HomeMy WebLinkAbout01(B) - Sterling South HOA Irrigation Discussion ReportCITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT ITEM: 1B MEETING DATE: PREPARED BY: PRESENTED BY: AGENDA ITEM: February 27, 2023 Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Sterling South HOA Irrigation Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BACKGROUND: There are currently 112 multi-family irrigation meters throughout the City as shown in Attachment 1.Per City Code 705.701, homeowners' associations and apartments are allowed to water on odd or even days based on their location: north of 160th Street is odd days, south of 160th Street is even days (see code language in Attachment 2). The Sterling South Homeowners' Association (HOA), located in the northwest quadrant of the city, is assigned to water on odd days. On October 24, 2022, Public Works staff met with Beth Wiley, board member of the Sterling South HOA, and John Kelly, the association's irrigation contractor. They have requested an exemption from the city's odd/even watering restriction because they are unable to sufficiently irrigate their entire property due to design and capacity limitations with their 28-year-old system. Their system has only one meter that serves the entire development (17.7 acres, 86 homes). Because they are limited to one meter, they are limited in the number of zones that can be running at any given time, meaning most areas get less than 15 minutes of water every other day. They have also created three "mini zones" by tapping into private homes to irrigate certain areas from those domestic meters (the residents of those three homes are then reimbursed by the HOA for their increased water usage). The main meter and the three "mini zone" locations are shown on Attachment 3. To help address this issue, the HOA is seeking an exemption in order to water half of their property on odd days and half on even days as shown in Attachment 4. This would allow them to run their zones for longer periods of time since they will be covering half the area each day, instead of the full area every other day. This would likely double their water use from approximately 2 million gallons per season, to nearly 4 million gallons per season. In the meeting with Ms. Wiley and Mr. Kelly, city staff noted that, as the current city code is written, there are no provisions for exceptions to the code. Staff did agree to their request to review this matter with Council. Therefore, this item is being brought before Council for informational purposes and to request Council feedback and direction on the matter. The primary role of the city's code to restrict lawn watering and non-potable water use to an odd­ even schedule is to distribute the demand on the city's water supply system. This demand distribution is critical during peak water use periods of the summer months with recent year's peak day demands approaching 6 MGD, which is close to the city's maximum water supply capacity. The additional role of the code is the promotion of water conservation, particularly the full daily City of Prior Lake I 4646 Dakota Street SE I Prior Lake MN 55372 Public Ways & Property City of Prior Lake 705.700 705.701 705.702 WATER USE RESTRICTIONS Annual Water Use Restrictions. The following limitations shall be imposed on the use of the public water supply to conserve water resources and provide flexibility to meet peak demands: 1) An odd/even sprinkling restriction based on street addresses is in effect from May 1 to October 1 each year. Residents with odd numbered addresses may water on odd numbered calendar days; residents with even numbered addresses may water on even numbered calendar days. 2) Homeowners' associations and apartment complexes with a common irrigation system may water only every other day. Homeowners' associations and apartments north of 160th Street may water on odd numbered days and homeowners' associations and apartments south of 160th Street may water on even numbered days. 3) City water cannot be used for the purposes of irrigating or watering of lawns, sod, or seeded areas or other non-essential outdoor uses between ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) P.M. daily. Exceptions to Annual Water Use Restrictions. The following activities are exempt from the odd/even and daytime watering restrictions: 1) Limited hand watering of gardens and plants using a hose. 2) Watering of areas with new sod or seed within thirty (30) days of installation subject to a watering permit. 3) Watering from a source other than the public water supply if the water user has registered the alternative source and the alternative source is properly permitted by the state of Minnesota. Under this exemption, the City may inspect the property to ensure compliance. 4) City athletic field complexes. 5) The use of private wells for irrigation. 6) Residential pumping from the lake. 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