HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A Preserve at Jeffers Pond PUD Report 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: April 25, 2022 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director PRESENTED BY: Casey McCabe AGENDA ITEM: Consider a Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan for The Preserve at Jeffers Pond on Outlot B, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition DISCUSSION: Introduction RCP Construction and Development LLC, on behalf of the property owner United Properties Residential LLC, is requesting a Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment for a development to be known as The Preserve at Jeffers Pond. The PUD amendment would allow the construction of a four-story market rate apartment building containing 197 units. The subject property is located on Outlot B, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition in the southwest corner of the CSAH 42 and Fountain Hills Drive NW intersection at 3729 Fountain Hills Drive NW (PID 254371690). History The original PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond was approved in 2005. Since that time the residential neighborhoods have been platted and developed, as well as the streets, public park/trail system, elementary school, fire station, and one commer- cial development (Lil’ Explorers Daycare) is under construction. Three outlots remain undeveloped including the subject property, Outlot B, Jef- fers Pond 1st Addition. The land use guidance for Outlot B has been amended over the years and during initial PUD planning anticipated either 114 residential condos or future retail. A 2015 land use plan amendment identified 48 townhome units and 10,000 square feet of commercial development on Outlot B. In 2019, a Major PUD amendment for the Applewood Pointe project approved development of a 99-unit senior cooperative project, which was later amended to 93 units but did not move forward to construction. Current Circumstances The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the site, zoning designations, and information as it relates to the proposed Preserve at Jeffers Pond project. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Site Area: Outlot B, Jeffers Pond 1st Addition consists of approximately 9.28 acres. A single detached accessory structure exists on the site. 2 Topography: This area has elevations which change approximately 13 feet from 889’ by the wetland on the west portion of the property to approximately 902’ at the highest point near the center of the property. Wetlands: One DNR protected wetland exists on the site. No wetland impacts are anticipated; however, any future features associated with the Preserve at Jef- fers Pond project that may impact the wetland (example: docks, fountains, etc.) will require review and/or permits from the DNR. Access: The current access to the site is a single curb cut off CSAH 42. This access is proposed to be removed. The site will be accessed from Jeffers Park- way NW, south of the existing roundabout. Zoning: The site is presently zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). PROPOSED PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PLAN Lot: The development plan proposes one, four-story building with a total of 197 market rate rental units on one lot of approximately 9.28 acres. Density: Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is approximately 4.5 acres. A total of 197 units are proposed, for an overall den- sity of approximately 43.78 units per acre. Building Setbacks: The proposed development identifies a front yard (east) set- back of approx. 24’ 6”, side yard setback (north) of approx. 16’ 9”, and side yard setback (south) of approx. 27’ 5”. The south side yard setback is approx. 85’ 6” from the nearest residential home property line. A comparison between the pre- viously approved Applewood Pointe project and the Preserve at Jeffers Pond proposal, including setbacks, is detailed later in this report. Parks / Trails: There is an existing sidewalk along the west side of Jeffers Park- way and Trail along the west side of Fountain Hills Drive which connects to the existing regional trail along CSAH 42. In addition, there is an existing trail on the east side of Jeffers Parkway to provide access to the Jeffers Pond development to the south and to a trail that runs along CH21 to the east. Jeffers Pond includes park facilities to serve this development. Tree Preservation/Landscaping: Prior Lake City Code requires one (1) tree per 40 feet of site perimeter. The site perimeter is 1,837 lineal feet which requires 46 trees. The applicant has submitted a landscaping plan that incorporates 63 total trees; 29 overstory, 26 coniferous, and 8 ornamentals. Parking: The proposed development includes 197 total units; 154 one bed units and 43 two bed units, for a total of 230 bedrooms. The development proposes 261 total parking stalls, 209 of which are underground. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermain service are avail- able in Jeffers Parkway NW. 3 Grading / Storm water: The applicant proposes to direct storm water to a new infiltration basin to the southwest. The new basin will function as part of the re- gional storm water system designed for the Jeffers Pond development. Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the standard de- velopment fees, including utility service charges, except for parkland dedication which was satisfied with the original phases of the Jeffers Pond development. Public Comment: City staff has received a few questions about this development from nearby property owners and previously received several similar communi- cations with questions about the Applewood Pointe project. Residents will have an opportunity to address the Planning Commission during the public hearing to ask questions or raise concerns; however, staff wanted to identify and address the primary concerns received to date. What will be the increase in traffic? Attached to this report is a Transportation Memorandum prepared by Pioneer Engineering on behalf of the applicant. The memo states, the original 2004 Jeffers Pond development completed a compre- hensive traffic study. The infrastructure, including streets, have been designed based on the information and recommendations found in the traffic study. The City of Prior lake approved the project based on the projected traffic and the de- sign of the infrastructure as constructed. In 2015, the traffic study was updated to reflect a change in the proposed use in Outlot B from condominiums to a mix of townhomes and retail. The change in use from residential condominiums to townhomes and retail space resulted in a de- crease in traffic generation. At that time, the engineer concluded the existing roadway network will continue to provide sufficient capacity. As part of the 2015 amendment, Outlot D was amended to a less dense land use with a change form 204 senior apartments to 30 single-family detached homes. The Pioneer Engineering Transportation Memorandum includes a trip generation comparison using the original traffic volume anticipated and the proposed traffic volume and found the existing roadway network has sufficient capacity for this development. Staff asked the city’s consultant traffic engineer to review the development plans and traffic generation information provided by the applicant. WSB concurred with the Pioneer Engineering transportation memorandum finding the existing road- way network has sufficient capacity for this development. WSB provided the fol- lowing comments on the traffic memorandum: ➢ The traffic generation memo used old rates. If the new ITE [Institute of Trans- portation Engineers] rates (10th Addition) are used the estimated traffic gen- eration would decrease. ➢ The access location in relation to the roundabout provides for good operations and site distance. ➢ As traffic increases with this project, city should coordinate with Scott County on the need for traffic control improvements at the CSAH 21/Fountain Hills intersection. 4 Will the building cast a shadow on adjacent residential lots? The previously approved Applewood Pointe project provided a shadow study to identify the an- ticipated shadowing at different times of the year. The proposed building has a similar footprint and height as the Applewood Point proposal and will not create shadows which extend onto adjacent Jeffers Pond residential lots. How tall is the proposed building? The four-story building height is proposed at 43’ 6” to the roof/sheathing and 45’ 9” to the top of the parapet wall. A small portion of the roofline includes a decorative feature that will be approximately 49’ 3” from grade. Is there a need for market rate rental apartments? Maxfield Research & Consulting completed a Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment for the Scott County CDA in November 2016. The purpose of the study was to project housing demand for each community in Scott County from 2017-2040. This study included for-sale, general occupancy rental, and senior housing products including affordable (shallow-subsidy) and subsidized (deep subsidy). An update of the Housing Needs Assessment is currently being completed and a draft of the report was provided to staff for review. The draft update identifies a need for market rate rental units in Prior Lake. According to the update, Prior Lake has a general occupancy rental demand of 824 units between 2021 and 2040. In addition to the Maxfield Research & Consulting findings, there is a need for additional units to comply with the minimum density requirements for the overall PUD. The original Jeffers Pond PUD anticipated 693 total housing units; however, as individual phases of development were submitted for review, some neighbor- hood housing densities were proposed to be reduced which resulted in residential density requirements being shifted to vacant parcels. In 2015, the City of Prior Lake and Metropolitan Council approved an amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD related to Outlots B, C, and D to allow for 30 detached units to be built in the Cove neighborhood on Outlot D, opposed to 204 units in the original plan. The 2015 amendment reduced the overall residential units from 693 at a density of 3.57 units per acre to 663 at a density of 3.42 units per acre. The resolution also stated the overall density shall be no less than 605 housing units at a density of 3.10 units per acre. To date, nine neighborhoods have been developed within Jeffers Pond. These neighborhoods were originally anticipated to provide 579 units; however, only 345 units have been created. The current “target” for remaining residential units in the Jeffers Pond PUD is 318; however, more units may be provided. The City of Prior Lake must ensure at least 260 additional residential units are added to Jeffers Pond between Outlots B and C to meet the minimum residential density requirement of 3.10 units per acres. 5 How does this proposal compare to the previously approved plan? The pro- posed Preserve at Jeffers Pond building has a similar footprint to the Applewood Pointe building. The primary difference relates to the number and type of units, with the Preserve at Jeffers Pond proposing 197 market rate rental units and Ap- plewood Pointe was proposing 99 (later amended to 93) senior cooperative units. The proposed building is not as tall due to utilizing a flat roof instead of the pitched roof proposed for Applewood Pointe. The current proposal also provides a slightly larger setback from adjacent residential properties. Below is an approximate height, setback, unit, and parking comparison showing how the proposed Preserve at Jeffers Pond project compares to the previously approved Applewood Pointe project. (Former) Applewood Pointe (Proposed) Preserve at Jeffers Pond Building Height to Roof 53' 45' 9" Building Height to Peak 58' 11" 49' 3" Front Yard Setback (east) 29' 8" 24' 6" Side Yard Setback (north) 17' 8" 16' 9" Side Yard Setback (south) 16' 8" 27' 5" Side Yard Setback to Residential Property Line (south) 73' 6" 85' 6" Total Units 99 (93) 197 Underground Parking Stalls 115 209 Surface Parking Stalls 55 52 Total Parking Stalls 170 261 Parking Stalls Per Unit 1.72 1.32 Net Area (SF) 198,839 199,021 ISSUES: PUDs provide a flexible approach to development that allows creative, efficient, and effective use of land, including the mixing of land uses. The proposed Pre- serve at Jeffers Pond project offers a high-density residential housing option not currently available in the Jeffers Pond Development. High density residential housing was approved as part of the original PUD Plan and was always antici- pated, in addition to commercial uses in this area. The PUD must be reviewed based on the criteria found in Section 1132 of the Zoning Ordinance. The criteria which are applicable to the proposed Major Amendment request are discussed below: (1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed PUD Amendment is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designations for high density residential development in this area. 6 (2) More creative, efficient, and effective use of land, open space, and public facilities through mixing of land uses The proposed PUD amendment provides over 48% of open space on the site. (3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people The proposed PUD amendment proposes a multi-family residential structure with interior community meeting space and exterior pool and recreational opportunities. (4) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking, or bussing The proposed development is in close proximity to existing regional trails which will provide convenient access for future tenants. (5) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages. The proposed PUD amendment provides opportunities for current and future residents of Prior Lake that are seeking market rate rental housing options. (6) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. The proposed PUD amendment will utilize existing street and utility infrastructure which was designed and installed previously to accommodate high density residential and commercial uses in the area of Outlot B. (7) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public, and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. The proposed PUD amendment is consistent with the originally approved plan related to high density residential in this area of the Jeffers Pond development. The original Jeffers Pond PUD conveyed property to the public for recreation and open space use. (8) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also encourage historic preservation, re-use, and redevelopment of existing buildings. The proposed PUD amendment does not include any changes to the existing wetland and wooded areas on the west half of the site. (9) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. The proposed architectural design of the building is intended to compliment adjacent residential properties and the surrounding natural areas. The applicant has committed to the use of architectural standards including but not limited to varying building materials, accent design features, as well as varying wall depths and wall heights. 7 City Council Concept Plan Review A 2015 land use plan amendment that adjusted the residential unit mix and con- centrated residential density on Outlots B and C also amended the minimum commercial requirement from 270,000 square feet to a minimum of 87,000 square feet of commercial space on Outlots B and C. The 2015 land use plan amendment included an overall concept plan for the remaining development on Outlots B and C that included 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial property on OLB, 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial property on the west half of OLC, and 47,000 sq. ft. of commercial property on the east half of OLC. A concept plan showing how the minimum amount of future commercial develop- ment may be achieved was presented to the City Council by the Jeffers Founda- tion on April 18, 2022. The intent of presenting the concept plan was to allow the property owners and residential developers to receive the City Council’s initial feedback on the residential/commercial mix and the overall planned changes to the configuration of commercial uses on the remainder of the development site (Outlot B and C) before proceeding further with their residential PUD Amendment and Final Plat application requests. The proposed high-density apartment buildings proposed for Outlots B and C would satisfy the remaining housing units for the Jeffers Pond Development; how- ever, if both residential projects were approved as presented, it would shift all remaining commercial square footage requirements to the eastern portion of Out- lot C (near the Lil’ Explorer’s Child Care site). The property owners presented two concepts for the east half of Outlot C. One included a three-story medical office building of 66,000 sq. ft. and a separate 5,800 sq. ft. building, which would meet the minimum 87,000 sq. ft. requirement when combined with the Lil’ Explorers Daycare. The second concept showed a 49,000 sq. ft. big box retailer and a separate 5,000 sq. ft. building, which would not meet the minimum 87,000 sq. ft. requirement. A link to the concept plan presentation and City Council discussion has been shared with the Planning Commissioners for review. Council feedback did not include any support to further reduce the minimum 87,000 square foot commer- cial requirement. The Council also did not appear to have support for both resi- dential developments as proposed because the residential buildings would limit the city’s ability to achieve the required commercial development in the future. With the addition of Lil’ Explorers Daycare, the remaining commercial square footage needed is 70,300 and the Council did not feel it was realistic to anticipate that amount of development on the east half of Outlot C. Conclusion City staff believes the developer is complying with the originally approved PUD Plan for Jeffers Pond by incorporating a high-density residential life cycle housing option which has always been anticipated in the Jeffers Pond Development and they are within the allowances for impervious surface. The attached Community Development and Public Works & Engineering memo- randums identify staff questions and comments that will need to be addressed 8 ALTERNATIVES: prior to final plat approval. City staff does not feel that addressing these com- ments will substantially alter the PUD plans and recommends the Planning Com- mission consider a recommendation of approval for the Preserve at Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development Amendment with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall revise the plans per the March 14, 2022 Public Works & Engineering memorandum. 2. The applicant shall revise the plans per the April 18, 2022 Community Devel- opment memorandum. 1. Motion and a second recommending City Council approval of the Preserve at Jeffers Pond Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD subject to the listed conditions, or others that may be added or modified by the Planning Commis- sion. 2. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the Preserve at Jeffers Pond Major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond PUD plan based on findings of fact. 3. Motion and a second to table this item to a future Planning Commission meet- ing and provide the applicant with direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. PUD Plans 3. Floor Plans 4. Elevations 5. Building Renderings 6. Pioneer Engineering Transportation Memorandum 7. WSB (Public Works & Engineering) Memorandum 8. Community Development Department Memorandum Preserve at Jeffers Pond - 3729 Fountain Hills Dr. NW Final Plat/PUD Major Amendment Location Map CR 42 Cov e P o in t C ir N W F o u n t ain Hills DrN W JeffersPkwyNWMckenna Rd NWShepherdsPathNWMckennaRdNW42 12 77 42 44 27 21 87 16 23 15 18 82 78 17 79 83 14 70 X:\Planning\Location Map\Location Map Template\Preserve at Jeffers Pond - 3729 Fountain Hills Dr NW.aprx 0 210 420 630 840Feet Subject Properties Subject Property LOCATION MAP 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-COVR 0.1 SITE PLANPUD PLANEXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALSLEGENDCOVERSHEET INDEX0. THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PUD AMENDMENT PLAN PRIOR LAKE , MINNESOTA COVER Know what's below. before you dig.Call R SHORELAND OVERLAY PLAN3.1 GRADING PLAN4.1-4.2 EROSION CONTROL & SEEDING PLAN4.3 WALL CONSTRUCTION PLAN4.4 GRADING DETAILS & NOTES4.5-4.6 SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLAN5.1 STORM SEWER PLAN6.1-6.2 DRAINTILE PLAN6.3 PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION7.1 DETAILS8.1-8.4 LANDSCAPE PLANL1. FIRE ACCESS DETAILF1. SIGHT DISTANCE GRAPHICS1. I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-LGND 0.2LEGENDI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-EXCON-DEMO 1.1EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-SITE-PUD 2.1PUD PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-SITE-PUD 2.2SITE PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-SHORELAND 3.1SHORELAND OVERLAYI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-GRAD 4.1GRADING PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-GRAD 4.2GRADING PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 LEGEND · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-EROS 4.3EROSION CONTROL & SEEDING PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 EROSION CONTROL PLAN SEEDING PLAN WALL A TOP WALL B TOP WALL C TOP WALL D TOP 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-WALL 4.4WALL DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 · · · · · · · · 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-GRAD-DTLS 4.5GRADING DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 · · 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-GRAD-DTLS 4.6GRADING DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-SSWR 5.1SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 III III 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-STRM 6.1STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-STRM 6.2STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-DRAINTILE 6.3DRAINTILE PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-ROAD 7.1PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-DTLS 8.1DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-DTLS 8.2DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-DTLS 8.3DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-DTLS 8.4DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 21OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 c OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 02-14-2022 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 01-PLAN-121290-SHEET-LAND.DWG 1L1JLT/TLM JLT/TLM LANDSCAPE PLAN -PLANTING HOLE TO BE 2-3 TIMES AS WIDE AS ROOT BALL DIAMETER. DEPTH OF THE PIT SHOULD ALLOW ROOT FLARE TO BE 1-2" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE. -PLANTING PIT SHOULD BE SAUCER-SHAPED WITH OUTER EDGES BEING 4-6" DEEPER THAN CENTER TO ENCOURAGE ROOT GROWTH. -SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF PIT PRIOR TO PLANTING. -HANDLE TREE BY ROOT BALL TO PREVENT DAMAGE. -SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR SUFFICIENTLY COMPACTED BACKFILLED SOIL TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLEMENT. -ONCE TREE IN IS POSTION REMOVE ALL ROPE, TWINE AND ROT-PROOF BURLAP. REGULAR BURLAP CAN REMAIN ON THE BOTTOM 12 OF BALL.(LOOSENED) -CUT THE WIRE BASKET DOWN TO A DEPTH OF 12-18" TO MINIMIZE GIRDLING. -ENSURE THE TREE IS STRAIGHT AND THEN FIRMLY BACKFILL THE SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL. FILL WITHIN 12" OF THE TOP OF BALL. -A SMALL 2-6"WATER HOLDING IRRIGATION RING MAY BE PLACED AT EDGE OF PLANTING PIT TO RETAIN WATER. -WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OF INSTALLATION TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS. WATERING MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SATURATE ROOT BALL AND PLANTING PIT. -APPLY 2-4" OF MULCH TO THE SURFACE OF BACKFILLED AREA, KEEPING THE MULCH 4" AWAY FROM TRUNK. -REMOVE ANY TAGS OR LABELS AS WELL AS ANY DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES. -PLANTING HOLE TO BE 2-3 TIMES AS WIDE AS ROOT BALL DIAMETER. DEPTH OF THE PIT SHOULD ALLOW ROOT FLARE TO BE 1-2" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE. -PLANTING PIT SHOULD BE SAUCER-SHAPED WITH OUTER EDGES BEING 4-6" DEEPER THAN CENTER TO ENCOURAGE ROOT GROWTH. -SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF PIT PRIOR TO PLANTING. -HANDLE TREE BY ROOT BALL TO PREVENT DAMAGE. -SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR SUFFICIENTLY COMPACTED BACKFILLED SOIL TO PREVENT PLANT SETTLEMENT. -ONCE TREE IN IS POSTION REMOVE ALL ROPE, TWINE AND ROT-PROOF BURLAP. REGULAR BURLAP CAN REMAIN ON THE BOTTOM 12 OF BALL.(LOOSENED) -CUT THE WIRE BASKET DOWN TO A DEPTH OF 12-18" TO MINIMIZE GIRDLING. -ENSURE THE TREE IS STRAIGHT AND THEN FIRMLY BACKFILL THE SOIL AROUND THE ROOT BALL. FILL WITHIN 12" OF THE TOP OF BALL. -A SMALL 2-6"WATER HOLDING IRRIGATION RING MAY BE PLACED AT EDGE OF PLANTING PIT TO RETAIN WATER. -WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OF INSTALLATION TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS. WATERING MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SATURATE ROOT BALL AND PLANTING PIT. -APPLY 2-4" OF MULCH TO THE SURFACE OF BACKFILLED AREA, KEEPING THE MULCH 4" AWAY FROM TRUNK. -REMOVE ANY TAGS OR LABELS AS WELL AS ANY DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PROJECT SITE TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF PROPOSED PHYSICAL START DATE AT LEAST 7 DAYS IN ADVANCE. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIELD VERIFICATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS ON THE PROJECT SITE WITH GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 1-800-252-1166 PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF EXISTING UTILITIES DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS TO FACILITATE PLANT RELOCATION. - GRADING TO BE PERFORMED BY OTHERS. - NO PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. - ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE STANDARDS FOUND IN THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN-AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. - ALL CONTAINER MATERIAL TO BE GROWN IN THE CONTAINER A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) MONTHS PRIOR TO PLANTING ON SITE. - DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL NOT BE STAKED, UNLESS DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM GUARANTEE OF ONE YEAR ONE TIME REPLACEMENT ON NEW PLANT MATERIALS. GUARANTEE SHALL BE AGREED UPON BY DEVELOPER/BUILDER AND LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. - THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER INSTALLATION. - IF THERE IS A DESCREPANCY BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF PLANTS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLANT LIST, THE NUMBER SHOWN ON THE PLAN WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. -THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE WORK SHOWN ON THE PLAN. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANT SCHEDULE. - COMMERCIAL GRADE POLY LAWN EDGING SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO THE SITE CAUSED BY THE PLANTING OPERATION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. - THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENTS CLEAN UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. ALL WASTES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE WORK. - STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. KEY COMMON NAME/SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT*QUANTITY 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-VEHC-TRAC-FIRE F1FIRE ACCESS PLAN 1I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 01-ENG-121290-SHEET-SIGHT S1SIGHT DISTANCE PLANI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c OFTHE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND PIROR LAKE, MINNESOTA INTEGRATE PROPERTIES, LLC 6980 SAND RIDGE ROAD 02-14-2022 JMM JMM/MSN Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2022 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 02-14-2022 John M. Molinaro EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55346 1 2.2 2.1 2.2 3 5 1 2.22 2.24 2.0 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 2.0 4 2.05 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 OVERALL APARTMENT UNIT COUNT: TOTAL ONE BEDROOM UNITS: 154 TOTAL TWO BEDRROM UNITS:43 TOTAL UNITS:197 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:31:46 AM1.0 FLOOR PLAN - LOWER LEVEL THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1.0 1 FLOOR PLAN - LOWER LEVEL No. Date Description 2.2 2.1 2.2 3 5 1 2.22 2.24 2.0 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 2.0 4 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR YOGA LOBBY / GATHERING GYM FITNESS PACKAGES OFFICE ENTRY MANAGEMENT OFFICE OVERALL APARTMENT UNIT COUNT: TOTAL ONE BEDROOM UNITS: 154 TOTAL TWO BEDRROM UNITS:43 TOTAL UNITS:197 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearch.com DATE: DATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Peter Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Aveenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Structural Engineer Nelson-Rudie & Associates, Inc. Joseph M. Pearce 763-367-7611 9100 49th Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55428 Civil Engineer Civil Site Group Matthew R. Pavek 612-615-0060 5000 Glenwood Avenue Golden Valley, MN 55422 2/14/2022 9:31:47 AM1.1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 1 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1.1 1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 1 No. Date Description 2.2 2.1 2.2 3 5 1 2.22 2.24 2.0 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 2.0 4 2.05 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR OVERALL APARTMENT UNIT COUNT: TOTAL ONE BEDROOM UNITS: 154 TOTAL TWO BEDRROM UNITS:43 TOTAL UNITS:197 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:31:49 AM1.3 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 2 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1.3 1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 2 No. Date Description 2.2 2.1 2.2 3 5 1 2.22 2.24 2.0 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 2.0 4 2.05 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR OVERALL APARTMENT UNIT COUNT: TOTAL ONE BEDROOM UNITS: 154 TOTAL TWO BEDRROM UNITS:43 TOTAL UNITS:197 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:31:50 AM1.4 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 3 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1.4 1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 3 No. Date Description 2.2 2.1 2.2 3 5 1 2.22 2.24 2.0 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 2.0 4 2.05 2.1 1 2.1 2 2.1 3 2.1 4 OVERALL APARTMENT UNIT COUNT: TOTAL ONE BEDROOM UNITS: 154 TOTAL TWO BEDRROM UNITS:43 TOTAL UNITS:197 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 1 BR 1 BR1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR SKY LOUNGE REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:31:51 AM1.5 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 4 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1.5 1 FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 4 No. Date Description LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB4' - 3"HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 11 10 9 10 11 7 8 5 4 6 1 5 9 8 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"4' - 3"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0"7 58 4 7 6 5 9 3 1 3 1 6 95 8 5 9 4 77 22631 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"11' - 4" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 11' - 5 7/8" 2' - 3 1/2" 4' - 3" HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 10 74769 9 1 3 3 6 5 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"4' - 3"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 105 4 4 7 1 5 9 3 3 1 8 5 9 7 58 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"11' - 4" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 11' - 5 7/8" 2' - 3 1/2" 4' - 3" HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 10 4 5 7 7 47 5 7 4 9 7 1 8 22 3 5 6 3 1 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:34:25 AM2.0 ELEVATIONS THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 MATERIAL INDEX #MATERIAL 1 MASONRY SYNTHETIC STONE / BRICK 2 MASONRY HEAD / SILL 3 DECORATIVE MASONRY BURNISHED BLOCK 4 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'SANDSTONE'; LP SMART-SIDE 5 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'WOODTONE COLOR'; LP SMART-SIDE 6 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 6" LAP SIDING, TAN;LP SMART-SIDE 7 PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING: DARK BRONZE 8 COMPOSITE WINDOW: DARK BRONZE 9 PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM DECKS AND RAILINGS, BLACK 10 ALUMINUM BRACKETS, PAINTED; DARK BRONZE 11 TIMBER FRAMED DECORATIVE BEAMS 3/32" = 1'-0"2.0 1 FRONT ENTRY ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.0 2 EAST WING SOUTH COURTYARD ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.0 3 EAST WING WEST COURTYARD ELEVATION No. Date Description 3/32" = 1'-0"2.0 4 EAST WING END ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.0 5 EAST WING EAST ELEVATION (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9" HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0"11' - 4" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 11' - 5 7/8"2' - 3 1/2"4' - 3"7 4 8 7 6 9 5 7 7 4 7 8 9 1 3 5 1 6 5 9 1 6 13 3 6 1 8 7 7487 14 5 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"71 7 8 3 LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB.4' - 3"HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 1157 75 7 1 1 8 5117515153 7 1 8 1 3 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"11' - 4" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 10' - 7 7/8" 11' - 5 7/8" 2' - 3 1/2" 7 1 8 1 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"4' - 3"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"HEIGHT LIMIT 150'-0" 7 41 7 8 1 9 56 3 1 5 63 5 59 1 6 1 5 18 5 1 8 3 6 7 4775447 REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:34:50 AM2.1 ELEVATIONS THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 MATERIAL INDEX #MATERIAL 1 MASONRY SYNTHETIC STONE / BRICK 2 MASONRY HEAD / SILL 3 DECORATIVE MASONRY BURNISHED BLOCK 4 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'SANDSTONE'; LP SMART-SIDE 5 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'WOODTONE COLOR'; LP SMART-SIDE 6 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 6" LAP SIDING, TAN;LP SMART-SIDE 7 PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING: DARK BRONZE 8 COMPOSITE WINDOW: DARK BRONZE 9 PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM DECKS AND RAILINGS, BLACK 10 ALUMINUM BRACKETS, PAINTED; DARK BRONZE 11 TIMBER FRAMED DECORATIVE BEAMS No. Date Description 3/32" = 1'-0"2.1 1 EAST WING NORTH ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.1 2 EAST WING WEST ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.1 3 NORTHWEST ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.1 4 WEST WING NORTH ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.1 5 WEST WING WEST ELEVATION (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"7 10 5 6 4 1 9 5 8 232 4 5 6 5 7 9 9 8913 4 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9"2' - 3 1/2"11' - 5 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 4"71010 5 4 7 9 8 7 5 5 9 3 1 (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING 11' - 4"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"11' - 5 7/8"2' - 3 1/2"T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9" (800.00') LEVEL 1 100' - 0" T.O. TOPPING LOWER LEVEL 88' - 8" T.O. SLAB LEVEL 2 110' - 7 7/8" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 3 121' - 3 3/4" T.O. SUBFLOOR LEVEL 4 131' - 11 5/8" T.O. SHEATHING ROOF 143' - 5 1/2" T.O. SHEATHING T.O.PARAPET 145' - 9" REVISIONS: SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: www.collagearchitects.com DATE: DATE: PETER KEELY REGISTRATION NO: 23570 Collage | architects Architects Pete Keely 651.472.0050 708 15th Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Civill Engineer Firm EOR Phone Street City, State, Zip I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2/14/2022 9:35:18 AM2.2 ELEVATIONS THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND 2/14/2022 6103-01 140th Str and Jeffers Pkwy Prior Lake, MN Author Checker Preliminary 2/14/2022 MATERIAL INDEX #MATERIAL 1 MASONRY SYNTHETIC STONE / BRICK 2 MASONRY HEAD / SILL 3 DECORATIVE MASONRY BURNISHED BLOCK 4 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'SANDSTONE'; LP SMART-SIDE 5 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 'WOODTONE COLOR'; LP SMART-SIDE 6 SYNTHETIC WOOD SIDING 6" LAP SIDING, TAN;LP SMART-SIDE 7 PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING: DARK BRONZE 8 COMPOSITE WINDOW: DARK BRONZE 9 PRE-FINISHED ALUMINUM DECKS AND RAILINGS, BLACK 10 ALUMINUM BRACKETS, PAINTED; DARK BRONZE 11 TIMBER FRAMED DECORATIVE BEAMS No. Date Description 3/32" = 1'-0"2.2 1 WEST WING SOUTH ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.2 2 WEST WING END ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.2 3 WEST WING NORTH COURTYARD ELEVATION 3/32" = 1'-0"2.2 4 WEST WING EAST COURTYARD ELEVATION Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW Collage | a r c h i t e c t s 02.14.2022 THE PRESERVE AT JEFFERS POND RCP CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR VIEW   Memorandum To:  Jeff Matzke   Planner ‐ City of Prior Lake  From: John Molinaro, PE LS  Date:  February 8, 2022  Subject: The Preserve at Jeffers Pond – Transportation           Some concern has been expressed in regards to the traffic generated by the proposed The Preserve at  Jeffers Pond project. Some historical prospective will show these concerns are unwarranted in regards  to the road network.    The original 2004 Jeffers Pond development completed an EAW; as part of that EAW, SRF Consulting  Group provided a comprehensive traffic analysis of the development – See Attached. The infrastructure,  including streets, of the project is designed based on the information and recommendations found in  this study. The City of Prior Lake approved the project based on the projected traffic and the design of  the infrastructure as constructed.     In 2015, SRF Consulting Group updated the traffic analysis to reflect new proposed uses for the northern  commercial area, specifically outlots B and C of the original Jeffers Pond plat. The change is use from  114 residential condominium to 60 residential townhomes and 5000sf of retail space resulted in a  decrease in traffic generation. At that time SRF concluded “the existing roadway network will continue  to provide sufficient capacity”.  At the 2015 amendment time “Outlot D” was updated to a less dense  land use. The Outlot D change in use from 204 Senior Apartments to 30 single family detached housing  units was made.       The proposed The Preserve at Jeffers Pond, is a 197‐unit apartment. A quick comparison of trip  generation using the ITE Trip Generation Manual by land use is below:    Outlot B  Study Land Use AM PM Daily  in out In out   2004 Traffic Study 114 Residential  Condo’s  9 42 41 20 668  The Preserve at Jeffers Pond 197 Units Apartments    20 81 80 42 1310  Difference 2004 – Current +11 +39 +39 +22 +642      Outlot D  Study Land Use AM PM Daily  in out In out   2004 Traffic Study 47 Senior Rental  Townhomes  4 6 7 5 174  204 Senior Rental  Apartments  7 9 14 9 710  Revised 2015 Traffic Study 30 Single‐Family  Detached Housing  6 17 19 11 286  Difference 2004 ‐ 2015 ‐5 +2 ‐2 ‐3 ‐598      Summary Outlot B & D  Study Land Use AM PM Daily  in out In out   2022 Summary 2004 ‐ 2022 +6 +41 +37 +19 +44    This comparison of the original traffic volume to the traffic volume proposed, reflect our assertion that  the existing roadway network has sufficient capacity. For this development     If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to call. L:\22 FILES\22 SUBDIVISIONS\PUD\Jeffers Pond OLB\04 25 2022 PC Report\04 25 2022 Preserve at Jeffers Pond PUD Report_Attach Public Works & Engineering Memo.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Nick Monserud, Assistant City Engineer Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer From: Kris Keller, Laura Pietila, Chuck Rickert - WSB Date: March 14, 2022 Re: Preserve at Jeffers Pond WSB Project No. 019950-000 We have completed our preliminary review of the civil and stormwater plans submitted for the Preserve at Jeffers on February 14, 2022 as prepared by Pioneer Engineering. The following documents were reviewed: • 01-121290-The Preserve at Jeffers Pond – Rev 00 (2-14-22).pdf • 121290 Stormwater Memorandum Rev 1 2-7-22.pdf Comments are provided within this Memorandum and in the corresponding redlined plan set. Please note that not all comments within the plan set are in the Memorandum. We have the following comments with regards to stormwater management and engineering. Additional comments will be provided by PLSLWD upon reviewing the new submittal. General 1. Submit for and provide copies to the City of all required permits from applicable regulatory agencies (MCES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, NPDES, County, etc.) Plat 1. Provide additional easement for existing storm sewer and trail in the northeast corner of the site Stormwater Management 1. Drainage a. Existing Drainage Area Map i. East section of 700A-3 appears to flow northeast and should be a part of drainage area 3S. Preserve at Jeffers Pond March 14, 2022 Page 2 ii. Delineate a drainage area to 7A and 7B on the drainage area map. iii. Delineate a drainage area for W9-3B and W9-3A on the drainage area map. b. Proposed Drainage Area Map i. Divide drainage area 6S to accurately model the split flow at CBMH-703 in larger storm events. 2. Modeling a. Existing HydroCAD Model i. Include the drainage area to 7B in the model. ii. Calculate the time of concentration values utilizing a minimum TC of 7 minutes. iii. The outlet for basin 6B should be modeled according to survey information or the as-built. Model the primary outlet at the appropriate invert with filtration and the horizontal grate overflow routed to the primary outlet device. 1. Preserve at Jeffers Pond March 14, 2022 Page 3 2. iv. The orifice and exfiltration should be routed to the 15" primary outlet device for Pond 7B. b. Proposed HydroCAD Model i. Model the split flow in the 6S drainage area at CBMH-703. ii. Include the drainage area to 7B in the model. iii. Calculate the time of concentration values utilizing a minimum TC of 7 minutes. iv. Unable to verify from the model report where the tertiary outlet for 6P is routed. Please submit.hcp model files. v. The orifice and exfiltration should be routed to the 15" primary outlet device for Pond 7B. vi. Modify the EOF elevation for W11 to be 890 to match the grading plan. c. MIDS Model i. Show the drainage area that was included in the MIDS model. The drainage area to the basin is different in MIDS vs. HydroCAD. ii. The basin treatment depth input is 0.5 feet in the model. The depth is 0.7 feet on the plans. Modify for consistency. 3. Rate Control a. Discharge rates from the site do not meet the prescriptive rate control requirement. Revise the analysis with the updated modeling. b. The total tributary areas calculated to each wetland differs between the stormwater management rate control table and HydroCAD. Modify for consistency. c. To utilize wetlands for stormwater rate control, the wetland must be eligible based on the requirements of Section Six in the Public Works Design Manual. Provide an analysis. d. Split up the wetland rate control analysis between the two wetland discharge points instead of lumping them together. Each wetland will need to meet the wetland rate control requirement. Preserve at Jeffers Pond March 14, 2022 Page 4 4. Volume Control a. In the stormwater management plan, outline why infiltration is infeasible on the site to meet volume control requirements and why FTO #2 (filtration) must be used. Provide soil borings. 5. Water Quality a. Update the analysis to reflect the revised MIDS calculations. b. If filtration and FTO #2 will be used, show that there is a 60% reduction in TP via the BMP in post development conditions off of the entire site. 6. Freeboard a. Low floor elevations shall be 2 feet above the 100-year HWL. b. Low openings shall be 2 feet above the Emergency overflow elevation. 7. General a. Show the outlet elevation and proposed HWL for the wetland west of the site as well as the stormwater basins and wetland southeast of Jeffers Parkway. b. Modify general note #5 to state, "Perimeter and downstream sediment control BMPs should be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work." c. Modify general note #11 to state, "Slopes greater or equal to 3:1 shall have approved erosion control BMPs installed immediately after finished grading." d. Show wetland buffer, buffer signage, and tree preservation signage on the grading plan. e. Show and label all emergency overflow paths and elevations from all waterbodies that will be impacted with this project. f. All emergency overflow routes shall be graded and the easement area sodded prior to building permit issuance. g. Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all stormwater infrastructure and ponding areas, specifically to the draintile of the filtration basin (maximum of 8% grade, maximum of 2% cross slope, and minimum of 10' wide). h. Provide NURP/Walker Method calculations for the wet basin. i. Label piped EOF on the grading plan. j. Install the FES invert at wetland W9-3's NWL. k. Utilize/annotate the City of Prior Lake's standard outlet control structure detail. Grading 1. There are several areas of 3:1 slopes around the building. The maximum allowable slopes in maintained areas is 4:1 Utilities 1. Storm Sewer a. Are there roof drains transporting the roof runoff to the catch basins? If so, show connections on the utility plan. Preserve at Jeffers Pond March 14, 2022 Page 5 b. Provide a capacity analysis for the existing Jeffers Parkway storm sewer to ensure it can handle additional flow from basin 6P. c. Include MnDOT riprap detail. d. Install environmental manhole (3-foot sump) as the last road accessible structure prior to discharging to a waterbody (CBMH-703). 2. Provide separate shutoffs for the domestic and fire services outside the 'fall zone' of the building 3. Remove the unused existing storm sewer stub to the site south of the building from Jeffers Parkway 4. Remove or salvage the existing 8" gate valve on the water service to the site if new gate valves are to be installed. 5. Describe how access to the back of the building would be achieved for fire protection. To be reviewed by the Fire Official. SWPPP 1. Prepare a SWPPP in accordance with City and NPDES standards. Wetland 1. Areas around Basin 6A on the Erosion Control & Seeding Plan (Sheet 4.3 of 2) are shown as ‘wetland low areas’ or ‘wetland uplands’. These areas are not wetlands and should be seeded with MnDOT stormwater mix type 33-261. PLSLWD 1. Watershed District to review and provide additional comments to the proposed submittal Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo The Community Development Department has reviewed the Major PUD Amendment for the subject project with a plan date of 2-14-2022 and we have the following comments: General 1. Development fees – The following development fees are to be collected at the time of final plat approval: Trunk Water ($3,950/net acre), Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($4,850/net acre), Trunk Storm Sewer ($7,100/net acre), a 6% administrative fee and 8% construction observation fee based on the total estimated construction costs (which include grading and public utility connections). 2. As part of the Final Plat, easements will be required for all lateral utilities across adjacent properties, trails, etc. Easements will be required to be identified on the plat. 3. Easements are required for all lateral utilities across adjacent properties. Identify easements on plat. 4. City Signature lines shall include the Mayor and City Clerk on the final plat. Date: April 18, 2022 To: Scott Carlston and Ian Peterson, RCP Construction and Development LLC From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Preserve at Jeffers Pond Major PUD Amendment City Project #PDEV22-000004