HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 23 2020 BEC Agenda Packet
Business Engagement Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 23, 2020
7:30 a.m.
City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. December 12, 2019
3. Old Business
a. None
4. New Business
a. BEC Bylaws Update
b. DRAFT #PLWorthIt Wish List
c. Liaison to EDA
5. Other Business
a. Staff Updates
i. Downtown Mural Update
ii. Downtown Redevelopment Update
iii. Road Construction
b. BEC Member Updates
i. Commercial Area Liaison Update
ii. Business Openings/Closings
6. Next Regular Meeting Date
a. February 27, 2020
7. Adjourn
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING MINUTES – December 12, 2019
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. in the Wagon Bridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall.
Members present: Kim Prchal, Thane Tande, Wade Larson, Tim Marco, Jeff Petschl, Christopher Smith, Bella
Drewes, and James Speiker II. EDA Liaison Marie Boucher-Hoese. Staff present: Casey McCabe and Amanda
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. October 24, 2019
MOTION BY PRCHAL and SECOND BY DREWES to approve the October 24, 2019 meeting minutes. Motion
adopted unanimously.
3. Old Business a. None.
4. New Business a. BEC Reconfiguration
MCCABE provided an overview of how administration evaluated the goals of the advisory committees and the
history of how the BEC has evolved since its original establishment. He stated that interest in advisory
committees has appeared to lessen due to the number of applicants, attendance decline/lack of quorums, etc.
PRCHAL recommended reviewing the 2019 accomplishments in the October 24, 2019 meeting minutes when
thinking about 2020. She suggested requesting direction from the EDA re: where the liaison visits are most
MARCO questioned the primary objective of the BEC now with the establishment of the Community
Engagement Committee.
MCCABE shared that there will be some overlap, although the CEC will be more of a Citizens Academy
providing insight into the workings of the City with a communication component.
MCCABE shared that in conversation with Chair Carroll, she suggested that instead of discussing the EDA
agenda at the BEC meeting, the EDA Agenda could go out and BEC members can suggest content.
SMITH stated that during the six months he has been at Nuvera, he has received many compliments from
business owners regarding the City and that that has not been his experience with all communities.
Liaison Visits
MCCABE questioned members as to how they felt the liaison visits were going. He questioned if the liaison
areas were still accurate and if they should be continued for all areas or just certain areas.
LARSON stated that he visits his liaison area 4-5 times/year and that he likes the program.
SPEIKER suggested keeping the liaison program with visits once/year as having that contact is important to
business owners.
MARCO stated that while he wasn’t extremely active in his area (Gateway), he thinks it is important to keep the
Meeting Frequency
SPEIKER likes having meetings which increase communication; however, fewer meetings that are more
productive can be better.
PETSCHL would prefer meetings each month because so much information is lost if it is bi-monthly and
someone misses the meeting.
MCCABE shared that Staff will provide support; however, the development of the agenda topics will be the
responsibility of the Chair and Vice Chair moving forward.
PRCHAL stated that she and Carroll would be fine with handling the preparation of the Agenda and taking input
from the members for topics.
MCCABE shared experience from other outside committees who send out a “call for content” the week prior to
the meeting for agenda items and that if no topics are raised/suggested, the meeting is cancelled by the
PETSCHL agreed that if agenda content isn’t raised/suggested, it makes sense to cancel the meeting.
2020 Committee Goals
• Continue to work with Chamber re: communication during construction.
PRCHAL offered to review the member/business liaison list and suggest changes if necessary.
LARSON stated that his area appreciates the construction update information also.
• Plan/Organize a Business Mixer Event
PRCHAL reminded the group that Sheehan-Kerber suggested the BEC work with Bolton & Menk for the mixer
as there will likely be construction updates that can be shared.
PETSCHL suggested adding a new goal related to working with the EDA.
MCCABE stated that the group can add goals if desired.
Staff & Committee Member Expectations
PRCHAL stated that the Chair and Vice-Chair will work to prepare the Agenda and may cancel the meeting if it
is not necessary.
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
MCCABE provided an overview of the December 9, 2019 EDA meeting.
b. Staff Update
SCHWABE provided an update on the Downtown Mural and contributions to date. c. Commercial Area Liaison Update d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
LARSON questioned what concerns have been raised related to the construction.
PRCHAL provided an overview of comments she has heard from recent liaison visits.
6. Next Meeting Date.
The next regular meeting of the BEC will be on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7:30 a.m.
7. Adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. Motion by LARSON, seconded by PETSCHL. Motion adopted unanimously.
Submitted by Amanda Schwabe
Adopted July 11, 2011
Amended April 9, 2012
Amended August 19, 2013
Amended January 20, 2015
Amended January 11, 2016
Amended February 08, 2016
Amended April 09, 2018
January 13, 2020
101. The purpose of the City of Prior Lake Business Engagement Committee (“Committee”)
bylaws is to provide a set of operating procedures for the Committee, and to establish a
code of ethics and conduct.
201. COMMITTEE CREATED: The EDA has established a Business Engagement Committee. The
Committee is advisory, and its purpose is to study and provide reports, analysis and
recommendations to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) and City staff on economic
development matters as assigned.
202. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: The duties and responsibilities of the Committee include:
1. Serve as a liaison between City government and the business community to assist the
City with business retention in the community.
2. As requested, review and comment on economic development and redevelopment
policies to the EDA or City staff.
3. Make recommendations to the EDA or City staff regarding economic development
issues, strategy development and implementation and other initiatives that can be
undertaken by the EDA to expand and strengthen business retention & expansion.
4. In conjunction with EDA members or staff, introduce potential or new business
representatives to others in the community.
203. APPOINTMENT: The Committee shall consist of no more than ten (10) members appointed
by the EDA. Said members shall consist of residents and non-residents affiliated with a
business located within the City of Prior Lake as may be determined by the EDA. No more
than 40% of the Committee shall be non-residents. Said members shall serve three (3) year-
terms beginning November 1st and ending October 31st. Committee members may serve
additional terms upon approval by the EDA, based upon satisfactory attendance and
participation, continued qualification, and in accordance with the term limit policy established
herein. Committee members may be appointed at any time throughout the year. If a
Committee member is appointed at any time other than the standard City appointment process
in October, the Committee member shall begin service immediately upon appointment and
shall serve as if appointed in the previous October, serving two full years and a partial year.
204: COMMITTEE LIAISONS: The EDA, the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce and other
organizations deemed appropriate by the EDA and Committee, may appoint Liaisons to serve
on the Committee. The role of a Liaison is to act as a conduit and resource for information for
the Committee. The Liaison shall not participate in the discussion or deliberation of any matter
pending before the Committee, except where the Committee is meeting in a study or work
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session. The Committee, at its discretion, may ask the Liaison for input on the subject under
consideration. The Liaison shall never use this occasion as an opportunity to communicate
their personal position regarding the matter under consideration.
205. VACANCIES: If an appointed member of the Committee resigns, is terminated, reaches a term
limit, or otherwise vacates a seat of the Committee, the EDA may appoint a replacement in the
following manner:
1. Applications are solicited. A notice of the vacancy is made public and individuals may be
encouraged to consider the position. The notice shall state the deadline for submitting
2. Appointment. City staff shall review applications and conduct interviews, if necessary, of
all candidates who have applied for appointment or reappointment. Staff will then make a
recommendation to the EDA for appointment. The EDA may accept or reject the
recommendation. If the recommendation is rejected, the EDA may appoint another
individual or reopen the application period and invite new candidates to apply.
206. OFFICERS: The Committee shall elect from among its members a Chair and Vice-Chair. The
City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.
1. Chair: The Chair shall be elected at the first meeting in November by majority vote of the
members present at the meeting. The term of the chair shall begin in November and run
for one year. The duties of the chair shall include approval of meeting agendas, presiding
at meetings, and giving an accounting of its activities and any information the Committee
may consider relevant before the EDA annually or as directed otherwise.
2. Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall be appointed in the same manner as the Chair and shall
perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such
other duties as assigned by the Chair.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written
summary of all official activities of the Committee.
4. Vacancy: If the office of Chair or Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall
appoint a replacement by majority vote of those members present at the next regular
meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office.
207. TERM LIMIT: It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three-term service
limitation for all appointed positions on the Committee. The term limit applies only to full three-
year terms, but under no circumstance can and member serve for more than 9 (nine)
consecutive years. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation
on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in
their local government.
208: REMOVAL OF MEMBER: Any member of the Committee may be removed from office by a
four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire EDA for reasons including but not limited to: (i) failure to
attend a minimum of 75% of meetings; (ii) failure to attend site visits/inspections; (iii) failure to
review and understand agenda materials; (iv) failure to participate in an appropriate and
productive manner; (v) failure to continue to meet any requirement set forth in Section 203;
and (vi) failure to comply with any provision of these bylaws or any federal, state or local rule
or regulation.
209: STAFF LIAISON: The City Manager shall appoint one or more staff liaisons to serve on the
Committee. The staff liaison shall schedule meetings and provide information at the direction
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of the Committee. The staff liaison may provide information on the staffs’ position at the
request of the Committee but shall not direct the Committee or advocate for a position.
210: STUDENT MEMBERS: The Committee may select up to two individuals who are 18 years or
under to be student members on the Committee. The Committee shall establish an application
and interview process to select the student members. The student members shall be full voting
members of the Committee.
301: The Statement of Ethics is located in the EDA Bylaws Section 16.
401: MEETINGS: All regular and special meetings shall be open to the public and shall be noticed
in conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law.
402: SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair or any
two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in
the notice. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting but must receive approval from
either the chair or two members of the Committee. At such meetings, no business shall be
considered other than as designated in the notice.
403: QUORUM AND VOTING: At each meeting a majority of all the members appointed (e.g. three
out of five, six out of ten) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The voting
options available to the Committee when a vote has been initiated are: aye (affirmative); nay
(negative vote); and abstention. When a vote is to be taken, the presiding officer shall first call
for the ayes, then the nays, and if applicable, shall call for abstentions. The votes of each
member shall be recorded in the minutes. If a member of the Committee is absent during a
vote, the member’s vote for the official minutes shall read as “absent”.
501: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the EDA and
shall advise the EDA on matters identified in Section 202 or as assigned to the Committee.
The Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee’s activities with respect to its
goals and objectives before the EDA as requested. Additionally, specific powers, duties and
responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the EDA.
502: SUBCOMMITTEES: The Committee may divide its membership into subcommittees, as it
deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives.
601: AMENDMENTS: These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee
or City staff may recommend revised Bylaws to the EDA for final approval.