HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A - EP 06-114 Maple Place 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.L Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: CASE # SA PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS MAPLE PLACE DANETTE MOORE, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A -- JULY 24, 2006 EP 06-114 INTRODUCTION: EPIC Development has applied for approval of a development to be known as Maple Place on the property located south and east of Trunk Highway 13, west of Sunray Boulevard, and north of Thornton Drive. The proposal calls for a single-family development consisting of 12 dwelling units on 5.39 acres. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site area consists of 5.39 acres. Tono!!ranhv: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 964' MSL at the northwest comer of the property to 990' MSL in the south central portion of the site. Ve!!etation: There are 532 caliper inches of significant trees on this site. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: No wetlands exist within the boundaries of the site. Access: Access to the site is from Griggs Street, originating within the Maple Glen development to the east, and ultimately to MN TH 13. 2020 Comnrehensive Plan Desi!!nation: This property is designated for Low to Medium Density Residential uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\maple place\pc staffreport.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Page 1 Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 Zonin~ The site presently is in the R-1 Zoning District (Low Density Residential). The R-1 district is consistent with the proposed R-L/MD designation. Shoreland: The site is not within the Shoreland District and IS not subject to the Shoreland requirements. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 12 lots for single family dwellings and 1 outlot. The lots range in size from 12,125 square feet to over 17,672 square feet (Outlot A is 27,635). Portions of Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2 are remnants of outlots incorporated from the adjacent Maple Glen 1 st Addition Plat (previously anticipated with Maple Glen 1 st Addition). Streets: The plan proposes one roadway extension within the development. Griggs Street will be extended approximately 500 feet from the east (from Maple Glen 1st Addition) and concludes with a cul-de-sac. Sidewalks/Trails: No sidewalks or trails are proposed within this development. Parks: Section 1004.1000 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10% of the net area of the site for parkland dedication. The net area for the project is 4.60 acres, which would require a .46 acre park. The site benefits from an adjacent 4.9 acre park located to the east in Maple Glen 1 st and 2nd Additions. The developer will be required to make a cash dedication in lieu of land. Sanitary Sewer/Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and water mains will be extended from the east in Griggs Street right-of-way. Storm Sewer: The site will have storm sewer in Griggs Street, which will drain to a pond located west of Griggs Street. Densitv/Lots: The plat proposes 12 single family units. Density for this development is based on the R-1 district maximum allowed density of 3.6 units per acre. The minimum lot area and lot width in the R-1 district is 12,000 sq. ft. and 86 ft at the front building line. The proposed plat will meet these requirements. Tree Renlacement: The applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 532 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. The Zoning Ordinance allows up to 25% of the significant caliper inches to be removed for road and utility purposes, and up to 25% for building pads and driveways. The number of significant inches removed over and above these percentages must be replaced at a rate of a 1/2 caliper inch for each inch removed. This plan proposes to remove 444 caliper inches of significant trees. 42.3% of the caliper inches proposed to be removed for roads and utilities, and 57.7% for building pads and driveways. The developer will need to revise the tree reforestation plan to meet tree replacement requirements. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\maple place\pc staffreport.doc Page 2 Landscane Plan: The Subdivision Ordinance requires two front yard subdivision trees per lot. Comer lots require at least four trees. This plat requires a total of 26 subdivision trees. In addition, the developer will be required to provide a buffer along the north side of the site adjacent to MN TH 13. The developer has submitted a landscaping plan meeting these requirements. Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the standard development fees. ANALYSIS: As noted in the attached memorandum from the Engineering Department, the developer has the following two key issues that could impact the configuration of the plat: 1. Minimum basement elevation for pads adjacent to ponds and wetlands shall be 2' above the 100-year HWL elevation. The lowest opening shall be 2' above the emergency overflow. Drain tile system is proposed for the interior and exterior of the units adjacent to the wetland. Provide detail regarding the design of the drain tile. How will drawdown of the wetland be prevented and where will connection to storm sewer system be made? 2. Volume control feature is designed as a surface infiltration feature in the rear yards of Lots 2-4, Block 2. This feature is seen as a nuisance due to the low permeability of soils, lack of maintenance access, and proximity and relative elevation to home basements. The plans must be revised to address these conditions and comply with the Public Work Design Manual requirements. On July 20, 2006 the Engineering Department was copied on plans submitted to the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District. The plans showed modifications to the infiltration and easement area. The City has not had sufficient time to review the modifications and establish if the changes will meet the necessary requirements. For that reason, staff would recommend continuing the project to the August 14, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed Preliminary Plat. The Commission should discuss the issues outlined above, and any other issues which occur as a result of the public testimony, and provide the developer with some direction on these matters. If the Commission feels the proposal should proceed to the Council, the staff would recommend the following conditions be attached: 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\maple place\pc staffreport.doc Page 3 1. The comments in the City Engineer's memorandum, dated June 26,2006, must be addressed with the final plans. All utilities and roads must be constructed in conformance with the Public Works Design Manual. 2. The developer shall provide a revised Tree Inventory/Tree Preservation Plan that demonstrates how tree replacement requirements will be met. 3. The developer shall formally submit plan revisions to the City for distribution and reVIew. 4. All signage shall require a sign permit. 5. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. 6. The developer must submit a Letter of Credit in an amount equal to 125% of the cost of the required replacement trees. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the above conditions, or other conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to August 14, 2006, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #2. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending the Preliminary Plat request be continued to assure that all conditions will be met. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Engineering Department Comments 3. Maple Place Preliminary Plat Plans 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\maple place\pc staff report. doc Page 4 VIA ::> _ = ::> _AC = __DCA - D \j VlA::> ~// \ '\~ \ \/>~/ 0;/ . \ J \\\ \/~\;:: / ~l. .... . /\// . . /;:}( '/1...... ..... '1" /'(~Ir\{:r~/'\ ~(// \ \// ''', ...... ~. /././............. / LLfJ ) \ / "'--, --'_ / y"'. ',,- 1-. ' ~\ \// /./.,,~. j\// >. . '. // \\\ / /', /, Y0/' . ,// /'" .... // \~/ \' '. /. n.', /'\ \/ ~/ ~ ,/ J{ ! T' ... // ) // , ,/ \//"\ , ,y.'... / cr...>~~lj~~ '. )-;" / (~ \ \ /. I^~?./' L J ' / \ \ \ >< ....., (ff ^ \) ~/ \ \ 'v'\/" ". \" ~ / /\ Y / / \ /\ ~" / "'{ / \ >' A / \ \ ~ '. L \ V /,/ \ /( \ \ \ ""... // ~Q' \ \ \ \ \\ '\ \ '''. f?-.Q 'QV Y\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, / 0<(0 <y \ \ \ \ \\ \ \. \y ...~ \ '. \ \ \ \ \ " V \T \\ \\ \\\\\/ \\\\ \\\\V \\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\)/ ~~ \.\ \ \\. \// --\. -<,.y.. \ \ \ \ )/ ......'\- \ \ \ \.Y ~. \ \ \./' '/ \y 'yo SITE I //-- \ ( \ \ \ \---J/\ / / i SKINNER STREET I ~ i .. ~ // lliORNTON DRIVE ~ ,// '0.. ~ ~ '-~' \ ~-----------// ./\/ .\ -----------'r--_ ,/,0..//-- \\ I \-\'c- \ , \ I I \\\ \, \ I i \ \\ \/\ //-~- ---J I \-1 -----I ' I \- L'7 ,----- .........,// I ~ N + ~emorandum DATE: June 26,2006 TO: Danette Moore, Planning Coordinator FROM: Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer cc: Steve Albrecht, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Maple Place (City Project #06-114) The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary plat revised June 8, 2006 for the subject project and we have the following comments: Kevlssues 1. Minimum basement elevation for pads adjacent to ponds and wetlands shall be 2' above the 1 DO-year HWL elevation. The lowest opening shall be 2' above the emergency overflow. Draintile system is proposed for the interior and exterior of the units adjacent to the wetland. Provide detail regarding the design of the draintile. How will drawdown of the wetland be prevented and where will connection to storm sewer system be made? 2. Volume control feature is designed as a surface infiltration feature in the rear yards of lots 2-4 block 2. This feature is seen as a nuisance due to the low permeability of soils, lack of maintenance access, and proximity and relative elevation to home basements. General 1. Permits from PLSL Watershed District, NPDES permit, and a SWPPP must be obtained prior to grading. MnDOT permits will be required for discharge into ditch. Gradina Plan 1. Show all easements on the grading and utility plans. Some side easements appear to be missing on the plan sheets. 2. Provide note stating the person and contact information for person responsible for erosion control implementation and maintenance. All erosion control BMP's and tree protection fence must be in place and inspected by the City prior to commencing construction. 3. Contours at Lot 1 Blk 1 seem to be incomplete in regards to Maple Glen match point, please revise. Show proposed grading for driveway access removal. C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2F\review 062606.DOC 4. Revise note to state that all silt fence is to be installed by the Contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. 5. Design and label emergency overflow location and elevation for the pond. Hvdroloav and Storm Sewer 1. Volume control feature is designed as a surface infiltration feature in the rear yards of lots 2-4 block 2. This feature is seen as a nuisance due to the low permeability of soils, lack of maintenance access, and proximity and relative elevation to home basements. 2. Dikes used to create rate control ponds must at maximum use 4:1 slopes and measure 10' wide at top. At minimum, a clay core should be designed in consideration of groundwater flow. Pond design must address maintenance of pond water level. Specify that sand bedding not be used through dike section. 3. Dike elevation should be at least l' above HWL C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2F\review 062606.DOC 2 o 200G RYN4.;.........=.-__G.tc. DEVELOPMENT DATA MAPLE PLACE ZONINC: COItIPRtHCNSlIIC PLAN: CJOSTWC ZONINC: RCSJDCN1IAL CJt1STlNG LAND USE: R-LjlID UrtxJn Low Medium Den,ity PROPOSCD ZONING: o"e-ramly Residenliol - RI PROPOSCD ZOOINC: One-Fomiy Rtnidenlid _ Rr lll9olOestriplion: Thot port 01 Governm....t Lot 7, s.ction 10. Townlhip 114, Ronge 22. Scoll CourIly. Minnesota Old thol port of the $outMost Quorter of the NOtth...t Ouorter of lOid Section 10 and thot port of the NOtth holl of the $outhWQt QuO't. of ~icf Seetion 10 ~ o. foIows; eomm....cing ot 1he South...t corner of aoicf Section 10; th..ce North 00 oav,e, 30 minutes J~ second, [o,t olong 1he We.t line of ~icf Seclion 10. 0 :-':8e ~~2 f~~3; :=~:t: ~ed~~~o~r5i~t.;fme:e~~::. Ot~ ':'t.-::!lha:,'~~~I~f :-~l:-f':~ ~~0~Tr;:t~~:;91;~ ~tnC~~t~in:':~~lh:r.":or~ ';~.;: Qm:I~~'~: di.tonce 37 MCond1 ...t 0 di.tance of 314.26 fHt to 10lcl Southeo.l.-ly rMjltt- of-WGy fine; thence North_t-'y oIong .oiel Southeolter1y righl- of-wa)' .... Q di.IOle:. of agl.3:) 'eet 10 its int...aection writh 0 l~ drown porollel :a~:::~~on~;.~i':1 ~t if.o'~t::'=~ionWe:~in: :. -:O::~::h 1~ ~~e"~2th:~::'~~ ':e::':o~~j,om ttl. point of beginning: th.,,~ South 88 deqr... 32 minut.. 3:) MCond. West 0 distance of 439.69 feet to the pointofbeo;JinnincJ And OuUot e ond Outlot C Maple GI.. LEGAL DESCRIPTION "on"",", CPfC OC'rflOPtlCN1. tiC M20 SJCY lANe CCJCN PRAJRE. IIH $33f 7 LOT AREA DATA SINGLe FAM. onfl0AlCN1 AReA L01NUltl8CR BlOCK 1 1 2 J , . . , IItOCK 2 1 2 J . . 10/01 BLOCKS 1 .. 2 A'1l'. LDI Area ~.J9:k +/- AC AReA 5.1'. 14.0tSJ:t I.177u.. '.175.':t '.1191:t ,J,197:t IJ.a$6:t 16,OJ1:t 14.467:t US,J04:t IT.a12% I.J.181:t 12.12,:t 17.J.'76:t 14,.J9CI:t / / / / / / / / / / / / /" 3: A :0 / \ ~ \ "',., ,.,. -1 d8 / \'9 3 / "Ib ~.... / /" ~o"O ",'fl -4,0' ~ ........... ........ StREEt /~- / -Z- I-I / 3 I 2 I / __C I I 1____1__.-J N s\e*ksoro~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~il 4djace11 Properly 0..,<<.: A. ToII.flOn Developmenl, Inc. 17271 l<en)'Ol'l, 51.. 10J Lak..... M" :)5(144 e, Witt De"""opme1t, Inc 1530 280 51. W. N,. PrOQu., WN :)6071 C. W~dolltM"ook Builcl..... Inc 2934 eobcol Troll NW Prior Loke. UN 55372 O. Scali Leonerd Ham" I 2084 Gontr~ lone Appl' Vgllcy, WN 55124 E. Wert)" Chon Horn" 6715 f"eoth..-slon. Or SclV<l'il', UN 55318 Jf ~ I _ I o' SO' 100' 1~' (CITY PROJECT 106-t14) RYiI!~ng LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior. IAN 55331 (952) 380-5000 1....,...,'IIMlIhiI,....~ ......-........,..........., *<<1...............1..,..." ........~........_..... 51..."'......... -. iiii-- .... .... MAPLE PLACE Prior" Lake, ~ for ~!~~ ProjKl No. fHv,UlI/.IrrIrnn91r_ , ... tKo- tly CLQ OIo_tTy .... - NeIlisk1n. 41U/tIa...... ~..... 0.-... MlIDI '--L _........... - IIMII............. i!.N......e.a issued For: Dale: &c:henw.tk:1>ctIV1 ,->. .... ........,.,.- -- - """"""'"' Preliminary Plat "- P-2 02006 RYAN ~ NC / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / " / , , , ~/ ,/ /\ \ !' j/ /~\ ::/ I I" " I I ' " THE CONrRACTOR SHALL veRIFY THe LOCATION AND flEVATION OF CXlSTING U11U1IfS ANO / I <' TOPOCRAPHICJ.L nA~S .UN 1HC OtllNCRS AND FELD-VCRlFY PRKJR TO CONSr1lUCT1ON. THe CONTRACTOR SHALL MfilCWTElY NOTIFY THE" CNCINCCR OF ANY OISCRCPANOfS OR VARIATIONS. ......... I I; < ,,{ ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT flCVArlONS ARC 5HOttIN 10 FINISHeD SURF'ACC/GUT~R GRADeS UNLCSS SHOItN ~ /'~ (I I 'I...." /" OTHCRtlfSC. RUCR TO PA MNG PLAN FOR OCTMCO SPOT flCVA TIONS, GRADE PeRCeNTAGeS. AND , ~ I /' ::~:: =~:'PLACC PRIOR 10 INIF/ATION OF CARTHttORK AND SHALL 8C /' .""TNNCO UN"- ......- TURF OR CROCJND CO,,, IS mNII.lSHC~ AT !tHO< ""''' "'AU B< ".Ow. "" '^ ~,~, J ( I,,' l TDIPORARY PONOINC. DIKes. HAI'BALCs, eTC., R(QUlRCO BY THe CITY SHALL Be INCIDCNTAL TO THe GRADING. '\ ""- .:, ........ / \ I 1Hf CONTRACTOR SHALL use A ROCK CONSTRUCTION eNTRANCe ACCORDING ro 1HC ocrAlls. ALL S1RffTS \ '~I I ~ :==~W5L*fC~:;:=::~~"'::;:A:::::\afCS ,,""''I. ""-"" ;""': : CONTRACTOR SHAU. BE RCSPONSIBLC FOR 1CIIPORA.RY 0IrcHCS. PtPINC. OR OTHeR IilCANS RCO#..IIKO ro \ _,/ \ \" '\." ) " ,I fNSURC PROPCR ORAlNACC DUR1NC CONSTRUC11ON. LOIr POINTS IN ROADWArs OR BUILDiNG PADS . "- wsr Be PROl'fOCD tilTH A POSH1vr: OUTflow. \. ,,\. '\ ' / I ALL ARf"AS OISnJRBCD AS A ReSULT or ~TRUCOON SHALL B€ MItOIA1FI.Y ReSTORED IIITH sav~ \ "y"', 'I., "\ '/' " AND 0fSC IMA.CHCD OR MOaJ-F1BIER Bt.ANKH OR SOO ~ ACCORDANCe t1frH THe APPRO'tf:D PLANS III " \ ,( , " I I OK) M([)($ UPON COIIPlCDON OF CAO/ ACTlWTY IN ACCOROANCC *IH THe ClTY'S scsr "''I. \' " "I lIANAGCIiICNT PRACrrcc HANDBOOK. ,,'I. \' "'I.\" ,,'" "",, /' THC CX1SFWC HOUSE III"" GRADiNG LlltMrs 10 Be DClKJUSHCD IN ACCORDANCC 'MTH LOCAL ",,\"",', '\; ",-," \ ",,,,/ /,," /" col<RMlCNr RCGlAA7KJNS AND AU. C1t1STWC MEUS AND SCPTIC srsrcws SHALL Be ABANOONCD <' ,( \; '" )> /' " ,,/, IN ACCOROANCC 11Im LOCAL. CO'oCRMlCNT RCGlAA1JONS. 'I.'" \.' \ "'" 10TAL OISJURflCD MfA - .16 ACRCS +/- \ \"...."", \ \ "'I.\. ,,,,,.... '\ ",,,,/' ,,,,,,,"'/' TOTAL PRQPOSCDPRO.CCTARCA.. ~"'ACRfS +/- ,/'" \ ''I. \ \"''''''''') /" /","''0. 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W/VAlV( -I~ STORU SEVIER -4<]- """"""" If WIDE ~O.5'()[PlH """'-- ---...... - -- L ENI<AMAT (Jl APPROIJED EOUAl. SEE[I(O &< ANOiQREO WITH 2-] FAST[NERS{S. Y. (Jl A.S PER MANurACTIJRER'S SPEOOCA.TIOHS , 9~.' .,.9!J.O 815.5 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSEO SPOT ELEVATION o OCNOTCS APPROXIIIATC SOiL BORING LOCATION B-S GUC CONSULTANTS, INC '''000 21st A\of". N. IIINNCAPaIS, ItIN SS...., '6J-SS9-I~9 /;IJNllltAtI BASEItlCNT AND SILL eleVATIONS ADJACENT 10 POND I WMUUIJ BASElleNT CLeVATION .. 981.4 LOW SILL eLCVATION . 982.00 f'lNlSHEO FlOOR [LEVA nON SANITARY SEWER -q- WATER -1- HYC. W/VAlYE ---I----ot STORN SEWER -.._ lCO' '50' ORAlNAct DIRECTION "'. (CITY PAo.JECT to6-114) R~~ng lAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior,!AN 55331 (952) 380-5000 / ......., CIrilr............,.oicloIian. .......-,.......,............, *-:l........._lhIll......" .........~.........1llIrs1ll1hl StN~~ -- .-...- - ;;.. / MAPLE PLACE Prior Lake, MN for ~!!!~ Pro~/NQ. 7J;gitt1l~~ . ... lJrfl_By CI..Q a;- ~, PIll ~.. - Ii._. ~/OII~.!!t...o-.n. MIIOII...!f!L ___. PDnd --- """~_""'.rand Iuued For: Dale; ........OC"""'"' DooV>- .. ........,. ...... .... - ........ ~ Preliminary Grading and SWPP Plan .... P-4 " / , , , // '/ /\ \ I: / J/ /'\' :/ / I '" ..- I I \ ..- I I ,,\ ;- , I ' > I / \...- """,/'~ I / / '........ /' ""'< " ~ I I .... ~ "" J: i "/ "/ '\ " (, "--<,' \: "/ \ '" I I \ -.--/ ",/'\ '" ", ~~: : ./ \ / \ \ '/ I I "/ '" "'" / I I \. /\ '\ ' ;' I "/ \ \ ':/ \ \,\ )v> >;/ / "/ /\/'\\\ \~ '~'/ \ /:> /:,"/ ,," \. 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". ..- ,,' ,. o' N' .,. ..' ,.. ,,' ,,- .,' ". TOTAl. CAI.ftI, NOES ON SITE -- , , . , o " " " " ... rJ " ,. :: ~. ,.' .,' n: -' 1/2 TOl RAllO" 71 AI-'" 2~"'._U""_" '1III_41",.'a/_ln TREES lfMOYB) fOI; NJIV. UTU. O'WAYS N<<J "ADS -- o .. " " " .. " " ~ " 10 " ,. _n ~;. g: -! fr.. ",: :::"'n .r ,,- 1/2 TO ,.....!lO.. 16_-" ". :;= roTA!. ...."'OiTY"NT.. UlTrA' 1M04r"<;' ". ,.. :: .,. 12: ~. REQUItED TREES FOR NEW SUBDIV. (PER ory SUElOl~9ON CODE 1005.1001) w:.\' y=..Jh:~ t~.l~TL~1'fllO'S) CQIlIIIEIIlO' (2$TRt('.2~'YAAO.'LOT) '''~ " / / "/ ...- "/ / "/ / "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ "/ \ ~ \ y 4-0 \ ~ 3 x . . . X . "/ / . 532 ~ ~ /,f./' .-;/ <1'--:{/ -:{7 ;'/ / / / ~---- 3 ~ r--.... I "J ' ~,~, ....:/' ............/"t R~?ng LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 434 Lake Street Excelsior. MN 55331 (952) 380-5000 '_r~tifr\tlol"'''''''lfPIIiI"al.... .._I_~br"'."""'r 1fnct~""""I_.~ ......~... ......11I III ......- ;.,.- ~..... ... 2 MAPLE PLACE Prior Lake, MN ./ "/ for ~!!!~ Proj<<t No. DKpHIf Urt1-.g NQfJI. ~- ZiooiM By ClLO CiitlCl<lttTHy .... i)Qt. 2 2J14/OO R.~. 4/f1t08 ~.ERr..... co.m.tI ~~_""'.I"and --- ~Laoul_""'.1"Inf htaued For": De.te: Sc:heme.ticOelisJ'l """'" o...IapnonI I I ,. Review ........... ~ REQUIRED REPLACEMENT TREES (PER ory ORDINANCE 1107.2106) NOTES: "'SCO uPON PlNIT Av.......rT. THE llE~L(J'(A RES[II~S THE I"CHl TO Sl.8Slll\.lll: n€ AlIO\I( 1'II(ES __ Ttt( SAM[ CATAGORY .tH PRIOIIAPPAO'IAl.F'ROIolTtt(OTlorPRlOlll-"<E. 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