HomeMy WebLinkAbout7A - Business Retention Survey Results
NOVEMBER 15, 1999
Commissioner Schenck will make a report on the findings of the
Business Retention Survey which was conducted by EDA members
over the past few months.
1620tiPHagtis\~\~.ts\7RtId>jist2.<OOl:; Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Introduction: The Business Retention and Expansion Survey was distributed to random
businesses in Prior Lake in mid-August 1999. Two weeks was permitted before members
of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) contacted assigned businesses to
establish interview dates and times. Out of the 50 surveys sent out, two refused to return
the survey, one determined that the questions had already been answered in a previous
Economic Impact Statement recently submitted, three had second copies faxed and third
copies hand delivered but not returned andfour never responded to repeated requests for
an appointment.
Recommendation # 1: Most of the difficulties associated with the return of the form as
well as scheduling the interview stemmed from the business time of the season for not
only the businesses but EDA Members as well. Future surveys need to be conducted in
either the Fall or Winter seasons. The fact that it was difficult for business owners to
meet with EDA Members however is encouraging in that it is an indicator that local
business is thriving.
More than anticipated results of this survey need to be termed "Inconclusive" as
annotated by the bold letter '1". The survey as laid out provided the business owner to
answer in either a percentage or actual amount. Being unable to determine the size of a
business in relation to the answer provided was impossible to determine. In addition,
some questions which should have provided actual numbers, instead requested
Recommendation #2: Future surveys should permit more precise answers and frequent
cross-references to that a "tracking" can be done by the surveyor. Answers from
Downtown business owners would have a different response than one at Priordale Mall
for example. These trackings are a very important part of the survey.
Most surveys provide an "accuracy estimate". In this case, because of the
questions asked, the inability to track responses and the inability to get 100% of the
surveys returned, this survey can only provide a general outlook at our business retention
and expansion efforts. Of the business owners interviewed, most stated that this "was
about time" or should have been "done a long time ago" indicating that knowing the
business climate of Prior Lake was important to them.
Recommendation #3: The intent behind having EDA Members conduct the survey was to
permit the members to get out and meet business owners face-toface. That was a very
positive move. It was very time consuming for the EDA Members all of which have jobs
of their own. The recommendation would be for the city to budget for a professional
survey analysis within the next three years. Benefits would include more conclusive
results and a more expedient report analysis. The fact that the City is interested in input
from the business owners is still the most important factor. In addition, the time spent on
this report has exceeded 75 hours in establishing the survey, retrieving survey results and
the actual analysis.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
Visitation Survey
1. Is all the information on the cover sheet complete and correct? (circle one)
YES (29) NO (6) If "No", make the necessary corrections.
2. Did you firm begin its operation in this community? (circle one)
YES* (28) NO (12) If "No" where did you move from and when?
Year Moved Here
For the NO respondents, most came to Prior Lake from Burnsville with the
remainder comingfrom, or being a branch of South of The River locations.
*If"Yes", what year?
For the YES respondents, businesses were established in Prior Lake anywhere
from 1909 to 1996 with the heaviest concentration in the late 80 'so
3. Is this establishment a branch plant, a satellite, or a franchise? (circle one)
YES* (9)
NO (28)
*If"Yes", in which state is the headquarters?
Of those responding YES, four had branch offices in Minnesota with others indicating
branches in Oregon, Texas and Michigan.
4. Which of the following industries best describes your business?
(circle all that apply)
(6) (2) wholesale trade
(7) (16)retail trade
(8) (8) finance, insurance and real estate
(9) (15)services
(10) education
(11) home-based business
(12) (3)other (specify) 2- auto service and 1
golf course
Of the business base in Prior Lake, an even mix is between the service and retail
side. The manufacturing side is increasing in a positive way, while several of the
businesses are "transportation" related, indicating services to vehicular travel.
(1 )(2) farming
(2) mining
(3) (5) construction
(4) (6) manufacturing
(5) (9) transportation and
public utilities
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
5. What are the major products or services offered by this establishment and
what percentage of your sales come from each one?
The responses to this question could provide no conclusive answers. Each
business had unique services or products and no trend or conclusion could be
Major product or service
% sales
(5) other ( specify)
6. Do you expect the sales for your services and/or products to increase, stay the
same, or decrease over the next three years? (circle one)
This is the first time that the true theme of the business survey can be seen,
that of the 40 respondents, 38 planned for an increase need of their service and/or
product, while one estimated that their business would remain the same. One
elected to skip this question as was permitted in the survey instructions.
(1) (38)increase
(2)(1) stay the same
(3) decrease
7. Where does your firm sell most of its products or services?
This to has to be one of the "inconclusive" survey answers. With percentages
being asked of the respondents, the results gave very mixed signals. What is
evident is that the businesses rely on local support from the Prior Lake
Community and later on in the remarks section that is once again an emphasis.
The remainder of the results indicates that "south of the river" customers are
equally important. A lesser, but equally significant of businesses indicated that
their product is exported to other portions of Minnesota and a few to other states
in the United States. One exports to Canada.
Prior Lake
Rest of Scott County
In the rest of the Metro area
In the rest of the State
In the rest of the United States
Outside the United States
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
8. What major supplies, services, raw materials does your business purchase?
Again conclusions could not be derived from the percentage responses. An
indicator is that the vast majority of materials and/or supplies purchased come
from locations outside of Prior Lake and Scott Co. The EDA and City Council
should treat this issue seriously if economic development and retention remains a
priority. Of the supplies purchase in Prior Lake, office supplies was the first on
the list.
Supply or service used.
Percentage purchased within
Prior Scott Rest of Rest of Outside
Lake County Minn. U.S. U.S.
9. Please indicate where your employees live.
(Estimate the percentage to the nearest 10 percent.)
Again, very difficult to form actual conclusions with a percentage response. In
general, the majority of the employees that work in Prior Lake, live in Prior Lake. That
has been a goal of the EDAfor several years and it appears to be working. Housing
issues later on however indicate that the city could be doing better in encouraging
affordable housing to meet the employer's needs. The remainder of the employees are
almost equally divided between south of the river cities and north of the river cities with
the north of the river cities getting the slightly higher edge. This is an indicator of the
"reverse commute" trend when lack of affordable housing is available in the city in
which the business is located.
(1) Prior Lake
(2) Savage -
(3) Shakopee
(4) Burnsville -
(5) Belle Plaine/Jordan -
(6) Eden Prairie, Bloomington
BumsvillelRichfield -
(7) Minneapolis/St. Paul
(8) Other -
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
10. How many employees work at this location?
The survey results listed are employees added or subtracted over the past five
years. One business reported a reduction in one area an unskilled area and an
increase in the skilled area. That was factored into the results. While trends can
be derivedfrom this result, it is important to note that the one business that could
have influenced these results dramatically did not respond to the survey request.
The trend was to increase the employee-hiring base over the past five years and
the response to question #6 indicates that the trend is anticipated to continue.
Three businesses lacked the five-year data and therefore were not included in the
survey results.
Five years ago
+32 +99
Skilled Clerical Professional/
+ 123 +40 +96
Unskilled Semi-skilled
11. Do you expect the number of employees you have in each of the following
categories to increase, decrease or stay the same over the next three years?
(circle one for each)
With this question, inconclusive has to be used. For most of the respondents,
actual numbers were used but other used percentage increases and not knowing the size
of the business, actual figures were impossible to ascertain. Again, as is mentioned in
questions 6 andJO, there is a needfor additional employees NOW, at most of the
businesses surveyed. While the one business in question 10 said that a decrease in one
unskilled and an increase in one skilled employee had taken place, all businesses now
plan increases in all levels.
Increase Stay the Decrease By How Many?
(1) Unskilled employees (4) (12) (I)
(2) Semi-skilled employees (10) (13) (I)
(3) Skilled employees (21) (6) (I)
(4) Clerical employees (17) (13) (I)
(5) Professional/Management (14) (15) (I)
(6) Temporary/contract employees (7) (3) (I)
(7) Other (I)
12.a Does your company have problems recruiting employees in the following
categories? (Circle one per line)
This is a very strong survey response. For those businesses responding in the
affirmative, 22 out of22 respondents sighted the lack of qualifiedjob applicants in the
area for ALL job levels. One of the 22 respondents indicated that because of the price of
his product ,he felt that it was impossible for him to hire any new employees and yet to
raise his prices any more would provide incentives for customers to got 0 larger
competitors outside of the city. Other businesses sighted lack of "qualified" job
applicants, lack of "skilled" employees and others a general lack of any applicants.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
Category Yes No Unsure
Unskilled employees (8) (13)
Semi-skilled employees (9) (11)
Skilled employees (19) (12)
Clerical employees (13) (12)
Professional/management (14) (14)
12.b Ifvou answered "Yes" to any of the categories above, please explain the nature of
this problem.
This is covered in question 12a.
Nature ofthe problem
13. What is the average starting hourly wage paid to employees in each category?
These are averages from all of the respondents. Factors that could not help in the
survey was that one skilled response was "commission ", a Clerical response was
"salary and seven Professional/Management responses were either "salary or
commission ".
Semi-skilled Skilled
$9.56 $13.33
14.a Are there any major technological innovations on the horizon in your industry that
might affect your company?
YES* (21) NO** (8)
NOT SURE** (10)
*14.b If"Yes", what are these?
Out of the 14 responses, half (7) mentioned the impact of the Internet on their
business plans. The remainder indicated modernization of their specific trade tools,
training and computerization.
*14.c If"Yes", will these new technologies require retaining of your labor
YES (13)
NO (5)
**14.d If "No or Not Sure", skip to question 15.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
15. In which of the following would your firm be interested? (circle all that apply)
(1) Collaborating with other businesses in training employees (e.g.,
(11) providing space, equipment, or resource people for training of students
and/or joint training of workers.
(2) Serving as an apprenticeship site?
(3) Receiving customized training programs through area technical colleges?
( 4) Participating in mentoring programs for area high school students?
(5) Serving on a local school advisory committee?
(6) Offering training to members of other organizations, such as schools and
(8) companies?
(7) Serving on a two-year college advisory curriculum committee.
(8) Other
16. Are you currently considering moving or closing this establishment? (circle
(1) Considering moving.
(2) Considering closing.
(3) Neither - If Neither skip to question 19.
17. Why are you considering moving or closing? (circle all that are appropriate)
Of those considering a move, most mention a crowded building or lack of
available office space to expand to. Many have plans to move when their leases
are up in 1 - 3 years time and from subsequent questions, the plan is to move out
of Prior Lake unless office space can be found within the city. The city needs to
note a lack of office space. Multiple responses to question 13 say that the City
lacks a progressive viewpoint on the business climate. In most cases the
respondent said that the city lacks a 'vision" or is not "progressive". Others said
that the Prior Lake location is not a good location for their base of operation in
relationship to the location of the majority of their customers.
A:\Business Survey. doc. dot
(1) Changing market conditions.
(2) Overcrowded building.
(3) No land for expansion.
(4) Transportation problems.
(5) Crime/vandalism.
(6) Low work productivity.
(7) Environmental
(8) Rigid code enforcement (including ordinances and building codes)
(9) High local taxes.
(10) High state taxes.
(11) Lease expiration.
(12) Poor telecommunications.
(13) Other (specify)
18. Where are you considering relocating the establishment? (circle one)
Of the respondents all mentioned either Savage or Shako pee as to where they are
planning to move to, except one who mentioned Bloomington and another who
mentioned a "central Scott County location ".
(1) Prior Lake
(2) Another city in this county (specify city)
(3) Another county in the state (specify city and state)
( 4) Another state (specify city and state)
(5) Abroad (specify city and nation)
(6) Undecided
19.a Do you have any plans to modernize or expand your present building(s) or
equipment? ( circle)
(1) (26)
(2) (19)
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
19.b *If "Yes" what is planned?
Of those responding YES, the vast majority indicated a desire to expand the
existingfacility they are located in currently with many more indicating that
modernization of equipment is their top priority.
Of those responding NO, it was mentioned that the modernization or expansion
would be too expensive. Two of the respondents hadjust completed their expansion and
did not foresee and immediate need for future expansion.
19.c *If "Yes", when will the work begin? Year
Only two responses to this but both indicated in 2000 or 2001.
** If "No", skip to question 21.
19. What impact will the expansion or modernization of your present buildings
have on the number of employees? (circle one the left, and if you
answer 2 or 3, answer the jobs question)
While we have positive trends for previously answered questions, this too must be
termed" inconclusive" in actual numbers of employees affected. Some of the
respondents answered with percentages instead of actual numbers. It is important
to note that once again there is no indication of a reduction in employee amounts.
(1) (10)No change
(2) (7) Adds employees - About how many jobs will be added? _ Jobs
(3) Reduces employees - About how many jobs will be lost? _ Jobs
21. Has you firm expanded elsewhere in the last five years?
YES * (9)
NO (32)
*If"Yes", why?
Most of the respondents indicated that expansion outside of Prior Lake has been
in response to a shifting in the customer base or better locations to serve customers.
Others expanded to other locations due to lack of available land or office space adequate
to meet their needs.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
22. Are there any other changes in your business plans for the next three years?
(circle all that apply)
The responses to the OTHER part of this question tell a lot. Two of the OTHER
responses indicate a need to move due to lack of space, a poor customer base and
lack of cooperation with the city. Another potential business loss indicated that
thy will be leaving the city because of the lack of support of Prior Lake business.
During this interview it was noted that the lack of support was primarily directed
to the City Government but also to the Prior Lake residents who continue to flow
out of the city to purchase products or services that are available within the city
limits. Still one other sighted the lack of a positive image for the city but that the
entryway monuments are a beginning and that downtown redevelopment would be
a gigantic leap forward.
(1) (9) No change in operations - If No Change skip to question 32.
(2) (ll)Change in mix of goods/services
(3) (8) Additions or subtraction of product lines
(4) (6) Change production technology
(5) (8) Other
23. What impact will your answer from question 22 have on the number of
employees? (circle on the left, and if you circle 2 or 3, answer the jobs
Again this has to be inconclusive in that Y.t of the respondents answered with
percentages. It is important to note however that there are only increases
planned except for those planning on leaving the city.
(1)(9) No change
(2) (16)Adds employees - About how many jobs will be added?
(3) Reduces employees - About how many jobs will be lost?
24. In the community in which your business is located, are the following business
cost higher, lower, or about the same as for your direct competitors from other
communities? (circle one for each cost factor)
Business cost factors Lower Same Higher
a) Wage rates (4) (30) (3)
b) Transportation costs (5) (26) (6)
c) Energy costs (1) (28) (7)
d) Local taxes (2) (19) (14)
e) State taxes (25) (12)
t) Interest rates (1) (19) (14)
g) Worker's compensation rates (1) (32) (5)
h) Unemployment insurance (1) (29) (5)
i) Employee health care costs (28) (7)
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot 10
24. In Prior Lake, are the following other business factors more favorable, less
favorable or about the same as for your competitors from other
communities? (circle one for each factor)
In looking at the responses to questions 23 and 24, the results provide us with a
status report and then provide us with a list that the city needs to look into. These
two questions can be used a guidelines or as a report card.
Less More
Other business factors Favorable Same Favorable
a) Availability of labor (7) (27) (2)
b) Availability of raw material (5) (28)
c) Availability of credit (2) (31) (1)
d) Proximity of four lane highway (5) (27) (3)
e) Airport facilities (13) (23) (2)
f) Availability of industrial site (23) (15) (2)
g) Quality of telecommunications (10) (20) (2)
h) Availability of housing (9) (16)
i) Other (1) (2)
26. In Prior Lake, how would you rate the following community services?
(Circle one for each service)
The report card continues in this question. Of particular interest should be those
responses termed VERY POOR. The VERY POOR responses included multiple
indicators on the lack of continual education in the area, including vocational, trade,
colleges, and special education classes. The individual responses to the Ambulance and
Health Care question appear to be from personal experiences although never elaborated
upon. The other VERY POOR responses were from the Building Code, Building
Inspectors and water quality.
On the positive side, police andfire protection continue to receive very positive
reviews. Especially high on the list however are the recreational opportunities afforded
by the city's Parks and Recreation Department. This is especially important to note that
while most of the time the city figures the Parks and Recreational opportunities affect
only residents, the businesses now have said that those are amenities are important to
them as well. To receive very positive reviews from the residential survey and business
survey is a very important fact to keep in mind. The "city services" including street
repair and snow removal also received positive reviews while the codes and enforcement
of the codes were viewed somewhat less favorably.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
Community Service Excellent Good Fair Poor Poor
a) Day Care 5 16 4 2
b) Elementary and secondary schools 7 16 7 2 2
c) Vocational schools 1 7 3 2 8
d) Higher education 2 3 6 4 8
e) Community festivals 8 15 11 3
f) Recreational facilities 16 20 2
g) Ambulance services 13 15 3 2
h) Health carelhospitals 10 18 2 2
i) Fire protection 15 20 1
j) Police protection 15 18 2 2
k) Street maintenance 8 21 5 2
I) Snow removal 7 17 8 1
m) Zoning 2 9 11 6 4
n) Utilities 4 17 9
0) Building code 1 12 13 4
p) Availability of housing 4 19 5 5
q) Other (specify) 1 3
27. What is your overall opinion of your community as a place to conduct business
in? (circle one)
(9) (15) (12) (1 fair to poor)
(1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor (5) Very Poor
28. What is your overall opinion of your community as a place to live in? (circle one)
(12) (22) (4)
(1) Excellent (2) Good (3) Fair (4) Poor (5) Very Poor
29. We have covered a lot of issues. Help us set some priorities and let us know a
couple of key issues we should focus on to help your firm and help all of
our existing firms grow and expand.
Business respondents had a lot to say in this area and many combined their
comments into one instead of two responses. The responses are attached below.
All responses are verbatim. The responses have been grouped and are in no
particular order or importance.
Help your firm:
Help all businesses in the community:
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
. City Hall should be more business friendly.
. Let change happen to this town-City Fathers not too open to change-Too
. City Hall should establish an "Omni Busmen" with City Hall and City Officials.
. "Omni Busmen" - Poor business in City Hall.
. Form a relationship between the City and businesses.
. Hire an Economic Development Director.
. Hire an EDA Director.
. Address policymaking and how it will impact the businesses affected by downtown
. Move more businesses into downtown and less outside.
. Better and more frequent communication with the business owners.
. More cooperation with City Hall / City Officials.
. Less interference/restrictions by City with businesses.
. Do not over-regulate & building code businesses [planning on) improvement or
. Greater efficiency in the permitting process.
. Work as a team, business-residential-government working together.
. Use seminars dealing with customer service.
. Need to be more pro-business.
. Tax Increment cooperation.
. Bring more businesses to Prior Lake.
. Support local businesses.
. Be supportive of local businesses.
. Be accountable as a way to lower taxes.
. Increase the perception of value of services received by taxpayer. If the "feel" of
the value is there, then the taxes aren't a problem.
. Help citizens understand that we are a full service community. Businesses in this
community not only pay taxes but contribute a lot in other ways as well. We need
citizen support.
. Build 'Allies" to tell the City's story- Build Allies with the newspaper.
. Keep downtown clean and enforce the codes!
. Give a good image of Prior Lake, physical and representative.
. Have a meeting with downtown redevelopment consultants before anything is
. Ditch the sloppy image-Priordale Mall & area downtown businesses, EZ Stop,
weeds & sidewalks.
. Renovate downtown and make it a more pleasant place to do business.
. Redevelop downtown and Priordale Mall.
. Redevelop Priordale Mall site. There should be support for an anchor tenant
such as Shopko, Walmart or similar.
. Need a more progressive view on growth.
. Be more progressive.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
· Have fluid & flexible land use codes.
. Realize that we have some natural limitations as a city.
. Highway access and visibility.
· Highway access and flow on 13 & 42 - no turn lanes.
. When doing street improvements, include business needs.
. Access to our building.
· Ensure future access from 13 is easy-acceptable downtown redevelopment.
· Keep a balanced housing market, including rentals for young & old.
· Review City Policy on wireless towers based on consumer needs in this city.
. Schools need to sell themselves.
A:\Business Survey.doc.dot
Preliminary City of Prior Lake EDA Survey Results
Before beginning, I want to emphasize that this discussion is merely a preliminary
discussion of the results from surveys currently on hand. There are still more to be
completed which will have an influence on final survey results. Once all surveys have
been returned, a more in-depth report will be forthcoming.
. Surveyors had some difficulty in conducting the interviews and/or acqumng
completed survey results due to the busy schedules of both the surveyors as well as
the business owners/managers. This indicates a positive trend in the nature of
business being conducted in Prior Lake today.
. Many surveys commented that this was good to have contacted them and to be
recognized as an important entity in the City. Some commented that now that the
initial step has been taken the City should continue the effort and let the public no
more about the services and products offered within the City of Prior Lake.
. While 50 surveys were distributed and re-distributed, the end result may only consist
of between 43 - 46 due to a variety of reasons through no fault of the EDA or City
. Every business, except one, that responded to the question of whether additional
hiring was anticipated or not answered in the affirmative or stability in staffing. The
one that noted a decrease noted it in an un-skilled position but anticipated hiring
between two and three in skilled positions.
. All business that responded to another question also noted that there was a very short
labor market and that it is extremely difficult to add additional, qualified staff at this
time. Many noted that lack of available affordable housing in the City.
. Many businesses reported they anticipate expanding within the next year to three
years but also noted a lack of commercial land in the City as well as a lack of
available office space. Office space appears to be a very critical factor in maintaining
our current business base as well as attracting new businesses.
. The Internet and computer technologies were very important factors in determining in
which direction the business future will take them.
. A few comments cited the City as lacking a progressive vision of the future, which
inhibits business expansion or attraction. Image becomes an important factor to many
especially, in regards to downtown re-development plans and Priordale Mall. Other
comments advised the City to improve its physical image as well as its business
image. None of the surveys indicated that the current condition of downtown was
acceptable as it stands today. It was also cited that the City, County and State must
recognize the roadway configuration at State Hwy 13 and Scott County 23 as a
potential site for future commercial expansion. This area was also noted in interviews
as an area that needs help in road design for the current businesses.
After tabulating this preliminary survey result, it became obvious that this survey
must be conducted again within three years and with questions that permit an easier
crosstie analysis of the answers received. It became difficult to analysis why
responses may have been the way they were as the names of the businesses were
purposely removed from the returned surveys. I would also recommend that the
Preliminary City of Prior Lake EDA Survey Results
survey be conducted in the fall or winter of 2002, as this appears to be a better time to
schedule interview appointments.
There weren't any shocking details in the surveys received so far. The lack of
commercia11and, lack of available employees, lack of available housing, and lack of
business space are all factors that we have been dealing with for many years.
As soon as the remaining results are returned and tabulated, a greater in depth
report will be submitted to the EDA and City Council.