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4B Jeffers Pond Apts PUD Amend PC Report
4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: APRIL 25, 2021 AGENDA #: 4B PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENT (PUD) PLAN FOR JEFFERS APARTMENTS ON OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND 1st ADDITION DISCUSSION: Introduction Rachel Development and Vincent Development, on behalf of the property owner, Jeffers Foundation, has applied for an amendment to the Planned Unit Develop- ment (PUD) known as Jeffers Pond for the proposed high density residential apartment project. The subject property is in the southwest corner of the CSAH 42 and CSAH 21 intersection, along Fountain Hills Drive NW. History The original PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond was approved in 2005. Since that time, residential neighborhoods have been platted and developed, as well as the streets, public park/trail system, the elementary school, and the fire station. Two outlots (totaling three parcels) remain undeveloped, including: · Outlot B – approximately 9.28 acres, originally designated as “future retail” in the Preliminary PUD Plan and since approved for high density residential as a 93-unit senior housing building. · Outlot C – Two parcels, approximately 11 acres and 10 acres respectively. This area was designated as “The Pier” which included a mix of commercial and residential uses in the PUD Plan. The 16,700 square foot Lil’ Explorers Child Care Facility (approved in 2021) is the only part of this area currently under construction. The Jeffers Pond PUD was designed and approved as a lifecycle housing project which would offer various types of housing in a range of density and models in- cluding small single-family homes, large single-family detached homes, attached one and two-story single-family townhomes, and apartment condominiums. The original PUD approval anticipated 693 total housing units; however, as many individual phases of development were submitted for review, the housing densi- ties were proposed to be reduced. In 2015, the City of Prior Lake and Metropolitan Council approved an amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD related to Outlots B, C, and D. The amendment reduced the overall residential units from 693 at a density of 3.57 units per acre to 663 at a density of 3.42 units per acre. The res- olution also stated the overall density shall be no less than 605 housing units at a density of 3.10 units per acre. 2 To date, nine neighborhoods have been developed within Jeffers Pond. These neighborhoods were originally anticipated to provide 579 units; however, only 345 units have been created. As PUD amendments have been approved for Jeffers Pond over the years, this residential density shortfall has been transferred from the individual neighbor- hoods to The Village area, which is a commercial mixed-use area proposed across Outlots B and C. The City of Prior Lake had anticipated between 260 and 318 additional residential units would be added to Jeffers Pond between Outlots B and C to meet the minimum residential density requirements. If approved as proposed, the high density residentials housing developments by Rachel Devel- opment (Outlot C) and Carlston Development (Outlot B) would provide 418 addi- tional housing units. In addition to adjusting the residential unit mix, the 2015 resolution amending the Jeffers Pond Preliminary PUD plan related to Outlots B, C, and D changed the commercial requirement from 270,000 square feet to a minimum of 87,000 square feet of commercial space on Outlots B and C. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the site, zoning designations, and information as it relates to the proposed project. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Site Area: The western half of Outlot C, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition consists of approximately 11 acres. The site is current vacant. Topography: This area has elevations which change approximately 20 feet from 860’ by the Prior Lake Outlet Channel on the east portion of the property to ap- proximately 900’ near the access point to the site from Fountain Hills Drive. Wetlands: The Prior Lake Outlet Channel is a DNR protected wetland bordering the west end of the site. No wetland impacts are proposed to the channel area. Access: The current access to the site is from the intersection Fountain Hills Drive at the roundabout. This access will remain as the main intersection to the proposed high-density residential area. Zoning: The site is presently zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). PROPOSED PLAN Building/Parking: The development plan proposes 2 separate three-story apartment buildings. The northern building proposes 118 residential units while the southern building proposes 103 residential units. A single surface parking lot with 166 parking spaces as well as 221 underground parking spaces is proposed for a total of 387 spaces on the site (1.75 spaces per dwelling unit). This parking indicates a modification to the required 2 spaces/unit designated for high-density residential uses. 3 Building Setbacks/Height: As a part of the PUD the developer is not requesting any modifications to the standard property line and shoreland setbacks. The de- veloper is indicating a modification to the maximum height of the building (49 feet); however, the average height (43.75 feet) would still meet the previously approved height standard (43.75 feet) set previously for Jeffers Pond. Landscaping: City Code requires 1 tree per 40 feet of site perimeter, which equates to 221 trees. The applicant has prepared an extensive landscape plan which will incorporate these trees on this property. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermain service are avail- able in Fountain Hills Drive NW. Grading / Storm water: The applicant proposes to direct storm water towards storm water facilities at the center of the development. These surface and under- ground facilities are designed to meet the required City standards for the site. Final Plat / Development Fees: The site requires approval of a Final Plat by the City Council prior to any construction. A Development Agreement will accompany the Final Plat and will specify standard development fees. Traffic: Previous comprehensive traffic studies of the Fountain Hills Drive area were completed in 2004 and 2015 to analyze residential and commercial impacts. The applicant has provided an updated trip generation report indicating 1,008 trips per day onto the roundabout and Fountain Hills Parkway. Based on this trip generation the existing roadway network has sufficient capacity for this develop- ment. Architectural Design: The building identifies a variety of exterior elevation ma- terials and colors along with varying height elevations and building accents within the building design. The exterior materials are required to meet applicable resi- dential design standards of the City prior to building permit issuance. ISSUES: PUD’s provide a flexible approach to development that allows creative, efficient, and effective use of land, including the mixing of land uses. The PUD must be reviewed based on the criteria found in Section 1132 of the Zoning Ordinance. The criteria which are applicable to the proposed Major Amendment request are discussed below: (1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed PUD Amendment is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designations for this area. (2) More creative, efficient, and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses. In addition, the joint access to Fountain Hills Drive from the roundabout maintain the vehicular efficiency of the high-density residential site. 4 (3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people; The proposed PUD amendment proposes high density residential dwellings which will provide another variety of housing in the area. (4) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking or bussing; Trails/sidewalks are currently in place along the Fountain Hills Drive area. A sidewalk connection into the site will be provided as well. (5) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages. The proposed PUD amendment provides opportunities for current and future residents of Prior Lake that are seeking market rate rental housing options (6) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. The proposed PUD amendment will utilize existing street and utility infrastructure which was designed and installed previously to accommodate land uses in the areas of Outlot C. (7) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. The proposed PUD amendment is consistent with previously approved high density residential designations for the site but proposes changes to the commercial designations in this area of the Jeffers Pond development. On April 18, 2022, the City Council reviewed a concept plan that indicated a desire to maintain the current required minimum 87,000 square feet of commercial square footage in the Outlot C area. The City Council indicated that they feel some commercial would be needed on this site to reach the minimum required commercial square footage. (8) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also encourage historic preservation, re-use and redevelopment of existing buildings. The proposed PUD amendment does not include any changes to the existing wetland near the Prior Lake outlet channel. (9) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. The proposed architectural design is compatible with high-density residential buildings. The applicant is proposing the use of architectural standards including but not limited to a variety of building materials and colors, varying wall heights, stone and lap siding, as well as accent design features. 5 ALTERNATIVES: Conclusion A concept plan showing how the minimum amount of future commercial develop- ment may be achieved was presented to the City Council by the Jeffers Founda- tion on April 18, 2022. The intent of presenting the concept plan was to allow the property owners and residential developers to receive the City Council’s initial feedback on the residential/commercial mix and the overall planned changes to the configuration of commercial uses on the remainder of the development site (Outlot B and C) before proceeding further with their residential PUD Amendment and Final Plat application requests. The proposed high-density apartment build- ings proposed for Outlots B and C would satisfy the remaining housing units for the Jeffers Pond Development; however, if both residential projects were ap- proved as presented, it would shift all remaining commercial square footage re- quirements to the eastern portion of Outlot C (near the Lil’ Explorer’s Child Care site. A link to the concept plan presentation and City Council discussion has been shared with the Planning Commissioners for review. Council feedback did not include any support to further reduce the minimum 87,000 square foot commer- cial requirement. The Council also did not appear to have support for both resi- dential developments as proposed because the residential buildings would limit the city’s ability to achieve the required commercial development in the future. With the addition of Lil’ Explorers Daycare, the remaining commercial square footage needed is 70,300 and the Council did not feel it was realistic to anticipate that amount of development on the east half of Outlot C. City Staff would recommend the Planning Commission take any public comments on the PUD Amendment and, when making a motion on the item, provide feed- back to the City Council regarding the proposed high-density residential use ver- sus a mix of residential and commercial uses previously designated for the prop- erty. The planning commission should consider the likelihood for the city to achieve the minimum required 87,000 square feet of commercial property if this project moves forward as proposed. If the planning commission agrees with the city council that it is not realistic to anticipate a total of 87,000 square feet of commer- cial development on the east half of Outlot C, they should provide direction to the applicant as to the size and location for a multi-family development on Outlot C that may be supported by the planning commission which would reserve ade- quate land area to ensure future commercial development expectations can be met. 1. Motion and a second recommending approval of the Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD subject to the listed conditions, or others that may be added or modified by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD plan based on findings of fact. 3. Motion and a second to table this item to a future Planning Commission meet- ing and provide the applicant with direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Provide a motion as the Planning Commission feels appropriate with feedback to the City Council regarding the proposed high density residential versus the mix of residential and commercial previously proposed. 6 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. PUD Plans 3. Applicant Narrative – March 17, 2022 4. Engineering/Public Works Dept. Memorandum – March 24, 2022 Jeffers Foundation - Jeffers Pond Apartments Planned Unit Development (PUD) Major Amendment Location Map CR 42 Co v e P o int Cir N WJ e ffe rs P k w y N W EnclaveCtNWStation Pl NWShepherds Path NWPark v ie w L n N W ParksideCtNWMckenna Rd NWS h or e C r e s t DrNWFountainHills DrNW 21 42 12 77 44 42 27 21 87 16 23 15 18 82 78 17 79 83 14 70 X:\Planning\Location Map\Location Map Template\Jeffers Foundation - Jeffers Pond Apartments.aprx 0 340 680 1,020 1,360Feet Subject Properties Subject Property C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) (PUBLICLY DEDICATED ROAD - VARIABLE WIDTH) OUTLOT C FO UN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 25' B UI L DI N G S E T B A C K 25' BUILDING SETBACK25' BUILDING SETBACK 25' BUILDING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 21 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887GFE = 876 22 13 13 18 19 16 16 14 14 BASIN 2P UNDERGROUND SYSTEM BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND BASIN 3P DETENTION POND 25' B UI L DI N G S E T B A C K 25' BUILDING SETBACK25' BUILDING SETBACK 25' BUILDING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 21 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887GFE = 876 22 13 13 18 19 16 16 14 14 BASIN 2P UNDERGROUND SYSTEM BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND BASIN 3P DETENTION POND A 18'(TYP) 24' A F F F F F F F F B B B B BB BB B B B 24' 18' 6' 9' 24' 40.25' I J J L 28' 84.98' 6' 24.00 A A A A A AAA 18'(TYP) 9'(TYP) 24' 6' 6' 22' 28' G GB G GK K H E H E H E H E H E M D C R20' R20'R20' R20' R25' R4.5'R5' R5' R5' R5' R5' R5' R29' R25' R4.5' R4.5' R25' R29'R5' R4.5'R5' R5' R5'R25' R4.5' A FF F A 24' 9' 24' G NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021 JRM JRM BWF JACOB R MITZEL 58666 A 03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A SCALE IN FEET 0 10050 NORTH THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS A UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D. THIS QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF ASCE/CI 38-02, TITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THE NOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA). THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD). IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. A.BUILDING, STOOPS, STAIRS (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS) B.B-612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER C.POOL DECK (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS) D.DOG PARK (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILS) E.FLAT CURB SECTION F.CONCRETE SIDEWALK G.SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALL H.ACCESSIBLE RAMP I.ACCESSIBLE STALL STRIPING J.ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN K.TRANSFORMER L.EXISTING MONUMENT SIGN M.DECORATIVE FENCE KEY NOTES 1.NOTES PLACEHOLDER DEVELOPMENT NOTES CONCRETE CURB EASEMENT LINE BUILDING LINE WET LAND TREE LINE SAW CUT LINE SIGN PROPOSED EXISTING LEGEND BOLLARD ##REGULAR PARKING STALL COUNT 1 KEYNOTE HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT BY OTHERS (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS) BOUNDARY LINE AREA GROSS SITE AREA NET SITE AREA APARTMENT SETBACKS FRONT YARD REAR YARD SIDE YARD WETLAND SUMMARY NORTH WETLAND AREA SOUTH WETLAND AREA WETLAND BUFFER SUMMARY NORTH WETLAND BUFFER SOUTH WETLAND BUFFER PARKING SUMMARY TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED COVERED PARKING PROVIDED SURFACE LOT PARKING PROVIDED BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GROUND FLOOR RATIO MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT (APARTMENT) ZONING EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY 491,363 SF 11.28 AC 370,260 SF 8.50 AC 30 FT/15 FT (CURB) 20 FT 20 FT 32,992 SF 0.76 AC 17,382 SF 0.40 AC 14331 SF 0.33 AC 14605 SF 0.34 AC PUD PUD (1.5 STALLS PER UNIT) 332 387 221 (6 ACCESSIBLE STALLS) 166 (2 ACCESSIBLE STALLS) 0.40 43.75 FT STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING 22.0S (LMS TECH) | JACOB MITZEL, PE (MN) | 3/17/2022 11:02:47 AML:\PROJECTS\50475\CAD\SHEETS\50475-C3-SITE.DWG:C3.01 - SITE PLANSITE PLAN C3.01 WETLAND BUFFER AREA STONE RETAINING WALL C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) (PUBLICLY DEDICATED ROAD - VARIABLE WIDTH) OUTLOT C FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 25' BUIL DI N G S E T B A C K 25' BUILDING SETBACK25' BUILDING SETBACK 25' BUILDING SETBACK 30' BUILDING SETBACK30 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 21 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 22 13 13 18 19 16 16 14 14890 886887887887888889891892893 870 87588088588188288388488688 7887 887888888888888889 889880885879881882883884886887 8 8 8 888890889891892 880 8 8 5 877878879 8 8 1 88 2 8 8 3884886 8 8 5 8 8 4 8 8 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 875880 885890 8748768778788 7 98818828838838 8 38848868 8 7888889891892 869872876877876870873874885 886887888 BASIN 2PUNDERGROUND SYSTEMHWL: 881.22 BOTTOM:877.41 BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND HWL:885.70 NWL:880.21 BOTTOM:877.21 BASIN 3P DETENTION POND HWL: 871.44 BOTTOM: 867.50879878 EX POND 1PHWL100: 863.93NWL:861.00BOT: 850.00 NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021 JRM JRM BWF JACOB R MITZEL 58666 A 03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A SCALE IN FEET 0 10050 NORTH INFILTRATION BASIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES GRADING NOTES SEE NOTES PAGE C4.02 SEE NOTES PAGE C4.03 THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS A UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D. THIS QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF ASCE/CI 38-02, TITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THE NOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA). THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD). IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. OVERALL GRADING PLAN C4.01 PROPERTY LINE CONCRETE CURB BUILDING LINE RETAINING WALL TREE LINE PROPOSED EXISTING LEGEND SOIL BORING999.9 ST # STORM SEWER DRAINTILE WETLAND LIMITSWL 800 SPOT ELEVATIONS RIPRAP EOF 902.5 OVERFLOW ELEV. HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT BY OTHERS (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS) STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONTOUR C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) (PUBLICLY DEDICATED ROAD - VARIABLE WIDTH) OUTLOT C FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 CB 601 RE=884.94 IE=881.22 N 20 LF - 12" HDPE @ 4.95% STMH 107RE=886.52IE=880.50 EIE=880.50 NW 18 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 101 LF - 36"HDPE @ 0.00% CB 302CRE=876.53 129 LF - 36"HDPE @ 0.00% 138 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 201 RE=888.63 IE=880.50 E IE=880.50 W IE=882.00 N IE=880.50 S STMH 201ARE=888.22 IE=880.50 E IE=880.50 W 36 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 103 RE=886.64 IE=880.50 W IE=880.50 E CONNECT TO DETENTION POND RE=876.05 IE=867.50 S ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=867.79 N OCS 300ARE=876.32IE=867.50 E ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=882.50 N ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=867.79 N ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONIE=867.79 E ROOF DRAINCONNECTIONIE=880.50 S ROOF DRAINCONNECTIONIE=882.45 SROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONIE=882.50 S ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONIE=880.90 N STMH 104RE=886.58IE=880.50 WIE=880.50 S IE=880.50 E ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=881.10 N ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=868.00 SROOF DRAIN CONNECTION IE=880.79 S ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONIE=868.00 E 113 LF - 36"HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 207RE=886.31IE=880.50 W STMH 202A RE=884.66 IE=880.50 N IE=880.50 W STMH 205 RE=891.44 IE=880.50 E IE=880.50 S STMH 303A RE=874.50IE=867.50 WIE=867.50 N STMH 203 RE=888.00 IE=880.50 NW IE=880.50 E STMH 304C RE=883.17 IE=871.90 W IE=871.90 SE STMH 106RE=886.72 IE=880.50 SE IE=880.50 N STMH 109RE=884.21 IE=880.50 W CONNECT TODETENTION PONDRE=879.43IE=871.00 NW OCS 305CRE=887.08IE=874.41 E STMH 105RE=885.76IE=880.50 SIE=880.50 E 82 LF - 18"HDPE @ 0.35% 66 LF - 12" HDPE @ 1.36% 97 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 217 LF - 12" HDPE @ 1.16% 112 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 91 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 77 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 127 LF - 36"HDPE @ 0.00% 85 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 113 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 135 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 206RE=888.45IE=880.50 E IE=882.00 S IE=880.50 W STMH 305 RE=885.09 IE=867.50 S IE=867.50 E 177 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 303 RE=875.19 IE=867.50 W IE=867.50 S 161 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 302RE=876.46 IE=867.50 N IE=867.50 W IE=867.50 S STMH 305A RE=879.58 IE=867.50 E STMH 204 RE=888.00 IE=880.50 N IE=880.50 SE CONNECT TO DETENTION POND RE=876.71 IE=867.50 N STMH 302A RE=875.00 IE=867.50 W IE=867.50 S IE=867.50 N 86 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% STMH 304 RE=879.16 IE=867.50 W IE=867.50 S IE=867.50 E 143 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 2.08% 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 2.08%14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 2.08% 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 3.57% 14 LF - 8"PVC SCH 40 @ 3.70% STMH 801 RE=873.95IE=867.99 EFEILD VERIFYCONNECT TOEXISTINGSTORM SEWER 108 LF - 24" CMP @ 0.92% FES 800RE=869.09 IE=867.00 W 15 LF - 36"HDPE @ 0.00% 63 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 3.57% STMH 202 RE=888.52 IE=880.50 W IE=882.00 N IE=880.50 E 177 LF - 36" HDPE @ 0.00% 22 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 2.07% 54 LF - 12" HDPE @ 4.43% CB 702RE=887.97IE=885.37 SE FES 700 IE=880.21 W FES 307C RE=882.81 IE=880.21 W 35 LF - 12"HDPE @ 0.00% 22 LF - 12"HDPE @ 12.82% CB 701 RE=886.08 IE=883.00 NW IE=883.00 E STMH 306C RE=886.33 IE=880.21 E 15 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 0.00% CB 402RE=883.55IE=880.55 S 60 LF - 12" HDPE @ 0.38%CBMH 401RE=883.47IE=880.32 NIE=880.32 SW 29 LF - 12" HDPE @ 0.38% FES 400IE=880.21 NE CB 303B RE=875.90 IE=871.50 N 21 LF - 12"HDPE @ 2.41% STMH 302B RE=877.33 IE=871.00 S 40 LF - 12" HDPE @ 0.25% FES 300 IE=867.40 W 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 2.08% STMH 108RE=884.21IE=880.50 E IE=880.50 N IE=880.50 W 14 LF - 8" PVC SCH 40 @ 3.57% STMH 304ARE=876.91 IE=867.50 N IE=867.50 W IE=867.50 E FES 100 IE=880.21 SE 31 LF - 15" HDPE @ 0.32% CBMH 101 RE=883.17 IE=880.31 S IE=880.31 NW 60 LF - 15" HDPE @ 0.32% CBMH 102 RE=885.21IE=880.50 WIE=880.50 SIE=880.50 N FES 600IE=880.21 S BASIN 2PUNDERGROUND SYSTEMHWL: 881.22 BOTTOM: 877.41 BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND HWL:885.70 NWL:880.21 BOTTOM:877.21 BASIN 3PDETENTION PONDHWL:871.44BOTTOM: 867.50 FES 200IE=880.21 N SCALE IN FEET 0 10050 NORTH NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021 JRM JRM BWF JACOB R MITZEL 58666 A 03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS A UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D. THIS QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF ASCE/CI 38-02, TITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THE NOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA). THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD). IF THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERS ANY DRAIN TILE WITHIN THE SITE, HE OR SHE SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WITH THE LOCATION, SIZE, INVERT AND IF THE TILE LINE IS ACTIVE. NO DRAIN TILE SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE PROJECT ENGINEER. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PROPOSED EXISTING LEGEND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN (SAN.) STORM SEWER DRAINTILE WATERMAIN UG UG UNDERGROUND GAS LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONEUTUT UE ELECTRICUE CONCRETE CURB EASEMENT LINE STORM SEWER PLAN C6.02 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) (PUBLICLY DEDICATED ROAD - VARIABLE WIDTH) FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 BASIN 2PUNDERGROUND SYSTEMHWL: 881.22 BOTTOM: 877.41 BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND HWL:885.70 NWL:880.21 BOTTOM:877.21 BASIN 3P DETENTION POND HWL: 871.44 BOTTOM: 867.50 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 BASIN 2PUNDERGROUND SYSTEMHWL: 881.22 BOTTOM: 877.41 BASIN 1P TREATMENT POND HWL:885.70 NWL:880.21 BOTTOM:877.21 BASIN 3P DETENTION POND HWL: 871.44 BOTTOM: 867.50 NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021 ML ML JRW JOHN WORKMAN 59119 A 03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A SCALE IN FEET 0 10050 NORTH CALCULATIONS SIGNIFICANT TREES ARE CONIFEROUS TREES 12 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT AND DECIDUOUS TREES 6 INCHES DBH OR MORE AND ARE ON THE ACCEPTABLE SPECIES LIST (1145.503). UP TO 35% OF THE TOTAL DBH OF ALL SIGNIFICANT TREES MAY BE REMOVED WITHOUT REPLACEMENT OR RESTITUTION. TREE REPLACEMENT FORMULA: FOR ALL SIGNIFICANT TREES REMOVED ABOVE THE ALLOWABLE THRESHOLD, THEY SHALL BE REPLACED AT A RATIO OR ONE HALF CALIPER INCH PER 1 DBH REMOVED. TOTAL INCHES OF SIGNIFICANT TREES ON SITE: ALLOWABLE REMOVABLE INCHES (35%): ACTUAL INCHES REMOVED: REQUIRED REPLACEMENTS (0.5 * (105-114)): LEGEND EASEMENT CURB & GUTTER BUILDING RETAINING WALL SIGN PIPE BOLLARD STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING PROPERTY LIMIT EXISTINGPROPOSED PRIOR LAKE TREE PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION WETLAND LIMITS TREELINE TOTALS 326 INCHES 114 INCHES 105 INCHES 0 INCHES CONCRETE SIDEWALK S S SANITARY SEWER LANDSCAPE EDING STORM SEWER WATERMAIN FORCEMAIN (SAN.) YARDDRAIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TREE TO BE REMOVED D S LS RIPRAP WOODED AREA TO BE REMOVED TREE INVENTORY Tag No.DBH Common Name Scientific Name Status 9556 8 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Remove 9565 10 White Pine Pinus strobus Remove 9829 26,24 Northern Pin Oak Quercus ellipsoidalis Preserve 9830 12,10,8,8,6 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9831 17,14 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9832 12 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9833 8,7 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9834 9 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9835 6 Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Preserve 9836 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9837 13,12,10 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9838 9 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9839 18 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9840 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9841 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9842 16,11,8 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9843 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9844 7 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9845 17,16,14,10,6 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9846 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9847 9 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9848 6 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9849 10 Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Preserve 9850 10,9 Basswood Tilia americana Exempt 9851 20 Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa Preserve 9852 6 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Remove 9853 12 White Pine Pinus strobus Remove 9854 9 White Pine Pinus strobus Remove 9855 9 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Remove 9857 13 Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris Remove 9858 10,6 Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris Remove 9859 6 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Remove 9860 7 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Remove 9861 9 Norway Spruce Picea abies Remove 9862 8 Norway Spruce Picea abies Preserve 9863 9 Norway Spruce Picea abies Preserve 9864 9 White Pine Pinus strobus Preserve 9866 9 Norway Spruce Picea abies Preserve 9867 9 Norway Spruce Picea abies Preserve 9868 6 River Birch Betula nigra Preserve 9869 6 Black Hills Spruce Picea glaca var. densata Preserve 9870 7,5 River Birch Betula nigra Preserve TREE PRESERVATION PLAN L0.01 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) (PUBLICLY DEDICATED ROAD - VARIABLE WIDTH) FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (140TH STREET NW.) FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021A03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A SCALE IN FEET 0 10050 NORTH CALCULATIONS PERIMETER TREE CALCULATIONS: 1 PER UNIT (2 ORNAMENTAL MAY SUBSTITUTE FOR 1 OVERSTORY) ENTRY PLANTINGS: NO NUMERICAL REQUIREMENT, BUT SHALL REFLECT THE PROPOSED PLANTINGS. TREES REQUIRED FOR PERIMETER CALCULATIONS SHALL NOT BE APPLICABLE TO THIS DESIGN FEATURE. THE COMPLIMENT OF TREES FULFILLING THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE AT LEAST 25% DECIDUOUS AND AT LEAST 25% CONIFEROUS. AT LEAST 20% OF THE CONIFEROUS AND/OR DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREES MUST EXCEED MINIMUM SIZE (AT LEAST 8' HEIGHT OR 3.5" CALIPER). LEGEND EASEMENT CURB & GUTTER BUILDING RETAINING WALL SIGN PIPE BOLLARD STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING PROPERTY LIMIT EXISTINGPROPOSED PRIOR LAKE LANDSCAPE CODE TREE SCHEDULE WETLAND LIMITS TREELINE PROPOSED 221 TREES (129 OV) (71 CON) (21 ORN) 50 CONCRETE SIDEWALK S S SANITARY SEWER LANDSCAPE EDING STORM SEWER WATERMAIN FORCEMAIN (SAN.) YARDDRAIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE D S LS RIPRAP REQUIRED 221 TREES MIN: 55 TREES MIN: 40 TREES TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY AB2 Acer freemanii `Autumn Blaze` / Autumn Blaze Maple B & B 3.5"Cal 6 AF2 Acer freemanii `Sienna Glen` / Sienna Glen Maple B & B 3.5"Cal 6 RB Betula nigra `Cully` TM / Heritage Birch B & B 2.5"Cal 19 WS Betula papyrifera `Whitespire` / Whitespire Birch - Clump Form B & B Clump 10`25 HB Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry B & B 2.5"Cal 11 HL Gleditsia triacanthos `Skyline` / Skyline Honey Locust B & B 2.5"Cal 14 SO Quercus bicolor / Swamp White Oak B & B 2.5"Cal 13 QMA Quercus macrocarpa / Burr Oak B & B 2.5"Cal 13 RO Quercus rubra / Red Oak B & B 2.5"Cal 8 PE Ulmus americana `Princeton` / American Elm B & B 2.5"Cal 14 CONIFERS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY BF Abies balsamea / Balsam Fir B & B 6`11 LR Larix laricina / Tamarack B & B 6`16 LR2 Larix laricina / Tamarack B & B 8`6 NS2 Picea abies / Norway Spruce B & B 8`17 BS Picea glauca densata / Black Hills Spruce B & B 6`6 BS2 Picea glauca densata / Black Hills Spruce B & B 8`15 ORN. TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT CAL SIZE QTY CC Malus x `Coaralburst` / Coralburst Crabapple B & B 2"Cal 13 JL Syringa reticulata / Japanese Tree Lilac B & B 2"Cal 8 PLANT SCHEDULE GROUND COVERS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT 34-261 MNDOT Seed Mix 34-261 / Riparian South & West Seed 33-261 MNDOT Seed Mix 33-261 / Ponds and Wet Areas Seed 35-241 MNDOT Seed Mix 35-241 / Mesic Prairie General Seed TUR HIG Turf Sod Highland Sod / Sod Sod PLANT SCHEDULE GROUNDCOVER SCHEDULE 22.0S (LMS TECH) | JACOB MITZEL, PE (MN) | 3/17/2022 11:02:39 AML:\PROJECTS\50475\CAD\SHEETS\50475-L1-LSCP.DWG:L1.01 LANDSCAPING PLANLANDSCAPING PLAN L1.01JW JW BWF FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E FOUN T A IN H I L L S D R I V E 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 118 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 44,233 SF FFE = 889 GFE = 878 103 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE 37,898 SF FFE = 887 GFE = 876 SCALE IN FEET 0 6030 NORTH NO DATE BY CKD APPR SHEET OF Date License # Print Name: DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PROJECT NO. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS REV. COMMENT Engineering | Surveying | Planning | Environmental© 2021 Sambatek RACHEL DEVELOPMENT AND VINCENT OUTLOT C, JEFFERS POND FIRST ADDITION 12/13/2021 PRIOR LAKE, MN50475 12/15/2021A03/18/2022 JRM BWF JRM CITY RESUBMITTAL A LEGEND EASEMENT CURB & GUTTER BUILDING RETAINING WALL SIGN PIPE BOLLARD STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING CONCRETE PAVING PROPERTY LIMIT EXISTINGPROPOSED SHRUB AND PERENNIAL SCHEDULE WETLAND LIMITS TREELINE CONCRETE SIDEWALK S S SANITARY SEWER LANDSCAPE EDING STORM SEWER WATERMAIN FORCEMAIN (SAN.) YARDDRAIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE D S LS RIPRAP SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT QTY RS Amelanchier alnifolia `Regent` / Saskatoon Serviceberry 5 gal 68 YD Cornus alba `Bud`s Yellow` / Bud`s Yellow Dogwood 5 gal 46 CD Cornus sericea `Alleman`s Compact` / Dwarf Red Twig Dogwood 5 gal 84 AH Hydrangea arborescens `Annabelle` / Annabelle Smooth Hydrangea 5 gal 19 TN Physocarpus opulifolius `SMPOTW` / Tiny Wine Ninebark 5 gal 10 PT Potentilla fruticosa `Fargo` TM / Fargo Potentilla 5 gal 56 GL Rhus aromatica `Gro-Low` / Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac 5 gal 38 HA Thuja occidentalis `Holmstrup` / Holmstrup Cedar 10 gal 23 GRASSES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT QTY KFG Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster` / Feather Reed Grass 1 gal 44 PERENNIALS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT QTY MBC Coreopsis verticillata `Moonbeam` / Threadleaf Coreopsis 1 gal 17 HHR Hemerocallis x `Happy Returns` / Happy Returns Daylily 1 gal 60 CAT Nepeta x faassenii `Junior Walker` / Junior Walker Catmint 1 gal 43 RFL Rudbeckia fulgida sullivantii 'Little Goldstar' / Little Goldstar Coneflower 1 gal 88 PLANT SCHEDULE 22.0S (LMS TECH) | JACOB MITZEL, PE (MN) | 3/17/2022 11:02:39 AML:\PROJECTS\50475\CAD\SHEETS\50475-L1-LSCP.DWG:L1.02 SHRUB PLANSHRUB PLAN L1.02JW JW BWF 4180 Napier Ct NE St. Michael, MN 55376 Office: 763.424.1500 www.racheldevelopment.com Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development (PUD) Major Amendment Narrative Outlot C Jeffers Pond 1st Addition Location: Outlot C, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition Scott County, MN Applicant: Rachel Development Don Rachel, CEO David Stradtman, VP Development Paul Robinson, Development Director Vincent Development Brandon Laubach, Co-Founder & Managing Partner Aaron Maciej, Managing Partner Architecture: Cole Group Architects – David Majchrzak, Architect/Partner Wetland: Midwest Natural Resources, Ken Arndt, Sr. Forest Ecologist/Wetland Specialist Engineering: Sambatek, Inc. - Brian Frank, PE, Project Manger Sambatek, Inc. - Josh McKinney, LA/PM Survey: Sambatek, Inc. - Surveyor – Jason Howard, PLS Landscaping: Sambatek, Inc. - Landscape Architect – Johnnie Workman, PLA Proposal Overview: Rachel Development and Vincent Development are excited to present plans to develop the portion of Outlot C Jeffers Pond that was not part of the Jeffers Corner First Additional Plat. This portion of Outlot C encompasses 11.28 acres of the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development area. With the support of the Jeffers Foundation, our proposed major PUD amendment consists of two high quality market rate apartment buildings within Outlot C. When we initially submitted our plans in December 2021, Outlot B, Jeffers Pond had been approved for a 96 unit Senior Cooperative. We now understand that this 96-unit proposal did not gain market acceptance and is therefore no longer moving forward. In its place, is a plan from Carlston Development that has generally the same footprint as the previous plan but Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 2 includes a 196 unit market rate apartment building. We believe our proposal for Outlot C and Carlston’s proposal for Outlot B can coexist in this area of Prior Lake and that the public facilities transportation, sewer and water, etc. can handle both of our proposed developments. In fact, we believe that the additional residential units here will help support the planned future commercial uses, adding value to the entire Jeffers Pond Development. To that end, the PUD amendments for our plans and Carlston plans are coupled with an amendment from the Jeffers Foundation for consolidating the proposed commercial uses planned for Outlot B and C within the remaining portion of Outlot C now referred to as Outlot A, Jeffers Corner First Addition. Existing Site Characteristics Site Area Gross Acres 11.3 Utility Easements* -0.9 Wetlands/Channel -1.3 Other -0.4 Storm Pond -0.2 Net Acres 8.5 *Easement area outside wetlands Current Use and Zoning • Current Use – Vacant Land • Current Zoning - PUD: Planned Unit Development zoning district. Proposed Use/Request • PUD Amendment Request – Multi-Family (Mid-Rise Apartments) and Amending Commercial Use Location • Units Requested o Apartment 1 – 118 Units o Apartment 2– 103 Units o Total Units – 221 Units • Density 221units/8.5 acres – 26 units per net acre. Building Design: Both apartment buildings will be three stories with one level parking below grade. The rendering(s) below show a portion of the front elevation of the proposed apartments. On the following page are pictures of similar structures to the apartment building we are proposing. Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 3 Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 4 Each apartment will have a number of modern amenities. They will be located at the entrance to the buildings and include a community room, game room, and fitness center among other amenities. The interior amenity areas are also being designed to connect to an adjacent outdoor patio for both grilling, social gatherings, and recreation. In addition to these amenities there will also be an outdoor pool facility shared between the two buildings. Both buildings will be pet friendly apartments and a dog park is being created between both buildings as shown below. Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 5 Site Access/Traffic: The project proposes to utilize the existing access point at the roundabout on Fountain Hills Drive. With our submittal we included a traffic study that shows the traffic that would be generated by our site and indicates that there is sufficient existing capacity available to handle the added traffic. In conversation with the City and the Developer of Outlot B, all of the traffic from the proposed units and development can be handled within the existing infrastructure. Landscaping & Screening: Landscape requirements will be met. Current plan includes over 221 trees. A variety of coniferous, deciduous, and ornamental trees will be provided throughout the site. Trees will be a hardy mix of native and non-native species. Tree Preservation: Several outlots in Jeffers Pond, including this one, were graded as a part of the initial development of the PUD over 15 years ago. Since that time, a number of volunteer trees have regrown and established themselves and dominate the few remaining wooded areas on Outlot C. A majority of the volunteer trees are not considered significant. . Nonetheless we are preserving many of the significant trees along with the newer volunteer trees. Included in our submittal is an updated survey of the significant trees. In total we are not exceeding the removal threshold allowed and are keeping the majority of the trees on and along the existing berm on Fountain Hills Drive as well as the trees along the Prior Lake Outlet Channel. Storm Water: The onsite stormwater management has been designed to meet the requirements of the City of Prior Lake, Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD), and the MPCA. This site’s rate standard is many times more restrictive than most typical suburban storm water standards. In the area we are developing, prior to development about 2½ feet of water over a football field left our undeveloped site per hour in a 100 year rain event. With the construction of a number of storm water treatment practices including but not limited to; a subsurface storage facility, subsurface filtration facility, almost a ½ mile of horizontal pipe storage, a large pond and filtration basin, this rate will be reduced to less than an inch over a football field per hour. Additionally, all volume control, rate control, and water quality will be achieved for the developed areas of this site through this design. Lighting: Lighting will be LED on poles with concrete bases. Lighting will be in conformance with City Code and located/shielded to avoid overlap to adjacent properties. Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 6 Planned Unit Development Amendment: The following list outlines Jeffers PUD amendments we are requesting. Reduce Required Parking – Reduce parking requirement from 2 spaces per unit to 1.75 per unit - Current parking requirements for multifamily dwellings is two (2) parking spaces for each dwelling unit. The intent of our proposed plan is to provide one (1) parking space per bedroom, or, at a minimum, one and three quarters (1.75) parking spaces for each unit. This parking ratio is consistent with other successful projects that Vincent and Rachel have within their portfolio. We have also provided a parking study that confirms that this ratio will provide sufficient parking and that the parking being provided actually exceeds the anticipated demand. The apartment buildings as shown currently have 317 bedrooms this could change by a few bedrooms with the final design but this will not change our parking ratio target minimum of 1.75 per unit. Our plans include 221 parking spaces under the buildings and 168 surface parking spaces outside the buildings for a total of 389 spaces or 1.75 spaces per unit and more than one space per bedroom by 72 parking spaces. Amend Commercial Use Location within Outlot C - As mentioned above, our proposed residential uses in Outlot C are being coupled with an amendment from the Jeffers Foundation to consolidate the commercial uses from the portion of Outlot C we are developing and Outlot B into the remaining portion of Outlot C now identified as Outlot A, Jeffers Corner First Addition. This amendment is similar to what was done for the major PUD amendment approved for Outlot B for United Properties. What is different this time is our submittal, in conjunction with the Jeffers Foundation submittal, more formally amends the plan approved in 2015 in Resolution 15-125. In the 2015 resolution, Outlot C was amended to included 270 multifamily housing units and 77,000 square feet of commercial space. The current amendments from Rachel Development and the Jeffers Foundation would modify the 2015 plan to include 87,000 sf of commercial area (16,300 sf is currently under construction) and 221 units of multi-family Housing within the Outlot C area. As we understand it, this is 39 units less than the minimum for all areas of the Jeffers PUD as required by the agreement between the City and the Metropolitan Council through the City’s Comprehensive Plan review and approval. This minimum should easily be achieved with the development of Outlot B. Both the recent approval for Outlot B amending the 2015 Plan to include 96 units of multifamily and the current proposal for 196 units of housing within the same footprint as was previously approved would meet that minimum. Jeffers Pond - Outlot C – PUD Major Amendment Narrative December 17, 2021 (Updated March 17, 2022) Page 7 • Increase Building Height - The Jeffers Pond PUD allows for multifamily buildings to reach a height of 43.75 feet . Due to the varying grades around the buildings, there are points where the apartment building height is up to 49’ and other areas where the height is as low as 38’. In general, the average grade of the apartment does not exceed 43.75’. • Amended Planned Unit Development Standards - The purpose of the PUD District is to offer an alternative to development as outlined in the residential, commercial, and industrial zoning districts of the Zoning Code. Ordinance No. 105-03 established the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development (PUD) which defined the district standards. This application requests modifications to certain design standards for the proposed Outlot C PUD, the standards are as shown on the following table: We respectfully request City support for the enclosed application for PUD Amendment for our proposed multifamily project. We look forward to reviewing this application with the City in the weeks ahead. Sincerely, Paul Robinson Development Director Rachel Development Apartment Jeffers Pond Requested Outlot C PUD Standards PUD Standards Lot Size Varies Complies Lot Width Varies Complies Ground Floor Ratio 0.4 Complies Building Height 43.75 feet Average 43.75 feet Building Setbacks Front Setback 30 feet/ 15 feet (curb) Complies Side Setback 20 feet Complies Rear Setback 20 feet Complies Parking Requirement 2/unit 1.75/unit C:\Users\jmatzke\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\1IA4KYWN\Jeffers Pond - Outlot C - Review Memo 20220324 PLSLWD comments 20220408.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Nick Monserud, Project Engineer Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer From: Kris Keller, Laura Pietila, Dustin Simonson - WSB Date: March 24, 2022 Re: Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition City Project No. DEV21-000038 WSB Project No. 019617-000 We have reviewed the PUD amendment Submittal documents submitted for the Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition Development dated March 18, 2022 as prepared by Rachel Development and Vincent and Sambatek. We have the following comments below as well as redline comments in the accompanying plan set with regards to engineering; General 1. Submit for and provide copies to the City of any required permits from regulatory agencies (MCES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, NPDES, etc.) a. All utility and grading work, including the connection and/or modifications to the existing sanitary sewer structure and the construction of Basin 2P, in the MCES easement will need to be reviewed, permitted and approved by MCES. 2. Provide stormwater management, sanitary sewer and watermain maintenance agreements a. Agreements shall be recorded against the property prior to the release of any permits. b. Provide easement for the watermain/City access to water shutoffs and hydrants i. Easement shall be a minimum of 20’ centered on the watermain up to and including any hydrants and shutoff valves Stormwater Management 1. Rate Control a. Because the site discharges to the Prior Lake Outlet Channel (Stormwater Management Overlay District #1), total runoff from the site shall be held to the following schedule: i. 2-year = 0.25 cfs per net acre ii. 10-year = 0.25 cfs per net acre iii. 100-year = 0.25 cfs per net acre Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 2 2. Volume Control a. Please provide the stage storage tables in the HydroCAD report so the provided water quality volume can be verified. b. Volume control credits may only be claimed for the impervious area routed to the filtration BMP. It appears that the impervious area routed to the filtration basin is less than the provided and required volume control. 3. Water Quality a. The water quality treatment standard is a 60% reduction in TP and a 90% reduction in TSS from the proposed developed area draining to the stormwater infrastructure. 4. Basins a. Provide a rationale for the use of filtration basins in lieu of infiltration basins in the stormwater management plan. b. Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all stormwater infrastructure and ponding areas (maximum grade of 8%, maximum cross slope of 2%, minimum of 10-feet wide). c. Show the underdrains on the plans (label the diameter, slope, cleanout locations). Include at least 2 cleanouts for each underdrain (upstream and downstream ends). The underdrain shall have a minimum slope of 0.5 percent. d. Provide a soil boring at the location of the SW filtration basin (Basin 3P) to ensure that a 3-foot separation is maintained between the water table and the bottom of the filtration practice. e. Provide rip rap at all storm sewer outfalls (missing on the outfall to Basin 3P/SW Filtration Basin and the basin outlets). f. The SAFL Baffle provided for the NW filtration basin (Basin 2P) is shown prior to a yard drain. Ensure that all stormwater collected in the storm sewer has adequate pretreatment prior to discharging into the basin. g. Provide basin cross section details for all ponds and underground chamber systems. Call out filtration media components. Recommended using a biomedia mix of 80% washed coarse sand, 10% organic compost, and 10% MnDOT Grade 2 peat to minimize phosphorus leaching from organics in the compost mix. h. Update the 100-year HWL for the existing basin on the plans to match HydroCAD. i. Outlet control structures are required from ponding areas as directed by the City. Refer to the City's standard detail. i. Provide outlet control structure details for each ponding area and underground storage area showing the orifices as modeled in HydroCAD. j. Are the CMP storage pipes (north, east, south) perforated or how will water be routed to the storage area the pipes are embedded in? k. Label the 100-year high water level for the storage pipes on the plans. l. A 10-foot wide aquatic bench is required below the NWL of the wet basin, with a maximum slope of 10:1. Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 3 5. Modeling a. The existing HydroCAD model utilizes grass cover to determine the curve number. Should be revised to match the land cover type. b. Model the surface area of the existing pond as impervious area. c. The following NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation depths resulting from the 2-, 10-, and 100-year 24-hour storm events shall be used for Prior Lake: 2.84", 4.22", and 7.39" respectively. d. Calculate runoff separately for impervious and pervious areas (SBUH weighting). e. Existing pond (Pond 1P) - establish the emergency overflow as a secondary outlet. f. Existing pond (Pond 1P) - Unless the as-built can confirm how it is currently modeled, the pond appears to be a wet basin, indicating that the starting elevation should be set at the outlet elevation. Ensure that the outlet elevation matches the plans. i. See snips from the as-built below. The HydroCAD model outlet structure should replicate the as-built (other than updated surveyed inverts). Route the orifice to the primary outlet. 1. Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 4 2. 3. g. The grading should be the only thing that changes from Pond 1P to Pond 1P.Ex. Modify the outlets to match. h. NW filtration basin (Pond 2P) - modify the primary outlet to match the plans. i. SW filtration basin (Pond 3P) - the modeled 18" outlet is not shown on the plans. Clarify. j. SW filtration basin (Pond 3P) - the plans show the EOF at 871.5 while the model has the EOF at 869. Clarify. k. Provide complete MIDS model (basin inputs) so a review can be completed in full. l. The existing and proposed drainage area maps have been modified since the original submittal to exclude the runoff from Fountain Hills Drive. Although the drainage area is undisturbed and does not need to be considered in the rate control model, it should be included as a drainage area to the existing basin to accurately determine the proposed high water level. Grading Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 5 1. Maximum allowable slope in maintained areas is 4:1. Areas not meeting this requirement include between the parking garage ramp and Fountain Hills Drive as well as east of the multi family residence between Basin 2P 2. The lowest opening elevation of the buildings must be a minimum of 2’ higher than the adjacent EOF. a. Define the emergency overflow paths from the basins and ensure adequate freeboard is provided. 3. Drainage to the garage trench drains/catch basins should be minimized and limited to the flow that falls directly on the entrance ramps and not part of any emergency overflow paths. 4. Label driveway grades. a. Provide existing grades of the roundabout coming into the development 5. The maximum length for drainage swales is 300-feet. The swale on the north property boundary does not meet requirements. 6. All retaining walls greater than 4’ will require a separate retaining wall permit a. Drainage should be directed around the walls such that it doesn’t overtop b. Provide fences on top 7. Provide clarification regarding the spacing and maintenance between the sidewalk on the southside of the roundabout entrance and the north side of the western-most 4-unit townhome. 8. Show areas where ‘tipout’ curb is proposed 9. Maintain minimum 2% surface grade away and around the building 10. Provide inlet/rim elevations on all storm sewer structures a. Clarify whether castings are open or closed 11. Screen or grey out water line work 12. Grading extends into MCES easement and over trunk main a. Coordinate impacts and potential casting adjustments with MCES Utilities 1. Show separation between water main, sanitary, and storm sewer at all crossings a. Potential conflicts include between STMH-104 and CBMH-103; CBMH-212 and CBMH-213; etc. i. Potential conflicts between storm sewer and watermain b. Provide minimum 18” separation from water and insulate when storm sewer is within 36” separation 2. Storm Sewer a. Storm sewer facilities shall be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event. Submit rational calculations. i. Submit a storm sewer drainage area map. Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 6 ii. Calculations show that several pipes into the basin have erosive velocities. Revise. iii. Assuming catch basins can receive a maximum of 3 cfs, multiple catch basins may be required (at CB 601 and CB 501). Provide analysis. b. Storm sewer pipe size shall be 15-inches or greater in diameter with a minimum of a 0.5% slope. c. Provide calculations to ensure that the grates at the bottom of the parking garage ramps will collect all drainage and will not cause flooding in the garages. d. Basin inlet invert elevations shall match the basin outlet elevation. e. Install environmental manholes (3-foot sumps) as the last structure which is road accessible prior to discharging into any waterbody. f. Label all storm sewer pipe lengths, sizes, and slopes on the plans. g. Revise inlet elevation to STMH-205 (0.8’ higher than rim) h. Revise outlet elevation to STMH-211 (4.6’ higher than inlet) i. There is minimal depth of structure (2.6’) for CB 702 as well as cover (1.6’) for the pipe draining to the west in the parking area j. The rim elevation for STMH-203 (874.28) does not match the proposed contours on the grading plan (865-866). k. The 24” storm sewer pipe between STMH-204, STMH-203, and STMH-201 appears that it will be out of the ground for a significant portion of the installation. i. Revise grading or storm sewer to provide sufficient cover 3. Sanitary Sewer l. Consider connecting into the existing sanitary sewer stub on the east side of the roundabout or the existing City manhole south of the eastern-most 6-unit townhome. m. Clarify what the additional sanitary sewer pipe is (not existing or proposed) connected to EX SMH-100 (EX MCES MH 50) n. Sanitary sewer deeper than 26’ shall be PVC C900. o. Describe proposed connection to existing MCES manhole (provide detail) i. Describe if rehabilitation or additional barrel sections are necessary ii. Connection to be coordinated with, permitted and approved by MCES iii. Small connection angle with existing (typically 90 degrees or greater) 4. Watermain a. Consider connecting into the existing 8” watermain stub south of the eastern- most 6-unit townhome at Fountain Hills Drive to improve looping and minimize the disruption (currently all 218 units) if there is an outage or maintenance in the area of the roundabout. b. Provide separate fire protection and domestic services with PIV and gate valve shutoffs to Multi-family residences Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 7 c. Shift gate valves on the central watermain intersections from the eastern legs to the northern and southern legs to minimize affected units for maintenance or outages d. Connection to the watermain as shown appears to require the closure of the roundabout i. Provide traffic control plan and detour for this work ii. Consider connecting to the watermain east of the hydrant at the existing 12" watermain stub end e. Show all proposed water services i. Water services should be out of proposed driveways f. Connection to existing watermain will be 12" DIP a. Consider extending 12" watermain to 12" x 12" tee with two 12" to 8 reducers b. Consider eliminating proposed 8 gate valve c. Water service will be private from the existing 12" gate valve d. Provide utility access easements and maintenance agreements for watermain g. Further discussions are necessary with the building department and fire official regarding fire access for area around building Miscellaneous 1. Modify the reference to the grading and filtration basin notes on the grading plan to reference the correct sheet (C4.03). 2. Provide a note on the plans specifying that the perimeter/downstream sediment control BMPs should be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. 3. Provide a note on the plans specifying that slopes greater or equal to 3:1 shall have approved erosion control BMPs installed immediately after finished grading. 4. Show the adequate tree preservation signage on the grading plan. 5. Include the MnDOT rip rap detail. Wetland 1. Wetland Boundary is approved. No wetland impacts are proposed as part of this project. a. Wetland buffer areas need to be better reflected on the plans by including line and hatch types in the legends b. Dimensions should be shown that demonstrate the wetland buffer is meeting the 30’ average and 20’ minimum width requirements. c. Wetland buffer signage should be provided at each inflection point and at intervals not greater than 200’. Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 8 d. Impacted wetland buffer areas must be restored with a native seed mix with forbs. SWPPP 1. Provide a description of the construction activity. 2. Indicate permanent stormwater management BMP ownership and provide an operations and maintenance agreement if necessary. 3. Provide name of company, contact person, and phone number for person responsible for SWPPP preparation, implementation, and maintenance. 4. Document adequate training. 5. Mark the site location and 1 mile radius on the site location and USGS maps. 6. Install inlet protection devices on Fountain Hills Drive immediately adjacent to the project site. 7. Extend the silt fence to Fountain Hills Drive on the southwest corner of the site. 8. Extend the double line of silt fencing along the entire southeast perimeter, not just adjacent to the wetlands, to protect the Prior Lake Outlet Channel. PLSLWD Rule D – Stormwater Management 1. HydroCAD Modeling Comments: a. Subcatchments are modeled with the same curve numbers for both existing and proposed conditions. It is recommended that areas disturbed by construction activity be modeled with a higher curve number to reflection compaction of soils during construction or that a method to restore soil permeability be proposed. b. Existing run-on (street) to the existing pond should be included in the HydroCAD modeling. Addition of this area may change the high-water level (HWL) of the pond and may impact existing and proposed rates for the site. c. The surface area of the existing pond should be modeled as impervious surface. d. Flat pipes receiving roof runoff from the two apartment buildings are modeled as ponds, including rock storage surrounding the pipes. Also included in the pond storage is a third custom storage which is not clearly defined. This third storage area should be clarified to confirm consistency with the plans. 2. Clarify placement of SAFL baffles for water quality treatment. Baffles are included as details in the plan set, but locations of the baffles have not been specified. 3. The underground filtration system is sized to provide volume control for greater than 1” of stormwater from impervious surfaces. Use of filtration as a volume control BMP is acceptable given HSG D soils throughout the development. 4. The underground filtration system is not sized to provide water quality treatment for the entire 2-year storm from the site (i.e. filter the 2-year storm through the draintile line without using the outlet control structure overflow). While the proposed PLSLWD rules allow for treatment of less than the 2-year storm if water quality modeling demonstrates 60% total phosphorus (TP) reduction and 90% total suspended solids (TSS) reduction, this projet was reviewed under the current set of rules which don’t include this provision. The system would still need to be refined as current TP reduction is 26% and current TSS reduction is 85%. [City Note: compliance with this PLSLWD rule is not compulsory] 5. Freeboard requirements (2’ separation between HWLs and low floor elevations and 3’ separation between overflow elevations and low floor elevations) are not satisfied. Both the underground filtration system and the pretreatment pond have HWLs above the garage floor elevations of the two apartment buildings. However, the HWL in the underground system will not generate surface flooding for the 100-year, 24-hour storm and the HWL for Jeffers Pond – Outlot C – First Addition March 24, 2022 Page 9 the pretreatment pond will be entirely contained by a retaining wall. It may be a concern to have the connecting pipes (which are also used as stormwater storage) holding water above the low floor elevation, but there is no connection between the pipes and the inside of the structures. Additionally, the final overflow of the system is 876.4, which is likewise above the garage floor elevations of the two apartments. However, this elevation is significantly higher than the HWL of the underground detention pond (3P) of 871.44. [City Note: Site must meet City requirements for freeboard] 6. Cross-section and outlet structure details for the stormwater management facilities have not been provided. This should include cross-sections for underground filtration facilities and flat pipes used for stormwater treatment, along with outlet control structures for the pretreatment pond and the two underground facilities. A biomedia mix of 80% washed coarse sand, 10% organic compost, and 10% MnDOT Grade 2 peat is recommended to minimize phosphorus leaching from organics in the compost mix. 7. The pretreatment pond and underground detention pond are not included in the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) modeling which may result in underestimating TP and TSS removals. BMP parameters were not included for the main underground filtration system. An updated summary should be provided for full review. Rule E – Erosion and Sediment Control 1. The following changes should be made to the erosion and sediment control plan. a. Provide locations of concrete washout area, temporary parking and storage, and soil stockpiles. b. Add a double line of silt fencing along the entire southeast perimeter to protect the existing stormwater pond, wetland, and the Prior Lake Outlet Channel. c. Clarify whether the pretreatment pond will be used as a temporary sediment basin and, if not, add details for protection of the pond during construction and specify temporary sediment basin locations on the plans. 2. Confirm that grading note #18 (restoration of disturbed areas within wetland) doesn’t apply and that wetlands will not be disturbed by the proposed development. 3. A dewatering plan has not been provided. This plan is necessary to restore storage in temporary sediment basins once the basins are halfway full. The plan should document how temporary basins will be dewatered while preventing adverse impacts downstream. 4. Documentation of required NPDES permit has not been provided. Rule G – Wetland Alterations 1. The PLSLWD GIS layer indicates a small Restoration Enhancement class wetland located in the center of the site. This wetland is not included in the city’s wetland inventory but is included in the county inventory. A wetland delineation should be conducted to confirm the status of this wetland and the boundaries of the other two wetlands (Basic Protection class) located at the edge of the site. If delineation confirms the third wetland, Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) requirements will need to be met for replacement of this wetland. [City Note: The City is the LGU under the WCA and all WCA decisions are documented as required; the approved delineation for this site did not note an additional wetland.] Rule J – Buffer Strips 1. The developer will be required to enter into a Development Agreement and provide Conservation Easements to the District over the wetlands and required buffer strips. A buffer strip is also required adjacent to the Prior Lake Outlet Channel. A draft Conservation Easement has not been provided for review.