HomeMy WebLinkAbout5D - EP 06-162, 163 & 164 Pike Lake Meadows 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SD PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN AND A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS PIKE LAKE MEADOWS DANETTE MOORE, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_ YES NO-N/A SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: Manley Land Development has applied for approval of a develvpment to be known as Pike Lake Meadows on the property located at the northwest intersection of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail, south of Pike Lake. The application includes the following requests: · Approve a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan; · Approve a Preliminary Plat consisting of 21 acres to be subdivided into 19 lots and 4 outlots to allow for 11 townhome residential units and 8 townoffice units. Section 1106.400 of the Zoning ordinance lists the types of uses and standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility in various ways, including setbacks, building heights, and so on. The developer is requesting modifications to the setbacks, minimum lot areas, and a private street. In return, the developer is offering the following: · Construction of Pike Lake Trail as a 44 'wide roadway with curb and gutter · Clustering of land uses to provide for increased tree preservation. · 2.79 acres of parkland (1.58 acres above the required 10% parkland dedication). . The cost associated with over sizing the trunk watermain from the required 8" pipe to a 12" pipe. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staffreport.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Page I Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 21.7 acres. The net site area (gross land area less existing right-of-way, ponding, and wetlands) is 12.05 acres. TODOl~raDhv: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 856' MSL at its highest point (southeastern corner) to 824' MSL at its lowest point (west central edge). Vee:etation: The site is a vacant parcel with 5,302 caliper inches of significant trees. The project is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: The wetland on the site encompasses approximately 5.1 acres. Access: Access to the site is from Pike Lake Trail. The adjacent residential property (bounded by the project on the west, east, and south) currently has a driveway access off of Pike Lake Trail and will maintain an access thru the townhome portion of the development and ultimately to Pike Lake Trail. 2020 ComDrehensive Plan Deshmation: This property is designated for R-L/MD (Urban Low to Medium Density Residential) and C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zonin&:. The site is presently zoned R-4 (High Density Residential). Shoreland: This property is also located within the Shoreland District for Pike Lake, a Natural Environment Lake. As such, the property is subject to the Shoreland PUD requirements listed in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 19 lots and 4 outlots to allow for 11 townhome residential units, 8 townoffice units, parkland, outlots for future conveyance to an adjacent residential lot, and a private street. Densitv: Density of the develvpment is based on the net area of the site, which is 12.05 acres. There are a total of 19 units proposed, for a density of 1.57 units per acre. This is consistent with the density allowed in the R-4 Zoning District within the Shoreland District. Density is also restricted by the Shoreland District. The maximum density permitted is based on the net area of each tier divided by the minimum lot area (20,000 square feet). The permitted and proposed density is identified in the following table: 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staff .~tM ;.doc Page 2 Shoreland District Tier 1 Shoreland District Tier 2 Shoreland District Tier 3 TOTAL Permitted Density (# Units) 7 11, 7.18 25 Proposed Density (# Units) 4 12 3 19 Streets: This plan proposes one roadway to be known as Sherrie Street, a private street designed with a 30' to 38' width, which will connect to Pike Lake Trail and end prior to the property to the northeast to allow for a possible future connection to the adjacent site. Sherrie Street will provide for the following: . Entrance to the parking area serving 4- 2 unit office-condominium buildings . Access for 11 townhome units. . A connection from the existing driveway of the adjacent single family dwelling. The developer will be responsible for building Pike Lake Trail to a width of 44' with concrete curb and gutter at the time of development. Curb cuts will be provided on the east side of Pike Lake Trail to maintain existing driveway access points. SidewalkslTrails:, In the future, a trail will extend along the west side of Pike Lake Trail. It is also anticipated that when the east side of Pike Lake Trail is developed, a trail or sidewalk will be extended along the east side of Pike Lake Trail. The interior of the site has the potential for future trails and a boardwalk to connect inaccessible areas of the site to a future park and trail system that will provide access to the City at large. Parks: The plan includes approximately 14.0 acres (Outlot C) which will be dedicated to the City. Currently, the City has a majority of Outlot C within a drainage and utility easement. Nonetheless, full dedication of this area will allow for construction of a trail and boardwalk that the City would have the ability to build and connect with future park and trail areas in this quadrant of the City. The wetland area will be preserved as a natural area as a result of this dedication. Sanitary SewerlWater Mains/Storm Sewer: The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans for these utilities. The most recent comments dated September 5, 2006 are attached to this report. Buildinv: Styles: The developer has included elevations of the proposed tOwnhomes and office condominium products (attached). The proposed townhomes are in 2- to 3-unit buildings. They are two story with walkout or full basements, 2 car garages, and decks. The exterior materials are vinyl siding with natural stone accents. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staff report.doc Page 3 The office condominiums are in 4-two unit buildings. They are two story with walkout basements. The exterior materials reflect the townhome buildings with vinyl siding and natural stone accents. ImDervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface allowed in the Shoreland District is 30% of the lot area above the OHW. Impervious surface coverage is further limited to 25% of each tier area in a Shoreland District PUD. The following table identifies the proposed impervious surface for this development. Tier 1 2 3 Overall Permitted 25% 25% 25% 30% Proposed 11% 20% 13% 16% Shoreland ODen SDace Reouirements: The Shoreland ordinance requires at least 50% of the total project area, or 10.8 acres, within this PUD be preserved as open space. The proposal exceeds this requirement. The wetlands and park land encompass 14.9 acres of this site. LandscaDin&:. Landscaping will be required for each element of this development. The minimum landscaping for the townhouse portion of the development is based on the perimeter of the site. The Zoning Ordinance requires at least one tree for each 40' feet of the perimeter of the site. The landscaping plan will need to be revised to specify which trees are intended to meet landscaping requirements versus those for tree replacement. Tree ReDlacement: The tree inventory identifies 5,302 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. The Zoning Ordinance allows up to 25% of the total significant caliper inches to be removed for initial site development, which includes road right-of-way, utilities and drainage areas. An additional 25% of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree replacement at a rate of Y2 caliper inch for each inch removed. The developer must revise the tree mitigation plan detailing how the plan meets both tree replacement requirements as well as landscaping requirements. Tree planting and landscaping material that can not be accommodated on the site shall be installed on City park property or as a cash dedication. Market Studv: Section 1106.703 requires an application for a PUD include a market study prepared within 6 months prior to the application identifying the market area of the project and the demand trends within this area. The developer submitted a study dated August 10, 2006. This study notes that market can support the proposed product type. Fees and Assessment: This development will be subject to the standard development fees. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staffreport.doc Page 4 DISCUSSION: Revisions to the preliminary plat plans are required in order to meet minimum ordinance requirements. In addition, as noted in the attached Engineering memorandum dated September 5, 2006, the developer must refine the plans to meet Public Work Design Manual requirements. However, none of these revisions will impact the general design of the proposed plat. For that reason, if the Planning Commission finds it appropriate, the plat can proceed to the City Council, subject to conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission finds the PUD and preliminary plat acceptable, staff would recommend the following conditions be attached: 1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. 2. The developer shall provide documentation of an access easement to allow the adjacent residential property a maintained driveway through the project site to Pike Lake Trail. 3. The developer shall stub utility services to the property boundary of the adjacent residential parcel. 4. The developer shall provide an easement within Outlot D to assure future access from Sherrie Street to the adjacent parcel to the north east. 5. The developer shall provide cost estimate for oversizing the trunk watermain from a 8" to 12" pipe. 6. Revise the plans to address all of the Engineering comments in the memorandum from Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler dated September 5, 2006. 7. The developer must revise the tree mitigation plan to detail how landscaping and tree replacement requirements are to be met. 8. The developer must submit a Letter of Credit in an amount equal to 125% of the cost of the required replacement trees. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the PUD Preliminary Plan and the Preliminary Plat subject to the conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to the September 25, 2006 Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #1. 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staffreport.doc Page 5 ACTION REOUIRED: A motion and second to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and the PUD plan for Pike Lake Meadows subject to the listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Reduced Copy of PUD and Preliminary Plat Plans 2. Developer's Narrative 3. Referral Comments 1:\06 files\06 subdivisions\prelim plat\pike lake meadows 06\pc staffreport.doc Page 6 PIKE LAKE MEADOWS LOCATION MAP \\ :I ~ Site I ~ f CSAH 42 oj z ~ ~ """'" ~ .. .. \~ \.~~ \ I N + M4\HLEY Land Development, Inc. 1915 Plaza Drive, Eagan, MN 55122 Phone 651289.5263 Fax 651.289.4329 www.manleyland.com August 11, 2006 Jane Kansier Planning Director City of Prior Lake 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Narrative for Pike Lake Meadows Dear Jane, Manley Land Development, Inc. is making applications for Rezoning, Preliminary Plat, and a Mixed-Use Planned Development that will feature eleven residential townhome units and four office condominium buildings adjacent to County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail. We are proposing a similar concept that was previously endorsed by the City which supported a Comprehensive Plan amendment to allow for community business and low to mid-density residential housing for this site. We have worked with the affected private landowner to shift the current driveway location so that this development can be accommodated. The driveway shift should not detrimentally impact either property, and we would stub in both sewer and water to the affected landowner's property boundary, thereby eliminating anyon-going septic concerns upon their hook-up completion. The Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District granted Board and Staff approval on the original plan for Pike Lake Meadows on November 15, 2005. Due to recent guideline changes associated with the storm water control rates by the City of Prior Lake, new plans have been sent to the Watershed District Staff for follow-up review. Weare proposing complementary building materials for the townhomes and office condo buildings featuring brick. lap siding, cultured stone, and decorative columns all designed to enhance visual interest and create a distinct neighborhood design. Manley Land Development plans to construct this development after obtaining all necessary approvals. The City can expect to see construction commence in 2006, with the project to be essentially complete in 2007. We plan to establish an association responsible for maintaining both the commercial and residential components, and have included draft copies of the restrictive covenants and association documents as a component to this submittal. Significant public benefits to the City of Prior Lake can be obtained by utilizing a Planned Unit Development approach with the Pike Lake Meadows site plan. Preservation of the natural features of the site, expanded market opportunities for new businesses to locate in Prior Lake, harmonious transition between housing and commercial uses, and opportunities for a future trail corridor through future dedicated upland areas on the site are a few of the possible benefits to the City. Weare looking forward to working with the City of Prior Lake to achieve a successful development for this site. Sincerely, MANLEY LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~~ Cindy L. Weber 2 ~[E@[ED\Il[E~ PIKE LAKE MEADOWS PLANNED UNIT DEVEr l]~.(- 1 2006 ~ By The Planned Unit Development District allows for greater flexibility in the development of a parcel or property by tailoring the development to the site and the neighborhood. Part of the PUD process is to identify the benefits achieved by using a PUD. Section 1106 of the City of Prior Lake's Zoning Code clearly states the benefits of utilizing a PUD. An explanation of how these benefits tailor to the Pike Lake Meadows development is detailed below. 1. Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. A PUD provides for a flexible approach on this site that will allow for a mixed use that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for this parcel. The proposed land uses are consistent with the guided land uses for the County Highway 42 corridor of Business/Office Park and Residential - Urban High Density. 2. More creative, efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses. The development concept we are proposing meets this objective because it offers a more compact land design that preserves and enhances the open space and natural features on the site. Over fourteen acres of this twenty-one acre site will be dedicated to the City of Prior Lake. 3. Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people. The woodlands, wetlands and pond being preserved will not only provide a picturesque backdrop for this development, but will create a scenic location for possible future city trail and boardwalk improvements that will promote social interaction to occur within the site. As a PUD benefit to the City of Prior Lake, Manley Land Development intends to dedicate 1.07 acres of upland area on the western portion of the site, and 1.72 acres on the area south of the wetland and north of the county right-of-way, which will be included in a conservation easement that will cover a significant portion of the property to ensure that the natural elements are forever protected. Also, the mixed-use building concepts will allow people to both live and work within the same community. 4. Increase economic vitality and expand market opportunities. This develvpment is a private investment in the community that will expand both the residential and commercial market opportunities in the area. The location of this development at the intersection of Co Rd 42 and Pike Lake Trail is a high visibility corner that provides an excellent location for small businesses, financial, professional, real estate, services and other uses. s. Support long-term economic stability by strengthening the tax base, job market and business opportunities. Manley Land Development's site plan offers notable value to the community as it supports long-term economic stability and delivers a balanced tax base of high quality residential and commercial development in a visible yet scenic location. This balance is provided by locating the office buildings close to County Highway 42 as part of the Business and High Density corridor, and locating housing as a buffer between the County 42 corridor and Pike Lake. 6. Increase transportation options such as walking, biking or bussing. This development will be instrumental in providing better access and circulation along the Pike Lake Trail corridor with a walkway that will create a better and more visible connection to County Road 42. The plan also provides for pedestrian connection opportunities through the site. 7. Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. The PUD approach allows for clustering the residential and commercial components away from the wetlands and wooded areas, resulting in significantly less tree removal and more efficient infrastructure. We have clustered the townhomes and office condos closely together in an effort to provide as much open space, wetlands, and tree preservation, and to maintain scenic lake views and the natural conditions of the adjacent environmental lake. The clustering concept also creates reduced setbacks between the townhome units, which will preserve additional woodland. A shared driveway access for the entire development site has been designed, thus creating less impervious surfaces. Weare also requesting a reduction in the required amount of office condo parking stalls, which will still support quality development at a reduced overall cost and preserve 1,100 square feet of woodland. We have revised our original plan to save an existing stand of trees located near the center of the parking lot. Under conventional methods, this plan would require 79 parking stalls; our plan provides 74 stalls. However, should additional parking be required in the future, the site can accommodate an additional 5 parking stalls, as shown on the proof of parking plan. 2 One of the unique features that have been implemented into our plan includes curb cuts along the northeast side of the office condo parking lot. These curb cuts not only provide a disconnected impervious surface to reduce stormwater volume, but this low-impact design also includes a grassy drainage swale with suitable plantings that will help create an aesthetic buffer between the parking area and roadway. Concurrent to this development, Manley Land Development will improve the west side of Pike Lake Trail to collector street standards along our eastern property line. Manley Land Development is also proposing to provide the City of Prior Lake with the oversizing of the trunk watermain from the required 8" to 12" with no expense to the City for doing so. 8. Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to the other parts of the site. The uniqueness of the site will be maintained in its natural state due to the substantial percentage of land that will be conveyed to the City. We have included a concept layout of a passive park trail through the preserved open space that could link this site to park land located north of our property. This twenty- one acre site creates approximately fourteen acres of open space that otherwise would not be available for public use and enjoyment. Manley Land Development is offering to convey approximately 1.72 acres of upland to the City. This upland is above and beyond the required dedication, and with access from the west, could have had development opportunities. Our company believes this upland can create a greater benefit by being included into" the potential passive park trail system 9. Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. The development has been designed to be sensitive to wooded areas, the floodplain, adjacent wetlands, and enhanced water quality for Pike Lake. The office condo buildings will feature desirable walkout conditions adjacent to the City pond and wetlands, and allow for tenants to enjoy the surrounding natural features of the site. The townhomes have been designed with sensitivity to the natural topography, wetlands, and Pike Lake. 3 10. High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Our site plan has been designed to be compatible to the existing and future surrounding land uses, and is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The future development of the Vierling property on the east side of Pike Lake Trail will provide another location for a mixed-use development in this area. These two parcels will compliment one another by providing diversity in both commercial and housing opportunities. 4 DATE: September 5, 2006 TO: Danette Moore, Planning Coordinator FROM: Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer CC: Steve Albrecht, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Pike Lake Meadows (City Project #06-162) The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary plat for the subject project and we have the following comments. Please note that key issues should be addressed or resolved prior to preliminary plat approval Kevlssues 1. The Engineering Department feels that Pike Lake Trail should be built to a width of 44 feet with concrete curb and gutter at this time. This roadway has enough prescriptive easement to accommodate the 44 foot width. Previous direction from the City Council included the 44 foot width and concrete curb and gutter. The City Council could decide if the current proposal is acceptable. 2. The Pike Lake Trail watermain should be relocated west of the Met Council Interceptor line as its current location is not a use consistent with the prescriptive easement. General 1. Show the City project # 06-162 on all plan sheets. 2. The final plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. 3. Change gravel construction entrance to rock construction entrance. 4. Obtain PLSL Watershed Permit, Scott County Permit, NPDES permit and SWPPP prior to grading. 5. Provide bench marks on all plan sheets. Gradina Plan 1. Slopes of maintained areas must not be greater than 4: 1. 2. Provide top and bottom of wall elevations for all retaining walls. Walls exceeding 4 feet should be designed by an engineer, include a fence, and must have a building permit. C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2F\review 082406.DOC 3. Add note to state that all silt fence must be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. 4. Provide contact information for the person responsible for the erosion control on the project. 5. Grades in front of Lots 1 & 2 Block 1 indicate that the driveways will exceed 10%, please revise. 6. Provide additional labels for proposed contours. 7. The grades in the parking lot are fairly flat. Grades of 2%-5% for commercial parking lots are more typical. 8. Grading easements will be required for the work outside the property lines. 9. Show ~mergency overflows for all ponds and wetlands. The E.O.F of a pond should,be at least 1 foot higher than the HWL. 10. Provide access for water quality pond. Pond access should have a maximum grade of 8% and be a minimum of 10' in width. Pond access paths using bituminous should be at least 4" thick. 11. Provide existing and proposed NWL, HWL, and OHWL for all waterbodies. 12. Provide spot elevations to show that handicapped stalls are in accordance with ADA. 13. Show emergency overflow routes from all low points and show elevation of high point along emergency overflow route. All emergency overflow routes shall be graded and the easement area sodded prior to building permit issuance. 14. The erosion control measures shall be installed and inspected prior to any site grading. All trees to be saved must be protected by silt fence or construction fencing around the drip line of the tree to protect the root system. This fencing must be installed prior to any grading on the site. Hvdroloav and Storm Sewer 1. Modification of the Dike used in the regional pond is a critical area. Dikes used to create rate control ponds must at maximum use 4: 1 slopes and measure 10' wide at top. At minimum, a clay core should be designed in consideration of groundwater flow. A clay core should be specified on the plan. Top of dike elevation should be 2' above the HWL. Sand bedding should not be used through dike section. 2. Provide detail for curb/gutter inlet protection. Inlet protection should be provided at all storm sewer structures. 3. Additional information will be needed on the infiltration swale describing the elevation of drain tile connection. 4. Notes for infiltration swale and cleanout are standard notes and need to be modified to suit this application. 5. How will combined monitoring well and cleanout function during cleaning? C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\LocaI Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2F\review 082406.DOC 2 6. The design engineer is encouraged to call Prior Lake Water Resources Engineer, Ross Bintner at 952-447-9831 with questions on any hydrological and hydraulic comments. Utilitv Plan 1. The watermain connection on County Road 42 should be reviewed as part of the work appears to extend beyond the right of way. 2. Show sanitary sewer and water services to 13900 Pike Lake Trail. 3. The hydrant shown on Pike Lake Trail is shown at an entrance to the property to the east. 4. A pressure reducing valve is needed at the watermain connection at County Road 42. Please show this valve vault area on the plans. 5. Final utility plan will be reviewed upon submittal of plans and profile sheets with final plat. Streets 1. Revise grade on Pike Lake Trail and County Road 42. Grades at intersections shall not exceed the maximum 2%. 2. Pike Lake Trail should have a 9 ton design and meet MNDOT 45 MPH design. Please verify vertical curves and provide pavement analysis for the 9 ton design. 3. Parking for the commercial buildings is shown in an area that is proposed to remain natural. Please clarify. 4. Provide turn around for Sherrie Street. 5. Show curbing and typical section for the commercial parking area. C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2F\review 082406.DOC 3 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: Manley Land Development, Inc. DATE: August 10, 2006 FROM: McComb Group, Ltd. RE: PIKE LAKE MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT In response to your request, we have reviewed our previous market analysis to identify market support for commercial office and townhome development at CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail. Summary of Findings The Pike Lake Meadows development will be located on a 19-acre site in the northwest quadrant of CSAH 42 and Pike Lake Trail as shown on Map 1. The developable portion of this site is five acres and will contain eleven twinhomes and four two-unit office buildings, as shown on Figure 1. · The four office buildings will contain about 20,000 square feet of condominium-type office space. · Buildings of this type have become popular with small businesses of all types. Tenants and/or owners of these buildings represent a wide variety of business establishments including small corporations, professional, business, financial, real estate, services, and other uses. · Developments of this type in other areas, with market demand characteristics similar to that of Prior Lake, have been absorbed at rates of two to four or more buildings annually. This indicates these buildings could be constructed and absorbed in a one to two-year period. · Eleven twinhomes, each with about 1,600 square feet, will be located on the north side of the pond/wetland area. · Townhome development peaked in 2003 with 345 units and then declined to 84 in 2005. Townhome sales appear to be recovering. In 2006, 71 townhome permits were issued in the first seven months compared to 57 last year. . Between 2001 and 2004, Prior Lake averaged 264 townhome building permits. · Previous work by McComb Group indicated an annual baseline demand of 229 townhomes in 2005 increasing to 243 in 2009. · Sale of eleven twinhome units in a market that has the potential to absorb over 230 units annually appears achievable. With proper pricing, design and marketing, the Prior Lake market appears capable of absorbing the eleven twinhomes proposed by Manley Land Development. 1 \ \ Map produced with Scan/US <0 ! Q ea o , -- lea / 0 / "0, / 0, //", '\ -----;-~~, , 1-___ 'i'c " , ~. , .1''' .... .. :r~ . ~..~, I:y, I~ . J-_''': , I I' " , !-t~l-l c< L.n..J ~ '<-\ 1(-- ~ . ~I, ~\ ()! "! ~ fI~ -, 0: g! ...' ~, W: I Ul .9! 'E <<! ~ OJ ci i ~I ! I ~ en .....9! ~ ci ~ 'E III ---1 ~ ~ . 0 ----" , Office The four office buildings will be located west of Pike Lake Trail and north of CSAH 42, with access off a new road that will also serve the twinhomes. These four buildings will contain about 20,000 square feet of condominium-type office space. This is an excellent location for small office buildings. The site slopes to the west toward a pond and wetlands. This permits the developer to create walkout office units overlooking a pond and wetland. Similar office buildings in comparable locations in the Twin Cities area have sold or rented quickly. Each of the four office buildings is planned to contain about 5,000 square feet on two levels. These buildings can be subdivided into two tenant spaces. Buildings of this type are very versatile and have become popular with small businesses of all types. Tenants and/or owners in these buildings represent a wide variety of business establishments including small corporations, professional, business, financial, real estate, services and other uses. These types of tenants typically occupy commercial office buildings or office showroom spaces throughout the Metropolitan Area. In some cases, these types of tenants may also locate in commercial retail centers. Condominium office buildings have added appeal to some businesses because they offer the opportunity to own their own building and benefit from appreciation and tax benefits associated with property ownership. The separate, smaller buildings planned for the Pike Lake Meadows development are practical choices for the developer and prospective tenants/owners. They can be constructed and built as units are either purchased or rented. This limits the developer's risk and provides an economical building for the tenants since the sale or lease up risk for the developer is virtually eliminated. Previous research conducted by McComb Group indicated that in the period 2005 to 2009 Prior Lake could absorb 77,000 square feet of commercial office space and 63,000 square feet of office showroom space for an estimated five-year period absorption of 140,000 square feet of office space in these categories. This is an average annual absorption of about 28,000 square feet. Since completing this previous research, Prior Lake's share of the southwest metro market sectors share of office/industrial real estate market has remained substantially the same. The only recent commercial office or office showroom development in the Prior Lake area consists of the following: . The Rock Creek Building, located in downtown Prior Lake, is currently under construction and should be complete in the Fall of 2006. This project totals 16,800 square feet and is comprised of 5,600 square feet of retail on the first floor and 11,200 square feet of office on two floors above. . The New Market Bank building was just approved by the City of Prior Lake. Construction has not yet started, so completion is not expected until sometime in 2007 at the earliest. This is planned as a 21,000 square foot building comprised primarily of the New Market Bank with additional office space to be available for rent. 4 At this time, these two projects, along with the office condos planned for the Pike Lake Meadows development, are the only new office or office showroom buildings expected for the Prior Lake area for the years 2005 to 2007. These projects total 57,800 square feet, as shown in Table 1, and will add just over 52,000 square feet of additional office or office showroom space to the Prior Lake area. Table 1 RECENT OFFICE DEVELOPMENT IN PRIOR LAKE 2005 TO 2007 Building Pike Lake Trail Rock Creek Building New Market Bank Total Total SQ.Ft. 20,000 16,800 21,000 57,800 Office SQ.Ft. 20,000 11,200 21,000 52,200 Source: McComb Group, Ltd. There are two additional developments that are in the early planning stages that may also include at least some office development as part of the overall project. Shepard's Path, at CSAH 42 and McKenna Road, is primarily a senior housing and assisted-living housing development. As part of this 490 residential unit develvpment, there is a small commercial component expected that may include some office space. The Jeffers Pond development at CSAH 42 and CSAH 21 is also a large residential development that will include at some point a commercial retail component that may include some office space as well. Neither of these projects has fmalized their plans regarding the commercial components and it is not expected that any significant commercial or office development will happen over the next two years. The projected absorption for office and office showroom space in the Prior Lake area was estimated at 28,000 square feet per year, as noted above. For the years 2005 to 2007, the area would be expected to absorb 84,000 square feet of additional space. Even with the new Rock Creek Building and New Market Bank development, there is more than adequate demand potential to absorb the 20,000 square feet of office condos planned for the Pike Lake Meadows development. The construction of new office or office showroom space in Prior Lake appears to be keeping pace with anticipated demand indicating that the office condo buildings planned for the Pike Lake Meadows development could be constructed and absorbed in a one to two-year period. Twinhomes The five twinhomes will be located on the north side of the pond/wetland area. Each twinhome is expected to contain two 1,600 square foot units. Five of the units will have views of the adjacent pond and wetland area. This is an amenity that purchasers will find attractive. The other five twinhome units will have nice settings and views that are above those typical of that type of housing product. Residential development in Prior Lake, as represented by building permits, has increased dramatically between 1999 and 2002, as shown in Table 2. Total residential building permits 5 have increased from 243 in 1999 to a peak of 813 in 2002 and have since declined to 220 units in 2005. The decline in building permits was caused by two factors: 1) a decline in available lots for development; and 2) a large number of other multi-family building permits in 2001 and 2002, 67 and 290, respectively. Table 2 PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMITS: 1999 TO 2006 YTD SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTI-FAMILY Multi-Family Single Family Townhomes Other Multi-Family Year Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Total 1999 174 71.6 % 65 26.7 % 4 1.6 % 243 2000 190 69.1 85 30.9 275 2001 172 37.8 216 47.5 67 14.7 455 2002 220 27.1 303 37.3 290 35.7 813 2003 171 33.1 345 66.9 516 2004 108 36.0 192 64.0 300 2005 112 50.9 84 38.2 24 10.9 220 2005YTD 72 47.1 57 37.3 24 15.7 153 2006YTD 54 19.4 71 25.4 154 * 55.2 279 Total 1,201 38.7 % 1,361 43.9 % 539 17.4 % 3,101 *Foundation permit issued 8/06. YTD - January through July. Source: City of Prior Lake. Historic building permits, excluding multi-family units, are shown in Table 3. Townhome building permits were 65 in 1999, increased to 345 in 2003 and declined to 84 in 2005, as indicated above, due to a lot shortage. Townhome sales appear to be recovering since 71 building permits were issued from January through July 2006, compared to 57 permits in the preViOUS year. Table 3 PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMITS: 1999 TO 2006YTD SINGLE F AMIL Y AND TOWNHOME Single Family Townhomes Year Number Percent Number Percent Total 1999 174 72.8 % 65 27.2 % 239 2000 190 69.1 85 30.9 275 2001 172 44.3 216 55.7 388 2002 220 42.1 303 57.9 523 2003 171 33.1 345 66.9 516 2004 108 36.0 192 64.0 300 2005 112 57.1 84 42.9 196 2005YTD 72 55.8 57 44.2 129 2006YTD 54 43.2 71 56.8 125 Total 1,201 46.9 % 1,361 53.1 % 2,562 YTD - January through July. Source: City of Prior Lake. 6 Previous work by McComb Group indicated an annual baseline demand of 229 townhomes in 2005 increasing to 243 in 2009. This is less than the annual average of 264 townhome building permits issued from 2001 through 2004. With an increase in available lots for sale, it's reasonable to conclude that townhome sales will continue at or above the baseline projection. Pike Lake Meadows is proposed to contain five twinhomes containing eleven units. Sale of eleven twinhome units in a market that has the potential to absorb over 230 units per year appears achievable. With proper pricing, design and marketing, the Prior Lake market appears capable of absorbing the eleven twinhomes proposed by Manley Land Development. 7 z o ~ u.J ...J u.J I- Z o ~ z u.. ~ . ..r c.n ~ ~ ; Cl ~ ~ u.J ~ :s u.J ~ Q., tt~ il- IJ .J j;! . i J ( ~ ~ (.0 8 c:::> c:::> '" C=:J - ~ - @ (..!) :;:) ~. <( ~ i j ~i z 0 ~ > LU ....l LU LU 0 - V') Z ~ V') u1 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 i! <( u.J ~ u.J ~ :s LU ~ - c... ~~~ Ii JIJ fi ( ! ~~ c.D c::> ~J c::> C'.J [=:::J 1"""'4 ~ ~ @ <.!) => ~ <( ~ >, I m! z 0 ~ > LU .....J LU ~ U <( a:::l z ~ ..r V') ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 <( LU ~ LU ~ :s LU ~ Q., ~f~ Ii IJ)l fi ( '1 ~ u:> = S c:::> ("-l c:=J .-I ~ .-I @:! <..!:) => ~ <:( ~"~~~~~..~-~~ - ;,;' j ,I r, j'i5l. il Y I. i \l~j, il ;ccl:::q ~ - , J ~t:lo:::::r I J 1 ,/ ;r----.-,ii1lw \i/ 1 0--'~ ~y : h ----; "-" 'l ~ - " lw=--'.:: ,l' . ,. ; ~ t; i ~Lj ~~:. ~~=-;~ ~ I ~-~~i : ~il" _i &1' q,l ,~ 'ij I L- fl, " . I ij . ~ ': ! ~ f ~,. It L--.- - ... 1 ~I I " i. 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TII[[ ~T$./.TUliKIUSPA," .--'"'"- __CONCIltttw.ut ;~~-~~-~1lICH1-~-"'Y ... 1M Inlotmotilln _lor '-"'" ... ....,. _"*'" __. ..... 01 wm _ !at _..... --.... _ -...... .... -.Itln, _ fIf 1M ........... "'-'dlnt_,....... _ 0111IoI ~.... __~I ..-.., ~....._1Mlon __1'01....................-,1 ................._"'__"....u..II~......._..,.,.1Mulll _ _.. Nt N1r" IM~'" -t- --............., ... _.... _ In --. I. .....- ..,.........,,. -'C. PIorwor~P.A._.........tln........__.....,...... ..~.___..~...r~IG_.....toro~or __~lllo..............._otllor~'*-"'. ,......... ~......,.., _,.- to IN'--"'" _,..L 1M __ .....,...." _ GIld .... __ _ -.....-... 11IoI".,1__...... .............1,--. .../..... _-...._ ...,.port(l).,....,..,..u.. Tho........ __IIIoI...t..-.............!UIGul turT...._ ~jIcI .. atr _ 01 co.-I ....-. PIKE LAKE MEADOWS PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLANS PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA &J ...::.:.. \J ',. \. j' POND Ii F i' I-' L_:r PICE ...... ............. ~I.~E~neering 11.....,-,...oMo...-......" XD~_ MIDioIaHeiJbllOffille ...A_M..... ___",_"'-"''''1- =....:= ==--.:r=_ :::.-==.....;".......' ...."""....JJ!!!...... __lfilEF 1- ~ ~ -~. D.- 1UoW'.'C:11t COVER SHEET - SITE PLAN '"""", SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET - SITE PLAN 2. EXISTING CONDmONS 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT 4. PRELIMINARY P.D.D. SITE PLAN / SHORELAND OVERLAY 5. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 6. PRELIMINARY DETAILS 7. PRELIMINARY UTllXI'Y PLAN 8. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 9. PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 10. TREE LIST = "\1 I PUPAIIlDIYPIONliIiIIINGINIIIIllNO.PA. i i I " , II I i I D!DH It.. WIlJ.SOIaJNO I'aOFIISIIOtfALavu.--. --- IIlO.NO. ~l.AlIl)""VlIY1lO !!!l!- ....NO. .......... .......,.......'""""""'"' 21l3a..-J1DaM IAOAN'.MN "122 COHI'ACI': TDfJOllNl(>>l ",- .t " I . 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