HomeMy WebLinkAbout4C - Lot 18, Green Heights Plat Variance 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 22, 2022 AGENDA #: 4C PREPARED BY: PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCES ON A PROPERTY LOCATED LOT 18, GREEN HEIGHTS PLAT DISCUSSION: Introduction Pebble Creek Homes, on behalf of the property owner Jason Walgrave, is requesting variances from the minimum rear yard setback, maximum impervious surface cover- age, and minimum side yard setback to allow construction of a new single-family dwell- ing located on Lot 18, Green Heights Plat. The property is located north of Pershing Street, west of Dunkirk Avenue. The requested variances are listed below: · A 5.6-foot variance from the required minimum 25.0-foot rear yard setback (Sub- section 1141.500 (3)) · A 0.4-foot variance from the side yard setback for a wall segment that is over 60 feet in length (Subsection 1141.500 (7)) · A 13.4% variance from the required maximum impervious surface allowed on a property within the Shoreland District (Subsection 1130.405) Regulation Requirement Proposed Variance Rear Yard Setback 25.0 ft. min. 19.4 ft. 5.6 ft. Side Yard Setback (with wall over 60 ft. length) 5.4 ft. min. 5.0 ft. 0.4 ft. Impervious Surface (percentage of total lot area) 30% max. 43.4% 13.4% History The property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential) and is guided R-LD (Urban Low Density) on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The property is in the Shoreland Overlay District of Upper Prior Lake. Lot 18 of the Green Heights plat was created as a buildable lot of record in 1928; it is currently a vacant lot. Current Circumstances The applicant is requesting to construct a new 2-story single-family dwelling on the property. Rear Yard Setback: Subsection 1141.500 (3) lists the minimum rear yard setback requirement as twenty (25) feet. The proposed rear yard setback is 19.4 feet from the back of the deck. While the property is 50 feet in width the width of the buildable area is only 30 feet due to a 15-foot utility easement and a 5-foot side setback. The applicant has designed a longer house footprint with a 10-foot rear deck area. 2 Side Yard Setback: Subsection 1141.500 (3) states that a side yard adjacent to a wall longer than 60 feet in length be increased by 2 inches for every foot over 60 feet. The proposed building wall length along the eastern lot line is 62.5 feet in length which requires a 5.4-foot setback. The applicant proposes a 5.0-foot setback. Therefore a 0.4-foot variance is requested. Impervious Surface: City Code 1130.405 requires a maximum impervious surface of 30% of the total lot area. Lot 18 of the Green Heights Plat is 6,006 square feet in size. The impervious surface is proposed to be a total of 43.4% of the area of Lot 18. A portion of the gravel roadway of Roosevelt Street is located on Lot 18 for a total of 401 square feet of roadway. The total impervious surface on the property excluding the roadway surface is 2,232 square feet (36.8% of the total lot area). ISSUES: This project includes a request for variances. Prior Lake City Code Section 1152 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: (1) Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Zoning Code. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zon- ing Code. A purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to “Promote the most appropri- ate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land, and public areas”. The small and narrow lot creates the necessary hardship for the rear, side, and impervious surface variance requests. The impervious sur- face of the lot includes the Roosevelt Street roadway surface. (2) Variances shall only be permitted when they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its goal to maintain and improve physical character and identity. This is accomplished by achieving compatible relationships between different types of land uses by utilizing design standards, appropriate buffers, land use transitions, and high-quality design. (3) Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Code. “Practical difficulties,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Code, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner, and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. The small lot size (6,006 square feet) of the property as well as the limited width of the buildable area due to a 15-foot utility easement results in a limited area for placement of a dwelling. The rear and side yard setbacks are similar to other the neighborhood properties. The impervious surface variance is warranted due 3 to the presence of a roadway on the property and the smaller 6,006 square foot size of the property. (4) Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Economic considerations are not the reason for the variance request. Conclusion City Staff believes variances are warranted and necessary to allow for the new single- family home due to the size and width of the property. The impervious surface variance is warranted to allow a proposed dwelling along with the existing roadway surface on the property. The essential character of the neighborhood will not be altered as other nearby properties have similar lot sizes, setbacks, and impervious surfaces. Therefore, City Staff recommends approval of the requested variances with the follow- ing conditions:  The variance resolution shall be recorded at Scott County.  Building Permit shall be obtained from the Building Department prior to the com- mencement of construction. ALTERNATIVES: 1. If the Planning Commission finds the requested variances are warranted in this case, a motion and a second to adopt a resolution approving the variance re- quested for Lot 18, Green Heights Plat with the listed conditions or approve any variance the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. If the Planning Commission finds the requested variances are not warranted in this case, a motion and a second to deny the variance requested because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated practical difficulties under the zoning code criteria. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: 3. If the Planning Commission would like additional information from the applicant about one or more of the requested variances, a motion and a second to table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose as directed by the Planning Commission. Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 22-21PC 2. Location Map 3. Proposed Survey dated 8-17-22 4. Elevation Rendering 5. Applicant Letter dated 8-17-22 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RESOLUTION 22-21PC VARIANCES FROM THE MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK, MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK, AND MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING ON A PROPERTY IN THE R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment, conducted a public hearing on August 22, 2022, to consider a request from Pebble Creek Homes, on behalf of the property owner Jason Walgrave, requesting variances from the minimum rear setback, minimum side yard setback, and maximum impervious surface coverage to allow construction of a new single-family dwelling located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District at the following property: (PID 250940141) Legal Description: Lot 18, GREEN HEIGHTS, Scott County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said variance request was duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this variance request, and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the variance request; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #DEV22-000024 and held a hearing thereon on August 22, 2022; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Planning Commission hereby adopts the following findings: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Zoning Code. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zoning Code. A purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to “Promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential, business, industrial, public land, and public areas”. The small and narrow lot creates the necessary hardship for the rear, side, and impervious surface 2 variance requests. The impervious surface of the lot includes the Roosevelt Street roadway surface. b. Variances shall only be permitted when they are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its goal to maintain and improve physical character and identity. This is accomplished by achieving compatible relationships between different types of land uses by utilizing design standards, appropriate buffers, land use transitions, and high-quality design. c. Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Code. “Practical difficulties,” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Code, the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner, and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. The small lot size (6,006 square feet) of the property as well as the limited width of the buildable area due to a 15-foot utility easement results in a limited area for placement of a dwelling. The rear and side yard setbacks are similar to other the neighborhood properties. The impervious surface variance is warranted due to the presence of a roadway on the property and the smaller 6,006 square foot size of the property. d. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Economic considerations are not the reason for the variance request. 3. Based upon the findings set forth herein, the Planning Commission hereby approves the following variances to allow the construction of a single-family dwelling per the proposed survey in the R-1 SD (Low Density Residential Shoreland) Zoning District: a. A 5.6-foot variance from the required minimum 25.0-foot rear yard setback (Subsection 1141.500 (3)) b. A 0.4-foot variance from the side yard setback for a wall segment that is over 60 feet in length (Subsection 1141.500 (7)) c. A 13.4% variance from the required maximum impervious surface allowed on a property within the Shoreland District (Subsection 1130.405) 3 4. The variances are subject to the following conditions of approval: a. The variance resolution shall be recorded at Scott County. b. Building Permit shall be obtained from the Building Department prior to the commencement of construction. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF AUGUST 2022. _______________________________ David Tieman, Commission Chair ATTEST: _________________________________ Casey McCabe, Community Development Director VOTE Tieman Johnson Kallberg Tschetter Ringstad Aye ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 37XXX ROOSEVELT ST SW Variance Use Location Map RamseyAveSWG r e e n H e i g h t s T r lS W Inguadona Beach Cir SWRoosevel t S t S W Dunki r kAveSW12 42 44 27 21 8723 79 16 18 82 78 83 17 70 14 X:\Planning\Location Map\Location Map Template\LOCATION MAP TEMPLATE SP.aprx 0 80 160 240 320Feet Subject Properties Subject Property ooooooooooLEGENDoFOUND IRON PIPESET IRON PIPETELEPHONE BOXELECTRIC METERPOWER POLEHYDRANTDECIDUOUSWOOD FENCEBITUMINOUS SURFACECONCRETE SURFACEPAVER SURFACEGREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL SW PRIOR LAKE MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES2222A. 22 E[LVWLQJ HDVHPHQWWIRE FENCEGRAVEL SURFACEB. 22 PURSRVHG K\GUDQW DQGXWLOLW\ HDVHPHQWC. 222 PURSRVHG KRXVHProposedGarage Floor @ Front= 940.2Garage Top of Block= 940.6House Top of Block= 939.1Lowest Floor= 929.4Lower Garage Floor @ Rear= 929.0SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEFLOOR ELEVATIONSTop nut hydrant at the southeast corner of Lot 2, GREEN HEIGHTS. Elevation = 924.98BENCHMARKI hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or undermy direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under thelaws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to show allimprovements, easements or encroachments, to the property except asshown thereon.Signed this 3rd day of March, 2022Marcus F. Hampton, MN L.S. No. 474812 WEST C.R. 2 SUITE  BURNSVILLE MN  PHONE 2.. ZZZ.MUKLQF.FRP PLANNERS  ENGINEERS  SURVEYORSDRAWN BYDATEREVISIONSPLMCAD FILE2OOV.GZJPROJECT NO.2FILE NO.22SHEET 2 OF 2James R. Hill, Inc.1.Subject property's address for Lot 18 is not assigned, its propertyidentification number is 250940141.2. The bearing system is based on the south line of Lot 18, GREEN HEIGHTSwhich is assumed to bear North 03 degrees 37 minutes 35 seconds West.3.Field work was completed 2/16/2022.4.The building(s) and exterior dimensions of the outside wall at groundlevel are shown on the survey. It may not be the foundation wall.5.No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded orun-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part ofthis survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.6.The gross area of Lot 18 is 0.139 Acres or 6,060 square feet.NOTESLot= 6,060 sq. ft.House/Garage= 1,781 sq. ft.Porch= 46 sq. ft.Driveway= 405 sq. ft.Sidewalk= 24 sq. ft. (less than 3' wide) (exempt)Existing Road on lot= 401 sq. ft. (exempt)Total Impervious with Road= 2,633 sq. ft. or 43.4% of lotTotal Impervious without Road= 2,232 sq. ft. or 36.8% of lotHARD COVER CALCULATIONSLot 18, GREEN HEIGHTS, Scott County, Minnesota.PROPERTY DESCRIPTIOND. 222 RHDU GULYHZD\E. 22 HVH. SODQ GULYHZD\ Jeff, We are drafting the following letter explaining why we are requesting that rear setback variance and an impervious surface variance for the property with a PID number of 250940141. The property owner, Jason Walgrave, has asked us to design a new home to be built on the subject property. After coming to a final house design, and after placing the proposed house on the survey, it appears that we will need both a rear setback variance and an impervious surface variance. Reasons for a Rear Setback Variance Request. 1) Per the survey, Roosevelt encroaches onto the front side of the property approximately six feet. In order to have at least 19 ft of driveway, we had to slide the house back towards Green Heights Trl SW. This causes the deck to be approximately 19.4 ft from Green Heights Trl SW. 2) After looking at the County GIS maps and pulling surveys from the City’s Property Records/Information page, it appears that there are a number of properties in between Green Heights Trl SW and Roosevelt St SW that have front or rear setbacks that are less that 25 ft. Impervious Surface Variance Request. 1) Due to the limited size of the lot, which is 6060 sq ft, we are requesting that a variance be granted for the impervious surface. There is also a large green space area west of the property that can not be developed, which is approximately 2450 sq ft. This area is to remain a green space and we ask that the City consider this area when calculating our impervious surface percentages of the proposed structure and hardscapes. Based on the gross lot sq ft of 6060 sq ft and after removing the gavel area of Roosevelt St SW from the total impervious surface amount, we would be at 36.8%. If we were to add the 2450 sq ft green space area into the total calculations, then we would be at 26.2% for the impervious surface percentage. Please reference the building plans and the survey that we have submitted with our variance application. Property Owner: Jason Walgrave Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Address: 13875 Hwy 13 South, Suite 100, Savage, MN 55372 Builder: PEBBLE CREEK CUSTOM HOMES, LLC Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________ By: Derek Walgrave Title: Managing Partner Address: 8774 Egan Drive, Savage, MN 55378 8-17-22 8-17-22