HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 09 2023 PCM Minutes 1 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Tieman called the MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Dave Tieman, William Kallberg, Dan Ringstad, Michael Tennison, Doug Johnson, and Christian Fenstermacher. Absent was Jason Tschetter. Also present were City Council Liaison Kim Churchill, Community Development Director Casey McCabe, City Planner Jeff Matzke, and Administrative Assistant Jess Erickson. 2. Approval of MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 Agenda: MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY TENNISON TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval of MONDAY DECEMBER 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO APPROVE THE MONDAY DECEMBER 12, 2022 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. 4. Public Hearings: A. PDEV22-000035-14500 Shady Beach Trail NE-Variance – Pinnacle Family Homes on behalf of Stuart Bell/Bell Properties is requesting variances from the minimum lake setback, maximum impervious surface, and minimum access elevation above a floodplain allowed to build a new single-family home at 14500 Shady Beach Trail. PID: 250460120 Planner Matzke: Introduced the public hearing to consider approval of a resolution variances from the minimum lake setback, maximum impervious surface, and minimum vehicular access in a floodplain on a property located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) zoning district. Matzke discussed the history, issues, and concluded that variances are warranted and necessary to allow for construction of a new single-family home due to the lot constraints unique to the property and practical difficulties as stated. Commission Comments/Questions: Kallberg: Asked where the point for vehicular access is below the flood plain. Matzke: Replied at the cul-de-sac, the street is below the flood plain. Johnson: Asked about setbacks for a platform deck. Matzke: Replied platform decks are not defined as a structure so they are not required to meet structure setbacks. Johnson: Asked if the existing decks are included in the current impervious surface calculations. Matzke: Replied there are impervious surfaces under and around the existing decking that is counted toward the current impervious surface calculation. Mr. Matzke added the applicant is planning to remove all existing structures and impervious surface from the site. Fenstermacher: Asked about the current driveway access to Shady Beach Trail as it appears the driveway is going across a neighbor’s property. Matzke: Replied the driveway does cross over the neighbor’s property and applicant has been in discussion with the neighbor, who is in favor of the plan as it reduces the impervious surface on their lot as well. Applicant: Rod Just 5100 Condons Street SE- Regarding the driveway, there was an easement created before it was purchased. The new driveway will be positively impacting the neighbor by 300-400 sq. ft. of impervious surface that he will pick up. The applicant moved the house forward toward the street as much as possible to lessen the 2 amount of impervious surface. Mr. Just commented on this being their fourth rendition of plans and trying to get it as compact as possible and work within the guidelines of the city. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:20P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. Public Comment: None. MOTION BY TENNISON, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:20 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. Commission Comments/Questions: Kallberg: Asked for clarification of impervious surface removals and asked if there was going to be a future variance request for a deck. Rod Just: Replied their plan is to remove all hard surface that is currently there. They understand they cannot add any decks and their intention is to put a platform deck below 30 in. in height and not attached to the house. Johnson: Commented that this is an improvement over the current situation, reasonable square feet. Tennison: Appreciate the improvements with the setbacks and impervious surface. Fenstermacher: Commented the variances are an improvement. Ringstad: Agrees with previous comments, reduction in impervious surface is a win for everyone. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY TENNISON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION (23-02PC) APPROVING THE VARIANCES REQUESTED FOR 14500 SHADY BEACH TRAIL NE WITH LISTED CONDITIONS. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. B. Text Amendments – Prior Lake City Code Section 1142 and 144 Consider amendments to Prior Lake City Code Section 1142, Commercial and Town Center Performance Standards, and City Code Section 1144, Architectural Design, related to architectural design standards. Director McCabe: Introduced the public hearing to consider amendments to Prior Lake City Code Section 1142, Commercial and Town Center Performance Standards, and City Code Section 1144, Architectural Design, related to architectural design standards. McCabe discussed background, current circumstances, and concluded that staff has reviewed the architectural design standards of several peer communities and proposed revisions to Sections 1142 and 1144 of City Code to correct what may be an overly restrictive part of our zoning code. Commission Comments/Questions: Johnson: Commented that this provides flexibility to drive more commercial construction downtown. Tennison: Agrees with previous comment. Asked about the 10% percentage allowable for franchise colors. McCabe: Replied the 10% would allow a franchise to incorporate franchise colors but not allow for an entire wall to be franchise colors. Fenstermacher: Commented that the changes seem reasonable. Ringstad: Agrees completely with the flexibility with potential projects coming to town. Kallberg: Commented that he appreciates the comments as stated earlier, meets with requirements for the policy. Tieman: Agrees with the changes. MOTION BY JOHNSON, SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 6:37P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. 3 The Motion carried 5-0. Public Comment: None. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 6:37P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. Commission Comments/Questions: None. MOTION BY TENNISON, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO SECTIONS 1142 AND 1144 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Johnson, and Tennison. The Motion carried 5-0. 5. Old Business: None. 6. New Business: None. 7. Announcements & Adjournment: Announcements: McCabe: stated at this point no applications have been submitted for the February meeting. Staff will notify the Planning Commissioners if there will not be a February meeting. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO ADJOURN THE MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 6:38P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Tieman, Kallberg, Tennison and Johnson. The Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, Jess Erickson, Administrative Assistant