HomeMy WebLinkAbout3F - R.C.M. Contract CONSENT AGENDA: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: RECOMMENDATION: HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 19J5(!)% 2qgt 3 (f) LARRY J. ANDERSON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSIDER APPROVAL OF REIKE, CARROLL, MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. MAY 7, 1990 The purpose of this Agenda item is to approve a contract for professional services for Reike, Carroll, Muller Associates, Inc. (RCM) . On April 16, 1990, the City approved the Public Hearing for the North Shore Oaks project. At the same meeting, RCM was authorized to perform professional services for the project and general municipal engineering services. A contract was submitted to the Council for the North Shore Oaks project and general engineering services. The contract with RCM has been revised to better reflect the City's needs. Please dispose of the previous contract and find a new copy attached. The contract, as attached, better serves the City's interest. The first portion of the contract provides the basis for work in general. Exhibit "A" is for general work authorized by the City Councilor the City Engineer. This would be day to day work. An example of this would be for specialty work such as landscaping, electrical, or traffic engineering. Larger contracts would be specifically authorized such as Exhibit "B" which is for North Shore Oaks project. The contract follows contract format. current TKDA the The recommendation is to approve the contract with RCM. 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ALTERNATIVES: ACTION REQUIRED: The alternatives are as follows: 1. Approve the attached contracts. 2. Table discussion for a specific reason. 3. Disapprove the contract. Motion, as part of the Consent approve the contract with RCM the Mayor and City Manager contract. Agenda, to and authorize to sign the . FRO/:l ReM MTKll. MH 4.30.1990 16.~0 P. 2 AGREEMENT Betwoen CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA i I I RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INCORPORA TE* and for PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 7th day oC MaY'rl990, by and between THE CITY OF PRIOR LAK E, MINNESOTA, hereinaCter refc:r~ed to as the OWNER, and RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INCOR ORA TED. a COfl'ort\tion with a rcaular place of business at 10901 Red Circle Driv , Minnetonka. Minnesota 55343, hereinafter referred to as ENGINEER. WITNESSETH: That the OWNER and ENGINEER. for the consideration hereinaCter named. agree as follows: 1 AR TICLE 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE I The OWNER agrecs to and hereby does retain and employ E*GINEER and ENGINEER sirees to perform Architectural, Enaineerins and/or Surveying Services in oonncction with the OWNER'S responsibilities, all as described b~ subsequent "Authoriz.t\tion(s) for Professional Services", in substantially the same form!s E~hibit "A" and "B" a ttsched to. Engineering and architectural services will. in general. inClu e studies and reports, desian, preparation of working drawings and specifications., construction observations. checkina of shop drawings and estimates and recommendat~ons regardinl acceptance of work; tlncJ other related tasks of . type normally associated with facility plannina. design. construction, operation and/or maintenance. I Individual authorizations Cor such professional services thaI! be duly apl'roved by the OWNER; and .11 records and documents for services with ~espect thereto shall be appropriucly referenced to each of the specific authorizations. AR TICLE 2. PERIOD OF SERVICE ENOJNEER is hereby retained on a continuins basis. subjcc , however. to termination by either party in accordance with Article S. A period oC se .vice for each authorization shall be as set forth in the specifio "Authorization for PrOfcssj~nal Services," as appropd81e. .J. FROM ReM MTKA.MH 4.30.1990 161~1 P. 3 AR TICLE 3. COMPENSATION TO ENGINEER A. Compensation to ENGINEER for services dcscribe<1 in the" uthorizatlon(s) for Professional Services" shall be on a lump Sum basis and/or an Houri Rate basls as desianated in each authorization and as hereinafter described. 1. A Lump Sum method of payment for ENGINEER's services shalt apply to all or parts of a work scope where ENGINEER's tasks can be r adity defined and/or wherc the level of effort reQuired to aocomplish such t:uks can be es imated with a rOBSontlblc degree of accuracy. The OWNER shall make monthly payments 0 ENGINEER within 30 days ot date of invoice based on an estimated percentale of completion of ENGINEER'S services. 2. An Hourly Rate method of payment for ENGINEER' services shall npply to all or parts of a work scupe where ENOINEER's tasks cannot be r adily defined and/or where the level of effort rCQuired to accomplish such tasks cannot be stimatcd with any reasonable dearee ot accurllCY. Under an Hourly Rate method of payme t, ENGINEER shall be paid for the actual hours worked on an authorization by ENOIN ER technical personnel times an hourl~ billing flte established Cor each employee. Hour y billinl rates shall include compensation for all salary costs, payroll burden, general and dministrativc overhead and professional fce. Annual rate schedules sh.all be furnished by NOINEER to OWNER. (a) Travel and subsistenc~ outside the 7 County M~tro Area (b) Technical computer and computer aided draftins servic s (0) Identifiable reprOduction and reprographic costs. (d) Oth~r direct expenses as sct forth in a specific "Aut orization Cor Professional Services". In addition to the foregoing, ENGINEER shall be rei bursed at cost Cor the followina Direct Expenses when incurred in the performance of the w rk:, The OWNER shall make monthly payments to ENGINEER wit in 30 days of date or invoice bas~d on computations made in accordance with the abo e charles for services provided and expenses incurred to date, accompanied by supporti a evidence as reQuired, B. The OWNER will pay the balance stated on the invoioe u lesl OWNER notifies ENGINEER of a particular item that the OWNER disputes. Only the disputed hem will remain undue until resolved by the parties. All accounts unpaid after 60 days hom the date of oriainal invoice shall be subject to a service charge or l.S% per onth, or the maximum amount authoriled by law, whichever is less. In addition, ENGIN ER may after aiving seven days' written notice to the OWNER, suspend services under t is Agreement until ENGINEER has been paid in full for all amounts then due Cor services expenses and chnrSeI. ARTICLE 4. EXTRA WORK In the event that a lump sum or maximum payment amount is s eoified in an "Authorization for Professional Services," and ENGINEER is of the opinion hat any work they have been directed to perform is beyond the Scope of the authorizati ,or that the Icvel of effort required constitutes extra work, they shall promptly notify t e OWNER of that fact. Extra work, additional compensation for same, and cltonslo of time for .2. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM ReM MTKA.MH 4.30.1990 161:52 P. 4 completion shall bc covered by I Supplemental Authorlntion 'areed to in riting by both parties prior to proceeding with any extra work or related expenditures. ARTICLE S. ABANDONMENT, CHANGE OF PLAN AND TERMINATION Either Party has the right, with or without cause, to terminate his Agreement and/or any "Authoriution for Professional Services". In adaition, the OWN R may at any time, reduce the scope of an "Authorization for ProCessional Services". Suc reduction In scope of an authorintion shall be let fonh in a written notice from t e OWNER to ENGINEER. In the event of termination of an II Authorization for Profcssi nal Services," all documents finished or unfinished, prepared by ENGINEER under the authorization shall be made avallable by ENGINEER to the OWNER pursuant to Article 6,nd there shall be no further obligation of the OWNER to ENGINEER under the Authorillt on, except for payment of amounts due and owina for work performed ana expenses incur ed to the date 11\d time of termination, computed in accordance with Article 3. In like manner, if the entire Agreement is terminated, dOCul\lenlS on file with ENGINEER shall also. upon request, be made a OWNER pursuant to Article 6 upon receipt of payment of amounts d ENGINEER for any authorized work. 11 remaining Hable to the 'e and owinl In the event of a reduction in scope of an "Authorization r Professional Services," ENGINEER shall be paid for the work performed and expenses i curred on the Authorization. ARTICLE 6. DISPOSITION OF DRAWINGS, REPORTS AND OTHER OAT At the time of completion or termination of an "Aut orization for Proressiunal Services," ENGINEER shall make available to the OWNER, up n request, all maps, tracings, reports, resource materials and other documents pertaining to the work or a Projecl described in an authorization. All such documents arc not intended r represented to be suitable for reule by the OWNER or others on extensions of the work . Project or to any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by E . GINE~R for the specifiC purpose intended wiU be at OWNER'S sole risk and without Ii Hity or leaal Cll.posurc to ENGINEER. ARTICLE 7. DOCUMENTS FORMING THE CONTRACT The contract shall be deemed to include this Agreem nt with all accompanying elthlbhs a part hereof, and any subsequent "Authorization(s) ( r Professional Services" issued pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. To permit ENGINEER to perform the services required h' reunder, the OWNER shall supply, in proper time and sequence, the following for each uthorization for Professional Services," at no expense to ENGINEER: FRO~ RC~ ~TKA.~H --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.30.1990 161S2 P. S 1. Provide all necessary information retarding its requirements a I necessary for orderl)' prolross or the work. i Designate in writinB t contact person to act as OWNER'S repre ! nttltives with relpect to the services to be rendered under an authorization. Furnish, as required for performance or ENGINEER's service iCexcePt to the extent provided otherwise in an authorization), data prcpared 'by or services of others, including without limitation, coro borinas, probinas lld subsurface cAplorations, hydroaraphic and jeohydrologic surveys, labor ory tests and inspections of samples, mtlterials and equipment; appropria prOfessional interpretations or all of tho foreloin,; environmental assessm t and impact statements; property, boundary. casement, right-of.way, to graphic and utility surveys; property descriptions; zonina. deed and 0 er land use restriction; and other special data not covered in an authorizati n. 2. 3. 4. enter upon Provide access to, and make all provisions ror ENGINEER public or private property as required to perform their work. All intcr-aovernmental a8cncy permits shall be secured in th OWNER. The OWNER shalt act as liaiion with other sovern to carry our necessary coordination and ncgotiation. ENOl responsible for rBlin, out forms and making presentations f aovernmcn tal permits. name of the ntal aacnclcs EER will be r such inter. s. 6. OWNER shall provide leaal advice to determine that the Contr ot Documents provide necessary insurance and appropriate contract terms an conditions as it relates to specific projects. 7. Give prompt notice to ENGINEER whc!never OWNER obscrv or otherwise becomes aware or any development that affects the scope r timina of ENOINEER's services or Iny defect in the work of I Construction Contractor(s), Consultants or ENGIN EER. 8, Provide such accountini, independent cost estimating a d insurance counsclln, services as mlY be required for the Project de ribed in an Authorization, such loaal services al OWNER may require th reaard to legal issues pertainina to the Project including any that ma be raised by Contractor(s), such auditins service as OWNER may rCQuire to scertain how or for whit purpose any eontractor haa used the moneys P id under the cODstruction contract, and such inspection services as OWNER ay require to ascertain that Contractor(s) are complying with any law, ru c, roaulation, ordinance, code or order applicable to their furnishing and rforming the work. 9. Provide "record" drawings and specifications for all existing ysical plants or facilities which arc pertinent to an authorization. 10. Provide other servicos. materials, or data as may be set. Corth in an authorization or agreed upon by both parties. B. ENGINEER shall be entitled to rely OD the accuracy and co pletcness of informatioD furnished by the OWNER. If ENGINEER finds that an information furnished by the OWNER is in error or is inadequate for its purpose, EN JNEER shall promptly notH'y the OWNER. -4- FROM ReM MTKA.MH 4.30.1990 161~3 P. 6 ARTICLE 9. OPINIONS OF COST Opinions of probable project cost. c09uruction cost. financi feasibility studies. economic analyses of alternate solutions and utilitarian co operations and maintenance COSts prepared by ENQJNEER under an "Aut Professional Services" will be made on the basis of ENGINEER's e qualifications and represent ENGIN~ER's best judSt11ent as an experienced desisn professional. Because ENGINEER docs not :have control ovor the material. equipment or services furnished by ot~ers or over market contractors' methods of determining their prices, and that any evaluation of be constructed. or acquired. or work to be perform~d on the basis of EN opinions, must of necessity. be speculative until completion of construction Accordingly, ENGINEER does not auarantee that proposals, bids or actual substantially vary from opinions, evaluations or studies submitted by OWNER under an "Authorization for Professional Scr~ices." evaluations, identions of orization for erience and nd qualified ost of labor, onditions or ny facility to INEER's cost r acquisition. ostl wlll not GINEER to ARTICLE 10. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES I OWNER acknowlcdaes that it is customary for the architect or is responsible for the preparation and furnishing of Drawings And Specificat construction.related documents to be employed to prqvide professional servi Biddinll and Construction Phases of the Project, (1) to interpret an documentation so furnished and to modify the sa~e as circumstances re bidding and construction may dictate, (2) in connectio'n with acceptance of s equal items of materials and equipment proposed ~y bidders and Contr connection with approval of shop drawings and sampl~ submittals, and (4) as in response to ~NOINEER's detect ins in advance, of performance of inconsistencies or irreau1arities in such documentation. OWNER agrees that is nol employed to provIde such professional services ~uring the Bidding (if t out for bids) and the Construction Phases of a Project described in an "Aut Prorc:ssional Services," ENGINEER will not be respo~sible for claims, dama expenses includinll auorneys' fees arising out of, ot resulting from, any clarification, substitution acceptance, shop drawing or sample approval or such documentation issued or cllrried out by OWNER! or others. Nothina co pal'aaraph shalt be construed to release ENG(N~ER (or ENGINEER' associates or consultants) from liability for failure to perform in ac proCessional standards any duty or responsibility w~ich ENGINEER has assumed under an "Authorization for Professional Services. and this Aareeme naineer who ns and other s durinll the clarify the ealed durin, stitute or or- tor(s), (3) in result of and fected work ENGINEER e work is put orization for s, losses and terpre ta tion, dification of ained in this professional rdance with ndert.ken or ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE ' ENGINEER shall prOcure and maintain I insurance for protecti aaainSl it under workers' compensation acts, claims ~or damases because of including personal injury, siCkness or disease or deat~ of any and all emplo person other than such employees, and from claims against it for damages bec to or destruction of property includina loss or use resuJtin, therefrom. Also. ENGINEER shall procure and maift8in professional Habi 'ty insurance, in such amounts and with such companies as the OWN k approves in wrltin. or protection from claims arisin, out of performance of professions services caused by any cglisent act, error, or omission for which ENGINEER is legally liable. Certificates or insurance will be provide6 to the OWNER on an nnual basi.. from claims odily injury cs or of any use of injury .s- FRO~ RC" "TKA.MH ...30.1990 1bl~H P. ., ARTICLE 12. ASSIGNMENT I Thi. Aareement, belna intended to I.ecure the perlOn.1 ,"vice of the individuals employed by and through whom ENGINEER performs work h eunder, shall not be ...Ianed, .ublet or tr.n.rerred without the written conoent or the OWl' R. ARTICLE 13. CONTROLLING LAW \ This Aareemcnt is to be governed by the laws of the State of M nesota. ARTICLE 14. NON.DISCRIMINATION ENGINEER will comply with the provhions or applicable fedral, state and local statutes, ordinances and rcaulations pertaining to human rigl ,s and non- discrimination. I. ARTICLE 15. STANDARD OF CARE ENGINEER will provide services u~dcr this BSrecmcnt consistent with the acnerally accepted practIces of the Architccture/Enainecr IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have ~xecuted this Aarecmef1 YCQr firsl above written. \ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA RIEKE!CARROLL MULLER A MUNICIP AL CORPORA TION INCORPORA TED \ I h a manner a profession. . the day and SSOCIA TES, By By By Mayor R~bert F. Roskopf, Presld ;nt/CEO By \ . l{1)bert C. Robertson, Cha .man City Manaaer Approved as to Form .6- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. FROM ReM MTKR.MH 4.30.1990 161" P. 8 "Aft CITY of PRIOR LAKE, M NNESOT A AUTHORIZATION Cor PROFESS ONAL SERVICES TO: Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Incorporated 10901 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka, Minnesota 35343 Pursuant to our Aareement dated May 7, 1990, you arc hereby authorized to pr cecd with the professional services described as follows: i I I GENERAL MUNICIPAL ~ERVICES I prov id. Ie oe ra I m un io ipa I .n B ineeri nl. a ro hi te.tural \ or pIa n n i nl ..slsta n.. ' matters as requested by the City Council or dcsianat~d City representative. include detailed project planning or desisn. I \ Attend meetings of the City Council which are not otherwise charlea~ ~ to specific authorizations, as requested by the City Council or designated City Staff. ~ Compensation for ,he ..rvio.. d...ribed above .han b~on an lIourly Rat. basi ',as defin.d in Article 3 of the Agreement, subject to the following a"ldilional conditions: I I Compensation for ENGINEER's attendance at ICily Council meetings uhich are not otherwise chujeable to a specific project, atuJy, plat review or other authorization shall be limited to a lump sum charse of S60.00 \PCr meetina. Preparation (or the above meetinss and any nec~ssary fOllOw.up shall bl on an Hourly Rate basis as defined in Article 3 of the Basic tsreement, and shall be n addition to the 560.00 lump sum meeting charle. \ 3. Each item shall be listed separately on in voices. I i IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto havt executed this Aareemc.t the day and year first abov~ written. \ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA RIEKEfARROLLMULLERA~ SOCIATES.A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION INCOR ORATED , i By " By , City Manaaer Itc bert F. Roskopf, Presid ~t/CEO \ Rc bert C. Robertson, Chai man \ I I I , I \ , , )n day-to-day ~his docs not 1. 2. By By Mayor Approved as to Form -1- I; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM ReM MTKA.MH ..39.1999 HISS P. 9 "B" CITY of PRIOR LAKE, 4NNESOT A AUTHORIZA TION for PROFESS' ONAL SERVICES , i I I RCM No. H ~78.01 TO: Ricke Carroll Muller and AssociatclI, Incorporated 10901 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Pursuant to our Agreement dated May 7, 1990, you arc hereby authorized t( proceed with the professional services described as follow.: NOR TH SHORE 0; KS CITY PROJECT NO. 90-13 A. 1. Dc!i2n Pha~c a. b. c. (1) 1 Supplemental topographic surveys It" necesslr : Cor dcsisn purposes. : Supplemental soil borings f necessary for design ~rposes. I (2) .1- f. related service.. . Additional computer run as necessary for ENO EER review and _,reement with desi, criteria. Prepare for incorporation in th, Contract Documents nal drawings and specifications seuing fort~ in detail the require' cnts for the construction or the Project. I (I) All topography plotted byi USe of coordinantes. (2) Amend City standard spe~;fication5. Provide design surveys, incIUdi~a providing coordinan ~. s for all lot corners, houle fronts and eXiltint topography. I Have utility companies field IOCre utilities and plot on ans. Prepare easements for construdtion including fillina ut casement forms. I, i Prepare permit applications and ~' ttend Prior lakc-Sprin Lake meetins for permit. CIty will pay permit fee. Meet with developer for utility s rvice locations. Coordinate soH borings. City Wilr pay for borings. , Provide information meeting wi1h residents on construc on plans and amend plans as needed, prior to ouncH approval. Prcpare cost estimate based on final1drawings. Submit drawings and specific~tions to Minnesota of Hcalth, Minnesota Pollution Coqtrol Agency, and Metr otitln Waste Control Commission for revjey,l~ accompanied by I r "lew request form. In this reaard, the OWNEr shall be responsible . r the review fee. 'i , Prepare for review and approv I by OWNER, his lei 'counsel and other advisor., Contract larocl ment forms, aener conditions, supplementary conditions, bid, forms, invitations 0 bid and instructions to bidders, and ISsi$t in the preparation of pther related documents. i i I (4) (3) and/or d. c. ,. h. Submit copies of the drawinls and specifications to he OWNER. Make minor revisions and adjust cnts roll~win8 OWNE ~S and State's review. : 2. Biddinll Phase Durins the BlddinS Phase, ENGINEER s all; (. .2. .,. .,j~. I." ='t;;) ... Q...JO I. Reproduoe final Siddinl Docu ents and related cont ct forms for biddina and construction purpos 8. ! b. Assist OWNER in obtainina bids(or one separate prime Diatribution of Plans and speclCJcations. Respond to oontractor.s/supplier S questions. ontrlct. c. d. e. Provide bid tabulation. f. Make recommendation for awardl of bid. I. Assist OWNER in evaluating b ds and in ISsemblinl 'nd awardinl contractl. ! B. PART ~. :~~R~~~N =NI~T~Tlr 1. Construction Phase. General Services. i I ENGINEER shall provide general cotsultation services for 'the OWNER durinl the construction period of the Pr iJect. ! ENGINEER shalt furnish a Resident Pr~ject Representative (R ) to observe performance of the Work of the Contr~ctor. The RPR. in ae rdance with the standards of Articlc 10 of the Agrce;ment of May 7, 1990, S 11 provide on site observation of the Work in proaress and field check of materials installed by the Contractor to help pro~ect the OWNER again defects and deficiencies in the Work; but, the furnishing of such serviccs ill not make ENGINEER responsible for or live ENGINEI:::R control ove construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures or for safe>, precautions or proarams, or responsibility for CONTRACTOR's failure t perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. I Services to be provided by ENGINEER \0 OWNER durinl cons uction are as follows: i I I I. Consult with and advise City Eilineer with respect to :nterprctation of drawings and specificlltions. Prepare supplementar , drawinl' to olarlfy working drawin,s, if nec ssary. i i :: :~:l ~~::, ~:~i:,,:: l:~: I:::::ti::;:::';:::::l:::l~: l:::r::::':'~r construction to observe as an experienced and qu jfied design prorC:llional, the prosren and QU lity of executed work f Contractor. and to assist the City Engineer 1 determinina in lenera if such work is proceed ins in accordance with he Contract Document d. Review and recommend approv I (or recommend oth : appropriate action) of shop drawings, sample, equipment, approval ta and other data submitted by the Contracto , but only for conformncc with the desiln concept of the Project. Such recommcndat ,ns shall be submitted dircctly to the City En'ineer. : -3- h. Respond to citizen needs. i. Coordinate soil testina - testi~g daid by City. . E ... I J. asoment ncaot&atlons wIth prOPfrty owners. k. Provide as-builts, includina coor inates of services, half microfilm. I I. Final ~ertification statement letter, to be in such torm the City En8ineer. I PART III - ADDITIONAL SERV.CES I I If authori%cd in writins by OWNER, ENGINEER shall furnish or obta Additional Services of che types listed below ~hich are not considere customary services. Additional Services shall be compensated for on a basis as defined in Agreement Article 3, . par, hereof, and such com be over and above any maximums or lump sum ~mounts set forth in th I Reaistcred land or daM.of-way surveys. riaht-of-way mappi .; plats; legal descriptions; land appraisals, neao~iations and/or rei a cd services; topugraphlc surveys. I SoH borings and laboratory tests for design purposes~ field and or laboratory tests taken durinl construction to detormine compliance wit I the Contract Documents. \ i Providina analyses of OWNER'S needs i. nd proaramming the r uircmcnts of the Project; Investigations involving etailed consideration f operations, maintenance and overhead expenses; pr vlding Value Enlineer 8 during the course of design; the preparation of cas~ flow and ec:onomic ev luations, rate schedules and appraisals; assistance in o~tainina financina for t .0 Project. Preparation 'of applications and supp rting documents for lovcrnmcntal arants, loans or advances in ,onnecd n with the Project; cparation or review or envIronmental assessments ~nd impact Statement review and evaluation of the effect on the desian requirements ot the Projc t ot any such statements and documents prepared b~ others; and assistane in obtaining approvahl of authorities havina JuriSdiction over th anticipated environmcmtal impact of the Project. l : Services resultina from signiticant chI' 8es in ex tent of the ! roject or its desian includina. but not lbnhed to, c~anaes in size, complex y, OWNER'S schedule, or character of construction or methods of financing and revisins previously accepted studies, reports, desi~n documents or Contr t Documents when such revisions arc due to causes beyond ENGINEER's con I. ! "ROM ReM MTKR.MH c. ".30.1990 16157 P. 12 e. Construction surveys. f. fJeld inspection. I. Complote construction coordinat on. ize plans and approved by from others as normal or . Hourly Rate nsulon shall Aareemcnt. I. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. Permit application feel. -4- =ROM ReM MTKA.MH 4.30.1990 161~8 P. 13 7. Reproduction oC more than 25 sets cr individual contra of Contract Documents for review, blddin, and c nstruction purposes, a d publication costl associated with advertising for co struction bids. 8. Providing scrvices during construction ther than those deseri II, when OWNER authorizes ENGINE R to provide such ler OWNER furnishina the same throu.h i~s City Ensineer. Servi may include the follow in,: ! I a. b. Resident project representation Construction stakins Periodic and Final Estimates Assessment rolls c. d. 9. Preparation of operatina and maintena,nee manuals; protracte assistance in the utilization of any cQuipment or system (such UP. testinl. adjusting and balancina); nct trainin, personnel and maintenance. III. A. PART I- PLANS : i Compensation to ENGINEER for services; provided under Pa Authorization shall be on I Lump Sum basis ~s derined in Aarccmcn the amount of $20,000. I ! The $20,000 lump sum amount has been estab1i~hed in anticipation of continuous progress ot Part I services commenein, on or about May consecutive months through its completion. I B. SERVICES I I Compensation to ENGINEER for services pro~ide:d under Parts II a Authorizllioo ,han be on an Hourly Rate buls la. defined in Alreeme IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hive executed this Aare and ye., nfl' above wriuen. I ! CITY OF' PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA RIEKE ICARROLL MULLER A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION INCORPORA TED ! By By I I , d under Put ~es in lieu of s of this type: or extensive initial start- or operation I of this Article 3, in orderly and 1990 for six d III of this ArtiQle 3. ent the day SSOCIA TES, City Manlaer By By R bert C. Robertson. Chai man Mayor Approved as to Form -5- FROM ReM MTKA.MH 4.30.1990 16158 RI:EKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIA TES, INCORPORA TED ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS.SUR VEYORS P.14 MINNETONKA. MI NESOT A APRIL 20, 1990 M Classifiea tion Senior Civil Engineer Civil Enaineer Senior Civil Technician Civil Technician Senior Field Representative Field Representative Senior Draftsperson Draftsperson 3.Person Survey Crew 2-Person Survey Crew Reaistered Land Surveyor Secretary IRcprosraphlcs .1. r $72.00/h $62.00/h $S6.00/h S52.00/h 552.001h 542.00/h S4S.00/h $3S.00/h S90.00/hr $73.00/hr ~ 549.00/hr ,I $30.00/hr