HomeMy WebLinkAbout011607 Minutes City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Erickson, Hedberg, leMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Streets and Utilities Supervisor Eldred, Planning Director Kansier, Assistant City Manager Meyer, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Administrative Assistant Green. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Haugen administered the Oath of Office to Kenneth Hedberg. RECESS Mayor Haugen called a recess at 6:05 p.m. to allow photography of new council member Ken Hedberg. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 6:07 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Speakers receive a maximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. City Manager Boyles reviewed the concept of the public forum. No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Manager Boyles suggested the addition of agenda item 12B, 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan Update. MOTION BY lEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MilLAR, SECONDED BY lEMAIR TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 2, 2007, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. Hedberg abstained. The motion carried. www.cityofpriorlake.com 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report. C. Consider Approval of 4th Quarter Investment Report. D. Consider Approval of Building Permit Reports. E. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report. F. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report. G. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.010 Authorizing the Purchase of: Two (2) Crown Victorias and One (1) Dodge Charger Through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program. H. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.011 Approving an Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement for Prosecution Services Through the Scott Joint Prosecution Association. I. Consider Approval of Resolution 07.012 Authorizing the Execution of the 2007 Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for Street Maintenance. J. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Standardized Lease Agreement with Holy Trinity United Methodist Church for City Employee Parking. K. Consider Approval of a Temporary Consumption and Display Permit for the Church of St. Michael. L. Consider Approval of a Cigarette License for Holiday Stationstores, Inc. M. Consider Approval of an Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Captain Jack's. N. Consider Approval of a Cigarette License for Captain Jack's. O. Consider Approval of Ordinance 107.03 Amending Section 403.601 of the City Code to Create Consistency for Swimming Pool Setbacks. Mayor Haugen requested removal of agenda item J, Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute a Standardized Lease Agreement with Holy Trinity United Methodist Church for City Employee Parking. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. City Manager Boyles explained the agenda item and the purpose of providing additional parking in the downtown area on a short-term basis. He identified public parking areas in the downtown and explained that city employees would use the church parking lot during business hours to leave the public parking spaces available for downtown users. Haugen: Noted this is a step in the direction of providing additional downtown parking. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.013 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A STANDARDIZED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH HOLY TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOR CITY EMPLOYEE PARKING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. PRESENTATION Triple Play - Mark Kressler City Manager Boyles introduced Mark Kressler, the owner of Triple Play. Kressler stated that the business has been operating for two months. He described the location and kind of business it is - family amusement and training center for sports. Stated he is receiving lots of business from birthday parties and school parties. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 Comments: Millar: Sounds like a niche was filled that was needed in the community. Wished Kressler success. Hedberg: Agreed it is a unique facility and a welcome addition. Kressler: Noted there are not many businesses like this and that similar businesses are closing - Grand Slam in Eagan and a training facility for baseball in Burnsville. LeMair: Stated his son has been there and had a great time. Stated it is nice to be able to drop in for an hour or so and not have to schedule a whole day. Asked if food is served. Kressler: Responded that there is a concession stand. Erickson: Noted that he has been there and looks forward to returning. Haugen: Remembered he was excited about the concept when it was brought to the Council. Asked Kressler to explain the individual activities and group activities vs. training. Kressler: Replied that group activities such as a church or school, or an individual can bring children to be entertained with open gym or mini golf, etc.; and training venues are available for organizations such as PLAY that are involved with baseball or softball can purchase a membership and can train with staff members or through clinics. Noted that an individual can also come in with a parent to work on fundamental techniques. Fire Department Report City Manager Boyles invited Fire Chief Hartman and First Assistant Chief Larson to the podium and described their history with the Fire Department as well as certifications and competencies held by each. Explained that an election would be held on January 25 to fill the Second Assistant Chief opening. Fire Chief Hartman assured the Council that all projects and activities are on schedule and described the calendar of events for the next several months. Informed the Council that the training officer position and possibly a captain's position will be filled in February. City Manager Boyles described the series of events that led to the resignation of former Fire Chief Bruce Sames and the subsequent actions taken for investigation as well as protection of the funds in the account that was misappropriated. Stated that neither the firefighter's pension fund nor any City budget funds were impacted and that the new account will require audited, double signatures for withdrawals and bonding of the treasurer. Comments: Haugen: Asked Boyles to speak about the treasurer's knowledge of the checking account. Boyles: Noted that the former treasurer is the person who was responsible for the checking account and explained that the treasurer recognized that a check withdrawal amount had been altered and confronted Sames in January 2006. Stated that the treasurer provided false reports to the Fire Department for twelve months. Informed the Council that the Scott County Sheriff's office was handling the investigation. LeMair: Commented on his feelings of shock and disbelief when he learned of the missing funds, but stated that the Fire Department will carry on as it is not made up of one individual, but many dedicated individuals. Stated he has faith in the Fire Department and hopes Sames can make good decisions and get back to where he needs to be. Noted Sames was instrumental in many positive things that happened in the community from a fire protection standpoint. Erickson: Thanked Hartman and Larson for accepting the positions and stated his belief that they will do an exemplary job. Noted this is a disturbing situation, but thanked Sames for 25 years of service. Millar: Congratulated Hartman and Larson and stated that the Fire Department has his full support. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 Hopes that the public keeps this incident in perspective and also hopes that the mistake Sames made doesn't outweigh all the good he did for the community. Agrees the individuals need to be accountable, but wishes a good healing process for both Sames and the treasurer. Hedberg: Extended best wishes to Hartman and Larson. Stated that the ex-chief did a great job for the community and the City is fortunate to have Hartman and Larson to step into the position at such a challenging time. Haugen: Congratulated Hartman and Larson and noted the assignments were given by the Fire Department through election. Has confidence that the fire service will continue competently and recognized that the City made significant changes in controlling these types of funds. Concurred with statements regarding Sames and his 25 years of service. Stated that firefighters playa critical role in the community by creating an environment where there is peace of mind and the provision of education for youth regarding fire safety. Erickson: Asked for an update on the new training facility in Jordan. Hartman: Responded that firefighters will get an update at their March 13 meeting. Haugen: Stated that SCALE is dealing with some permitting and design aspects and plans to go back to the legislature for additional funding. Recently entered into agreement to bring Carver County into the project as a partner. Suggested inviting Rob Boe to a Council meeting to give us a full report in the next 60-90 days. Hartman: Thanked Council for support and confidence. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearings were scheduled. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Making a Declaration on the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Excavation of Sand and Gravel on the McKenna Property. Planning Director Kansier described the location of the gravel pit and reviewed the history of the conditional use permit, associated litigation and court actions together with environmental reviews for excavation at this location. Noted that elements of the project have remained the same, but changes have occurred in development of properties all around the proposed mining operation. These changes bring up the EAW issues such as the potential contamination to the public water supply system, and traffic issues with the haul trucks using highways and causing potential degradation to the road system. Identified a concern of stacking trucks on nearby roadways due to restrictions on the number of vehicles allowed on the site at anyone time which could constrict emergency vehicle access. Described the criteria on which a decision by the Council must be based. Comments: Millar: Asked clarification of the term "moderate" as used in the supplemental EAW in describing the impact to the wellhead protection area. Albrecht: Responded that the term is a somewhat subjective, but commented that mining removes much of the surface material that would protect groundwater in the event of a spill so there is a higher potential for contamination in a mining site than for regular development. There would be a difference in how equipment would be monitored on a mining site. Millar: Concerned that the three monitoring wells may already be detecting contamination and damage may have already been done. Also concerned about truck stacking on public roadways. Hedberg: Referred to a traffic study that stated 84 trips per hour would be made by trucks. Asked if it would be feasible for a truck to wait at the gate, enter the site, get loaded and leave the site in 90 seconds. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 Albrecht: Does not believe it can be done. Hedberg: Expressed concern that Ryan Contracting could be in violation of CUP conditions and was concerned about practicality of enforcing conditions. Clarified that the revised study did not address the likelihood of stacking. Albrecht: Confirmed and believes they may not have factored in the court-ordered restrictions in the traffic analysis. Hedberg: Noted that they did address higher volume, but not stacking. Believes stacking creates local traffic effect concerns such as the safety impact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the noise of several trucks idling. Needs a better understanding of potential noise effects and air pollution effect of heavy diesel truck idling. Noted that the revised traffic study assumes a stop light at McKenna and 42 and asked if a traffic light would be installed before mining operations begin. Albrecht: Stated a traffic light was not in the City's Capital Improvement Program and he is not aware that one is included in the County's transportation implementation plan so installation would be unlikely before mining begins. Hedberg: Believes loaded trucks can not accelerate enough to clear the intersection of McKenna and 42 if they pull out and an unseen vehicle is approaching from the direction of Haas Lake. Believes Ryan Contracting has done their job in seeking appropriate permits, but the changes that have occurred are significant enough to need further study. LeMair: Stated he has concerns about the impact of the mining operation because of the addition of a church, YMCA, possible soccer dome, elderly care facility, possible youth home, SMSC homes, a new school, a fire station that will be across the street, etc., and with so many things going into that vicinity, there is a legitimate concern about the traffic there. Asked who is responsible for monitoring the compliance with the conditions of a conditional use permit. Kansier: City staff. LeMair: Asked if the City would have someone monitoring the site 24 hours a day. Kansier: Replied it is likely that someone would check it every day. LeMair: Expressed concern about limitations of one truck and one loader on the site being able to remove the amount of material they want to remove. Noted that the roads are not designed to have dump trucks stacked on them. Stated his concern with the wellhead area and the effects that removing the material could have on the surface and ground water in the area as well as runoff to downstream channels. Believes the concerns he raised require additional study and he will support requiring an EIS. Erickson: Stated the Council is not talking about a conditional use permit since it has previously been issued. Asked the City Attorney to comment as to the legal status of a CUP. Pace: Replied that the CUP is subject to whether or not an EIS is required. Litigation was subject to settlement that started with SMSC, the City and Ryan Contracting. SMSC withdrew from negotiations. There was a petition for a supplemental EAW, which is the current status. Erickson: Asked if the CUP is filed in Court as part of a legal document. Pace: It is a legal document that exists for one year subject to compliance with conditions. Erickson: Clarified whether the year starts from the time that Ryan can start mining. Kansier: Stated that the resolution approving the conditional use permit has never been recorded. It was part of the settlement agreement that was not completed. Presuming they are allowed to go forward, the CUP would have to be recorded and the year would start from the date of approval. Erickson: Believes the previous discussion has been about a CUP which has already been granted. States the additional EIS study would cost between $100,000 and $150,000 and an EAW cannot be used to deny mining, but can only put restrictions on it. Kansier: An EAW is intended to identify any potential impacts and the next step, if the Council identifies specific impacts, would be to go to an environmental impact statement (EIS). If that study process found a 5 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 solution or answer to questions that could mitigate any potential impact, then the project would probably have to be approved subject to the applicant agreeing to any further mitigating conditions that might be imposed. If the study found there were no solutions to potential adverse impacts that could not be mitigated, there would be a basis to deny the project. Erickson: Believes that is what happened when the judge put the restrictions on it such as no fuel on site, etc. Based on that, believes asking for an EIS will only delay mining which will allow more building in the area and cause more problems than there are now. Noted that the traffic safety committee has already stated that the road will be no parking. Believes trucks would be staged at the dumping area. Commented that the end user realizes that they cannot do 84 trucks per hour. Believes the City will be into more liability if we don't proceed. Haugen: Stated the CUP is not in effect until all permits are granted including potential approval of an EIS or a negative declaration on the supplemental EAW, but the process needs to be concluded. Noted that many dollars have been spent in legal fees over the last eight years and listed things have changed in the area including transportation, pedestrian/motorist safety, ground water issues, noise pollution, air pollution, dust, safety for seniors and youth and traffic flow which justifies the completion of an EIS. Hedberg: Commented that the report indicated that 84 trips per hour was part of the most recent traffic study. Albrecht: Responded that the most recent traffic study was in June 2006, which was after the decision relating to the restrictions. Hedberg: Asked if the Council would have the opportunity to modify or impose new conditions in response to an environmental impact study. Pace: Affirmed. Noted there is a supplemental environmental assessment statement and concerns about the project have been listed. Part of the reason to do EIS is to identify potential risks posed by the project and the Council can impose conditions to mitigate against them. Advised if the Council has concerns in specific areas or about specific impacts it has to specifically identify what it wants studied further. Millar: Asked how long would it take to get an environmental impact statement completed. Kansier: Approximately a year. Millar: Commented that he believes Ryan intended to use the aggregate product for the CR 21 project which is not projected to begin for more than a year. Stated he has concerns about potential adverse impacts and believes further study is warranted based on his comments and those of his colleagues. Supports declaration for an EIS. LeMair: Stated he is in favor of an EIS to study impacts of traffic on the surrounding area, on roads, impacts from mining operation from the standpoint of noise, diesel and dust in the air, and study of the effects of mining on the surface and groundwater and the wellhead area. Erickson: Stated he is in favor of the environment, but feels many of these issues have been addressed and an EIS would delay the project and add expense to it. Pace: Suggested councilors identify what they would like to have studied in the EIS. LeMair: Stated items the EIS should look at would include: 1) effects from additional traffic and size of the trucks on roadways, 2) safety of people traveling in vicinity with those trucks, 3) effects of higher noise decibels on surrounding uses, particularly residential, 4) health effects of dust and diesel for a continuous four-year period on the church and the elderly who will be living there, 5) effect on surface and groundwater in the vicinity, 6) effect on the wellhead protection area that is within 100 yards of the area. Haugen: Restated the items. Hedberg: Requested addition of the effects of stacking of trucks as well as the safety impacts of the CR 42 and McKenna Road intersection without traffic lights, specifically loaded trucks pulling onto CR 42 from McKenna Road. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 Haugen: Added enforcement issues relative to traffic as it relates to the YMCA, senior facility, health care environment and other users in the environment area. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.014 DECLARING THE NEED FOR AN EIS BASED ON SPECIFIC FINDINGS OF FACT INCLUDING POTENTIAL ADVERSE IMPACTS RELATING TO: 1) EFFECTS FROM ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC AND NUMBER AND SIZE OF THE TRUCKS ON ROADWAYS, 2) SAFETY OF PEOPLE TRAVELING IN VICINITY WITH THOSE TRUCKS, 3) EFFECTS OF HIGHER NOISE DECIBELS ON BUSINESS, COMMUNITY AND RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES IN THE VICINITY, 4) HEALTH EFFECTS OF DUST AND DIESEL FOR A CONTINUOUS FOUR-YEAR PERIOD ON THE CHURCH AND THE ELDERLY WHO WILL BE LIVING THERE, 5) EFFECT ON SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER IN THE VICINITY, 6) EFFECT ON THE WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA THAT IS WITHIN 100 YARDS OF THE AREA, 7) EFFECTS OF STACKING OF TRUCKS AND ACCESSING CR 42 FROM MCKENNA WITHOUT TRAFFIC LIGHTS, 8) POTENTIAL TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT ISSUES AS IT RELATES TO TRAFFIC GENERATED BY THE MINING OPERATION IMPACT ON THE OTHER USERS IN THE AREA. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. Erickson opposed. The motion carried. Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 301 of the Prior Lake City Code Relating to Liquor Control. City Manager Boyles explained the Captain Jack's scenario of requesting a reimbursement of license fees and suggested issues that should be considered. Comments: Erickson: Will support. LeMair: Agreed the proposal is reasonable. Hedberg: Asked for clarification of what the administrative fee would be compensating. Boyles: Agenda report preparation, reviewing applications for reimbursement, etc. Hedberg: Suggested that since administrative costs are borne upon issuance, the charge should also reflect that cost. Boyles: Agreed the requestor would be asking for a second administrative process. Hedberg: Commented that the fundamental purpose of license is to offset cost to the community for having the license in the establishment for police coverage, etc. There is cost to issue the license and suggested that cost should be taken off the amount of reimbursement. Asked if reimbursement for someone going out of business could apply the same logic. Pace: Present ordinance amendment suggests contemplation of a business owner electing to transfer license as part of the sale. Boyles: Use of the word transfer is creating confusion; provision in ordinance talks about transferring licenses from one owner to another - was intended to describe the transferring of the business, not the license. Haugen: Clarified that when a sale of a business occurs, the City has never transferred the liquor license - the new owner must apply for it and pay for it prorated on the remainder of the year. Transfer the ability of the person to apply for a license. Pace: Interprets the language to say the City will consider transfer of a license upon application. The procedure is basically the same. Erickson: Queried whether the goal is to assure there would not be two liquor licenses for the same location running simultaneously, and that issuance of the second license would stop the first one and trigger the reimbursement of the balance of the fee less the administrative cost. 7 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 Haugen: Clarified that if a person buys a liquor establishment, they apply for a license and we are seeking a way to reimburse the seller because the new owner is applying for a license and paying the appropriate fee. Seller has sold the right for the buyer to apply for a liquor license. We do not transfer liquor licenses. Erickson: Stated it would be a way of ending the old license to give the reimbursement. Haugen: Concurred. Stated that in and out fees are a valid cost of doing business. Pace: Believes there is a conflict in giving a rebate and someone who may desire to transfer the license for a location. States the Code provides for the transfer of license and there is a process to do so. Boyles: Noted it is not clear with respect to the fees. Pace: Concurred, but stated it the transfer process goes through investigation, etc. Asked why the seller should get any fee back when the cost of selling the business presumably is selling the license. Haugen: This owner did not factor the value of the license into the sale. Pace: Noted she is not addressing any particular person, but believes the Council needs to address any contingency that might happen. Haugen: Does not have an alternate proposal but wants to assure there is common understanding. Millar: Appears to be a fairness issue. The City is receiving money for the new license that is being issued. Pace: Commented that it is changing parties to a license. Suggested elimination of section lie" from the proposed resolution, lithe reason the license was discontinued is a result of a transfer of the business to another owner who has secured a license for the business," and bring the item back to more fully discuss the transfer. Haugen: Agreed with removal of section "e." Agreed with proposal to charge a $200 fee at the application point and another $200 fee for a reimbursement application. LeMair: Agreed. Erickson: Commented that section "e" does not address the transfer of a license. Pace: Replied that there is existing Code that addresses transfer of a license that would create a conflict of interpretation. Erickson: Proposed language for section lie" as, liThe reason the license was discontinued is the result of issuance of a new license at the same location." MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 107.04 AMENDING SECTION 301 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO LIQUOR CONTROL WITH REVISIONS TO SECTION liE" AND THE INCLUSION OF TWO $200 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) Wheel Loader Through the State Cooperative Purchasing Program. Streets and Utilities Supervisor Eldred outlined the use of the proposed machine and described bids received. Comments: Millar: Complimented the bid process and will support Hedberg: Appreciated the analysis and the information about maintenance problems with Case and addressing protections against that. Liked the information about maintenance records and noted it will provide data to analyze opportunities to rebuild, renovate and extend life of the equipment. Will support. Eldred: Commented that the City does rebuild equipment and gave examples. Confirmed the loader will be an analysis point. 8 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 LeMair: Noted that staff selected equipment it is confident in and he will support. Erickson: Questioned who provides the warranty. Eldred: Replied the extended warranty will be covered by Cummins. Erickson: Asked if we know the financial status of St. Joseph Equipment. Eldred: Replied the City has worked with them since 1991 and have had good service from them. Haugen: Will support. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07.015 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) CASE 721 E WHEEL LOADER THROUGH THE STATE COOPERATIVE PURCHASE PROGRAM FROM ST. JOSEPH EQUIPMENT OF SHAKOPEE, MINNESOTA. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions. Mayor Haugen stated that appointments of council members are being continued from last the meeting. Noted that some committees were discontinued because the work has been completed and others have been combined. City Manager Boyles listed the proposed appointments. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECOND BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS. Bylaws and Compensation Committee, Erickson and Millar Special Assessment Committee, LeMair and Hedberg Park Advisory, Millar Lake Advisory, Hedberg Planning Commission, Erickson City Manager Evaluation Committee, Haugen and LeMair. Annexation Task Force, Haugen and Hedberg Orderly Annexation Board, Erickson Watershed Liaison, Hedberg Transit Liaison, Erickson Traffic Safety Committee, Erickson and Hedberg Downtown Redevelopment, LeMair and Millar County Road 21 Community Advisory Committee, Haugen Water Treatment Plant Building Committee, LeMair and Hedberg Fire Station Two Building Committee, Haugen and Millar Computer and Technology Committee, Erickson and Millar Economic Development Committee, Haugen and LeMair Communications Committee, Millar and Hedberg SCALE, Haugen SMSC, Haugen VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. OTHER Hedberg: The Winter Blast is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, from 10 a.m. to Noon. LeMair: Thursday is wrestling's youth night. Erickson: Argentine Tango lessons beginning Wednesday at the VFW. Boyles: January 20 is Hockey Day in Minnesota and February 20 is the dedication of police station and city hall from 3 - 6 p.m. There will be a ceremony dedicating the buildings and the State of the City will be presented the same night. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes January 16, 2007 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan Update City Council, staff and residents will revisit the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan on February 13 at 6 p.m. at the Wilds to propose modifications to include environmental concerns, market concerns and citizen input. All residents are welcome to participate. Additional notices will be provided. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by Millar and seconded by LeMair. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ~ AI- @WA4i7U ~ ) Frank Boyles, City Ma~ Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst 10