HomeMy WebLinkAbout4B - 3770 Green Heights Trl Variance 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 22, 2022 AGENDA #: 4B PREPARED BY: PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCES ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SE DISCUSSION: Introduction Pebble Creek Homes, on behalf of the property owners Trent and Carrie Bachelor, is requesting variances from the minimum lake setback, minimum rear yard setback, maximum impervious surface coverage, and minimum lot area to allow construction of a new single-family dwelling located at 3770 Green Heights Trail SE. The property is located north of Pershing Street, on the southern shores of Upper Prior Lake. The re- quested variances are listed below: · A 13.0-foot variance from the required minimum 50.0-foot lake setback to the Or- dinary High-Water Mark of Prior Lake (904 elevation) (Subsection 1130.407 (2)) · A 7.5-foot variance from the required minimum 25.0-foot rear yard setback (Sub- section 1141.500 (3)) · A 782-square foot variance from the minimum 7,500 square foot lot area required for development of a nonconforming lot of record (Subsection 1123.305)) · A 12.6% variance from the required maximum impervious surface allowed on a property within the Shoreland District (Subsection 1130.405) Regulation Requirement (Feet) Proposed (Feet) Variance (Feet) Lake Setback 50.0 min. 37.0 13.0 Rear Setback 25.0 min. 17.5 7.5 Lot Area 7,500 sq. ft. min. 6,718 sq. ft. 782 sq. ft. Impervious Surface (percentage of total lot area) 30% max. 42.6% 12.6% History The property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential) and is guided R-LD (Urban Low Density) on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The property is in the Shoreland Overlay District of Upper Prior Lake. A single-family dwelling originally con- structed in 1947 currently occupies the property. Current Circumstances The applicant is requesting to construct a new single-family dwelling on the property. A public sanitary sewer lift station is also located on the property. 2 Rear Yard Setback: Subsection 1130.407 (2) lists the minimum rear yard setback requirement as twenty (25) feet. Generally, lakeshore properties do not have difficulty meeting the required 25-foot rear yard setback since, in many cases, the rear property line is near or coincides with the ordinary high-water mark of Prior Lake (904 elevation) and the required minimum lake setback is 50-75 feet. In this case however, the rear property line is approximately 20 feet from the 904 elevation (lakeshore). Therefore, the rear yard setback from the proposed deck to the rear property line is 17.5 feet. Lake Setback: Subsection 1130.407 (2) allows for a minimum 50-foot setback to the ordinary high-water mark of the lake (904 elevation) using the average of the adjacent properties. The proposed setback of 37.0 feet to the deck stairway would decrease the existing nonconforming lake setback (24.3 feet from the existing upper-level deck). The setback averaging of the adjacent properties as indicated on the survey is 41.1 feet (40.7 feet and 41.5 feet respectively). Other dwellings along Green Heights Trail have similar lake setbacks. Impervious Surface: City Code 1130.405 requires a maximum impervious surface of 30% of the total lot area. Lot 1 of the Green Heights Plat is 6,718 square feet in size. However, based on a recent court opinion of the ownership of the Green Heights Wa- terfront area, the 924 square foot area of waterfront between Lot 1 and the 904 eleva- tion of Prior Lake has been deemed by the City to be considered as part of the total lot area for impervious surface calculations. In addition, a total of over 300 square feet of impervious surface relative to a public sanitary sewer lift station and portion of the road- way are located on the property. The impervious surface is proposed to be a total of 42.6% of the area of Lot 1. For reference, the actual proposed private driveway/dwell- ing area on the property is only 33.5% of the lot area with the inclusion of the waterfront area. Lot Area (Non-Conforming Riparian): The area of Lot 1 is 6,718 square feet. While the Shoreland Ordinance does require a non-conforming riparian (lake) lot to be a min- imum of 7,500 square feet for development of the property into a single-family dwelling, this property was platted as a buildable lot for single-family dwelling purposes and con- tains an existing single family residential structure. ISSUES: This project includes a request for variances. Prior Lake City Code Section 1152 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: (1) Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Zoning Code. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zon- ing Code. A purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to “Promote the most appropri- ate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land, and public areas”. Rear yard and lake setbacks are more compliant with the City Code than the existing setbacks and are similar to adjacent properties. The impervious surface of the lot includes public infrastructure components (sanitary sewer lift station area) and roadway. (2) Variances shall only be permitted when they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3 The granting of the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its goal to maintain and improve physical character and identity. This is accomplished by achieving compatible relationships between different types of land uses by utilizing design standards, appropriate buffers, land use transitions, and high-quality design. (3) Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Code. “Practical difficulties,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Code, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner, and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. The small lot size (6,718 square feet) of the property results in a limited area for placement of a dwelling. The proposed dwelling will increase the rear yard setback and lake setback within more compliance to the City Code. The impervious surface variance is warranted due to the need of a garage on the property and the presence of public infrastructure (sanitary sewer lift station) and roadway on the property. (4) Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Economic considerations are not the reason for the variance request. Conclusion City Staff believes variances are warranted and necessary to allow for the new single- family home due to the size of the property. The proposed dwelling will bring the rear yard and lake setbacks within more compliance to the City Code. The impervious sur- face variance is warranted to allow the dwelling with the inclusion of a 2-car garage and public infrastructure (sanitary sewer lift station) on the property. The essential character of the neighborhood will not be altered as several nearby properties have similar lot sizes and rear yard and lake setbacks. Therefore, City Staff recommends approval of the requested variances with the follow- ing conditions:  The variance resolution shall be recorded at Scott County.  Building Permit shall be obtained from the Building Department prior to the com- mencement of construction. ALTERNATIVES: 1. If the Planning Commission finds the requested variances are warranted in this case, a motion and a second to adopt a resolution approving the variance re- quested for 3770 Green Heights Trail SE with the listed conditions or approve any variance the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. If the Planning Commission finds the requested variances are not warranted in this case, a motion and a second to deny the variance requested because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated practical difficulties under the zoning code criteria. 4 RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: 3. If the Planning Commission would like additional information from the applicant about one or more of the requested variances, a motion and a second to table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose as directed by the Planning Commission. Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 22-XXPC 2. Location Map 3. Proposed Survey dated 8-17-22 4. Elevation Rendering and Building Plans dated 6-29-22 5. Applicant Letter dated 7-27-22 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RESOLUTION 22-20PC VARIANCES FROM THE MINIMUM LAKE SETBACK, MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK, MAXIMUM IMPERVIOU SURFACE COVERAGE, AND MINIMUM LOT AREA TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING ON A PROPERTY IN THE R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment, conducted a public hearing on August 22, 2022, to consider a request from Pebble Creek Homes, on behalf of the property owners Trent and Carrie Bachelor, requesting variances from the minimum lake setback, minimum rear yard setback, maximum impervious surface coverage, and minimum lot area to allow construction of a new single-family dwelling located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District at the following property: 3770 Green Heights Trail SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 (PID 250940010) Legal Description: Lot 1, GREEN HEIGHTS, Scott County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said variance request was duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this variance request, and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the variance request; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #DEV22-000023 and held a hearing thereon on August 22, 2022; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Planning Commission hereby adopts the following findings: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Zoning Code. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zoning Code. A purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to “Promote the most appropriate and orderly 2 development of the residential, business, industrial, public land, and public areas”. Rear yard and lake setbacks are more compliant with the City Code than the existing setbacks and are similar to adjacent properties. The impervious surface of the lot includes public infrastructure components (sanitary sewer lift station area) and roadway. b. Variances shall only be permitted when they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its goal to maintain and improve physical character and identity. This is accomplished by achieving compatible relationships between different types of land uses by utilizing design standards, appropriate buffers, land use transitions, and high-quality design. c. Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Code. “Practical difficulties,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Code, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner, and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. The small lot size (6,718 square feet) of the property results in a limited area for placement of a dwelling. The proposed dwelling will increase the rear yard setback and lake setback within more compliance to the City Code. The impervious surface variance is warranted due to the need of a garage on the property and the presence of public infrastructure (sanitary sewer lift station) and roadway on the property. d. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Economic considerations are not the reason for the variance request. 3. Based upon the findings set forth herein, the Planning Commission hereby approves the following variances to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling per the proposed survey in the R-1 SD (Low Density Residential Shoreland) Zoning District: a. A 13.0-foot variance from the required minimum 50.0-foot lake setback to the Ordinary High- Water Mark of Prior Lake (904 elevation) (Subsection 1130.407 (2)) b. A 7.5-foot variance from the required minimum 25.0-foot rear yard setback (Subsection 1141.500 (3)) c. A 782-square foot variance from the minimum 7,500 square foot lot area required for development of a nonconforming lot of record (Subsection 1123.305)) d. A 12.6% variance from the required maximum impervious surface allowed on a property within the Shoreland District (Subsection 1130.405) 4. The variances are subject to the following conditions of approval: a. The variance resolution shall be recorded at Scott County. b. Building Permit shall be obtained from the Building Department prior to the commencement of construction. c. The property owner shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Prior Lake for City access to the nearby lift station. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF AUGUST 2022. _______________________________ David Tieman, Commission Chair ATTEST: _________________________________ Casey McCabe, Community Development Director VOTE Tieman Johnson Kallberg Tschetter Ringstad Aye ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRL SW Variance Use Location Map RamseyAveSWRoosevelt St SW Green Heigh t s T r l S W Inguadona Beach Cir SW12 44 27 21 42 16 23 87 82 83 18 17 14 X:\Planning\Location Map\Location Map Template\LOCATION MAP TEMPLATE SP.aprx 0 80 160 240 320Feet Subject Properties Subject Property 3770 Green Heights Trail SW, Prior Lake, MN CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 1 1 OF SHEET _ SHEET AJM JPG,TRH 07/26/202245507Aaron J. Mages SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDERMY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. NAME LIC. NO.DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED DESCRIPTIONCHKBYDATEREV. NO. LOT 1, GREEN HEIGHTS FEETSCALE 0 10 20 LEGEND REMOVE INDIVIDUAL WATERFRONT AREAAJM06/02/20221 ADDED SPOT ELEV. & DIMENSION TO 904AJM07/19/20222 MONUMENT FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET WOOD HUB SET DENOTES DRAINAGE ARROW EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION AS-BUILT ELEVATION PROPOSED CONTOURS EXISTING CONTOURS UTILITY PEDESTAL DECIDUOUS TREE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE SILT FENCE UPDATE PER CITY COMMENTSAJM08/17/20223 3770 Green Heights Trail SW, Prior Lake, MN CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 1 1 OF SHEET _ SHEET AJM JPG,TRH 03/11/202145507Aaron J. Mages SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDERMY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. NAME LIC. NO.DATE CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED DESCRIPTIONCHKBYDATEREV. NO. LOT 1, GREEN HEIGHTS FEETSCALE 0 10 20 LEGEND MONUMENT FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOURS UTILITY PEDESTAL DECIDUOUS TREE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE REMOVE INDIVIDUAL WATERFRONT AREAAJM06/02/20221 ADDED SPOT ELEV. & DIMENSION TO 904AJM07/19/20222 ADD DIMENSION TO NEIGHBORS DECK TO 904AJM07/26/20223 ADD UTILITY EASEMENTAJM08/17/20224 12 12 12 12 12 8 5 12 A1BACHELORPROJECT ADDRESSREVISIONS CHANGE SHEET DWG START DATE 1 DATE 6/29/2022 LEFT 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SWTHESE PLANS ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS MAY VARY FROM SHOWCASE HOMES AND/OR ANY EXISTING PROPERTY. ELEVATIONS ARE COMPUTER GENERATED AND MAY HAVE SLIGHT VARIATIONS TO FINISHED PRODUCT. THESE PLANS ARE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES.PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 SIDE AND REAR ELEVATIONS RIGHT REAR SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"BC691406TOTAL 4,466 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN LOWER FOUNDATION GARAGE 1,404 1,140 569 UPPER 1,922 DN FLOOR TRUSS RIM: (EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR) 1/2" O.S.B. SHEATING FASTENED TO TRUSS END & RIBBON SIDE WALL BRACING TO CODEAPPLY TIE DOWNS TO CODE R-20 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION DAMP PROOFING: (EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR) WATCHDOG WATERPROOFING APPLIED BELOW GRADE SEALANT PAINT APPLIED ABOVE GRADE CONCRETE WALL: POURED TO WALL HEIGHT - THICKNESS PER PLANSEE ENGINEERING FOR REBAR SPECIFICATIONS - BY INSTALLER ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE 6" MIN. - LOCATIONS PER CODE 10,000# TIE DOWN STRAPS AT GARAGE NARROW WALLSR-10 RIGID FOAM INSULATION ON EXTERIOR SURFACE w/ "STUCCO" TYPE FINISH ABOVE GRADE R-5 SEALED INSULATION ON INTERIOR SURFACE DRAIN TILE & RADON MIDIGATION: 3/4" CLEAR ROCK PLACED AT EXTERIOR FOOTING w/ APPLIED SOIL RETENTION FABRIC AT EXTERIOR DRAIN TILE 2" PVC PASS THROUGHS AT FOOTING 8" 3/4" CLEAR ROCK UNDER SLAB 4" CORROGATED PIPE w/ "T" FOR WAFTING STACKPASSIVE RADON MIDIGATION FOOTINGS: 20"x8" 5,000 PSI CONCRETE FOOTING - PER PLAN #4 REBAR VERTICAL WALL TIES 4' O.C. 20' #4 REBAR GROUNDING ROD AT UTILITY ROOM GENERAL NOTES COMBINATION SMOKE / CO DETECTORS IN COMMON AREAS. HEATING & VENTILATION DUCTS THROUGH UNCONDITIONED SPACES REQUIRE R-8 INSULATION WITH .05 PERM VAPOR BARRIER. MAX STAIR CASE OPENING 4 3/8" STRINGERS BE ATTACHED WITH APPROVED APPROVED FASTENERS AND HANGERS. SYNTHETIC STONE MUST BE MIN. 2" ABOVE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AND MIN. 4" ABOVE EARTH SURFACES. ANCHOR BOLTS REQUIRED AT PLATE SPLICES. WALLS GREATER THAN 12" REQUIRE ANCHOR BOLTS. DECK LEDGERS TO BE FASTENED WITH 5" LEDGER LOCKS - 2 PER 16" AT O.S.B. RIM OR FASTENED TO TRUSS ENDS PER TRUSS LAYOUT. TEMPERED GLASS REQUIRED WITHIN 2' OF DOORS AT TUB DECK LOCATIONS AND AT WINDOWS IN STAIR LANDINGS LESS THAN 60" OFF LANDING. DRAFT STOP REQUIRED IN FLOOR TRUSS AREA EXCEEDING 1,000 SQ FT. MAX. RISER HEIGHT 7 3/4" - MIN. TREAD LENGTH 10". RISER HEGHT DIFFERENCE NOT TO EXCEED 3/8". 2x6 STUDS SUPPORTING ROOF LOAD MAX HEIGHT 16'-0" 16" O.C., MAX HEIGHT 18'-0" 12" O.C., GREATER WALL HEIGHTS REQUIRE DOUBLE STUDS OR PSL RATED STUDS. HAND RAILS TO BE AFFIXED 34" TO 38" ABOVE TREADS, GRIPABLE HANDRAIL MIN. 1 1/4" TO 2 1/4" MAX. ANCHOR BOLTS MIN. SET DEPTH 7", 6'-0" O.C. MAX. HORIZONTAL TRUSS BRACING 2'-0" O.C. ON OPPOSING WALLS FOR FIRST 2 TRUSS CAVITIES. VAPOR BARRIER REQUIRED UNDER BASEMENT FLOOR SLAB. CAULK & FLASH ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS, ROOF TO WALL INTERSECTIONS, HORIZONTAL CEMENT BOARD SURFACES, AND MASONRY LEDGES. 6" MIN. EXPOSED FOUNDATION AT GRADE LINE., 6" IN 10'-0" MIN. DRAINAGE WITH 2% GRADE AFTER FIRST 10'-0" ALL WINDOWS 6'-0" OR MORE ABOVE GRADE MUST HAVE FALL PROTECTION. WINDOWSCANNOT ALLOW 4" SPHERE TO PASS THROUGH WITHOUT SAFETY RELEASE MECHANISM. GENERAL NOTES ROOF: (EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR) SHINGLES PER HOME OWNER SELECTIONS 30# ICE & WATER BARRIER TO EXCEED MIN. 24" PAST EXTERIOR WALL 15# FELT BALANCE OF ROOF 8x8 ROOF VENT 1/300 PER SQ. FT. ATTIC SPACE MIN.15/32" O.S.B. FASTENED w/ H-CLIP TO ENG. TRUSS SOFFIT & FASCIA: ALUMINUM OR STEEL FASCIA APPLIED TO 2x6 SUB FASCIA ALLUMINUM SOFFIT ATTIC INSULATION: AIR CHUTES AT TRUSS CAVATIESRIDGID WIND WASH FROM TOP PLATE TO AIR CHUTE R-49 FIBERGLASS BLOWN INSULATION POLY VAPOR BARRIER 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD CEILING LID EXTERIOR WALLS: (EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR) SIDING - MATERIAL PER PLAN HOUSE WRAP 1/2" OSB SHEATHING 2x6 SPF #2 OR BETTER STUD WALL w/ INTERLOCKING DOUBLE TOP PLATESR-21 FRICTION FIT BATT INSULATION POLY VAPOR BARRIER ACOUSTICALLY SEALED FIRE BLOCKING SEPARATION AT WALLS EXCEEDING 9'-0" SEALED ELECTRICAL BOXES 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD FINISHED WITH 3 COATS COMPOUND SANDED & PAINTED CONTRUCTION ADHESIVE: ADHERE WITH CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE AT ALL THE FOLLOWING: T&G SUBFLOOR JOINTS SUBFLOOR CONTACT AREAS WITH FLOOR TRUSSES JOIST HANGER LOCATIONS BOTTOM PLATE OF INTERIOR WALLS TO SUBFLOOR WH 120610 26682668286826682468 UP 4'-6"8'-6"20'-8"1'-0"26'-0"37'-6"18'-2 1/2"4'-5"5'-0 3/4"8'-0"5'-0 3/4"22'-0" 3'-6"5'-8 1/4"13'-0 1/2"18'-9 1/4"33'-8"4'-6"9'-0"51'-0"15'-0 1/4"35'-11 3/4"4'-2"4 1/2"3'-6 3/4"1'-4" 33'-8"64'-6"14'-0"28'-0"4'-0"6"1'-2" 5'-3 1/2"3'-4 1/2"3'-4 1/2"11'-5 1/2"8'-0"1'-0"6 1/2"5'-0"5'-8" 30'-3"6'-0"11'-0"6'-0"4'-0"18'-1"2'-2"3'-11 1/4"63'-6"3'-0"1'-5" 10'-9" 32'-6" 1'-2" 21'-6" UNEXCAVATED 18 48"60" F.G. BASETILE WALLSW.I.C. BATH HRV A/C F.D. FURN 12'-0" x 14'-8" BEDROOM #4 REC ROOM 30'-7" x 18'-0" UTLILITY/STORAGE UNEXCAVATED CA 3056R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-6"HDR. @ 82" FX 3056R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-6"HDR. @ 82" PATIO DOOR 120610R.O. 12'-0" X 6'-10"HDR. @ 82" CA 3056R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-6"HDR. @ 82" CARPET CARPET CARPET VINYL LINENWEBAR ROUGH-IN2'-10" M.O. 6X6 POST WRAPPED WITH HARDIE 2x12 - TRTD.16" O.C.20" TRUSSES19.2" O.C.L/48020" TRUSSES19.2" O.C.L/480CA 3036R.O. 3'-0" X 3'-6"HDR. @ 82"48"H CABINET48"H CABINETCALLAWAY 50A2BACHELORPROJECT ADDRESSREVISIONS CHANGE SHEET DWG START DATE DATE 6/29/2022 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SWTHESE PLANS ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS MAY VARY FROM SHOWCASE HOMES AND/OR ANY EXISTING PROPERTY. ELEVATIONS ARE COMPUTER GENERATED AND MAY HAVE SLIGHT VARIATIONS TO FINISHED PRODUCT. THESE PLANS ARE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES.PRIOR LAKE, MN 553721 FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" BC691406TOTAL 4,466 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN LOWER FOUNDATION GARAGE 1,404 1,140 569 2 INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" UPPER 1,922 DN 2'-6"2 1/2"SEE PLAN FOR SIZE 2X6 LSL STUDS 2X6 WALL DN 90809080288012080 12080 3680 268040802680 28802480 26802680 DN UP 1'-0"4'-6"8'-6"20'-8" 1'-2"26'-0"37'-6"4'-6"9'-6"9'-0"14'-8"8'-10"4'-5"7'-2"4'-6" 1'-9"1'-9"3'-6"1'-6 1/2"5'-3 3/4"5'-11"5'-3 3/4"5'-7"5 1/2"5'-7"2'-6"5'-1 1/2"4'-9"4'-0 1/2"2'-7 1/4"1'-9"10'-4"1'-9"1'-9" 3'-11" 2'-10 1/2" 5'-2 1/2"6'-10"5 1/2"6'-10"5 1/2"6'-10"4'-11 1/2" 1'-0"3'-9"1'-0" 6'-10" 1'-9"3'-3"6'-0"4'-6"5'-1 1/2"13'-9"2'-2 1/2"6'-3 1/2"5'-7 1/2"22'-0" 4'-0"4'-6"4'-6"9'-0"51'-0"14'-0"4'-0"28'-0"7'-6" 5'-8 1/4"5'-11 3/4"3'-0"3'-0"8"1'-0"1'-0"11'-9 1/2"1'-0"10'-9 1/4"4'-4"17'-1 1/2"1'-6 1/2"5'-7 3/4"5'-7 1/2"5'-11 1/2"2'-10 1/2"5'-1 1/2"2'-5"3'-0" 11'-0"11'-0" 1'-9"5'-0"5"2'-1 3/4"2'-10 1/2"3'-8"1'-2"78'-6"77'-6"2'-11"22'-0" 33'-8"3"3" 3"8'-0"3"8'-3 3/4"4'-5 1/2"2'-8" 7'-6" 9'-5"9'-5" 7'-3" 18" OVERHANG DW TRASH MICRO6" BOX VAULT GREAT ROOMDINING 6X5 S/R BEAM BOOKCASEBOOKCASE10'-1 1/8" R.C.H.3-2X10'S3-2X10'SGARAGE DROP DESKMUDROOM PANTRY BENCH KITCHEN DECK PORCH W.I.C. 16'-6" x 18'-0"14'-2" x 13'-10" 13'-4" x 20'-6" ENTRY PKTOFFICE5'-9" x 14'-0" 5'-0" x 10'-4" 21'-6" x 25'-0" 40X84 28'-0" x 14'-0" TREX DECKING BLACK ALUMINUM RAILING PATIO DOOR 12080R.O. 12'-0" X 8'-0"HDR. @ 96" PATIO DOOR 12080R.O. 12'-0" X 8'-0"HDR. @ 96"FX 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"HDR. @ 120"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96" WOOD BEV WOOD WOOD WOOD 1/2 BATH TILE TILE TILE WOOD WOOD DESKCONCRETE CONCRETE 18/0 X 8/0 O.H. DOORR.O. 18'-2" X 8'-0"CA 3040R.O. 3'-0" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96"CA 3040R.O. 3'-0" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96"CA 3040R.O. 3'-0" X 4'-0"HDR. @ 96"24" TRUSSES19.2" O.C.L/48019 18 CALLAWAY 50WOOD LEDGEDN8 : 128 : 1212 : 12 12 : 12 12 : 12 5 : 1212 : 1212 : 126 : 125 : 128 : 1214'-8" x 17'-7" PRIMARY BEDROOM LAUNDRY BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 BONUS 11'-6" x 12'-5" 11'-4" x 12'-4" 21'-6" x 19'-9" HALL 8'-3" x 8'-4" BATH HIS HERS PRIMARY BATH DN DN UP 5 : 125 : 122 1/2 : 1212 : 1212 : 12 GREAT ROOMDINING GARAGE MUDROOM PANTRY KITCHEN DECK PORCH W.I.C. 16'-6" x 18'-0"14'-2" x 13'-10" 13'-4" x 20'-6" ENTRY PKTOFFICE5'-9" x 14'-0" 5'-0" x 10'-4" 21'-6" x 25'-0" 28'-0" x 14'-0" 1/2 BATH BACHELORPROJECT ADDRESSREVISIONS CHANGE SHEET DWG START DATE DATE 6/29/2022 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SWTHESE PLANS ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS MAY VARY FROM SHOWCASE HOMES AND/OR ANY EXISTING PROPERTY. ELEVATIONS ARE COMPUTER GENERATED AND MAY HAVE SLIGHT VARIATIONS TO FINISHED PRODUCT. THESE PLANS ARE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES.PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372A3 BC6914061 FIRST FLOORPLAN TOTAL 4,466 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN LOWER FOUNDATION GARAGE 1,404 1,140 569 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 POCKET DOOR FRAMING SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" UPPER 1,922 DN 26685068 5068 5068 266824682668 286850685068 2468 24682268 26682468 5068 2'-6"17'-3 3/4"4'-9 3/4"3'-6 1/4"3'-6 1/4"4'-9 3/4"1'-0"15'-7 3/4"1'-0"15'-1 3/4"12'-5 1/2"4'-4"3'-1"11'-2" 1'-2"32'-6"8'-3"3'-11"8'-10"2'-6"21'-0"37'-6"1'-0"5'-10 1/2"8'-4" 5'-6"12'-2"6'-0"11'-4 1/2" 2'-9 1/4"3 1/2"4'-8" 11'-8"16'-4"5'-8"10'-0"51'-0"1'-0"2'-6 1/2"12'-11"4'-4 1/2"7'-8"5'-0" 14'-7 3/4" 4'-6" 7'-5 1/2"7'-11"62'-0"12'-9 1/4"2'-4"17'-1 1/2"1'-6 1/4"1'-0"16'-3"8'-7 1/2"11'-9 1/4" 33'-8" 5'-5"8'-3"3'-11"8'-10"7'-0"4'-0"1'-5"1'-5"4'-0"4'-0 1/2"4'-0 1/2"2'-4 3/4"2'-10 1/2"2'-6 3/4"2'-7"3'-10 1/2"3'-10 1/2"2'-7"2'-1 3/4"6'-3 1/2"6'-3 1/2"2'-4 3/4"2'-6"2'-10 1/2"6'-3 1/2" 4'-6 1/2"3'-7 1/2"3'-7 1/2"4'-6 1/2"3'-2"2'-6"3'-1"5'-2"2'-4"12'-9"11'-0"6'-3"5'-11 3/4"2'-10 1/2"3'-8 1/2"1'-5 1/2"3'-0 3/4"2'-10 1/2"6'-9 3/4"1'-0" 14'-8" x 17'-7" PRIMARY BEDROOM LAUNDRY BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 BONUS 11'-6" x 12'-5" 11'-4" x 12'-4" 21'-6" x 19'-9" HALL 8'-3" x 8'-4" FOLDING TABLE LINEN LINEN VAULT VAULT TILE - INFLOOR HEAT CARPET CARPET LVT CARPET CARPET CARPET BATH HIS HERS PRIMARY BATH 8'-1 1/8" R.C.H. 19 CA 2650R.O. 2'-6" X 5'-0"CA 2650R.O. 2'-6" X 5'-0"CA 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"CA 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"CA 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0" FX 4036R.O. 4'-0" X 3'-6"HDR @ 130 1/2" WOOD RAILW/ SPINDLES 36" BARN DOOR FX 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"FX 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"FX 3050R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-0"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0" CA 3056R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-6" CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0" CA 3056R.O. 3'-0" X 5'-6"FX 3656R.O. 3'-6" X 5'-6"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"CA 2640R.O. 2'-6" X 4'-0"CA 2650R.O. 2'-6" X 5'-0"CA 2650R.O. 2'-6" X 5'-0"DN9'-0"1'-3 1/8"0'-0 3/4"10'-1 1/8"2'-0"0'-0 3/4"8'-1 1/8"0'-9 3/4"1'-6" BASEMOLDING REINFORCING STEEL AS REQUIRED GRADE ROOF TRUSS 1/2" OSB SOFFIT(TYP.) 1/2 ON ROOF1/2 IN SOFFIT (TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE)R-49 INSULATION REINFORCING STEEL ASREQUIRED DOUBLE TOP PLATE 4" CONCRETEFLOOR SHINGLES15# FELT15/32"O.S.B. EXTERIOR DRAIN TILE PER R 405.1CRUSH ROCK SHALL BE A MIN. OF 1'-0" PUTFROM FOOTING AND BE PLACED AT A MIN. OF 6" ABOVE FOOTING AND COVERED WITH FABRIC TO RETAIL FINE PARTICULATE. COMPACTED SOIL R-10 RIGID FOAM INSULATION COARSE GRAVEL SURROUND FILL DRAINTILE PASSIVE RADON SYSTEM ANCHOR BOLT @ 6' O.C.MIN. 2x6 TREATED SILL PLATE 8" 3/4" CLEAR ROCK R-15 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM RIM SIDINGHOUSE WRAP1/2" OSB SHEATHING2x6 STUD WALLR-21 BATT INSULATION1/2" GYP. BOARD 6 MIL.VAPOR BARRIER 3/4"SUBFLOOR WATCHDOG WATERPROOFINGSYSTEM APPLIED TO EXTERIOR FILTERING MATERIAL FABRICWRAPPED AROUND DRAIN GRAVEL SEALANT PAINT APPLIED ABOVE GRADE 1/2" OSB 30# ICE & WATEREXTEND 24"PAST WALL 20"x8" CONCRETE FOOTING SIDINGHOUSE WRAP1/2" OSB SHEATHING2x6 STUD WALLR-21 BATT INSULATION1/2" GYP. BOARD TRUSS TOP CHORD MUST BE INSTALLED VENT 1/300th OF ROOF AREA 20" FLOOR TRUSS EXTENDING TO THE RIGID WIND WASH BARRIER UNDERSIDE OF THE 12 24" FLOOR TRUSS 8 BACHELORPROJECT ADDRESSREVISIONS CHANGE SHEET DWG START DATE DATE 6/29/2022 3770 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SWTHESE PLANS ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS MAY VARY FROM SHOWCASE HOMES AND/OR ANY EXISTING PROPERTY. ELEVATIONS ARE COMPUTER GENERATED AND MAY HAVE SLIGHT VARIATIONS TO FINISHED PRODUCT. THESE PLANS ARE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES.PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372BC691406TOTAL 4,466 FINISHED SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN LOWER FOUNDATION GARAGE 1,404 1,140 569 UPPER 1,922 1 UPPER FLOORPLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" A42WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"