HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 12, 2007 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 2/12/07 6:07p.m. -8:00 p.m. Members Present: Dick Carlson, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert and Mike Feriancek Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges, Fritz Shimota City Council Liaison Present: Steve Millar Community Members Present: Mark Schroeder (PLAY), Meetin2 called to order at 6:07pm by Mike Feriancek Approval ofthe January 8. 2007 Meetin2 Minutes: Todd Loose Motioned to approve; Dick Carlson second, approved. Approval of February A2enda: Todd Loose motioned to approve the February agenda; Dick Carlson second, approved. Proiect Updates: Al Friedges updated the following projects . Hickory Shores Boardwalk - Brought to City Council for/and received approval for the funding of this project on 2/5/907. Estimated completion time of this project is spring 2007. . Crystal Lake Fishing Pier - Brought to City Council for/and received approval for the funding ofthis project on 2/5/907. This is part of a FIN project which DNR has donated $6,000 to stock the lake with fish and to make sure it is arerated properly for the fish/vegetation in the lake. Estimated completion time of this project is spring 2007. . Sand Point Beach Boat Slips - Brought to City Council on 2/5/07, for/and received approval for the funding of 18 boat slips installed at Sand Point Beach. . Heritage Farm Structural Engineer - Brought to City Council on 2/5/07, for/and received approval for the funding of a Structural Engineer to do a structural assessment of the entire building, structurally design of the main arbor in the house, and provide maintenance staff with a step by step process for demolition of the building. . Ryan Lighting Project - On 3/5/07 Al Friedges will ask City Council for authorization to ask for lighting contractor bids . Jeffers Park Boardwalk - Brought to City Council for/and received approval for the funding ofthis project on 2/5/907. Webcams: Angie Barstad informed the PAC that the LAC is considering placing Webcams at Sand Point Beach and Watzls Beach. She also mentioned that this could help with security issues at these locations. DNR Access Update: Cari Grayson informed the PAC that the LAC is working with the DNR on this issue. The DNR is requiring a maintenance agreement from the City. Per Ross Bintner in Engineering, the maintenance agreement is now on the DNR's desk. No further information is available at this time. MAPP: This will be held the first hour of each monthly PAC meeting. The monthly meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month at the new City Hall (4646 Dakota St.) in the City Council Chambers at 6pm. Al Friedges stated that the PAR was about need and the MAPP is about price/location. Angie Barstad handed out the PAR Task Force document showing what was deemed as "needed" and Al handed out the Ingraham & Associates Study that was done in 2003 to show what locations are available. Once the MAPP members familiarize themselves with the contents of these documents they can sit down in March and begin the next phase of the MAPP; which is deciding what needs to go where, etc. Steve Millar will be finding a representative from the senior community to be on this committee. Mark Schroeder will also bring in representatives from each sport in PLAY (baseball, softball, lacrosse, etc.) A representative from the YMCA will also be part of this committee. Due to the materials that need to be reviewed, Angie Barstad informed everyone that if they know of anyone else that would like to be on the MAPP they must contact her by March 8, 2007. Adding to the list of areas to consider under MAPP were a water park and natural resource areas. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Cari Grayson; second by Tim Libert, approved. Meeting adjourned, 8:00 pm Next meeting: March 15,2007, 6:00pm City Council Chambers, City Hall (4646 Dakota St.) PARK ADVISORY COMMITTE.E. MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 2007 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. . . "............................................................................................................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of February Agenda 3. Approval of January meeting minutes 4. M.A.P.P (include water park, @ Lakefront Park, Natural Resource Areas) 5. Project Updates - AI Friedges . Hickory Shores Boardwalk . Crystal Lake Fishing Pier · Sand Point Beach Boat Slips · Heritage Farm Structural Engineer . Ryan Lighting Project 6. Webcams 7. DNR Access Update - Cari Grayson 8. Future Meeting Date a. ? TBD Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 1/08/07 6:01p.m. -7:35 p.m. Members Present: Dick Carlson, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson and Mike Feriancek Members Absent: Tim Libert Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges, Fritz Shimota Meetin2 called to order at 6:01 pm by Mike Feriancek Approval ofthe December 11. 2006 Meetin2 Minutes: Cari Grayson stated her last name was missing a "y" in the "adjournment" note in the minutes. Angie Barstad will correct that. Todd Loose motioned to approve the December meeting minute; Dick Carlson second, approved. Approval of January A2enda: Al Fridges wanted to add the following to the agenda: Ryan Park Lights Update, Board Walks & Fishing Pier, Rinks. Mike Feriancek wanted to add: Televised PAC Meetings. With these additions, Todd Loose motioned to approve the January agenda; Dick Carlson second, approved. 2007 PAC Goals: The PAC decided to remove goal #4 & goal #7 from the 2007 PAC Goals for the following reasons: . Goal #4, Heritage Farm Master Plan: The PAC will need further direction from the City Council before proceeding any further. . Goal #7, Areas of Preservation: This is already being considered with all developments occurring in Prior Lake. Update Ryan Li2htin2 Proiect: Per Al Friedges, the City Council approved the lighting engineering bid from Wunderlich Malek at the 1/2/07 City Council meeting. Wunderlich Malek's bid was $13,000 less then all other bids received. Al will be meeting with Wunderlich Malek on 1/10/07 to go over the project with them. In 4-5 weeks Al will go out for lighting contractor bids for this project. Board Walks & Fishin2 Pier: Al Friedges stated he will be asking for authorization from the City Council on 2/5/07, for the following: . Installation of a fishing pier at Crystal Lake . Installation of a board walk at Hickory Shores . Installation of a board walk at Jeffers Pond . Installation of a boat slip at Sand Point Beach Rinks: Per Al Friedges the rinks have lost the good base of ice they were getting at the beginning of December due to the warm weather. The rinks have not been open this season due to lack of ice. Maintenance staff will be flooding rinks again this week. If the weather turns warm again Al Friedges, Angie Barstad and Fritz Shimota will decide if it is worth salvaging the ice rinks at this late point of the season. Televised PAC Meetin2s: Mike Feriancek will discuss this further with Frank Boyles. Dick Carlson stated any other date during the week will not work if the PAC meeting date is changed in order to televise the monthly meetings. M.A.P.P.: Al Friedges stated the following items should be included in the MAPP: . Ryan Park . Ponds Park . Additional Parking for Ryan & Ponds . Memorial Park . Lakefront Park . Radanke Land . Campbell Lake . Pike Lake . Spring Lake Park . Do we need more land?? . Update park & trail comp plan . There should be liaisons from all community organization affected by athletic fields (i.e. PLAY, Soccer, PLABA, etc.) on the MAPP Committee . There should be Prior Lake residents on the MAPP Committee Mike Feriancek, along with the PAC, felt that the following should make up the MAPP Committee: . All PAC members . 3 Prior Lake Residents . 1 Rep from the Prior Lake School District . 1 Rep from PLAY . 1 Rep from Hockey Association . 1 Rep from Soccer Association . 1 Rep from PLABA . References for this committee: Al Friedges, Fritz Shimota, Angie Barstad, PAC City Council Liason, 1 VFW member The PAC would like to see a press release or article in the Prior Lake American regarding the MAPP committee and asking for any residents that are interested in filling the 3 spots on the committee. Angie Barstad will work with Frank Boyles, Mike Feriancek and Al Friedges on this item. Ifthere are numerous residents interested in these positions the PAC will interview and determine the best candidates for the committee. Mike Feriancek stated that the MAPP works in conjunction with the PAR Task Force finding. PAR determined what the exact needs were for Athletic Fields in Prior Lake; MAPP will now determine where the facilities should be placed, what it will cost to build these facilities and where the money will come from. The next PAC meeting will be February 12, 2007 6:00 pm at the Maintenance Center. Al Friedges would like "Project Updates" added to every agenda going forward. Next month the PAC will receive and update from Cari Grayson on the DNR access issue. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Todd Loose; second by Dick Carlson, approved. Meeting adjourned, 7:35 pm 5 FEBRUARY 2007 N w-<rE SAND POINT BEACH s This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not Intended to be used as one. This drawing Is a compilation of records, Information and data from various city, county and state olflces and other sources. This document should be used for reference only. No representation Is made that features presented accurately reflect true location. The City of Prior Lake, or any other entity from which data was obtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein. If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Prior Lake. AERIAL IMAGERY IS FROM A SPRING 2003 FLIGHT FOR SCOTT COUNTY. 200 ~ 100 o 200 I 400 I Feet r . . .' . . : . II 'f.' ',: I I..: 'oo "",:".: ~:.:~:. '..::' . ::~ ~".:..n .. :',\;':":: .. i:'~' .:': . ;.'~'" .... ., .:: :to ::1:. .. ': '.:- , .~~ ~ ;1 (U 111 r1Ql~ ~i r--- l' ~ : . . , I I . ! :10 .> I l f I I I , ~ OJ ~II a i J ! iT It I ^ 'v'" Cl ~1'1 ~II;'II~ ~~ ~ hi!!l! ~! ~~ 6 lllllll . ~ ~ ~!~~ ~ !I!ilill ~ ~ ! ;i~~ ... 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The purchase of the above specified items, not to exceed $29,815.53, is hereby approved. 3. Funds for such purchases shall be drawn from the Capital Parks Fund. 4. All purchases will be in accordance with Minnesota statutes dealing with purchasing and procurement as well as the City's purchasing policy. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2007. YES NO Haugen Haugen Erickson Erickson Hedberg Hedberg leMair leMair Millar Millar Frank Boyles, City Manager R:\Agenda Reports\2007\02 05 2007\boat slips sand point beach resoDOC 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RESOLUTION 07 -xx A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF MATERIALS BY STAFF FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE FLOATING BOAT SLIPS AT SAND POINT BEACH Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, The LAC recommended the installation of boat slips at Sand Point Beach; and, WHEREAS, In 2005 City Council approved installation of boat slips at Sand Point Beach 2006; and WHEREAS, City Staff pursued partnership with the DNR in 2006 thereby delaying construction until 2006; and WHEREAS, The boat slips will provide safe access to Sand Point Beach for both swimmers and boaters; and, WHEREAS, The City of Prior Lake is committed to providing recreational activities for people of all ages; and, WHEREAS, The following is a total cost of the Sand Point Beach boat slips: Item Vendor Cost Floats, hardware, Follansbee Dock $15,581.70 fasteners Systems Lumber Monnens Lumber $ 3,201.60 Pipe Town & Country Fence $ 1,176.00 Security light Hayes Electric $ 3,365.00 Ramp extension $ 1,050.00 material Cleats $ 300.00 Rub rail $ 684.00 Signage $ 600.00 PlexiQlas $ 250.00 Reservation display $ 350.00 materials SiQn posts $ 500.00 Safety bouys $ 700.00 Aluminum ADA ramp $ 237.50 Sub-total $27,995.80 Tax $ 1,819.73 Grand total $29,815.53 R:\Agenda Reporls\2007\02 05 2007\boat slips sand point beach reso.DOC www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 From:FOLLANSBEE DOCKS & CABINETS 304 527 4507 11/29/2006 08:46 #731 P.OO3/003 ~ . , VI' ~ J ~ plPo .ili~1 : , I ~ i , ).. ~" II. ~-j · t-;~l I I l/J II ~ '" \:! >- ill' .\ I g~l ~~;~ i . 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',... ../:..;~::,. . _..', . .'- ...i I;~~:.'r.~,&t.;"'..... '.v'" ", .... -'. .'..' " . .,.. '(.'/L ~" '!.., f ~..;;.;!""~,.. .-.)......'Ioa:: - ..... . . ~~~:..';O:~.,.. . ;/,/<'..: -~~':~~."'~:.;;-~:'.~~.::.::~j;;;i~~~t~~~fl:~fr~'~ "-~~~ \~J~:::':~:' '. .f~; . . .:-. ..' / /."-" /~' t."-'~-.. ..~ ...... . ...... lilliI3MJ::!3 '" '''_ .' . ... '. .t".. ';, . ..' ... '.' " . -..,:.~ ". ,~'... :_:' "';:.'~ ,I'" .. . If, ,. ~'".'-;~'::<i 0;".' '. ~ .: ~: '-0' . ;:~----' _.- ,l~~:~ ~ HICKORY SHORES & CRYSTAL LAKE 5 F-EBRUARY 2007 / N w-<?- ' s ThIs drawing Is neither alegaRy reoorded map nor a survey and Is not intended to be used as ooe. ThIs drawing Is . oornpllatton of records, Intormatlon and data from various dty. county and alate otrlCeS and other sources. ThIs document should be used for reference onry. No representation Is made that feahres presented aa:urately reflect true location. The City of Prior lake, ex sny other entity from which data was obtained. assumes no lIability fa' any errors or omissloos herein. If discrepancies are found, please OJrIlad the Clty of Prior Lake. AERlAlIMAGERY IS FROM A SPRING 2003 FUGI-fT FOR SCOTT COUNTY. 300 150 0 ~- 300 60( Feet