HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 - Lake Advisory Committee Bylaws & Appontments
AUGUST 5, 1991
The purpose of this item is to discuss and act
upon the proposed Lake Advisory Committee Bylaws
and Ethics Policy. In addition, the Council is
being requested to make appointments to the Lake
Advisory Committee. Included with this agenda
report are two draft copies of the proposed
B~laws and Ethics Policy as amended at your
d~rection. In one copy please note that wording
deleted from the second draft is crossed out and
new wording added to the second draft is
underlined. The second copy is a clean draft
with all changes incorporated.
At the July 15, 1991 Council meeting, Mayor
Andren informed the Council that Dr. Richard
Cushing would not be able to serve on the
Committee. The Council granted the Mayor
another opportunity up to August 5 to make her
appointment. Mayor Andren has recommended that
Jody Stroh be appointed to the Lake Advisory
Committee. With the addition of Jody stroh the
list will be complete with the following
proposed members: Tom Watkins, Dave Moran, Jody
Stroh, Bill Packer, Dave Vinlove, Peter Patchin
and John Wingard.
Other related details and start up information
on the Committee can be found by reviewing the
July 15, 1991 agenda report. This information
remains the same.
The alternatives are as follows:
Discuss, amend and adopt the
Ethics polic~ and appoint
Advisory Comm~ttee members as
the staff report.
2. Discuss and adopt the Bylaws and Ethics
Policy as drafted in the agenda report
and appoint the Lake Advisory Committee
members as listed in the staff report.
Bylaws and
the Lake
listed in
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
3. Do not adopt the Bylaws and Ethics
Policy or appoint the Lake Advisory
Committee members.
4. Table this action for a specific reason.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the Lake
Advisory Committee Bylaws and Ethics Policy.
staff further recommends that the Lake Advisory
Committee members be appointed as listed in the
agenda re~ort. Staff also recommends that
Council d~scuss how the Committee will be
staffed and provide direction accordingly.
ACTION REQUIRED: will vary based on Council discussion.
The Prior Lake "Lake Advisor~ Committee" (LAC) is hereby created.
The Lake Advisory Committee ~s created to: (1) research, study
and make recommendations to the City Council on the information
contained within the report entitled "Water Resource Management -
A Guide For Balanced Future", (2) research, study and make
recommendations to the City Council on the Lake Review Committee
Report Work Program, approved by the City Council on June 17,
1991; and (3) serve as an advisory body to City staff and City
Council on the many lake management related issues being
addressed by the various jurisdict~ons within the watershed.
Section A
Section B
Section A.
Section B.
Section C.
Name: The legal name of the organization is the
Prior Lake "Lake Advisory Committee".
Office: The Office of the Prior Lake "Lake Advisory
Committee" is at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior
Lake, Minnesota 55372.
Officers: The Officers of the Prior Lake "Lake
Advisory Committee" shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair
and a Secretary. Staff may serve as an official
secretary of the Committee.
Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside at all
meetings of the Committee and shall have general
charge of and control over the meetings of the
Comm~ttee subject to the Bylaws and policies of the
Committee. At each meeting the Committee members
and Chairperson may, as appropriate, submit
recommendations, information and agenda items to be
considered by the Committee for its general conduct
of business. When required, the Chairperson may
also act as spokesperson for the Committee.
Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chair~erson shall
preside at all meetings of the Comm~ttee in the
absence of the Chairperson and shall perform such
other duties as may be assi9ned by the Committee.
In case the Chairperson res~gns or is unable to
perform duties assigned for some other reason, the
Vice-Chairperson shall perform and be vested with
all duties and powers of the Chairperson until such
time as the Committee shall select a new
Section D.
section E.
Section F.
section G.
section H.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for
recording and compiling a written summary of all
meetings held by the Committee and such other
functions as may be determined by the Committee.
Staff: Staff to the Committee shall be assigned by
the City Manager and shall have general supervision
over the day-to-day administration of its policies,
and recommendations pursuant to its actions by the
Committee. Staff may also serve as Secretary and
be responsible for recording and compiling a
written summary of all meetings held by the
Initial Appointment: The Committee shall consist
of seven members. For the initial appointment
process only each Councilmember shall appoint one
Committee member and the City staff shall appoint
two Committee members. Terms for the initial
Committee appointments will be staggered terms of
one, two and three years. After the initial terms
expire, all future terms shall be for a period of
two years, effective from the date of appointment.
The Chairperson and Vice-Chair~erson
elected by a majority of the Comm~ttee
members of the Committee and shall hold
a one (1) year period, or until their
are elected or appointed.
Vacancies: If the Office of Chairperson and/or
Vice-Chairperson becomes vacant, the Committee
shall elect a successor from its membership at the
next regular meeting, and such election shall be
for the unexpired term of said office. Should a
member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the
committee, the city Council shall appoint a
replacement to complete the term or fill a new
shall be
from among
office for
Appointment by the City Council to vacancies on the
Committee will be made by the following process: 1)
Council forms a subcommittee consisting of the
Mayor, appointed Councilmember and City Manager: 2)
vacancies are advertised in the Prior Lake
American: 3) recommendations of the subcommittee
are made to the City Council: and 4) the City
Council shall appoint a replacement to the
Call For Resiqnation: It shall be the duty of each
Committee member to actively participate in the
affairs of the Committee and to attend its regular
and special meetings. In the event that a
Committee member is not present for 75% of the
regular meetings during a calendar year, the
Committee shall direct the Chair to send a Call for
Section A.
Section B.
section C.
Section D.
Resi9nation, in the form of a request to the absent
Comm~ttee member. In addition, if the Committee
member is not present for three consecutive regular
meetings during the year, the Committee shall
direct staff to send a letter to the member
inquiring of his/her status on the Committee
including an inqui~ into his/her interest in
remaining on the Comm~ttee.
Reqular Meetin1s: Regular meetings shall be held
on the 0 each month at at the Prior
Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota street S.E., Prior
Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date
shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting may be
rescheduled by the Committee. Regular meetings may
be rescheduled, changed or cancelled depending upon
unique circumstances, and subject to the approval
and consent of both the Chairperson and/or
Special Meetinqs: Special meetings of the
Committee may be called by the Chairperson, staff,
or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose
of transacting any business. When staff recommends
calling a special meeting, approval must be
received from a Chairperson or two (2) members of
the Committee. The Call For a Special Meeting may
be delivered prior to the time of the proposed
meeting to each Committee member as soon as
possible upon determining when the special meeting
will be held. At such meetings no business shall
be considered other than that designated in the
Call For a s~ecial Meeting. Such special meeting
may be held ~n locations other than the place of
regular meetings.
Quorum For Re9ular and Special Meetin9s: A
majority of Comm~ttee members shall const~tute a
quorum for the purpose of conducting its business,
but a smaller number ma~ meet from time to time if
a quorum cannot be obta~ned. Action may be taken
by the Committee upon a vote only when majority of
the Committee present.
Conduct of Business: The conduct and order of
business at regular meetings will be determined by
the Committee. An agenda for each meeting shall be
prepared and accompanying sup~orting material shall
be distributed to the Comm~ttee no later than
. Copies of the agenda and other related
materials shall be 9iven to the City Council and
at all times pract~cal, published in the Prior
Lake American.
section E.
Section A.
Section B.
Section C.
Section A.
Voting: All members of the Committee, have equal
voting authority. In addition to a quorum being
required for each meeting of the Committee in order
to conduct business, a majority of those members
present shall be required to transact business and
approve any matters before the Committee.
Powers and Duties: The Committee shall act in an
advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council.
The Committee shall advise the City Council on
matters identified in the Preamble. On an annual
basis, the Committee shall outline its duties in
the form of Goals and Ob~ectives and shall give an
accounting of its activ~ties at a City Council
meeting each year in an annual report. The
Committee may perform duties as specifically
directed by the City Council not identified in the
Preamble. Additional, specific powers, duties and
responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee
upon approval of the 'City Council.
Subcommittees: The Committee may provide
subcommittees as it deems necessary to
the goals and objectives of the Committee
delegate such powers and duties
subcommittees necessary to carry
for such
and may
to such
out its
General: These Bylaws shall govern the conduct
and procedures of the Lake Advisory Committee. If
an issue is raised or a point is made which is not
covered in the Bylaws, the procedures to respond
to the issue or point shall be governed by Roberts
Rules of Order Revised.
Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended at any
meeting of the Committee provided that notice of
such proposed amendments shall be mailed to each
member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior
to such meeting. The amendment of the Bylaws and
the vote required shall be in accordance with that
set forth under the voting provisions of these
B~laws. The Committee may amend the Bylaws without
c~ty Council approval, however, the City Council
may veto any amendments adopted by the Committee.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to provide broad
guidelines for the conduct of the individual Lake
Advisory Committee (LAC). Each LAC member must bear the
respons1bility of adherence to these guidelines. In the
event a problem ~resents itself, the Chairperson shall
take the initiat~ve to resolve the matter in a procedure
and time frame most appropriate.
l. Lake Advisory Committee members who have a current
or ongoing business relationshi~ or vested interest
with an applicant or other part~es with significant
interest in the matter before the Committee WHICH
active member of the Committee from discussion and
votin9 on the matter. Vested interest is to mean
any ~nterest(s) or issues that may present a
conflict of interest now or anticipated in the
2. A Lake Advisory Committee member's opinion
pertaining to a function, organization or specific
application shall not be given to the media unless
there is a clear qualification that the opinion is
that of the member and not that of the entire
Committee. If a LAC member 9ives or re~resents the
opinion(s) of the Lake Adv~sory Comm~ttee those
opinion(s) must be a~proved by a consensus of the
Lake Advisory Comm1ttee and recorded in its
3. Lake Advisory Committee members shall conduct
themselves as professionals when representing the
A Lake Advisory Committee
appearance of impropriety.
5. A Lake Advisory Committee shall make every attempt
to visit the site prior to discussing site related
The Prior Lake "Lake Advisor~ Committee" (LAC) is hereby created.
The Lake Advisory Committee IS created to: (1) research, study
and make recommendations to the City Council on the information
contained within the report entitled "Water Resource Management _
A Guide For Balanced Future", (2) research, study and make
recommendations to the City Council on the Lake Review Committee
Report Work Program, approved by the City Council on June 17,
1991: and (3) serve as an advisory body to City staff and City
Council on the many lake management related issues being
addressed by the various jurisdict~ons within the watershed.
Section A
Section B
Section A.
Section B.
Section C.
Name: The legal name of the organization is the
Prior Lake "Lake Advisory Committee".
Office: The Office of the Prior Lake "Lake Advisory
Committee" is at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior
Lake, Minnesota 55372.
Officers: The Officers of the Prior
Advisory Committee" shall be a Chair,
and a Secretary. Staff may serve as
Secretary of the Committee.
Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside at all
meetings of the Committee and shall have general
charge of and control over the affair~ meetin9s of
the Committee subject to the Bylaws and polic~es of
the Committee. At each meeting the CaairpereBR
Committee members and Chair~erson may, as
appropriate, submit recommendat~ons, information
and agenda items to be considered by the Committee
for its general conduct of business. When
required, the Chairperson may also act--as
spokesperson for the Committee.
Lake "Lake
an official
Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall
preside at all meetings of the Committee in the
absence of the Chairperson and shall perform such
other duties as may be assi9ned by the Committee.
In case the Chairperson res~gns or is unable to
perform duties assigned for some other reason, the
Vice-Chairperson shall perform and be vested with
all duties and powers of the Chairperson until such
time as the Committee shall select a new
section D.
Section E.
section F.
Section G.
Section H.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for
recording and compiling a written summary of all
meetings held by the Committee and such other
functions as may be determined by the Committee.
Staff: Staff to the Committee shall be assigned by
the City Manager and shall have general supervision
over the day-to-day administration of its policies,
and recommendations pursuant to its actions by the
Committee. staff may also serve as Secretary and
be responsible for recording and compiling a
written summary of all meetings held by the
Initial Appointment: The Committee shall consist
of seven members. For the initial appointment
process only each Councilmember shall appoint one
Committee member and the City staff shall appoint
two Committee members. Terms for the initial
Committee appointments will be tarQQ (J) YQar~
staggered terms of one, two and three years. After
the ~nitial terms expire, all future terms shall be
for a period of two years, effective from the date
of appointment.
The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
elected by a majority of the Committee
members of the Committee and shall hold
a one (l) year period, or until their
are elected or appointed.
Vacancies: If the Office of Chairperson and/or
Vice-Chairperson becomes vacant, the Committee
shall elect a successor from its membership at the
next regular meeting, and such election shall be
for the unexpired term of said office. Should a
member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the
committee, the City Council shall appoint a
replacement to complete the term or fill a new
shall be
from among
office for
Appointment by the City Council to vacancies on the
Committee will be made by the following process: 1)
Council forms a subcommittee consisting of the
Mayor, appointed Councilmember and City Manager: 2)
vacancies are advertised in the Prior Lake
American: 3) recommendations of the subcommittee
are made to the Cit~ Council: and 4) the City
Council shall appo~nt a replacement to the
Call For Resiqnation: It shall be the duty of each
Committee member to actively participate in the
affairs of the Committee and to attend its regular
and special meetings. In the event that a
Committee member is not present for 75% of the
regular meetings during a calendar year, the
Committee shall direct the Chair to send a Call for
Section A.
section B.
Section C.
Section D.
Resi9nation, in the form of a request to the absent
Comm~ttee member. In addition, if the Committee
member is not present for three consecutive regular
meetings during the year, the Committee shall
direct staff to send a letter to the member
inquiring of his/her status on the Committee
including an inquir~ into his/her interest in
remaining on the Comm~ttee.
Regular Meetin1s: Regular meetings shall be held
on the 0 each month at at the Prior
Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota street S.E., Prior
Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date
shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting may be
rescheduled by the Committee. Regular meetings may
be rescheduled, changed or cancelled depending upon
unique circumstances, and subject to the approval
and consent of both the Chairperson and/or
special Meetings: Special meetings of the
Committee may be called by the Chairperson, staff,
or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose
of transacting any business. When staff recommends
calling a special meeting, approval must be
received from a Chairperson or two (2) members of
the Committee. The Call For a Special Meeting may
be delivered prior to the time of the proposed
meeting to each Committee member as soon as
possible upon determining when the special meeting
will be held. At such meetings no business shall
be considered other than that designated in the
Call For a s~ecial Meeting. Such special meeting
may be held ~n locations other than the place of
regular meetings.
Quorum For Re9ular and Special Meetings: A
majority of Comm~ttee members shall const~tute a
quorum for the purpose of conducting its business,
but a smaller number ma~ meet from time to time if
a quorum cannot be obta~ned. Action may be taken
by the Committee upon a vote only when majority of
the Committee present.
Conduct of Business: The conduct and order of
business at regular meetings will be determined by
the Committee. An agenda for each meeting shall be
prepared and accompanying sup~orting material shall
be distributed to the Comm1ttee no later than
. Copies of the agenda and other related
materials shall be 9iven to the City Council and
at all times pract~cal, published in the PrIOr
Lake American.
section E.
section A.
Section B.
section C.
Section A.
Voting: All members of the Committee, have equal
voting authority. In addition to a quorum being
required for each meeting of the Committee in order
to conduct business, a majority of those members
present shall be required to transact business and
approve any matters before the Committee.
Powers and Duties: The Committee shall act in an
advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council.
The Committee shall advise the City Council on
matters identified in the Preamble. On an annual
basis, the Committee shall outline its duties in
the form of Goals and Ob~ectives and shall give an
accounting of its activ~ties at a City Council
meeting each year in an annual report. The
Committee may perform duties as specifically
directed by the City Council not identified in the
Preamble. Additional, specific powers, duties and
responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee
upon approval of the City Council.
Subcommittees: The Committee may provide
subcommittees as it deems necessary to
the goals and objectives of the Committee
delegate such powers and duties
subcommittees necessary to carry
for such
and may
to such
out its
General: These Bylaws shall govern the conduct
and procedures of the Lake Advisory Committee. If
an issue is raised or a point is made which is not
covered in the Bylaws, the procedures to respond
to the issue or point shall Ee governed by Roberts
Rules of Order Revised.
Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended at any
meeting of the Committee provided that notice of
such proposed amendments shall be mailed to each
member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior
to such meeting. The amendment of the Bylaws and
the vote required shall be in accordance with that
set forth under the voting provisions of these
B~laws. The Committee may amend the Bylaws without
c~ty Council approval, however, the City Council
may veto any amendments adopted by the Committee.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to provide broad
guidelines for the conduct of the individual Lake
Advisor~ Committee (LAC). Each LAC member must bear the
respons~bility of adherence to these guidelines. In the
event a problem ~resents itself, the Chairperson shall
take the initiat1ve to resolve ~ the matter in a
procedure and time frame maHRor most appropriate.
1. Lake Advisory Committee members who have a current
or ongoing business relationshi~ or vested interest
with an applicant or other part~es with significant
interest in the aeeioisR matter before the
GAIN, shall refrain as an active member of the
committee from discussion and voting on the matter.
Vested interest is to mean any interest(s) or
issues that may present a conflict of interest now
aRQ iR ~h9 fY~Yre or anticipated in the future.
2. A Lake Advisory Committee member's opinion
pertaining to a function, organization or specific
application shall not be given to the media unless
there is a clear qualification that the opinion is
that of the member and not that of the entire
Committee. If a LAC member 9ives or re~resents the
opinion(s) of the Lake Adv1sory Comm~ttee those
opinion(s} must be a~proved by a consensus of the
Lake Advisory Comm1ttee and recorded in its
3. Lake Advisory Committee members shall conduct
themselves as professionals when representing the
A Lake Advisory Committee
appearance of impropriety.
5. A Lake Advisory Committee shall make every attempt
to visit the site prior to discussing site related