1) parking space per four (4) Boat Slips; parking shall not be located
below the Ordinary High Water Elevation and shall further meet the
standards in Subsection 1104.501(1) of this Ordinance. In addition, a
landscaping buffer shall be installed and maintained between the
parking and the Ordinary High Water Elevation sufficient to capture
and filter all run-off from the parking.
d. The lot shall meet the impervious surface coverage requirements in
Subsection 1104.306 of this Ordinance. For purposes Subsection
1104.306 (2) and (3), Recreational Marinas shall be defined as a
permitted commercial (“C”) use.
f. The lot shall have public bathrooms connected to municipal sanitary
sewer or Portable Toilets as approved by the City.
g. All General Performance Standards in Section 1107 of this Ordinance
shall apply. Bufferyards, Type C, as defined in Subsection 1107.2005,
shall be constructed along any “R” Use District. Signage shall be
allowed per Subsection 1107.810 for Lake Services and shall further
meet the standards in Subsection 1104.501(3) of this Ordinance.
(67) Commercial Marinas are allowed only shall be allowed on a riparian lots on
General Development Lakes, by Conditional Use Permit in the PUD, R-2 or C-
2 Zoning Districts. The lot and Commercial Marina shall comply with all
applicable conditions listed this subsection 1104.310, the applicable Zoning
District and with any other conditions the Planning Commission, or City
Council in the case of an appeal, may impose that are intended to promote the
health, safety and welfare of the residents within the City.meet the following
minimum conditions as determined by the Zoning Administrator:
a. The minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p10
b. The lot shall provide paved off-street parking at a minimum ratio of one
(1) parking space per four (4) boat slips; parking shall not be located
below the Ordinary High Water Elevation and further meet the
standards in Subsection 1104.501(1) of this Ordinance. In addition, a
landscaping buffer shall be installed and maintained between the
parking and the Ordinary High Water Elevation sufficient to capture
and filter all run-off from the parking. Additional off-street parking may
be required for boat tours or if the Zoning Administrator determines
that an ancillary use requires additional parking.
c. The lot shall have public bathrooms connected to municipal sanitary
sewer as approved by the City.
d. The lot shall meet the impervious surface coverage requirements in
Subsection 1104.306 of this Ordinance. For purposes Subsection
1104.306 (2) and (3), Commercial Marinas shall be defined as a
permitted commercial (“C”) use.
e. All General Performance Standards in Section 1107 of this Ordinance
shall apply. Bufferyards, Type C, as defined in Subsection 1107.2005,
shall be constructed along any “R” Use District. Signage shall be
allowed per Subsection 1107.810 for Lake Services and further meet
the standards in Subsection 1104.501(3) of this Ordinance.
f. Hours of operation for boat tours shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m.
and 10:00 p.m., seven days a week.
g. Commercial Marinas shall obtain and comply with a permit issued by
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The permit shall
determine the number of allowable Boat Slips.
(7) All Recreational Marinas and Commercial Marinas shall obtain a Conditional
Use Permit following the procedures set forth in Subsections 1108.205
through 1108.222. The conditions set forth in Subsection 1104.307(3) and
either (5) or (6) as applicable, as well as any conditions imposed by the
Planning Commission or City Council, shall apply to Conditional Use Permits
issue to Recreational Marinas and Commercial Marinas.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
(8) Dedicated Waterfront are permitted only in R-1 zoning districts. No new
Dedicated Waterfront may be established after January 1, 2016. Dedicated
Waterfront are permitted a maximum of 1 Boat Slip for every 18.75 feet of Lot
width as measured at the Ordinary High Water Elevation.
(Ord. Amd. 116-05, publ. 04/02/16)
(8) If the City has reason to believe that any provisions in this subsection relating
to personal boat slips or mooring facilities are not being complied with, the
City has the authority to require the submittal of watercraft registration
information, proof of ownership/tenancy of property or watercraft, proof of
relationships, use of slip, or other information needed to establish compliance.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p11
1101.1000: LAND USE DESCRIPTIONS: The land use categories permitted by this
Ordinance are described in this Subsection. Subsection 1109.102 empowers
the Zoning Administrator to make interpretations identifying which land use
category a proposed land use fits within.
Boat Slip. An area of water adjacent to a dock or slip structure or within a
mooring area which is used for storage of one watercraft.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 06/28/14)
Boat Slips, City. The mooring of watercraft with permission of the City on
property owned or controlled by the City. City boat slips, regardless of number,
are not a Mooring Facility.
Boat Slips, Personal. The mooring of five (5) or fewer restricted watercraft
allowed for personal use by the owners and/or tenants of residential riparian lots,
as further guided by the Policy Guiding the Placement of Personal Docks in the
City of Prior Lake.
Controlled Access Lot. A riparian parcel of land used as a Mooring Facility for
non-riparian lot owners with access to public waters.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
Docks, Personal. The mooring of six or fewer watercraft allowed for personal
use by the owners and/or tenants of low density residential riparian lots, as
further guided by the Policy Guiding the Placement of Personal Docks in the City
of Prior Lake.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
Dedicated Waterfront. A Dedicated Waterfront is a parcel of land which has all
of the following elements: (i) the parcel of land is used as a Mooring Facility for
access to public waters for non-riparian lot owners; (ii) the source of the right to
access public waters is by virtue of a grant or dedication on a plat; and (iii) the
lots with the right to access public waters are not subject to recorded
homeowners’ association documents. Only those parcels that exist in this
manner as of January 1, 2016 shall qualify as Dedicated Waterfront.
(Ord. Amd. 116-05, publ. 04/02/16)
Marina, Commercial. A mooring facility of seven or more restricted watercraft
wherein boat slips are leased and commercial ancillary services common to
marinas are provided, including boat tours.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
Marina, Recreational. A mooring facility of seven or more restricted watercraft
wherein boat slips are leased and commercial ancillary services common to
marinas are not provided.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1104/p12
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
Mooring. Any containment of watercraft that provides a fixed fastening for the
craft, which is located in, on, above, or adjacent to the water.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
Mooring Facility. Any area intended for the mooring of seven or more
watercraft by docks, mooring buoys, or other means.
Watercraft. Any vessel, boat, canoe, raft, barge, sailboard, or any similar
device used or useable for carrying and transporting persons on the public
Watercraft, Restricted. Watercraft for use on or stored on the public waters
except for the following: r unrestricted watercraft as defined in this section.
Watercraft, Unrestricted. Watercraft for use on or stored on the public waters
which is:
1. 16 feet or less in length and unmotorized; or
2.1. 16 feet or less in length which uses a no motor or a motor of
10 horsepower or less; or
3.2. 20 feet or less in length and unmotorized, and which is
propelled solely by human power.
(Ord. Amd. 114-12, publ. 6/28/14)
1109.906 Enforcing Officer. The Community Development and Natural Resources
Director is the appointed Zoning Administrator who shall enforce this
Ordinance under the direction and control of the City Manager.