HomeMy WebLinkAbout071706 Minutes City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 CALL TO ORDER: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Erickson, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attor- ney Pace, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Planning Director Kansier, Finance Director Teschner, Assistant to the City Manager Meyer and Recording Secretary Carlson. Councilmember Dornbush was absent from the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Speakers receive a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City govern- mental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. Boyles: Reviewed the concept of the Public Forum. There were no comments from the public. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: City Manager Boyles requested that Item 9A, Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding Standardized Contract for the 2006 Lift Station, be removed from the agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 26, 2006, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Reports. D. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. E. Consider Approval of June and Second Quarter Fire Call Reports. F. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-115 Approving the 2006 Emergency and Water Conservation Plan. G. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-116 Accepting Bids and Authorizing Execution of the City's Stan- dardized Contract for the Purchase of an Emergency Standby Generator for the Maintenance Center. H. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-117 Advertising For Bids For The Sand And Salt Storage Building Brine Addition. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 I. Consider Approval of an Addendum to Lease Agreement for Premiere Dance Academy. J. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-118 Approving an Encroachment Agreement for a Fence Located in the Public Road Right-of-Way. K. Consider Approval of a Resolution Initiating the Vacation of Road Right-of-Way Adjacent to City-owned Property in Blocks 20 and 21, Spring Lake Townsite. L. Consider Approval of Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Prior Lake Chamber of com- merce for Lakefront Days. M. Consider Approval of a Massage Therapy License for JoAnn Lacek. N. Consider Approval of a Resolution 06-120 Authorizing Advertisement for Bid for Well No. 10 Pump Test Monitoring Wells. O. Consider Approval of 2006 2nd Quarter Budget Summary Reports and General Fund Overview. P. Consider Approval of 2006 2nd Quarter Investment Report. Q. Consider Approval of a Resolution 06-121 Authorizing the Purchase of High-Density Filing Systems for the New Police Facility. Councilmember Millar requested that Item K, Consider Approval of a Resolution Initiating the Vacation of Road Right-of-Way Adjacent to City-owned Property in Blocks 20 and 21, Spring Lake Townsite, be removed from the consent agenda. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Comments: Boyles: Explained the vacation of right-of-way of blocks 20 and 21, Spring Lake Townsite, to be able to give it back to the state so it can be used to resolve property line matters. Millar: Expressed concern about contacting the adjoining property owners and requested the vacation be deferred contingent upon the public hearing. Boyles: Suggested the property owners be contacted prior to the public hearing. Millar: Agreed. Boyles: Explained the property is city property, which is mostly water, but it is right-of-way and can only be disposed of with a public hearing and vacation. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECOND BY ERICKSON, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-119 INITIATING THE VACATION OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO CITY-OWNED PROPERTY IN BLOCKS 20 AND 21, SPRING LAKE TOWNSITE CONTINGENT UPON NOTIFICATION TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT THE PUBLIC HEARING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION City of Prior Lake Domestic Water Plan Public Works Director Albrecht updated the City Council on the water system and some of the issues the system faces with summertime use. Capacity is about six million gallons per day and the average use in the summer has reached four million gallons. Commented on current ordinances as well as non-compliance from town home and homeowner associations in following restrictions. Suggested revisions to the ordinance to allow increased penalties for violations. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 Comments: Millar: Concurs that associations should comply with the ordinance. Proposed stiffer fines for violators. Questioned why Burnsville is successful in their water production surplus. Albrecht: Replied that Burnsville is a developed community with a good infrastructure designed to serve a larger population. LeMair: Agreed fines need to be increased. The third and fourth violation should be published. All the asso- ciations should have either an even or odd day for watering. Albrecht: Noted that the ordinance doesn't address associations in that they contain both odd and even numbered homes. Credited Jim Larson and Craig Eldred for monitoring water tower usage from their homes - often late each night. Erickson: Supports enforcement and assigning days for watering in the associations. Fees for violations should be increased and after a fifth warning, a shutoff is appropriate. Questioned the use of language of "outdoor" water usage vs. "sprinkling only." Millar: Agreed language could be restricted to sprinkling. Albrecht: Agreed language should be such that it is enforceable. Erickson: Suggested a total ban between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. and allow outdoor uses other than sprinkling on all days other than those hours. Haugen: Concurs with previous comments and suggested proposed revisions to the ordinance for next sea- son to make the fines appropriate and clarify the language. Thanked employees who check the tower usage during the night and the former Council members for their insight on the necessity for additional wells. Lakefront Days - Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce City Manager Boyles introduced John Parrish, President of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. Parrish outlined the events of the Lakefront Days Festival. Comments: Haugen: Noted there are seven new venues at the event, and also that Councilmember LeMair will be in- ducted into the Hall of Fame. Millar: Noted the Saturday night entertainment by Rubber Soul is a Beatles tribute. LeMair: Encouraged all to attend the events at Lakefront. Thanked the Chamber for organizing it. Erickson: Concurred with previous comments. Haugen: Thanked Parrish and other members of the Chamber for all their hard work. Fire Safety and Service Information Plan City Manager Boyles advised the City Council of the plan formulated for disbursing information about the fire safety and service referendum question scheduled for the September 12,2006, Primary Election. Comments: Erickson: Asked what the definition of staff is. Pace: Responded that fire fighters or anyone associated with the city should be cautioned not to lobby for the outcome of the referendum, but to only make statements of fact. The purpose of the informational meeting is to give facts and encourage people to vote. Boyles: Noted that he and the City Attorney would be meeting with fire fighters to provide information to them regarding statutory parameters regarding lobbying vs. providing information. LeMair: Agreed the city must provide information. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 Millar: Noted that the Fire Department will be represented at Lakefront Days and residents will be able to ask questions. Boyles: Also noted that an aerial platform fire truck would be located at Lakefront Park on Thursday and Sat- urday for residents to view. Pace: Commented that the referendum is not for replacing equipment, but to add needed equipment. Millar: Encouraged anyone who wants more information to attend the town hall meeting on August 15 or Au- gust 21. Haugen: Agreed citizens should pay attention to information provided. PUBLIC HEARING: No public hearings were conducted. OLD BUSINESS: Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding Standardized Contract for the 2006 Lift Station. This item was removed from the agenda. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Enter into the City's Standardized Contract Agreement for the Purchase and Installation of Office Furniture and Fixtures for the New Police Station and City Hall. City Manager Boyles explained that staff prepared bid packages to acquire office furniture and fixtures for the new police station and city hall. Stated that the city is a member of both the State of Minnesota coopera- tive purchasing and the Hennepin County cooperative purchasing programs, and that staff visited vendors for both of these programs. After evaluating the economics of refurbished furniture, the staff learned that new All Steel furniture is the lowest responsible bid. Comments: Erickson: Stated this was good use of the Hennepin County program to make the most use of the City's money. LeMair: Great to see us coming in under budget. Millar: Asked what is being done with the old furniture and why it is not being used in the new buildings. Boyles: Responded that most of it is worn out, not modular and not cost effective. That which is modular will continue to be used at the maintenance center and fire station. Haugen: Complimented Meyer on presenting a proposal that is $60,000 under budget. Requested that the Council be advised of the use of the $11,128 contingency funds. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-122 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE THROUGH THE HENNEPIN COUNTY COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM FOR THE NEW POLICE STATION AND CITY HALL FACILITIES FROM HENDRICKSON PUBLIC SECTOR GROUP. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 Consider Approval of a Resolution Awarding Bids for Data/Cable Installation for new Police Station and City Hall. Finance Director Teschner outlined the bid process and noted that 13 bids were received to provide and install voice and data cable throughout the two buildings. Appollo, who is preparing the plans and specs for audio video equipment, was the lowest responsible bid. Comments: Millar: Will support. LeMair: Will support. Erickson: Will support. Haugen: Will support and likes that it ties to the same company that will be providing the A V equipment. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-124 AWARDING BID FOR DATA/CABLE INSTALLATION FOR NEW POLICE STATION AND CITY HALL. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Awarding Bids for Telephone System for Integration of the new Po- lice Station, City Hall and Maintenance Building. Finance Director Teschner commented nine bids were received. Noted the advantages of the new phone system, and that the phone systems will be integrated between all buildings except the fire station. Comments: Erickson: No comment. LeMair: Appreciated it being under budget. Millar: No comments. Haugen: Noted the wide range of bids. Teschner: Commented that some of the range had to do with the product used. Erickson: Asked if there will be a service contract. Teschner: Responded that a two-year contract warranty (parts and labor) will be included. Boyles: Commented the system can grow with the city. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-123 AWARDING BID FOR TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR INTEGRATION OF THE NEW POLICE STATION, CITY HALL AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Joint Powers Agreement for a Regional Public Safety Training Facility. City Manager Boyles stated that SCALE has prioritized building a regional training facility and explained the intended use for it. Noted that it is the only project to have received state funding this year and that additional state funding for it is expected in future years. Comments: Millar: Asked for an explanation of the SCALE organization. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006 Boyles: Responded that it is the Scott County Association for Leadership and Efficiency, an organization composed of the cities, townships, school district and county officials to work on cooperative and complemen- tary services to share costs and work together. Haugen: Noted that SCALE just began its fourth year and is the epitome of what government should become with many partnering examples. Stated that the regional training facility has as the potential to provide train- ing beyond the regional area. Millar: Stated the need is obvious and we would save money. Will support. LeMair: Will support this project. Will be a great asset for the County and the communities that surround it. Erickson: Noted the location has a unique history. Commented that in the long-term, use of this facility may have no cost to the City. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-125 APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Millar: Suggested that the Prior Lake Association consider lighting the buoys on Prior Lake due to low water. Haugen: Complimented the Prior Lake Association for the July 4th fireworks display. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Haugen called an executive session to discuss with and provide the City Attorney with direction regard- ing pending special assessment appeals; and to review the status of litigation previously authorized by the City Council regarding City Code and zoning ordinance violations and abuse/misuse of state statute. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m. and Mayor Haugen reported that the City Attorney was provided direc- tion for future action. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Millar. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. ru 1../ ~tt1{;~ - Frank Boyles, Ci~"r Coniiie Ca~son, Recot9 Secretary 6