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12.1 Introduction
The previous chapters of this Comprehensive Plan detail the next 20 years of growth
and development in Prior Lake and identify how the City will provide services to its residents. Although the individual chapters include specific implementation steps
necessary to achieve desired outcomes, this chapter will help further identify how Prior Lake intends to accomplish the goals of this Plan, the investments needed and when those investments will be made.
Throughout this Plan, local ordinances, policies, public programs, and capital
improvement plans for local systems are detailed to ensure implementation of the Plan
and protection of the city’s infrastructure and resources.
12.2 Implementation Actions
Implementation timeframes are included for each required element of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update. Implementation timeframes are identified as:
• Ongoing
• Short-Term (0-3 years)
• Long-Term (3 plus years)
A. Land Use
1. Zoning Ordinance
The Prior Lake Zoning Code is Part 11 of the City Code and categorizes the
city’s zoning use districts, the appropriate uses for each district, identifies the
zoning district boundaries within the city, the residential or commercial
performance standards, and general development standards.
Section 1102 of the zoning ordinance identifies the eleven zoning use districts:
• A, Agricultural Use District. The purpose of the "A" Agricultural Use District is to protect existing agricultural investments until such time as public utilities may
be extended and there is a need for additional urban development. It is also
intended to provide for larger lots to ensure that the feasibility of future urban development is not compromised.
• R-S, Rural Subdivision Residential Use District. The purpose of the "R-S"
Rural Subdivision Residential Use District is to provide suitable areas for large lot
development outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area identified on the Comprehensive Plan. The emphasis in these areas is on single family residential
development. The Use District provides for other uses which are compatible with
the overall low density of these areas and which will serve the residential neighborhood.
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• R-1, Low Density Residential. The purpose of the "R-1" Low-Density Residential Use District is to provide areas where the emphasis is on single-
family residential development. The Use District provides for other uses which are compatible with the overall low-density of these areas and which will serve
the residential neighborhood.
• R-2, Medium Density Residential Use District. The purpose of the "R-2" Low
to Medium-Density Residential Use District is to provide areas which are or will be developed with a mixture of residential dwelling types that are of an overall low to medium density.
• R-3, High-Density Residential Use District. The purpose of the "R-3" High-
Density Residential Use District is to provide for multi-family residential uses of the highest intensity, along with supportive uses of similar intensity.
• TC, Town Center Use District. The purpose of the "TC" Town Center Use
District is to provide for a variety of commercial and residential uses within the
framework of a traditional downtown area. The district also contemplates and provides for pedestrian circulation, urban and civic design and the creative reuse
of existing buildings.
• TC-T, Transitional Town Center Use District. The purpose of the "TC-T"
Transitional Town Center Use District is to provide a special designation for the fringe areas of the historical and recognized downtown business area.
Eventually redevelopment, stimulated in part by available City programs, should
encourage the complete transition of this district to commercial uses which are compatible with the purposes of the Town Center. New development and
redevelopment in the TC-T will only be permitted if it conforms to the uses allowed in the “TC” Town Center Use District.
• C-1, Neighborhood Commercial Use District. The "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District permits low intensity, service-oriented commercial uses
that support the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Limits will be placed on
the type, size and intensity of commercial uses in this district to ensure and protect compatibility with adjacent residential areas.
• C-2, General Business Use District. The purpose of the "C-2" General
Business Use District is to allow the concentration of general commercial development for the convenience of the public and for mutually beneficial relationship of commercial development in those areas located away from
residential areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan; to provide space for community facilities and institutions that appropriately may be located in
commercial areas; to provide adequate space to meet the needs of modern
commercial development, including off-street parking and truck loading areas; to minimize traffic congestion; and to carefully regulate the intensity of commercial
development as it refers to both internal site factors and external impacts.
• C-3, Business Park Use District. It is the intent of this Section to promote high
standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are set forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each "C-3"
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Business Park Use District within the City, to preserve the taxable value of property and to promote the public health, safety and welfare.
• I-1, General Industrial Use District. The "I-1" General Industrial Use District is intended to provide areas of the community which will allow general industrial
uses which, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the "C-3" Business Park Use District.
Figure 12.1 shows the city’s current Zoning Map.
Since the early 1990's, the City of Prior Lake has experienced increased
pressures for commercial and industrial development. This, in combination with
the city’s desire to diversify and enhance the tax base and need to keep up with
growing infrastructure requirements, changed the focus of the 2030 plan to allow
for adequate amounts of commercial and industrial development while
maintaining the integrity of residential development in the City. That focus has
continued in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update.
The City of Prior Lake 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan is a roadmap to the future.
The components of the plan were developed over the years through robust citizen
engagement, including a community survey, to ensure resident input on city
priorities. The plan is updated every two years; the last update occurred in 2018
when more than 100 business owners, residents and other stakeholders gathered to
share their thoughts on the vision for Prior Lake.
The 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan identified five goal areas,
• High-Value City Services
• Public Safety
• Desirable & Sustainable Development
• Transportation & Mobility
• Environmental Stewardship & Recreation
Each of the goal areas include objectives to reach the goals. The objectives in the
Desirable & Sustainable Development goal area related to the Zoning Ordinance and
Subdivision Code include:
• Intentional land use planning that facilitates commercial development for an
expanded tax base.
• Preserve and enhance Prior Lake’s small-town feel.
• Explore ways to encourage downtown as a vibrant destination.
• Encourage development and preservation of quality life-cycle residential housing
• Create appealing public spaces and transportation corridors to bring people
together and foster a sense of place.
The findings and purposes of Prior Lake’s Zoning Ordinance are as follows:
• Protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the community and
maintain their stability.
• Promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential, business,
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industrial, public land and public areas.
• Provide adequate light, air and convenient access to property.
• Limit congestion in the public rights-of-way.
• Prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures and population
by regulating the use of land and buildings and the bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them.
• Provide for compatibility of different land uses by segregating, controlling and
regulating unavoidable nuisance producing uses.
• Require that development proceed according to the goals and policies established in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
• Maintain a tax base necessary to promote the economic welfare of the City by insuring optimum values for property in the City.
• Enhance the aesthetic character and appearance of the City.
• Conserve natural resources and environmental assets of the community.
• Provide adequate off-street parking and loading facilities.
• Provide effective administration of this Ordinance and any future amendments to this Ordinance and prescribe penalties for the violation of its requirements.
• Establish a continuing system of review of this Ordinance to insure it will be amended to meet changing needs of the community and advances in science and
To implement these findings, the City Council establishes minimum requirements in the
Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and
general welfare of the residents through regulations which control the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of structures and land.
The City of Prior Lake periodically reviews and updates the Zoning Ordinance. Ordinance amendment recommendations of the Planning Commission and final
determinations of the City Council are supported by findings addressing the
relationship of the proposed amendment to the following policies:
In the case of amendments to the Official Zoning Map filed by formal petition:
• The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the land was originally zoned erroneously due to a
technical or administrative error, or
• The area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage
redevelopment of the area, or
• The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the
In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance:
• There is a public need for the amendment, or
• The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City, or
• The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal
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Further revisions of the Zoning Ordinance will be necessary to implement the
2040 Comprehensive Plan Update. 2. Subdivision Code
In order to safeguard the best interests of the City and to assist in balancing and
harmonizing the interests of the subdivider with those of the City at large, the City of
Prior Lake has adopted a Subdivision Code providing regulations so the adherence to
the same will bring results beneficial to the City and the subdivider.
It is the purpose of the Subdivision Code to make certain regulations and requirements
for the subdivision and platting of land within the City, pursuant to the authority
contained in Minnesota Statutes which regulations promote and protect the health,
safety and general welfare of this community, to provide for the orderly, economic, and
safe development of land, to preserve agricultural lands, to promote the availability of
housing affordable to persons and families of all income levels, and to facilitate
adequate provision for transportation, water, sewage, storm drainage, schools, parks,
playgrounds, and other public services and facilities.
The current Subdivision Code is adequate to deal with subdivision issues, but it
will be necessary to ensure that provisions of the Subdivision Code are
consistent with those in the Zoning Ordinance as it is amended. It is also
intended the specific design standards will be reviewed to determine whether
they are still adequate or desirable.
3. Land Use Implementation Actions
The City of Prior Lake will review and update the zoning ordinance within
nine months of adoption of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update if needed
to bring the zoning ordinance or zoning map into compliance with the
approved Comprehensive Plan. Amendments include:
o Zoning Map amendments. (short-term)
o Establishment of a Mixed-Use zoning district to replace the Transitional
Town Center District. (short-term)
B. Housing
Table 4.9 of the Housing Chapter identifies the Housing Implementation Plan.
1. Housing Implementation Actions
The City of Prior Lake currently administers the Minnesota State Building
Code and will continue to do so. (ongoing)
The Housing Implementation plan identifies housing needs and goals (including affordable housing for households at or below 80% AMI, senior housing for all income levels, multifamily housing construction, maintenance of existing housing
units); the available tools to assist with the need/goal; and opportunities and potential partners, including Minnesota Housing, Metropolitan Council, senior
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advocacy groups, property owners and residents. (ongoing) C. Transportation
Section 5.7 of the Transportation Chapter identifies the implementation plan, including
funding strategies (State Aid; Ad Valorem Taxes; Tax Increment Financing; Grant
Funding) and planning (System Preservation; Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles; Travel Demand Management; Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School).
1. Transportation Implementation Actions
Complete traffic studies as needed based on development proposals (ongoing)
D. Parks and Trails
Chapter 6 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes the required information related to
regional and local parks and trails. In addition to the minimum requirements, the City of
Prior Lake entered into a contract with WSB to complete a very detailed Parks Master
Plan. WSB has been tasked with the review of existing documents, evaluating
community demographic trends, updating park inventory, level of service evaluation,
park and recreation goals and strategies, identification of facility improvements,
identification of trail gaps, implementation, final document and stakeholder engagement.
Once the Park Master Plan is completed, it is the intent of the City of Prior Lake to
update Parks and Trails chapter of the Comprehensive Plan with the new Park Master
Plan document.
1. Parks and Trails Implementation Actions
Complete the Park Master Plan and update the Parks and Trails chapter of the Comprehensive Plan with the new Park Master Plan document. (short-term)
E. Surface Water Management
The Implementation Program of the Prior Lake Local Surface Water Management Plan
(LSWMP), found in Section 7.7, describes a range of activities and programs, responsibilities, prioritizing and listing the program events which support improvement of
the City’s surface water management program.
1. Surface Water Management Implementation Actions Specific implementation items for the City of Prior Lake are listed in Table 7.15 of the
LSWMP. Projects listed in Table 7.15 to correct existing deficiencies, to the extent they are identified, will be prioritized as follows:
Projects intended to reduce or eliminate flooding of structures in known problem
areas (ongoing)
Projects intended to improve water quality in the City’s lakes (ongoing)
Projects intended to reduce maintenance costs (ongoing)
Projects intended to restore wetlands and habitat (ongoing)
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Other implementation priorities for the City as it begins the implementation phase of the LSWMP include:
Implement the City’s MS4 SWPPP. (short-term)
Partner with PLSLWD to implement options listed in the Prior Lake Stormwater Management & Flood Mitigation Study. (short-term)
Ensure the Stormwater Utility Funding is adequate to maintain the existing
stormwater system and to meet its current and future obligations toward pond maintenance and MS4 compliance. (short-term)
Application of the revised area charge outlined in this report and update of the
area charge based on increases in land value and construction costs. (short-term)
Implementation of the rate control targets as outlined in the appendices and stormwater modeling that supports this plan. (short-term)
Application of the wetland susceptibility criteria in determining how wetlands are
used for flood storage, retention, and rate control. (ongoing)
Maintaining equivalency with Scott WMO and PLSLWD rules. (ongoing)
Working in partnership with WMO and WD to minimize downstream impacts.
(ongoing) F. Sanitary Sewer
Over the past five years, the City has made improvements to several old and
deteriorated sanitary sewer lines and a “sanitary sewer line and I/I improvement”
program has been established to provide funds to identify and replace defective pipes. The maintenance budget includes about $45,000 for rehabilitation of sanitary sewers.
The City has initiated an effort to install pump monitors on main lift stations to monitor and record operations around the system to isolate problem areas and prioritize
maintenance efforts for maximum benefits. In new subdivisions, the City is requiring the
use of plastic pipe, rubber manhole adapters, and chimney seals to reduce the potential for infiltration and inflow in the City collection system, and new homes are inspected to
verify that no sump pump or other types of clear water connections are made to the
1. Sanitary Sewer Implementation Actions
Ongoing implementation activities to prevent or eliminate excessive I/I from the
system include:
Annually televise and inspect sewer facilities for degradation and leaks (ongoing)
Inspect sanitary sewer facilities in response to backup notifications and in
coordination with the street reconstruction program (ongoing)
Perform repairs or rehabilitation of sewer facilities as needed (ongoing)
Install new sewer facilities in accordance with current standards for materials and
construction (ongoing)
Conduct plumbing and other inspections during installation and connection to the
system (ongoing)
Work towards disconnecting prohibited/unused connections to the sewer system (ongoing)
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G. Water System Plan Watermains shall be provided to serve the subdivision by extension of an existing
community system. Water shall be supplied to each lot. Service connections shall be
stubbed to the property lines and fire hydrants shall be provided as required by the
City Engineer. The design of the water system shall be in accordance with the
Public Works Design Manual.
To implement the policies, objectives and programs related to water supply in
Chapter 9 of this plan, the City of Prior Lake has detailed a cost and implementation
schedule and included it as Table 9.13 of the Water Supply chapter. The table
identifies cost and timing (short-term, long-term and ongoing) of specific cleaning,
repairs, system improvements and facilities that will be installed to support the
overall water supply system.
H. Economic Competitiveness
To implement the key initiatives identified in the Economic Competitiveness chapter of
the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update, the City of Prior Lake will:
• Work with downtown stakeholders (residents, current and potential business owners,
etc.) toward an integrated construction and financing plan for streetscaping and
building construction/remodeling to maintain and encourage the economic vitality of
downtown businesses through the TH13/CR21 corridor improvement project and
facilitate future downtown development. (ongoing)
• Establish a process and plan to target resources for economic opportunities that
provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property
acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial development. (long-term)
• Continue to guide the Business Engagement Committee and support the Technology
Village Board of Directors as they implement the recommendations of the Phase II.5
Technology Village Business Accelerator Plan, including expansion opportunities
within Scott County. (ongoing)
• Explore opportunities to identify, assist and encourage commercial and industrial
development along the CH21 and CH42 commercial corridors. (long-term)
• Conduct an annual meeting each with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop, the
Prior Lake City Council, the Prior Lake Planning Commission and Technology Village
Board of Directors as well as quarterly meetings with the Business Engagement
Committee to promote partnerships and collaboration. (ongoing) 12.3 Additional Implementation Efforts
A. Capital Improvement Program
The City of Prior Lake adopts a 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) every
year. This provides for the financing of capital projects, planning and design,
development of new facilities, rehabilitation or restoration of existing facilities, acquisition
of land, and the replacement of motor vehicles and major equipment. Major components
of the plan include planning and funding methods for capital expenditures, transportation
improvements, sources of funds for existing and proposed parks as well as park and trail
acquisition and development, and long-range facilities planning of City owned and
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maintained facilities.
The City of Prior Lake 2019-2023 CIP details the timing and sequence of major local
public investments. The CIP is attached as Appendix A. (ongoing)
B. Enforcement
The City of Prior Lake adopted a Code Enforcement Policy on June 10, 2013 and
updated the policy on November 5, 2018. The Code Enforcement Policy provides
guidelines for enforcement of the City of Prior Lake Municipal Code, the Zoning Ordinance, and other regulatory codes adopted by the City. The policy provides
guidelines for staff to respond to complaints and proactively enforce city regulations to ensure conformance with official controls adopted by the City of Prior Lake and its partner entities. (ongoing)
C. Education
The City will continuously work to improve education and communication to inform
residents of City policies and actions which are of importance to those who live and
work in the City. For the provisions of this Plan to be realized, Prior Lake residents
are encouraged to achieve a level of understanding of this Plan and other official
controls. (ongoing)
D. Plan Review To ensure that the Plan remains an effective guide to the development of Prior Lake,
the Plan will be reviewed on a periodic basis (at least annually) and corrections made as necessary to deal with unforeseen circumstances. (ongoing)
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Figure 12.1 – Zoning Map