HomeMy WebLinkAbout040207 MinutesCity Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar , City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace , Public Works Dir ector/City Engineer Albrecht, Assistant City Engineer Poppler, P arks and Fleet Supervisor Fr i edges, Communications Coordinator Peterson and Administrative As si s tant Green. PUBLIC FORUM The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Speakers receive a m aximum of ten minutes; less if there are more than three speakers. Items to be considered as part of the Council’s regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are al so restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues pr e- sented during the Public Forum. City Manager Boyles explained the concept of the public forum. No person stepped forward to speak. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson , Hedberg, LeMair and Millar . The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE MARCH 19 , 2007 , MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, Millar and LeMair . The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval Of Invoices to b e Paid. B. Consider Approval of R esolution 07 - 055 Approving a Recycling Grant A greement with Scott County for the A n nual Spring Clean - Up Day April 21, 2007. C. Consider Approval of Resolution 07 - 056 Authorizing the Asbestos Removal and the D emolition of the Her i tage Farmstead Farmhouse. D. Consider Approval of Resolution 07 - 057 Authorizing Settlement of the Klamm Lawsuit. E. Consider Approval of Ordinance 107 - 05 , Section 104; and Ordinance 107 - 06, Planning Advisory Commission, Amendments to the Prior Lake City Code. 1 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 Councilor Millar pointed out that Clean - Up Day will be April 21. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED . VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion ca rried. PRESENTATION Mike Kinney – Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District Mike Kinney, District Administrator for the Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District, introduced himself and informed the Council that in the four weeks he has been in the posi tion he has met several City staff and is becoming ac quainted with the area and watershed stakeholders. He provided a bio graphy of his experience and trai n ing. Haugen: Welcomed Kinney and stated he looks forward to working with him. Asked for a forma l u p date of the priorities and programs of wate r shed district at a future date. Erickson: Asked about the bog blocking the channel between Spring Lake and Prior Lake. Kinney: Replied there is no immediate danger of flooding and a nticipate s ha v ing it cl eared out in a couple of days. LeMair : Reiterated a welcome to Kinney. H edberg: N oted that the Lake Advisory Committee would work with the W atershed on City priorities and that w ater level and water quality are i m portant to people. Millar: Welcomed Ki nney. Haugen: Commented that he received an e - mail stating that the water level was at 902.3 feet; and he b e- lieves 902.5 feet is when the channel is opened. Kinney: Stated he made contacts yesterday about opening the channel and a d ecision on whether t o open it or not will be made in the next co uple of days. Agrees that it will most likely be opened. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearings were conducted. OLD BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting the Feasibility Study and Scheduling a Publi c Hearing to Co n sider Ida Circle and Trunk Highway 13 Improvement Project. Assistant City Engineer Poppler d isplayed the location of impacted properties in the I da Circle area . Stated that the Hickory Shores project brought sewer and water up to the neigh borhood and this proposed project would bring services into the neighborhood. Outlined recommendations for improvements to the area. Stated the Asses s ment Review Committee recommend s 100% assessment to the residents on a per unit basis. Explained prop osed assessment costs and connection charges. Staff believes all parcels should be included in the project, even those not adjacent to Ida Circle . Noted that one home would r e- ceive a septic system credit since its system is less than 20 years old. Comments: Millar: Stated the proposed assessment is high. Will approve th e feasibility report and call for public hea r- ing. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 Hedberg: Noted this project was requested by the residents on Ida Circle which motivates the City to move forward now. Commen ted that a reason for orderly annexation is to bring services to residents and that this is one of the first areas to be annexed under that broad framework. Agrees the area should be treated as one project. LeMair : Concurs. State d that it is not a conv enien t or easy financial decision for the residents , but the City is r e sponsible to do what is best for the community even if it includes running the services to the houses that don’t want it yet . Erickson: Clarified that Ida Circle will include roadwork and whether lots that are non - adjacent to Ida Ci r- cle will be assessed the same when they are not receiving the roadwork . Poppler: Confirmed. Stated that all costs are divided among all 13 units. The four households that are non - adjacent have higher cost s for sewer and water than the adjacent homes resulting in the cost diffe r- ence between adjacent and non - adjacent homes being minimal. Alb recht : Agreed there is negligible difference in cost by having them be their own assessing area. Stated the costs co uld be segregated, but all costs are estimates at this point. Erickson: Stated that the roadway is already bituminous and if that had been done by the C ity, the project would not be 100% assess able . Poppler: Stated the street would have to be removed to do the project and after discussi ng that the A s- sessment R e view C ommit tee agreed it should be 100% assessment. Albrecht: Noted that residents might state that at a public hearing. Haugen: Reiterated that all costs are preliminary at this point and the cou ncil will have continued opport u- nities to vote on the project . MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07 - 058 ACCEPTING A FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON IDA CIRCLE AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 13 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Accepting Bids and Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Execute the City’s Standardized Construction Contract With Collisys Electrical Syst ems For The I n stallation Of Athletic Field And Parking Lot Lighting At Thomas Ryan Memorial Park. Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges reviewed the history of activities for this project. Explained the six base bid s and alternates received which includ ed r educed foot candle s of light , panel upgrade, conduit rough - ins and additional receptacles. Staff recommend s accepting the third alternate, rough - in of add i- tional co n duits. Explained that an 800 - amp , three - phase service panel will be installed to supply electrical power for the field lights. Identified the total cost of the project as $600,085 with funding provided by don a- tions from Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and P rior Lake Athletics for Youth . Stated he would be working with PLAY to address a discrepancy in dates for the final two contributions. Comments: Hedberg: Noted that the original estimate for the project was $550,000 and now the total cost is $600,085. Asked if the costs for Minnesota Valley Ele c tric to install the 800 - amp panel we re part of the first estimate. Friedges: Confirmed that the original estimate was for $550,000 and stated that it included the costs of the parking lot lighting and the transformer . Explained that the costs of steel, copper and aluminum are i n- creasing ra pidly which increased prices for this project by $40,000 . Hedberg: Commented that PLAY is willing to donate $150,000 up front which is a g ood example of how partnerships provide the ability to move a project forward by years. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 LeMair : Stated it is unfortu nate the price came in higher than expected but he assumes we are getting good pricing and knows materials costs have increased . PLAY’s donation shows how high a pr i ority it is for them. Will support. Erickson: W ill support and thanked SMSC and PLAY for their support. Millar: W ill support. Concur s with sentiments about partnerships , and asked about the disparity of bids. Friedges: Replied that staff tends to look at the closest bids for credibility and suggested that some co n- tractors may have enoug h work for the season already. Millar: Asked if the City has experience with Collisys. Friedges: No, but Collisys has worked on several projects in the metro area and ha s good re f erences. H auge n : Commented that this project fulfills the first priority of the PAR Task Force and allows us to max i- mize the use of the park . Believes it makes sense to light the parking lots . Noted that PLAY intends to contri b ute $250,000 through 2010. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07 - 059 ACCEP TING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CITY’S STANDARDIZED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH COLLISYS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ATHLETIC FIELD AND PARKING LOT LIGHTING AT THOMAS RYAN MEMORIAL PARK. VOTE: Ayes by Haug en, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Mike Feriancek , P arks Advisory Committee Chair , clarified that the entire project is a $750,000 project and $40,000 of that amount was planned for lighting in the park . LeMair : Commented tha t the City has had the money from the SMSC donation for some time and asked if interest from that money is accumulating towards this pr o ject . Boyles: Replied that would only occur if the Council specifically directed it as such. LeMair : S uggested that t he interest money should go toward the parks or covering shortages. Hauge n : Asked Boyles to clarify how interest from such donations has been used. Boyles : Replied that when donations are specified for pr o jects it is used as needed and sometimes there is extra money – sometimes not. A specific donation to a specific project may not match the original contr i- bution . Interest is retained in the Capital Park account. LeMair : Believes it is worth considering applying the interest from this donation if th ere is a shortfall . Millar: C oncurs. Hedberg: Also agrees. Suggested that interest that has accrued for the past five to six months along with the $100,000 additional donation by PLAY should be earmarked for future developments r ather than shor t- ages occ urring right now; and it would be a good thing to do when receiving financial gain from early don a- t ion . Haugen: Does not dispute the intent but wonders if it might be creat e an administrative nightmare to track the interest of every cash contribution to t his account and b e lieves the Finance Director should comment on it. Le Mair : Referred to extra money from interest earnings that could provide additional purchases for a pr o- gram and stated he would like further conversation with the Finance Director abo ut it. Boyl e s: Noted there are upcoming workshops about budgeting and the Capital Improvement Program . Commented that it would be an enormous task to track every d o nation and earmark interest back to it. LeMair: Concurred and stated it should just be tracked for large donation s . Haugen: Stated the discussion should be held with the Finance Director. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 Consider Approval of a Report Regarding 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan Update. City Manager Boyles provided a draft of proposed revisions to the 2030 Vi sion and Strategic Plan and asked for input regarding the process of soliciting input from the Long - Range Planning Committee in co n- junction with a Council workshop on this topic . Comments: LeMair : Believes it is appropriate to get additional input fro m the committee and then have the workshop. Noted the c ommittee spent a lot of time on the vision element assigned to them and the Council should welcome any additional information from them. Erickson: Comment ed that some people may not recognize how imp ortant this document is , and he would like the committee input in order for it to be as good as possible. Millar: Concurs. Believes the process of the committee was good, but some committee members may have had interest in a particular area and th is wou ld be an opportunity for them to give input on the entire doc u ment. Believes that input should be sought as soon as possible. Hedberg: Agreed and stated the meeting was a compressed period of time. People may have r e flect ed on it since then . Suggested input be sought as soon as possible and the Council w orkshop pos t poned until input received. Haugen: A ppreciates everyone’s involvement in the process and s upports sending the draft out to the committee for input . Stated the Council should consider the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan before budget is a p proved. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY L EMAIR DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DIST RIBUTE THE 2030 VISION AND STRATEGIC PLAN DRAFT TO ALL LONG - RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS , IDENTIFYING A SHORT TIME LINE FOR RESPONSE AND SCHEDULING A REVIEW OF THE DRAFT BY THE COUNCIL AT A WORKSHOP TO BE HELD APRIL 30, 2007. General discussion occurred to clarify the intent to have the Council review the draft at a workshop prior to the budget workshop. Consensus was reached to have the motion read that the Council would hold a workshop on April 30, 2007. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of an Al l Utility Vehicle, Stump Grinder and Electric Scissor Lift. Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges explained the uses for the requested equipment. Comments: Erickson: Clarified the cost savings of owning a stump grinder rather than renting one and asked a bout the quantity of stump grinding that is expected annually after the backlog is cleared away. Friedges: Replied that could depend upon how aggressive Dutch Elm disease becomes – currently the City loses about 250 trees per year to that . Storms coul d create windfalls that would need clearing. Noted that a disease affecting ash trees is also becoming more prevalent. Erickson: Noted that if tree loss continues at 50 0 per year, it would be a good return on the inves t ment. Asked how long the stump grinder could last. Friedges: 15 - 20 years. 5 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 LeMair : Believes the purchases are justified and appreciates that the staff is willing to give something up to get the ele c tric lift. Agrees that some of the high buildings make an electric lift a good investmen t. Hedberg: Asked if any higher maintenance cost is anticipated since the suggested utility vehicle would be a change of brand from the former ones. Friedges: Replied the proposed purchase was discussed with the mechanics and staff concurs that the Kub ota is preferred due to lower cost and better quality than the Cushman. Hedberg: Asked if the stump grinding should be contracted out since the current level of need is just in a peak right now. Friedges: Replied the investment will pay for itself in th ree years compared to the cost of outsourcing, and the City will have it for 15 years or more. Noted that owning it could allow staff to balance out the pe aks and valleys of work load as well. Hedberg: Stated the recommendation on a n electric scissor lif t rather than a fork lift is good. Will support. Millar: W ill support. Noted that the City a lso ha s new parks and trails coming on board with more wooded areas that will need maintenance and it s eems that the request for all three items are at a point w here it makes more sense to invest in them rather than outsource. Haugen: S upports scissor lift and stump grinder. Q uestioned the purchase of the utility vehicle suggesting that an electric vehicle could meet the need and be more cost and e nergy efficien t as well as ecologicall y friendly. Friedges: Agreed to look into it. Commented that the City created a committee to seek ways the City can be friendlier to the environment in the use of lighting, HVAC, equipment, r e cycling, etc. Believes the City sh ould be a leader in the community and lead by example. A report on the committee’s recommend a tions will be brought to the Council later this year. Haugen: Noted that the Council doesn’t have to wait for the report if an appropriate vehicle can be found t hat meets needs b e fore summer. Suggested removing th e utility vehicle from the motion . MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 07 - 060 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE 2007 RAYCO STUMP GRINDER AND ONE JLG ELECTRIC LIFT. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF TO EXAMINE AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE ALTERNATIVE FOR THE PROPOSED UTILITY VEHICLE AND RETURN TO THE COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR SAME. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of the City Manager’s 2006 Performance Evaluation and Authorizing the Mayor to Ex e cute an Updated Employment Agreement with the City Manager on Behalf o f the City. Mayor Haugen stated that he and Councilor Millar were the evaluation committee. Explained the tim e line and criteria for evaluation and how those criteria were rated as well as the timeline and terms of the e m- ployment contract. Comments: Le Mair : Asked if the proposed salary increase is retroactive to January 2007 . Haugen: A ffirmed. Erickson: Asked if remuneration included an auto allowance . Haugen: Confirmed and noted that the allowance was not changed from what it has been in the past. 6 City Council Meeting Minutes April 2 , 2007 MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE CITY MANAGER’S 2006 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN UPDATED EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY MANAGER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Erickson, Hedberg, LeMai r and Millar. The motion carried. Millar: Commented that the City Manager was very instrumental in bringing him to an understanding of the role of staff and Council. Stated the c ompensation is comparable to similar cities and Boyles has done a terrifi c job. Hedberg: Noted he did not participate in rating process as he was not part of the Council in 2006 ; but that during his tenure in 2007, he has been struck by dedication , commitment and low turnover in city staff. B e- lieves that is a r eflection of th e quality of c ity m anager leadership. Has found Boyles to be enga g ing and responsive and he receives good direction and i n formation from city staff. LeMair : C ongratulate d Boyles on a job well done. Stated it is a difficult job and requires many levels o f e x pertise on many subjects. Stated Boyles h as assembled a great team and they make his job easy at times. Erickson: Also congratulated him and likened the City to a large business and the city manager as a Chief Operating Officer of the business. Co mmented that staff works together to get the job done and the City works t o ward goals. Haugen: Agreed the 2030 Vision and Strategic Plan is a major tool to implement moving the C ity fo r ward. Stated Boyles does an outstanding job in providing leadership a nd guidance. Boyles: Thanked the Council for its support and stated he feels fortunate to be in the City of Prior Lake. Gave staff and the city attorney’s office credit for making a good job possible and thanked them for all their efforts on behalf of th e community. OTHER Erickson: Noted that road construction season is beginning and asked for updates on roadwork projects . Albrecht: Replied there are several C ounty projects and it will be difficult to move around town. Gave d e- tails of closure of seg ments of CR 82, CR 21 and CR 12. Stated the water treatment plant construction will potentially begin late July and roads will be impacted in conjunction with hau l ing for that project . Erickson: Asked if CR 81 will be closed for the CR 82 project. Albrec ht: Replied it will remain open during the first two segments of the CR 82 project. Millar: Reminded viewers that C lean Up Day will be April 21 at Twin Oaks. Hedberg: Commented that hydrant flushing is beginning. LeMair : Stated th at Prior Lake received the wrestling bantam national title at Ce dar Falls and provided st a tistics for individual wrestlers. Haugen: Noted there was a g ood turnout at the Easter Egg Hunt. The 17 annual DARE bike - a - thon to th raise money for DARE program in community kicked off . The Fire Station No. 2 committee has been mee t ing regularly and will present a schematic to the Council soon. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and s e c onded by Erickson . With all in favo r, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. ____ _______________________________ ___________________________________ Frank Boyles, City Manager Charlotte Green, Administrative Asst. 7