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4A - City Hall Plaza Preplat PC Report
4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 26, 2022 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Jeff Matzke, Planner PRESENTED BY: Jeff Matzke AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CITY HALL PLAZA DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a request from the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority and the City of Prior Lake, the property owners, for a preliminary plat. History The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 11, 2022 to consider a request for a Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan to allow a mixed used apartment/restaurant development at 4662, 4664, and 4666 Dakota Street SE. The Preliminary PUD Plan was approved by the City Council on May 2, 2022. Current Circumstances The Planning Commission is asked to consider a request to replat what is currently five lots into three lots. The proposal is for City Hall, which currently occupies two lots, to be combined into one lot. The three lots owned by the Economic Develop- ment Authority (EDA) would be combined into two lots and include an additional 100 feet of property to the north which is currently owned by the City of Prior Lake. The two existing homes would each be located on their own individual lot; one being 70 feet wide and the other would be 75 feet wide. None of the proposed lot changes would increase the land area that was previously considered as part of the Preliminary PUD Plan. The Planning Commission will recall, the Beard Group, d/b/a Prior Lake B Squared Ventures, LLC, is proposing to construct a five-story mixed-use building including 98 market rate residential rental units, a street front restaurant of approximately 2,600 square feet, a rooftop deck for restaurant customers, and a separate rooftop deck for tenants at 4662, 4664, and 4666 Dakota Street SE. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total preliminary plat area consists of approximately 2.7 acres. 2 Topography: This area has varied topography, with elevations ranging from the 930’ MSL along the northern property line to 968’ MSL near the southern property line along Dakota Street. Wetlands: No wetlands exist on the site. Access: Access to the site is from Dakota Street SE. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated as Town Cen- ter on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The site is zoned TC, Town Center. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermain service are availa- ble to the site. PROPOSED PLAN Property Line Realignment: The lot lines that cover the area occupied by City Hall and the future redevelopment site are proposed for realignment. The current City Hall building sits on two lots. One lot covers the small parking lot to the west of the City Hall building and the second lot includes the City Hall building site and extends to the east and includes a 100-foot area north of the two existing residential home sites and the 37.5-foot vacant site that are owned by the EDA (future redevelop- ment site). Through the platting process, the lot lines would be realigned where the two City Hall lots would be combined into one, and the 100 feet of the property north of the EDA lots would be added to the two newly created residential lots. This realignment is in conformance of the Preliminary PUD Plan that was approved by City Council on May 2, 2022 and does not increase the land area that was consid- ered as part of the Preliminary PUD Plan review. Proposed Development Plan: The details of the proposed development plan (in- cluding tree removals, trails, grading, architectural building design, parking, etc.) were reviewed by the Planning Commission through the Preliminary PUD process at an April 11, 2022 meeting and approved by the City Council on May 2, 2022. Conclusion The applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat which complies with the previously approved Preliminary PUD. The previously approved Preliminary PUD Plan proposed a multiple family dwelling and a restaurant use, which are both per- mitted uses in the Town Center District. The Planning Commission is being asked to make a recommendation to the City Council related to the preliminary plat request to convert five existing platted lots into three platted lots. There are several additional steps that must be followed prior to granting approval for the previously reviewed PUD plan, including, but not limited to, a future EDA public hearing to consider the sale of EDA-owned property, a future City Council public hearing (November 7, 2022) to consider establishment of a redevelopment Tax Increment Finance District, and a future City Council meet- ing to consider approval of a Final Plat and Final PUD Plan. City staff does advise the Planning Commission to consider recommending ap- proval of the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: 3 1. The developer shall obtain a grading permit from the City Engineering Depart- ment prior to any grading or tree removal on the site. 2. The Developer shall obtain the required permits from other state or local agen- cies prior to applicable on the site ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Motion and a second to recommend approval of the City Hall Plaza Preliminary Plat subject to the listed conditions, or others that may be added or modified by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the City Hall Plaza Preliminary Plat based upon findings of fact. 3. Motion and a second to table this item to a future Planning Commission meet- ing and provide the applicant with direction. Alternative No. 1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. City Hall Plaza Preliminary Plat 3. Lot Line Realignment Exhibit NOTES CORRESPONDING TO SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS (Owner: City of Prior Lake) The following were provided in First American Title Insurance Company (Issuing Agent: Land Title, Inc.), Commitment No. 652086, Commitment Date: January 4, 2022 at 7:00 a.m, Schedule A., Schedule B - Part II Exceptions. The Items referenced are followed by comments made by Bolton & Menk, Inc. addressing the Item and are referenced on survey map by item number. Items, 1 through 11, 15 and 16, Schedule B - Part II Exceptions are not addressed on this survey (general or non-survey related). Easement in favor of Village of Prior Lake dated July 25, 1959, filed August 7, 1959, in Book 145 of Deeds, page 427 as Document Number 93434. (Parcel B) - Said easement is graphically shown on this survey map. - Document pertains to page 424, not 427. Easement in favor of Village of Prior Lake dated July 24, 1959, filed August 7, 1959, in Book 145, page 421 as Document Number 93435. (Parcel B) - Said easement is graphically shown on this survey map. - Document pertains to Book 145 of Deeds. Easement in favor of Village of Prior Lake dated July 24, 1959, filed August 7, 1959 in Book 145 of Deeds, page 427 as DocumentNumber 93436. (Parcel B) - Said easement is graphically shown on this survey map. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The following were provided in First American Title Insurance Company (Issuing Agent: Land Title, Inc.), Commitment No. 652086, Commitment Date: January 4, 2022 at 7:00 a.m, Schedule A. (Owner: City of Prior Lake) Parcel A: Tract 1: The Easterly 120 feet of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, except the Westerly 75 feet thereof, City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, together with that part of vacated Second Street accruing thereto. Tract 2: Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, the East 70 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota and the West 20 feet of the East 70 feet of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 8, Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, together with vacated alley accruing thereto. and The East 50 feet of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 8, Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, together with vacated alley accruing thereto. and That part of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 8, Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, lying West of the East 70.00 feet thereof, together with the East half of vacated Second Street accruing thereto. (Owner: Prior Lake Economic Development Authority) Parcel B: The Westerly Seventy (70) feet of Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6), Block Eight (8), Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, together with the vacated alley that accrues thereto. and The East 37.5 feet of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 8, City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota. and The East 75 feet of Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, except the East 37.5 feet thereof, all in Block 8, City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota. Abstract Property UTILITY AND SITE DATA UTILITIES: Underground utility lines and structures are shown in an approximate way only, according to information provided by others. A request that utilities be located for this survey was made through Gopher State One Call (Ticket No. 202732729, 202732760, 202732797, 202732837, 202732910 & 202802969). The underground utility lines and structures shown on this map represent the information provided to Bolton & Menk, Inc. as a result of that request. The surveyor does not guarantee that the information provided was either complete or accurate. The surveyor does not guarantee that there are no other underground utility lines and structures, active or abandoned, on or adjacent to the subject property. EXISTING AREA: (City of Prior Lake): Parcel A / Tract 1 = 15,600 sq. ft. (0.358 ac.) Parcel A / Tract 2 = 69,900 sq. ft. (1.605 ac.) (Prior Lake Economic Development Authority): Parcel B = 30,000 sq. ft. (0.689 ac.) _______________________________________ Total = 115,500 sq. ft. (2.652 ac.) PROPOSED AREAS: Lot 1 = 72,000 sq. ft. (1.653 ac.) Lot 2 = 21,000 sq. ft. (0.482 ac.) Lot 3 = 22,500 sq. ft. (0.517 ac.) Total = 115,500 sq. ft. (2.652 ac.) ZONING CODE: Existing zoning classification: TC - Town Center Minimum Lot Width: 30 ft. Building Setbacks: Front Yard: Minimum Setback: None Maximum Setback: 10 feet measured from the right-of-way Side Yard: Minimum Setback: None Maximum Setback: 10 feet unless parking is located within the side yard Rear Yard: Minimum Setback: None Minimum Floor Area Ratio: 0.5 Build-To Line: Along Main Avenue a build-to line is established a distance of 5 feet from the inner edge of the street right-of-way (in most cases, this is the inner edge of the sidewalk). At least 70% of the building facade that fronts Main Avenue must be built out to this line. Maximum Height: 55 feet Minimum Height: 25 feet or two stories SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1.The subject property is Abstract property. 2.Orientation of the bearing system is based upon the north line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, which is assumed to bear North 89 degrees 36 minutes 02 seconds West. 3.The vertical datum is based upon Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic Monument "7001 Q" which has an elevation of 948.52 feet (NAVD 88). 4.Bolton & Menk, Inc. did not determine ownership of adjacent land. 5.The exterior building lines shown are of the building footprint as measured at ground level. The building foundation, which is not visible, may extend beyond the exterior building lines shown. 6.Subject property has constructed vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress to/from Dakota Street SE. 7.Field work was completed on October 13, 2020. OWNER/SUBDIVIDER City of Prior Lake & Prior Lake Economic Development Authority 4646 Dakota St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 SURVEYOR Bolton & Menk, Inc. 12224 Nicollet Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337-1649 12224 NICOLLET AVENUE BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55337 (952) 890-0509 H:\PLAK\0T1122828\CAD\C3D\122828_V_PROP_E1.dwg 9/12/2022 2:32 PM ©Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2022, All Rights Reserved FOR: DRAWN BY:FIELD BOOK:JOB NUMBER: R PRELIMINARY PLAT 4646, 4662, 4664 & 4666 DAKOTA ST. SE, PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 ALL OF BLOCK 8 & PART OF LOTS 3 - 6, BLOCK 7 PRIOR LAKE SCOTT COUNTY, MN CITY OF PRIOR LAKE H:\PLAK\0T1122828\CAD\C3D\SDB_122828_Scott Co 0T1.122828 MEA & ERW FILE NO. 5384 DWG. NO. 3939 S2-T114-R22-12 CITY HALL PLAZA PRELIMINARY PLAT SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS _____________________________________ Eric R. Wilfahrt License Number 46166 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ________________ Date 2/21/2022 12 13 14 REVISED: PROPOSED LOT LINES & AREAS 9/12/2022 P P P P P P PP P P M M WS B WS B U AC AC M M C MM C M MM I=954.85 ACACACACCO COUU CO TRASHWS CO GFFEEEEEEEEGGGGX XXXXGGGGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCC C C C CCCGG G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGEEEEE E E E E E E E E E E E E EEEEEE > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO TRESPASSING SIGNPIPE INTAKEFROM ACUNITBOULD E R BOUL D E R BOULD E R BOULDE RVISITOR PARKING SIGNOVERH A N G OUTLETOUTLE T HANDI C A P P E D PARKIN G S I G N VISITO R P A R K I N G S I G N ROCKS BOULDERMETAL S T A T U E BOULD E R MEMORIALPLAQUEBOULDERCONDUITWATERFALL FEATURESTATU E ON CO N BOULDER PARK R U L E S S I G N 15" PV C FIRE PI T CHAIN LINK FENCE (4' HEIGHT)BIT BIT BITBITBIT BIT BIT BITCONELEC. TRANSFORMER (6.35' x 3.55')ON CONCRETE BASECONCON CONCON CONCON CONCRETECONC R E T E CON CON CON WOOD STEPSCON CONCONCONPA V E R S CON CONCR E T E C & G CONCR E T E C & GSTOP SIGNNO PA R K I N G SIGN PED CR O S S I N G S I G N STOP SI G N NO PAR K I N G S I G N LANDS C A P I N G MULC H MULCH, PLANTS, & TRIMLANDS C A P I N G MULCH WITHROCK EDGINGRAIN GARDENWITH ROCKEDGINGLANDSCAPINGLANDSCA P I N G LAND S C A PI N G MULCH, PLANTS, & TRIMBOULDER RET. WALL RET. W A L L BOULDER RET. WALLCONC R E T E R E T . W A L L WOODRET. W A L LBLOCK RET. WALLBLOCK RET. WALLBLOCK RET. WALLBLOCK R E T . W A L L BLOCK R E T . W A L L 6" P V C 15" RCP15" RCP 12 " P V C 12" PVC12" PVC10" PVC6" PVC10" P V C 6" PVCOVER H E A D P A R K E N T R A N C E S I G N 12" RCP 12" RCP 8" VCP8" VCP8" VCP8" VCP 8" VCP8" VCP 8" VCP>>1 0 " P V C 8" VC P 8" VCP 6" PVCBIT BENCH M A R K TOP N U T H Y D R A N T ELEV: 9 6 3 . 8 1 ( N A V D 8 8 ) BENCHMARK TOP NUT HYDRANT ELEV: 965.48 (NAVD 88) BENCHMARK TOP NUT HYDRANT ELEV: 964.70 (NAVD 88)BENCHMARKTOP NUT HYDRANTELEV: 960.92 (NAVD 88)C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-D C-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-D C-DC-DC-DC-DC-D C-DMEDIACOMPRIOR L A K E C I T Y H A L L CENTE R P O I N T E N E R G Y CENT E R P O I N T E N E R G Y XCEL E N E R G Y PILLARGRATE WOOD W A L K W A Y WITH R A I L I N G PLANT E R B O X BRICK W A L L GENER A T O R ( 5 . 2 5 ' H E I G H T ) TRANS F O R M E R ( 5 ' H E I G H T )ELEC. METER (5' HEIGHT)GARAGESHED 12" PVC 8" PVC BUILDI N G OVERH A N G BOULDERBOULDEROVERHANGPILLAR DECK DECKPAVERS PAVERSDECK DECK HOUSEHOUSEWOOD STEPSRAILINGCHAIN LINK FENCERAILINGCON STEPSCONCRETESTEPSWOOD STEPSLANDS C A P I N G WOOD R E T . WALLOVERHANGCON BITCONCRETE C&GAC 15" RCP 15" RC PMETALGATE >>>>>>OUTLETCITY VE H I C L E PARKI N G S I G N EDGE OF WATER WATER ELEV. ON 10/13/2020 = 920.99 (NAVD 88)WOOD FENCEP O N D MULTIPLE TENANT BUILDINGDECKDECK lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll15" RC P BUILDINGOVERHANGSMH SAN R=955.50 I=E (8" VCP)950.30I=I=I=I=I= S MH SAN R=962.28 I=S (8" VCP) W (8" VCP) N (8" VCP) W (8" VCP) 945.72 945.49 I= I=945.53 I=949.68I=I= CB R=948.87 I=W (15" RCP) NE (15" RCP)943.91 943.97 I=I=I=I=I= D MH STM R=943.04 I=N (15" RCP) SW (15" RCP)938.14 938.10 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=929.02 I=NE (15" PVC) W (6" PVC) S (15" RCP) SUMP 927.02 925.36 I= I=924.94 I=919.22I=I= S MH SAN R=958.08 I=N (8" VCP) S (8" VCP) E (8" VCP) 945.43 945.45 I= I=945.79I=I=I= S MH SAN R=959.78 I=S (8" VCP) E (8" VCP) W (8" VCP) N (6" VCP) 949.04 948.83 I= I=948.46 I=948.74I=I= S MH SAN R=957.21 I=E (8" VCP) W (8" VCP)946.11 946.12 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=956.00 I=SW (6" PVC) NE (10" PVC)951.16 951.20 I=I=I=I=I= S MH SAN R=956.77 I=S (8" VCP) E (8" VCP) W (8" VCP) SW (8" VCP) 946.10 946.09 I= I=951.17 I=946.35I=I= CB R=950.77 I=N (12" PVC) S (12"PVC)946.83 946.76 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=929.42 I=SW (15" PVC)926.69I=I=I=I=I= CB R=952.68 I=S (10" PVC) N (12" PVC)949.83 949.88 I=I=I=I=I= D MH STM R=958.48 I=N (15" RCP) W (15" RCP)951.33 951.32 I=I=I=I=I= D MH STM R=957.06 I=NW (15" RCP) E (15" RCP)951.35 951.36 I=I=I=I=I= D MH STM R=956.97 I=N (15" RCP) S (15" RCP)950.72 947.06 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=948.56 I=E (15" RCP) SW (15" RCP) SE (10" PVC) 944.46 944.46 I= I=944.51I=I=I= D MH STM R=949.75 I=S (15" RCP) NE (15" RCP)945.18 946.75 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=955.53 I=SE (15" RCP) SUMP 945.53 951.48 I=I=I=I=I= CB R=958.48 I=NE (12" RCP)956.08I=I=I=I=I= CB R=957.09 I=NW (12" RCP)955.09I=I=I=I=I= CB R=957.43 I=SW (12" RCP) SE (12" RCP) N (12" PVC) 955.03 955.21 I= I=954.98I=I=I=HOUSE70 70 20 50 45 120 75 70 75 37.5 (CITY - PARCEL A / TRACT 2)(EDA - PARCEL B)DAKO T A S T R E E T S E ERIE AVENUE SE(NOT CONSTRUCTED)6666 66 60.5 60.5 5.5 5.56666 666666 66(CITY - PARCEL A / TRACT 1)S 73°2 0 ' 0 4 " E 3 3 3 . 0 0 S 16°40'17" W 300.00N 73°2 0 ' 0 4 " W 4 1 1 . 0 0N 16°40'17" E 200.00S 73°2 0 ' 0 4 " E 7 8 . 0 0 N 16°40'17" E 100.00125.0070.00 188.00 266.00 70.00 75.00N 16°40'17" E 300.00N 16°40'17" E 300.00N 89°36'02" W 1445.96 S 16°40'17" W 518.44(PUBLI C R O A D W A Y )ARCADIAAVENUE SE(PUBLICROADWAY)ERIEAVENUE SE(PUBLICROADWAY)(PUBLIC ROADWAY)OWNER: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PID: 259020010 ADDRESS: NONE ZONE: R-1 OWNER: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PID: 250150030 ADDRESS: NONE ZONE: R-1 OWNER: HOLY TRINITY UNITED METHODIST PID: 250010440 ADDRESS: 16150 ARCADIA AVE. SE. ZONE: TC-T OWNER: CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PID: 250010420 ADDRESS: 4649 DAKOTA ST. SE. ZONE: TC OWNER: SCOTT D. & DEBORAH J.CARLSONPID: 250010430ADDRESS: 4667 DAKOTA ST. SE.ZONE: TCOWNER: MERTENSPROPERTIES LLCPID: 250010400ADDRESS: NONEZONE: TCOWNER: MULTIPLE PID: MULTIPLE ADDRESS: MULTIPLE ZONE: TC OWNE R : J O S E P H A . F E L D M A N PID: 2 5 0 0 1 0 5 3 0 ADDRE S S : 4 5 8 0 D A K O T A S T . S E . ZONE: T C ADDITIONAL REAL ESTATECIC NO. 1121, LAKEFRONT PLAZA CONDOMINIUMLOT 1 LOT 3 LOT 2 1/2" IRON PIPE IN CONC. 1/2" IRON PIPE 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS#42309 REBAR 1/2" IRON PIPE 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS# 10183 2" IRON PIPE 2 FT. ABOVE GRADE 1/2" PINCHED IRON PIPE REBAR 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS# ? 1/2" I R O N PIPE 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS# 8625 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS# 42309 2" IRON PIPE RR SPIKE 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS# 10183 T-POSTTIPPED SOUTH1/2" IRON PIPE MAG NAIL & DISK RLS# 18407 1/2" IRON PIPE RLS#42309 NORTH LINE OF NE 1/4 OF SEC. 2, TWP. 114, RGE. 22 NW COR. OF NE 1/4 OF SEC. 2, TWP. 114, RGE. 22 R/W PAINT MARKING (READING UNDER PAVEMENT) 960960955950955950945940 935 930 925 920 960 960960955 950 945 940 935 93 0 92 5 920 955 950 945 940 930 925 PROPERTY CORNER NOT SET (LIES IN WATER) 75.00 VILLAGE OF PRIOR L A K E SANITARY SEWER EA S E M E N T PER BK. 145 D., PG. 42 7 VILLAGE OF PRIOR LAKESANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER BK. 145 D., PG. 424VILLAGE OF PRIOR LAKESANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER BK. 145 D., PG. 42155 55 33 33 33 33 14 13 12 B L O C K 1 12224 NICOLLET AVENUE BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55337 (952) 890-0509 R SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 H:\PLAK\0T1122828\CAD\C3D\122828_V_PROP_E1.dwg 9/12/2022 2:33 PM ©Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2022, All Rights Reserved FOR: DRAWN BY:FIELD BOOK:JOB NUMBER: R PRELIMINARY PLAT 4646, 4662, 4664 & 4666 DAKOTA ST. SE, PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 ALL OF BLOCK 8 & PART OF LOTS 3 - 6, BLOCK 7 PRIOR LAKE SCOTT COUNTY, MN CITY OF PRIOR LAKE H:\PLAK\0T1122828\CAD\C3D\SDB_122828_Scott Co 0T1.122828 MEA & ERW FILE NO. 5384 DWG. NO. 3939 S2-T114-R22-12 CITY HALL PLAZA PRELIMINARY PLAT _____________________________________ Eric R. Wilfahrt License Number 46166 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ________________ Date 2/21/2022 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS BENCH BUSH CATCH BASIN CURB STOP CATCH BASIN CLEAN OUT FLARED END / APRON HANDICAP PARKING FIRE HYDRANT MAILBOX MANHOLE-SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE-STORM SEWER MANHOLE-UTILITY PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON PEDESTAL-COMMUNICATION VALVE POST INDICATOR LIGHT POLE POST PICNIC TABLE TREE-DECIDUOUS SIGN TRAFFIC WATER SPIGOT IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEAD IRRIGATION VALVE BOX TRANSFORMER-ELECTRIC TRASH CAN VALVE TREE-CONIFEROUS WS CO S D U TRASH C METERM BIRD FEEDERB AIR CONDITIONERAC P AUTO SPRINKLER CONNECTION U LIGHT-GROUND SIGN NON TRAFFIC MONUMENT FOUND BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT FOUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND GAS UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION UNDERGROUND FIBER UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR INDEX CONTOUR SECTION LINE >> >> C C E E F F G G l l EASEMENT ADJACENT FENCE RIGHT OF WAY X X X X CURB & GUTTER WATER EDGE EDGE OF TREES UTILITY MARKER RETAINING WALL 1/2" IRON PIPE MONUMENT TO BE SET MARKED BY RLS# 46166 REVISED: PROPOSED LOT LINES & AREAS 9/12/2022 Current Proposed