HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 11 2022 PCM Minutes 1 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, April 11, 2022 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Vice Chair Tschetter called the Monday, April 11, 2022 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Jason Tschetter, Dan Ringstad, Bryan Fleming, and William Kallberg; Absent were David Tieman. Also present were Liaison Kim Churchill, City Engineer Nick Monserud, Development Director Casey McCabe, City Planner Ian Cochran, Development Services Assistant Haile Tegegne, and Administrative Assistant Jess Erickson. 2. Approval of Monday, April 11, 2022 Agenda: Tschetter commented that agenda items 4C and 4D will be removed from the agenda at the request of the applicants. MOTION BY FLEMING, SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS 4C AND 4D. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. 3. Approval of March 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO APPROVE THE MARCH 14, 2022 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. 4. Public Hearings: A. PDEV22-000007– Public Hearing – Request for Variances at 5162 Hope St SE – Walter Gould is requesting variances from the front yard setback and lake setback to allow for a major remodel of a single-family home at 5162 Hope St SE. PID: 251550280 Planner Cochran: Introduced the public hearing to consider approval of a resolution approving a variance from the minimum front yard setback and minimum lake setback for construction on an existing dwelling. The property is located along the southern shores of Lower Prior Lake at 5162 Hope St SE. He explained the history, current circumstances, issues, and recommended a motion. He presented a resolution, location map, and project plans. Commission Comments/Questions: Tschetter: Asked if the square footage is the same. Cochran: Replied the proposed deck is slightly larger. Kallberg: Asked about aerial photo with 14 boat slips counted. Cochran: Replied that members of the Mitchell Pond Homeowners Association have access to all these slips. Ringstad: Asked if the home is conforming regarding any issues with side yard setbacks. Cochran: Explained two non-conformities of the lot including front yard setback and lake setback and added that if the deck were removed, the property would still be legal non-conforming. Fleming: Asked about impervious surface will not increase or decrease. Cochran: Replied the impervious surface will increase by 82 sq. ft. but the property will still be less than the allowable 30% impervious. Applicant: Jason Gould 5162 Hope Street SE-Stated it’s reducing impervious, patio in back that was removed deck being removed. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY Fleming TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:12 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. 2 The Motion carried 4-0. Public Comment: None. MOTION BY TSCHETTER, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:13 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. Commission Comments/Questions: Fleming: supporting the proposal Ringstad: supporting the proposal Kallberg: supporting the proposal Tschetter: supporting the proposal MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VARIANCES REQUESTED FOR 5162 HOPE ST SE WITH THE LISTED CONDITIONS. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. B. PDEV22-000008 – Public Hearing – Preliminary Planned Unit Development at 4664 Dakota Street SE - The Beard Group, Inc. DBA Prior Lake B Squared Ventures, LLC, on behalf of the property owner Prior Lake Economic Development Authority, is proposing a preliminary planned unit development (PUD) to construct a five-story mixed-use building including 97 market rate residential rental units, street front restaurant, and underground parking at 4662, 4664, and 4666 Dakota Street SE. PID 250010570; PID 250010560; PID 250010550; and part of PID 250010582. Director McCabe: Introduced the public hearing to consider a request from the Beard Group, Inc. DBA Prior Lake B Squared Ventures, LLC, on behalf of the property owner Prior Lake Economic Development Authority for a preliminary planned unit development (PUD) Plan. The Beard Group is proposing to construct a five-story mixed-use building including 97 market rate residential rental units, a street front restaurant of approximately 2,600 square feet, a rooftop deck for restaurant customers, a rooftop deck for tenants, as well as 169 total parking stalls, 134 of which are underground at 4662, 4664, and 4666 Dakota Street SE. He explained the history, current circumstances, issues, and recommended a motion. Commission Comments/Questions: Ringstad: Asked about the height. McCabe: Replied with the dimensions of the building height. Ringstad: Asked about soil conditions and if any soil corrections are needed. McCabe: Replied that he will let the developer respond to that question. . Fleming: Asked about number of meetings the developers have had with community members. McCabe- Replied the developers were out of town last week, City Manager Wedel and I met with approximately 50 residents of Lakefront Plaza Building to review the concept. Fleming: Asked how many vehicle trips per day peak am and peak pm. Monserud: Replied in 2019 there were approximately 1300 trips per day. In 2021 there were approximately 674 trips on Dakota St. with 431 trips during peak. Fleming: Asked about average vehicle trips per day on Dakota St. Monserud: Replied 1000-15000 per day. Fleming: Asked if there any other buildings in Downtown Prior Lake that have a height of 55 ft. McCabe: Replied no, city hall building is approximately 30 ft and Lake Front Plaza is around 40 ft. Fleming: Asked about staff’s confidence in the developer addressing the 36 conditions or comments. McCabe: Replied staff is confident the comments can be addressed. 3 Applicant: BEN BEARD from the BEARD GROUP Beard: Replied to questions on the Plan. Stated the soil is favorable for this project. Added they have met with the Rotary regarding future Gateway Park plans and would encourage more meetings with the community members. Stated they could have a traffic study completed if needed and addressed questions about building material choices stating they are trying to match style of City Hall as well embrace the nature of the lake. Jeff Wrede with MDG Architects: Stated they are going for a nautical theme with building. They choose whites, blues, and grey for material colors. They’ve incorporated unique masonry elements with the building. Commented on the height of building being necessary for the restaurant to have the ceiling heights needed to be successful. Fleming: Asked about if there could be three levels of resident units vs four and when the public would see monthly rental cost numbers. Ringstad: Asked if money would be dedicated for the park to be restored and if they plan to have regular meetings with the community for feedback. Tschetter: Asked about plans with meeting with the community to gather feedback on the construction, traffic, dust etc. Beard: Commented on the need for four floors of residential units and openness for continued conversations with neighboring property owners. MOTION BY FLEMING, SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 7:00 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. Public Comment: Del Lind 16154 Lakefront Plaza: concerned about the parking problem, view, noise, and value of properties. Karen Clough 16154 Lakefront Plaza: concerned about traffic, parking, and noise. Lois Burkart 16154 Main Ave S: 5 story building is not environmentally friendly, worried about parking and greenspace. Jim Weninger 2591 Spring Lake Road: concerned about parking and grade on lake side. John Hennen, Lakefront Plaza: Concerned about the two homes, vibrations that could cause damage to other buildings, and dust control. Kim Churchill 16209 Evanston Ave SE: asked about a cost for underground parking. Ramona Thompson 16551 Main Ave SE.: asked about timing and process for requested approvals. John Hennen Lakefront Plaza: asked about the city’s tax gains with this project. Dan Tester Lakefront Plaza Unit 233 concerned about construction equipment and building size. Lois Burkart Lakefront Plaza, 16154 Main Ave S: Wants more publicity about this and similar projects in the newspaper. MOTION BY FLEMING, SECONDED BY TO RINGSTAD CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 7:38 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. Commission Comments/Questions: Tschetter: Commented on parking and street design. McCabe: Discussed average speeds in 2019 and 2021, stated there will be an increase in residents and traffic if the project moves forward. Tschetter: Asked about the tree replacement plan. McCabe: Replied 39 trees to be removed and commented on the city’s tree replacement requirements and options for meeting the tree replacement requirements. Tschetter: Asked about permit process. Monserud: Commented on required permits including the storm water pollution prevention plan and they will need a state permit. The driveway will be the entrance and exit to the site for construction. Tschetter: Stated participation from the community is key. We’ve envisioned a vibrant downtown, needs to happen in the right way. 4 Fleming: Replied to support the project, wants the developers to have a traffic study. Wants more accurate numbers on rental cost. Proposed monthly meetings with the adjacent residents. He will be supporting with the list of conditions. Ringstad: Discussed traffic study, restaurant, parking for residents. Would like to see if the lease for units could include a parking spot. Recommended the Applicant to reach out to the Rotary and Lakefront Plaza residents for input on the park. Kallberg: Commented that he can support the project if the developer can meet all the engineering and community development memorandum conditions, satisfy the traffic concerns, and not add additional tenant cost for the underground parking. Tschetter: Proposes that the Commissioners table this and give the applicant time to review with City staff. Meeting with residents, providing more detail on the parking, traffic flow, and address 36 conditions. Planning Commissioners: discussed whether the item should be tabled or voted on. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO recommend approval of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan for Prior Lake Luxury Apartments subject to the listed conditions. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. 5. Old Business: None. 6. New Business: A. Consider a Proposed Easement on EDA-Owned Property – Consider a proposed easement for roadway, drainage, and utility purposes on property owned by the City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority at 16298 Main Avenue SE and adopt findings as to compliance of the of the proposed easement with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. PID 250011080. Director McCabe: Introduced the agenda item to consider if a proposed dedication of a roadway, drainage, and utility easement on Economic Development Authority (EDA) owned property at 16298 Main Avenue SE complies with the City Comprehensive Plan. Mr. McCabe stated the City of Prior Lake is undertaking a downtown south reconstruction project in 2022. The project includes reconstruction of Colorado Street from Duluth Avenue to Main Avenue; reconstruction of Pleasant Street from Duluth Avenue to Highway 13; and reconstruction of Main Avenue from Pleasant Street to CSAH 21. As part of the project, the width of Colorado Street will be increased near the Main Avenue intersection, which will impact the EDA-owned property at 16298 Main Avenue. Director McCabe added the City of Prior Lake is requesting a roadway, drainage, and utility easement over a portion of the EDA-owned property to facilitate the street reconstruction project. Section 111 of Prior Lake City Code addresses disposal of City property and establishes a process whereby the City may dispose of real or personal property; Dispose is defined in City Code as, “To sell, alienate, to furnish with, bargain away or otherwise convey or transfer ownership…” McCabe stated subsection 111.301 of Prior Lake City Code states, no interest in real property shall be disposed of by the City until after the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed disposal and reported in writing to the City Council its findings as to compliance of the proposed disposal with the Comprehensive Plan. McCabe added that although the EDA is not considering the sale of this property, the granting of an easement would convey use of a portion of this parcel to the City for easement purposes. Prior to requesting the EDA act upon the request to grant an easement, city staff would like the planning commission to review this proposed easement dedication and find in writing that dedication of the easement by the EDA complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Comments/Questions: Fleming: Asked about the property and if any portion of the property will be unusable as a result of the easement. Monserud: Replied the existing structure will stay. 5 Kallberg: Asked if it would be appropriate to dedicate 5 ½ feet as city right away and you wouldn’t need an easement. Monserud: Replied the easement is the simplest approach for project at this time. Kallberg: Replied the dedication seems like a more permanent solution. Tschetter: Asked if there is sufficient right-of-way on remaining parcels down the street past city owned parking. Monserud: Replied we are in discussions with VFW for dedication of the same amount of property. Tschetter: Commented that the easement is aligned with the redevelopment of downtown. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION FINDING THE DEDICATION OF A ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON EDA-OWNED PROPERTY AT 16298 MAIN AVENUE SE IS WITHIN CONFORMANCE OF THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. B. Planning Commissioner Vacancy – Appoint a Commissioner to serve on a screening committee to fill a vacated seat on the Planning Commission. Director McCabe: stated the purpose of this agenda item is to appoint a Commissioner to serve on a screening committee to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission because of Commissioner Bryan Fleming submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission effective May 13, 2022. McCabe shared an overview of the process to fill a vacated seat and requested the Planning Commission identify one commission member, appointed by majority vote, to serve on the Screening Committee. Commission Comments/Questions: KALLBERG: Volunteered to serve on the screening committee. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY TSCHETTER APPOINTING WILLIAM KALLBERG TO SERVE ON THE SCREENING COMMITTEE. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Ringstad, Tschetter, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. 7. Announcements & Adjournment: Announcements: McCabe: • Next meeting will be on April 25, 2022. MOTION BY FLEMING, SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO ADJOURN THE MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 8:12 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Tschetter, Ringstad, Fleming, and Kallberg. The Motion carried 4-0. Respectfully submitted, Jess Erickson, Administrative Assistant