HomeMy WebLinkAbout7B - Stand by Me Presentation MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: DISCUSSION: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT OCTOBER 19,1998 "'\'" ~ BOYLES, CITY MANAGE~-:!y PRESENTATION BY STAND BY ME COMMITTEE. Current Circumstances Representatives from the" Stand by Me" Committee have requested time to present to the City Council information on the upcoming School Referendum Questions. These items will be included on the General Election Ballot on November 3rd. Attached are slides which will be used as part of the presentation. 162P.~~fsI;7BrQ)ipJ.boo, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Oq--U -98 08: 12AM FROM HELP SYSTEMS INC, TO 4474245 P002/004 2 I~ ~~ We Want to Comtnunicate . Postcards . Web site cnmpaign information - ""~,",C(& tu cUIllJUQl1ly asb>d quo.tion. - assistance in making an informed vote www.stand-by.m..eom .\ 4 _\"~"':f;~ . 7:. . ~~'~ J. ~ Comparison of Total Property Taxes Paid _ir Comparison of School ~~ Taxes Paid B.ucd "" S II 0,000 horn. Prior Lake-Savage $966(24u~ D..~t1 tl1\ 5110,000 home l'riur Lako-Savago :$2,\ 79 (6"') Savag. $2,150 (12"') :;hal:opoo $$2,023 (26"') :a~tn,vill. $1.1l7J (5 S") Lake.ill. $1,68(, (90") Lakevillc $950 (27~ $1,091 (4th) $9R8 (lG~ Siulkopee Bumsvillc \..,.....-. ~_".."''''__ ,...,.~.. "-- _""",,, LI.~ .ttlI......... .4...10._...... .'lIt_lloo..,..L\',....IoI......T....,... __ v4.."._1.o....MIIIlI_........ ol0oi.'.._,..... 5 6 6!!r Compnrison of Residents ills to Commercial Taxes Paid Commc;:n:ial Rcsidcntilll School district does not Prior Lnkc- 11.5% 88.5% S"y"s" determine tax rate -- !1.hukcpc" 44,6% 55.4% Burnsvillc 58.8% 4 1.2 'Yo State Legislature does! Lllkcvillc; 31.6% 68.8% 1 09-11-98 08:12AM FROM HELP SYSTEMS INC, TO 4474245 P003/004 7 #J~ State funding of ;.}l;I public education . Bused. on student population in district . $3,530 per student in 1998-99 . Extra money for POVL"lty. splltsity. ctQ. . State funding of public education . $3,530 per sludent doesn't begin to cover costs . 280 MinnesotJl school district'i rely on local referenda fund$ . Prior take-Savagc's current exccsS levy isn't onough 10 11 Proposed referenda would: Proposed bond issue would: . Rl:pll1cl;": outdated computers . Provide students with skills for 21st Century employmen.t . Reduce olass si2;e . Attract and keep good teachors . Hire technology staff . Keep activity fees affordable 12 1:'\ - WestWood Firltt C'JT"r1I'T . Gifted and Talented student who Qould lose tllls opportunity - Parents don't Want all-day- every -other-day kindergarten . for his siblings Lauren Westphal __ Sean Davich . Uk-ndalc Fifth Grader . Class size is parent's concern . Glendale student population not gomg dO\Ml . . . goinS UP! 2 ..~ ----.-- o 9 -11 - 9 8 0 8 : 1 2 AM FROM HELP SYSTEMS INC, TO 4474245 P004/004 .-..... .........t.. 1h~IVl. ",.,.....1 -... w......,'f_ \,f......V.l.... ..t"..... kot.ln.... lw-. ...... -- _,ot $1110,000 ".!5 \?U7 144.22 140.1S ~.I\.l ,3~ 31J.!,t1(10 611,06 2403 Ito2! 1:IJ.ll7 ~.41 4.7u .,.Uu,UUO 81.67 ~7',uQ ~\'.33 ".00 121.33 10.11 l;lllo,llOu 1CI.19 3n:J:J 236M ,.lIi,OO 193.44 16.12 $'l.~n,ooo 1)6.11 176,67 ;UQ,S.s 9',00 26jj5 2:1.1' I'l'l_I1,..,.;...._,U..nt .....,..'1",.... -""...;.4u.I........Cl-r...III1."""ottVr~. ......~ t"!.......:II.....,.)'tII.,WOI. ...., ..,.,,(~......oI'Q'_I..,a" ~ .....4, "..."'~ ...._ _J...J ,.......",.. -.11 n" ""n..~....,...."""......_IJ....II..,W- Itfll.., ~O." IS . Tllx Impact for the ProposcU . ~." ~~""" 1998 Rond Issue Morl:ot AIUIUts! Monlhly VN\1II1;1 T-. Imp~t Tax ImpMI Sloo,OOO 29.26 2,44 SU5,llOO 39,84 3.32 8150,000 50.42 4.1.0 $200,000 71.S9 5,97 $2$0,000 72,75 6.06 14 ~!~ Estimated Annual TIlX for ~ro'll\o Refcrcndum Levies for Resid~nts .... T\.Uu..lIl11lM........ ....,,~tJI.........'" ","l""".. ..........1 tI"._' "'ifo",Tw ..U ~ .IWlI')'NtI'...N"".......' JI.......,..,."'I, ""n.....11 $lot ..ILA4'UljloAa.W ..1.._ w,Jl"olol""",Mt.JL TtIlI,-n "'.",.IIII.lII_f.I.4u....W~rw_.l....,..W...1 !J 16 __ November 3rd Election . Excess Levy JU,fercndum totaling $698 pL'1" student -. lasting 10 years . B(lnd Issue fur technology in the amount of $4.4 million to spread out OVI.1r 7 yeilr~ Vote Yes November 3 www.slllnd-by-m....om 3