HomeMy WebLinkAbout3B - Prj #89-02 Change Order CONSENT AGENDA: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: CENSUS '90 . 3 (b) BRUCE LONEY, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER AND FINAL PAYMENT FOR PROJECT #89-02 MARCH 5, 1990 The City of Prior Lake contracted with Tenyer coatings, Inc. of Badger, Minnesota for the repainting of the elevated water storage tank on Tower Street. The project has been completed and the purpose of this Agenda item is to receive Council approval of Change Order No. 1 and final payment to the contractor. The City of Prior Lake entered into a contract with Ten~er Coatings, Inc. on July 3, 1989. The orig1nal contract amount for the work was $150,790.00. During the course of the sandblasting operations, the existing exterior paint coating was found to have a prime coat that contained a percentage of lead. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency required the contractor to perform additional measures for containment of the lead paint chips to nearby properties and for additional cleanup of the material. This extra work amounted to $27,423.85 and is Change Order No.1, which is enclosed in the Agenda packet. Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson, and Associates, Inc. (TKDA) was the Project Engineer and performed the contract administration on this project. The Change Order amount was agreed to by the Contractor, TKDA'S Project Engineer, and City Staff. The contractor provided a detailed list of labor and materials required to complete the pro~ect. TKDA's engineers and Larry Anderson rev1ewed the documentation and are satisfied that $27,423.85 is a justified additional expense. The contractor did not receive compensation for all the requested items, but is satisfied with the final amount to be paid. 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: BUDGET IMPACT: ACTION REQUIRED: TKDA has certified that the work has been completed according to the specifications and a Final Payment Voucher has been submitted which includes the amount for Change Order No. 1. A copy of the Final Payment Voucher is enclosed. The contractor has submitted the following documents necessary for final payment: 1. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. 2. Affidavits for Obtaining Final Settlement of Contract with the State of Minnesota and an~ of Its Political or Governmental Subdiv1sions. Change Order No. 1 has been signed by the contractor and the Final Payment Voucher has been sent to the contractor for signing. The contractor has verbally agreed to the final payment amount and final payment will not be made until the final payment voucher is signed. The contract bid amount was $150,790.00 with the final estimate amount at $178,213.85. The amount due the contractor is $34,963.35, which includes the normal five percent retainage. The alternatives are as follows: 1. Approve a motion authorizing Change Order No. 1 and final contract payment for Project #89-02 in the amount of $34,963.35 to Tenyer coatings, Inc., contingent on the contractor signing the Final Payment Voucher. 2. Disapprove the motion for a specific reason. 3. Table this item for a specific reason. Alternative No. 1 is recommended as the contractor has completed the work, submitted the necessary documentation and has agreed to Change Order No. 1 and the final payment. The financing of this project is through the existing sewer and water funds and the additional cost from the change order will not impact the fund status to any great extent. As part of the Consent Agenda, make a motion to approve Change Order #1 and final payment to Tenyer coatings, Inc. in the amount of $34,963.35 for Project # 89-02. --- - ....., Com. No. 89~9-009 Ccrt. No. 3 lffnal) T()__~ Cfty of ~r~.~Lake. Mfnnesota This Certifies th2t Tenyer Coatf ngs St. l'2U], Minn.,_ February 13. 19JL ----..-.. Ow ncr --, CoOCUClOl. ! Repainting 7S0.~0 GalJgn [l~vatQd W4tar Stor~ge T'"k_ Thirty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Is eadtled to Shty-Three and 35/100--..................-.:------..-($34.963.35 3rd beingJ.!inalJstimate {or partial payment 00 contract with you dated July 3. t9~ ( 11 f .~ TOl.n, KING. DUVALL., .I.NOI!:f~SON Received pa}'tnent in u 0 2bove certJnC2CC. ANO ASSOCIATES. .NCCIl,O""Tl.U CJljCl'NCC". "NO ""CHlTCC"I'I 2500 iean National Bank Bldg. s~.pa~e?~ Davfd L. Moore. P.E. - ) For ~=- ::- :-=- I ~ COl-.'1'-ACTOIl 19- RECAPITULATION OF" ACCOUNT ~ONTR.c.c:T P.c. VMI:NTS CREe,,.. "LV. (X"rf'tAS Contraet price plus utras 150.790 bL 143.25C - E AU J)revious J)a)-meDts , 50 1- - An p:-evious ~its , - - I Extra No. Change Order No. 1 n .423 ..B.5.. - -- " .. .- - " " - - .. II - .. II - r - - Cndit. No. - ,. ,. - .. ., I - ,. ,. - AMOUN~ OF, THIS CERTIFICATE - 34.963135 '- f -. , L-_ 'l:'otala __ " 178.'" lIi..J 178,213186 ~I . 9"<d1t B.I.... '_ -r _ .~ __. 'I'hero win fr:mai:. \:np&;d on contrnct. dla- rAymtnt o! tr.k I C<:rtJ&:at.e f I 0 00 ......., W'" _~____ __..._ .... t~~:n;~;}J;8'2;3~~ . --------------- - - - - - - - - - - -=-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -:..:...: - - - - - - .- ~ . . T01,TI, KING, DtrVAl.L, AMDI:R8OH AIfZ) USOCIATIDS, INCORPORATIDD In9in..r.-ArCh1tect..Planner. Saint '.~1, Hlnnesota 5S101 '1IUClOICAL ."'DatI rea 'ARnAL 'ADCIIft'. letimau 'roject Location Contraotor FINAL NO.....3.- Period Inc1inq ~:~I':~ l.\...U..JL ::::~ft~ '50.0QO a:~;.. ~_D& _ ~:r ~~.r ~ftft. 'l'.nver Coa~ifl.cr. 'a9. 1 of 1 CoMa. NO.8ggg.00g Ori91nal Contraot Amount . l!10.7g0.00 Total Contraot Work Completed . 150.710.00 Total ~pproved Credits . Total Appro.ed Bxtra Work Completed '-21. n~. 85 ~pproved Extra Order. Amount Completed . 27,423.A5 Total Amount larned This Betimate . 178.213.8! tel' Approved Credits . Less __~t Retained . 0.00 I.e.. Previous Payments '--143. 2M. 50 Total Daduotions $ It!.2!10.50 Amount Due Thi. E.ttmate . !4.gn.!5 Contractor Bft9in..c Y -.f. -/ ~ Date Date ,/I"'/'Q -"- ..-...... _.. - CHANGE ORDER TOLTZ, ~ING, DUVALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Engineers-Architecta-Plannera St. Paul, MN Janua~y 25. 19~, Comm. No. 8999-099 Change Order No. 1 To Tenyer Coatings for Repainting 750,000 Gallon Elevated Sto~age Tank for City of Prior Lake, Minnesota You are hereby directed to make the following change to your contract dated July 3 , 198~. The change and the work affected thereby is subject to all contract stipulations and covenants. This Change Order will (increase) (decrease) (not change) the contract sum by Twenty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Three and 85/100--D011ars ($27.423.85 ). Furnish and insta11 a shroud on the downwind side of the work area to effectively contain paint particles during sandblasting operations to remove paint, and furnish and install tarps beneath the tower to prevent deposition of paint particles on the soil, all as directed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to minimize contamination of the environment with the lead-based paint particles removed from the tank. Total Cost of Labor and Equipment $27,423.85 $ 150,790.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 150.790.00 $ + 27.423.85 $ 178.213.85 Amount of Original Contract Additions approved to date (Noa. Deductions approved to date (Nos. 1 Contract amount to date Amount of this Change Order (Add) (Deduct) (Not Changed) Revised Contract Amount Owner TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON :: IT71 ?~ David L. Moore, P.E. Approved CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. MN White - Owner* Pink - Contractor* Blue - TKDA* Yellow - Field Goldenrod - Department Green - TKDA Main File *Only copies needing signatures. CHANGE ORDER NO.1 CITY PROJECT 89-2 REPAINTING 750,000 GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA Labor $8,494.67 !n~~Jrance and Taxes (113.52) $9,643.14 Equipment Rent (Schroud and hanging equipment) $5,000.00 New Tarps (also used by City at salt pile) $485.72 Mi~ceUaneous Materials $223.30 Subtotal $23,846.83 15% Overhead and Profit $3.577.02 TOTAL $27,423.85