HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 13, 2006
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16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
..................... ,............................................................-............................................
6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of November Agenda
3. Approval of October meeting minutes
4. Approval of November 1 st public meeting minutes
5. Formulating a Response to City Council
a. Master Plan
b. Ryan Park Lighting
6. Qecember Meeting Agenda Items:
Canoe/Kayak Rack Update - Policies/Charges
2006 Goals-Review/Status
2007 Goals
7. Future Meeting Date
a. December 11th, 2006 6:00 pm at the Maintenance Center
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
Parks Advisory Committee Minutes
6:00-8:35 p.m.
Members Present: Mike Feriancek, Tim Libert, Cari Grayson, Dick Carlson, Todd Loose
Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges, Frank Boyles (City Manager)
Public Present: Mark Schroeder (PLAY President), Randy Geister (PLAY Director), Cheri
Dornbush (City Council)
Meetinfl called to order at 6:00 om bv Mike Feriancek
Aooroval of the Aueust Meetine Minutes: Tim Libert motioned to approve the August
meeting minutes and second by Dick Carlson, approved
Aooroval of October Aflenda -Mike Feriancek added one item to the agenda: Update on
Sandpoint Beach Winter Access
Todd Loose motioned to approve the October agenda, second by Tim Libert, approved.
Rvan Park Lil!hts - Frank Boyles reviewed the attached proposed timeline for this project. He
also discussed the funding for this project. PLA Y will fund $250,000 to the project over the next
5 years. PLAY will contribute $100,000 immediately after spring registration. The City has
received a $450,000 donation from the SMSC. The total estimated cost for the lighting project on
the fields is $550,000. MVEC will be contacted regarding lighting of the parking lots at Ryan
There will be a neighborhood meeting to discuss the Ryan Park lights on 1111 at 6pm at the Fire
Station. Al will provide a time line for the neighborhood meeting which will show the
development of Ryan Park from the beginning of its development to the present. Al will also
supply a spreadsheet showing the difference in cost between lighting Ryan and developing a new
facility. There will be an electrical engineer addressing this meeting as well. Per Mark
Schroeder, if we don't light Ryan PLA Y will eventually have to start turning kids away from
their programs. Mark will supply all the PLA Y numbers and facts at the meeting.
Uodate Sand Point Beach Winter Access - Mike Feriancek went over the public meeting
which was held on 9/26 regarding winter access issues. Everyone who attended this meeting had
5 minutes each to bring up concerns. Mike felt that after all concerns were heard, the LAC will
probably have all 3 accesses open for 1 year in case there are problems with the DNR access.
Winter Maintenance Policy Uodate - Al Friedges stated he worked with Streets Supervisor,
Craig Eldred, on an updated Winter Maintenance Policy which includes parks and streets in the
City of Prior Lake. There are 3 categories that are used for snow removal order. They are high,
which is safety, emergency areas, medium which high use recreation areas, and low which is
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
pleasure rinks, community trails. The amount of plowed miles in Prior Lake has increased from
32 to 37 miles in just the last year. Craig Eldred, Public Works Supervisor, will present the
updated Winter Maintenance Policy at the next City Council meeting.
Sidewalk Reouest - Countv Rd. 44 and Fish Pt. Rd. - Al Friedges was contacted by a resident
in Cardinal Ridge regarding a 300 foot section of the sidewalk that is missing on the NE corner
of the County Rd 44 and Fish Pt Rd. intersection. This poses a safety problem especially in the
winter because the kids going to Twin Oaks Middle School have to walk in the street to get
around the snow banks. Al recommended putting the approximately $6,000 expense to finish this
piece of sidewalk in the CIP. Mike Feriancek motioned to approve this recommendation, Cari
Grayson 2nd this, approved. Al will bring his recommendation to the City Council.
Lakefront Restoration - Al Friedges informed the PAC that Ross Bintner, Water Resources
Engineer with the City of Prior Lake, applied for a grant through the Clearwater Act for funding
of2 areas of the Lakefront restoration project. This Act gives money to organizations that help to
clean up water and preserve environmentally sensitive areas. Al will update the PAC when he
hears anything on the grant.
Skate Park Attendance - Angie Barstad stated the attendance at the Skate Park was down
slightly this summer. The attendance number was 1494, versus 1763 in 2005. Some of this
decline was due to weather and the closing of the skate park during Lakefront Days. Angie will
be contacting the school district to see if they would like to use the skate park for field trips, etc.
to increase the exposure and usage. There have been several requests to rent out the skate park
for birthday parties. Angie will offer birthday party rentals, for a small fee, before the skate park
is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays and possibly Sundays. The skate park will have an attendant
working during these times, as is required by law for the tier 2 structures.
Heritaee Committee Uodate - Angie Barstad stated there were no updates at this time. The
Heritage Committee has not met for a couple of months.
2006 PAC Goals - Mike Feriancek stated the PAC is doing well with PAC goals.
#3 - Lakefront Restoration has been ongoing
#4 - Updates on skate park continue with Angie Barstad
#7 - Boat Slips are being reviewed by the Lake Advisory Committee
PAC and staff members would like the following agenda items added to the September PAC
CanoelKayak Rack UpdatelPolicies/Charges
The next meeting will be the on November 13th, 2006 at 6:00 pm at the Maintenance Center
Cari Grayson motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tim Libert second, approved.
Meeting adjourned, 8:35 pm
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
November 1,2006
Public Meeting
Public Meting regarding lights at Ryan Park
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Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
Public Meeting Regarding Lighting Ryan Park
November 1, 2006 - 6:00 PM
Fire Station 1 - 16776 Fish Pt. Rd. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372
PAC Members: Mike Feriancek, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert, Todd Loose, Dick Carlson
City of Prior Lake Staff: Al Friedges, Steve Albrecht, Angie Barstad
PLA Y Members: Randy Geister, Mark Schroeder
City of Prior Lake Police: John Stanger
Electrical Enl!ineer for this proiect: Jim O'Brien (Wunderlich-Malec)
Residents: T. Eavzan 17655 Panama Ave., Tom & Pam Mikkelson 17966 Mushtown Rd., Lil
Pehrson 17607 Panama Ave., Dan Goetsch 17396 Mushtown Rd., Gary Lamusga 17600
Mushtown Rd.
Prior Lake City Council Member: Warren Erickson
Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM by Mike Feriancek
Mike Feriancek introduced himself as the Chairman of the PAC (Parks Advisory Committee) he
had everyone presenting, and in the PAC, state their name and position.
Mike Feriancek explained the purpose of this meeting was to seek input from the public on the
lighting of Ryan Park. Mike stated that at the end of all the presentations listed on the agenda
there will be a question and answer time. If anyone felt uncomfortable talking in front of the
group they may write their question/comment on the bottom half of their agenda and tear it off
and hand it to Angie Barstad.
Historv ofRvan Park - Al Friedges gave the history of the Ryan Park development from it's
inception to present. - See attached material
PAR Findinl!s - Mike Feriancek explained the PAR Task Force findings. Mike stated that one of
the key objectives to come out of PAR was to fully utilize the current facilities that are in place
for youth athletics before investing more dollars into new facilities
PLA Y Facts & Numbers - Randy Geister presented current and future statistics for PLA Y in
baseball and football and their need for the lighted fields at Ryan Park. - See attached material
Master Plan - Mike Feriancek explained that there will be a master plan developed in the coming
months by the PAC which would include Ryan Park, Campbell and Pike Lake, Ponds Park, and
Spring Lake Regional Park. This Master Plan will include traffic, parking, etc. around the Ryan
Park area. Park goals, objectives, and a needs assessment will all be considered in this process.
Mike stated that the public is welcome to be part of this process and supply input. The public can
attend the PAC meetings, which are held at 6pm the 2nd Monday of each month at the
Maintenance Center, or by contacting of the PAC members.
PAC Nov 1,2006
Ryan Park Meeting
A) Opening Statement
. Thank you all for coming - introduce myself as Chairman of the PAC
. Created in 1989 the PAC is a committee of volunteers (interviews/screening)
created by the City Council
o Serve as a liaison between the city government and the community
o Resource for new and existing neighborhoods groups seeking information
o Assist city government in setting open space, land acquisition & dev
o Make recommendations to the City Council on matters related to specific
o Assist City Council in researching a variety of funding sources for the
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) related to park development
. We meet every 2nd Monday of the month at 6 PM in the Maintenance building
. Meetings are open to the public
B) Introductions of PAC members, City Staff present, Reference personnel
C) The purpose of tonight's Public Meeting will be on Ryan Park Lights. The overall
agenda items include:
. History and needs assessment review
. Master Park Plan discussion
. Lighting project proposal
. Park rules and restrictions
D) However, please refer to the one sheet document on the meeting. This should allow
you to follow tonight's agenda. We will go through the WHOLE agenda. It is designed to
provide you information and 'might' answer any questions you have.
Once we finish going through the agenda we will then take questions from the Podium
set up. Since it is a Public Meeting, you must give your name and address prior to
speaking. Due in part to time, we would like to limit podium times to 5 minutes.
As an option to speaking, you may write your question(s) down on this sheet and hand it
into Angie Barstad.
E) Public Meeting
1. History and Background - Al
2. PAR Task Force (document is available through a request from PL City Hall)
a. 29 members of the communities of Prior Lake and Savage city and
townships and the School District
b. Purpose: - read it right out of the document
c. Developed a 10 year plan
d. Its detailed - highlight an area - 32% increase in youth population in the
next 10 years - PLAY will have more numbers
e. #1 concern of the Task Force was to try and maximize use of current
facilities. In other words, let's take a good look at what we have now &
make the best use of it.
f. A recommended solution you will find very high on the list was to add
lights to Ryan Park.
3. PLAY - Randy or Mark
4. Master Plan - Mike
a. The PAR Task Force agreed with Prior Lake's comprehensive park & trail
plan which is included in our 2030 Overall City Comprehensive Plan
b. This is a systematic approach to planning for recreational needs. The key
principle is to foster continuous improvement to parks & trails.
c. However, in part as a result of this new information, direction from City
Council and upcoming new areas which include: Ryan, Spring Lake
Regional, Campbell Lake, Pike Lake, The Ponds and future neighborhood
additions we have to develop, in the best interests of Prior Lake a 'Master
Park Plan'. In reviewing the Park & Trail Comp Plan, we have:
i. Goals & Objectives
ii. Completed a needs assessment
iii. Park classifications
iv. Current trends
v. Recently acquired park land
vi. Park & Rec Dept that is motivated - but wants to make sure they
are heading in the right direction - we asked the question "Is this
what we want"?
vii. Community participation
5. Cost of Lighting Ryan - Al
6. Differences - Al
a. Sioux Community & PLAY
7. Level 8 system, if needed - Jim O'Brien
8. Parking - 368 stalls - Al
9. Park Hours/Seasonality of use - Angie
10. No Alcohol Allowed - except when permitted by the City Council
Public Input
Closure - Thank you
a) Tentative meeting on Nov 13th to view lights at The Ponds, ifneeded
PAC will formulate a recommendation to City Council
History of Ryan Park
~ The funding source for Ryan Park came from a successful 7.8M
Parks & Library referendum that was approved by the voters on
February 25, 1997
~ Part of the referendum dollars were ear-marked for the purchase
and development of athletic fields
~ During our search for land to construct athletic fields, the City
exhausted all efforts to purchase land within the City limits
~ The land that Ryan Park sits on was purchased from Bill Busse,
a willing seller in January 1999
~ The property was a perfect fit in that it is in close proximity to
the already existing Ponds Athletic Complex
~ Before construction of Ryan Park numerous public meetings
were conducted with Spring Lake Township and the City of Prior
Lake residents to discuss water run off issues, design and traffic
~ Construction started in 1999 and Ryan Park was opened in 2001.
At that time, it met our usage needs at best
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P.L.A.Y. 2006 Mission Statement
Prior Lake Athletics for Youth exists to promote the best possible
athletic experience for the children of school district 719. This experience
includes being fiscally responsible, ,creatina a strateaic vision for the
prowth of our oroarams (to include facilities), managing risk and
,ensurina the safest oossible environment for our children.
It is the intention of this organization to provide a venue where
competitiveness is balanced with fun, .with an emDhasis on FUN! It is
our goal to create a youth athletics organization that the citizens of our
community can be proud of. . .
~ Baseball had 61 ~/total<p,~rtici
Grades 2-1 O.J}Travelin~ &i%
~ In the Summer of 2006 the/re~%
players, of wl\1ich 538,~e~w~
~ At our ~.~..~.~~nt groW!~~':we esti'iftlte"l1aving ./..~...
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~ Tha~.llfi.ti2f1_IIII.hich is nearly ltiouble
f~II~lt'ir "'i..' last summer.i)f) ] L !
~ Meanilililit.ittfout ~'d time on the fieh;(~.!!!~J.e is
a possibility we would need to cut off registrati6riat
about 200 kids for that age group. (about 17 teams)
OR Cut kids via a tryout process.
. .~-L.A,'I '
~ The 3 fields at Ryan are our only current
option for 12 & 13 yr olds (field dimensions)
~ There currently is only room for 15 time
slots (2 hours) for practice/games in a week
for those age levels on those fields.
~ There are currently teams that go without a
weekly practice, in some cases it may be 2
weeks before they can get a practice in.
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ttl NEE
~ For 2006 there was a 250/0 increase in FB (112)
players in grades 3-6. This resulted in maximized
field usage and packed schedules.
~ The P.L.A.V. Football Program has been restricting
itself to the Ponds Athletic Complex since the late
1980's. Space there is becoming more limited with
Fall Adult and Vouth Softball and Baseball programs.
~ The biggest problem is the parking and traffic
around that park with over 400 kids at a young age
all being driven to the practice/game by parents and
other family members.
...... ~.L.IJ.'J-
~ FB is looking to divide up the grades
and allow for practice at 6 & 7:45 for at
least 1 Grade level initially, to alleviate
traffic and illegal parking at the Ponds.
~ Having Lights at Ryan will allow for
those fields to be used in the fall when
daylight is at a premium.
Cost oflil!htinl! Rvan Park & cost of constructinl! a new Dark - Al Friedges discussed the critical
need for lighting at Ryan Park and utilizing existing facilities to their fullest potential. The
estimated cost to light Ryan Park would be $550,000. - See attached material
Al Friedges gave the break down in dollars between new construction and lighting Ryan Park.
New construction of a park would be approximately $5 million ($2.5 million = land + $2.5
million = parking lot, concession/restroom area, 4 ball fields, seed, irrigation, etc.) versus
$550,000 for lights at Ryan Park - See attached material
(Monev has been donated from SMSC and PLAY for this lil!htinl! Droiectj
Level 8 Svstem Lil!hting - Jim O'Brien with Wonderlich??? Gave a presentation on the lighting
systems that are used at ball fields. Jim stated that leavers, lenses and external shields are
installed to control glare and light spillage. Jim also showed pictures and a video of what good
and bad lighting looks like on a field and surrounding areas.
Parking - Al Friedges stated there are currently 368 parking stalls at Ryan Park. The parking
portion of Ryan Park will be included in the Master Plan.
Park Hours/Alcohol - Angie Barstad stated the park hours would coincide with the other lighted
parks in the city, which would be 5am - 11 pm. Angie stated that the lights will not be on during
all these hours, 7 days a week, year round. Lights will only be turned on for games being played
on the designated fields. As soon as a night game is complete, a City maintenance worker will be
on the fields to turn off the lights immediately. Most PLAY games are over by 10 or 10:15pm, so
it is not likely that there will be a lot of games going to 11 pm. Games can go to 11 pm if there is a
rain delay or extra innings/overtime. Also, there will only need to be lights during part of May,
all of June and July. In the fall lights will be needed in September and the first half of October
Angie stated there will be no alcohol allowed in the park unless a group obtains an alcohol
permit through the City Council.
Mike Feriancek then turned the meeting over to the residents in attendance for a
question/answer segment.
Resident - Tom Mikkelson
Tom asked Al Friedges if he was at the township meetings several years ago when lighting at
Ryan Park was discussed. Tom feels during those meeting it was spoken, not written, that there
were not going to be lights installed at Ryan and that the hours of the park would be limited
because Ryan was going to be a park for children only.
Resident - Pam Mikkelson
I don't think children need to be in the park at I Ipm.
Al Friedges stated he was at those meetings and that he had heard that lights were not going to be
installed at Ryan Park at that time, but they may be needed in the future.
Cost of Lighting
~ Based on P.L.A.Y.'s growth, a comprehensive Parks and Trail
Plan conducted by Ingram & Associates in 2005 and the P.A.R.
Task Force findings that Mike just spoke of, the need to light
four additional fields at this time is critical
~ The estimated co of this Ii hting project will be $550,000
~ ....- ' )
> .- , '-
~ The time line from Council approval to install lights,
construction of lights to completion will take most of the winter
with an estimated completion date of June 1
Lighting vs. New Construction
> After iJIt;e.. months of meetings, the top priority that came from
the P.A.R. Task Force was to find ways to utilize and maximize
our existing facilities and to light Ryan baseball fields
> With the shortage of athletic facilities and the cost of developing
new facilities, it makes sense from the dollar standpoint to
install lights
> The estimated cost to light four baseball fields at Ryan is
> To purchase 25 acres - the amount needed for four fields,
parking and related facilities at today's land price would cost
approximately $100,000 per acre, or 2.5 million dollars
> To develop and construct a facility of this size to include
grading, concessions, restrooms, parking, irrigation, lights and
landscaping would cost f). S- H for a total cost of
S #.
Randy Geister and Mark Schroeder stated that most PLA Y games in the summer are at 6pm and
8pm and completed by 10pm. It is very rare that a game goes past 10pm but the hours state 11 pm
in case there are in fact rain delays, etc. so there will be a chance the game can be completed
versus shutting the lights off at 10pm.
PLAY does not start there games/game prep before 7am. Maintenance is usually on the field at
5am preparing for the games.
Steve Albrecht stated that the standard hours for our lighted parks are 5am - 11 pm, but
ultimately the City Council will decide on these hours.
Resident - Pam Mikkelson
I hope something will be done about the traffic at the entrance to Ryan Park. There should be a
stop sign or light installed at the entrance to help with traffic and safety.
Steve Albrecht stated that traffic and street lights will be part of the Master Plan and that the
PAC and City Council would value public/resident input on how to solve any problems/issues
with this.
Resident - Garv LamusQa
People are always pulling out in front of other on coming cars onto Mushtown. There will still be
light pollution because I can see the lights from the Ponds out my front window. Lights need to
be turned off as soon as possible after games.
Al Friedges stated that the nights/weekend lead maintenance person will be at the fields during
each game and will turn the lights off immediately following the games. Since this
nights/weekend lead maintenance person began this past summer there have been no instances of
lights being left on, on any of the lighted fields.
Resident - T. Eavzan
Will there be adult leagues playing on the Ryan fields in the future?
Mark Schroeder stated that all but 1 field at Ryan were developed for youth only. That 1 field
may be used for the 35+ league occasionally but PLA Y will work/schedule with this league to
make sure the 35+ are kept at Ponds as much as possible.
Steve Albrecht stated the adult usage of that 1 field will be covered in the Master Plan and that
the public can share its input on the different components at Ryan Park.
Resident - T. Eavzan
What are the residuals from lighting Ryan Park? Will my property lose value when the fields are
Steve Albrecht stated that staff can look into this and compare the home values at the Ponds
since they received lights. We currently do not have that information.
Resident - Pam Mikkelson
Lights will be a change to our property and will negatively impact us. We can see the glow of
Ponds from our house.
Resident - T. Eavzan
What months will the lights be on?
Randy Geister stated that there will be 2 fields used at a time; not all 4.
May - July are baseball months and September to mid October are football months. Football will
be over in the fall by 9:15pm so the lights will be shut off by 9:15pm on football nights.
The fields at Ryan will be used 4 or 5 days a week by PLAY.
Resident - T. Eavzan
Will they light soccer fields?
Al Friedges stated that could be a possibility in the future.
Mike Feriancek stated that most of the traffic problems appeared to be with soccer on Saturday
mornings so the soccer club may propose that all soccer games/practices go to Spring Lake Park
and make Ryan Park all baseball.
Resident - T. Eavzan
Even with extra baseball will there be more lights?
Mike Feriancek stated "We can never say never", it could be a possibility.
Steve Albrecht stated that one of the purposes of the Master Plan is to identify where money
should go. All the dollars won't go to Ryan Park all at once. There are other parks that need
funding within the City as well.
Resident - Lil Pehrson
There are so many open ended questions. Why doesn't the City stop and decide what it should do
next instead of throwing lights in that no one wants, when there isn't even a park plan in place?
Should there be a Master Plan in place before the lighting?
Steve Albrecht stated that during the PAR task force process (which was approximately 6 - 9
months in length) lighting Ryan Park was brought up numerous times for all different entities
(i.e. school district, residents, etc.) Steve also stated that the lighting and the Master Plan are 2
separate issues. The City Council ultimately makes the decision on the lighting and the Master
Plan; the PAC will make its recommendations to the City Council based on all the information
Resident - T. Eavzan
Will the public have input on the Master Plan before it goes in front of the City Council?
Warren Erickson stated that the public can give input to city council member as well participate
in the open forum before city council meetings.
Steve Albrecht stated that the PAC will decide how to proceed with the Master Plan. The PAC
and staff may recommend having residents be involved in a PAC sub committee and have open
houses, etc.
Tim Libert stated that the monthly PAC meetings are open to the public and held the 2nd Monday
of the month at 6pm at the Maintenance Center.
Resident - Garv LamusQa
There are always "things" going on at Ryan after hours because of its remote location. (i.e. kids
doing "performance testing" with their cars)
Mark Schroeder mentioned that parks with more activity have less amounts of vandalism, etc.
Resident - Lil Pehrson
What is the timeline for the lights?
Steve Albrecht stated that the PAC will make its recommendation to the City Council in
December and the lights could be installed in 2007, possibly. The Master Plan will take longer.
With no more questions, Mike Feriancek adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm stating "we are
here today because of the contributions from SMSC and PLAY toward the lighting of Ryan
Park. Mike also restated that if anyone does have further questions/concerns they may
contact city staff, PAC, and city council members directly.
For additional questions or comments you may contact Angie Barstad, Recreation
Supervisor, at abarstad@citvofvriorlake.com or call her at 952-447-9822.
The purpose of the meeting is to review the following areas/points, seek further input
from the public on them and prepare a recommendation to the City Council:
1. History of Ryan Park Development
2. PAR Task Force findings
3. PLA Y facts & numbers
4. Master Plan
5. Cost of lighting project
6. Cost differential between constructing a new park and lighting Ryan Park
7. Level 8 System Lighting details
8. Parking
9. Park Hours
10. No Alcohol Allowed
*There will be a tentative 2nd meeting scheduled on November 13th at 6pm at The Ponds
to view the lights which will be used at Ryan Park