HomeMy WebLinkAbout7 - Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan f l AGENDA ITEM: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: HERITAGE 1891 COMMUNITY 1991 19J:50~ IV 2Q9/ 7 DAVID J. UNMACHT, CITY MANAGER CONSIDER SECOND DRAFT OF 1992 EURASIAN MILFOIL ACTION PLAN OCTOBER 21, 1991 On September 16, 1991 the City Council considered the first draft of the 1992 Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan. At that meeting the Councilmembers requested additional information and detail on the actions to diminish the Eurasian Milfoil infestation in prior lake for 1992. Attached is a copy of the second draft of the 1992 Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan. The City, DNR, Watershed District and Lake Association have managed the Eurasian Milfoil problem in a reactionary mode during the 1991 season. This was due to the unantici~ated, yet not surprising, confirmation of Euras1an Milfoil in prior lake. In 1991 approximately 33 acres have been treated in the lake with an estimated treatment cost between $6000 and $7500. To date the City of Prior Lake has paid $422.09 as our one-third share of actual expended costs. It is anticipated that the City of Prior Lake will be responsible for a third of the overall treatment costs, somewhere in the neighborhood of between $1500 and $2500. By and large, Eurasian Milfoil treatments have been successful. The most recent and largest treatment in September of 27 acres has yet to take effect, but Lake Association officials are monitoring this application regularly. Citr staff met with DNR, County and Watershed off1cials to discuss the 1992 Action Plan. The Action Plan has been refined and altered to better reflect the anticipated 1992 expenses and actions. (It is staff's understanding that this plan is for one year only... a 1993 Action Plan will be prepared based on the results of our actions in 1992.) Please review the 1992 Action Plan carefully: the first page has changed slightly to clarify certain statements. Within the Search, Inspections and Treatment section changes include the elimination of the Staff Biologist, 4629 Dakota S1. S,L Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 I Ph. (612) 447-4230 I Fax 1612) 447-4245 BUDGET IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Coordinator being the staff liaison and the de-emphasis of the paid Launch Ramp Inspection Program. The emphasis has shifted to a Volunteer Launch Ramp Inspection Program. The fact that scarce resources exist to manage the Eurasian Milfoil problem has produced a consensus among staff officials that the emphasis should be on treatment expenses as opposed to paid positions. In the Public Information and Education Program, the City will retain that responsibility, however, the estimated cost has been reduced from $5000 to $2000. The 1992 ~roposed budget has been refined with total est1mated costs approximating $37,500. In the worst case scenario, this would be broken down into $14,500 for the Citr of Prior Lake and $23,000 for the PL/SLWSD. C1ty officials are encouraged by the DNR's one-third participation in the 1991 treatment expenses. We are anticipating that the DNR will partici~ate in the 1992 treatment expenses, however, th1s will not be known until next spring. If the DNR does participate, the estimated City expenses will be approximately $11,000 and estimated PL/SLWSD expenses will be approximately $18,000. Currently the City of Prior Lake is involved in the 1992 Budget process. Our resources can be allocated in three forms: 1) allocate the estimated $11,000 to $15,000 (or any other amount the Council agrees to) in the 1992 Budget (direct the City Manager to incorporate the money in the proposed budget); 2) commit the resources from the Contingency Fund during 1992 when the Council has a better idea of what actual expenses will be: or, 3) a combination of #1 and #2 above. The following alternatives are available: 1. Ado~t the 1992 Eurasian Milfoil Act10n Plan as submitted. 2. Make any amendments or changes in the 1992 Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan and then adopt. 3. Direct staff to continue research and internal discussion on the Action Plan. 4. Do not take anr action on the 1992 Eurasian Milf011 Action Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council participate in the 1992 Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan. The extent of participation will vary based upon the extent of resources available to the Council. At minimum, staff recommends that the Council commit to the Action Plan as proposed or amended, subject to the final 1992 Budget being adopted. ACTION REQUIRED: Will vary based on Council discussion. DRAFT DRAFT #2 1992 EURASIAN MILFOIL ACTION PLAN Program Designed to Manage Eurasian Milfoil Infestation In Prior Lake The introduction of Eurasian Milfoil into the waters of Prior Lake is a very serious problem. It has the potential to destroy the recreational value of the lake, reduce the value of property and negatively impact the water quality. The unknown impact on the property tax base and recreational use of the lake makes the mil foil problem one of the most serious problems the lake has faced to date. The intent of this Action Plan is to present a coordinated and aggressive cam~ai9n incorporating activities of the citizens and affected jurisd1ct10ns within the communit~ of Prior Lake. A well managed and cohesive plan involv1ng all members of the community can minimize the potential impact of the Eurasian Milfoil infestation. Lake Minnetonka serves as an example of what can happen if an organized strategy is not in place to manage Eurasian Milfoil at an earlr stage. Fortunately, for Prior Lake, a positive example of Euras1an M1lfoil management can be studied in Bald Eagle Lake north of the Twin cities. The first confirmed DNR sighting of Eurasian Milfoil occurred in the summer of 1991. The DNR (actin9 in concert with local lake officials and the Watershed Distr1ct) treated the initial sightings with chemicals (2-4 D compound). The City of Prior Lake, the Watershed District and the DNR agreed to fund the lake treatments on an equal share basis in 1991. (Estimated number of acres treated: 33; estimated 1991 overall treatment costs $6000 - $7500.) It is a fact that a well planned strategy to address Eurasian Milfoil on Prior Lake for the 1992 growing season (April throu9h September) is essential to a successful early ident1fication, education and treatment program. The essence of the 1991 Action Plan describes the responsibilities and functions of the community and its public and ~rivate or9anizations. The various actions to manage EuraS1an Milf011 include searchin9' confirmed sightings, management and treatment, marking 1nfested areas, public information and education and coordinated inspections. This aggressive plan will certainly require a combined effort from all sections of our community. ACTION PLAN DR AFT 1. search/Inspection/Treatment: This effort will be coordinated by the Prior Lake/spring Lake Watershed District office (PL/SLWD). The goal will be to search the entire 21 miles of lakeshore bi-weekly from April until October. A Search Coordinator will be identified and will function through the Watershed District office. A map will be maintained by the Search Coordinator with specific assignments, reports and sightings individually recorded. searching and Inspections will be carried out by volunteer "Eurasian Milfoil specialists". These specialists will be managed by the Search Coordinator and will include volunteers organized by the Lake Association, individual home owners and any other interested citizens. A launch ramp inspection program will be undertaken and managed by the Search Coordinator. Periodic inspections of boats and trailers at public accesses will be carried out by the Eurasian Milfoil Specialists through the efforts of volunteers and other interested citizens. When the Eurasian Milfoil plant is identified in a certain area, the Search Coordinator will be dispatched to confirm the sighting. Upon confirmation, the coordinator will immediately mark the area with buoys. The DNR, in conjunction with the Search Coordinator, will make decisions on treatment and proceed accordingly. Neighboring homeowners will be notified of the sighting and the planned course of treatment. Following the initial treatment, the area will remain marked with the buoys, photographs will be taken and regular inspections will be undertaken to monitor the results of the treatment. The Search Coordinator will make monthly reports to the participatin9 jurisdictions on the activities, expenses and actions taken 1n the work to combat the spread of the plant. 2. Public Information and Education Proqram: The Public Information and Education Program will be coordinated by the city of Prior Lake. signs will be posted adjacent to the public launch ram~s on city property. (The DNR does not allow non-DNR, indiv1dual or City signs at their launch facilities.) The owners of private launch ramps will be asked by the Search Coordinator to assist in the education effort by providing signs at their own expense. Signs will alert lake users to the perils of the plant, and to ask them to avoid Eurasian Milfoil infested areas marked by buoys. The city of Prior Lake will be responsible for coordinating newspaper articles and informational activities with the Prior Lake American. Notices and advertisements shall be placed and used during the peak lake use season. One annual mailing to all residents informing them of the Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan will be conducted. Informational flyers will be prepared and distributed to local businesses and service organizations. A speaker'S bureau will be maintained for informational discussions with various groups and meetings. 2 Ut\ AFT The Citr of Prior Lake will consider the adoption of a lake use ord1nance which will prohibit boats from enterin9 an Eurasian Milfoil infested area. The Lake Advisor~ Comm1ttee will be asked to review and make a recommendat10n on the Ordinance and study Eurasian Milfoil issues. 3. Overview: The following describes each entity involved in the Eurasian Milfoil Action Plan and their appropriate responsibility. De artment of Natural Resources Overall superv1s10n 0 t e EuraS1an M1 01 Program to insure effective and environmentally sound treatment procedures are followed. The DNR staff will be used as a technical source for information, education and management. Eurasian Milfoil treatment will be the key DNR responsibility. The Action Plan will include the DNR's participation in one-third of the anticipated treatment costs. Prior Lake S rin Lake Watershed District D1str1ct W1 be respons1 e or t e Searc Inspection program and assist in the treatment phase of the ~lan. The Search Coordinator and Eurasian Milfoil Spec1alists will be selected by the PL/SLWD. The PL/SLWD will fund one-third of the anticipated treatment costs. city of Prior Lake: Responsible for the public information and education program. The City will consider providing supporting ordinances and information in an effort to educate the citizens and lake users. The City will fund one-third of the anticipated treatment costs. Prior Lake Association: Provide trained Search and Inspection teams to support the Search Coordinator and Eurasian Milfoil Specialists and assist with the public information program as requested. Sprinq Lake Association: Provide trained Search and Inspection teams to support the Search Coordinator and Eurasian Milfoil Specialists and assist with the public information program as requested. Prior Lake Water Ski Club/Yacht Club: Provide Search and Inspection teams to support the Coordinator and Eurasian Milfoil specialists and with the public information program as requested. trained Search assist 3 ,..~. r". /'. t.. ;', ;.\FT 4. 1992 Proposed Budqet (Costs are estimates only): Responsibility Treatments $250/acre: 100 acres Jurisdiction Cost City/PL/SLWD/ DNR* $25,000 Public Information and Education City $ 2,500 Search Coordinator and Eurasian Milfoil Specialists PL/SLWD** $10,000 -------- -------- $37,500 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * If the DNR does not share in the treatment expenses, the cost will be split between the PL/SLWD and the city. ** The PL/SLWD has already committed $22,000 for Eurasian Milfoil expenses in 1992. 4