HomeMy WebLinkAbout4E Recreational Equipment Storage Ordinance Amendment 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: July 25, 2022 AGENDA #: 4E PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director PRESENTED BY: Casey McCabe AGENDA ITEM: Consider Amendments to Prior Lake City Code Section 1141, Agricultural and Residential Performance Standards, Related to Recreational Equipment Storage DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this public hearing is to consider amendments to Prior Lake City Code Section 1141, Agricultural and Residential Performance Standards, related to Recreational Equipment storage. History Subsection 1141.200 of Prior Lake City Code establishes residential perfor- mance standards for structures and properties within the City’s residentially zoned districts. Subsection 1141.205 of Prior Lake City Code is related to rec- reational equipment storage. The intent of Subsection 1141.205 is to allow for the orderly storage of recrea- tional equipment. Recreational equipment is equipment and/or motor vehicles used primarily for recreation, including but not be limited to, boats, boat trailers, boat lifts, general purpose trailers, recreational campers, self-contained motor homes, truck toppers, fish houses, utility trailers, jet skis and snowmobiles. Current Circumstances Subsection 1141.205 allows for currently licensed and operable winter recrea- tional equipment to be parked on or adjacent to a driveway in the residential dis- tricts from November 1st to April 1st; licensed and operable summer recreational equipment may be parked on or adjacent to a driveway from April 1st to November 1st. At all other times, recreational equipment shall be stored in the rear or side yard. Subsection 1141.205 (3) allows for the Zoning Administrator to grant an exemp- tion from the requirement to store recreational equipment in the rear or side yard if topography or other natural conditions of the lot do not allow for it. Although requests for an exception to the recreational equipment storage regu- lations are minimal, city staff feels this exception is contrary to the intent of the ordinance, which is to limit the time recreational equipment may be stored on or adjacent to a driveway in the front yard and not allow for storage over the entire year. In addition, several recent residential subdivisions have been approved with reduced side yard setbacks which would not allow for access and storage of rec- reational equipment in the side or rear yard. City staff discussed recreational equipment storage with the City Council during their May 16, 2022 work session and the council provided direction for staff to prepare an amendment for Planning Commission consideration. 2 Conclusion The attached redlines propose to delete the language which allows the Zoning Administrator to grant an exception to the ordinance if topography or other nat- ural conditions of the lot do not allow for storage of equipment in the side or rear yards. If approved, this amendment would require recreational equipment to be stored within an enclosed structure, in the side yard, rear yard, or off-site during the off-season. Subsection 1153.209 (Policy for Amendments) of the Zoning Code states recom- mendations of the planning commission and final determinations of the city coun- cil shall be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following policies: In the case of amendments to the text of the Zoning Code: ➢ There is a public need for the amendment, or ➢ The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of the Zon- ing Code, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City, or ➢ The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal requirements. In city staff’s opinion, the proposed amendments will help accomplish one of the purposes identified in the zoning code, which is to enhance the aesthetic charac- ter and appearance of the City, as well as one of the objectives of the City’s 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan, which is to address threats to community standards through code enforcement. ISSUES: Staff is requesting the planning commission review the proposed Zoning Code amendments, provide any comments, and make a recommendation to the City Council. If approved by the City Council, the proposed amendment would not allow for recreational equipment to be stored in the front yard during the off-sea- son and would require residential properties to store the equipment within an en- closed structure or off-site if they do not have the ability to store the equipment in the side or rear yard in compliance with City Code requirements. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council approve the proposed amendments to Section 1141 of the Prior Lake City Code. 2. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council deny the proposed amendments to Section 1141 of the Prior Lake City Code. 3. Motion and a second to table discussion of the item to a future meeting date and provide staff with direction. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Section 1141 Proposed Amendments SECTION 1141 AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS SUBSECTIONS 1141.100: Introduction 1141.200: Residential Performance Standards 1141.300: Agricultural Dimensional Standards 1141.400: Rural Subdivision Dimensional Standards 1141.500: Low Density Residential Dimensional Standards 1141.600: Medium Density Residential Dimensional Standards 1141.700: High Density Residential Dimensional Standards 1141.800: Required Yards/Open Space 1141.900: Lighting 1141.200: RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. No structure or premises within any R Use District shall be used for one or more of the following uses unless its use complies with the following regulations: 1141.205 Recreational Equipment. The intent of this ordinance is to allow for the orderly storage of recreational equipment on property at certain locations during on and off seasons. During off season times, the equipment shall be located in the most visually inconspicuous portion of the lot as viewed from the front, or from the street. 1) Currently licensed and operable winter recreational equipment may be parked on or adjacent to a driveway on a lot in the residential Zoning Districts from November 1 to April 1 each year. Currently licensed and operable summer recreational equipment may be parked on or adjacent to a driveway on a lot in a residential Zoning Districts from April 1 to November 1 each year. In addition to all other requirements, all recreational equipment parked on or adjacent to a driveway shall be operable and shall have the current license posted or displayed in a visible manner on the equipment. Any recreational equipment parked on or adjacent to a driveway which is not both currently licensed and operable shall be considered an “accessory structure” as regulated below or as junk regulated pursuant to the City Code. 2) At all other times, recreational equipment shall be stored in the rear or side yard provided the recreational equipment is operable. For purposes of this subsection, side yards shall also include areas extending from the principal house structure, using lines parallel to the sides of the house extending to the rear and front yard lines. Except as allowed above, in no case shall recreational equipment be parked in the front yard, unless an exemption is granted by the Zoning Administrator identified in this section. Recreational equipment shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the rear and side property lines; except that recreational equipment may be stored within five (5) feet of a rear or side property line if screened by a fence located on the property. which fence is at least six (6) feet high and is in compliance with the fence requirements of the City Code. 3) If topography or other natural conditions of the lot do not allow for the storage in the side or rear yards as permitted above, the recreational equipment may be parked in an alternate, but inconspicuous, location of the lot subject to written approval of the Zoning Administrator. No encroachment of the equipment shall occur into the public right-of-way. 4)3) No recreational equipment may be parked in residential Zoning Districts that does not have the same ownership between the equipment and any family member occupying the property. A house being rented shall only allow storage of recreational equipment owned by the person(s) renting the principal structure. For riparian lots without a principal structure, recreational equipment shall be located between the Ordinary High Water Level, and a line no more than 30 feet from the Ordinary High Water Level and no less than five (5) feet from the side lot line.