HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A - EP-07-122; Water Treatment Facility CUP /./~ PRIO ~*E) ~~;~ ~;:~I;~'~i1z{~71~__ \~/ "<~~~NES~// PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SA PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PUBLIC SERVICE STRUCTURE IN THE R-l ZONING DISTRICT (CASE FILE #EP 07-122) CITY OF PRIOR LAKE DANETTE MOORE, PLANNING COORDINATOR -LYES _NO-N/A JUNE 25, 2007 APPLICANT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: The City of Prior Lake has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a Water Treatment Facility (WTF) on the property located at 16335 Itasca Avenue. This site is zoned R-l (Low Density Residential). No variances are required for this project. BACKGROUND: The City of Prior Lake draws the majority of our drinking water from the Jordan Aquifer. In Prior Lake this aquifer is high in both iron and manganese. While the water is safe to drink, the levels of these minerals present in the water exceed secondary drinking water standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A). As a result numerous residents experience water staining, odor and even taste issues at their residences. These high levels also affect the life of water filters and softeners. In addition to the impacts on residences, these minerals cause build-up in the water system piping that can substantially reduce the capacity of watermains and water services. The proposed Water Treatment Facility will improve the quality of water provided to our citizens. In January of 2006 the City Council created the Water Treatment Plant Committee (WTPC). Since that time, the following has taken place: . On June 5, 2006 the City Council held an informational meeting to discuss the status of the Water Treatment Plant. At that meeting the City Council directed the Water Treatment Facility Committee (WTFC) to proceed with the consultant selection process. 1:107 lilesl07 cup'slcity water treatmentlpc statlrcport.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 . On August 7, 2006, the City Council approved the City's Standardized Contract for Professional Services with Bolton & Menk, Inc. and initiated the design report for the Water Treatment Facility (WTF). . From September to April, several neighborhood meetings were held with residents to discuss various issues with the site and facility, including exterior design and landscaping. Attendance at the meetings was primarily limited to the residents living adjacent to the site. Additionally, five issues of a project newsletter have been sent out to over 400 area residents. The City has also maintained a website and email distribution list, to keep interested residents apprised of the latest project information. The neighborhood's preference is for a building that has a residential appearance and utilizes landscaping for screening and filtering of the building. The WTFC feels that the concepts contained in the final design achieve these goals while balancing the greater community's concerns of function and budget. . On December 4, 2006, the design report was presented to the City Council for approval. Issues considered by the Council included the facility size/capacity, exterior architecture, fencing/security, budgeting, and storage. The Council accepted the design report and authorized preparation of the plans and specifications at the December meeting. . On June 18, 2007, the City Council authorized the City's Standardized Contract for Professional Services with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for design and construction of the WTF. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The site is approximately 7.8 acres. Topoeraphv: The current elevations range from 922' MSL at the highest point (northwest comer) to 904'MSL at the lowest point (east central). The site area where the grading is proposed to take place will have elevations ranging from nO'MSL at the highest point to 905'MSL at the lowest point. Ve2etation: The site contains 257 insignificant trees (largely Boxelder species) and 5 significant trees on the site. The trees are predominately located in the southeastern half of the site. Wetlands: The site has one wetland located in the northwestern portion ofthe site that is approximately 14,500 square feet. Due to necessary force main construction, an 18 square foot area of the wetland will be impacted. The minimal nature of this impact 1:107 rilesl07 cllP'slcity water treatmentlpc statTreport.doc 2 allows from an exemption of replacement requirements. A 30 ft setback will be maintained from the delineated edge of the wetland. Access: The site will be accessed from Itasca Avenue S.E. Structures: Wells #3, #4, and #7 are located on the site. Wells #3 and #4 have well house structures on the site. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Desi2nation: This property is designated for Urban Low Density Residential on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zonin2: The site area is zoned R-l (Low Density Residential). REVIEW PROCESS: The proposed Conditional Use Permit should be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 1102.304 and Section 1108 of the City Code.. Section 1102.304 includes the specific conditions for the proposed use. Section 1108 includes the general CUP criteria. ANAL YSIS: Storm Water: Storm water infiltration needs are being addressed with a proposed rain garden in northwest comer of the site and a water quality pond in the southeast comer of the site. Si2ns: A monument ground sign will be proposed at the entrance to the site. The entrance sign will be similar in size to those found at City parks (approximately 18 square feet). In addition to a City logo, the building wall will also contain understated metal lettering (similar in material to the metal lettering on City Hall). A sign permit will be necessary prior to any signage installation. Tree Replacement and Landscapin2: The proposed plan shows the removal of two significant trees. The replacement requirements will be exceeded with the establishment of 173 caliper inches of trees. The landscape plan meets the Code requirements. Li2htin2: The City Code specifies that reflected glare or spill light shall not exceed a .5 foot-candle at the property line when the source of light abuts any residential uses. All fixtures will be downcast. A photometric plan has been completed which shows that that this condition will be met. Architecture: The WTF will use three different roof types: hip, gable, and flat. In the areas where the flat roof is located, a mansard type roof with parapet will be utilized to screen any rooftop equipment. The main entrance, utility meters, and transformers are 1:107 fi1es107 cllp'slcity watcr trcatmcntlpc staffreport.doc 3 proposed to be located on the SE side of the building, away from the closest residents (elevations attached along with computer renderings). The proposed WTF will be approximately 37,135 square feet in gross area (including the upper level mezzanines). In addition, a 7.5 million gallon reservoir will be located below ground (covered with a grass roof). The interior of the building will house the treatment infrastructure, along with space for the storage of water related equipment (meters, Ii ft station supporting equipment, back up generators, etc). The WTF will also house a lab for testing water samples, a garage for the storage of the Vactor (vacuum) truck, and a conference/office space (see attached main floor layout). No outdoor storage is proposed for the WTF. The traffic at the WTF will consist of Public Works vehicles traveling in and out of the site multiple times during the workday. The Water Department staff will be based out of the WTF and the facility will house the vacuum truck, p0l1able generators, and other Water Department equipment. In addition, chemicals used for the treatment of water will be delivered approximately once per month. On weekends, traffic to the site will consist of the on-call water staff conducting rounds once per day. There may be traffic to/from the facility during non-working hours as the Public Works staff responds to emergencies at the treatment facility or out in the system. Other Requirements: Section 1102.403 (2) of the Zoning Ordinance lists the specific conditions for public service structures. These are: a. All exterior faces of all buildings shall meet the provisions of subsection 1107.2200. The CUP requires that the WTF have 60% Class 1 materials on all sides in accordance with City ordinances. The proposed facility exceeds this requirement by ranging from 61 % to 69% on the building (glass and brick). b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any lot in an "R" Use District. This requirement will be exceeded. c. A bufferyard, Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines abutting an "R" Use District. The bufferyard requirements will be met. The attached landscaping plan details the extensive trees and landscaping that will be installed. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) ANALYSIS: Section 1108.200 of the City Code sets forth the criteria for approval ofa CUP. 1:107 Jilesl07 cllP'slcity watcr trcatmcntlpc staffrcport.doc 4 (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The WTF is a key component to improving the quality of the water provided to the City's water supply system. A goal of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan is to develop public infrastructure for the efficient provision of municipal services. The supporting policy of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan specifically calls for the establishment of a water treatment facility. This proposal is consistent with these goals. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. This proposal will benefit the health, safety and general welfare of the community by improving the City's water supply. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. With the granting of the CUP, the use will be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The streets and utilities to serve this development are in place. This use will not adversely affect those services. (S) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Through the use building materials and architecture, the use will not have an adverse impact on the nearby properties. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. The design, materials, and landscaping will exceed the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. These plans have been prepared by a civil engineer. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and 1:107 tilesl07 cllp'slcity water trcatlllcntlpc statTreport.doc 5 neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. The Planning Commission may add any conditions deemed appropriate. CONCLUSION Staffrecommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following condition: 1. The City shall provide a Utilities and Stormwater Management Plan. 2. The City shall address all comments detailed in the June 20, 2007 Engineering Department memo prepared by Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer. 3. The City shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the CUP subject to the above conditions. 2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to approve the CUP subject to the listed condition. 1:107 ti1esl07 cllp'slcity water treatmentlpc stalTreport.doc 6 . .m,oi--PRi01' ;;:.., (' It ~ IU :;<\ \ 1'1-j.. \\ ../ , / ""~!NNES():::'// ----..- 4646 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RESOLUTION 07-XXPC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AllOW A PUBLIC SERVICE STRUCTURE IN THE R-1 ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on June 25, 2007, to consider an application from the City of Prior Lake for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a public service structure in the R-1 Zoning District and legally described as follows: That part of Outlot "A", plat of BROOKSVILLE HILLS 4th ADDITION, Scott County, MN, lying South and East of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Outlot "A", distant 431.32 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Outlot "A"; thence West at right angles to said East line a distance of 611.70 feet; thence South at right angles a distance of 458.87 feet to the South line of said Outlot "A" and there terminating and Public Utility Area as delineated and dedicated in the said plat of BROOKSVILLE HILLS FOURTH ADDITION, Scott County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing on said CUP has been duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issue and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the proposed CUP; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission find the CUP in harmony with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission find the proposed CUP is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP meets the criteria for approval of CUP as contained in Section 1108 of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA: 1. It hereby adopts the following findings: a. The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The WTF is a key component to improving the quality of the water provided to the City's water supply system. A goal of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan is to develop public infrastructure for the efficient provision of municipal services. The supporting policy of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan specifically calls for the establishment of a water treatment facility. This proposal is consistent with these goals. b. The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. This proposal will benefit the health, safety and general welfare of the community by improving the City's water supply. 1:\07 filesl07 cup's\city water trcatmcnt\rcsolution.doc www.cityofpriorlake.com Page 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 c. The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. With the granting of the CUP, the use will be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. d. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities, services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The streets and utilities to serve this development are in place. This use will not adversely affect those services. e. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. Through the use building materials and architecture, the use will not have an adverse impact on the nearby properties. f. The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the City Council and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the City Council. The design, materials, and landscaping will exceed the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. g. The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. These plans have been prepared by a civil engineer. h. The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the City Council may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the City Council may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the City Council. The Planning Commission may add any conditions deemed appropriate. 2. The Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the following condition: a. The City shall provide a Utilities and Stormwater Management Plan. b. The City shall address all comments detailed in the June 20, 2007 Engineering Department memo prepared by Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer. c. The City shall receive a building permit prior to construction on the site. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the City Council hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a public service structure in the R-1 Zoning District. The contents of Planning Case File #07-122 is hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of the decision for this case. Passed and adopted this 25th day of June, 2007. 1:107 filesl07 eup'slcity water treatmentlresolution.doc Page 2 ATTEST: Jane Kansier, Planning Director ]:107 fi]esl07 eup's\eity water treatment\resolution.doe Vaughn Lemke, Commission Chair Page 3 o Ii) w z-<rw 5: Qj o QJ LL Ii) I'- o Ii) < ,p"n -, ;=~I I' j w (f) l ~..L::C' II I I, ;-,-<--=-<--<- w > <( <( U (f) <( I- "f:'Y< ..,,--,nl.; , J' ,_..l[VfL "~L"~l:l l I, I' J -I I I'" ) r-J' j >>,-=-" J ->>~-~---~'=' -,- q Li< I I ~:\Bp~~n\:1,~"."i2\~\~1~~;~~\8 R_d 6_dw>; 6/19/07 '-;;;~ \,~:'~ .' E:'~ __~"': 9 .,~' -", " '" ~" I 1\ II 'I t f / 1 < -</,j r j I ( --.5 ~ ~1 i 1/ 1j L , '" ~--- ""'" '" , 'm ;..;,~~~ l",-C~~ L-l ;:~:~~I! '------------_I ,". ,_ :~';:. I ..<~""< ~_' I. _. '_>>_ I L_~_/;<\~E'; !~ '-..:.. ~~ ;:., co.::.;~'~ _>>--':::':-~:~C'"',;-,--i '- ~,,~ ,< _,----""~:'~ <,' _~>>__~~~(< J -'-C; ~~::,,---'--"i /'v''l OJ. "\ :;:.'<<' </ r ',-- I ~ L /_::;::,~'~'-w.ll vr- >-- 5~ ::<'\ .t-~ t &c' (: 'j '"~I ~;~ 'i-'<';? 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CD () C o o ~I , Memorandum DATE: June 20, 2007 TO: Danette Moore, Planning Coordinator FROM: Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer CC: Steve Albrecht, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Water Treatment Facility (City Project #07-122) The Engineering Department has reviewed the site plan received May 4, 2007 for the subject project and we have the following comments: General 1. All plan sheets should be screened to feature the proposed improvements. 2. Existing topography and contours should extend 200' beyond the project site on the south and east portions. 3. Provide legend showing all linetypes and hatches used. Please verify all linetypes on legend match those used on the plans. 4. Provide details for gate valves, CB/storm manholes, sanitary manholes, commercial entrances, curb and gutter, typical sections, silt sack inlet protection, and etc. City standard commercial detail should be used for entrances. 5. Provide additional information for the east portion of the site. Proposed and existing contours end prematurely and topography of adjacent is not shown. 6. Plans should have note to contact Gopher State One Call for locations of existing utilities. 7. Show removals on the plans including trees, existing pipes, structures and etc. 8. Plans should follow the commercial requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. GradinQ and Erosion Control 1. Provide impervious area calculations. 2. Provide erosion control plan. 3. Additional grading and proposed contours are needed east of the forcemains. 4. Show construction limits on the plan. C:\Documents and Settings\dmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local SettingsITemporary Internet FileslOLK2F\Review I 062007.DOC 5. Add note stating that all silt fence must be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. Proposed silt fence should be located around entire construction site. 6. Provide door locations on the civil plans. 7. Provide gradation requirements for riprap to be used fro 3' wide channel. Utilities 1. Provide notes for the watermain bends, tees, and etc. Provide note on plan that all watermain require 8' min. bury. 2. Provide pipe type, size, class and slopes for all utility pipes. Provide inverts and top of casting for all catch basins and manholes. 3. Provide notes for proposed utility connections on the plan. Additional information is required on the plans in regards to the work proposed to be completed. 4. Show irrigation service on the plans. 5. Provide note stating that all gate valves have riser rod extensions. 6. Place note on the plans that the contractor shall contact the Engineering department to coordinate inspections for utility installation. 7. Hydrant spacing should be 300' maximum and provide coverage for proposed buildings. Streets 1. Show handicapped parking stalls on the plan. Provide additional spot elevations for handicapped parking stalls to ensure they meet ADA requirements. 2. Construction plan should show additional information including curb radii, curb types, spot elevations, sawcuts, match point elevations, curb removal, removals, salvaging and etc. 3. Provide typical sections for driveways and parking areas. HvdroloQV 1. This project must meet the rules spelled out in the Public Works Design Manual, Hydrology Appendix. 2. Stormwater Management Report is required per Section 2. The report narrative should describe need for variance for rate control. 3. Volume control feature and volume control credits should be quantified in narrative of stormwater management report. Recommend using wetland buffer or other preservation areas as credit for volume control for permanent preservation. 4. Provide detail of pond lining and permeability calculations based on DOH recommendations. 5. A NPDES permit is required prior to grading. City must review and approve SWPPP. C:IDoCllments and Settingsldmoore.PRIORLAKECH\Local SettingslTemporary Internet Files\OLK2f\Review I ()62007.DOC 2