HomeMy WebLinkAbout8E - Resolution 99-125 & 99-126 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT AGENDA ITEM: NOVEMBER 15, 1999 8E SUE MCDERMOTT, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER CONSIDER APPROVAL OF: 1) RESOLUTION 99-XX FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 79677R BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, AND 2) RESOLUTION 99-XX ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SIX EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION (EVP) SYSTEMS, CITY PROJECT 98-23. MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: DISCUSSION: H/STORY At the August 16, 1999 City Council meeting the Council approved Resolution 99-75 approving plans, specifications and solicitation of bids for the installation of emergency vehicle preemption (EVP) equipment for six intersections in the City. The subject intersections are: 1) TH 13 at Fish Point Road 2) TH 13 at CSAH 44 3) TH 13 at CSAH 21 4) CSAH 21 at CSAH 39 (Franklin Trail) 5) CSAH 44 at CSAH 39 6) CSAH 44 at Fish Point Road The EVP equipment was previously purchased at a substantial cost savings and is awaiting this installation contract. Bids for EVP installation were opened on September 8, 1999. Four bidders submitted bids. The bids have been checked and tabulated. The low bid was submitted by Electrical Installation and Maintenance of Maple Plain, MN in the amount of $18,775.00. The contractor is experienced in this line of work. The Engineer's Estimate was $35,000. 16200"8'.~reek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 1 Ph. (612) 447-4230 1 Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES The council previously directed that the staff determine the contribution which MnDOT and the County would provide since the equipment serves their roadways as well as city streets. The county limits its contributions to maintenance of the EVP equipment once it is installed. The original EVP equipment purchase did not include the confirmation lights which are installed on each signal arm to indicate the system has been activated. Four lights will be required at each intersection for a total of twenty-four lights at a cost of $59.00 each plus shipping and handling (approximately $1,750.00). The cost to install these lights is included in the bid. MnDOT will be participating in the cost of the TH 13 EVP systems (three of the six intersections) in the amount of 50% of the installation and equipment costs and 8% of the total for engineering and inspection. The MnDOT agreement also includes $20,500 for a cabinet and a pedestal pole to be provided by MnDOT for the TH 13 intersections at CR 44 and Franklin Trail. MnDOT has completed the draft signal agreement which is attached to this report. We will refine this agreement and hope that final copies for execution will be available at the Council meeting. With approval of the signal agreement the council can then accept bids and award the contract. ISSUES The Fire and Police departments have been anxiously awaiting the installation of EVP systems at these high volume intersections. Once installation is complete on these six intersections the only remaining signals in the City without EVP will be on CSAH 83, at Mystic Lake and at CSAH 42. These two locations will be upgraded with future roadway improvements. CONCLUSION The staff believes it is appropriate for the City Council to approve the execution of the signal agreement, accept the bids and award a contract for the installation of EVP systems at six intersections within the City. Installation is EVPAWARD.DOC FINANCIAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: EVPAWARD.DOC expected to be completed by January 1, 2000, weather permitting. The total cost of this project as shown on the attached table is $81,171 which compares to the original engineer's estimate of $84,896. Engineering Total City Share MnDOT Share Design $19,000 $19,000 $0 Construction $5,000 $1,775 $3,225 Construction Equipment* $38,246 $23,672 $14,723 Installation $18,775 $12,907 $5,868 Total $81,171 $57,354 $23,816 *Includes $16,146 for equipment that was previously paid from 1998 contingency, $20,500 for MnDOT equipment plus $1,750 for confirmation lights. MnDOT has agreed to pay $23,816 of the total project amount. This amount is 50% of the total equipment and installation costs for the three TH 13 intersections plus 8% of the total equipment and installation costs for engineering and inspection. The City Council has already authorized the acquisition of the EVP equipment in the amount of $16,146 and the $19,000 fee to prepare plans and specifications for the equipment installation. This leaves $22,208 as the City's portion of the project. The attached resolutions would authorize execution of the MnDOT agreement so we can receive the $23,816 MnDOT share, award the bid for installation in the amount of $18,775 and approve the expenditure of $22,208 from the collector street fund. Taken together, these costs equal the total City's share of $57,354. The alternatives are as follows: 1. Approval of Resolution 99-XX approving execution of the signal agreement with MnDOT and approval of Resolution 99-XX accepting bids and awarding the contract for the installation of six EVP systems. 2. Deny this item for a specific reason and provide staff with direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: EVPAWARD.DOC 3. Table this item until some date in the future. 1. Motion and second to approve Resolution 99-XX authorizing Mayor and City Manager to execute Traffic Signal Agreement No. 79677R between MnDOT and the City of Prior Lake. 2. Motion and second to approve Resolution 99-XX accepting bids and awarding the contract in the amount of $18,775.00 to Electrical Installation and Maintenance of Maple Plain, MN. /1/; ;J ,~~ AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE '1 tv N E S 0 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 79677R EEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS, the Council approved Resolution 99-75 approving plans and specifications for installation of Emergency Vehicle Preemption systems at six intersections within the City, and WHEREAS, MnDOT will share in the cost of equipment and installation in the amount of $23,816.00 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA: that the City of Prior Lake enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install new emergency vehicle pre-emption systems at the existing traffic control signals on Trunk Highway 13 at Fish Point Road, at County State Aid Highway No. 44 (160th Street Southeast) - Main StreetlRidgemont Avenue, and at County State Aid Highway No. 21 in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 79677R, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute such agreement on behalf of the City. Passed and adopted this 15th day of November, 1999. YES NO Mader Kedrowski Petersen Schenk Wuellner Mader Kedrowski Petersen Schenck Wuellner {Seal} Frank Boyles City Manager City of Prior Lake 16200A~\lgl<Creek Ave, S,E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 1 Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RESOLUTION 99- IV, EPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR INSTAllATION OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE PREEMPTION SYSTEMS AT SIX INTERSECTIONS (CITY PROJECT #98-23) MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the installation of Emergency Vehicle Preemption systems at six intersections within the City, and WHEREAS, The following bids were received, opened, and tabulated according to law and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: CONTRACTORS TOTAL BID Electrical Installations and Maintenance Killmor Electical Peoples Electric Ridgedale Electric $18,775.00 $23,735.00 $27,943.00 $33,950.00 WHEREAS, it appears that Electrical Installations and Maintenance of Maple Plain, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF PRIOR lAKE, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Electrical Installations and Maintenance of Maple Plain, Minnesota in the name of the City of Prior Lake for the installation of six Emergency Vehicle Preemption systems (City Project 98-23) in the amount of $18,775.00, to be drawn from the Collector Street fund. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to return to all bidders the deposits made with their bids once a contract has been signed. Passed and adopted this 15th day of November, 1999. YES NO Mader Kedrowski Petersen Schenk Wuellner Mader Kedrowski Petersen Schenck Wuellner 16200~eyI~~reek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 1 Fax (612) 447-4245 AT\ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER {Seal} Frank Boyles City Manager City of Prior Lake EVPAWARD.DOC NOV-05-1999 16:32 WSB & ASSOCIATES P.02/12 MrNNESO~~ T~~SPORTATI~ DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTBOL SIGNAL AGREEMEN'r NO. 7!J6l7R ~ET'W'EEN . TKE STATE O? MINNESOTA 1 DE!AR~ME~T O? TRANS?OR~AT!ON AND THE CITY OF PRIoa LAKE TO Install new !mergency Vehicle ?re-eM?tio~ Systems at the exi5ting Traffic Control Signals on Trunk High~~y No. 13 at FiSh Point Road, ac County State Aid Highway No. '4 (160~h S~~ee~ Southeast) - Main Street/RtQg~ont Avenue. and at County S~ate Aid Highway No. 21 in Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesc~a. S.P. 7001....86 S.A.P. 201-030-01 ~repared by ~raffic Engineering ES~IMATED AMOUNT RECEiVABLE AMOUNT ENCOMSEREO ci~v 0; Prior Lake 510,250.00 Sl.9.710.00 ~/~ Acc~tift~ XafOZDA~iDDr rune: Or;IS~tl: lLVilI:1C)" If. 7 ~ V.ndor ~~r: Pisc:a~ ~Q;n:': C:cn~r~c;;t : NU2ber/Dk~~Jtn'ry :fti~ia\~ O;l;'dlil%: ~~~bl~JDate/s!snA~u:es (llld.ill.Lcill.l ..:gaJ.tlg c.rtitj.~ I:lIiH f1Jn~~ II.". b....~ Ql/C',Jllb;zed A:l zeqv:!zd by ~,JM. Sc~ C - S li'\. 15. i Budget oU~ce: IAutho:,1za4 HorIAtU=.) eO'd 9!:l! 66, S AON ~st~-L6l-Zt9:X~~ JI~~~~l ^3ll~~ N3aln~ NOV-05-1999 16:33 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.03/12 THIS AGREEMENT made and enteree into by ~nd between the Sta:e of Minnesota, Depa.ement Qf 'lransportationl he:-eina.ft6:C referr2d to as ~he .S~ate~, and che City of Prior Lake, here.i.natt.er referred t.o as the RC1ty", WI'rNESSET~: ~iEREAS. Minnesota. Statutes Section 16l.20 (1999) a\.ltborizes t:he Comm1s'sio~er of 'rransportation to rnak.e arrangements with and cooper8~e with any governrnent:al au~hori~y tor the purposes of con$~rueting. m.in~air.1ng and improving ~~e ~runk Highway system, and ~rnEREAS, it is justified ~nd considered mutually desirahle to 1r.scall new emergenoy vehicle P%e-e~t1on syst~~s ~t: t.he exist:ing traffic control signals' oz:. Trunk High'-lay No. l3 at:. Fish Poi~t Road, at Count:y State Aid Highway ~c, 44 (160th Screet Southeas~) - Main S~reet/RiQgemcnt ^ve~ue, and at Co~~y S~ate hid Hioh~ay No. 21; and WHEREAS, the City requests ~nd tr.e State 4~rees ~o tr-e ir.stal1ation of !mergency Vehicle Pre-e~ption Systems. hereir.l.after referred to as the "EVP Systems ~, as a part. of ~he existing ~raffic cont~ol signAl installations on Trunk y.ighwaj No. 13 at Fish Point Road, a~ County S~ate Aia Highway No, 44 (160t~ Street southeas~) - Main S~reet/Ri4gemont Aven~e, and at Co~nty state Aid Highway No, 21 and in. accordance ~ith the ter.ms and concitions hereinafter se~ forth} and 79677R -1- S:O'd ll:l1 66. S AON ~S!t-l6l-Zt9:xe~ JI~~~~l ^3ll~A N3alO~ NOV-05-1999 16:33 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.04/12_ \~SREAS, it is considered in the pUblic's best in~ere$t for the city tQ provide twelve (~2) one way EVP detectors and ligh~~, three (3) ph~SB selectors and J/Cf 20 cebl~. Such materi~ls as described immediatel~ above shall he~einafter be referred to as "City furn:Lsnec:! materials"; and WHEREAS, it is consi~erea in the public's ~~s~ interest for the S:a~e to provide one (l) pedestal shaft and base and a new cabinet and controller for sai~ existing traffic cont=ol sig~als. Su~h materi~ls as described L~ediatelY above s~all hQreina.fter be referred to as. " State furnished rna.:.e%'ials "; ~nd WHEREAS, the city artd State will pa~tieipace in ~r.e cost, maintenance end ope~ation of the new EVP Syst~~s as he.einafter set fortb; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOw~~~S: 1. The City shall prepare,the necessary p~an, specif:cations and proposal which 5hall eon5~itut~. "Preliminary Engineeri~~". The city shall also perform the construc~ion inspec cio:1 required 'Co cCInp~'e'Ce eha i 'Carns of. work he::,einafeer set fortb, \olhich shall const.itute "Engineering an4 Inspection" .and. sha:l be so referred to hereinaf~er. 2. The City witb its own force. and equipment. or by cont~aet shall install ne~ EVP Systems at the exis~ing t'.::,affie control signals on Trunk Highway No. 13 at Fish Point Road, at 796'77R. -2- troAd It:ll 66. S AON ZSt~-l6l-Zt9:~e~ JI~~~~l A31l8A N3Q109 NOU-05-1999 16:33 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.05/12 County State Aid Hig:hway No. 44 (16{)\:h Street Sou.the~:it) - Main street/Ridgemor.~ Aven~e, ~~a at County State Aid ~ighway No. 21 in accordance with.the plan and specifica~ion5 fer State Project No. 7001-86 and sta~e Aid Project No. 201-030-01. Escima~ea Construc~1on Cos~ is 536,500.00 whieh includes City furnished mate~ials, State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 3. The s~a~e will furnish to the City the S~a~e furniShed materials to be installeQ ~ith tr-e Ci~y work proviQed in Paregraph 2. Es~imated cos~ for State furnished materials is 520,500.00. State's share is SO percent. Ci~y's share is SO percent.. ,. U~on execut10n Qt this agzeement and a request in writing by t.he State. t.~e City shall advance eo the Sta~e an amQunt e~ua: tc its portion of the costs as specified in Paragraph 3. The City'S costs sh~ll be Dased on the estiroa~ed CGsts for State furnished ~ateria18. S. upon compilation of the actual cos~s for state furnisr-ed materialsJ the amount of the f~nds advanced by ~h8 City in excess of ~he City's share \~ill be retu:ned to the Ci~y ~icho~t interest ana the City agrees to pay to the s~a~e ~hat amo~nt 0: its share wh~eh is in excess of the amount. of chs funQs advanced by the city. 736i7R -3 - SO'd ll:ll 66, S AON lSll-l6l-~L9:X~~ JI~j~~l ^3ll~A N3Ql09 NDV-05-1999 16:33 TRRFfl~ ~NblN~~~!N~ WSB & RSSDCIRTES INC. ra~.o~!-~Oe-l~Y 6125411700 P.06/12 . 1''-1'' wi .,,- 6. Paymen~ to the city will be r~de oy the State for SO percent of the actual costs pl~ eigh~ (S> percent of its shere for the Cost of Engineeri~g and Inspection of the C:ty furnished ma~eri41s tor paragraph 2 Lestim.~ed cost is $13,500.00), furnisheQ eo tne project. and upon s~mi5sion by the City of an invoice in quin:uplicate to the St~te'$ ASsis~~nt ~ivisicn Engineer at f.oseville it~~~ing ~he costs and cer~itied by a responsible City official tha~ said ~~er1als have been furr.ished ur.cer ~he terms of this agreement. The i~oice and supporcing records are subject to audic by the State's :representa.tives. 7. Upon CClll\pletio~ of the \!fork provided for in Par~g~aph 2 hereof ~Q the sacis~ac~ion of ~ha state's A9sistant D~vision Engineer at Roseville or his duly author~zed rep~esencat1va, che State sball pay to tte City the State's share of the actual Construction Costs pl~~ eight (8) ~arcent of its share for the Cos~ of Bnsir.eexing ~nd Inspection. B. The amount ~o be. encumbered for payme~~ to th~ Ci ty fro:n 'rr\lnk Highway Funds for the City fu.rni'shed mllterl.als and for the constructior. ~o~~ performed under th~s Agreement is ~l5,7l0.00, which is ~he st~te'$ share of the Construction Costs, City furnished material costs &:d Engiaee~lns and Ins~'ection. I~ the event t~at at any t~e it appea~s that such reirobursemen~ 7Ui77R -4- 90.d 8t:lt 66. S ^ON ~Sl~-l6l-Z19:X~~ JI~~~l A3ll~A N30l09 ~. it - NOV-05-1999 16:33 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.07/12 will ey.ceed s~id su~, th~ ci~y shall prom~tly no~ify the State's Assis~~nt Oivi5ion ~gi~eer a~ Roseville or his ~uly aU~horize4 representative of ~he reason fer the increase in cost and the amount 0: addi~ional fu~d, necessary to complete the project. It ,approved by the State's AssiBCL~~ Division Engineer at Rosevil:e or his du~y auchorized repr~sen~a~ive, addi~ioDal f~nQs shall be e~cumb8rec DY tbe State ar.d notice ~y the State's Assistant Division Engi~eer at Roseville or his duly .~uthorized representative to che City of that additional encumbrance will pe~mit the City to complete this p~cjec~. 9. Pa~.ent to the City will Qe made by ~he State for such contract work which is ~o=plete and approved and up,on submissio~ by the City ot an invoice in quint~plicate i~e~i%ing the act~al Const~uction COSt anQ certified by a re5po~5i~le City off:cial that said work h~s been completed under ~he te~ms or this Agreemen~. The invoice and 5uppor~ing recQres are subject to audit by ~he State's representative at ~he direction of the State. 10. In tne event the City advertises for ~ids for all or a portion of the work in Paragraph 2 hereof, the City shall ~ubmit to the S~ate a certified copy of the lo~ bid received ~~d an abstract of all bids received by tne City, together with the City's reques~ for concurrenee by the state in the awaro of a 7~6~7~ -5- LO'd 81:L1 66. S AON ZSt~-L6l-Zt9:XE~ JI~~~~l A3ll~~ N30l08 NOV-05-1999 16:34 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.08/12 cocscruction contrace. Award of ~ne contrace shall not ~e ~4de u~til the Stace advises the city in writing of ics concurrence. 11. The construction work provided for herein shall be under the direction and supervision of che City. I~ is agreed, however, that the s~a~e shall have ~he right tc periodically inspect said cos~ sharing construction ~ork. 12. The EVP Sys~erns provided for in ~aragrap~ 2 hereof s~all be installed, operated, rnainta1ne~ or rerrlovea in accordance with th~ following condicions and requiremer.ts: a). All maintenance of the EVP Systems shall be done by S~ate fo~ces- b) Emicter unit= may be installed an~ used .only on vehicles responding ~o an emergency as def1neo in Minnesota Statu~es Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169,03. The City will provide the State's Assiscant Oivi5ion Bngineer or his duly appointed representa~ive a list Qf all such vehicles wi~h e~~~ter uniC3. . c) Halfunecion of ~he ~p Systems sh~:l be reported to the state i~ediately. dl In the event said.EV? Systems or componencs ~re. in the opinion of the Sta~e, being 79617R -6- 80'd 61:l! 66. S AON ~St~-l6l-~!9:X~~ JI~~~~l A3ll~~ N3Gl09 NDU-05-1999 16:34 tl..... . -- -... WSB & RSSDCIRTES INC. 6125411700 P.09/12 misused Qr the conditiGns set forth ~n Paragra.ph b above are violat.ec., arId suoh misuse or violation'contin~es after receipt by the City of writ~en no~ice thereof from che Sta~e, the s~a~e shall ~emove the EVP Systems. Upon removal of ch-e EVl? systems pur5uan~ co this Paragraph, ~he tield wiring, cabinet wiring, ce~ector receivers, ir.frared de~ector heads and injicator lamps and all other components shall becom~ the property of the City. e) All timing, of said EVP systems shall be determined by t:he State' through its commissioner of 1ransportat10n. 13. ~~y and ~ll persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City shall noe be considered a~ployee$ of the State ~nd any and all cla~ms that mayor might arise under Lhe Worker's Co~pensa~ion Act of ~his S~ate on behalt of saia employees w~ile so engaged, and ~y and all elai~s ~~de by any third party as a consequence of any act 0= omission on the part of said err~loyees while so eDgaged on any of che work contemplated herein shall no~ be the obligation and responsibility of the Sc~te. The Ci~y shall r.o~ be responsible j9677R -7- 60-d 61:l1 66. S AON ~S!~-l6l-~19:X~~ JI~~~l ^3ll~~ N3alO~ NOV-05-1999 16:34 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 6125411700 P. 10/12 . under ~he Worke.'s Compens~tiGn Ac~ for any employees of ~e Sta1:e. ., 9'677R -8- Ql'd 6t:lt 66. S AON lst~-l6l-Zt9:xe~ JI~~~l A311~~ N3Q108 NOV-05-1999 16:34 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 6125411700 P.11/12 CITY OF pa~Q~ LAKE APr~OVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney :By Mayor (City Seal) By city Manager STA~E'OF MINNESOTA bEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDBD FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMEN~ OF TRANSPO~TATION Assistant Division Engineer By Assi5tant Commissione~ 'Dated APPROVED AS TO FORN AND EXECUTION: DEPART:t'~T OF ADMINISTRATION 5y Assistant Atcorney General Scate of M1nnesota Da.ted 7967'7R -9- . n'd Ol:i! 66. S ADN lS!~-l6l-Zt9;X~j JI~~~~l A311~~ N3G109 7f