HomeMy WebLinkAbout8C - CUP Outdoor Storage in an I-1 Zoning Dist. MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: Maintenance Center 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT AUGUST 21, 2006 .8C JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER JANE KANSIER, PLANNING DIRECTOR CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN AN 1-1 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. Introduction Joe Riordan has appealed the decision of the Planning Commission to approve a conditional use permit with conditions to allow outdoor storage on a site located south of Adelmann Street and west of Revere Way, within the Deerfield Industrial Park. Currently the site is vacant. The site plan shows a structure and an outdoor storage area for the parking of construction related equipment. The 32,100 square foot structure is proposed to contain eight warehouse suites (ranging in size from 3,732 square feet to 3,916 square feet). The proposed building is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. It is the outdoor storage component that triggers the need for a CUP. Historv On June 12, 2006 a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission to discuss an application request by Master Engineering, Development, and Construction for a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage on a site located south of Adelmann Street and west of Revere Way, within the Deerfield Industrial Park. The topics of concern that were most commonly referred to at the public hearing included: · Concerns related to inadequate screening provided by fencing and trees. . Concerns related to the storage of fuel tanks in close proximity to residential properties. . Concerns of any potential wetland impacts as a result of the proposed outdoor storage area. After hearing individual comments, the Planning Commission discussed the concerns raised during the public hearing and directed the applicant to review the site plan and consider possible revisions, including the following (meeting minutes attached): · Reconfigure the building design that locates the outdoor storage further from the wetland and rear of the property. . Consider berming. . Increase vegetation screening. . Increase the fence height. · Limit hours of operation. www.cityofpriorlake.com ... ,Rllone,952;44(t;96 15 "A,craw952.440. 9678 The application was continued to from the June 12th Planning Commission meeting to the Commission's July 10, 2006 meeting. At the July 10th meeting the site plan revisions were considered (meeting minutes attached) and the Planning Commission approved (3-2) Resolution 06-11 PC with conditions. This decision has been appealed and according to City Ordinance, the City Council is required to conduct a public hearing on the appeal request. Current Circumstances The site plan shows a structure and an outdoor storage area for the parking of construction related equipment. The 32,100 square foot structure is proposed to contain eight warehouse suites (ranging in size from 3,732 square feet to 3,916 square feet). The property is zoned 1-1 (General Industrial). Outdoor Storage is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit in the 1-1 District, subject to the following conditions: 1102.1503(8) Outdoor Storage. Conditions: a. Storage shall be screened with fencing, landscaping, berming or some combination thereof from all property lines and abutting public rights-of-way. A buffer yard shall be required when the outdoor storage abuts any property in an "R" Use District pursuant to subsection 1107.2003. b. Storage shall not be permitted within any required yards or buffer yards. c. Storage areas shall be separated from the vehicular parking and circulation areas. This separation shall be clearly delineated by a physical separation such as greenway, curb, fence or line of planters. d. Stored materials shall not interfere with either on-site or off-site traffic visibility. e. Inoperative vehicles or equipment or other items typically stored in a junkyard or salvage yard shall not be stored on land on which storage is permitted with conditions under this Section. f. All areas used for storage shall be paved. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site is approximately 4.2 acres. Existina Use: The property is currently vacant. TODoaraDhv: The site is relatively flat. The site was graded previously as part of the Deerfield Industrial Park development. Veaetation: The property was previously vacant pasture and no vegetation is present. Wetlands: There is a wetland located on the southwest side of the site. The proposed structure and outdoor storage area will not disturb the existing wetland. Access: Access to this property is from Adelmann Street. Adiacent Existina Uses. land Use. and Zonina:, Existing Use Land Use Zoning Desi9nation North East Vacant Land I-PI Planned 1-1 (Deerfield Industrial Industrial Park) West Vacant land I-PI Planned 1-1 (Deerfield Industrial Industrial Park) South South is wetland, beyond wetland are town homes The applicant has advised that these items will generally be located at various job sites in the area yet there will be times when some if not all items are stored within the proposed outdoor storage area. The proposed outdoor storage area will be fully enclosed by a six foot high wood fence and screened with deciduous and coniferous trees. Parkina: The Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space be provided for each 20,000 square feet of land devoted to outdoor storage. In addition, the applicant must provide one parking space for every 250 square feet of office space, five spaces plus one for each additional 500 square feet of structure for manufacturing purposes, and one space for each 1,500 square feet of floor area. For this site the ordinance requires 54 total parking spaces. The site plan shows 58 parking spaces. Storm Water: Storm water infiltration needs were addressed as part of the approval for the Deerfield Industrial Park. Sians: All proposed signage will need to meet the ordinance requirements related to the 1-1 district. landscaDina:. The ordinance requires industrial development projects to provide perimeter and entrance landscaping as detailed in Section 1107.1904 of the ordinance. The landscape plan meets, and in some cases, exceeds the ordinance requirements. Liahtina: Reflected glare or spill light shall not exceed a 1.0 foot-candle at the property line when the source of light abuts any commercial or industrial parcel and a .5 foot-candle abutting a residential use. All fixtures must be downcast. The applicant has provided a photometric plan that details 16 light fixtures. ISSUES: Outdoor Storaae: The outdoor storage area is an approximately 7,000 square foot fenced area located at the rear of the property. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to store the following items (photos are included in this report): ~ Two (2) dump trucks each measuring 30 ft by 8 ft in size ~ Two (2) trailers each measuring 30 ft by 8 ft in size ~ Fuel tanks measuring 10ft by 16 ft in total area ~ One (1) low boy trailer measuring 90 ft by 10 ft ~ Pipes measuring 20 ft by 8 ft in total area ~ One (1) pipe trailer measuring 20 ft by 8 ft in total area ~ One (1) bulldozer measuring 30 ft by 32 ft ~ Two (2) skid loaders measuring 8 ft by 12 ft each ~ Two (2) backhoes measuring 20 ft by 8 ft each At the June 1 ih and July 10th public hearings issues related to screening provided by fencing and trees, storage of above ground fuel tanks, potential wetland impacts, and alternative building configurations were discussed. Details for these specific issues are outlined below: Screenina: The applicant originally proposed to screen the outdoor storage area and loading dock areas at the rear of the property with a 6 foot board-on- board cedar fence, 5 deciduous trees of 2 1/2" caliper inches in diameter, and sixteen spruce trees measuring 10 feet in height. In response to the concerns about inadequate screening raised at the June 1 ih public hearing the applicant revised plans which indicated changes to increase screening with an 8 foot high fence rather than the initial 6 foot fence and the modification of five deciduous trees to five coniferous trees, maintaining a total of 21 trees at the rear of the site. For additional screening purposes staff and the Planning Commission have attached a condition to the CUP which requires the addition of a berm at the rear of the property and for the 21 trees to be placed on top of the berm. Staff believes a 3 foot high berm would appear adequate for the site. Storaae of Tanks: The applicant has proposed to include two 1,000 gallon above ground fuel tanks in the outdoor storage area. It was noted by staff that these tanks would require registration and notification by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as well as meet all State Fire Code requirements. These requirements include but are not limited to regulations for secondary containment, substance transfer areas, tank and piping standards, overfill protection, corrosion protection, leak detection, labeling, monitoring, maintenance, record keeping, and decommissioning. Under conditional use permit condition #4 all necessary permits to allow the placement of fuel tanks in the outdoor storage area must be obtained by the applicant prior to site plan approval. Wetland ImDacts: Initial plans depicted considerable grading within the established wetland buffer area at the rear of the property. Due to concerns raised by staff and at the June 1 ih public hearing the applicant revised the plans to place retaining walls at the rear of the paved outdoor storage and loading dock areas thereby minimizing the disturbance in the wetland buffer area. Storm water drainage at the rear of the property will be directed away from the wetland to an existing drainage pipe. Alternative Buildina Confiaurations: As advised by the Planning Commission at the June 1 tn public hearing the applicant met with city staff to discuss possible alternative building reconfigurations. It was discussed that in order to address the comments and concerns of the residents and Planning Commission, major modifications to the site plan would be necessary. Staff suggested a reduced building size or l-shaped building to allow the outdoor storage to be placed further to the north on the lot and allow for the possibility of increased screening, with a berm at the rear of the property. At the meeting, the applicant shared with staff the previous concepts considered for the site, but stated that due to financial parameters, the initially proposed building configurations were not feasible. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS: Section 1108.200 of the City Code sets forth the general criteria utilized to review a CUP application. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan is to "maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry." A policy supporting this objective is to "maintain proper physical site screening and landscaping standards." The outdoor storage is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it compiles with the conditions of approval. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. The uses will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community as a whole provided all conditions of approval are met. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. The purpose of the 1-1 use district is "to provide areas of the community that will allow general industrial uses that, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the 'C-5' Business Park Use District." Outdoor storage is appropriate for this district because of aesthetics. One purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to "protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the community and maintain their stability." The proposed use is consistent with this goal, provided the site complies with all conditions of approval. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements, which are either existing or proposed. So long as all conditions of approval are adhered to the uses will not burden municipal facilities. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The Zoning Ordinance places conditions on outdoor storage in the 1-1 use district to screen and protect adjacent uses. Provided all conditions are met, the use will not have undue adverse impacts on the properties in close proximity. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the Planning Commission and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the Planning Commission. A professional engineer prepared the site plan for the application. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the Planning Commission. A registered civil engineer prepared drainage and utility plans for site. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the Planning Commission may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the Planning Commission may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may revise recommended conditions or attach additional conditions, as they deem appropriate to protect the general FINANCIAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: welfare, public safety, and neighborhood character. The applicant has submitted revised plans which indicate changes to increase screening with an 8 foot high fence rather than the initial 6 foot fence and the modification of five deciduous trees to five coniferous trees, maintaining a total of 21 trees at the rear of the site. Despite the applicant citing financial considerations for not providing any other site modifications, staff believes the alterations to the site do not address all of the stated concerns of the Planning Commission. Therefore, for approval of the conditional use permit staff recommends the following conditions also be met: 1. Modify or relocate the outdoor storage area to allow for an adequate area between the wetland butter and the outdoor storage to accommodate an 8 ft tall fence along the top of a 3 ft berm. 2. Revise the landscaping plan to establish the 10' coniferous trees along the top of the berm. 3. Limit hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 4. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits for the storage of fuel tanks in the outdoor storage area prior to site plan approval. 5. The applicant shall submit a certificate of survey verifying the proposed site improvements and proposed structure in relation the to wetland and easement boundaries. 6. The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after City Council approval. 7. A plan must be provided that details the design and materials used for the construction of the enclosed fenced area. 8. A zoning permit shall be issued prior to the installation of the fence. 9. All vehicles within the outdoor storage area must be operable, licensed, and registered. 10. Prior to site plan approval, the applicant shall submit revised plans reflecting plan changes and conditions as indicated. 11. All conditions listed in Section 1102.1503(8) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. Approval of the CUP will facilitate the development of the Deerfield Industrial Park. The City Council has the following alternatives: 1. Uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and approve the CUP with conditions. The attached City Council Resolution 05-XX is consistent with this action. 2. Overturn the decision of the Planning Commission and grant the appeal. 3. Under Minnesota Statutes 15.99, the City has 120 days in which to take action on an application. In this case, the 120 day period expires on December 17, 2006. If the Council fails to take action before such date, the application is automatically approved. The staff recommends Alternative #1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: A motion and second adopting a resolution upholding the decision of the Planning Commission to approve the conditional use permit with listed conditions. Reviewed by: M PRI~ ()..,~ ~~\ Maintenance Center E...o~ 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. U r!l Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 \ ~ ) RESOLUTION 06-xx ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AllOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN THE 1-1 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, Master Engineering Developemnt and Construction is requesting a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage in the 1-1 (General Industrial) Zoning District at the following location, to wit; lot 1, Block 1, Deerfield Park th Addition, Scott County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission reviewed the application for a conditional use permit as contained in Case File 06-128, and held a public hearing thereon June 12, 2006 and July 10, 2006; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission concluded the Conditional Use Permit was consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 1108.202 and Section 1102.1503(8) of the Zoning Ordinance, and approved the Conditional Use Permit subject to eleven conditions; and WHEREAS, An affected property owner appealed the decision of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, The City Council reviewed the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision, and the information contained in Case File 06-128 and Case File 06-157, and held a hearing thereon on August 21,2006. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The City Council finds that the requested Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 1108.202 and Section 1102.1503(8) of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to eleven (11) conditions. 3. The City Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to approve the Conditional Use Permit subject to eleven (11) conditions: 4. The City Council makes the following findings: a) The decision of The Planning Commission was properly and timely appealed in accordance with Section 1108.210 of the City Code. b) The City Council reviewed the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision, and the information contained in Case File 06-128 and Case File 06-157, and held a hearing thereon on August 21,2006. c) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. ,..., "WJNY{,<::ity()fRr~Qrlake.com > ,":. '; '. ~(," '<. ~;'.' : :,:'; .::": :".,::: :...n.: 'c..'" , . L'>~ ~{-', Phone 952.440.9675 / Fax 952.440.9678 . Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan is to "maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry.>> A policy supporting this objective is to "maintain proper physical site screening and landscaping standards. >> The outdoor storage is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it compiles with the conditions of approval. d) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole.The uses will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community as a whole provided all conditions of approval are met. . The uses will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community as a whole provided all conditions of approval are met. e) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. . The purpose of the 1-1 use district is "to provide areas of the community that will allow general industrial uses that, due to their size and nature, would not conform to the 'e-5' Business Park Use District." Outdoor storage is appropriate for this district because of aesthetics. . One purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to "protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the community and maintain their stability." The proposed use is consistent with this goal, provided the site complies with all conditions of approval. f) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements, which are either existing or proposed. . So long as all conditions of approval are adhered to, the use will not over burden municipal facilities. g) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. . The Zoning Ordinance places conditions on outdoor storage in the 1-1 use district to protect adjacent uses. Provided all conditions are met, the use will not have undue adverse impacts on the properties in close proximity. h) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. . A professional engineer prepared the site plan for the application. i) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. . A registered civil engineer prepared drainage and utility plans for the site. D The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the L:\06 FILES\06 APPEALS\Master Industrial Condos\uphold resolution.DOC general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. . The City Council has attached the listed conditions they deem appropriate to protect the general welfare, public safety, and neighborhood character. 5. The Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved on the property legally described as follows: lot 1, Block 1, Deerfield Industrial Park ih Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. 6. The Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a) Modify or relocate the outdoor storage area to allow for an adequate area between the wetland buffer and the outdoor storage fencing for the addition of a berm. b) Revise the landscaping plan to establish the 10' coniferous trees along the top of the berm. c) Limit hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. d) The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits for the storage of fuel tanks in the outdoor area prior to site plan approval. e) The applicant shall submit a certificate of survey verifying the proposed site improvements and proposed structure in relation the to wetland and easement boundaries. n The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after City Council approval. g) A plan must be provided that details the design and materials used for the construction of the enclosed fenced area. h) A zoning permit shall be issued prior to the installation of the fence. i) All vehicles within the outdoor storage area must be operable, licensed, and registered. j) Prior to site plan approval, the applicant shall submit revised plans reflecting plan changes and conditions as indicated. k) All conditions listed in Section 1102.1503(8) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. 7. The contents of Planning Case File 06-128 and Planning Case File 06-157 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of the decision for this case. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF AUGUST, 2006. YES NO Haugen Dornbush Erickson LeMair Millar Haugen Dornbush Erickson LeMair Millar Frank Boyles, City Manager L:\06 FILES\06 APPEALS\Master Industrial Condos\uphold resolution.DOC C- eo ~ c o -- +-' eo () o ....J .+ - Q) Q) u. o o ~ o o N o o o N Sunday, July 16,2006 mfE@fE: W fE~l- LV JUl I i 2006 I}) ,By_ =:::--- J To: Prior Lake Planning Commission Sub: Formal Appeal of the Commission's Recommendation for a CPU With respect to the pwposed Conditional Use Permit for Lot 1 Block 1 Deerfield Industrial Park, I submit the following for consideration: While the proposed use of the subject site appears to be within the definition of proper industrial use as interperted by some members of the Commission, won't the proposed use detract llV.lU the value, safety and appearance of the first rate industrial facilities as they now exist, and will it support or enhance the quality growth of the Park in the future? In our view, the storage (in reality parking and marshalling) of active heavy construction machinery, as described in the June 12 meeting, would be a step back from the Park's Cuu"ut clean and prosperous image, and it would p.lVmote the introduction of further low quality business in the Park. If this concern becomes reality, accessed evaluation in both the Park and the adjoining residential P'au}'~rties will not realize the potential appa,.:.eiation they should experience. In effect, this would cost Prior Lake some future tax income and would certainly impede the objectives of the City's Vision and Strategic Plan. That the land in question must be developed is not the question? How it is developed is the issue. What is decided now will effect important financial and social factors in the future. I specifically request that the cost effect of the }'a'u'}'Osed CPU be quantified, documented and analyzed before the permit is granted. Respectfully submitted----Joe Riordan 17482 Deerfield Drive SE Prior Lake, Mn l7'~ J- /I,~...J/' fd , av~j;~ .dwic1fr1.:Ab ~~ -~ ~~ ))~ @ ~ /] rtJ ~rl J/J JUL I 7 2006 J1 ,By July 13, 2006 Prior Lake City Planning Commission. City of Prior Lake Prior Lake, MN Re: Outdoor storage site on Adelman Ave. Lot 1, Block 1, Deerfield Industrial Park, 7th Addition, Scott County, MN. Dear Commission members, I am writing to express my concern about the location and safety of the current plan for adding outdoor storage to the building site to be located on Lot 1 in the Deerfield Industrial Park. As a resident of the affected area, I have reason to believe that the storage of2,000 gallons of fuel located adjacent to a wetlands and a densely populated residential area, represents a potential endangerment to those living in the area. During the summer season, the lands become very dry at times and easily subject to fire. The surrounding fences and the homes in the area are all wood structures. Any spillage from the fuel tanks or careless ignition from a cigarette or sparks from one of the vehicles would be very hazardous. Many of the people living in the area are senior citizens and several are wheelchair bound and therefore at increased risk. If a fire were to break out, many of us would be unable to evacuate the area without help. In making your decision please consider the risk to the lives and safety of the residents and also the potential liability to the City of Prior Lake if there is damage or loss of life. It is a difficult decision to make but I hope you will understand our concerns and act in the best interest of all parties concerned. Sincerely, (j? iClJ( 4 Bernerd L. O'Neil MD 17488 Deerfield Dr. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 July 16, 2006 - [D) fE @ rE 0 IYJ rE ~, L' JUL 1 7 2006 ,. .--/ . Prior Lake Planning Commission 17073 Adelmann St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 By Dear Sirs: This letter is in response to the Planning Commission's recommendation for a CUP for outdoor storage on Adelmann Ave., Lot I, Block I, Deemeld Industrial Park, 'fh Addition, Scott County, MN. I live at 17466 Deerfield Dr. SE and my view would look over this storage sight. The proposed outdoor storage includes construction equipment that is both large and tall. The proposal was for a 6 foot board on board fence to shield the viewing of this outdoor equipment. It was noted at a recent Planning Commission meeting that the line of sight from the decks of the Deerfield townhomes would go OVER the 6 foot fence. I would respectfully request that the Planning Commission require a much higher fence. This could be done in several ways as follows: 1. Just construct a much taller fence ofappru,)~tely 12 feet. 2. Build a berm of 5 or 6 feet high and put a 6 foot fence on top of that. This may take away storage space as the berm is fairly wide at the bottom 3. Use concrete landscaping retainer wall blocks to build a base of 5 or 6 feet high and put a 6 foot fence on top of that. I would also respectfully request that the Planning Commission require mature coniferous trees to shield this property site. Thank you for your consideration. ~./::/;g~ ~ .J ~/.;--\ ~~ Vem and Sharon Lindholm 17466 Deerfield Drive SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Date: July 16, 2006 From: Steve & Nancy Monaco Subject: Planning Commission Appeal '~~@~ow JUL 1 7 7~O~ ) Attn: Prior Lake Planning Commission 17073 Adelman St. SE City of Prior Lake Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 By To whom it may concern, Please be advised that as residents located at 17512 Deerfield Dr. SE in Prior Lake, Minnesota, we do hereby declare that we are opposed to any planned above ground fuel containment of any sort behind our residence in the areas cUu.;.u1:ly being planned for industrial zoninglbuilding with regard to the CUP permit affecting our community. This is in regard to the Planning Commission's recommendation for a 'Conditional Use Permit' for outdoor storage on Adelman Ave, Lot 1, Block 1 Deerfield Industrial Park, 7m Addition, Scott County, MN. It is our understanding that there is a CUu.;.ul plan to allow one prospective tenant in the industrial park area behind our homes to be allowed to park construction-style vehicles which could be a nuisance source of noise and the like. Along with that p,.."pOsed site, it is our understanding that said tenant would also be allowed to store above ground fuels which we find to be both offensive in nature and potentially hazardous without merit given the ';'AL..;.mely close .....".dmity to the residents located all along Deerfield Dr. SE in particular as well as posing a potential hazard to other nearby residents in the Deerfield community. We would recommend that these types of potential tenants be located on the north side of Adelman at the very least and on lots that would not pose any threat, hazard, danger or nuisance to the heavily populated community of the Deerfield Coach homes. Along with these concerns, we are also deeply concerned about the potential negative ..auJfications regarding our future property values! Please do whatever is necessary to relocate these types of businesses to the north side of Adelman and only allow those businesses on the south side of Adelman that would not pose any of the above stated concerns. Respectfully submitted, Stephen and Nancy Monaco 17512 Deerfield Dr. SE PriorLake,MN 55372 952-226-2380 (home) ~'.' f.~ ~ ' ' LCINZY' V/!&M~ 7-/7-D~ I I O~/OR LA-;;:r::- PL/T,A)AJ~ GJI1tVfl$1D.<J I~~ @ ~ 0 w [r;;- JUl I '7 iln-:: ; J7U";3 f1l3>E:Lm~AJAJ ~.bf -.' L) , ~Iry DFPR.IDk: L4kE By -==~=,-d Pic/be LA-kt=:/ )./luJe:=-5OT/J -.S"5:37z- FlCDJ.-f .. RIchard & Sharon Easler 17468 Deerfield Dr. S.E. Prior lake, MN 55372 liE: C. l V JJb IT' () D I} "-. L1. $-E. -Fl;:R/11/ T I-- . ,~ _ Vtl Ll ;"/I/'A 0, '- Dq{bODk.5'~_ N rrl:>FLfl1/1VIV y'E.~ LDt I Bt-o/t. ~.~ p,. / Lk" I J::::u-~ ;f>F /E~ / A.i~ ;+R~ 71-6 ,I-.AD/d~AJI -=;-(!P/FeJN,(.0~ ;<-h/ ' ~VT1F.1v?6D:;> ou 12.. @KElrT65T (!jJv~ /V T/I/5#1-4-/ /b,e IS li{-E? A.gDLfE ~ /.?oqAflJ Fit t:.=.L :5TDR4aE, '~SF~L 7lIE: EXJYIK'D}//LfrorA-( ffl;"CC77oAJ D'=TI$.Wer~L>$ /5 }/jDSr T.A-1F'tJ~T/-M.JT II~R~ 4..c0 77/~~A"uCEOFA~ De QPILL I 1JJ2 / /Ie: PCJ55/..B /L/ty !JF ~F/~E -U-t? ##7T~.c: J-/-tl ID ~J/YJ4LL la-V 0/ tVokrll T/fE~~7Kd~.T/iJJ 0.7= ;4 PJ?o / c:-L72:::rJ#~cA / /!.4Tt!Oa//) ?;4~ yed-e.s;. IF G/~R/ /eV /)?=:@t/e:-K. 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V~@[]~m~~ J U L 1 7 2006 I .J By TO: PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PHIL AND PAT MICKUS 17470 DEERFIELD DR. S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MN SUBJECT: APPEAL PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE ON ADELMAN AVE., LOT 1, BLOCK 1 DEERFIELD INDUSTRIAL PARK, 7lH ADDITION, SCOTI COUNTY, MN WE WISH TO CONVEY OUR CONCERN OVER THE COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF THE C. U. P. FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROPERTY. WE FEEL THAT THIS TYPE OF OUTDOOR STORAGE WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT NOT ONLY OUR ENJOYMENT OF OUR HOME BUT ALSO THE VALUE OF OUR PROPERTY. ~~ 1Jcd~ PHIL AND PAT MICKUS r ;:l\61~8~O~~ ~/1/ d-OO~ --=:;::::::: , >~ ay / / 'c/~C?~ ~ ~~~~~~ , ~.cy ~~..~ tnUU ~ rU:: 17'11 ~ ~d -dv. < (.M..: ~ azx,~j--~//~d ~ jO~/ 7bIL ~:) u)~~~ cZ ~~ ~~~r~~~ ~~~ '.tL'l~.r ~~, t'~~A ~~~~<4-. ~~~~~....~ ~~fi--e~ 7.~+'~~dJ ~~.~~ ~'.. ~..~ ~~4;L ~~~; Jd A J /f-u-- . ~3::- " :5,,() P ~ r ~ ~. - ~. 9.' 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Comments from the public: Glen Svoboda, 16769 Creekside Circle, explained why they wanted to split the property. It was never platted with the City when they moved in 41 years ago. They are hoping to get it back to two properties. There were no other comments and the public hearing was closed at 6:58 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Billington: . This it seems to be a positive endeavor. It will have a favorable affect in the neighborhood. Given the staffs comments, I will support the request. Ringtstad: . Will support. Both lots are well over the minimum lot size requirements. The drainage plan proposed seems reasonable. Perez: . Agreed - it meets all the requirements. Do not see any issues in approving it. Lemke: . Will support for the previously stated reasons by Commissioners. Stamson: . Will support as well. It is a reasonable use and meets all ordinance criteria. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY LEMKE, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EDIE ADDITION, SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CONDITIONS. Vote taken indicates ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This item will go before the City Council on June 26,2006. D. 06-128 Master Development has submitted an application for Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on Lot 2, Block 1, Deerfield 7th Addition (pending plat approval). The site is located south of Adelmann Street/CSAH 21, west of Granite Court, east of Deerfield Drive in the Deerfield Industrial Park. Planner Jeff Matzke presented the Planning Report dated June 12,2006, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 Master Engineering and Construction has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on a site located south of Adelmann Street and west of Revere Way, within Deerfield Industrial Park. Currently the site is vacant. The site plan shows a structure and an outdoor storage area for the parking of construction related equipment. The 32,100 square foot structure is proposed to contain eight warehouse suites (ranging in size from 3,732 square feet to 3,916 square feet). The property is zoned 1-1 (General Industrial). Outdoor Storage is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit in the 1-1 district, subject to the following conditions: The applicant is requesting approval of a CUP to allow outdoor storage for construction equipment. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to store the following items: ~ Two (2) dump trucks each measuring 30 ft by 8 ft in size ~ Two (2) trailers each measuring 30 ft by 8 ft in size ~ Fuel tanks measuring 10ft by 16 ft in total area ~ One (1) low boy trailer measuring 90 ft by 10ft ~ Pipes measuring 20 ft by 8 ft in total area ~ One (1) pipe trailer measuring 20 ft by 8 ft in total area ~ One (1) bulldozer measuring 30 ft by 32 ft ~ Two (2) skid loaders measuring 8 ft by 12 ft each ~ Two (2) backhoes measuring 20 ft by 8 ft each The applicant has advised that these items will generally be located a various job sites in the area yet there will be times when some if not all items are stored within the proposed outdoor storage area. The proposed outdoor storage area will be fully enclosed by a six foot high wood fence and screened with deciduous and coniferous trees. Overall, staff believes the outdoor storage is consistent with the intent of the 1-1 use district provided conditions of approval are met. However, staff believes the grading proposed within the wetland buffer may be unnecessary for the development of the site. The wetland buffer area has been previously established as part of the Deerfield Industrial Park 2nd Addition. If the applicant proposes to grade within the wetland buffer area additional topographical lines will be needed for staff to recommend approval of the CUP for outdoor storage. The best source of information for this is an updated certificate of survey with proposed site improvements and proposed structure in relation to the wetland and easement boundaries. Until this has been provided, staff recommended continuing the hearing for further engineering evaluation. If the Planning Commission chooses to approve the Conditional Use Permit, staff recommended the following conditions be attached: 1. The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after City Council approval. 2. A plan must be provided that details the design and materials used for the construction of the enclosed fenced area. 3. A zoning permit shall be issued prior to the installation of the fence. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 7 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 4. All vehicles within the outdoor storage area must be operable, licensed, and registered. 5. The applicant shall submit a certificate of survey verifying the proposed site improvements and proposed structure in relation the to wetland and easement boundaries. 6. Prior to site plan approval, the applicant shall submit revised plans reflecting plan changes and conditions as indicated. 7. All conditions listed in Section 1102.1503(8) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met. 8. All conditions listed in the May 26,2005 Engineering Department memo shall be met. The Planning staff recommended the item be continued to allow the applicant additional time to modify the site plan and outdoor storage to address engineering concerns. Questions from Planning Commission: Stamson questioned if the Planning Commission could specify what types of storage is permitted. Moore responded they could be specific. There were concerns with Greystone's landscaping as part of CUP. Perez questioned the existing trees shown on the plan. Matzke said they will not be disturbed because they are in wetland and pointed out the buffer area. Billington questioned if there will be any drainage towards existing residential area. Poppler responded there was nothing he was aware of. The development was sent up with two stormwater ponds and storm sewer piping for the businesses coming into the area. Lemke asked to see the buffer area and if staff had any concerns. Matzke pointed out the wetland, trees and where the applicant will landscape. Matzke also spoke on the buffer area. Perez questioned if the proposed trees were required on the southern end of the property. Matzke said they were required as part of their screening plan for the outdoor storage as well as screening for the loading docks. The applicant is also proposing a 6 foot fence. Lemke confirmed the trees were not going to be planted in the buffer area. Comments from the public: Wayde Johnson, Master Development Services, 125 West Broadway, Minneapolis, 55411, said there is really two pieces of information to add to the staff report. One is grading in the wetland buffer area. Their engineer talked to Larry (City Engineer) and they believe there is a way they can do the outdoor storage without grading in the wetland. It would mean adding a couple of retaining walls to minimize the disturbance in L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 8 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 the area. They believe the recommendation is reasonable and have highlighted it on the plan. The second item - At the neighborhood meeting the applicant heard concerns of an II District abutting a residential area. There was a request made that he survey a deck to show site lines from the O'Neill property showing site lines from the fence and trees. Johnson passed the photo around to residents and went on to explain the deck and site lines just over fence. Billington asked Johnson ifhe made any progress on the engineering department concerns. Johnson responded they were, but it was fairly recent and they have not heard back from staff. Lemke questioned the fuel tanks measuring lOx 16 feet - do you have a height figure for those fuel tanks? Johnson said he would like the DeRudders to answer as they will be using it. DeRudder responded he thought it was about 6 feet. Stamson asked if the units were condos. Johnson said "Yes, 8 units approximately 4,000 square feet". They will be sold in any combination. One business will be purchasing 2 units. Stamson questioned the storage area as part of a common area. Johnson said it would actually be re-platted into the new owner's name. It will go with the unit. Stamson asked about future storage area. Johnson said they don't know, they have about 2,000 square feet of land that it would fit on. There are no other buyers at this time. Stamson questioned if they don't use the CUP, how the applicant would prevent others from just turning it into a storage area? Johnson responded they will have to fence it to screen the loading docks. The combination of city ordinances and the association regulations would have to enforce the storage. Ringstad pointed out staffs report recommendation was to continue but if the applicant does not need to go into the wetland for the buffer does that affect the recommendation? Matzke said staff still recommends a continuance because there are still a number of issues the engineering staff is working on and staff would like to see the site alternations fit before recommending approval. If something does not work or alters the approval of the outdoor square footage area staff wants to know. Lemke asked Johnson if four weeks would be enough time. Johnson said it was fine. Bernie O'Neil, 17488 Deerfield Drive, said they gave permission to the applicant to come to their house and survey to see the land presented. However, the O'Neils never saw Johnson and they have questions about it. O'Neil felt the wetlands have been a home for the wildlife for a number of years. "The idea of storage tanks and dump trucks which they will have the pleasure of looking at is offensive. The neighborhood realizes the L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 9 Planning Commission Meeting June 12,2006 Council has every right to allow these things but don't think it is a good decision." O'Neil said they think of this area as part of their homes and it is not right with the tractors and trailers in their view. "The applicant may have a legal right, but the neighbors object to outdoor storage. Make it more acceptable." O'Neil recommended the Planning Commission reconsider the outdoor storage. Vern Lindholm, 17466 Deerfield Drive, questioned the 30' buffer area from the edge of the wetland. Can other trees be planted in the wetland? Matzke explained the buffer area cannot be disturbed. The buffer area should remain natural and additional trees cannot be planted for screening. Matzke went on to explain the grading area. Lindholm questioned the fencing and landscaping plan. Matzke pointed out the fence location. Lindholm said his concern is the site lines to the bottom of the building. Matzke explained the site line. Lindholm felt the fence does not block a large portion of building. Everything in the outdoor storage area is over six feet. He suggested the Commissioners require a higher fence or berm it and put fence on top of the berm. JoAnn Swenson, 17490 Deerfield Drive, read a letter she sent to City Council. The following are some of her comments: She has been a Prior Lake resident for 7 months, enjoys the wildlife, sunrises and is looking forward to many years ofthis enjoyment. When she bought her home she was aware the wetland was adjacent to an industrial zone district. However, she did not think additional storage would be allowed. Swenson went on to quote the 2030 Vision and Mission Statement regarding preservation of natural resources. The residents were here before Master Development requested this CUP. The "use" cannot have undue impacts on adjacent property, and must protect neighborhood character. Swenson said she can live with aesthetically pleasing buildings, she cannot live with construction equipment. In the event the CUP is approved, the landscaping, trees and fence are inadequate. Look for different location for outdoor storage. Swenson stated she and "the neighbors realize and value the need for industry within the City boundaries and in fact, they want to be amicable neighbors. However, it cannot preclude the rights and expectations of homeowners that by the approval of this Conditional Use Permit, the environment of the neighborhood and ultimately the value of the homes can be forever altered." She did not feel the neighborhood should have to look, listen or smell heavy industrial equipment. Swenson also stated ''with a little forethought and creative planning with the guidelines set forth in the 2030 Plan and in the City developed procedures for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit would have prevented the turmoil we now face." She wrapped up her comments saying they too, would like to continue to call Prior Lake "A wonderful place to call home." Judith Hanson, 17436 Deerfield Drive SE, said in April of2004 the C5 district along Adelmann Street was changed to C4. At the same time, based on the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council, phase II of the Deerfield residential park was approved, which is where she lives. The residents did not have any input at that L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 10 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 time. At the 2004 meeting, the other side of Adelmann Street remained C5. "I want to know why that happened? Why is one side of Adelmann 1-1 and the other side is still C- 5?" Moore responded the applicant and developer requested the need for additional industrial area. Largely it had to do with the dimensions of the lot. The lots were deeper and the applicant felt the need for additional industrial areas. At that time, they didn't feel the need to change both sides of the street. Hanson questioned if there was a road at that time. Moore responded there was. Hanson said she just can't get her head around the fact that one side ofthe road is C5 and the other side abutting residential is 11 with outdoor storage. Moore said the C4 district is also included in the industrial park which does not allow outside storage. Hanson stated there was an error in judgment by the Planning Commission and City Council. To her knowledge there is no where else in Prior Lake where this condition of an 11 district butts up to a residential area. Now the residents are seeing a plan for outside storage containing diesel tanks. Hanson stated "Deerfield residents have thoughtfully and respectfully addressed this Commission to advocate for reasonable use of the Industrial site." They are not opposed to the industrial site. They are very happy with the landscape company as he is a good neighbor. Outside storage does not belong in this location. Put outside storage in front of the building. It would be better than having diesel fuel and huge construction equipment that close to a residential development. Hanson said she understands the Planning Commission may well recommend this venture and feels the CUP conditions should include the following: . Hours of operation should be from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. . Limit the amount of equipment to be stored on site - one truck cab, two trailers, one truck, one bulldozer, two skid loaders and two backhoes. . Disable back-up alarms while equipment is in storage area. . How does a 6' fence provide security so no one can get to the diesel tanks? Matzke responded it was presented to one of the detectives in the Police Department. He did not give an official comment at this time. However a cedar board-on-board fence is in his mind is adequate. It will be in a locked fenced-in area. Hanson said the fence should be at least 10' high to keep the vandals out. . Hanson questioned the tanks size. Matzke responded the applicant said they would be 1,000 gallon tanks. . The fence must be stained and maintained every three years on the side facing the residents. . Bottom line - this does not belong here. 1 know by the April 2004 decision the City is legally bound by the 11 criteria. Hanson said she wanted to know tonight how to get an amendment to rezone the area. "How is it done? What is the paperwork? Because time after time we have come before this Board (planning Commission) and we're fighting the same battle every time." L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 11 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 Matzke explained the amendment process. Keith Dahnert, 17440 Deerfield Drive, said once again, his concerns are revolving around zoning of the property. At the neighborhood meeting with Wayde and Master Development, Wayde Johnson said he couldn't believe this property was zoned to allow this type of stuff right next to residential areas. He said this is more typically in Minneapolis areas where residential and commercial areas abutted each other. It is uncommon and has never seen it south of the river. Dahnert said "Many of the residents wish they could have been here to see what went on and what was going through people's minds when this was rezoned. Why this would have been approved astounds all of us." Dahnert said they know this is a commercial area and have no issues with the building. Concerns are with outside storage. Is there any outdoor storage that will not be allowed next to homes? If this Conditional Use Permit is approved it will create an eyesore, with ongoing noise and fumes. Dahnert said it was stated "The neighborhood will never approve anything." His reply is he did not have problems with other businesses in the area and went on to say they have a problem with the kind of things the City is allowing to go into the park because it's zoned that way. "The City has allowed buses, bobcats and front-end loaders. He's assuming the answer is "no - there is nothing you will not allow." Therefore Dahnert wants the following conditions: Higher fencing; limited noise and operating hours; restriction on number of additional pieces; restriction on maintenance of vehicles -do not allow any maintenance and limit the CUP to this property owner. Alice McCauley, 17448 Deerfield, said the building is fine but the buyer's business is in question. Every time there is a planned business the focus is on how high should the fences be? How tall should the trees be? What kind of trees should they be? Doesn't that send a message that the businesses proposed is wrong for the area? She asked the applicant from Masters ifhe would want this next to his home but he never answered. Also, his first comment was "Prior Lake allows this type of construction adjacent to residential." McCauley - "Puts a real positive light on Prior Lake." Doug Swenson, 17490 Deerfield, said judging by the sensitivity of the local residents, any unacceptable intrusion into our lives (noise, lights, smell) will lead to repeated calls to City, developer, etc. Put some teeth into this Conditional Use Permit so these complaints will not be forthcoming. Jerry Hanson, 17436 Deerfield, stated he would like to say (to the Commissioners) "It's nice to see you again, unfortunately you're still all here." Hanson then questioned the applicant (Wayde Johnson) on the landscape plan. At the neighborhood meeting Johnson said the trees were coniferous. The plan presented has deciduous trees - which is right? Johnson replied the trees for screening are a combination of coniferous and deciduous. There are additional trees on the site. Hanson said it was not clear to him on staffs drawing. If they were, he missed it. Matzke explained the landscape plan. Hanson questioned Johnson who will hold CUP? Matzke replied the applicant for CUP is Master Development. Kansier explained the CUP runs with the property. Hanson questioned if L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN06 I 206.doc 12 Planning Commission Meeting June 12,2006 other units have been sold? Johnson said there are purchase agreements contingent upon approval of the CUP. Hanson questioned where DeRudder's current business is located. JeffDeRudder, 4910 Hickory Hills Trail, said the business is at his home south of Prior Lake. Hanson said his understanding is there would be two tanks and questioned DeRudder on the tank size. DeRudder said there are two 1,000 gallon tanks. Hanson questioned Matzke how many other CUP's for outdoor storage tanks have been granted in Prior Lake. Matzke said he was not aware of any others. Kansier explained there are other outdoor storage tanks in town. The most recent was the propane tank at the new Holiday Station. Some of the other approved propane tanks are at the Dairy Queen, the Holiday Station by the Dairy Queen, the gas station in town and others in the industrial park. There are several but she could not give exact dates. Jerry Hanson talked about storage for ammonium nitrate fuel oil from information he found on WIKOPEDIA. Hanson then asked ifthe fire chief been involved? Jeff, spoke with Fire Chief and Building Official and explained the permits required as part of building permit process. Hanson felt it would not take too many disenfranchised individuals to round up basic fertilizer and blow up these tanks. What emergency plans are in place? As far as he knows, the City has never dealt with anything like this, at least in his conversations. Hanson asked if the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan were still in vogue. Kansier explained difference between 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan. His other concern was that this CUP does not talk about specific pieces of equipment to be added or subtracted. Hanson said it does not seem much of a guideline to him. He has only lived here a couple of years and his observation is that there is a consistent level of support for the businesses and developers to allow exceptions to the norm. The CUP process is part of it. He did not feel there was comparable support of the citizens affected by these decisions. Hanson then stated "The only way we can get anything changed is have the City Council do it. A business owner can put whatever he wants and very rarely do we see CUPS not approved. This seems to be a concern for the citizens themselves. Both Mr. Busse and Mr. Johnson, and by association Mr. Mesenbrink who started this whole mess completed a development plan before the CUP's were approved. This suggests to me one of two things. These are either very risk-taking business men because they were willing to risk up to seven figures and more of money not knowing if they will be successful in the CUP process. Or, they had information that it was already a done deal and didn't have anything to worry about. If that is the case, we are wasting time and a lot of money with these hearings." L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 13 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 Hanson briefly quoted Abraham Lincoln and then went on to say many ofthe residents feel it was bad rezoning by the City - storage tanks and their usage are not appropriate. Judith Hanson, 17436 Deerfield Drive questioned the size of the outside storage area. Matzke said it is 7,280 square feet. Hanson wanted the applicant to speak to how this area will be used. From her point of view, that is a formula for disaster with all the big equipment moving around. Wayde Johnson said in past circumstances like this, what's common is safety bollards are placed around the tanks. There is a protection so they can't be backed into. The DeRudders will be using about 5,000 square feet of the storage area. Bill Dillingham, 17459 Deerfield, said he took a drive and believes he located the DeRudders home. It looks like it is sitting on 10 or more acres of land. He felt DeRudder's business is further way from their house than what it will be from the Deerfield residents. Dillingham then stated "They don't want it in their back yard either." JeffDeRudder, questioned the Planning Commission - Ifhe is not allowed to move here, to build a building as an investment for him and his son, where can he do that in the City of Prior Lake? Matzke explained his commercial use with a Conditional Use Permit and pointed out the appropriate areas. DeRudder said he thought the other lots in the Deerfield Industrial Park were full. Alan Billington asked the applicant to characterize the recent meeting with the neighbors. Was there a positive tone? Were you able to explain how you would mitigate the possible obtrusiveness of the operation? Wayde Johnson responded he would characterize the meeting as similar to tonight - it was more of a learning process. They went over the plan which is basically what is in front of the Commissioners. There was some constructive feedback given and they offered to take a survey off one of the resident's deck. Johnson said it was a good working meeting and said he understood where they are coming from as well. The neighbors did not like it but it was an amicable meeting. The public's verbal response prompted Commissioner Billington said he was asking the "developer" and went on to ask Johnson ifhe talked about the berming and screening. Johnson said they did and explained the landscape plan. He cannot move the outdoor storage any closer to the building because of the narrowness of the lot. Fair to look into fencing and landscaping. He was not concerned about the engineering issues. Poppler said the comments are pretty minor but there is a level of detail to be worked out on the plans. Billington said that was his understanding after reviewing the documents. Billington asked if there was anything else that would be helpful. Johnson said he was here to find out what the Planning Commission thinks after the presentation and discussions. Bernard O'Neil, 17488 Deerfield Drive, showed the flier (from the applicant) given to them prior to neighborhood meeting. They did not know about outdoor storage until the L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 14 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 City's notice. He very strongly objects to the change to the industrial park outdoor storage. Vem Lindholm, 17466 Deerfield Drive, questioned if the CUP goes with the land or the owner. Staff (Matzke and Moore) explained the instances in which a new CUP would be required. Moore commented on the mailed public notices and the developer's neighborhood meeting notice. As a courtesy to the residents, the City includes a location map and text that states "Outdoor Storage on the Site." It hasn't changed. Stamson pointed out the notices are not the same as what the developer may have mailed. Alice McCauley, 17448 Deerfield, said at the neighborhood meeting the developer was very polite but the meeting was not that friendly. She asked why they could not put a fence like they have along freeways which is higher than a 6 foot fence. Johnson said it would be cost prohibitive. She said she doesn't understand why we have to go back to "fences and trees". McCauley said she doesn't have a problem with the building; she has a problem with the business going into the two units. There must be somewhere else this can go. "We're going to be looking at one hundred buses. Thank you very much. Now we'll be looking at two 1,000 gallon above ground storage tanks. I don't get it and am very disappointed in Prior Lake." Jerry Hanson, 17436 Deerfield Drive questioned if the meeting is continued, would the public hearing be closed to public comments. Moore and Kansier explained the hearing process. Keith Dahnert, 17440 Deerfield Drive, said back to the last time they were in front of the Commissioners (Busse CUP) - some of the issues were about distance between homes and where the buses were going to be. This time, the distance is much less. It is really hard to talk after the public hearing is closed and the Commissioners make their comments. Is there any outside storage the Planning Commission would not allow in the Industrial Park? Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: . It is an interesting coincidence; he just read a newspaper article about the need for a place for businesses with outside storage - similar to this situation. There is a definite need. . We are seeing many of these because the County is cracking down on businesses located on 10 acre home sites. So it's Shakopee, Prior Lake and other cities where we have industrial sites where this can be done. We're seeing a crunch at the moment of people who are getting shuffled out of the County and trying to find a place to go. . There is a need for this type of industrial and outside storage use. I don't want to make the impression there's not. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 15 Planning Commission Meeting June 12,2006 . We need to recognize why we require CUP's for outside uses. It's because we recognize in the ordinance the impact and the potential for negative impact on neighboring properties. I believe that is the problem here. The cumulative impact of putting these businesses along the property line is getting to be too much for neighbors. · Judith Hanson suggested putting the outside storage in the front of the property but no one wants it in front ofthe building so it's pushed to the back. Normally that wouldn't be a problem. . The stored items proposed to go in are much higher than 6 feet. Everything stored is at least 8 to 10 feet higher. It's just too much. If! was trying to get this building in, I would swap the building the other way and put the storage towards Adelmann Street. . Overall, I don't see this as appropriate for this space. The next property is going to be right next to the neighbors. . The applicant has a great use and I wish I could find him another place to go but one has to take into account the impact with the neighbors. I wouldn't have a problem with this property except with the bus garage - it is too much along the property line. . Won't support. Ringstad: . Ironically enough, the first thing I have written down is the possibility of a reconfigured plan. Questioned staff if it was possible to switch building around and have the outdoor storage off Adelmann Street. Matzke replied the use must still meet setbacks and screening. It could possibly be altered. Moore noted the code does not allow loading docks facing the street. Originally when the applicant came in there was also some discussion about limitations of maximizing out the site and turning radius for trucks. Staff did look at other alternatives. . As with variances, cost is not a factor as one of the criteria. . Discussed types of limitations which can be placed on CUP, including hours of operation; number and type of equipment; back up alarms; landscaping and fencing. . Would like to see some sort of reconfigured plan if possible. Look at outdoor storage toward front of building, etc. . There is a lot that can be done here. Master has done a lot of impressive buildings throughout the Twin Cities. . Address some of concerns in next 30 days. Billington: . Agree with previous Commissioner comments - we do have some issues on the table. Look for a way to do these to meet everyone expectations. The City needs the tax base here, we also need good neighborhoods. Somewhere there has to be some meeting of the minds. . The building reconfiguration is a good one and needs to be further discussed. . There are other engineering recommendations by staff that should be discussed - the berming and fencing. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 16 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 Lemke: . What is the distance from the property line to outdoor storage? Jeff responded it would be approximately 100 feet. The wetland area sits around 60 feet from the area. . It should be around 190 feet from the storage area - not 25 feet as someone indicated. . What is the definition of screening? Matzke responded it is defined in the City Code. . Does screening mean you can't see anything? Matzke and Moore explained staffs interpretation of screening - looking at what is reasonable to minimize impact. . Can fences be more than six feet high? Moore responded on County Roads and major corridors you can go up to 8 feet. Outdoor storage has always been 6 feet. It is an option for the Commissioners to go higher. . Was there any concern from the fuel tanks that jumped out? Moore said staff talked to the Police and Fire Departments and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about requirements, fire and building codes. . Would underground storage tanks be allowed at that location? Matzke said it would be allowed and the same permit rules apply. . Could a CUP contain such language requiring underground versus above-ground storage? Moore stated the Commissioners could put whatever conditions and requirements with respect to that but note as far as safety - there are specific guidelines. The City has residential areas next to gas stations with underground tanks which are much larger than this. The MPCA and all agencies are aware of the requirements. . Have heard the consternation from neighbors regarding this. I do believe this is what an industrial area is for. . We are going to continue this hearing and have not made up my mind but I'm included to support CUP, perhaps with more conditions than proposed. I am particularly concerned with the fuel storage. . I am going to do some research in the next four weeks to find out what is necessary. . Would consider limits to hours. Perez: . Agree with Lemke - this is the type of business that should be there. Also, agree with Alice (McCauley) - why do we have to do all this screening? Is it appropriate? . Do not agree with Stamson that there are too many things and the area is being overburdened. I do not look at it as being overburdened, it's more a question of proximity to residences. Even with some of the screening and suggestions by the Commissioners it may work. . In favor of what Commissioner Ringstad proposed as far as reconfiguring the building. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN061206.doc 17 Planning Commission Meeting June 12, 2006 . Would be open to keeping the public hearing open until July 10th. Commissioner Stamson suggested leaving the hearing open to allow comments on a new proposal. The Commissioners agreed. MOTION BY BILLINGTON, SECOND BY PEREZ, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JULY 10, 2006. Vote taken indicates ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. There were no announcements. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Jane Kansier & Connie Carlson Recording Secretaries L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN06I206.doc 18 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 10,2006 1. Call to Order: Chairman Stamson called the July 10, 2006, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Billington, Lemke, Perez, Ringstad and Stamson, Planning Director Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator Danette Moore, Planner Jeff Matzke, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Billington Lemke Perez Ringstad Stamson Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the June 12,2006, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Stamson read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. EP 06-128 (continued) Master Development is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage on Lot 2, Block 1, Deerfield 7th Addition (pending plat approval). Planner Jeff Matzke presented the Planning Report dated July 10, 2006, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. On June 12,2006 a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission to discuss an application request by Master Engineering and Construction for a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage on a site located south of Adelmann Street and west of Revere Way, within the Deerfield Industrial Park. The currently vacant site proposes a structure and an outdoor storage area for the parking of construction related equipment. The 32,100 square foot structure is proposed to contain eight warehouse suites (ranging in size from 3,732 square feet to 3,916 square feet). L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN071006,doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 The topics of concern that were most commonly referred to at the public hearing included: . Concerns related to inadequate screening provided by fencing and trees. . Concerns related to the storage of fuel tanks in close proximity to residential properties. . Concerns of any potential wetland impacts as a result of the proposed outdoor storage area. After hearing individual comments, the Planning Commission discussed the concerns raised during the public hearing and directed the applicant to review the site plan and consider possible revisions, including the following: . Reconfigure the building design that locates the outdoor storage further from the wetland and rear of the property. . Consider berming. . Increase vegetation screening. . Increase the fence height. . Limit hours of operation. The request and public hearing were continued to the July 10, 2006, Planning Commission meeting. The applicant has submitted revised plans which indicate changes to increase screening with an 8 foot high fence rather than the initial 6 foot fence and the modification of five deciduous trees to five coniferous trees, maintaining a total of 21 trees at the rear of the site. Despite the applicant citing financial considerations for not providing any other site modifications, staff believes the alterations to the site do not address all ofthe stated concerns ofthe Planning Commission. Therefore, for approval of the conditional use permit staff recommends the following conditions also be met: 1. Modify or relocate the outdoor storage area to allow for an adequate area between the wetland buffer and the outdoor storage fencing for the addition of a berm. 2. Revise the landscaping plan to establish the 10' coniferous trees along the top of the berm. 3. Limit hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 4. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits for the storage of fuel tanks in the outdoor storage area prior to site plan approval. 5. The applicant shall submit a certificate of survey verifying the proposed site improvements and proposed structure in relation the to wetland and easement boundaries. 6. The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit at Scott County no later than 60 days after City Council approval. 7. A plan must be provided that details the design and materials used for the construction of the enclosed fenced area. 8. A zoning permit shall be issued prior to the installation of the fence. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN07IO06.doc 2 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 9. All vehicles within the outdoor storage area must be operable, licensed, and registered. 10. Conditions in the May 26, 2006 Engineering Department Memo shall be met prior to building permit issuance. 11. Prior to site plan approval, the applicant shall submit revised plans reflecting plan changes and conditions as indicated. 12. All conditions listed in Section 1102.1503(8) ofthe Zoning Ordinance shall be met. Ringstad asked if staff had any suggestions or alternatives for the applicant regarding condition #1 (Modify or relocate the outdoor storage area to allow for an adequate area between the wetland buffer and the outdoor storage fencing for the addition of a berm.) Matzke responded staff suggested reducing the square footage ofthe building or create an "L" shaped building. Any of the alternatives would probably reduce the outdoor storage area or reduce the building area. The applicant felt there would be financial concerns with the changes. Matzke said Johnson would speak to that. Matzke pointed out the tight turning radius in the back and the wetland buffer would require setbacks reducing the size of the building. Lemke asked how much room would be required for a berm. Matzke responded if you built a 3 foot berm, one would need about 24 feet. Poppler agreed. Lemke questioned the condition on the stored vehicles - are bulldozers and vehicles not driven on roads have to be licensed and registered? Matzke said all vehicles have to be permitted and licensed. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: Wayde Johnson of Master Engineering and Construction said he had nothing to add to the report and was available for questions. Perez questioned what kind of demand is there for the units. Johnson said 3 ofthe 8 are under contract and are in negotiations with a fourth party. They have had several inquiries of businesses that didn't fit for one reason or another. Joe Riordan, 17482 Deerfield Drive, said he and his wife have found this community and neighbors to be very pleasant. It is a comfortable and modem environment. He appreciates the challenge the Conditional Use Permit brings to everyone and hopes the Board and staff view his observations and suggestions as constructive and not adversarial. Riordan was not present at the last meeting however he did submit a written list of five questions that were promptly and professionally answered by Jeff Matzke. In addition to his neighbors concerns, Riordan asked the following questions and concerns: how runoff will be controlled to the wetlands; other outside storage surrounded by 6 foot fencing; higher fencing requirements; there are at least 30 townhomes affected L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN07I006.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 by the use ofthis CUP; the townhomes reduced property values; and suggested the Board visit the offsite excavating company next to the Deerfield Industrial Park. Riordan felt not all businesses are suitable for the development. Common sense should enable trumping a one-size fits all zoning code. Jean Riordan, 17482 Deerfield Drive, said she wanted to thank the neighbors for expressing her feelings. She asked the Commissioners "If you were living in Deerfield would you want this eyesore in your back yard?" Bill Dillingham, 17459 Deerfield Drive, drove back on Welcome Avenue and observed buses on two lots along with other construction equipment. Dillingham felt there are three lots not being used other than for storage; and that would be where this type of business should be. Judith Hanson, 17436 Deerfield Drive, said the applicant has planned a nice building for business however at the last meeting the Commissioners emphasized money was not a parameter to consider when approving an issue. The applicant has spent a lot oftime and money to get this plan together but perhaps the plan is just too big for the building. Hanson felt the applicant could do a better job with a smaller facility including berms to make it acceptable for the neighborhood. Keith Dahnert, 17440 Deerfield Drive, said this is the first time he has heard of the applicant's changes including a three foot berm that would be 24 feet wide. Moore replied staffwas not talking about a specific berm... one of the Commissioners questioned how much area was need for a three foot berm. Dahnert said "Regardless, a three foot berm is not much bang for the buck. The applicant isn't putting up a 12 foot concrete barrier like the sound walls along the freeways." He felt the applicant's proposal are all visuals and not adequate. Why bother? Dahnert did not feel the hours were restrictive enough and their operation will interfere with the neighbors' lifestyle. Dahnert said he expects to hear from some people on the Commission that they are no doubt looking to approve this proposal because it is consistent with the zoning. Dahnert said no one disputes the 11 zoning - outside storage is allowed - end of story. To do outside storage they have to have Conditional Use Permits. Why? If outside storage is allowed regardless of what they are doing a CUP wouldn't be necessary. He believes not all businesses are consistent with 11 zoning and doesn't need or should be allowed. The only reason Dahnert sees a CUP is to condition for the adjoining properties and residents. Should it be allowed next to a residential area? Jerry Hanson, 17436 Deerfield Drive, said everyone heard all the personal reasons why they wouldn't want this in their back yard and that's probably the key to this whole planning process. Most people want businesses to share the property taxes and provide economic develvpment opportunities. There's a lot of "Not In My Back Yard" as a part of that. That's what the Planning Commission is for. Hanson said it seems to him "As an appointed Commission; it's to do the planning that when it's put in someone's back yard, L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN071006.doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 it is conducive to what it is for the businesses going in. In this case, the City was forced to deal with a small area for Industrial properties and trying to build up businesses. Unfortunately, the property was zoned commercial which is probably not that incompatible with the housing respects but somehow the developer felt he couldn't sell the C5 properties. He came back to the City and eventually the Council to change the zoning." Hanson felt there are other areas of the City where industrial parks would be a better fit. This park was put into place without the people (future residents) really knowing what was going to happen. So now, the City has to look at the long run and manage development in the future. Hanson said he appreciates the man working hard and making an honest living. "But it is the Commissioners job to look at the businesses and see if that business fits where it is being suggested. If it doesn't fit you have to say it. Short term you can make it work. There is an opportunity to make a statement tonight and straighten out this situation for the long term." The public hearing was closed at 6:33 p.m. COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS: Ringstad: . Regarding the meeting a month ago, there were concerns from a few neighbors with respect to security with the fuel tanks. Ringstad talked to Police Chief O'Rourke to see ifhe had any security concerns with the above ground fuel tanks allowed in this development. He did not feel there were any more security concerns than a filling station that would have combustible fuels. I felt comfortable with the Chiefs assessment. . It was also pointed out the Commissioners changed the designations from C5 to II - we did in September '04. What was also pointed out is that notices were sent out to property owners within 350 feet. It was also published in the newspaper. . Tonight we have a room full of people but two years ago no one commented. Thus, we discussed it and approved it. . Would like to hear comments from fellow Commissioners. . With the improvements from the applicant I am inclined to support the CUP. Billington: . This is a quality applicant who made an exemplary attempt to deal with the concerns of the neighbors within reason. . The area is zoned Industrial and is appropriate. We have to expect this site to be developed within those parameters. It is an industrial sector of the city. . As a result, I will support the applicant. Lemke: . About 4 weeks ago, I had concerns with the fuel storage. I went to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and discovered there are over 20,000 above-ground L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN07I006.doc 5 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 storage tanks in the State of Minnesota. Apparently it is not a big problem. I feel comfortable with the fuel storage from a safety aspect. . I was on the Planning Commission two years ago when that change took place. This is the type of use we wanted in the Industrial Park. . It was suggested by the neighbors at the last meeting that this was bad zoning. . I have been out to the site several times. The sign out on the entrance says "Deerfield Industrial Park". Again, this is the type of business I envisioned for an industrial park. . If it were located adjacent or abutting the property line of a residential area it might be inappropriate or bad zoning. But it's not. This area is separated by a large wetland that will not be developed. It is 190 to 200 feet away. . I understand some people will not like it but I will support. Perez: . It is obvious there is a need for industrial areas. It is confirmed by the McComb Study and that is why we made the change to industrial. . Outdoor storage is needed. I do agree with some of the neighbors that not all businesses are appropriate. . I do not feel the applicant has gone far enough with this piece of land to put that type of business in that area. . It sounds like there is a need for businesses and some of the suites have been sold. . Talked to Paul Snook, the Economic Director for Prior Lake and he did not see any issues with selling the suites. Ifit's a case where we're pushing businesses away I would think differently. However, I do not feel that is the case. . The applicant has come further, but I do not feel the screening or the limited hours of operation is enough. . There are other businesses that may be a better fit for the neighborhood. Stamson: . We are losing site ofthe issues. This is still an II industrial site. When we decided 11 would work here, it was appropriate and it still is. This issue is not 11. . The building was designed not for this use in mind, but as a rental site for industrial use. There are still many uses for that building. . The issue is the CUP. Within the 11 rules we said you can have outdoor storage but it had to be through a CUP. The reason we asked for a CUP is because ofthe impacts that go beyond industrial uses. Ifwe just thought any time there is outside storage there would be a fence and few trees we would have written that into the ordinance and done away with this whole process. We said we want to reVIew. . We want to hold to a higher standard. Not just throw up a six foot fence and a few coniferous trees anywhere on the lot. . The real issue is the storage. It is nice building and will be an asset to the City. The trouble is a business wants to come in with outside storage. I'm not against outside storage next to a residential area. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN07I006.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 . The fencing will not cover the site. It is just a poor use for this design and property. . The site is too small to support the outside storage under its current configuration. . I feel the site will sell out irregardless if it has outside storage or not. I think it was very clearly designed not to have outside storage. If you want to use this site for outside storage then throw out this plan and start over. . This band-aid approach of slapping up a fence and throwing a few tractors along the property line because someone asked for it is inappropriate. . The idea behind the CUP is to hold to a higher standard than what is written in the manual. What is here is not appropriate and does not fit with the neighborhood. . It should be denied or redesigned to support an appropriate outside storage area. . Our intent for writing in a CUP for industrial was not to slap up a six foot fence around whatever you want and then come here and ask us for it. Why waste our time with these meetings if we're just going to slap an approval on every time someone asks. . Will not support. OPEN DISCUSSION: Perez: . I agree with the CUP. It is zoned industrial and the CUP is there for a reason. To make sure it is appropriate and limits are there. . I do not feel the limits have been met. The neighbors' concerns have not been fully addressed. . The applicant said this is the only design that is financially suitable for them. Stamson: . That is fine, that is a (financial) decision you make as a business owner. . My way of looking at it is that it was not initially designed for outside storage. . The applicant said he had quite a bit of interest. . I don't think this outside storage is a "live-or-die" for the project. . It is up to the applicant to come up with another design to support the storage. Perez: . Agreed it is up to the applicant to redesign or find another business. . Financial should not weigh on the decision. Ringstad: . It is not weighing in on my decision at all. . What it is - he is going to pay the same amount of money for the land whether there is 10,000 or 50,000 square feet and that is not going to affect any of us if we're going to support this or not. . The one thing I think is dangerous for any of us is to go down the thinking that we think something will sell that way. Weare not developers, we are not building nor are we selling these things. Weare looking at these things at face value. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN071006.doc 7 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 . It is dangerous to go outside that box. . To talk about some of our concerns is legitimate. . Again we are going beyond if we think something will sell there as office rental or outdoor storage - we don't know. . We have to deal with what is before us. Stamson: . I just brought it up because of the financial considerations, it was mentioned that the development wasn't feasible by making large scale changes to it. Ringstad: . For those of us who voted "yes" for the buses a few months ago. What is the difference between this and the buses? Perez: . The proximity. Matzke stated the distance is about 150 to 200 feet from the properties. It depends where you measure. Lemke: . This is a permitted use with conditions. Stamson disagreed. Kansier explained the conditions of a Conditional Use Permit. Certain uses may have a greater impact on the site or the adjacent site than an outright permitted use. The objective ofa Conditional Use Permit is to look at what, if any, types of mitigated measures to alleviate any potential impact. Kansier went on to say if the Commissioners find there are no mitigating measures then it should be denied and make very specific Findings on why those measures cannot be made. If there are mitigative measures than can be made and place on as conditions then apply them as conditions and approve the Conditional Use Permit. It is not to deny it outright. You make the assumption the underlying use is appropriate with conditions. Stamson: . The building can still be redesign and not have the impact to the neighbors. The design is the problem. The staff report says the developer came back and said some of the conditions do not work for him. So that's why I am saying "Deny it" based on the developers decision not to use the mitigating factors that we recommended at the last meeting. . I would still be more than willing to look at it ifhe could flip the building sideways and move the storage. I would be totally comfortable with it. Or a "u" shaped building and hide the storage in the center of the building. There are a lot of ways to design this without impacting the neighbors. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN07 I006.doc 8 Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2006 . My argument for denying it was because of the design. The design didn't change. . I also think coniferous trees are worse than deciduous. An eight foot fence will not shield anything but the fence. You are better offwith a deciduous tree where most of the shielding would be above the fence line. . I don't disagree that outside storage is appropriate in the industrial zone. I don't even disagree that you can store this equipment on this site; it is just the proposed design for the CUP. MOTION BY BILLINGTON, SECOND BY RINGSTAD, APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH STAFF'S CONDITIONS. Vote taken indicated ayes by Billington, Ringstad and Lemke. Nay by Perez and Stamson. MOTION CARRIED. Matzke explained the appeal process and read the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant must own property within 350 feet ofthe site to appeal. Joanne Swenson, 17490 Deerfield Drive, questioned how the public would know if the applicant met the conditions. Matzke read the conditions. Kansier explained the Conditional Use Permit process. The applicant has a year to begin construction. B. EP 06-131 through 136; Donnay Homes, Manley Development and Cardinal Development are requesting Final PUD Plan approval for Northwood Meadows. Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Manley Land Development, Cardinal Development Group, and Donnay Homes have applied for approval of a development to be known as Northwood Meadows on the property located on the west side of North wood Road, directly west of the Northwood Oaks development and east of Spring Lake Regional Park. The proposal calls for a residential development consisting of 136 single family homes along with parks and trail on a total of 79 acres. On March 20,2006, the City Council adopted Ordinance #106-05 amending the Zoning Ordinance to designate the 79 acres as a Planned Unit Development. The ordinance listed the elements of the PUD as follows: a. The PUD is a single family development consisting of lots from 7,150 square feet to over 30,000 square feet in area. The PUD plan provides a minimum of34.74 acres of park, including a 5.75 acre active neighborhood park. b. The total number of units on the site will not exceed 136. L:\06 FILES\06 PLANNING COMMISSION\MINUTES\MN071 006.doc 9 ~. ~~. ~':-.wJ. ~~~- 61LT f'I!Nc.e tn'PJ LM1e or GON5"flU::,'J1QH Eft!!. war J . 11#1''''" -"..' .......... 0';,"':::' / __~COCW1YROKJJ2 ~'>,>t:= ~Jj-::: i~1J master ,..'.1..',;,:,'..". .DIl\'BLDfIIIBNT. ...1".''','...,," _.if I I ~ '<<R. m", "'" Vicinity Map Section 12. Township 114, Range 22 No Scale ~ ...------- ,_,,____."_.tt.._ .~~"....~,--~ :Di..i!,:7a.jjn,.,.;..-. ._w_____ -.,.,- :;:=-.:::::. r.:r..~"~-_._.' ~r.=.;.':=-...;"&.- ...... r--;::: L r '-- ~~;~\I~.!lnotlfl.:.otl~:' ~1~.~;2 ~'iiI~~i:I~~~N~~vt~'W,~!I .:.dn be Iot.at.d b::I CI GOrltrcx.l loXator or "VIer w\tc:t1lcr. 1l'M'Ql!;. c.cntroe.tCr I!; r.~Ib!e for IO.:.c:lthg all vtlllty 11l'Ie$ priOr' to o:.orWUGlIon. NOres I. ~~ik~7r~~~$~~=::?k'r C:OFl'Ipen=ootlOl'l for ItCMl'l!> that o:.OlIIc:l have bH.n clarified prIOr to i;)Id 5Ubmlta~. 2, ~f':::rf~~: t;:.~I~~J~t~~~; ~'Cf!og-~Ing. .rte"lOrl<:. ~: ~~!I~,.~t ~~=:~dtouJ~~~ t6 GOITplsted ond ~ vegetollOn ald ~faG~ Is .!I~~ 5 PIbIk:. s!i'eel:& cr. 10 be t;.lBan of debrl6 ond drt on "doll!! bo$ltl ~: E~~af~~t~~:v~iot~orotMr :rg~~~oi~. ~I~~~~'~ OVQlIable '\e.ld ~ Q'ld r.v.... of Glty of Prior l...ok6 06-~!llhlCJl"'!'llDtlon. 2O'MIN."'" ,.~c;ure.~ . ,,'~~: '\ ' "'-" '; ,:,<.) (, <?i~' ,~'J{-,'~\ .,^ ,.::", I{;R '''?.~;J' '", """"""'" TOP M1T OF H'T"D~ AT Ni'l GC:lRIER 01' 6RAT~lONE C. T AI.a:> ..-.vEL~foT. a...EV_<e5.11 .._:;:r.'.=.:,'::r::'(!lO.-:e==,,:."=F..!'.=-'---; -:. .. ---'~'''~A?;~~;;=c.~.!!~ ~......,._...;r::;...___._ ~'-_.~~~~iE r . . -. :: C'ii~:aef=-r- ..____~~II'~_... '7~ ..-- Drainoge and utility [ollementl on sllllwn lhus: () 8 .. . -~_--_-_hmr T----h-~. _~---n_----_yo IOL__n__ ____~ IlIUPHIC SCALE S."3O' &ing 10 feel in widlh end odjoining /01 lines, ond being 10 '.el in wjdth and adjoining rj.;hI or way linn unless otherwise 6he"n. .-..- . 3. 60 9. I2SW.IIIlllADWAY Ava. 1IINIlBAfWS,!IN 55411 B\JB:(612)m-9lOO P.Ill:(612)m-ml ""D~~" _,.,"',~ cm'___ &.OF', -.oar, " D7JJf_ PRIOR LAKE, MN 0600<1.000 l DAVE A!iI+EAD ""AM IJW+1 ~ "',1 Q.#>1I: ~....~.~- . ~ I....... 1- CERTIFIGATION ~ ClMmRUC110N --- 'CIVIL SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLE itl~~"\~ -'1:::1 ~RAN , DRAWING TITLE: GRADING PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: C1 " ~-U_UR ~-:.,;;:x*~ Nunn . _:_ c=J ~:;:=- 1;'..'.'.Il5..~ -\~~., 11- j J_ L ~ . -.. -~~'" !!:w-......-- - ,.f wurl'. ~__ ~- .--.- . -- - tit .. ~ I "'IJ._N"'U____.._ _. '='~~~F HaE~_~"'~lO =-7~..::.am: ~-':.';'-';...''''::~- ~~~_T__ ~~_....~--..... ..........-...--"....,.- - ~~__I'W'I!..._-.!_ ...._ItW.L__a"... g:~':::;=.iF- ~_-.:J1Jl: ~.. flLI. ._ 10 . ,.;. :. -- . ~~d=w:r--ma.:'"" BIIu::t\~- -le~ M ;EIUE~~~ w ~~ '-""'!;.w:.~~a _~~lue ~~~~fU~S not~~\~_~.t ~or:~~~=< ~ .:t~~~,,~~~o;;f ~~~v~ ~~ ~s G(lI'\ t>e l.x.oted by " Goot.rOl<t IOGi:ltcr or other WIWbIe 1TIUIf"I&. Gofttl"ClCt.Or' \I r.~on"lbIe for toGatJng 011 ullllt~ line.. prior to constrodJon. L !i::~i~::=~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~llO1'1 '01'" It_ UlGlt c.oulcl hove been l:.krlfl8d prtor to bid ;l ~~,:;r~t ~ ~~I~~:-r:l~~t~~q-::fW:J ~. ~s~~;;t~I~~~r:oto~l~~~ I'" ~leted ald _11 v8:9"tGIUon c:rld eo.rfCl(.1ng '" es~lshed. Pvblk. etreel!; ere W ~ Gle"" of d6l::lr1& aid dirt 011 " di:ll~ ~Is. !f:iat~~~~~~~~~~crta~or o~ ~~;r'Mc:.-~locf~~, ~lll~:~~~~ ~"lO ~~18J=~lng aod ro!lvle... of City cf PrIOr' La.:. lMP!:RYIOl6#MfAGALCll.j/"TIOt6 TOT,lIL LOT IIREA . 1&4....'150. FT. 0!1i. 042SS ~ I'E'n.AAP 10HP tiU'Pffl. ~;.. . ~,104l SG. FT. OR O.b2 ,l,C.RE5 ElllILPlNeo IoH:J f'AAKfHeo ~A ~ 120,b'" ~. FT. OR .2.1tA K~ ~~ Io.HD 6R!!:H AAJ;A. 2bJS8 SGI. FT. OR Ob46 i<IGRES ~A6e CA' 1I1"fRV1CV5 ~A s 6!>...j;l; L_- _~ . TOP N.1T (A< KYDARHT AT I+i GCJI:iIER OF 6fV,l'STOlE C,T NlP AtlaKllHH ST. Ei.LV = <I5!S.t1 ., .' .0 s lIIW'HIC &CAU '".30' --- o 30 60 ~~ a~1J master .. . 1IMI.DI'YIlNI'. ~ 125 W. BlOAIlWAY Ava IIINNIlArCUUIN 55411 BU:I:(612)_ PAX: (612) I7MlOI J.-.___' -..,. ,- t:trf~_.. un-.._. ,D""_ Ill'" PRIOR LAKE, UN (f'RO.l;C.T NO. Gl6()tIq.ooo I I """'" DAVE ASIfo1EAD I I""""'" 1<1"...._1 I ::,..... t\l3V06 I -..- "".ID^"'I rr'~'~ · lj c..eRTlFlc..A Tl0N ~ ciiamrucmOii --- (C.IVIL SHEET INDEX I SHEET TITLE ~I-"" ._. UfLIT'fPL.MI. ~~ , DRAWING TITLE: '" unUTY .. PAVING PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: C2 90 r- /&m~1li!l' ~~~'Q- I B~1t.Y&~~~VALVE ,r"-~ VAl.'o'EIOJl.~ . DII.I.......r G 11_"'10" ! D1U,.......G-V...,'-2. .... lO- I ::_,}t\ I. -~~ GA~t GATE VPoLVE BOX INSTALLATION APPROVED 1.22~2 G PlATH 303 VALVE-BOX INSTALLATION FOR WA TERMAlN _____~~~y~wmlGAOUHO ,,'-:S=', _ ,. .. ,cr.'TDUP "PW::ISCHEIIU..E...oIRI8ER OR lOR .. PAYMEfftFOAQ.EAKOJTWU I ~~~M;~~ r"'''''' ~~: \ __J L:,...... . . ........,........, ....hJlatO~PSl MlH. GlIItHmY.., cv API'ROVEll '.22-<<1 . SANITARY SEWER CLEAN-OUT . 7. 7 J ;::~$'"..:i""'" i~l~ <q ~ ._' I IrI01l:AI.l.lOlNTS1NCI.1DE ~l.G"RETMERGl.NClI. NC~~~~~. Al,l,.AT JrIOADClITlOIW.COlIFINIA1lON. ~J$~IYClTYENGItEEIl APPROVED '-22-D2 1_ TYPICAL HYDRANT 1 'W' INSTALlATION e~VE BOX IN BOULEVARD PV.TE # 304 u_....... --- ~~. N01'l\":roo~StUoJ."OI\(II;ItEDlMTl- "",OK_.oc.o.1lON15~...n - ----.. ~....~.. " " :/ -= :~~ !:" =~ ". ," --_.-- W.__WolI.O'. ---..... _l4ItIRD.~ =:::D-::: 1 .... ~~ ~nI"'lltw.a... _Il.-_"'_ MW:*lwoc.OII --- __w -~ " _c-<,.104AS;II1 ~-- V.TliIT~ UIllIW~_ ~.......- =.-- '.:,1 llif'&.1I"O.C. ;~ -..cu:I"__' _____: &uOETAll.ADO\IE-=. ~t.- ~ !r1=~ _."U_~ ~i I -1'::- II ~ ,q ~ ::,JVM'1!lE ~ - \'Ml.Wl.f; 20'-'. J ="'-=~::.:::..... '; ,,;>,; .,.:; i =--=::-'10_ l-;.:i;.,",:~'~;'~':J.;r~~~:;~,,$"<1 ruit - .~.) I;~" ) I' "ClII._'._._'~__ 1 ===:.c:;:::.-..a..UMll PLATE tI 206 10 STANDARD MANHOlE fOR SANITARY SEWER APPROVED 1.22-02 REVISED ...., --;.. PI.AN VIRf Of !tAMP ~ ---- .~:~I-.'- I ---::~.1 IUYATIOIf 0fl1lAllP' =~G~~ .___~_______'~_~~___~ .'-c..~". .: ::r.:r_:'<~ ---".,.._...----...__.._.........-.._...-......._~ ..._...._.__..__,CI'~.....__......__... a)~n;;~7.i~=~=7ff=~=:-=~~ APPROVEO I~ PEDESTRlAN CURB RAMP 1-22.{)2 'W' FOR THE HANDICAP PV.TE # 705 I I Ulr.~ hbr I 3ur " _"'"'o""'~_._.. PLAN. ~. 1 NO" 6' . _,,~,.__-. ...".lOCONII81 ~tRNOS .<:':-.. ~~;:.' h' ~~=l\ll'lJIC 'WRoSMElD' -+-"-. Pl.J\TE..03'~ ~ _'_") . ,',,' . HOTUONCONCRETE. ~=OR j"::; ". :'~~"~ L CATCl1M&lNCA6T1NO NEEIWt II.-rv QR -""'" _ ~...~ ,...6: . SEEHOTE 5.iC'""" ~': :'."......J --.... ..c, n ... :( ;'.... ....:: ':-." ;"':,... .i,'.'-; ," ". ~. -<':' ....:::... . ", . PLATE # 200 SECTlONA.A APPROVED ~ 1.22..02 STANDARDCA.TCHBASIN REVISED FOR STORM SEWER ..... PLATE # 402 NOTE: r WlN.THlClQoIESSREQI.llREtI ""......-- [ t~u,.~~~r. C"Tf-"d:;:;JJ !>-A TYPICAL ENTRANCE FOR MULTI.fAMILY. COMMERCIAl. AND INDUSTRIAl.' PROPERTIES AND RESIDENT PoL.. AREAS WITH SIDEWPoLK. 1. WHERE NEWDAI\/EWA'I'li AAl. TOIlEIoDDEDACROlII EXI8'TlMGClG, IlEMCME E*TtIG CUM NIID 0l.ITJEft /H) A&I"OUR 1NTEGlfW. Wfl'H THECOHCIlETEI9{lllANCE 2. CONCAE1EIoPIION ItW.l. BE AEQlJlIE) FOAmCOMMEN:W.NIO INX.I8'nWoL EHTRANCU /IH) N'ARTMENTa OF WORI! TI1o\N" t.NTB 3 CONCREllAPllOH SHoW. &Ii AEQl.IlIlmfOA ROIDENTALlHllWCU AD.IotoCI!HTTOIlOEWl\l.K "REQUIREOMlXDESlGlMllONI$JI\32. APPROVED I~ COMMERCIAl & INDUSTRIAL \ PLATE # 1-22'()2 'W" CONCRETE ENTRANCES 508 .,......,- . Sl-W.L 1lS. wNICIPALCASTINGS. INC. NO. 301A WITH 'TWO CONC,EAl.J;D PICK UP IO..ES. LABELED "STORM aeYNt. 0flEQUAL. CATCH 8A&lM WIHHOLE . ~. CASTING SHAU. Bf: NEENAH NO. R3061V0fl EQUAL . .!t!..ItlBQi _ CA5T101O 6HAI..l. IE NEENNl R4~2. STOOl TYPE OR EQUAl.. r==- ~\d" j 1 ~ ~~'" 'j'."rl""~ ''l' , ~ , 7~i _..~~; .. IF ~~'. TOPNlDIOTTOMO#IlWIltCUJ '~D- Jr...>. ~l \('::4,~:~ .~\: "",,-.,~,.~ .-'<; i,! t APPROVED IA =~ STANDARD STORM SEWER MANHOLE PLATE # 409 ~ 125 W.1IIOAJJWAY AVI!. 1IINNIWlIJli,IIN 55411 BUS: (612l172-9llO PAX: (612l172o-9201 '--..~I'NfIC"""'" ~.... j. CIIT "._.. -..-.-, , I I I ~ , D "" AIlIIIfIOII PRIOR LAKE, MN f'RO.E'-l IiO O6QeIq.ooo DAVE ASlM:AD GfE~ R'f AN Bl.J.H'1 DATE 313l106 Rf:VlS4ON "IQ.10A're ~~~~.,~ 'rJ C.ERT1FICATION --.. --!!!!!.-- 'CIViL SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLE tj ~L~ (A ~TNL ~ lJ~"", DRAWING TITLE: DETAIL SHEET DRAWING NUMBER: C3 "'" "" "'" \ \ \ ~""""'... TOile .-.eNlN5TAU.a:l ' I<U*It MeM.1"'Dt:e Ute \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \ \ \ ~~_.~.-o _ll._~nTH_ 'lIOIHO_ ..UNTou-COIT5....R'.l>R f"\.JII;an'IIlli_IIIUIIJU _1"E_T~ot: ftClfIHlI'L....'UtfilllJ. ..._'1_'0 _Al~lIUKIiT5 !'''''Ni" 1lEW1.t:D TREE PLANTING "'" SHRUB PLANTING RBlMOtO LJIIlDeN tTYPJ PLANT SCHEDULE BROADLEAF DEc..ID\JClU5 lauANTITY 5YH60L I 5 I . ~ 5GIENT1FIG NAME I cOHMON NAt-E FRAXINV5 AMARICANA 'JEFFNOR' NORTHERH BLAZE ASH TILlA AMARICANA 'REDMOND' REDHOND LINDEN CONIFER EVER6REEN IGlJANTITY I 5YHBOL I 1 I ~ I ~ I g SGIENTIFIG NAME PINUS NI6RA PIGEA 6LAlJC.A DEN5A T A PICEA 6LAlJC.A DENSATA WMf'1ON NAHC: .Al.J5TRIAN PINE BLAC-K HILLS SPRUGE BLACK HILLS 5PRLJC.E PERENNIAL lauANTtTl' 5YHBoL I"' * I 2e * PLANiiN6 SIZE 2 1/2" GAL. :2 In" GAL I PLANTiNG SIZE 6' a'B lb' 648 10' BIB SC,IENTIFIG NAME I COMMON NAf-E I PLANTIl46 SIZE t-EMEROC.ALLlS 'STELLA DE ORa' STELLA DE ORO DAYLlL'( I' 6AL. SEDUH 'AlJTlJMN .JOY 5eDUM AlITVMN ..JOY I 6AL l. rtl~~at~~~~; ~.~ ~ TOF tfJT ()f= th'PAANT "'T 1+'1 c.oRtER Of 6RA'T"&TOI-f' G1 AND ~ 5T. ELl'V 2 065.11 ........... o -e s IAAPHIC sew 30 60 , j~lI master ,.DBVIILQf'IGIHI'.~ 121W.IIIllADWAY AVE. MIIlNI!AIWS, IIN 55411 IVI: (612)172-ml PAX: (612) 8'n4lO1 "",D__' ~,.,.I, t:nY-.-r__ un.., &IICIC f ~ ,,"" ADDI'JJCW PRIOR LAKE, UN ( F'RO.J:GT KO. (;)6OOq.ooo I I ".,.... DAVE A5f*'EAD I I OE<<W ~AN BWlM I I P.....lE 8131I06 I..."..,. ""~ 1""1 ~~~Y'I"UM. ~ ~ , , / c.eFiTIFICATION ~ :;...x:'-A ct:UIII1RutmOII --~ (CIViL SHEET INDEX .[ I SHEET TITLE I ft'! 'tVlf'P~NA~ C. UTlUTT PLAN 'U ~~F\-,o.H DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: 1'''30' L1 o. ~ : 'I d~; 11f ~:s! ~ !1~ ~ 8 l i' ~~ ~~ ~i <J-~ '\ ~ ~ As ~ '- I II 1m ~ ~ g < Ii ~ ~ 6 6 ~!~~ .. ,S C'oJ i ,f pu ~~~. ~ := 5 J 6 6 Ill! a llo ~ ...... ~ ;!! IIII1 ~ )5 @ ~ ~ ~l" I I.n... ~ i== ~~~"" dd~ ~ I I = ~ _ j ~;I 1 i i I I a u~~.u~ IQ _ Ii 181~ I ! I i . 51. 511 i __ dnn 1...- I L.!" 1...-. ~ . ,~ Ii!. ; · I ~~~ f.! ~ ~ .~~. ~I~ ~ ~ i.1 ii~1 Illtl lilh ~ ~ ~ ~~ . BUILDING . LANDSCAPED SITE .~: IlfuJ PAVED SITE D WETLAND . WETLAND BUFFER / / / / I OULDING LANDSCAPED SITE ClU11lOOR ""'""'" PAVED SITE WETUHD 1WEll,AN) BlFFER ( 7 -.... / / SITE AREA SCHEDLU ..... 1 .... 132073 SF .....SF _SF n1asSF _SF 17.08 SF 116Oll6SF .9\Wlbect dahlber2 associMes. inc. ....,1-- -........ "J.t)t.IIU'" -, ....,l-IIJ'I-I..J DEERFIELD INDUS1RlAL PARK WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ADElMANN S11lEET PRIOR LAKE. MN &....'._Cffv....nIlLAEvIllK>>CI & IMY7." an-.-rT1IL &. MIIlCNn._ ONGIWlEOMOOORI.YIIC .&. WItCH!l,_ ONGIWll!OlIlOOlll,IolIIC liBElY("amfT......TnP"""""SfE('lftl:ADOI'f m~T...AI_AIlE/)IY/lC~1NJIJlNY ~swa.V\II(I';AMITM1lTI_ADll.Y ~~';;:;(jr D><D.~ ~ sfi'F. AREA'i. __ ~~@~orn~ R JUN 1 2006.J -- L.a.o;.;;--------8lUD- . W.1E~ DM......IY-----AlIIIoI CIIEOWI,y~ AI-A ~aa;~-.___ CD~:~\..()" & ~ w....... . CD ,,,,SF quanbcd dablbeQ associMCS. inC. .,1__ -...- m-'n'.IIU.... -, "'''l..,..lnJ DEERFIELD INDUSTRIAL PARK WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS J- '~- ~ - ~ ~--~- -~-- ~' . .,;;,;- 4 5 6 7 8.8 9 ' ~ ~__~.~_I~I~ _' -,,~I..,_I ~ ~. kl.. .....I.d ~~ _ .-.l-d ~.__ ,.1 (11 W~~ w_ ct:J 391& SF w........ CD ""SF ............- CD 3916-SF w.......... CD 3916 Sf I I I ~U @h-j--~-~~--~-~ "I -$.Jl~ E I '" '- I ~ -+~ I w_ IT] 391fisF . EO ~16SF ..,..Ii- c.< .. ;,----1----<; r:::+-~ :r7--:,;:,=,.r:::+~ M I III !-7~- C~_) II w___ o:::J 3821-SF. i .------,- i , 1 j \ , l L ----0- l4- ADElMANN STREET PRIOR LAKE, MN & ""'1._ CIrf!ilANTT.....IIE'IIS1ON5 &.....l1,_CfTl~..... &. IMI'lCHII._ Cl'!QIWlE.OHDOORS,tdC &_11,_OIlGlWlf'OHDODIl8,IoQC I UEUIl WTIfY m.\TllIlS 1'\.Al'<I. WU'\tJ('"ADOI'I ~1t1l'''.nl'AlI .. .... ME"'~MV ~~=~~.r ::_~~id" 2006 1~ I~ [E @ ~ m JUN 1 - ~u-"'"'" llIlA_n-Aolllllll otEn:liDll~ A2 o-;.r."~~--' e.;j ",-------------.ii-.J=-mPOFP L lo! .~,~ iDol oj . ....001 · .lo~i~IDfD:;li.~;I~' ..: ~D..!i;:-'"'' ~rrj~,.Q~~J~~~1!'~i~,~!1~~~"t~"_~~;~"'~rJ~~13";fitrti~~c".;;: CD ~r:' l~~VATION rn:(r.~~ ~_~J-}1~n .--. .-- t~'::: ~~~ -.=T" ,_. " , ~ nL~!5"w,'~~; ~ @-~~AT1ON - W:~.~~ cI' 'i::~~:-T'CW ~ dahl~ assoc1Mes. iDe. ..,,-- -- ,,;1.'>'_''''''' ~, ""n"~'MJ DEERFIELD INDUS1RIAL PARK WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ADIllolANN STREET PRIOR u.KE. MN &.aMl,_ClTY_n....IIIf\lllllClN5 ~ W.V7.'" an.-n.... &. 1IWOla.1ODI QNGIWlEOHOOCI'IS,IMC & .-:tI11._ ONQJlAOl!OHDOOIIS,MlSC ~r==1r==~ ~~~I~IU~~~ :'~~d EIEVATIONS 10 ~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ 'I W JUN 1 2006 .J B~ D"Tl';~ DaA_n~ A3 ~...~~_.- ~A -i1- - - -""'"" & " - - ......:.......:; ~I - h ~; ~ ,J /) ~""'" I": ~"'/~ ~ ~ "% I L-.~~~:~ ( , jt """Iill{~~\\\/{~ -----I,r.~ ~ ~Zilll\ /L t I I ....~: 'l - ~ J _ "11111 Ir-'~ l~ 8 III\~ '. ._ _ __.=.:.......::... 1- \ ~.'_._.- I .L,~,~ - - =m=I;I~m~ ]~mm~~~~~j 1l-=rE11 ~=W-111==IIi=1 =J!!=l:::m= 111=lll=lJ.l=ill-Effi' J)m!Mm=lJ.l=lll=ill=illm!km=l TT=I I l=lllrrilll=1 I lillmillm=1 I Fill- =IIFIIHlr ! . . II WAlL SECTION AT ENTRY @lW..".Q" TYPIC""". FNTRV @11"".1'.o" T~.t~~ @ ~~~vepJ"'TDl --I,...T. /"------ /' " 0 o ..,...;......: -- 'm.ot.,,,,,, DEERFIELD INDUS1RIAL PARK WAREHOUSE CONOOMINIUMS AOEIMANN STIlEET PRIOR LAKE. MN ClTY.....n....AE\IISICtIS ~ ::7:'= aTY=~~~ &t.WtOl21JDCll _OItDOClfll.MIllC &lIIIIIlCHl1._CIN llIATnufLAPO.~~ ~4~ .::~. ':'.."'"'~~~~. DAlE_ ~\JVd - . . ...... ,- ~'l ] JUN 1 10"'-, ,l, COIIGl,NU-----IIWII DATE--AUWIll PllA_.v--6lllloJ; OEOtIDIY----OIdIl ~-~~-- A4 . ~--..~ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Regional Environmental Management Division, Above-ground Storage Tanks Helpful Note: Some tanks may be excluded from notification, but still need to follow AST requirements (for example, temporary tanks). While others may be excluded from AST requirements but still require notification (for example, indoor tanks) . Make sure that your tanks are meeting the necessary requirements. General Requirements for Above-ground Storage Tanks Tanks/Above-ground Storage Tanks/t-a1-02/ApriI2004 This fact sheet outlines the requirements for regulated above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) found in Minn. R. ch. 7001 and 7151. These rules apply to all ASTs storing a liquid substance that is not gaseous or solid at ambient temperature and pressure. Notification The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) must be notified about all ASTs within 30 days of installation or change in tank status (Minn. Stat. ch. 116.48). The AST rules and notification statute don't indicate a minimum tank size, but the MPCA considers the smallest AST requiring registration to be a tank that is 500 gallons or greater in capacity. This size is consistent with underground storage tank notification requirements. Owners and operators must complete and submit the AST Notification Form to the MPCA. To get a copy of this form, call MPCA at (651) 297-8664 or toll-free at (800) 657-3864 or on the MPCA Web site at http://www.pca.state.mn.us/cleanup/ast. Exemptions from Notification Tanks not required to be registered include: . farm or residential tanks 1,100 gallons or less storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes; . heating oil tanks 1,100 gallons or less; . agricultural chemical tanks; . tanks storing liquids that are a gas at atmospheric temperature and pressure; . tote tanks; . temporary tanks; and . tanks that are less than 500 gallons. AST Requirements Owners and operators must comply with AST requirements in Minn. R. ch. 7151, unless exempted as outlined below. Exemptions from Requirements Many ASTs are exempt from Minn. R. ch. 7151. They are: . tanks containing 500 gallons or less; . farm tanks; . residential tanks 1,100 gallons or less used for noncommercial purposes; . equipment or machinery containing substances for operational purposes like hydraulic lift tanks, heating and cooling equipment, and electrical equipment; . vehicles designed and used to transport substances that don't remain at the same location for more than 30 consecutive days or refill at the same site after dispensing the tank's contents; . heating oil tanks 1,100 gallons or less; . wastewater treatment facility equipment; . indoor tanks; . tote tanks; . tanks greater than 500 gallons capacity, but less than or equal to 1,100 gallons capacity that are more than 500 feet from surface water; . septic tanks; . a surface impoundment, pit, pond, or lagoon; . stormwater collection systems; . temporary tanks (tanks at a site less than 30 days); and . storage tanks with drinking water, filtered-surface water, demineralized water, noncontact cooling water, or water stored for emergency purposes. t-a1-02 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 (651) 296-6300, toll-free (800) 657-3864, TTY (651) 282-5332 or (800) 657-3864 This material can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities. . Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Above-ground Storage Tanks Requirements for regulated tanks greater than 1,100 gallons All regulated tanks with a capacity greater than I, I 00 gallons must: . be registered with the MPCA; . be labeled; . be constructed using appropriate industry standards; . have secondary containment; . have a facility sign posted; . have substance transfer area safeguards; . have internal and/or external corrosion protection; . have overfill protection; . be monitored for leaks and regularly inspected; . be properly maintained; . have monitoring and inspection records on site; . assess releases during operations or at tank removal and report them to the State Duty Officer at (800) 422-0798; . label lines so connections can be identified during substance transfer; . have underground piping safeguards if utilized; . be properly closed if no longer used; and . be sampled for contamination when tank is removed. More information about these requirements and their effective dates can be found in fact sheets listed at the end of this document in the "For more information" section. Requirements for AST facilities with a capacity greater than one million gallons Facilities with greater than one million gallons total capacity for all liquid storage tanks must apply to the MPCA for a major facility permit. Requirements for tanks at these facilities are based on the individual site and tank characteristics (Minn. R. ch. 7001.4200). Requirements for small tanks near surface water Regulated tanks with a capacity of greater than 500 gallons, but less than or equal to 1,100 gallons that are within 500 feet of a class 2 surface water (water that can be used for recreational purposes) are required to: . be registered with the MPCA; . be labeled; General Requirements for Above-ground Storage Tanks Tanks/Above-ground Storage Tanks/t-a1-02/ApriI2004 . provide secondary containment; . have a sign at the facility; and . be constructed using appropriate industry standards. Requirements for temporary tanks Tanks larger than 1,100 gallons that store product for longer than 30 days, but less than one year are defined as temporary tanks and must: . be labeled; . have a posted facility sign; . have secondary containment; and . be maintained. Temporary tanks with a capacity of greater than 500 gallons within 500 feet of a class 2 surface water must also meet the temporary tank requirements listed above. The MPCA will not require temporary tanks to be registered, however the rule requirements still apply. Compliance with other regulations Other regulations that tank owners need to be in compliance with include: . the federal Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan; . the Minnesota "Spill Bill" requirements; . hazardous waste regulations; . state and local fire code; and . other state and local regulations. Also, petroleum products that are stored for resale in ASTs greater than 2,000 gallons must comply with the petroleum product delivery law (see Petroleum Product Delivery Law fact sheet for more information). For more information To get your copy of AST fact sheets with additional information regarding corrosion protection, indoor tanks, major facilities, monitoring, notification, out-of-service tanks, overfill protection, permeability testing requirements, record-keeping requirements, secondary containment, product types, substance transfer areas, tanks near surface water, temporary tanks, tote tanks or to get more information about the AST rules, call the MPCA at (651) 297-2274 or (800) 646-6247 or go to the MPCA AST Web site at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/cleanup/ast.html. PAGE 2