HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 19 2020 City Council Minutes 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 19, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Briggs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Councilors Thompson, Burkart, Braid. Absent: None. Also, in attendance were City Manager Wedel, Economic Development Director McCabe, Finance Director Erickson, City Attorney Schwarzhoff, City Engineer Brotzler, Assistant City Engineer Monserud, Police Chief Frazer, Planner Matzke and HR/Admin Specialist Schroeder. PUBLIC FORUM No members of the public spoke. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY BRAID, APPROVE THE AGENDA. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 4A. Consider Approval of October 5, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY THOMPSON, TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 5, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. 2 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes CONSENT AGENDA Wedel: Reviewed the items on the consent agenda. 5A. Approval of Claims Listing 5B. Approval of September 2020 Treasurer's Report 5C. Approval of September Animal Control Services Report 5D. Adopt Resolution 20-111 Accepting Donations and Grants to the City During the 3rd Quarter 2020 5E. Adopt Resolution 20-112 to Receive Quotes/Award Contract – Pike Lake Outlet Culvert Replacement 5F. Adopt Resolution 20-113 for 2012-2024 Road Maintenance Agreement with Spring Lake Township 5G. Adopt Resolution 20-114 Authorizing Extension of the Deadline for Recording A Final Plat for Jeffers Pond Ninth Addition 5H. Adopt Resolution 20-115 Approving Technology Purchase of Toughbooks and Docking Stations 5I. Adopt Resolution 20-116 Making Appointments to the Planning Commission 5J. Adopt Resolution 20-117 Appointing an Individual to Serve on the Economic De- velopment Authority 5K. Approve 3rd Quarter 2020 Fire Incident Report 5L. Adopt Resolution 20-118 Designating City Hall as the Polling Location for All Elec- tions in 2021 MOTION BY BURKART, SECOND BY THOMPSON, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. Braid: Noted in relation to agenda item 5I, he was on the interview panel and they interviewed great candidates. Added they reappointed incumbents Bryan Fleming and Jason Tschetter. Briggs: Thanked the SMSC for their generosity and commitment to the safety in our community in relation to agenda item 5D. Added he was on the EDA interview panel for agenda item 5J where two strong candidates were interviewed ; they appointed Kim Prchal. PRESENTATIONS No Presentations Scheduled. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7A. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider approval of a resolution ordering the improve- ments for the Fish Point Rd Phase 1 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2020- 17 Assistant City Engineer Monserud and WSB Staff Heil provided the background information. 3 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes Braid: Noted the assessment hearing was in March which would normally be held after the pro- ject, is that due to the assessment being capped. Monserud: Responded that is correct this is capped at $9,000 based on the project evaluation typically we would get further down the road but the 40% that we typically assess is much higher than 9,000. Briggs: Asked for an estimate of onsite meetings that were held. Heil: Stated in August they met with eight different property owners, held a neighborhood meet- ing and had two additional meetings after that so plus or minus 10 onsite meetings. Briggs: Asked if there is an estimated cost on items, specifically retaining walls, that are outside of this right-of-way on private property. Heil: Noted they did look at costs with walls in the public right-of-way, should the project go through today they will have more details on the construction boundaries but plan to make sure changes are in the right-of-way. Briggs: Thanked staff for getting this project going . MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY THOMPSON, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:23 P.M. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. Jeff Wilts, 5952 Hidden Oaks Circle: Stated he is on the Hidden Oaks Circle cul-de-sac. Questioned when the engineering drawings will be available. Noted he attended the original meeting and has not heard answers to his questions. Asked how long it takes the city to reply. Mike Audreyth, 5910 Glory circle: Suggested a safety study be complete to improve safety. Asked if staff will be consulting with the homeowners regarding the construction disruption and what will happen with utility replacement as there is a sewer line that runs between his property and his neighbor’s property. Jeff Wilts, 5952 Hidden Oaks Circle : Stated he addressed safety concerns with the sidewalk at the first neighborhood meeting. Donna Bradley, Glory Circle: Asked if construction would continue in the event the pandemic shutdown occurs again due to the pandemic. MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY BURKART, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 p.m. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. Briggs: Recapped each question asked during the public hearing. 4 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes Monserud: Noted they anticipate plans will be ready in December 2020 and plan to have an- other open house of some sort with keeping COVID in mind. Heil: Apologized for the misplaced questions and asked to speak with the resident after the hearing. Noted during the sessions they have answered questions relating to retaining wall and landscaping. Monserud: Stated traffic has been studied and we are continuing to study the traffic as planning continues. Added pushing the Fish Point Road portion off to 2023 allows us to study it more when school is back in session. Heil: Added signage and sidewalk location will be reviewed during the planning process for the final design. Monserud: Explained once plans are set, we will meet with property owners again. Stated staff anticipates the construction will continue through a government closure. Wedel: Noted it is up to the governor when there is a stay at home order and halting work, how- ever, road construction was deemed as essential earlier this year and would likely be able to continue if a shutdown occurs again. Braid: Asked how the plans and follow up meetings will be communicated to the residents. Monserud: Stated there is a project website, an email blast will go out and a mailing to all the addresses in the corridor will be sent. Heil: Added how the meetings take place in the winter will be d etermined at that time. Braid: Asked how the traffic changes in the area will be captured for Fish Point Road since the project is not until 2023. Added the neighborhoods know the traffic better day-in and day-out. Heil: Responded the information is two parts, one part is general day-to-day traffic as Fish Point Road is collector roadway intended to carry large volumes of traffic and that will not change . Added Fish Point Road is a state aid roadway and will adhere to state aid design standards for speed, alignment, profile of the roadway and the traffic volumes. Stated she does not want to mislead anyone into thinking we are going to change traffic patte rns as a part of the project, Fish Point Road will still serve and function as a collector roadway. Thompson: Highlighted that there is an email address available for residents to send questions specifically for this project. MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY THOMPSON, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 20-119 ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FISH POINT RD PHASE 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT PRO- JECT, CITY PROJECT 2020-17 VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. 7B. Public Hearing to Consider Special Assessments for the 2020 Unpaid Special Charges and Consider Approval of Resolution Adopting the Assessment Rolls Finance Director Cathy Erickson provided the background information. 5 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION BY BURKART, SECOND BY BRAID, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:44 p.m. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. There were no comments from the public. MOTION BY BURKART, SECOND BY BRAID, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:45 p.m. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. MOTION BY BURKART, SECOND BY THOMPSON, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 20-120 ADOPT- ING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR UNPAID SPECIAL CHARGES VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. 7C. Consider Adoption of a Resolution Approving Vacation of a Drainage and Utility Easement in the Deerfield Industrial Park Second Addition Planner Jeff Matzke provided the background information. Briggs: Asked if the project does not move forward and the easement is vacated, will the lots remain as one lot? Matzke: Confirmed there would be no need for the easement since the lots would be combined. 6 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY BURKART, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:48 p.m. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. There were no comments from the public. MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY BURKART, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:39 p.m. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. MOTION BY BURKART, SECOND BY BRAID, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 20-123 APPROVING VACATION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE DEERFIELD INDUSTRIAL PARK SECOND ADDITION VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS No Old Business Scheduled NEW BUSINESS 9A. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 20-121 Approving the Towering Woods Town- homes Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Planner Jeff Matzke and Assistant City Engineer Nick Monserud provided the background information. 7 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY BURKART, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 120-110 AP- PROVING THE TOWERING WOODS TOWNHOMES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN, RESOLUTION 20-121 APPROVING A SUMMARY OF THE ORDINANCE AND ORDERING THE PUBLICATION OF SAID ORDINANCE, AND RESOLUTION 20 -122 APPROVING THE TOWERING WOODS TOWNHOMES PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CON- DITIONS VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. Briggs: Thanked staff for the work involved with the public utilities under private roads and thanked the applicant that brought forward this development in our community. Stated having all property types in the city is important; there were challenges with the site and drainage; it is an opportunity to improve this road which provides real PUD benefits. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS No Items Removed from the Consent Agenda COUNCILMEMBER LIAISON UPDATES / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Braid: Stated on 10/6 he had a meeting with Wedel, Burkart and an association regarding the pri- vate street surcharge, 10/12 EDA meeting, 10/14 meeting regarding the VFW development, 10/14 senior care facility ribbon cutting, and 10/15 agenda review. Burkart: Stated on 10/6 he had a meeting with Wedel, Braid and an association regarding the pri- vate street surcharge, 10/7 volunteered his time at the City Hall front desk, 10/8 Highway 169 Cor- ridor meeting, 10/9 legislative, 10/12 pre -call for a meeting with he Metropolitan Council Chair, 10/12 Suburban Transit Authority meeting, 10/14 meeting with Metropolitan Council Chair, 10/14 Summer’s Ridge ribbon cutting, 10/16 agenda review, and 10/19 MVTA management meeting. Thompson: Stated on 10/13 PLSLWS Board meeting and 10/16 agenda review. Briggs: Stated on 10/8 meeting with SMSC, 10/9 SCALE General meeting, 10/12 EDA meeting, 10/14 Summer’s Ridge ribbon cutting, 10/14 MLC meeting, and 10/16 agenda review. OTHER BUSINESS Wedel: Noted the Downtown South Open House taking place in the parking lot by the VFW on 10/22 from 4:00-6:00 pm., it is a public informational meeting regarding the VFW and area rede- velopment as well as the street improvement project for Colorado, Pleasant and Main. 8 10 19 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY BURKART, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:06 P.M. VOTE Briggs Thompson Burkart Braid Aye ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ The motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, _____________________________ Jason Wedel, City Manager