HomeMy WebLinkAbout5C - Golden Ponds ;.:l PR~ t:O~ U /Tl ~ Maintenance Center 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PREPARED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: CASE NO.: DATE: INTRODUCTION: PLANNING REPORT 5C PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS GOLDEN PONDS AND APPROVAL OF VARIANCES TO THE MINIMUM LOT AREA AND FRONTAGES FOR THE R-1 SHORELAND DISTRICT JANE KANSIER, PLANNING DIRECTOR X YES NO NA #EP06-117 JULY 24,2006 Bakken Development has applied for approval of a development to be known as Golden Pond on the property located northeast of Wedgewood Lane (Spring Lake Township), east of Sunray Boulevard, south of MN TH 13, and west of Rice Lake. The application includes the following requests: . A Preliminary Plat consisting of 27.317 acres to be subdivided into 34 lots for single family development. . Variances to the minimum lot area and lot width requirements. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 27.317 acres. The net site area, less existing wetlands, is 24.698 acres. Toooaraohv: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 998' MSL at its highest point to 952' MSL at the lowest point. The majority of the site currently drains towards the wetland located at the center of the site. The eastern portion of the site drains towards Rice Lake. Veaetation/Existina Uses: There is an existing house and outbuildings located at the southwest corner of the site. These buildings will be removed. The south half of the site is heavily wooded. The north half of the site has been cropland and pasture. A tree inventory identified 4,730 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. This area is identified as part of the Natural Maple/Basswood Forest on the City of Prior Lake Natural Resource Inventory. The site is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements. Wetlands: There are four jurisdictional wetlands located on the site, totaling 3.9 acres. The plan proposes to impact 1.07 acres of the wetlands. The impacted wetland is a small wetland located on the north side of the site. The impact will be mitigated on the site. The Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) has reviewed and approved the wetland 1:106 filesl06 subdivisionslprelim platlgolden pondlgol~~~of]rn!iwt:l!iJke.com Page 1 Phone 952.440.9675 / Fax 952.440.9678 mitigation plan. The City Council will be asked to approve the plan as part of the preliminary plat review. Access: Access to the site is from Turner Drive, located in Maple Glen 2nd Addition to the west. Turner Drive will also connect to Hickory Shores on the north side of the development. The proposed plat also provides for a future connection to the property to the south. Access to the property directly east of this site, along the shoreline of Rice Lake, is part of a larger parcel with access from 180th Street to the south. 2020 Comorehensive Plan Desianation: This property is designated it for Low to Medium Density Residential uses. Zonina~ The site presently zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). The R-1 district is consistent with the existing R-L/MD designation. This district permits a maximum density of 3.6 units per acre. Shoreland: A portion of this site is also located within the Rice Lake Shoreland District. Rice Lake is designated as a Natural Environment Lake; the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for this lake are 20,000 square feet and 100 feet, respectively. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 34 lots for single family dwellings. The lots range in size from 16,000 square feet to over 39,000 square feet; lot widths begin at 90 feet. The applicant is requesting variances to the minimum lot area and lot width for the lots less the 20,000 square feet and 100' in width. The rationale for the variances request is discussed later in this report. Streets: This plan proposes three new public streets, as listed below. . Turner Drive is located on the north side of the plat and extends 800' from Maple Glen 2nd Addition on the west to Hickory Shores on the north. The street is designed as a local collector street with a 66' wide right-of-way and a 32' wide surface. . Golden View Lane is a north-south street extending 1,300' from Turner Drive to the south boundary of this plat. It is designed with a 55' wide right-of-way and a 28' wide surface. . Maplewood Drive is a 500' long cul-de-sac located on the south side of the plat, west of Golden View Lane. It is designed with a 50' wide right-of-way and 28' wide surface. SidewalkslTrails: Sidewalks are located along the north side of Turner Drive and along the west side of Golden View Lane. Parks: There is a 1.25 acre neighborhood park located in the northwest corner of this site. This park becomes part of the 29 acre park system stretching from 170th Street to TH 13 in the Heritage Landing, Hickory Shores and Maple Glen developments. This portion of the park is relatively flat upland, and will be the site of a playground structure. The land dedication satisfies 50% of the required dedication. The remaining requirements will be satisfied by a cash dedication calculated at 50% of the total lots times the current per unit cash dedication. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\golden 07-24-06 pc report. doc Page 2 Sanitary Sewer: The sanitary sewer in this development is designed to flow to a lift station located at the center of the site on the west side of Golden View Lane. The lift station will then pump the sewage back to the gravity line located in Maple Glen 2nd Addition. The sanitary sewer lines are extended to the south and west property boundaries to provide for future connections. Water Mains: Water main will be extended from the existing line located in Turner Drive. The development plans also provide for future connection to the west and to the south. Storm Sewer: The stormwater runoff on this site is directed via storm sewer pipe and grading to a pond located on the east side of Golden View Lane. This pond is sized to handle this runoff as well as some of the runoff from the Hickory Shores development. Densitv: The development proposes 34 single family units. The net density in this plan is 1.24 units per acre. The proposed density is consistent with the maximum 3.63 units per acre permitted in the R-1 Use District. Landscapina:, Single family developments require at least 2 front yard trees per lot. The developer has not provided a landscaping plan for this development. Tree Replacement: The applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 4,730 caliper inches of significant trees on the site. The Zoning Ordinance allows up to 25% of the significant caliper inches to be removed for road and utility purposes, and up to 25% for building pads and driveways. The number of significant inches removed over and above these percentages must be replaced at a rate of a 1/2 caliper inch for each inch removed. This plan proposes to remove 47% of the total caliper inches of significant trees on the site. The plan does not identify the number to be removed for roads and utilities from those removed for building pads and driveways. The tree inventory needs to be revised to include this breakdown. ANAL YSIS: The density and overall layout for this subdivision is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance criteria. However, as noted earlier, some of the lots do not meet the minimum lot area and lot width requirements, so the developer is requesting variances to these provisions. The original preliminary plat for this development was revised at the suggestion of the staff. The City Council created a Tree Preservation Task Force to look at the provisions of the Tree Preservation Ordinance (see Agenda Item 7A). The Task Force has been working on a new Tree Preservation Ordinance. A component of the potential ordinance is a mechanism intended to provide flexibility in areas identified high and moderate quality natural environments, identified by the Natural Resources Inventory recently completed by the City. The intent of this section is to offer a process that will provide maximum design flexibility, without the need for a full-fledged Planned Unit Development. This process allows the developer to modify street right-of-way and surface widths, lot areas and lot widths, and structure setbacks. Its scope is more limited than a standard Planned Unit Development in that it does not allow increased density or unit types not otherwise permitted. The idea is to preserve the natural environmental features. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\golden 07-24-06 pc report. doc Page 3 This site is identified as a quality natural environment, specifically for the maple/basswood forest located on the site. The staff used Golden Pond as an example to illustrate how the proposed ordinance could work, and what the benefits would be. In this case, the flexibility saves, at a minimum, 24 16" to 36" maple trees (480 total caliper inches). Once we had identified this benefit, the staff and the Task Force felt this opportunity should not be lost and we should try to carry this plan forward, even though the ordinance is not in place. Since the preliminary plat application was not yet complete, the developer was amenable to revising the plan as suggested. The proposal also provides the developer significant cost savings in terms of tree replacement and infrastructure. As mentioned, a new tree preservation ordinance has not been adopted, so the variances are necessary. The staff discussed this proposal with the DNR, and they have no objections to the variances. The DNR feels the environmental benefits provide a justification for the reduced lot areas and lot widths. The Engineering Department has also listed several necessary revIsions to the preliminary plat; however, none of these affects the overall design of the plat. DISCUSSION: Variances: Section 1108.400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The site includes a significant natural resource in the form of the maple/basswood forest. This is a unique feature of the site that is not present on all properties. The proposed variances allow a design that preserves a greater portion of this resource than would be accomplished with a conventional development. The variances do not allow additional density on the site. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The presence of the maple/basswood forest is peculiar to this property. 3. The granting of the proposed variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. The granting of the requested variances is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial right of the owner, but is necessary to preserve the unique natural features of the site. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\golden 07-24-06 pc report. doc Page 4 4. The granting of the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The granting of the requested variance will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties. The granting of the proposed variances will provide additional buffering between the new and the existing development by preserving significant trees. 5. The granting of the variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health, safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the variance will not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood. The granting of the proposed variances will provide additional buffering between the new and the existing development by preserving significant trees. 6. The granting of the proposed variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. One of the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance is to "conserve natural resources and environmental assets of the community." The granting of the requested variances is consistent with the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The granting of the variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The granting of the requested variance is necessary to preserve the natural resources. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The hardship is a result of the unique feature of the site that is not present on all properties. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a variance. Increased development or construction costs are not the basis for the variance requests. Preliminarv Plat: The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into 34 lots for single family dwellings. The general layout of the plat appears appropriate, given the constraints of the site. Approval of the preliminary plat should be subject to the following conditions: 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\golden 07-24-06 pc report. doc Page 5 1. The tree protection plan must be revised to indicate which trees will be saved, which trees will be removed for road and utility purposes, and which trees will be removed for building pads and driveways. A tree replacement plan, consistent with the requirements of the current zoning ordinance must be submitted. 2. A landscaping plan for the required subdivision trees must be submitted. 3. Revised plans addressing the Grading Plan and Hydrology and Storm Sewer comments listed in the Engineering memorandum dated June 12, 2006, must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a grading permit. 4. A revised preliminary plat showing lot dimensions and areas must be submitted prior to submittal of a final plat application. 5. Revised plans addressing the Plat, General, Streets and Utilities issues listed in the Engineering memorandum dated June 12, 2006, must be submitted and approved prior to submittal of a final plat application. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should act on the requested variances and make a recommendation on the proposed Preliminary Plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the requested variances and recommend approval of the preliminary plat subject to the listed conditions. 2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: 1. A motion and second adopting Resolution 06-11 PC approving the requested variances. 2. A motion and second to recommend approval of the preliminary plat to be known as Golden Pond, subject to the listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat Plans 3. Memorandum from Assistant City Engineer, dated June 12, 2006 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\golden 07-24-06 pc report. doc Page 6 Maintenance Center 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 RESOLUTION 06-11 PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING VARIANCES TO ALLOW LOTS LESS THAN 20,000 SQUARE FEET AND LESS THAN 100' IN WIDTH IN THE GOLDEN POND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Bakken Development is requesting variances from the zoning ordinance for the development of lots less than 20,000 square feet in area and less than 100' in width for a single family development on property zoned R-1SD (Low Density Residential Shoreland District) at the following location, to wit; That part of Government Lot2, Section1 0, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, and that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 10, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter distant 1176.65 feet Northerly of the Southwest corner, thence Easterly parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distant of 818.53 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 10, a distance of 1451.0 feet more or less to the North line of said Government Lot 2; thence Westerly along said North line to Northwest corner, thence Southerly along the west line of said Government Lot 2, and the west line of the Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter to the point of beginning. All being in Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #06-117 and held a hearing thereon on July 24, 2006. 3. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The site includes a significant natural resource in the form of the maple/basswood forest. This is a unique feature of the site that is not present on all properties. The proposed variances allow a design that preserves a greater portion of this resource than would be accomplished with a conventional development. The variances do not allow additional density on the site. 5. The presence of the maple/basswood forest is peculiar to this property. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\variance resolution.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.440.9675 / Fax 952.440.9678 6. The granting of the requested variances is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial right of the owner, but is necessary to preserve the unique natural features of the site. 7. The granting of the requested variance will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent properties. The granting of the proposed variances will provide additional buffering between the new and the existing development by preserving significant trees. 8. The granting of the variance will not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood. The granting of the proposed variances will provide additional buffering between the new and the existing development by preserving significant trees. 9. One of the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance is to "conserve natural resources and environmental assets of the community." The granting of the requested variances is consistent with the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 O. The granting of the requested variance is necessary to preserve the natural resources. 11. The hardship is a result of the unique feature of the site that is not present on all properties. 12. Increased development or construction costs are not the basis for the variance requests. 13. The contents of Planning Case #06-117 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the lot area and lot width variances to allow for the development of the Golden Pond Addition. The following conditions shall be complied with prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a detached accessory structure on the subject site: 1. This resolution must be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption. Proof of recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The final plat must be approved and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on July 24, 2006. Anthony Stamson, Commission Chair ATTEST: Jane Kansier, Planning Director 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\golden pond\variance resolution.doc 2 LOCATION MAP GOLDEN POND PRELIMINARY PLAT " ~1Tf~ f--( L l,L =:tf -'\ /\~ j-~~ ~~ ~ NfJl H ~ i I - : -- /jl1J =1/\>1-) ~ ~J3~A1:t7!l f I- = -\.)! rJl!/~~ > II ~, - - \,...xr ' f' I I ~\ y/ ) 1- = "v(3f(ftCTI /,r ' ~~~\~] 1 I~vl I(/J-III' 'Ru,5-!= -~~ ,- fI " /' ..." 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Ul W THE GOVERNING STANDARDS fOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE: THESE PLANS, THE CIlY OF PRIOR LAKE STANDARD CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND TECHNICAL SPEOFICATIONS FOR UTILlTY AND STREET CONSTRUCTION, THE 2000 EomON OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIOf{ E V I SED (Mn/DOT) -STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUcnOW AND ANY AMENDMENTS, THE 1999 Eem OF THE "STANDARD UTIUTIES SPECIFICATION FOR WATERMAIN AND SERVICE UNE INSTALLATION AND SANITAR SEWER AND STORM SeWER INSTAUATION- AS PUBUSHED BY THE em ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOT. , AND ANY SPECIAL PROVISIONS. BENCH MARkS: 1) N 1/4 CORNER SEe 16 T 114 R 22 scan COUNTY MONUMENT: SILO EL.fV.-934.90 2) Mn/DOT MONUMENT 7001T NORTHWEST SIDE STATE TRUNK HWY 13 EL.fV.=975.60 (NGVD 1929 AOJ) I~~@~DW~].' ~J MAY 3 0 2006 ) By ___~ I C.P. NO. 06-117 SHEET INDEX SHEET fiLE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS * 1 mLE SHEET 2 TYPICAL SEmONS * 3 GENERAL NOTES 11 GRADING DETAILS * 4 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 5-6 SANITARY SEWER 11 WATER MAIN DETAILS * 7-8 DRAINAGE &. STORM SEWER DETAILS 9 MISCELlANEOUS DETAILS PRELIMINARY PLAN 10 PREUMINARY PLAT 11 GHOST PLAT TREE INVENTORY PLAN 12-14 TREE INVENTORY 15 TREE REPLACEMENT EROSION CONTROL & GRADING PLANS * 16-17 * 18-20 * 21-22 GRADING &. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MmGATION PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL UTILITY PLAN AND PROFILES 23-29 SANITARY SEWER &. WATER MAIN STREET & STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILES * 30- 33 STREET &. STORM SEWER THIS PLAN SET CONTAINS 33 SHEETS * SHEETS INCLUDED IN SWPPP RESOURCE u~ ENGINEER TIm ArvIdson, P.E, Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. 305 Stonebrooke Court Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 (9S2) 402-9202 "'IATERIWASTEWATER City 0; Prior Lake Public Wor1cs Department 17073 Adelmann St, SE. Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952) 440-9675 DEVELOPER ~evelopment, Inc. 104070 COmmen:e Ave NE Prior Lake, MInnesota 55372 (952) 447-5287 EMERGENCY CONTACT FOR EROSION CONTROL Bakken Development . Aaron Bakken 14070 COmmerce Ave NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952) 447-5287 FAX (952) 447-6200 I HEREBY CERTIFY1HAT THIS PlAN,5PECIFlCATlON,OR fl.EPORTWAS PA.EPAIlEIl BY HE OA. UN06l. MY OIItKT 5lIPEfI.VISlON AND Tl1AT I AM A DULY lICENSED PROl9:SSIONAl ENGlNEEll. UNOER THE LAWS OF TI1E ST...n; OF MINNESOTA. ~rA /_- ilniothv'R. Arvidson OATE: OS/2612006 _~~~HG I OBSERVER: Cotmv.crOA.; IS'2J ;sr~~~~~~~~~ 306S1llnetlrookeCcul ~,MN563n 33 i ! ~ ~ I I i I II ! II ~~ $ ~ ~ ;; ~i ! ;: i ~ u ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,f~\T )~\ I,: 0 ~y ...<--:::-1: 1\ I . r-= JJ l-J I ' I ~; ! L~ tu, J: '-", -,I i ,~ ~ DU ~. , j , ; --<-----..,.....-..,.-- "-~'::~ -----'--- ____,-~.::~-.w 27.32 ACRES AREAS MAPLE GLEN 2ND RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA; 3.480 AC WETLAND AREA: 2.619 AC NET SITE AREA: 21..218 AC TOTAL SITE AREA; 27.317 AC OWNER( S) TOLlEFSOl1 DEVELOPI :ENT.J--. ''''''"!' l("'I",n~. .~----- lAKEVILLI . tr.I>l 550.4 I .~ RICE LAKE /l.eplDeecriptioD That put of... ,..; Lot 2,Section W, TOWQhip 114,Ranp 22,Bcott County.~ and ~ put of the Southwe.t Quarter of the Southeut Quarter afaaid SectioD. W,deIc:ribIll1 III ronow.: BecinniDg at. point. on the 1IRIIt!iDe of aid SouthllRllt Quaz1er oftbe Southeut Quarter dDtaDt 1176.65 feet DllI'tberl;v oft.he South_t CIU11EII'; tbeual euterIy puaIlel with the IClUth line of Aid SoIltbWtllt Quarter of the Southeut QIW1er a m.tance of 818.63 feet;them:e DlII'iberI,y puaIlelwith the 'lJeltJine of the SoutheutQuarw ofaid SedioP. 10,_ ~ o!l461.0 feut,rnore...... to tbeuorth lineollll1dGoftmmentLot2;tbmoeW1lllterlyalonillliduorth IinetotbenonhweltCWIlClljtheuc.llOUtberlyaloDgthellRllt IiIle oCeaid GovemmeDt Lot 2,md the WMt line oft.he South.. QuarteZ' oflhe Southeut Quarter to thB poiDt ofbe&irminl. All being in Scott Coomty,MinnelIota. QIlINER(Sl: GADO IS. THOWAS A 3726 180 S1 E PRIOR LAKE. t.4N 55312 / .; ~; '- I. OWNER( S I: BLAKE BOROUGH . GERALD 17821 WEDGE__OOO L.!L-_ PR IDR LAKE. 101II 55372 , , , '_1 OWNER/5J: TURGl,BI~L ..\ ALYCIA ~~igRl~~~_~ 55372 ..:::,----,. OWNER( S): GAOOIS,THOMAS A 3126 180 ST E PA IDA LAKE. ~ 55312 I. o 10() ~ SCALE I HI!IU:IIYCERTIFY TW,f.TntlS PLAN, SPEClFl~TlON, OR IlEPORT WAS PRI!I'AIll!D BY ME OR UND~ ~~V1SIONANOn1AT I AM A DULYUCIONSI!D PROn,SSIONAL E"IGINfER UNO~~;~STA~~._ ~_~ _ TlMOTHYR.ARVIO$ON SD. DRAWN "'" ~ "'" .~I STDNEBRCCKE ~=- ENIaINI!ERINl3 305 Stonebrooke ColIn Shakopee, UN 55379 PREUMINARY PLAT PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 200 FEET / / / 10 '" 33 'i' t ! ili ! Ii ~ 'I I ,-\) I i I -' ~ "I ! Ii ~ . ~ " ~ ~ Ii ~ ~ ~~ ~ ; o so ~ SCALE /\ ~ P i '--F~--="':""---~-= - -"--= ~-~.J , 2 7 ~fC- . ~. el. I J1;' i r~ ~/ e. /... ?~...,.......,,~ :-...~~,'~/~ 1 ~ ~, ~~~v1J !~. " @@'~ I @6 .:t.~/!:' :: B L :,Tn c @T< -'2~I~ .'i,!1/ , , ~ w "~ c., '@i.'4 '@@ ,i~ 1f; · I ~ . ~ ~~ . . ,= ~,~!: . S1 i ~? ,~ ._.J ! __ ~ ~ L_\?Jl___~ I____~L -,-- -- ~ -:-0>. 0' (~c:r 6 {~ 1F @ !~ ,.;~ I 5 4 5 <~@ 3 , , 1 I \J: .J,~ !U'J "" ] 1 I - &1 !~~ (9 @<E 'L..g, ! 1 ! ! @ ~ @ 4 [0 C K!! 1 i i 100 i FEET I HI!R9Y C!fl.T1FY THAT Tl11S PI"AH, SPEClACATlOfl, 0It REPORT WAS PIlfPAAJ:O IV ME Oil ~Da~OIIl.KT 50 VISION AND ThAT IIU4 A DULY UCENsED PROFESSIONAL eNGI~EER UHDP THI! LA sr....Tl!: Of' MINNESOTA. ~~~ _ TlMOTHY 11._ AAIIIDSON ~5S02....ro 05n6l~006 SOB DRAWN em ~ ".. ,c::al BTCNEBRCCKE ENllIlNEERINllI 305.:.... __"..... Court Shakopee,MN 55379 Ln ~ u o --.J co I ~ ~ ALL TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE PROTECTED BY SILT FENCE OR CONSTRUCTION FENCING AROUND THE DRIP liNE OF THE PROTECTED TREE. INSTALL PRIOR TO GRADING. TREE INVENTORY PRIOR lAKE. MINNESOTA C.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 13 33 i ! ~ ~ ~ I I I ..} ~ . ~i i II ~ . ;; " ~ h ~ ~I I ;: i ~ .. oi h o 50 ~ SCALE 3 2 0... --.J co ,!! 1 ~,~ Pi uc ..~' I i'1 rr; ~ /~ . / I:n;/~ - @ ~/~ I ~ 6 @ !--... , lli2!5.: ALL TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE PROTECTED BY SILT FENCE OR CONSTRUCTION FENCING AROUND THE DRIP UNE OF THE PROTECTED TREE. INSTALL PRIOR TO GRADING. ~l~ 2 I, ..:, '>~ l: ! '!i OJI I~ 7 100 I FEET I t1!f1.!1lY Cl!ll.T1FY Tt1"T 'Tl-tIS PI.AN. Sl'EClFlCATlOtl, OllIlEPORT WAS PRef'AR~ IV Ml: OR ~_~DIReCT!;t.Ifl'e V1SIONAHDnv.TI......"DULYU~SED PlWI'ESSIOr.lAl.ENGlNEEII. Ul'tDell. l1-It! LA E STATE 01' MINNESOT..... -== ~~ _ TIMOTHY 11.. ""W1DSON 2S502"j ""'" DS/26j2Q1l6 "'. OAAWN LM\! ~ TI<A .~. STCNEBRCCKE ~=- ENC3INEERINC3 305.:,._.._~.__.~Court ShaJ<opee,MN 55379 TREE INVENTORY PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 33 I SH'" 14 PLAN PAGE J of J OF ~~ / ! '--" i \ \ v L\ V tI ! ~ )" , , v -- ....--- l LJ:: =0 ,~'::.. U J ~I_l ;~~-J --"-"\ /-------'" \1- - -- ----- ,; ': - \ ~ j"-::, ' u1\ ~ Q;/,,"y'---- -:~'I " \ 1 I LJ u- 1 \ I , 1 t ----- , ~-~ I I' . =_/1 ~. ~ I L8 ~_____J i, Dd \ 0--71 9 - n -- J / I LLI 1117/ I ) " u6p.#ll4-P/Of)-HoOOO-W\QNlIS\~.ud\IIap~-roOO\~splI{o.A:I\:S :i1U l~~.l :1iOOH HIf Sr:6S:S 'JOOVfK/!;f) i ~tl) ~ Cl z o Q. Z W Cl ...J Z ~ 0 t-~ ~ Cl z z ~ w Z .... al i u, ~ ~ ~ '" '" Z LU 0 0.: ~ ~ u Wl!I~ ~z ~ 0- ~ Ol[! IEw"' mw Wz ~ z- ~ Ol!ll I- z", row il ~ gl31g I " 'L ~~ I ~ Ii ( ~ ~~ I J~ '..1 ~~ '\ . i!~J ~ ~~~ m ~ i~ ~ i J~ h~ I ~h o ~-~ : ~~ :S1V(]J.01d Ja1J04J :lI;1Sf1 1Cn.~ :~.lN3d JId'aXH3fIS :lI;1An10.L01d ! Ii ~ ~ ~ ; I ~ ~ INPLACE SHOREUNE RlCELAKE DNR OHW 9045.00 TOP Of tCE 9045.00 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ i I " ~ I I t S ~ r / ~ j U H ~ .. i~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ --~.,~ I I j I I / I j I I I 01 r I I I / I / \ \ / -'.~iJ ~C/'>A.-A."--- I \ _ NOTE: \ , , ALL BUILDING PADS ARE CORRECTED TO A DEPTH OF 60 FEET FROM FRONT SETBACK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE BUILDING PAD. FINISHED GRADE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 1:3 MAY REQUIRE RETAINING WAUS. RETAINING WALLS TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY OWNER. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY SITE GRADING. RETAINING WALL - BY OTHERS WITH HOME CONSTRUCTION IF NEEDED II'1'EREIlV CfRTII'V TM,\T nus PlAN, SPeClACATIOH, Oil. IU!PMT WAS PflEPAllED BV ME OR "~B~DIRECT VISION ANDT11AT 1_ ADO'-Y UCENSED PROfESS10NALENGlt,lEEIl lMDBl.1'MI!LA ESTAT'I!Of'MINN~A. ;== ~~ _ TlMOTHVIl,.AAVJDSON Q~'-2612DO-;- GRADING &. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN rswppp' PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA PlAN PAGE 1 of 2 c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 1__1 STCNEBRCCKE ~:II eNlIlNEERING 305 Stonebrooke Court Shakopee, MN 55379 SD' DRAWN em CHECKED TAA 16 .. o 5D ~ SCALE 100 I FEET 33 i ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ~' i I I " ~ E ~ ~~ ! it L ~ ~ ~ ei . ~ ! ~ ~ .. ~ oi ~~ ~ / / I I , ,\ / I C~~ ~f.~~.'1/.i.- ~50 ~ (] . . a ~ o so ~ SCALE I H~ CEIlTIFY TltjI,T THIS Pl.,oVO, SPECIflCAoTlON, OR iIlEPORT WAS _ARf'D 81' I'll! OIl UND~~~VlSIOHANOlliAT IAMADUl..YUa:NSl:'DPR~IONALENGlNE!;R UNDeR~;~STA~~ _ T1JoU:ITHYII.,ARVlt~ 25502 "".05/26/</006 SD' ~ "'" CHECKED TRA .~. BTDNEBRCCKE ~:. ENOINEERINO 305 Stonebrookft Court Shakopee, MN 55379 GRADING & TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN (SWPPP~ PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA PlAN PAGE 2 of 2 33 _ C.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND FEET I ~ ;~INPlACE SHOREUNE .~""" DNROHW945.00 TQPOflCE9-45.OCJ NOTE: - ALL BUILDING PADS ARE CORRECTED TO A DEPTH OF 60 FEET FROM FRONT SETBACK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE BUILDING PAD. FINISHED GRADE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 1;3 MAY REQUIRE RETAINING WAUS. RETAINING WAU5 TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY OWNER. ALL. EROSION CONTROl.. MEASURES SHAll BE INSTAlLED AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY SITE GRADING. 17 , All BUILDING PADS ARE CORRECTED TO A DEPTH OF 60 FEET FROM FRONT SETBACK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE BUILDING PAD. ~<.(~; ~-;~_:,_:",::~~;~~jt~ f_~::6f~~~ t ,BASIN l"A _'O>YR.....,;~,' -" 5,600 Sf ""~lO>YR_'''' ,> ~ ~ ~: ~ I , / ~ I i j' ~ ~ " ~ ~~ i Ii ~ 0 ~~ i. q . I L ~ .. ~ o~ ~~ ~ BENCH SEEOIN~ /}l' 9,378 SF ._~_.->" , INPLACE SHO~ '::UNE ~~c" ~..(;."~ /// -. _~:~"'~::f: ~~~-~~~~.. ~-7F A~--t:5~-~~O "C<}< 1 ' _ ~'tl ~hkr-"-"/.::::9~.-F-:~~, 0 tl.. ,d. 1 \' 1:t-t-..... ,...- f-~::: __=-__ _~1 ....-t---=--- ......."--.1 T i " ~- i ) I \ =::,- -:1 i!. -T It::; ~I" ~" 1 ~ 1 ' 1 ~?' ./ .~,<" 1 ~' .;..J....,L-------.i:. _~<...,:::IL\.... .,_l:l.~,-:: II 1 .~'>. ~~! / _ . .-.:.jJ Iii ~.'.. -rr '''.->~11 i:c.;- - ",;'" ~',"::...:~'H' ~...:.:...~"~ . / 4,=;. I " . ~/ I .-(.,,--.. 1 ~ I ,4 '.J~ J .~ I I' ~--- .~.-'-?.r~--- ~-~--o '> ~- -, ~pLA1'dC_-'I- .. -+.+:,..-+ - - '~- ,r-;-F.........:.'.".,-./..:, ~ -- ~8~_ ___.....W-t-<:.~l-- i ';";1 "'~~~~~~ -, I H'/ _ ------4.~;~i - \ Ir~ ".c. 1 J" '!O/' /i- \ g I: I I r 1,:\ '.-~t.,",IH 3" 4 ../(, 5 L " ) ~/ ":';:111 III, /// n 11/: 1'1 ~. . n -=-=~ =~( .;, i f T .1) ~ 1\ _1)~~ ;~~'~?~~~"~==".~~~'."'V: :I I 1'1 ,~",,~,.,,~~~~_r=~~-4-=:::"'--n\- -------.':=) J~I ~ R~___._-:;~ !':::::'':''~~''::==:: ~ ~~~::= L:--=:--:-=-- ,,:l ~ "v .-~~~~~1~;::-~;;::-~~,-=~~~-- ~ ~1 It I --:-=:,,=.-. ' N 'I I \ I ~ /// ~INPlACE SHOREUNE RICELAI(E ONROHW9ol5.00 TOf'OF ICE 9.tS.oo r:z:a lMPACl AREA ~ IMP....CT & aUFFER AREA ~ BENCHAREAT08ESEEDED t:.:w.:....:.J WITH WET MEADOW MIX W2 1 BUffER SIGNS I ( I I_~~ FINISHED GRADE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 1:3 MAY ; REQUIRE RETAINING WAUS. RETAINING WAu.s 10 BE . CONSTRUCTED BY OWNER. All EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHAll. BE INSTAlliD AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY SITE GRADING. I HI!IlI!8V CSl.TIFY THAT THIS l'I.,AIj, Sl'l!CIFTCATlON, OllIlEPORT WAS PlU!P"'R~O BV Mil 011. ~g:~~~l:~~I~~:~"OIJLVUceNSEO PlU)PESSIONAl.ENGINEEJl. -/;=:= ~~ __ TlMOTtiYR,AAVlOSON OS2~ so. ~ U<V ~ n;u. ,c:::Ic::Il STDNEBRDDKE ENGINEERINGI 305 Slonebrooke Court Shakopee, MN 55379 _MmGAll0N PLAN (SWPPP) PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA C. P. Nt? 06-117 GOLDEN POND o so ~ SCALE 100 FEET 18 PlAN PAGE 1 of J 33 i ~ ~ ~' ~ ! I l ~ I' r ~ '~ l @ i B ffi ~ .. c, ~ ~" . 8 ii ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ I ( ,\ / WffiANO C OHW960.80 PIlOPOSE0100YllHWl961.3) EXlSTlNG\OOYRHWl961.60 fESfOf96Cl.ao ~ PQNDNWLSUl!:fACEAAEA ~ 8UfFEll:.....REA TO 8E SEEDED ~WlTHUPl.AND8UfffllMlXUl o IMPACT AREA ~ IMPACT & BUffER AREA 1:::::::::1 :;~~~~~~S~~2 1 8UFFEIlSIGNS /WETLAND IMPACT . / " AREA 31,826 SF RI"'WE ONIl OHW 945.00 TOP Of lCE 9-45.80 BENCH SEEDING 9,?B1 SF POND SA 19,744 SF All BUILDING PADS ARE CORRECTED TO A DEPTH OF 60 FEET FROM FRONT SETBACK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE BUILDING PAD. FINISHED GRADE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 1:3 MAY REQUIRE RETAINING WAlLS. RETAINING WALlS TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY OWNER. All EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY SITE GRADING. o 50 ~ SCALE I H!R.f.I'" C8.T1FV TliAT lMl!I~, SPEClFlCAT1OH, Oll. A.ePOltT WM. PR9AAfD ISY Me OR u~ ~~V1S1ON AHD 'n1AT I A~ AOUlY UCE;NSED PftOFE55IONAL ENGINEER U~~;~A~~ _ 2SS0l OS/26i200ll 33 MlTIGATION PLAN (SWPPPl PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PlAN PAGE 2 0'] c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND .~, STDNEBRDDKE EN13INEERIN13 305 Stonebrooke Court Shakopee, MN 55379 __ nMOTHY R. AAVlOSOfl so. ~ U<V CHECKED TRA 100 19 fEET ! ~ 'i.~ II " p o . ~ ; , , I I I II II Ii/I I I \ II : I ! i Ii, \ I J- L/ /! I I \1 I /! , =------ ",,-- - -~,,~ <,.---..', ~~- "--- --'\ I i ~ ~ l ~ i I ~ I ~ ~ ,I ~i L i ~ ------7,...C/ .......-J /'~yf// / 'j 1 / <R"ci.( I / / 111\ / / I I ( / I I i ( II '"'_- --r r- I I I I II II .J c- '\ ./ ./ r~ /_-T' /'-" , / I / ! / i I I' .: f f; I [1\ \ \. \\ ~ \ \ \ \ ( I ( ! / / \ \ I RICE LAKE DI-.R OHW 945.00 TOPOFCE945.80 '- I ~ \ \------- \;\ \ ~ ... '> \ c>- I, \.... \..~:.-:.--.J r"lll~~.....,.~ J' "---"' , \ 1\ I I I I ! i I I ( / / / / ( I ! ! ( 1 l Lfr / ; / / / / I \ / :/;. / /1 J ;/1 ) I / / / / / / ( 1 ! / / / // /./ ~ \ I I ~ (/ ! 1 I _I - I / I \ \ \ .f. f! / ~ ~ ~ ~ LJill1llill k:::::::::l EROSION CONTROL LEGENQ SOD CATEGORY 3 FlBER BLANKET , \, , ~'> AU EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHAll BE INSTALLfD AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY SITE GRADING. I ~ , , SEED, FERTIUZE, AND MULCH DISK ANGiOR (SEED MIX SOB) (TYPE 1 MULCH) \ . o 50 ~ SCALE I HEREBY CER.TIN THAT TliIS PlAN, SPECIACATlON, Oft. RfPORT WAS PRB>AAEO BY I'l" OR "~abOIIlECTSU \/lSION AND TIiAT I AM A DULY UCENSEO PROfESSIONAL ENGINEER UNOEA THE I../l srATE 01' MlNNESOT"- ~~~- C.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 33 PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL PLAN (SWPPP) PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA PLAN PAGE 1 of 2 .~. BTDNEBRDDKE 1.:::.:1 ENQINEERINQ 305 SIooebrooke Court Shakopee. MN 55379 21 so. ~ U<V ,"",",,0 "'" FEET ',~.,,~~~~ o.'W5126/~006 WET!.ANDC OHW960Sl PROPOSED l00Yll HWL 961.30 EXISTING l00YR HWL961.60 FESEOf960.80 ,/ ;1 '~ RICElAKf DNllOHW9-4.S.oo TOP OF lCE 9-4.S.80 ~ WETlAND < \ \ \ I I HEIU!8Y CYTIFY THAT T1-tIS I"I.J<N, SpecJflCAT1ON, 011. R.f:POI\l WAS PRE!'AIl.!O IY loll! OIl. UNPat~PIRECT SU VISION ANOT1-t...ll AM'" DUlY UC!.'NSEO PA;OFESSIONA~ ~INE;ER UNDER THE; LA ST"'T!: OF ...INNESOT.... ;::;:= ~~- -- _ llMOJ.HYR.ARVIDSON SO. ORAW~ U<V CHECKED nA .~. BTCNEBRCCKE ~=-I!NIJINEI!RINIJ 305 Stonebrooke Court Shakopee, MN 55379 PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL PLAN (SWPPP) PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PlAN PAGE 2 0'2 22 C.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 33 ~ a ~ i t i I i t I -< J ~i ! II ~ ;; , ~~ ~ Ii I I ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ... o 50 ~ SCAlE 100 j FEET ; 'II~ , / / ~/ //ft :::"',/'/--------~-_/ /<:':' / ,,/ v '<~>"" /~/----~-/ >~'~ / ~ "_",,- ~} 'v ,/ r,~'., / \ "',~" / ./ ....0...:: I /" ~ ____~,_' 7 ~ ',--" / '~ / lo( \ ---------~ ~ :--- \~ I I \\ I I \\ II II II \\ I I ___--------\ \ \ _, II \' I 1\ I I \ \ \, ____-... I : \ j ';\ (\ II \ ----------- j ~-..... \. 1 I'. r\ ~..,~.. _ ~i I L ____~, ~ / " I . I LJ'-rWM :l~'~'f;ll(CC'-=-~( / II, ~~--tE'4~~b- ; '~~ G ,-c,=-o' 1, "-::'-,11-1' -, rT-C" ,,-- r--~JJ-'l ," _____________ ~ -- _ i I I I I I I . LI.,1 -- ~7 .. : : : \: i' : : J' ~ I I I I I :: I I J II ill I i:l :: 11:--- :/111 I: I I I I : '----- I I 1,\1 II I I II I I I II - :: I I I I , I I II III II II il -- 11'1 I I : II I I II - I I :'\: , 'II II :': I : ' 'L I I ': I :\: ~: I ..//'~_-=-,,-=--=-~n/~ L_____~ i _ _ -l I L.. - - - =--=-= -.J L-- __ __ --- -- -- ---7;;' - : --~I :------1'1\\ ;/ I II, I I 1\\ 11/ L_____ I I I I /// , , " ;!I II ! I I I 1/1 I : II \ ;// I I ~ il Ii i/I ,~ I l' ! * I ,1 ~. -y';",-- ~~- PARK 1.252 ACRE , -Ii:' ~ u 2 ---~I I .1 I 6 I HEREBY cefl.TtFY THAT TIllS Pl..AN, SI'ECIflCATtON, Oll. REPORT WAS PRB'All.l:O fJV ME OR LmO~ ~VlSION ANO TMAT I A~ A OULV UCEHSEO PROFessiONAL ENGII<lEER UNCER-7~STA~~ _ TIMOT!1Y R. AAII'lOSON """"' OS/2e121106 I ~ ~ S08 ~ "'" ~ TIOA .~. STDNEBRDDKE ~:II ENGlINEERINGI 3055.,. :'. ...._COUrt Shakopee,MN 55379 SANITARY SEWER &. WATER MAIN PLAN LAYOUT PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA PLAN PAGE 1 of 2 33 c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 27 "" i ~ ~ " I I ~ ~ a I .J J i~ S; 1 ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~I ! -;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ /- / / I I: II I' 'II' : ! I I I Ii 1'1 I 1,1 II I ,i I :\ : : I I I '1 ~ : ',: . /_: L~~~~~..J ~_~__~_III ~-----_-.l'~:::-:::-----~7l-----~-- II ~~~-~---,\,- It II II: \1 \ /?/ I II I ,\' /1/ IIL----- I I I 1'1, , I I 1" /1/ 11---- I I I: i ;//- I II i I It II ,:: :: 1/,// 'I' I I ,I < If! '\ ' I l' " J:, c.:.:!i:Ii':,,) "I ~t~ ~--~~-II /~_~~~~j -, <'. < "~?!f/;(;}I~ ,~==-----~-~ il' ~ --It-~-~ ~ ,/,1 /" I I ~j-, ,~-~-3--~~--- ~/ I / ........, II ---.-l :: --h h_ +=- \(/ / / I - I I --LI_ -t\:\\.... I I : : I I ~ \ \\ ...." / I I I : : '\:.' ,I , II I' \'~\ I I I I: \ \ I' II \ \ I I I \\\ - I I I I ,\\, I I I I \\\ I I I I \\\ I I : ! '\\ I I _._~__---.J ~_________.___..>\_~' 1'1 n-----, II I A I L III 7 r III I III I III I Lf--i______1 ,- - - -I-r - - - - --I I II I I II F I I I 6 I I II I I II I I----l~-____J C K: :--2-ir-----1 I' I 10'~ k-- F I I I I 5 I I I II I I I II I I I II I ____..J ~___.lL_____.J I / _-1 _.-//' I _- I _---11 I --11- II _-- II II _' r II II :: ',: B L ::0 II II II II II II I I 2 I I 3 I I II II II I II II II L1r___.JL1r---.JLII--~..JL ';ij, ;~-'t=..;a=~.. - -';- .y"'~ '"~~~ ~ @ ,~>--- - -~-[ _J=.--=-___ :-: -'\---i;':' ---i;- ----i; i: I '=Jl"" II II II I I. I I I I 3 I I 4 I I I :: II II II II I I I I I 2 I I I I I I I II II II II I I I II I I \.1.0'----++--------1+------ I :: II .11-- ::::----tt--------I r------ I I L----1J::::::::-::.-g::::-::.-C-n-O-\ C KII 1 : : I c_____+1 U I I I I I II II II II L______.J L______.J L_____ II I I 1/1' 4 100 I o 50 ~ SCALE I HERfll'l' CSl.TII'Y lltAT THIS PI.AH, SPEClFlCATIOI\I, OIl. REPORT WI<S PREPARED BY ME OR UHO~~~V1SIOflA,NI)'rnATI"'''''''OOlYU.~SI;:D PROfESSIONAlENG.lNfEll. UNDER'l~ST"'~~ __ nMOTtfY Il._ AlI.V1DSON "",.. 05/2612006 C.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND SANITARY SEWER &. WATER MAIN PLAN LAYOUT PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA PLAN PAGE 2 0'2 33 I~. STDNEBRDDKE ~:I ENBINEERING 305 Stonebrooka Court Shakopee, UN 55379 SO. DRAW, "'" CHecKEo-- ~ 100 I FEET ~ )f ~ 28 '" ! Ii ~~ ~ ; i i i i' t i I I t i ~ I'i il s" " h ~ il ~~1 ~~ I _-- I ~~ I / I I I I I ~-~-------------~ II I I I, I I I I I I I I II I I /1 ! Fk /! 1 7 : I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_+_ f-------- ----____1 '-----------ii---------------, I I I @ ! I : 1 ,---------- I I I, I () I ! ! 6 r=11.~.l/I==:I=~ I I I ' I I I I I .',. , I ,--------- I : =1' I -l=l I I I I I I I I I I L_______ I:I~ I' ~ I~ I~ I / ~; I I---- ---, @j1 1-0 I I I I - I I I VALVE VAULT CONTROL PANEL \ ON CONCRETE SLAB I- I ffi I ill I ~o II "'." ~ I w WETIWELL '" u: ~ I '0::-: ~ '-~---~-~~-I: ili SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 1'0 I., N 1 \ ~ IJ.. ...J o 10 .... .... 10 ~' r~ I I I I ~ ~ I 1\ o 20 ~ SCALE I HeRESY CBl.TlFY T11,o\T Tl1IS PI.AN. SPl!CfFICA11ON, OIl Il!PORf WAS JI'lItEf'ARED BV JoIe. Oil ~=~~si'1~~I~~~AOUl.VUCENSEDPROFESS10NAl..fHGINffJl /~~~ ",,,,,,;_~~R.,o,RVID=-- ~2".", .15126/2006 FEET I I I I = -=:j I I I I I I I I I I I I -------- 7 ::E 3: ,--------- I I I I =f I I I I I I I I I I I L______ 6 5 Lift Station Data Schedule WET WELL DATA Uft Station Number Top of casting/Finish Grade 958.00 Inside Bottom Elev, 932.21 Structure Diameter (feet) Lowest Inlet Invert Elev. 943.88 Inlet Diameter (inches) 8 Discharge Pipe Invert Elev. 949.60 Discharge Pipe Nom. Diameter (inches) 4 Pump #2 On I High Water Alarm 941.36 Pump #1 940.36 Pumps Off 934.21 Concrete Ballast Required (yards) 31 Groundwater Elevation** 945.00 VALVE CHAMBER DATA I Valve Chamber Number Top of Casting/Finish Grade 958.00 Inside Bottom Elev. 948.60 Structure Diameter (feet) Olscharge Pipe Invert Elev. 949.60 Discharge Pipe Nom. Diameter (inches) 4 Forcemaln Invert Elev. 949.60 Forcemain Pipe Nom. Diameter (Inches) 4 Concrete Ballast Required (yards) NA ** Groundwater elevations are estimated and provided only tor supplemental information. Ballast volumes based on this assumed groundwater elevation. Ballast volumes may be increased if groundwater found to be higher. Ballast volumes will not be reduced. SOB OAAWN- "'" O1ECKEO TI>A ,c:a, BTCNEBRCCKE ENGINEERING 305 Stonebtooke Coort Shekopee, MN 55379 33 UFT STATION PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA c.P. NO. 06-117 GOLDEN POND 29 -'J'/ -~ ~'''~-'~>1///I'''\ 'n~- ,.<~~:;o!~~_~~.~_~':".- ~ ~---~ '\--~c~~~'r~::Slc-\::"(j;~~ ,,^~Cl -\i~-._- ) -"'~ -::x / ) J jj ~-- '--'--:d- -;J'f!'~' 0"'" ,?::-I\ .,.' .::-.\ I I U/ n \ -nl'. ' / / ==-r1r;J~~ ~,YJ'-' M -~' J r"1 ; l I I I ~~I (--- ~ -/~ :'~:.;.~, '>?~1:'~:~~~~111;~> ~"; _' '"'~- ~~~~ ~ !;:~,l: /l \ '~_J _ ~" 1. \ ~ \ ,0 \. \ \ 1/ ' , (1",,/,.\ "'r , ..' 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'\', , '., I Memorandum DATE: June 12,2006 TO: Danette Moore, Planning Coordinator FROM: Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer CC: Steve Albrecht, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Golden Pond (City Project #06-117) The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary plat dated May 26, 2006 for the subject project and we have the following comments: Kevlssues 1. The trees located off of Maplewood drive are identified as unique in the City's Natural Resource Inventory. The City wishes to provide some lot flexibility as a way to save some of these large maple trees which could amount to some financial savings for the development. Revisions to the plat and grading plan will be necessary for saving these trees. Please schedule a meeting with the Development Review Committee. 2. Minimum low floor elevations for pads adjacent to ponds and wetlands shall be 2' above the 1 DO-year HWL elevation. The lowest opening shall be 2' above the emergency overflow. (This condition is not met on lots 4-6 blk 3, lot 1 blk 6, and lot 7, blk 5) Plat Issues 1. Additional easement is necessary for placement of the Maple Drive cul-de-sac. 2. Remove surface features from the preliminary plat. 3. Revise line work for the drainage and utility easement for swales. These easements should be a part of the overall easements for the lots. General 1. Permits from PLSL Watershed District, NPDES permit, and a SWPPP must be obtained prior to grading. 2. Show easements for work outside of property limits. 3. Provide legend showing all hatches and Iinetypes used on all plan sheets. Gradina Plan C:\Documents and Settings\jane.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK5A \review 060906.DOC 1. Grading easements will be required for the work outside the property lines. 2. Lot 3 Blk 4 is labeled incorrectly on the grading plan. 3. Show wetland buffer and buffer signs on the grading plan. 4. Slopes of maintained areas must not be greater than 4: 1. Grading in backyard areas must be sloped greater than 2%. In flat areas, proposed grading should meet the minimum slope requirements in order to avoid low points which could be potential wet spots. 5. Grading for storm pond 1 is shown into the roadway, please revise. 6. Silt fence installation should be shown outside the grading limits. 7. Provide low floor elevations for lots adjacent to proposed park. Minimum low floor elevations for pads adjacent to ponds and wetlands shall be 2' above the 1 DO-year HWL elevation 8. Numerous driveways will exceed the maximum 10% (ex. Lots 3-4 Blk 4), please verify and revise driveways. 9. All backyard drainage swales shall be contained within a drainage and utility easement. Provide easement for proposed swales on the grading plan. 10. The erosion control measures shall be installed and inspected prior to any site grading. All trees to be saved must be protected by silt fence or construction fencing around the drip line of the tree to protect the root system. This fencing must be installed prior to any grading on the site. Provide emergency contact person for erosion control on the project. 11. Provide access for water quality ponds. Pond access paths should be paved and have a maximum grade of 8% and be a minimum of 10' in width. The pond access paths should extend to the bench of the pond. 12. Provide spot elevations or grades for properties adjacent to the proposed project (lots on Maple Glen 2nd and Hickory Shores). Verify if the contours shown are proposed or as-built grades. 13. There are numerous areas where proposed contours do not tie into an existing contour correctly or is incomplete (ex. End of cul-de-sac), please revise. Minor adjustments of proposed contours should be made. Proposed contours appears to be directing water towards other homes, please revise to show drainage along the easements located on lot lines (example between lots 3 and 4 block 5). Flow arrows may be beneficial to show how the drainage will be conveyed. 14. Provide detail and label drainage swales on the grading plan. Do the swales have a special detail? Please revise swales to keep them under the maximum 300' length. The platting of easements for these swales should be revised to remove overlapping line work. 15. Provide riprap for all storm sewer outlets and show riprap locations on the grading plan. C:\Documents and Settings\jane.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK5A\review 060906.DOC 2 16. Provide concept plan for property to the south and east. Sanitary and water service stubs may need to be provided for properties on the south side of Wedgewood Lane. Hvdroloav and Storm Sewer 1. Sodded channels show up on wetland mitigation sheets and make hatch scheme confusing on that sheet. 2. Dikes used to create rate control ponds must at maximum use 4: 1 slopes and measure 10' wide at top. At minimum, a clay core should be designed in consideration of groundwater flow. If head difference between NWL of pond and downstream land exceeds 3', soils data will be required in the area and dike design must address maintenance of pond water level and dike stability. Outlet pipes through engineered dikes should be designed with anti-seep collars. Specify that sand bedding not be used through dike section. 3. Pond skimmer structure inlet pipe to pond should be set approximately 1.5' below water surface, not at pond bottom. Storage under invert is used for sediment storage. The detail plan and profile views pipe sizes contradict each other. Please clarify. 4. Rock weeper detail should utilize larger open grade rock, to prevent scattering. Possibly 3"+. Weeper detail incorrectly reads "sweeper." 5. Minimum low floor elevations for pads adjacent to ponds and wetlands shall be 2' above the 100-year HWL elevation. The lowest opening shall be 2' above the emergency overflow. (This condition is not met on lots 4-6 blk 3, lot 1 blk 6, and lot 7, blk 5) 6. The wetland bypass outlet pipe flared end section should be placed at the wetland edge or additional easement is necessary from the flared end section to the wetland edge. 7. The design engineer is encouraged to call Prior Lake Water Resources Engineer, Ross Bintner at 952-447-9831 with questions on any hydrological and hydraulic comments. Streets 1. Turner Road shall have a 9 ton design and meet MNIDOT 30 MPH design. Provide pavement analysis and typical sections for all roadways. 2. Provide temp cul-de-sac at the south end of street. Provide street names on the Alignment of proposed Wedgewood Lane may need to be revised to provide a better connection point to the existing Wedgewood Lane. Conceptual layouts including vertical analysis for Wedgewood will need to be evaluated in order to provide service to other areas. 3. The plans should show the installation of 8 foot bituminous trail around lots 1-6 block 4. The Trail should begin at Turner Road west of lot 1, extend to the park structure and terminate at Turner Road north of lot 6. C:\Docwnents and Settings\jane.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK5A\review 060906.DOC 3 Utilities 1. Utility connections should match those on the Hickory Shores Development on Turner Drive. The rim elevation for the sanitary manhole has a difference of over 1 foot. 2. Service stubs for Lots 1-2 Blk 1 should be shown at the right of way. Shifting of the service locations will keep them out of the cul-de-sac while keeping the stubs at the right of way. 3. Revise storm sewer piping to eliminate crossing the property lines at the intersections. 4. Hydrant spacing for residential areas shall be a maximum of 450'. 5. Environmental manholes, with a 3 foot sump, shall be constructed as the last structure which is road accessible prior to discharge to any water body. C:\Documents and Settings~ane.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK5A\review 060906.DOC 4