HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 10, 2006 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING MONDAY, JULY 10th, 2006 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of July Agenda 3. Approval of May meeting minutes 4. Trails Discussion with Craig Gontarek (Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District) 5. Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Long Range Planning Task Force 6. Canoe/Kayak Rack at Sand point 7. Lakefront Days 8. Soccer Jamboree at Ryan Fields 9. Future Meeting Date a. August 14th, 2006 6:00 pm at the Maintenance Center Adjournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 i410R LAKE - SPRING LAKE WAII:RSHED DISTRll,l C"..A'-IlI,. 1"".,,, olt.. "'I\^,~ ~A$llll'\C"HT __OTA lIVER VAUEY - ;-"'''I\Ol'CC TIt"",- Al\e,. YMCA cw. PROfBlr'f </ " 8PNNG 1.AII! Howard.J IECiIIOI'ML PAM. .... Campbell r- ..., I I / "McColl (';1 b lOon ..... PO" _,J ~ -, / I L_, I r--- J I (~ I /~ 1 '\ \ f-' v -- "lIP.; Q /'" 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 05/8/06 6:05-7:20 p.m. Members Present: Mike Feriancek, Tim Libert Members Absent: Dick Carlson, Cari Grayson, Todd Loose, Pat McFadden Staff Present: Angela Barstad ~itv Council Liaison Present: Cheri Dornbush Public Present: Scott Martini (Prior Lake Hockey) Meetine called to order at 6:05 om bv Mike Feriancek Aooroval of the Aoril & Februarv Meetinz Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the February & April meeting minutes and second by Tim Libert, approved Aooroval of Mav A~enda -Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the May agenda, second by Tim Libert, approved. Heritaee Committee - Update on barn and farm machinery. Angie updated the PAC on a barn that was donated from SMSC. The barn is in good condition and will cost $40,000 to dismantle, move, and rebuild on Heritage Farm sight by the Amish. The original number in the plan was $150,000, so this would be a substantial savings. The Wipp family would like to donate farm equipment from their farm, dated back to the turn of the century, to the city for the Heritage project. The only stipulation would be to have the city sign an agreement that it will never be sold. This equipment has been moved to the shelter that is currently on the Heritage Farm sight. Parks. Athletics. and Recreation Facilitv Long Range Plannin~ Task Force - Mike Feriancek updated the PAC on the PAR. Mike stated the task force has identified that an ice arena is the #1 goal on the list. They discussed possible sites for this arena. If it is built at the high school, the City of Savage requires 1 parking spot for every 4 seats in the arena. This would mean that the parking lot would have to have at least 250 parking spots, which would not fit on the high school grounds. Oakridge was also brought up as a possible arena sight. An estimated 157 acres would be needed for an arena sight. On Thursday, 5/11, the City Council is invited to the PAR Task Force meeting to discuss what the task force has come up with. The Task Force is also discussing the possible benefits, if any, with installing lights at the Ryan fields. Jeffers Pond & Woods in The Wilds Park - Angie Barstad, per AI Friedges, updated the PAC on these projects. On 5/15 Al Friedges will go in front of the City Council to get bid approval for a play structure and trails at Jeffers Pond and a sidewalk from Woods in The Wilds Park to Wilds Parkway. Per AI, all bids were favorable. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 Canoe/Kavak Racks at Sand Point Beach - This was moved to the July PAC meeting because there were not enough PAC members for a quorum to vote on the installation of these racks. Discuss PAC Goal #10 - Cheri Dornbush discussed keeping green belts and preserving trees. There is a Tree Preservation Task Force meeting the first week of June. Mike Feriancek stated that we should find out how we can legally cover ourselves in order to keep green belts/trees when developers come in. The next meeting will be the lake and street tour with the LAC and City Council on June 13th, 2006 at 5:45 pm, departing from Lakefront Park. Mike Feriancek motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tim Libert second, approved. Meeting adjourned, 7:20 pm