HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 1, 1999
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7''ZOm tk Ved ~ FRANK BOYLES
October 29, 1999
TO: Mayor Mader and Council members
SUBJECT: November 1 st Work Session
The 5:30 pm November 1 st work session agenda is attached. Two topics are to be discussed:
(1) Transit issues; and (2) McKenna Road alignment. MVTA Executive Director Beverly Miller,
and Legislative Counsel Bob Renner, will also be present. I have attached an October 22nd
letter I received from a Prior Lake Transit user, together with an MVT A Press Release
regarding van pool service.
Also attached is a memo from Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier regarding the Shepard of
the Lake development concept and their request to realign the CSAH 42 / McKenna Road
intersection. We hope to receive preliminary reactions from the Council on this topic.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Monday, November1, 1999
5:30 p.m.
Fire Station City Council Chambers
(1) MVTA Transit Issues
a} Introductions
b) Transit Taxing Issues (Bob Renner, Messerli & Kramer)
* Some History
* Current Circumstances
c) Transit Service and Costs in Prior Lake (Beverly Miller)
* Services Provided
* Costs v. Levy
(2) Shepard of the Lake I McKenna Road Realignment
(3) Adjourn (6:50pm)
16200 a!1Mll9r.~CAve. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Paul B. Christensen
16596 Ramsey Avenue SW
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Home: 612-447-3710
Work: 651-297-4169
October 22, 1999
Mr. Graham Thompson
Operations Manager
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority
11550 Ruup Drive
Burnsville, MN 55337
Dear Mr. Thompson:
I am a believer in mass transit. I try to take the bus to work whenever I can
even though it is often ~ch slower than driving. I currently take the bus
from Prior Lake to downtown St. Paul 2 - 3 times per week on average.
Your impending change to the 35R route will prevent me from making the
existing tenuous (unofficial) connection to the 48B and from getting to
downtown St. Paul from Prior Lake. Van pooling ( suggested by your nice
employee, Robin Selvig)is not an option due to my erratic schedule.
Since the 35R is the only bus service to Prior Lake I believe it should, at
the very least, stop at the Burnsville Transit Center. This would allow
riders, such as myself, easier access to other portions of the transit system.
If it does not you are effectively discriminating in favor of only those
people who work in downtown Minneapolis.
I would appreciate a detailed response from you explaining exactly why the 35R
should not stop at the Burnsville Transit Center.
,8iL Ii &:
Paul B. Christensen
cc: Beverly Miller, MVTA Executive Director
Wes Mader, Mayor of Prior Lake
Lee Ann Schutz, Editor, Prior Lake American
Robin Selvig, Executive Assistant, MVTA
10/28/99 THU 16:12 FAX 6128827699______
-H.... Prior Lake
Bumsville, MN 55337
News Release
Prior Lake American
Savage Pacer
Robin Selvig, 612/882-7504
MVTA to Offer Vanpool from Prior Lake/Savage to St. Paul; Bus Service Changes
Prior Lake, Minn. _ (October 28, 1999) - Residents of Prior Lake <.md Savage who work in St. Paul will
have a new commuting option beginning in December. The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MYTA) is
wOTking to cstablish a vanpool to transpoTt commuters from the Prior Lake area to SL Paul during peak-period
times. The van is expected to transport riders more quickly and efficiently th"n a tr"ditional bus. The MVTA
needs a minimum of six riders to initiate this service, whicb is typically offered where regul"r route bus service
does not operate. The vanpool is expected to begin service on Monday, Dec. 13.
Benefits of vanpools include:
. The MVTA pTOvides the van, including maintenance costs and insurance. FaTcs cover the costs of
fueling and cleaning the van.
. Yanpools are eligible to use HOY lanes and ramp-meter bypasses.
. Riders may be picked up al their homc or at a pre-determined dcstination such as a park & ride lot
. Some employers offer preferred parking for vanpools.
. A volunteer driver operates the van and does not pay r"res in exch.mge fOT maintaining the paper-
work associi:lted with the vanpool.
.Vanpool fares are rcasoll"ble: $12 per week or $48 per month.
Residents of Prior Lake a.nd Savage who are interested in tl1is service ,He asked to contact the MVTA ,11
(612) 882-7500. They will be asked to provide such inform"lion as work hOLlrs and prop used pick-up and drop-
off destinations. They will also be able to indicate any interest in driving the van.
10/28/99 THU 16:12 FAX 6128827600
......... Prior Lake
MVTA to Offer Vanpool. . . Page 2
Other Prior Lake Vanpools Already Operate
The MVTA currently opcr<ltes vanpools from Prior Lake to other destin<ltions, including Northwest
Airlines Buildings Band C and the Shakopce Courthouse. Space is also avaibble on these vans for riders inter-
esled in joining the vanpools. C<l11 (612) 882-7500 for mOTe information regarding specific hours of operJtion or
to registeT for the vanpools.
Bus Service Changes Dec. 13
Bus service for Prior Lake and Savage residents to Downtown Mllu1capolis will <llso change in mid-
December, with the upening of the new Savage Park & Ride at COllnty Road 42 and Huntll1gton. Route 35R,
which currently service Prior Lake, will continue to do so with a different routing. The bus will travel on THI3
fTOm Prior Lake through downtown S,lVage (serving the p<lrk & ride at 'I 23rd & Princeton), bypassing the
Savage Park & Ride and the BUT11sville Transit Station. Twu trips will operate on this route in each direction.
Route 35V, which currently operates from downtown SavJge, will originate at the new Savage Park &
Ride, travel on the Burnsville Parkway, County Road 5 and TI-l 13 - also bypassing the Burnsville Transit Station.
Two trips will also operate on this route in each direction. Riders should call for detailed schedules on Routes
35R and 35V. New schedules will be available ll1 early December.
Route 35N to downtown Minneapolis and Route 48B to downtown St. Palll will also originJte at the
Savage Park & Ride. With the openll1g of the Savage Park & Ride, the Valley Ridge lot will be closed. Buses will
continue to serve riders boarding along the BUfl1sville Parkway but will not entcT the Valley Ridge parking lot.
Eight trips in each diTection will provide a mix of downtown arrivals and departures similar to the current 35N
At this time, Route 421 will be the only all-day local route serving the Savage Park & Ride, although
MVTA staff continues to review 10ca] service needs in Savage and Prior Lake.
MVTA is the public transportation provider for residents of Apple Valley, BUTl1sville, Eagan, Prior Lake,
Rosemount, and SZlvage.
TO: Prior Lake City Council
FROM: Jane Kansier, Planning COOrdinator~
DATE: October 29,1999
RE: Proposal to Relocate McKenna Road
cc: Frank Boyles, City Manager
Don Rye, Planning Director
Sue McDermott, Assistant City Engineer
Shepherd of the Lake church has purchased approximately 60 acres of land located on the
north side of CSAH 42 at McKenna Road. They are contemplating a mixed use
development as shown on the attached concept plan. A part of their plan would involve
the realignment of McKenna Road approximately 2,000 feet to the west of the existing
intersection with CSAH 42.
The Transportation component of the Comprehensive Plan also identifies the realignment
of McKenna Road. However, this plan moves the intersection with CSAH 42 about
1,300 feet to the west ofthe existing intersection. Shepherd ofthe Lake is requesting the
City Council consider the revision of this realignment.
There are several issues to be considered as part of this proposal. Some of these issues
are listed below.
. Access spacing on the County road: Which of the proposed accesses will meet the
recommended spacing guidelines for CSAH 42?
. Access to properties on the south side of CSAH 42: The realignment of the access
will affect the four-way intersection, which affects the development to the south. The
question is which property is more likely to develop? Also, where is the most
desirable four-way intersection?
. Potential for future extension of McKenna Road to the south of CSAH 42: This is
related to the existing topography of the properties to the south. It also goes back to
the question of the development of those properties.
j:\99fiJ,e,s\99:lUbiec\92-Q61 \Load.dQc 1
16200 cagle LreeK f\ve. ~.c., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Council Action:
Representatives for the church will be available to discuss this proposal. The Council
should discuss the proposal to realign McKenna Road, along with the various issues, and
provide staffwith some direction for future action.
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BWBR Architects
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September 20, 1999
Jane Kansier
Planning Director
City of Prior Lake
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church
BWBR Commission No. 1999.030.00
Dear Jane,
On behalf of Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church and Eugene and Rhoda Berens, we
are requesting that the City Council consider the realignment of McKenna Road as
described here in and illustrated on the attached plan. We understand that it is the intent
of the Comprehensive Plan, currently under review by the Metropolitan Council, to move
McKenna Road 1300 feet to the west. Our proposal would move McKenna Road an
additional 750 feet to the west, placing it along the western edge of the Berens property.
This realignment allows the land owner the opportunity to develop the land contiguously
without McKenna Road bi-secting it, we feel that the realignment of McKenna Road as
illustrated on the site plan is in keeping with the intent of the Comprehensi ve Plan.
We thank you for your consideration in this matter and look forward to your
BWJR ArChitects.
~~ C~~K~
Steve Erickson, AlA
cc: Stan Ellison, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
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