HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 Storm Water Management Ordinance 93-04 AGENDA: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: 10 JOEL RUTHERFORD, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR DISCUSS IMPLEMENTATION OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCES 93-05, 93-06, AND 93-07. FEBRUARY 16, 1993 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this Agenda item is to discuss changes in the City Code that deal with storm water management. These changes are required by the Metropolitan Council, as part of their strategy to reduce nonpoint source pollution to all metropolitan water bodies. BACKGROUND: The Metropolitan Council's strategy to reduce nonpoint source pollution to all metropolitan water bodies, includes three requirements for local governments. These requirements are as follows: (1) Adopt design standards for new storm water ponds that will reduce the contaminant loadings from surface water runoff, such as those from the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) ; (2) Local governments in the metropolitan area must follow the "best manageme~t practices" (BMP'S) as outlined 1n Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the M1nnesota Pollution Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. The "best management practices" manual, which is about 300 pages, is available for review at City Hall; and (3) Adopt the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources current shore 1 and regulations. Local governments will be required to adopt these elements before the Metropolitan Council will approve Comprehensive Plan Amendments. At their meeting on Council passed a Comprehensive Plan. October motion Part of 12, to this 1992, City amend the amendment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DISCUSSION: ACTION REQUIRED: included the adoJ;>tion of "Best Management Practices", Wh1Ch falls under the Metropolitan Council's requirement (2). Although these standards have been adopted as part of the comprehensive plan, the enclosed ordinance is required to incorporate these standards into the city Code. Attached to the agenda is a listing of additions and amendments that will incorporate requirements (1) and (2) into the City Code. Requirement (3), dealing with new shoreland regulations, is a separate agenda item (#8). To help understand each addition or amendment, a narrative is included, describing the intent or reason for each change. Because the proposed changes affect both the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, the Planning Commission will be required to hold a Public Hearing for the Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments. This item will be on their agenda for March 4, 1993. At the City Council meeting on March IS, 1993, Council will hold a Public Hearin9 for changes that are not part of the Subdiv1sion and Zoning Code. At that meeting, staff will recommend adoption of Ordinance 93-05, amending the Subdivision Code, Ordinance 93-06, amendin9 the Zoning Code, and Ordinance 93-07, amend1ng the Code in areas not included in Ordinances 93-05 and 93-06. The purpose of this item on the agenda is to advise City Council of changes in the City Code and to receive feedback on these changes. Prior to adoption, staff will discuss these changes with the City Attorney and have the appropriate ordinance written before the final drafts are presented to the Planning commission and City council. The standards proposed to be implemented into the Cit~ Code, though required by the Metropol1tan Council, will benefit Prior Lake residents by ensuring sound storm water management practices to all land disturbing activities. The methods and procedures, when applied, will reduce the contaminant loadings from surface water runoff, thus improving water quality in the lakes, wetlands, streams, and waterways of Prior Lake. No action required, other than a review and discussion of Council's comments and modifications. IThe following addition, as part of the Excavations During Building Construction section of the Code, will require an applicant of new building permits to submit an erosion control plan for any activity that may disturb the land on or adjacent to the property that the building permit is being aJ;>plied for. [Included in Ord1nance 93-07] Add: 4-6-3 (L) Submit a erosion control plan to the Building Inspection Department, using methods as outlined in the 1989 edition of Protectin9 Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the M1nnesota Pollution Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. No permit shall be issued until the erosion control plan is approved by the City Engineer. The erosion control plan requirement does not apply to: 1. Any J;>art of a subdivision if a plat for the subd1vision has been approved by the City Council on or before March 1, 1993. 2. Any land disturbing activity for which plans have been approved by the watershed management organization on or before March 1, 1993. 3. A lot for which a building permit has been approved on or before March 1, 1993. 4. Installation of fence, sign, telephone, and electric poles and other kinds of posts or poles. 5. Emergency work to protect life, limb, or property. The following amendment applies to section 5-5-11 of the Code, which lists the requirements for P.U.D. applications (part of the Zoning Code.) This amendment requires that a storm water management plan for the development be included with the appl1cation for a preliminary P.U.D. This amendment also describes what should be included in the storm water management plan. [Included in Ordinance 93-06] Amend: 5-5-11 (D,5,c) (3) A storm water management plan, which shall contain the following information: (a) Existing site Map showing the site and immediately adjacent areas, including: (1) The name and address of the applicant, the section, township and range, north point, date and scale of drawing. (2) Location of the tract by an insert map at a scale sufficient to clearly identify the location of the property. A delineation of all streams, rivers, J?ublic waters and wetlands located on and 1mmediately adjacent to the site, including depth of water, a statement of general water quality and any classification given to the water body or wetland by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and/or the united states Army Corps of Engineers. Location and dimensions of existing storm water drainage systems and natural drainage patterns on and immediately adjacent to the site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water is conveyed from the site, identifying the receiving stream, river, public water, or wetland and setting forth those areas of the unaltered site where storm water collects. A description of the soils of the site, including a map indicating soil types of areas to be disturbed as well as a soil reJ?ort containing information on the sUltability of the soils for the type of development proposed and for the type of sewage disposal proposed and describing any remedial steps to be taken by the developer to render the soils suitable. Vegetative cover and clear delineations of any vegetation proposed for removal. (8) 100 year floodplains, flood fringes and floodways. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Existing interval the land interval topography with a contour appropriate to the topography of but in no case having a contour greater than 2 feet. (1) (b) A site construction plan including: (2) Locations and dimensions of all land disturbing activities phasing of those activities. Locations and dimensions of all temporary soil and dirt stockpiles. proposed and any (c) (3) (4) (5) Locations and dimensions of all construction site erosion control measures necessary to meet the standards as outlined in the 1989 edition of Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. Schedule of anticipated starting and comJ;>letion date of each land disturbing act1vity, including the installation of construction site erosion control measures. provisions for maintenance construction site erosion measures during construction. of the control A plan of final site conditions scale as the existing site map site changes including: (1) (2) (3 ) (4) (5) (6) on the showing same the Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided above or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features. A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and description of all proposed landscape materials which will be added to the site as part of the development. A drainage plan of the developed site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water will be conveyed from the site and setting forth the areas of the site where storm water will be allowed to collect. The proposed size, alignment, profiles and intended use of any structures to be erected on the site. A clear delineation and tabulation of all areas which shall be paved or surfaced, including a description of the surfacing material to be used; and Any other information pertinent particular project which in the of the applicant is necessary review of the project. to the opinion for the IThe following addition relates to Subdivision Code. It adds wetlands. the definition section of thel the "accepted" definition of [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Add: 6-2-1 Wetlands Lands transitional between terrestrial aquatic systems where the water table usually at or near the surface or the land covered b~ shallow water. For purposes this def1nition, wetlands must have following three attributes: (a) Have a predominance of hydric soils. (b) Are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation t~picall~ adapted for life in saturated s01l cond1tions. and is is of the (c) Under normal circumstances support a prevalence of such vegetation. IThe following amendment to the prelimina~ plat application, which is part of the Subdivision Code, requ1res the applicant to submit a better description of the proJ;>osed development's existing conditions. This information 1S needed to better assess how the development will impact the site. [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Amend: 6-4-2 (J) Physical features which shall include: 1. A delineation of all streams, rivers, J;>ublic waters and wetlands located on and 1mmediately adjacent to the site, including depth of water, a description of all vegetation which may be found in the water, a statement of general water quality and any classificat10n given to the water body or wetland by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and/or the United states Army Corps of Engineers. 2. Location and dimensions of existing storm water drainage systems and natural drainage patterns on and immediately adjacent to the site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water is conveyed from the site, identifying the receiving stream, river, public water, or wetland and setting forth those areas of the unaltered site where storm water collects. 3. A description of the soils of the site, including a map indicating soil types of areas to be disturbed as well as a soil reJ;>ort containing information on the sU1tability of the soils for the type of development proposed and for the type of sewage disposal proposed and describing any remedial steps to be taken by the developer to render the soils suitable. 4. Vegetative cover and clear delineations of any vegetation proposed for removal. 5. 100 year floodplains, flood fringes and floodways. \Addition of 6-4-3 requires all preliminary plat applicants to include, with their proposals, a site construction plan. 6-4-3 also describes what should be included in the site construction plan. This sub-section as added to the Subdivision Code. [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Add: 6-4-3 (M) A site construction plan including: (1) Locations and dimensions disturbing activities and activities. (2) Locations and dimensions of all temporary soil and dirt stockpiles. of any all J;>roposed land phas1ng of those (3 ) Locations and dimensions of all construction site erosion control measures necessary to meet the standards as outlined in Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. (4) Schedule of anticipated starting and completion date of each land disturbing activitf, including the installation of construction s1te erosion control measures. (5) Provisions for maintenance of the construction site erosion control measures during construction. (N) A plan of final site conditions on the same scale as the J;>hysical features map showing the site changes 1ncluding: 1. Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided for the existing contours, or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features. 2. A drainage plan of the developed site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water will be conveyed from the site and setting forth the areas of the site where storm water will be allowed to collect. 3. The proposed size, alignment, profiles and intended use of any structures to be erected on the site. IAmendment of 6-6-6 (A) and (B), the subdivision code, restricts disturbances that are permitted the Wetland Conservation Act. which details Design Standards in wetland disturbance to only those within the rules established by [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Amend: 6-6-6 (A) Amend: 6-6-6 ( B) Wild Life Habitat and Water Recharge Areas: Marsh areas which are part of the proposed development shall be analyzed for purposes of preservation as potential wild life habitat for birds and animals as well as to continue providing water purification and recharge areas for the lake of Prior Lake. If the City Council determines that marsh areas serve the public in one or more of these functions then they may require preservation in whole or in part. Any alterations or disturbance shall comply with the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act, and other legislation that may limit disturbance to wild life habitat and water recharge areas. be drained or replaced by least equal Conservation Filling or Draining: Wetlands must not filled, wholly or partially, unless restoring or creating wetland areas of at public value, as permitted by the Wetland Act. IThe amendment of 6-6-7, also part of the Design Standards \ sub-section of the Subdivision Code, describes the standards for storm sewer systems in new developments. [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Amend: 6-6-7: STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: (A) Storm water facilities: 1. The sub-divider shall use the standards and guidelines presented in the 1989 edition of Protectinq Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the Minnesota Pollut1on Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. management criteria for permanent 2. The sub-divider shall install or construct, on or for the proposed land disturbing or develo~ment activity, all storm water management faci11ties necessary to manage increased runoff so that the two-year, ten-year, and 100-year storm peak discharge rates existin9 before the proposed development shall not be 1ncreased and accelerated channel erosion will not occur as a result of the proposed land disturbing or development activity. The sub-divider may also make an in-kind or monetary contribution to the development and maintenance of community storm water management facilities designed to serve multiple land disturbing and develoJ;>ment activities undertaken by one or more persons, 1ncluding the sub-divider. 16-7-10, which describes drainage Code, is amended to add the management practices" and the National Urban Runoff Program. improvements in the Subdivision I standards of the MPCA's "best standards developed from the [Included in Ordinance 93-05] Amend: 6-7-10 Drainage: ( B) A drainage system as approved by the City Engineer shall be provided. Storm water detention facilities constructed in the City of Prior Lake shall be designed according to the standards reflected in the 1989 edition of the MPCA publication "Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas", and the design criteria from the National Urban Runoff Program. (A) lAmendment of 9-6-4, which is the Excavating and Filling sectionl of the Code, requires the applicant to include an erosion control plan with their aPJ?lication. This amendment also describes what should be included 1n this plan. [Included in Ordinance 93-07] Amend: 9-6-4 An erosion control plan, which shall contain the following information: (a) Existing site Map showing the site and immediately adjacent areas, including: (A) 9. (1) (2) (3) A delineation of all streams, rivers, J?ublic waters and wetlands located on and 1mmediately adjacent to the site, including depth of water, a statement of general water quality and any classification given to the water body or wetland by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and/or the united states Army Corps of Engineers. Location and dimensions of existing storm water drainage systems and natural drainage patterns on and immediately adjacent to the site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water is conveyed from the site, identifying the receiving stream, river, public water, or wetland and setting forth those areas of the unaltered site where storm water collects. A description of the soils of the site, including a map indicating soil types of areas to be disturbed as well as a soil reJ?ort containing information on the sU1tability of the soils for the type of development proposed and for the type of sewage disposal proposed and describing any remedial steps to be taken by the developer to render the soils suitable. Vegetative cover and clear delineations of any vegetation proposed for removal. (5) 100 year floodplains, flood fringes and floodways. (4) (b) A site construction plan including: (1) Locations and dimensions of all land disturbing activities phasing of those activities. proposed and any (c) (2) Locations and dimensions of all temporary soil and dirt stockpiles. (3) Locations and dimensions of all construction site erosion control measures necessary to meet the standards as outlined in Protectinq Water Quality in Urban Areas, published by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or an equivalent set of standards. (4) Schedule of anticipated startin9 and completion date for each installat10n of erosion control measures. (5) provisions for maintenance construction site erosion measures during construction. of the control A plan of final site conditions scale as the existing site map site changes including: (1) Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided above or as required to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to existing topography and remaining features. on the showing same the (2) A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and description of all proposed landscape materials which will be added to the site. (3) A drainage plan of the developed site delineating in which direction and at what rate storm water will be conveyed from the site and setting forth the areas of the site where storm water will be allowed to collect. (4) The proposed size, alignment, profiles and intended use of any structures to be erected on the site. (5) Any other information pertinent particular project which in the of the applicant is necessary review of the project. to the opinion for the PROJECT FINANCING SUMMARY Financing of this project cost is as follows: 1.) Assessments ............ $1,008,000.00 2.) Tax Levy ............... $1,935,000.00 3.) B.O.P. Land Sale ....... $ 188,000.00 4.) Trunk Reserve .......... $ 214,700.00 5.) Enterprise Fund ........ $ 142,000.00 6.) Storm Water Fee ........ $ 23,300.00 Project Cost Total..... $3,511,000.00 FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT LIST AND COST AREA 1 - BUSINESS OFFICE PARK - AREA 2 - LIME ROAD AND CENTER ROAD - AREA 3 - FOREST OAKS SEWER, WATER, AND PAVING - AREA 4 - CSAH 21 IMPROVEMENTS - AREA 5 - EXISTING INDUSTRIAL PARK STORM SEWER - AREA 6 - CSAH 42 FROM FERNDALE AVE TO BOONE AVE AREA 7 - FISH POINT RD IN GREENBRIAR PARCEL - AREA 8 - CARRIAGE HILL ROAD - AREA 9 - LEMLEY CIRCLE STORM SEWER - AREA 10 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AT T.H. 13- & FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AREA 11 - BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT OF CITY STREETS - AREA 12 - THE POND ATHLETIC COMPLEX PARKING - LOTS AND ROAD PAVING AREA 13 - CIVIL DEFENSE SIRENS - TOTAL PROJECT COST - AREAS 1-13 $1,334,000 $132,000 $110,000 $405,000 $100,000 - $735,000 $ 35,000 $ 60,000 $125,000 c '" $100,000 I ~ $ 60, 000 i( $3,511,000 PROJECT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY AREA 1 - BUSINESS OFFICE PARK ASSESSMENT AMOUNT - $791,000.00, Rate - $35,954/acre AREA 2 - LIME ROAD AND CENTER ROAD ASSESSMENT AMOUNT - $132,000.00, Rate - $48/front foot AREA 3 - FOREST OAKS SEWER, WATER, AND PAVING PROJECT COST - $110,000 ASSESSMENT AMOUNT - Sanitary sewer, water - $42,000 ASSESSMENT RATE - $6,000 per assessable lot, (7 lots) ASSESSMENT AMOUNT - Street - $43,000 ASSESSMENT RATE - $4,300 per assessable lot, (10 lots) ASSESSMENT AMOUNT - Storm sewer TRUNK RESERVE - Storm sewer - $23,300 - $ 1,700 1-/ IV. PROJECT COSTS A. Tax levy amount of $1,935,000.00 would have the following effect on the market value homesteads for a ten year bond issue MARKET VALUE $85,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 AVG. ANNUAL $30.79 $40.21 $55.92 $71.63 $87.35 INCREASE