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DECEMBER 18, 1989
Commission is hereby created for
to be of an advisory nature to
A Planning Advisory
the City, its purpose
the City Council and
Said Planning Advisory Commission shall be composed of not less
than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, appointed by the
City Council. Only residents of the City shall be considered for
appointment. Said members shall serve for two (2) year terms
serving from July 1 to June 30, except, for the first term, two
(2) members shall be appointed for one-year terms.
The members of said Planning Advisory Commission shall elect a
chairperson and vice-chairperson from the appointed members of
their Board.
2-3-2: REMOVAL OF MEMBER: Any member of the Planning
Commission may be removed from office for just cause and
unwritten charges by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire
Council, but such member shall be entitled to a public hearing
before such a vote is taken. In addition, any member may be
removed for nonattendance at Planning Commission meetings without
action by the City Council according to rules adopted by the
Planning Commission.
2-3-3: MEETINGS, RULES: The Planning Advisory Commission will
meet on the first and third Thursday of each month, or
at such other time as may be deemed necessary, providing adequate
notice is furnished of the public meeting.
DUTIES OF COMMISSION: The duties of said Planning
Advisory Commission are as follows:
(A) To acquire and maintain in current form such
information and background data that is necessary
understanding of past trends, present conditions and
at work to cause changes in these conditions.
to an
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
(B) To prepare and keep current, in conjunction with the City
Planner, the Comprehensive Plan.
(C) To establish principles and policies for guiding action
affecting development in the city and its environs.
(D) To determine whether specific proposed developments conform
to the principles and requirements for the comprehensive plan
and the City ordinances.
(E) To keep the City Council and the general public informed and
advised as to all planning and development matters.
(F) To review and make recommendations to the Council on planned
unit development and subdivision proposals.
(G) To hold public hearin9s for subdivisions, planned
developments and rezon~ng, applications and furnish
Council with information and recommendations of
hearings. (Ord. 77-7, 7-ll-77)
(H) To prepare and submit to the City Council within sixty (60)
days after the end of the calendar year a summary report of
all variances granted to applicants from January 1 through
December 31 of that calendar year. The summary report shall
contain such information as deemed necessary and requested by
the City Council.
The Planning Commission may approve variance and home occupation
permits ~ursuant to City Code. If approved, the applicant may
file a bu~lding permit, during regular office hours, following
the hearing date. The Planning Commission makes recommendations
to the City Council on conditional use permits, rezoning
applications, and amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinances. These applications which include conditional use
permits, rezoning, and amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinance require review and final approval from the City
PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to provide broad
guidelines for the conduct of individual Planning
Commissioners. Each Planning Commissioner must bear the
responsibility of adherence to these guidelines. In the
event a ~roblem presents itself, the chairperson shall take
the init~ative to resolve it in a manner most appropriate.
(l) Planning Commissioners who have a current or ongoing business
relationship or vested interest with an applicant or other
parties with significant interest in the decision shall
refrain from discussion. Vested interest is to mean any
interest(s) or issues that may present a conflict of interest
now and in the future.
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(2) A Plannin9 Commissioner's opinion pertaining to a function,
organizat~on or specific application shall not be given to
the media unless there is a clear qualification that the
opinion is that of the Commissioner and not that of the
entire Commission. If a Planning Commissioner gives or
re~resents the opinion(s) of the Planning Commission those
op~nion(s) must be approved by a consensus of the Planning
Commission and recorded it its minutes.
(3) Plannin~ Commissioners shall conduct themselves as
profess~onals when representing the Commission.
(4) A Planning commissioner shall avoid any appearance of
(5) A Planning Commissioner shall make every attempt to visit the
site prior to discussing site related issues.
(6) The chairmember of the Planning Commission may make a
recommendation to the Mayor for the removal of any member of
the Commission who is absent more than six (6) times
throughout the calendar year.
Business of the meeting will be conducted according to the Agenda
prepared by the Director of Planning. Unless extreme
circumstances exist, the Director of Planning shall place the
completed agenda packets in the mail on Friday prior to the
meeting date. To meet this schedule the Planning Director shall
adhere to the submittal deadlines established by Staff at the
beginning of each year. A memo, report, or brief explanation of
each agenda item shall be included in the Planning commission
Agenda packet. The information provided by staff should serve to
inform the Plannin~ Commission of the sub~ect matter under
discussion. The ~nformation should explain ~n detail the staff
comments or work, or state that staff will present the necessary
details and comments at the meeting. The meeting agenda will be
prepared according to the following:
l. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. New Business including Public Hearings
4. Other Business
5. Announcements and Correspondence
6. Adjournment
A. The Director of Planning is responsible for the minutes of
the meeting. The meeting proceedings will be tape recorded
and noted by hand by the Recording Secretary or a designated
representative from staff.
The following two requirements for minute preparation will be
adhered to:
1. All motions will be typed in capital letters.
2. Names of the Commissioners will be listed after their
vote on the motion.
B. The official minutes shall be prepared and presented to the
Planning Commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The minutes shall be reviewed by the Planning commission and
the presiding officer shall call for any additions or
If an addition or correction is presented, the change must be
specific as to place, paragraph, and sentence.
Approval of the minutes requires a motion, second and a
majority vote of the members present at the meeting.
C. The Director of Planning is responsible for the maintenance
and filin~ of the minutes. The following procedure will be
used in f~ling of the minutes:
1. All minutes of the Planning commission will be kept on
file in the office of the City Planner in hard copy or
on microfilm.
2. All tape proceedings, excluding public hearings, must be
kept for a minimum of one year from the date of
3. All tape proceedings that include public hearings must
be kept for seven years from the date of recording.
A copy of the minutes of the meeting shall
together with the agenda for the upcoming
minutes and Planning Commission Agenda will
be distributed
meeting. The
be distributed
l. Mayor and City Councilmembers
2. Planning Commission Members
3. Selected Staff members.
4. Selected residents and individuals indicated on the
mailing list kept by the Planning Department Secretary.
E. Remarks made by a member of the Planning commission may be
entered into the minutes by stating that he/she desires to go
on the record. These remarks shall be entered into the
minutes by the Recording Secretary by way of synopsis. A
verbatim record will only be entered if requested by a member
of the Commission.
A. At each meeting a ma~ority of all the members appointed, at
least three out of f~ve, shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
B. The voting options available to the Planning commission when
a vote has been initiated are: aye - an affirmative vote;
nay - a negative vote; and abstain - a neutral vote, neither
affirmative nor negative.
When a vote is to be taken, the presiding officer shall first
call for the ayes, then the nays, and if applicable, shall
call for the abstentions. The votes of each member shall be
recorded in the minutes. If a member of the Planning
Commission is absent during a vote, the member's vote for the
official minutes shall read as "absent".
A. On the majoritf of agenda items, if not all items, the time
for direct cit~zen input, comments and questions will be
immediately after the city Staff report and/or presentation.
During this time period, every member of the public desiring
to speak shall address the presiding officer (by raising a
hand or standing up) and upon recognition, shall confine
their remarks to the issue under consideration. The
~residing officer may use her/his discretion when an
~ndividual member of th~ public requests to speak more than
once on a single issue.
B. Immediately after citizen input is finished on the issue,
the members of the Planning commission take turns addressing
the issue. Each individual member of the Planning Commission
may recognize a member of the public when the member has been
recognized to speak by the presiding officer. Members of the
Planning commission must use judgment and discretion when
recognizing members of the public to speak during the time
they have the floor.
C. Members of the general public, interested parties or their
authorized representatives may address the Planning
Commission by written communications in regard to matters
under discussion. Written communications may be read aloud
at the meeting if so requested by the author. The
communication(s) shall be read by the presiding officer or
her/his designee.
D. One member of the Planning Commission shall serve as the
Chairmember and one as Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall
preside at all meetings when the Chairmember is absent from
the meeting. When the Vice Chair is presiding at the
meeting, he/she shall assume the authority and responsibility
of the presiding officer at the meeting.
and Vice Chair shall be chosen on an
reor~anization shall occur on the first
meet~ng in August.
E. If in the event the Chairmember and Vice Chair are absent,
the Director of Planning shall call the meeting to order and
preside until such a time that the Planning Commission elects
among itself a member to preside at the meeting. After a
member of the Planning Commission has been selected to
preside over the meeting, the Planning Director shall step
down. The presiding officer, at all times, shall be allowed
to vote in the same manner as all other Commissioners.
A new Chairmember
annual basis. The
regularly scheduled
The presiding officer has two unique powers: Interpreting and
applying the rules of procedure; and recognizing s~eakers
from the audience. That official shall have the obl~gation
to be impartial and objective in conducting the meeting.
The presiding officer shall open all public hearings at the
predetermined time and date. The presiding officer shall,
for informational purposes, state the purpose of the hearing
or read the public notice calling for the hearing into the
record of the meeting proceedings.
The presiding officer shall recognize all speakers from the
audience, except when a member of the Planning Commission has
the floor and the~ expressly recognize a member of the
audience who. des~res to speak on the issue under
The presiding officer has the responsibility to facilitate
discussion by the Planning Commission. This may occur in a
variety of ways, including:
Interpret and apply rules of procedure.
Decide whether motions are ~roperly made.
Decide whether motions are ~n order.
Decide whether questions of special privilege ought to
be 9ranted.
Dec~de when to recognize speakers.
Call for motions or recommend motions.
Expel disorderly persons from the meeting.
Enforce speaking procedures.
If a motion is unnecessary, unsuitable for consideration,
and/or proposed at an inopportune time for the purpose of
delaying or embarrassing others, the presidin~ officer may
rule the motion out of order on her/his own in~tiative.
The presiding officer is res~onsible for maintaining order at
the meetings. Although meet~ngs must be open to the public,
no person who is noisy or unruly has a right to remain in the
Council Chambers. When individuals abuse their rights to be
present, the presiding officer, subject to overrule by the
Planning Commission, can order their removal from the room.
A. Public hearings shall be conducted in the following manner:
l. The Chairmember calls the public hearing to order and
declares the time of opening. It is the intent of the
Planning Commission to open all public hearings at the
predetermined and published time. From a practical
standpoint, not all hearin~s can be opened at their
designated time. The pres~ding officer may delay the
start of a hearing until the business at hand is acted
u~on, in any manner, by the Planning Commission. In no
c~rcumstances can a hearing be opened prior to the
predetermined and published time.
2. The presiding officer shall read, from the hearing
notice, the details on the hearing sufficient to provide
the public a general understanding of the purpose of the
3. The Recording Secretary shall pass out to the audience a
sign up sheet with columns for name, address and phone
number. This sheet shall become part of the public
hearing record.
The presiding officer
that may be received
includes the name and
from the podium.
should announce the type of input
by the citizens. Formal input
address of the speaker delivered
5. The procedure for public hearings shall be as follows:
a. If applicable, the applicant makes a presentation
or report on the subject matter.
b. staff shall make a presentation or report on the
subject matter.
The presiding officer shall ask
comments and ~estions.
officer shall fac~litate this
d. The Planning Commission shall address the subject
matter through deliberation, questions to citizens
and staff, and reactions and statements of position
on the subject. Any Planning Commission member who
has the floor may recognize members of the audience
for additional comments.
for citizen input,
The presiding
portion of the
6. The Planning Commission should take action on the
application before them in the form of a motion.
However, the Commission may formulate a recommendation
which outlines the parameters under which an approval
would be granted. The reasons and conditions shall be
stated in the motion for approval or denial.
Continuation of an action may occur in the event
insufficient information is present to make a decision.
The Planning Commission shall delineate the missing
information before continuing the item.
7. The presiding officer shall close the public hearing and
state the time the hearing is closed.
a. If the Planning Commission decides to continue the
deliberation on the subject matter of a hearing,
the presiding officer in consultation with the
Director of Planning shall select a time and date
during a future regularly scheduled meeting to
reopen the hearing for further deliberation and
possible action.
b. No additional publication or notice requirements
are needed if a hearing is continued to a later
c. In the event that an issue is denied, the applicant
has the option to appeal the decision of the
Planning Commission to the City Council. The
process of appeal begins when the applicant
contacts the Director of Planning during regular
office hours, to schedule the appeal before the
City Council.