HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 - Gambling Permit for O'Malley's On Main AGENDA ITEM: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: 6 FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER CONSIDER KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #4914 REQUEST FOR PREMISE PERMIT TO CONDUCT A PULLTAB GAMBLING OPERATION AT O'MALLEY'S ON MAIN APRIL 5, 1993 A premise permit for pulltab gambling has been submitted by the Knights of Columbus #49l4, 573l Birchwood Avenue N.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota from Tom Vogel, Grand Knight. The address given is the home address of their Treasurer. This is a new application for the Knights of Columbus. Prior Lake City Code provides that in order receive a gambling permit, an organization conform with state statute, as well as Code, specifically including the following: to must City 1. The organization must be a fraternal, religious, veterans or other non-profit organization which has been in existence for three years. 2. There must be at least fifteen active members in the organization. 3. The principal location or office must be within the City. In support of their application, the Knights of Columbus have submitted a statement from Prior Lake State Bank indicating that the Knights of Columbus has had an account opened with the bank since October l, 1972, confirming the existence of their organization for at least three years. They have also submitted a membership list July 23, 1992 which identify l33 of members as having Prior Lake addresses. I not verified this list. dated their have The key issue is whether or not the Knights of Columbus have their principal location or office within the Prior Lake City limits. In an effort to receive documentation which would confirm 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Columbus, and a list of organizations, or individuals receiving their contributions. agencies annual ALTERNATIVES: On Tuesday, March 30, the City's attorney's office was provided with a number of these documents for review. I have attached the letter from Mr. Vogel which conveyed this material to the City Attorney. Based upon a review of all materials submitted, the attorney and I agreed that none of the material confirms the principal location or office of the organization. In the absence of such information, I can only rely upon practical information such as where the regular meetings of the Knights of Columbus organization are held. Tom Vogel confirms that the club normally meets twice per month: one meeting for the general membership; and the second is a business meeting, normally of the officers. All general meetings are held at the Savage location. The business meetings may be held at other locations---for example, last month's business meeting took place at the Treasurer's house in Prior Lake because this is where the financial information is located. The local telephone book lists the Savage address as their location. The Knights of Columbus maintain that their present Treasurer's residence in Prior Lake constitutes their principal office, and they do conduct business meetings there. The alternatives are: 1. Deny the application based upon the fact that the club has failed to conclusively establish that the ~rincipal office is located within the Clty as required by ordinance. 2. Approve the request if the Knights of Columbus submit data at the Council meeting which substantiates that their principal location is within the City. RECOMMENDATION: l. Deny the license submitted at the confirms that their within Prior Lake. In the absence of further information, adopt the attached Resolution denying their request. unless information is Council meeting which principal location is ACTION REQUIRED: WLJkkll~m::\. Fi:::SOCIRTES TEL: 612-541-1966 1'1 a r 29,93 23: 1 7 i'~ iJ .008 P. l) ~ M~~ch 26th, 1993 Attn. GIsnn Ke~s~l Lommen, Nelson, Cole t StaQeb~r9 1800 IDS Center- 80 South 8th Strw~t Mlnne8poli., MN 55412 Subj~etl Material. r~queated by Frank ~Qyles for Proees~ing the Lawful G~mblinQ Lie.nee Dei-lr Mr. Kli9'Jlel, Ther~ were .1ght .r.~ti, ~hich Mr. Sayles r~quQsted information on ~he Knights of Columbua for conslder~tion as to whether or not you And hQ would r9commend against the issuing of the license. I believQ that the ~crutiny, which you are puttln9 us through 15 unbelievable end prob~bly never before r~quested by the ~ity of Prior Lake. Some of the information which arQ requested 1~ pro- t~ct~d by the Knights of Columbus beinQ a RellQlou$ Fr~tQrnal Organization, howev~r 1 am trying to do my best in supply1nQ thQ n~c~6sary m~teria16 fOr your evalu~tion. BeforQ 1 .tart l~t me B~Y that beaides the KniohtQ of ColumbuR being the laro..t fr~- t~rnal or9aniz~tion in the Unlt~d StatQs, it a1~o h~S ~lm05t 150 memb~r. in the City of Prior Lake. The KniQht. of Columbus, also h~s ~ Ladies Auxilary of which many m~mbers al~o reslda in Prior Lake. Our organization .150 has numerOU$ m~mbera In th~ other frat~rnal orQ~niz~tion. in Prior Lake includin9, the Lions Club, th~ Optimist Club, the VFWt and thE Rota~y. Our local Council also 6pOnSor$ a local Squire$ Cirle, which ha~ m~ny Prior Lake young m~n in itQ ranks. A Prior Lake Q1rl acout troop i. also ~pon~ored by this council of the KnlQht. af Columbus. ThQ followlnQ materials have been r.quested~ 1. CurrQnt articl.. of lncorpor.tlon. Mr. Boyles knows th.t we are a Religious Fraternal Or~6niz.tlon and that WQ do not have articles of incorporAtion. However we do have a Charter, which says that the Supreme Office of the Knight~ of Columbus chart~rs the F~ther John Deere Council *4914 in Prior La~~ in March of 1960. <Sea the Qnclo$ed photocopy.) WQ~KMAN ~ ASSOCIATES TEL: G12-541-19G6 Mar 29,93 23:17 No.OOS P.03 (~ ) 2. Byl..w9. The byl~ws ~r. pr1viledged inform~t1on, which .~~ not perm1tted to becom~ a p~rt of public 1nform~tion, however 1 am prebQntinQ . copy of them for your perusal. I am not ~bl~ to allow the &nt1r. bylaws to be copl~d, howevar I ~111 6g~e~ to allow you to copy information, which may help you determ1n~ that the office 1~ in Prior La.ke. 3. Minut~$ from the annual me~tlngg of tha last threa ye",rli. Ol..Ir Counc.: i 1 meet $ tw1 ~e ell l'Ilorith both at the Kn 1 ghts of eol wmbu$ Community Cent~r in S~vage and at our Tr~~surer9 Offic. 1n Pr1o~ LC!l.ke. The ,).ct\,I~l min~,t6'a for evitry meeting for thit p.u~t t.hra&l year5 are beinQ m~de ava11abl~ for your perusal, however I am not able to permit <ilny copies of them to be lfIadQ. 4. NamEHi and .ddr-e~iH:l'6t o'f all officll'ra 1n thff orQ~n1I.tion I hav~ to b~li.Ye th~t Mr. Boyles does not desire a liat of every officer 1n th~ Knights of Columbus, but Just the onea in our local council. Thi~ ln~o~m.tion 1. confidential, however the ~ol1ow1n9 individuals have a~~~ad to allow their names and ad- dF~~es to be r.le~5ed to yau. Thomas E. Vogel, Sr. Gr.nd Knight - CEO 20220 LanQford Way Sprln~ Lak~ Township William Johnson Tr~~eurer - local office ~731 Birchwood Avenue NE Prior Lake JI!I.me5 ShGilrp\5teen D~puty Grand KnlQht 3611 27th Avenue 5. Minneapolis Denis BeOiudoin Chancel 10"" 13881 Ott~w~ Avenue 5. S.-v...ge Cl~r~nc~ Rothfork 8l1!cret.ry 1360~ Grand Avwnue BLlt"'rH.vi 11 e Kevin GilelD Advoc...te 18170 M~rphy L~ke Blvd. Pr i or LaH't Dr. Br~dl~y Kuntz GUlilrd 14198 CommQrc~ Avenue NE Prior- Lake IJ U k r< 11 H r j ~ f1 S3 ij L I H 1 c: .) TEL: GJ2-S41-19G6 1'''1211' 29, '33 2::.: 17 1'10.008 P. :j~ (3 ) ~. Th~ current address of the orQ.n1zation'5 r~Q1Bter~d office. The diff~rent off1c~ra of the local council m~y ~t timas receivQ mall at thelr home5. The Prior Lak~ StAte B~nk recoQnizes the loc~l council's office a~ 5731 Birchwood Avsnue NE. Our trm~~ur- .r is an officer who does not move up ranks from guard to Gr~nd Knioht. The Supr~mQ offic~ and the St~t~ office con~ider tne Importance of permanQnc~ 1n the local councila and ha~ thu~ structured the council office ~$ the tr~asurers offlce. ( SQ. .nclo~ed confirm~tion from J~me5 Terweda, State Advocate for Kni~ht$ of Colum~u5.) 6. A copy of th. required Annual IRS filinQ for th~ l.~~ three y~~r~, if the Knight~ of Columbu~ 1. A SOl (~) (3) cor"poration. The laca.1 c:l'~rtlirG?d council i. not a 501 (e) (3) corporation as det~rmlned by the Internal R~venue Code. 7. A li.t of other ~ctlvltle. conducted by the Kn1Qht. of Co10mbu$ within the City of Prior L~k. durinQ the last thn?Q y~ar\lt. B. A list of org~niz~tlon~, agenc1es or indlYldual. who h~v~ received contribution from th~ Knight. of Columbus deriv~d from our pulltab oper~tion. I .m QoinQ to addre.s both of th~se ~t on~ time. F1rst, Mr. Boyles 1~ now requaetlng information, which though may prove to b~ informat1v9. is not r.quired for consideration of Prior Lake"s Ordln~nce. However, a6 I stated in front of th. City Council Mt the council meeting ~n M~rch l~th, 1993, the l&tter of th. l~w and the lnt~nt of thQ law er& at times two separate 1.~ue$. I und~rstand that the intent of thR law 1. to havs a local orQanl- z~tion, who th~ State of Minne.ot~ will allow charitable gamlnQ to conduct bUBlnesB 1n the .t.te to keep th~ profit~ made 1n the local community to stay 1n th~ community. Th~ loc~l kniQhts of Columbus do sponsor a loc~1 Girl Scout Troop. We arQ the active men'. club for St. Michael '. Catholic Church in Prior Lake and h~ve helped with many programs both at the Church and School. Wh~n it com~. to don.t1ons the loc~l council has m&ny requests, which include Prior Lake H1Qh School Gr.duation Party, Suburban ARC, Scott County OAC, St. Mich~el '. Church and Sehoal, Girl Scout TrooPi over thirty-five $30. Qift certificate5 ~or food each year ju.t to indlvidu.la in the City of Prior Lake. Do real1z~ th~t all of thes9 don~t1ons hAve com& to Prior Laka without Ol.lr local council C:llrrlintly condl..lcting eIlY... Qaming 1n the City limlt~ of Pior LAk~. WOU:tl~IiJ ~ ASSOCIATES TEL: 612-541-1966 Mar 2~,93 23:17 No .OU8 P.G5 (4) I &incerely thank-you for your consideration and rwcommQnd~tion, which I ~m ~ur~ will bQ forthcoming concQ~nino th1m l~~UQ. My or~arllzat1Qn does not w~nt to g.t 1nvolved 1n the politics of thQ Lion$ Club. We wer~ ~pprocched by th~ owner of O'Malley. on H~lnt who de~lr~d to keep pullt~b$ in her bu~in~s~, but f~lt th~t the curr~nt org4ni2~t1on w~s not an .cc~ptabl. elternative. My council h.s ney~r had suspensiong levied on u. by the state of Minnesota .nd h~ve just .ucce~sfully completed ~n audit by the St~t. on Hinn~sota. Each year W~ have An indQP~ndent audltting firm .udit our g~m1ng busine~e. Thi~ pr~ctice ~t~rted before it Wc$ ~yer congid~r~d by the state of Minnesota. I a~~urR you that you will nol find a cleaner charltbble g~ming bU5ine$~ anywherQ 1n the State of Minneilota. If you hMve any qUe~tions, then I ~Mpect to hear from yOU or Mr. Soyles. ;;LY~~~ Thoma~ E. VOQ~l, Sr. Grbnd Knight - CEO eCI Fr~nk BoylGA, City M~n~g.r James Terwedot Scott County Attorney RESOLUTION 93-ll RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPLICATION FOR LAWFUL GAMBLING FOR THE PREMISE OF O'MALLEY'S ON MAIN BY THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MOTIONED BY SECONDED BY WHEREAS, The Knights of Columbus #49l4 are ap~lying for a lawful gambling license from the City of Prlor Lake and, WHEREAS, the Knig~ts of Columbus #4914 are applying for a permit ln order to conduct lawful gambling at the premise of O'Malley's on Main and, WHEREAS, the Knights 0 of Columbus #4914 have included with the application, a lease agreement for O'Malley's on Main and the lawful gambling fee of $100.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that the Knights of Columbus #4914 is hereby denied a lawful gambling permit at the premise of O'Malley's on Main on the basis that the application fails to conform with Prior Lake City Code Section 3-8-4 which requires that the principal location or office of the Knights of Columbus must be within the Corporate boundaries of the City of Prior Lake. The Council finds that the preponderance of evidence shows that the principal location or office of the Knights of Columbus is in the city of Savage. Passed and adopted this day of , 1993. YES NO Andren Fitzgerald Kedrowski Scott White Andren Fitzgerald Kedrowski Scott White Frank Boyles City Manager City of Prior Lake {Seal} 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER