HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 8, 2007
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6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
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2. Approval of January Agenda
3. Approval of December meeting minutes
4. M.A.P.P
5. 2007 PAC Goals
6. Future Meeting Date
a. February 1ih, 20076:00 pm at the Maintenance Center
Parks Advisory Committee Minutes
6:10-8:05 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Carlson, Tim Libert, Cari Grayson and Mike Feriancek
Members Absent: Todd Loose
Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges
Meetin2: called to order at 6:10 pm bv Mike Feriancek
Approval of the November 13,2006 Meetin2: Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve
the November meeting minutes; Tim Libert second, approved.
Approval of December A2:enda: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the December agenda;
Tim Libert second, approved.
Update Rvan Li2:htin2: Proiect: Per Al Friedges, the City Council approved Option B (see
November meeting minutes). Al has obtained 2 quotes on the lighting plan/design. (1 from
Wunderlich Malek and 1 from TKDA) Al will go to the City Council on 1/2/07 to ask for
approval on the Wunderlich Malek quote (which was the less expensive of the two). Included in
this bid Wunderlich Malek will design the specs and plans for the lighting project, handle the
contractor bidding process and all pre-construction meetings and supply a per hour charge for
anything that goes above and beyond what is listed in the contract.
Herita2:e Farm: On 12/4/06 Al Friedges presented to the City Council the estimates for the
Heritage Farm project. Council wanted hard numbers not estimates. The council approved
$10,000 for Al to hire a Structural Engineer to access what is needed for the barn and footings
portion of the project. After speaking with Steve Albrecht, City Engineer, Al stated that it was
suggested he go back to the City Council for approval on the deconstruction of the house on the
property first, before proceeding with the barn. The house has to be deconstructed for numerous
safety reasons. Once the house has gone through the deconstruction phase Al will be able to
access what parts, if any, ofthe house are salvageable for the "ruin" part of the project. If no part
of the house is salvageable it may change the whole plan/concept for the site.
Since there was a feeling oflack of support from the Council on this project, Mike Feriancek
stated he would send a letter to all City Council members to see if there is still support for this
project and what role the City Council would like the PAC to play in this project.
Canoe/Kayak Rack Update - Policies/Fees: The PAC recommended that there be 6 Canoe
Racks and 6 Kayak Racks constructed at Sand Point Beach. The rental fee for these racks would
be: $50 for residents and $100 for non-residents (for the season 5/1 - 9/30). If a canoe or kayak
is left on the rack past October 15th of that year, there will be a $100 reclaiming fee and a $50 per
month charge for impound for every month the city has store it. The above was motioned by Cari
Grayson and second by Tim Libert; approved.
Angie Barstad provided the PAC with policies and rental agreements obtained by other cities that
supply similar racks. The PAC approved the policies/agreements with the following changes: #1
on the rental agreement should be State Registration of the craft along with providing
verification of the registration, instead of #2 and remove "Affidavit of insurance must be
provided" from #5. Changes were noted and will be made to the documents.
Fees: The PAC recommended the following increases to the Parks Fees:
· Softball Tournaments - 2 day (That are not PLAY or Prior Lake sponsored tournaments)
increase from $400 to $500 because of the labor/work that is involved with the
maintenance of the fields.
· Increase picnic table moves from $5 to $10 because this involves 2 maintenance
employees and quite a bit of travel back and forth between the parks for reservations.
The above was motioned by Cari Grayson and second by Dick Carlson; approved.
Sand Point Beach Boat Slips: The LAC approved $30,000 to install boat slips at Sand Point
Beach. This money is in the 2005 CIP. Frank Boyles asked Al Friedges to see if the DNR would
want to partner with the City on these slips. Dan Breva, with the DNR, stated they would be
interested only if the slips were handicap accessible. Al Freidges state that it would be very
difficult to meet the criteria because of the location of the slips and the steep grade down the
beach; so the City will not be partnering with the DNR on these boat slips. On 1/2/07 Al
Friedges will recommend to the City Council that 18 boat slips, with reservation procedures to
mirror W atzl' s boat slips, be installed at Sand Point.
Tim Libert motioned to approve this process, second by Cari Grayson; approved.
Shepard's Path Gazebo: Al Fridges stated he is going to the City Council on 12/18/06 to
approve the construction of a Gazebo at Shepard's Path. The money for this project is in escrow
and in the CIP. Ifhe obtains approval the construction will begin this winter.
2006 Goals-Review/Status: The PAC went through the status of each 2006 goal (see attached
slides & notes).
2007 Goals: The PAC has decided to add the following as 2007 PAC goals:
. Master Plan (MAPP)
. Campbell Lake
· Lakefront Restoration Project
. Heritage Farm
. 2007 CIP Projects (AI Friedges stated we are ok financially in 2007 with the addition of
the Ryan Park Lighting Project with no sacrifices being made to other projects. However,
we will need to re-access the neighborhood parks that are slated to be constructed in 2008
and 2009. We may be able to do them in phases until all monies are obtained from PLAY
for the Ryan Park Project.)
. Review Parks & Trail Comp Plan
. 2030 Vision Alignment
. Hickory Shores (Crystal Lake) Restoration Project
· Complete Ryan Park Lighting & Improvement Project
Angie Barstad will put the above in PowerPoint form for Mike Feriancek for his presentation to
the City Council in January, 2007.
The next PAC meeting will be January 8t\ 2007 6:00 pm at the Maintenance Center and the
Master Plan and 2007 PAC Goals will be discussed.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Cari Grayson; second by Dick Carlson, approved.
Meeting adjourned, 8:05 pm