HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A - PC- Comp Plan Amendment Hearing Final 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: September 9, 2024 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: PRESENTED BY: PAUL MORETTO, PLANNER PAUL MORETTO AGENDA ITEM: Consider an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, an Amendment to the Development Staging Plan, and a Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Unit Development Plan for a Development ot be know as Aspen Ridge at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue DISCUSSION: Introduction Wooddale Builders, on behalf of the landowner, Roberta Grube, has applied for ap- proval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development to be known as Aspen Ridge. The application proposes a 48-unit single-family residential development at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue in Spring Lake Township near the intersection of Fairlawn Av- enue and 180th Street East. As the subject property is located in the township, the property requires incorporation into the City of Prior Lake’s Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and an amendment to the Development Staging Plan. The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a request from City staff to amend the Development Staging Plan included in the Land Use section of the City of Prior Lake 2040 Comprehensive Plan, to amend the Land Use Map to include PID 119100120 as R-LD, Urban Low Density Residential; to consider a request for a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Plan for the subdivision of 48 single-family lots on approx- imately 18.67 acres of developable land at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS MUSA As part of the Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan, the City of Prior Lake approved a Development Staging Plan. The goal of the Development Staging Plan is to forecast the sequence of development and anticipated timing to manage growth and guide the orderly and cost-effective installation of infrastructure, at the same time re- sponding appropriately to market conditions. The staging plan does not force develop- ment to occur but can be used as a tool to guide development appropriately. The Metropolitan Council uses the City’s Development Staging Plan to establish the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). The MUSA is a planning concept developed in the 1970s designed to achieve orderly, economic, and contiguous growth in the seven-county metro area by directing development primarily to areas where regional services, such as roads and sewers, already exist. The objective is to get the most use out of existing infrastructure and create efficiencies that save taxpayer dollars. 2 The MUSA Map identifies areas to be served with the Metropolitan Sewer System in the 2020 MUSA (aeras to be served between 2010 and 2020), the 2030 MUSA (areas to be served between 2020 and 2030) and the 2040 MUSA (areas to be served be- tween 2030 and 2040). The MUSA is not a growth boundary; rather, the goal is to synchronize urban growth with the provision of infrastructure needed to accommodate growth. As developing communities grow and plan for growth they often request “MUSA expansions,” so that regional infrastructure is available to support their anticipated development. Those re- quests are reviewed by the Metropolitan Council for consistency with regional plans and policies. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT As the subject property is currently located in Spring Lake Township and not included in the Orderly Annexation Agreement, it is not identified on the City’s Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Staff is recommending the parcel be identified as R-LD, Urban Low Density Residential consistent with the land use guidance for the parcels to the north and east. Identifying an appropriate zoning district is not required. If annexation is approved by the City Council, the parcel will automatically be classified as R-1, Low Density Resi- dential on the City Zoning Map in conformance with Subsection 1120.501 of the city code. This zoning is consistent with the land use guidance of R-LD. PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN The subject parcel, 17801 Fairlawn Avenue, is 40.25 acres with 18.67 acres develop- able for single-family homes. The Large outlots will be deeded to the City of Prior Lake for wetland conservation. The density requirements for sewered subdivisions in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for R-LD uses is 2.5 units per acre. Topography and wet- land locations require lot size variation that is not conducive to standard Low-Density R-1 lots. Therefore, a Planned Unit Development is proposed for this development. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total development site area is approximately 40.25 acres. Net acreage for development is approximately 18.67 acres. Topography: The area includes upland around 990’ MSL elevation with moderate un- dulation with a high point near 1000’ MSL. There are lower wetlands near 960’ MSL. Wetlands: There are significant wetlands located throughout the property. The unique lot design and layout take this fact into consideration. The developer proposes mini- mizing impact on the wetland through design. These designs are evaluated under the regulations of the Weland Conservation Act. Access: The primary access to this site is at the intersection of Fairlawn Avenue and a private driveway to an existing home. This will be replaced with the extension of 3 Winfield Way SW from its current terminus along the eastern property line westward to an intersection with Fairlawn Avenue. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Designations: This application includes a request to add the subject parcel to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan’s Land Use Plan Map as R-LD and to include the subject parcel in the Development Staging Plan 2030 MUSA. Zoning: The subject parcel will be zoned R-1, Low Density Residential at the time of annexation. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The development plan calls for 48 lots to be developed into detached single- family homes. Due to the substantial wetlands that will be deeded to the city as outlots and not incorporated into the individual lots the proposed lots will modulate in area, width and depth. Some lots will not meet the R-1 standards for lot sizes. Generally, the lots will be greater than 11,000 square feet with widths near 75 feet. Lots will range from 16,323 square feet to 7,610 square feet; 15 lot will be greater than 12,000 square feet. Lot widths vary between 66 feet and 97 feet with a 73.2 average. Density: Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is approximately 18.67 acres. There are a total of 48 proposed units for a net density of 2.57 units per acre. This is consistent with R-1 zoning and LD-R land use standards. Building Setbacks: The developer is proposing the following standards as part of the R-1, Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development: Setbacks Standard (R-1 Zoning) Proposed Front 25’ 25’ Side 10’ 7.5’ per side Rear 25’ 25’ Side yard (abutting street) 25’ 25’ Sidewalk/Trails: Sidewalks are planned for the southside of Windfield Way SW and the westside of the cul-de-sac road. They have proposed a cut-through to Fairlawn Avenue through Lot 1, Block 3 and Lot 4, Block 2 and the end of the cul-de-sac. There is a planned future trail on Fairlawn Avenue. Tree Replacement: There are significant trees onsite and will require tree replace- ment. The tree survey identifies 2,238.5 inches of significant trees. The development is allowed to remove up to 35% of the tree stock, or 677.3 inches, without replacement. The developer proposes removing 1,190.0 inches or 53.5% of the tree stock. They are required to replace the removed inches over 35% at a rate of ½ inch per 1 inch re- moved. The required replacement is 256 inches. They are proposing to replace trees at the city standard of 2” or greater trunk which will require 128 trees. This will be in addition to the required two interior lot trees and three corner lot trees. Streets: The proposed project will have local public streets that will be 32’ back of curb to back of curb within a 60’ Right-of-Way (ROW). Additionally, there will be 47’ radius cul-de-sac within a 60’ ROW. All streets will be constructed to the City of Prior Lake Engineering and Public Works Standards. 4 Windfield Way SW will extend west to Fairlawn Avenue. The north half of 180th and east half Fairlawn Avenue will be dedicated to the City as ROW. The developer will provide an escrow for future paving of 180th St. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermains will be extended from Windfield Way SW through the development westward and up through the cul-de-sac. Grading / Storm Water: The site features modest changes in grading. The proposal is to grade the development in one phase to take place in Fall 2024. The overall grading acreage is 21.5 acres. Grading will require 47,850 cubic yards of excavation. The site will be graded so that storm water drainage will be directed to three storm water basins in the north and two on the southwest portion of the site. This will hold volume until water is discharged to the wetland. Fees and Assessments: Development fees will be subject to the standards of the city as required by the fee schedule. Additional fees or escrows may be collected for de- velopment related activities. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Exceptions: The development is not able to meet minimum city requirements of 2.5 units per acre in the R-1, low-density residential district due to existing environmental, topographical impediments as well as the pre-determined street location as established by a previous adjacent residential subdivision. The subject property will include approximately 18.67 net acres of developable prop- erty which would need to include a minimum of 48 residential lots to meet the minimum 2.5 unit per acre requirement in the R-1, Low Density Residential district. City stand- ards for lot width and area in the R-1 district are a minimum of 86 ft. in width and 12,000 square foot in area. Due to existing environmental constraints, a conforming subdivi- sion with all lots meeting the 86 ft. width and 12,000 square feet area requirements would not meet the City’s minimum 2.5 unit per acre requirement. The development must meet minimum 2.5 unit per acre standards for the Metropolitan Council to issue a sanitary sewer extension permit, which is necessary to serve this area. For the city to approve a development which does not meet minimum standards, a Planned Unit Development approach is necessary. Public Benefit: The project, as proposed, will provide for continued protection of sen- sitive wetlands and conservation of wildlife while also providing a high quality of life for the new and existing residents. Well placed density that avoids critical impacts to nat- ural environments provides for long term success for those environments. The outlots that contain the wetlands will be city owned and will be protected in perpetuity. Public/Agency Comments: City staff received one comment from Spring Lake Town- ship, which is attached to this report. Conclusion City staff and the developer have met and communicated on several occasions as the developer has worked through multiple plan revisions based on city, Prior Lake-Spring 5 Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD), and Scott County comments. City staff will con- tinue to work with the developer to refine engineering comments and requirements that will be necessary prior to final plat submittal. The developer held a voluntary informational neighborhood meeting in July to share their plans and address questions from the adjacent property owners in the City and Township. City staff is recommending approval of the requests, subject to a condition that the developer revise plans to address all City, PLSLWD, and Scott County comments prior to submittal of a final plat application. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second to recommend City Council approval of the requests for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, an amendment to the Development Staging Plan, and Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Unit Development Plan for a development ot be know as Aspen Ridge at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue. 2. Motion and second to recommend City Council deny the requests for an amend- ment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, an amendment to the Development Staging Plan, and Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Unit Development Plan for a development ot be know as Aspen Ridge at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue. 3. Provide direction to staff and the applicant and table this item to a future meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Alternative No. 1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Narrative 3. Development Staging Plan Map – 2040 Comprehensive Plan 4. Prior Lake 2030 MUSA Map 5. Development Plans – August 30, 2024 6. Engineering/Public Works/WBS Memo – 09-05-2024 7. Comments - 1 – 8/9/2024 “Aspen Ridge” The Developer proposes to create a development of 48 detached, single-family homes. The parcel proposed for development is +/- 40.25 Acres. A large +/- 10 acre wetland complex in the south section of the property will be preserved, as well as a +/-4.5 acre wetland in the northeast corner of the project. It is anticipated that these homes will range in price from $600,000 to over $1,200,000. The site is located in a prime area of Prior Lake with easy access to the transportation system. This will provide the future homeowners a secluded place to live that is located within minutes of all the amenities Prior Lake has to offer along with the regional facilities of the larger metropolitan area. “Aspen Ridge” Development is anticipated to begin in the Fall of 2024. The development will be built in phases over 1-2 years. Over ninety percent of the homes in the community will have a walkout style basement. Aspen Ridge is located within the Prior School District ISD #0719. - 2 – 8/9/2024 Development Team: Developer – Wooddale Builders Steve Schwieters 6117 Blue Circle Dr Suite 101 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Telephone: 952-345-0543 Email: steve@wooddalebuilders.com Civil Engineering, Surveying & Land Planning – Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Robert S. Molstad, P.E. Dan Schmidt, P.L.S. 14000 25th Ave N Suite 120 Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 Telephone: 952-476-6000 Email: molstad@sathre.com Soil Sciences- Haugo Geotechnical Services, LLC 2825 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 Paul Haugo 612-729-2959 Email: phaugo@haugogts.com Wetland Sciences – Kjolhaug Environmental Services Mark Kjolhaug 2500 Shadywood Road Suite 130 Orono, MN 55331 Email: mkjol@kjolhaugenv.com - 3 – 8/9/2024 Property Ownership: An ALTA survey has been submitted with the application. The property is currently owned by Roberta Grube. Zoning: This land is currently zoned under Scott County as UER (Urban Expansion Reserve). The purpose of the Urban Expansion Reserve Zoning is described as: “This District is to preserve land in those areas of Scott County identified in its Comprehensive Plan for logical future extension of urban land uses served by public utilities. This zoning district is intended to preserve these areas of the County in very low rural development densities or clustered residential developments that may be compatibly integrated with future urban development. This district is also meant to perform the following functions; · To conserve land in a viable economic status until such time as public utilities may be extended and urban development densities may be supported. · To reduce the possibility of urban/rural land use conflicts in both the use of the land and future extension of public utilities and other infrastructure items The Developer is proposing to submit the application as a PUD (Planned-Unit Development). The property will need to be annexed into the City of Prior Lake as it is currently part of the Town of Spring Lake. Lot Sizes and Setbacks Lots- 48 Homesites Average Lot Size: 0.26 acre A preliminary plat lot area tabulation sheet is attached as Appendix A of this narrative Front Yard Setback: 25 feet Side Yard Setback: 7.5’/7.5’ (to garage and living). Corner Yard Setback: 25 feet Rear Yard Setback: 25 feet Site Area and Density Site Area: 40.25 acres Outlot Area (City Owned): 21.27 acres Wetland Buffer Area (Outside of Outlot): 0.31 acres Net Area: 40.25 – 21.27 – 0.31 = 18.67 acres Gross Density: 48/40.25 = 1.19 units per acre Net Density: 48 / 18.67 = 2.57 units per acre - 4 – 8/9/2024 Site Analysis: The site is bordered on the north by the Maple Knoll development. The site is bordered on the west by Fairlawn Avenue. The property is bordered to the east by Maple Glen 5th Addition, a single-family neighborhood. The Development is bordered on the south 180th Street E. The site currently has one existing home that accesses Fairlawn Avenue. The home site will be removed prior to development. The topography of the site varies, with most of the drainage going to the middle of the site and then draining south. The NE corner of the site drains to the north. Elevations range from 1000 on the northwest side of the site, 990 on the southwest side of the site to 960 on the south side of the site. The center of the site has elevations at 998. The wetland on the north side of the site is at 977, and the large wetland complex in the southern / southeastern part of the site is around 962. Most of the site drains to the two large wetlands. The proposed development will contain 3 stormwater treatment ponds & 3 filtration basins. Storm water will be managed and discharged from the site in accordance with the City and Watershed requirements. The site is within Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District. Minor utilities (gas, electric, phone, and TV) are available to serve the site. Street Design: The proposed project will have local public streets that will be 32’ back to back within a 60’ ROW and 47.0’R cul-de sac within a 60’ ROW. All streets will be constructed to the City of Prior Lake standard street section. Utility Services: City sanitary sewer will be connected via an existing 8” sanitary sewer stub on the east property line. Water will be provided by two connections to the existing watermain within Winfield Way and a connection to the north on Maple Drive. Site Grading: The site grading is planned to begin in the Fall of 2024. The project will be graded in one Phase. The overall graded area is +/- 21.5 acres. We are proposing to grade all streets to the proposed hold downs and prepare corrected building pads for all home sites. Care has been taken to preserve as many trees as possible, please refer to the Tree Survey Plan. The excavation of on-site material is estimated at +/- 47,850 cy. The site will need to have suitable material imported to get the streets & home sites to the proposed grades. Stormwater: - 5 – 8/9/2024 The stormwater facilities proposed in Aspen Ridge are illustrated on the enclosed plans. See the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). Runoff from the site will be directed to storm sewer inlet locations, collected and conveyed to the proposed treatment pond(s) and retention/infiltration/filtration area(s). The ponds and filtration/infiltration areas/basins will provide temporary storage of stormwater runoff, treatment of stormwater and sediment removal. The majority of the water runoff will outlet from the stormwater treatment areas and will discharge into the onsite wetlands. The NE section of the site will drain north from the stormwater treatment areas will discharge into the wetland complex on the north side of the project. The stormwater plan will provide adequate treatment and storage to meet the City of Prior Lake and Watershed District requirements Wetlands: Four (4) wetland areas were identified on the property. Four (4) wetlands totaling 14.29 acres will remain in place. Wetlands 3 & 4 will be lowered in elevation by +/- 3 feet in accordance to wetland standard practices. None of the wetlands on the site are considered Waters of the United States, therefore the Army Corps of Engineers has determined they do not have jurisdiction over any wetlands or wetland impacts proposed on the site. Wetland buffer averaging will be completed in accordance with the approved City standards. Traffic: Proposed traffic on site is estimated at 480 trips per day based on 48 single family homes with a rate of 10 trips/day. Tree Inventory / Survey: A current tree survey in accordance with City of Prior Lake requirements has been completed for this site. There are 311 significant trees that have been tagged on site (follows City Code classification). Tree Removal & Restitution: Tree removal and restitution has been completed. The proposed development exceeds the 35% allowable removal threshold. Therefore, a tree replacement plan has been prepared in accordance with the City Code. Landscape Plan, Monuments, & Entrance: - 6 – 8/9/2024 The Developer will work with the City to determine locations for the additional trees to be planted on site. The project may have a monument installed at the entrance off of Fairlawn Avenue. Homeowner’s Association and Restrictive Covenants: A Homeowners Association (HOA) will be created for this development. The Developer will prepare restrictive covenants and standards that will apply to the entire neighborhood during both the initial development and the overall operation of the subdivision once future homeowners control the HOA Board. A select group of builders will participate in the community. The restrictive covenants will be tailored to the Developer’s vision of the project. Each builder will be required to meet the specifics of building types, landscaping, and overall goals of the development. ASPEN RIDGE - 7 – 8/9/2024 APPENDIX A LOT AREA TABULATION Block No. Lot No. Square Feet Acres 1 1 10,800 0.25 1 2 13,936 0.32 1 3 14,379 0.33 2 1 9,768 0.22 2 2 11,667 0.27 2 3 13,120 0.30 2 4 11,632 0.27 3 1 16,677 0.38 3 2 13,112 0.30 3 3 9,549 0.22 3 4 9,468 0.22 3 5 12,630 0.29 3 6 12,811 0.29 3 7 10,687 0.25 3 8 10,688 0.25 3 9 10,488 0.24 3 10 9,064 0.21 3 11 7,610 0.17 3 12 8,235 0.19 3 13 13,155 0.30 4 1 9,400 0.22 4 2 9,358 0.21 4 3 9,512 0.22 4 4 9,305 0.21 4 5 10,459 0.24 4 6 9,383 0.22 4 7 9,445 0.22 5 1 11,120 0.26 5 2 9,138 0.21 5 3 9,358 0.21 5 4 8,857 0.20 5 5 8,948 0.21 5 6 9,816 0.23 5 7 9,927 0.23 - 8 – 8/9/2024 5 8 8,982 0.21 5 9 8,751 0.20 5 10 10,526 0.24 5 11 12,545 0.29 5 12 11,393 0.26 5 13 11,973 0.27 5 14 13,530 0.31 5 15 10,822 0.25 5 16 14,812 0.34 5 17 14,192 0.33 5 18 16,293 0.37 5 19 13,406 0.31 5 20 10,069 0.23 5 21 13,616 0.31 Total: 534,409 12.27 Outlot A 79,316 1.82 Outlot B 4,096 0.09 Outlot C 333,248 7.65 Outlot D 510,048 11.71 Total: 926,708 21.27 ROW 180th 76,874 1.76 ROW Fairlawn 65,966 1.51 ROW Internal 149,633 3.44 Total 292,473 6.71 Total Site Area 1,753,590 40.25 2020, 2030 and 2040 Metropolitan Urban Service Area £¤169 !(21 !(42 ´Ma rch 2 021 NOTE: This map is not a legal document. The Metropolitan Urban Service Areas (MUSA) shown are compiled from each community's 2040 and2030 comprehensive plan and subsequent plan amendments. For those communities where a 2040 comprehensive plan has not been reviewedand incorporated into GIS, data reflects their 2030 comprehensive plan. Areas defined as "Undesignated MUSA" designateareas where an agreed upon acreage betweenthe community and the Council will be added tothe 2020 MUSA. For exact MUSA information,please contact the community.Undesignated MUSA 2030 M USA 2040 M USA 2020 M USA 2020 MUSA 2030 MUSA 2040 MUSA Local RoadCommunity Boundary No MUSA 1 inch = 0.912247 miles Local Sewer SystemMetropolitan Sewer System Interstate HighwayMajor Highway County BoundaryUndesignated MUSA Reserve Private System SMSC**** Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) Prior Lake City of Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adjacent and Affected Jurisdiction Review and Comment Form July 1, 2024 To: Spring Lake Township Scott County Per Minnesota Statute 473.858 Subd. 2 and the Metropolitan Council, we are distributing the proposed Amendment to the City of Prior Lake Land Use Plan and MUSA Development Staging Plan for your review and comment. The City of Prior Lake was contacted by a developer (Wooddale Builders) who is proposing to acquire an approximate 38.3-acre parcel in Spring Lake Township located at 17801 Fairlawn Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372. The developer is applying for annexation of the parcel to the City of Prior Lake for the purpose of extending municipal services and developing a low-density single family residential subdivision. This development includes several steps that require approval prior to construction, including but not limited to: Annexation; Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s); Zoning; and Preliminary & Final Plat/PUD approvals. The purpose of this notification is to request comments related to two proposed amendments to the 2040 City of Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan. 1. Land Use Plan Amendment to identify the subject property as Urban Low Density on Figure 3.2: Future Land Use Map; and 2. Amend Figure 3.4: Development Staging Plan to identify the subject property on the MUSA Development Staging Plan as Stage 2 (2030 MUSA) to be developed between 2020-2030. It is respectfully requested that you review the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and send any comments or indication of no comment to Community Development Director, Casey McCabe by August 30, 2024. With regard to review of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, we ask that you provide feedback as timely as possible within the requested 60-day comment period. Please be advised that email response is also acceptable and may be sent to cmccabe@priorlakemn.gov. In the event that there are questions regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, or if additional information is needed, please contact Casey McCabe at 952-447-9815 or cmccabe@priorlakemn.gov. On behalf of the City of Prior Lake, we would like to thank you in advance for your assistance and prompt response. Name of Sender : Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Date: 07/01/2024 Signature of Sender: 4646 Dakota Street SE | Prior Lake, MN 55372 952. 447 .9800 | www.priorlake mn.gov Adjacent or Affected Jurisdiction Name: Spring Lake Township Please check the appropriate box: We have reviewed the proposed Plan Amendment, do not have any comments, and are therefore waiving further review. X We have reviewed the proposed Plan Amendment and offer the following comments (attach additional sheets if necessary) Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Spring Lake Township (SLT) comments address specific concerns about roads as well as drainage and environmental concerns. Roads- 180th E – the southern border of the property is a gravel road running between wetlands with limited travel (approximately 100 trips per day). Neither existing homes nor the development will not take direct access from the portion of the road that runs along the southern portion of the property, therefore the township asks for consideration of 1) Vacating that portion of the road west of Sunray Blvd SW to Fairlawn Ave or 2) Annexation of the entire width of the road by Prior Lake and a) Developer being allowed to leave the road as a gravel road and providing dust coating funds to the township (amount to be determined); the township will contract for dust coating as part of yearly dust control project and maintenance as part of a shared road agreement. b) Developer paving the road according to PL policy and the road maintenance, including reconstruction becomes the responsibility of PL with Township returning escrow from Maple Glen developer for paving purposes. Fairlawn- Beyond determining an equitable means for costs of maintenance and reconstruction, consider traffic impacts for left turn into development and right turn onto Fairlawn. Drainage and Environmental Concerns- Because of drainage concerns to the wetland and potential impacts to 180th and ultimately Buck Lake, SLT requests close monitoring of grading and run-off so the wetlands and the wetland structures are not negatively impacted. The northern portion of the development borders Maple Drive homes with septic systems. SLT acknowledges that environmental concerns may arise from these older systems. SLT proposes that if septic systems begin to fail and environmental concerns are identified that solutions be considered including allowing homes to connect into Prior Lake’s sewer system via an individual septic connection. Alternatively, SLT asks that Prior Lake consider entering into a Sewer and Water Agreement along with an Orderly Annexation Agreement providing that SLT bond for the improvements for sewer and water with assessments to the property owners. After the bonds are paid off (20 years) the homes would be eligible for annexation into the City of Prior Lake. Finally, a minimum of two years taxes for this property is requested provided that the road issues, environmental and drainage concerns are addressed. Thank you again for your consideration of these concerns. Name of Reviewer Melissa L.W. Hanson on behalf of Spring Lake Township Date 8/28/2024 Signature of Reviewer GENERAL LOCATION MAP 17801 Fairlawn Ave, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Figure 3.2: Future Land Use Plan Current Proposed Not identified on Future Land Use Plan Included and identified as Urban Low Density 2 Figure 3.4: Development Staging Plan Current Proposed Not included on Development Staging Plan Included as Stage Two (2030 MUSA) for 2