HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/07
April 17, 2007
The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting was called to order at 4:30 P.M.
Members present: Dan O'Keefe, Harry Alcorn, Charlene Jasan, Jim Marchessault.
Others present: Ross Bintner, Water Resources Engineer, Ken Hedberg, Council
Motion to approve prior meeting minutes, Mankowski, Alcorn - Pass (4:0)
A. 2nd Annual Lake Clean Up Day Proclamation:
The LAC Discussed the recommended proclamation to the City Council
and advised staff to add more detail about the formation of the idea at the
LAC through a private resident, and the Lake Associations role in running
the dive event.
B. Surface Regulations:
Sheriff Deputy, Bret Krick addressed the LAC about event permitting.
Krick said that a event permit procedure is being put in place at the
County that will detail some requirements for events that will require a
sheriff permit. Krick stated that there were two issues in the recent past
that prompted the reevaluation, luckily there were not injures at these last
two events but they are learning experience. A 10 day structure review
period is being considered, for things such as a twin platform or floating
Krick stated that marine events will need a 30-day advanced notice for
the department to consider the permit. The triathlon and skate the lake
events that prompted the review of the permitting process each had
safety concerns that Krick would like to avoid in the future. Krick detailed
some of the concerns of each event.
Alcorn asked about what permit provisions on the snowmobile race event
were not followed. Krick responded that a provision of the permit was to
keep 15' separation in parking vehicles and it was not followed. Hedberg
asked if there is a minimum level to define an event. Krick stated it is not
yet defined.
Krick stated the use of recreation vehicles has been a safety concern in
the pass and that issue came up again at the Skate the Lake issue.
Alcorn and Marchessault both asked Krick about safety concerns and
Krick stated he would continue work addressing these and other
C. Future Meeting Topic - Dock Regulation:
Hedberg detailed a recent City Council directive that will ask Staff to work
with the LAC to study the issue of dock regulation.
Alcorn asked if dock size, boat number, lifts, unique dock configurations
such as double levels, or accessory structures would be looked into as
part of the issue. Hedberg said it would be up to the LAC but the directive
from council only included dock placement as a topic.
Marchessault stated that after last years dock discussion the LAC
decided to forward on the DNR recommendations saying the issue was
also discussed and asked what would be missing from the regulations the
LAC passed on. Hedberg stated there was no process for dispute
resolution since they were only guidelines.
O'Keefe said that it was a Council directive and said that for that reason
the LAC should discuss it again. Alcorn asked about setting a date for a
public meeting. O'Keefe asked for staff to work on setting a date.
A. MS4 Annual Public Meeting and LAC Review of City SWPPP.
Sintner explained the efforts the City goes to promote feedback from
residents at its annual public meeting. This federally mandated plan was
created by the City to address stormwater pollution prevention in the City.
Bintner explained that the program is broken up into chapters titled MCM
or "minimal control measure."
Bintner explained that MCM 2 requires that we hold this public meeting
and ask for citizen input. Previously this meeting took place at the City
Council but was moved to the LAC to provide a more informal forum for
Bintner explained MCM 3, Illicit discharge detection and elimination.
MCM 3 requires that the City build a program to detect pollutant
discharges. Bintner gave a description of what a future program might
look like in the future by giving an example of how the program might
work. Marchssault if the system would be in place ahead of any spill and
what kind of staff time would be needed. Sintner said it was still an open
question because the program is still underdevelopment. O'Keefe asked
if there were plans to actively monitor for pollutants. Bintner said
generally it would be visible for this program, but some sampling already
takes place for chlorides and nutrients. Alcorn asked how many storm
outlets are in the lake. Bintner said he didn't have an exact number at
this time, but he guessed there were about 70 outlets to the lake.
Bintner explained MCM 4 as an in place program for construction runoff
control and gave a series of before and after photos showing construction
sites in the City. Before photos generally showed open dirt and erosion
and after photos were taken after the City attempts to get better
compliance to construction site permits. Marchessault asked if the salt
and sand put down in the winters have already been cleaned up by this
time of the year. Bintner summarized the sweeping program.
Bintner explained MCM 6 and added that a new street sweeper has been
purchased by the City that will increase the efficiency in sweeping. This
sweeper is already in use and was purchased with help from a grant from
the watershed district.
Bintner explained MCM 1. Marchessault said he thinks more should be
done to educate residents saying not to rake leaves into the lake. Bintner
expanded the idea to say even catch basis directly connected are a
focus. Educational. Bintner explained that a series of local governing
units pool resources to jointly promote and host educational opportunities.
O'Keefe opened the floor to the public, no one was in attendance.
The LAC provided comment. Jasan asked about the consequences of
not doing what was required by the permit. Bintner explained that
depending on the program consequences vary. Some ordinances were
in effect that support the MS4 and some are required to be explored.
Jasan asked if there was a list of requirements in the example of a first
time home buyer to educate them on these requirements. Jasan further
suggested that realtors and the chamber of commerce could be conduits
to the target audience.
A. Dock Complaint list
Bintner reviewed the 2006 and 2007 complaint lists. The list contained all
dock related questions or complaints received by the planning
department. There were two main issues represented, dock placement
and private dock rental. There were a few specific issues the generated
mutlitple calls. Approximately 23 calls were received. 4 separate
placement issues and 3 separate rental issues generated the majority of
the 23 calls. The remaining calls were inquires from realtors and other
governmental bodies.
O'Keefe noted that half the complaints came from two issues. Hedberg
said that an issue he knows is not represented on the list. Bintner
clarified that this list was compiled by the planning department and only
complaints that they received would be compiled. Alcorn asked if our
current guidelines were posted online. The LAC discussed the process
for holding a workshop and public hearing at the May and June LAC
S. Webcam Update
Sintner gave an explanation of the progress on the construction of the
c. Status of watershed issues.
Mike Kinney introduced himself. Mike is the new administrator for the
Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District (WD). Kinney went on to
describe some of the priorities of the WD. The Prior Lake outlet box,
outlet channel, recent Spring Lake bog removal, and permitting activites
were explained.
D. Update on recent feedback from DNR on proposed 20' shoreline
Bintner gave a summary of recent correspondence with the DNR on the
proposed 20' shoreline ordinance.
A. 2008 C.I.P Review
The LAC reviewed water quality C.I.P items and recommended monies
be included in the 2008 C.I.P to cover the cost of an additional webcam
and Sand Point Park.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Bintner
Water Resources Engineer
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