HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 6, 1999 .(. PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Monday, July 6,1999 5:00 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers (1) Library Tour (2) Building Status Report for Library (3) Adjourn (6:50pm) (See Attached Memo) 16200 BJ.~!l9rOOG\ve. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t, UM ?~ de Ved 06 FRANK BOYLES July 2, 1999 TO: Mayor Mader and Councilmembers SUBJECT: JUL Y 6, 1999 WORK SESSION Attached is an agenda for the July 6, 1999 City Council Work Session. We will meet at 5pm at City Hall to conduct a tour of the new Library/Resource Center building. Barry Petit, the architect for the project will lead the tour. This is a great opportunity for Councilmembers to view the progress on this exciting project. Following the tour (approximately 5:30pm) we will return to the Fire Station for the remainder of the Work Session. A light dinner will be served. The focus of the Work Session is to review the status of the Library Resource Center project and discuss issues so the staff can receive Council direction. The items for discussion are as follows: 1. Status of Construction: The building is considered to be 75% complete. We expect that it will be ready for opening on October 1 st. The Grand Opening is tentatively scheduled for September 30th. Architect Petit may have additional comments on this topic. 2. Change Orders: A. Change Orders to Date: Two Change Orders totaling $25,360 were required and approved for additional soil corrections, footing revisions and building modifications. These Change Orders also included budget reductions. A budgeted Change Order was also approved in the amount of $28,443 for decorative exterior tiles for the building. B. Anticipated Change Orders: Several additional Change Orders are contemplated before the project is complete: . Pricing increase on shades ($784): In our attempt to save money we held the contract from the vendor. When we finally decided to proceed there had been a pricing increase. . Connection of fire and smoke dampers ($1.285): The wiring had been errantly left off the electrical plans. . Additional gyp board ($5.368): The exposed wood within the plenum returns needed to be covered with gyp. . Louvers ($1.624): The louver vendor claimed the drawings were vague, which the Architect does not agree with, but the vendor will walk if the change is not approved. . Wood batten ($1.313): The building inspector required 1 x2 battens to secure the vapor barrier to the wood trusses. . Coffee Shop sink plumbing ($1.178): The water and drainage for the sink was not in the original bid. We were thinking that the leasee would install the plumbing, but we needed to add the piping before the concrete floor was poured. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . Parking lot lighting ($1.854): The vendor withdrew his original deduct for changing to a cheaper pole and demanded the amount added back into his contract. Also we added one more shoebox type light head. . Gas line for fireplace ($2.704): This is the proposed cost for providing gas to the Porch fireplace. The work has not been approved. Another $5500 would be required for the fireplace surround. We intend to work to have all fireplace related work donated or paid by contributions, but we have included these amounts here and under Contingency as a precaution. . Access panels for fire damper vales ($955): Panels were errantly left off the mechanical drawings. . Shift storm water catch basin ($2.000): Basins required to be moved because the building was adjusted which impacted the curb locations as well. . Contingency ($8.500): We need to consider a contingency for future items such as the fireplace surround. . Millwork beyond the original budget ($49.300): See following detailed description. 3. Budget Reductions: We have reviewed the budget line items to identify areas where cost reductions can be achieved. They include: . Wood Dance Floor ..........................$4,678 . Telephones. ..... ............... .................$4,500 . Security .......................................... .$3,000 . Building Signage ............................$3,000 . Landscaping.................................. .$2.540 TOTAL ........................................... $17,718 4. Budget Conclusions: Each of the Change Orders and savings identified above are shown in the attached Library/Resource Center budget dated July 1,1999 (attached). The June 16,1999 budget is also included for reference. If the project were completed as outlined above, the total cost would be $87,576 or 3.5% over the $2,500,000 budget. This includes all actual and anticipated Change Orders, a contingency and budget reductions. 5. Millwork: The most pressing matter requiring direction from the Council tonight is millwork expenses. Millwork includes items such as circulation and reference desks, benches, partitions, display cases, computer stations, countertops, magazine racks, book bins and bookcase end panels (see attachment). These are custom made products many of which become part of the building. When the Library budget was prepared by the Architect, the line item for millwork was established at $36,700. This amount assumed that the County would be paying for an estimated $60,000 of these products. In other words, the total millwork amount would be about $97,000. This assumption was made by the Architect based upon his understanding that the County pays for the portable desks, shelving, chairs and tables required to operate the Library. In fact, the County has already ordered about $71,000 of furnishings including chairs, tables, bookshelves, etc. which match in style and finish with the millwork we have bid. They have also set aside an additional $40,000 for circulation materials, together with additional funds for personnel to operate the library. I:\FRANK\MEMOS\COUNCIL\MILLWORK.DOC 2 The City, through the Architect, bid the millwork and received a low bid from FULCO in the amount of $91,900. Following receipt of the bids for millwork, the Architect contacted County library representatives indicating that the County's share of the millwork cost appeared to be $60,000:1:. The library Executive Director indicated they had nothing budgeted for such expenditures and the County did not make those purchases at Savage. She added that a 1997 memorandum to the City indicated that millwork was the City's responsibility. In the Savage project, the City paid the entire millwork costs. The Architect understands that the County did participate in some of the millwork purchases for the Belle Plaine Library. The City staff review~d both the existing and new library joint powers agreement which indicates that the County is responsible for "necessary library materials. personnel. furniture. shelving. equipment and su.pplies". The new joint powers agreement is on this evening's City Council agenda. We are faced with a situation where $91,900 worth of millwork has been identified as necessary, but the City budget provides only $36,700 for acquisition. At our request, the Architect reviewed each of the millwork costs with FULCO, the apparent lowest bidder. From that review, the millwork costs were reduced from $91,900 to $86,000. FULCO is committing to this reduced cost in writing. The issue is, should all millwork specified be purchased and if so, how should it be financed? Three options are identified below for City Council discussion and staff direction: (A) Purchase all specified millwork requesting that the County and Architect contribute to the purchase. We have tried this option and both parties indicate they are unable to participate. I have asked the City Attorney to review contract documents to ascertain any options we may have. (B) Purchase all specified millwork using an alternate funding source for the $49,300 worth of millwork which is beyond the Library budget. Funding sources could include Capital Park Fund ($367,000), Referendum Proceeds ($4,336,956), and/or Referendum Interest ($846,574). The Referendum budget programs $800,000 in interest. Ralph has advised me that he anticipates sufficient interest earnings to cover the $87,576 which includes all Change Orders and all millwork costs. (C) Purchase only that millwork which is essential to the operation of the Library as determined by a County Library representative up to a maximum of $36,700 which is our budgeted amount. The City and/or County could then arrange to program the additional millwork in the future although the costs per item would likely be higher. There are undoubtedly other options, but we are seeking City Council direction about how this matter should be approached. I:\FRANK\MEMOS\COUNCIL\MILLWORK.DOC 3 Prior Lake Public Library and Resource Center Meyer Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. Architects Project Budget j-- ~~~/.) Proiect Scope T oral Gross Area of Building 19,850 Items for Allocation Site preparation work BID PACKAGE ONE Amount $110,000 Notes actual Bid Package One: Soils Correction and Utility Relocations Contingency, drop to zero I Subtotal $110,000 $0 $110,000 Perccentage of budget Comnleted 0.050 Bid Package Two: General Construction Contingency; none Subtotal $1,960,300 $0 $1,960,300 Contract amt Perccentage of budget 0.885 1 Wood dance floors @ 8.25 per sf PACKAGE THREE Millwork PACKAGE THREE Carpet @ 20.73 per sy fob job sire purchased direct Contract amt $23,834 $36,700 $30,805 Contract amt budget 28,512 6/15 bid under review Bid Package Three: Miscellaneous Contingency @2.75% Subtotal $91,339 Bid 6/15/99 $2,512 $93,851 Perccentage of budget 0.042 Mirrors BID SEPERA TEL Y BY OWNER Security BID SEPERA TEL Y BY OWNER Phone BID SEPERA TEL Y BY OWNER ~ Signage BID SEPERATELY BY OWNER Landscaping BID SEPERATELY BY OWNER Dance Barre BID SEPERATELY BY OWNER $2,940 $3,000 $9,000 $12,500 $20,940 $1,260 Bid Seperately by Owner Contingency@2.75% Subtotal Grand Total Construction $49,640 Bid 5/99 $1,365 $51.005 $2.215.1561 sJ. cost Perccentage of budget 174.079 r $111.59 General Furniture (City portion only) Reimbursibles Professional Fees Arch, Mech, Elect, Struc, Specs, Civil, Inrerior, Est Minnegasco Land Cap Well Remove Street Lights Advertisement Construction Sign Dumpster for Old Gas Building Construction Testing and Surveys New Fill for Site $5,000 $9,500 $207,000 $1,650 $1,030 $1,020 $293 $543 $280 $15,475 $17,376 actual Subtotal Non Construction Costs Subtotal Current Project Cost Porjection I $259 167 $24743231 s.f. cost sJ. cost $13.06 $124.65 Change Order No 1 Excavation Sitc:Work Change Order for City work Change Order No 2 Cast Stone by Owner/Fulco Change Order No 3 Change Order No 4 Total Chanlles Total Current Project Cost Projection $5,957 $19,403 $28,443 $0 $0 $53.803 $2 528 1261 sJ. cost $127.36 I . Project Budget Amount Over Budget $2,500:000 $28 1261 netlprojectlpriorlakelI23-b/9803 FBS. wk4 07/01/99 16:26 FAX 612 342 2216 MEYER SCHERER ROCKCASTLE Prior Lake Public Library and Resource Center Meyer Scherer ac Rockcasdc, Lrd. Architects Proice, Budge. ~, 1/--' \ ~~,~~o/ Proiect Scope Total GlOOS Area uf Building 19,850 Amount Notes 5110,000 Contract an'lt 50 Pcrcceolage of budget 5110.000 Com le,ed 0.050 51,960,300 Contract amI $0 Perccentllge of budger 51,960,300 0.892 $23.834 Contract aml budgel28,512 536,700 6/15 bid under review 530,805 Contract amI 591,339 Bid "15199 50 Peeccentage of budget $91,339 0.042 52,940 $0 54,500 59,500 518,400 51,260 536,600 Bid 5199 50 Perc....nt.ge of budget 536 600 124.915 I S2 198 239 I d. cost 5110.74 53.000 $9,500 5207,000 51,650 51,030 51,020 $293 5543 $280 515,475 $17,376 ac[ual 5257.167 s.f. cost 512.96 I S2 455,4061 s.t cost $123.70 55.951 519,403 528,443 50 $784 $1.285 55,368 S 1,624 51.313 51,178 51,854 549,300 52,706 51,500 5955 52.000 58,500 unknown future item! SO $132170 52,581,576 s.f. cost $130.36 52,500:000 587 5161 Items for Allocation Bid Packllge One: Soil. Correction and Utility Reloclltions Contingency, drop 10 zero Sub.o,.1 Bid I'lIck.se Two: General Construction Continlency; nunc Subtotal Wood dance floors lIP 8.25 p<r sf PACKAGE THREE Millwork PACKAGE THREE Carpet @ 20.73 per sy fob job .irc purchllsed direct Bid Packale Three: Misecllaneou, Con,iolency. 0 Subtotal Mirrors BID SEPERATELY BY OWNER Security BID SEPERATEL Y BY OWNER Phone BID SEPERATELY BY OWNER Signage BID SEPERATEL Y BY OWNER land.taping BID SEPf-RATEL Y BY OWNER Dance Barre BID SEl'ERATEl.Y BY OWNER Bid Sepcra,e1y by Owner Contingency liP 0 Sublotal Grllnd TOlal Consrruelion General Furniture (City portion only) Rcimbursibles Prof.ssiunal F... Minnegaseo Land Cap Well Rem nve Stree, Lights Adverri..men, Construction Sian Dumpslcr for Old Gill Buildin!! Consrruetion T ..ting and Surveys New Fill for Sile Subtoul Non Construction CDltl Subtotal Current Project Cost Poriec,ion Chanle Ord... No 1 Excavation Silework Change Order (or City work Change Order No 2 Can SIOm: by OwncrlFulco Chanle Order No 3 sce item. below Shades. price increase Connection of fir. + smoke damper. Addirional Gyp board for fire rating Louvccs Wood Ballen supporting vapor barrier Plumbinl for futuse corr.., shop oink Puking lor ligbting Millwork beyond budg.. Ga. line for fireplllce Scr..n wall for Chiller, AcCCl' pnl. for plumbing ohut-off, Move catch ba.ins Continsency needs to be .pprovcd by city Change Order No 4 T Dial f:hllngel Total Currcnl Project Co.t Projection Project Budget Amounl Over Budger netlprojeetlpriorlakcll 23-b/9 803 FB5. wk4 IaJ 002 06{29/99 12:51 FAX 612 342 2216 MEYER SCHERER ROCKCASTLE ~ 001/001 Prior Lake Millwork Bid Breakdown \O~ \\~ 29 June 1999 Sht 1 Circ Desk $5,800 City Sht 2 Ref Desk $6,376 City Sht 3 $0 f;? Sht 4 Bench $2,800 City Sht 5 Partition $2,595 City , .. Sht 6 File Cover $2,900 City Sht 6 Display Case $4,010 City Sht 7 New Books $3,685 Scott Sht 8 Computer Statior $6,600 Scott Sht 9 Computer Statior $3,820 Scott Sht 10 Computer Static $1,115 Scott Sht 11 Mise Counters $4;990 City Sht 12 Newspapers $2,894 City Sht 13 Work Counters $4,400 City Sht 14 Staff + Mtg Rm $6,860 City Sht 15 Children I s Bins $16,200 Scott Sht 16 Monitor Shield $825 Scott Sht 17 End Panels + To $10,130 Scott Total $86,000 I City Total $43,625 I Scott Total L $42,3751 .. Prior Lake Library and Resource Center Bid Package Three May 21,1999 Millwork Bid Package Three for Prior Lake Public Library & Resource Center Prior Lake, Minnesota May 21, 1999 Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle Architects, Ltd 119 North Second Street Minneapolis, Mn Contact: Barry Petit 612-359-3234 , (I" f\ "'"'' ' Prior Lake Library and Resource Center City of Prior Lake ~ SECTION 00030 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Name of Project Prior lake Library and Resource Center Millwork Bid Package Three Prior lake, Minnesota BIDS RECEIVED UNTIL: 10:00 A.M., Tuesday June 15, 1999, Prior Lake City Hall, 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. SE, Prior lake, Minnesota 55372, Attention Paul Hokeness. Sealed Bid Proposals for the Prior Lake Library and Resource Center construction work to be provided in accordance with the documents as prepared by Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, ltd. Bids shall be opened and read aloud at 10:30 A.M. at the Prior Lake Fire Station Meeting Room, located at 16776 Fish Point Rd., Prior lake, Minnesota (approximately one mile east of City Hall). No bids will be received at the Fire Station. Contract Documents for this work may be examined at the following locations: Minneapolis Builder's Exchanges Minneapolis Office of the F. W. Dodge corporation Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, ltd., 612-375-0336 Brooklyn Park Office of Construction Market Data, 612-537-7730 Documents will be available to bidders on May 20, 1999, I :30 P.M. local time, at the office of Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, ltd. No deposit is required. This Project does not require compliance with minimum wage rates determined by the Minnesota Department of labor and Industry. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers check, or corporate surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the base bid, as bid security. The City of Prior Lake reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bidding. The Work of this Proposal is subject to compliance with the applicable laws, statutes and rules of the state of Minnesota, the City of Prior lake and other Governing Authorities in effect at the time of Bid Opening. Questions should be directed to Barry Petit 612-359-3234 Prior Lakeldodmillwork Prior Lake Library and Resource Center Bid Package Three May 21,1999 Bid Package Number Three BID FORM for Architectural Millwork To: City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 Bidder: (Name of Bidder) Having received and examined the Bidding Documents as prepared by Meyer Scherer and Rockcastle, Ltd.. Architects, and examined all the conditions affecting the Work, the undersigned agrees to furnish and pay for all, labor material, equipment and appliances required by the documents for the Base Bid Stipulated Sums of: For purposes of securing sales tax exemptions on this work, the Department of Revenue requires a Bid Form separating labor and materials costs. The Bidder is instructed to separately list labor and materials costs for the work. The Base Bid Stipulated Sum becomes the Contractors complete Bid for this Work. The award for the contract will be based on the low total Base Bid Stipulated Sum amount Do not include Sales Tax for the specific materials listed below. The drawings code each millwork piece as an A or B Item. This breakdown is necessary to track internal City funding sources. We apologize for the inconvenience, but it will be very helpful. Division 6 - Millwork 8 Items labor: dollars $ (figures) 8 Items Materials: dollars $ (figures) ~ Items labor: dollars $ (figures) ~ Items Materials: dollars $ (figures) Total the A and B Labor and Materials to form the base bid below. Base Bid Stipulated Sum dollars $ (figures) Prior Lake Library and Resource Center Bid Package Three May 21, 1999 Bid Package Three Continued: Millwork The undersigned acknowledges receiving Addends Nos. and has included the work in the Bid. In submitting this Bid, the undersigned agrees: Bids may not be withdrawn during the period of 60 days following the opening date. To accept provisions of Instructions to Bidders. To enter into and execute a Contract, if awarded, on the basis of this Bid. To accomplish the Work in accord with the Contract Documents. CONTRACT TIME: Delivery from receipt of approved Shop Drawings (number of calendar days): SIGNATURES: When Bidder is an Individual: (Witness) (Bidder) Date: (Address) When Bidder is a Partnership: (Name of Partner) (Address) (Partner) (Partner) Date: (Partner) When Bidder is a Corporation: (Name of Corporation) Incorporated in the State of (Address) Date: By (President) Attest: (Secretary) (CORPORATE SEAL) Prior Lake Library and Resource Center Bid Package Three May 21, 1999 SECTION 06400 - ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK General This specification covers all labor, material, equipment and related services necessary to furnish and install custom architectural millwork indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. Under this base bid, the Fabricator shall deliver to the job site and install in its designated location all furniture and accessory items specified herein by the date required by the Contract Documents. Items included in this section: Fabrication, finish and delivery of the following items: Reference Desk Circulation Desk Computer Stands Study Counter Kitchen Cabinets Vanity tops Screen Wall Shelving End Panels Shelving Tops New Books Shelf Book Bins Display Cabinets Miscellaneous Items Related Work to be Coordinated: Data and Power Wiring is required to the reference desk, circulation desk, computer stands, study counters. This work has been included in the base bid of the electrical contractor. Minor coordination is required. Task Lights need to be mounted under several shelves. This work has been included in the base bid of the electrical contractor. Minor coordination is required. Standards: Woodwork shall conform to AWl "Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Industry". Submittals: Provide shop drawings of all items. Also provide samples of wood species and counter top materials. Products Plastic laminate: See millwork drawings for location, mfgr and color. Veneer Plywood: Grade I, plain sliced Birch, book matched and matched for color and grain. Veneer shall be taken from the same filch. Hardwood: Grade I, plain sawn Birch. Solid hardwood shall match the veneer insofar as possible. Cabinet hardware: The millwork supplier will provide a suitable allowance for hidden hinges, glides, and miscellaneous hardware. Door and drawer pulls will be a $8 per pull allowance. Linoleum Inlay Counter Tops: Mfgr Forbo Desktop Linoleum. Color: 4155. Provide sample for final architectural approval. The local rep for this product is Tom Tanner phone, 612-854-0221. Execution Factory Finishing: To the greatest extent possible, shop finish all Wood work to insure quality control. Defer only final touch-up, cleaning and polishing for time after delivery and installation. Preparations for Finishing: Comply with referenced quality standard for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, sealing of concealed surfaces and similar preparations for finishing of architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work. Finishing 1 Coat Oil Stain 1 Coat Sanding Sealer 2 Coats Non-Yellowing Polyurethane Varnish Satin. Concealed interior of wood cabinets, including drawers and softwood: 2 Coats Non-Yellowing Polyurethane Varnish semi gloss. Do not paint when relative humidity exceeds 85%. Thoroughly clean all surfaces of rust, oil, dust, moisture, grease and scale before staining. The finisher should thoroughly examine all surfaces to be stained. Staining indicates the applicators acceptance of surface conditions. Fill gaps and nail holes in woodwork to be invisible. Surfaces to be stained should use a colored filler to match stain. Sand lightly between each enamel or varnish coat. The finished surfaces of stained and painted wood shall be smooth and free of brush marks. Woodwork shall be installed by experienced finish carpenters. Install no woodwork until is has been back-primed. Stabilize humidity within building to level desired by Owner before installation. Ease edges to a 1/16" radius, for corners of cabinets and edges of solid wood (lumber) members less Prior Lake Library and Resource Center Bid Package Three May 21, 1999 than 1" in nominal thickness, 1/8" radius for edges of rails and similar members over 1" in nominal thickness. Complete fabrication, assembly, finishing, hardware application, and other work before shipment to project site to maximum extent possible. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide ample allowance for scribing, trimming, and fitting. Erect and securely anchor woodwork plumb and true. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit abutting surfaces. Adjust doors and drawers to align accurately with equal spacing between finished faces. Cabinet Hardware And Accessory Materials Grommets: 3lh inch dia and 6 inch x 2lh plastic, wI slotted covers, color dark brown. Mfgr, Doug Mockett or similar. Brush Wire Manager: 18 inches long x 1% inches wide. Mfgr Doug Mockett or similar. For concealed hardware provide manufacturer's standard finish which complies with product class requirements of ANSI/BHMA A156.9. Tack Surfaces: 1 inch fabric wrapped fiber panels with resin hardened edges. Guilford fabric with standard color. Architect will verify the color with shop drawing submittals. This is used in the Magazine I Bulletin Board in Entry 113. Shelving Standards and Brackets: K&V standards 87 WH. Brackets 187 WH. Tack Surface: 3/8 inch thick cork, natural color. Used at the Reference Desk. Shop Finishing Of Interior Architectural Woodwork Quality standard: comply with AWl section 1500, unless otherwise indicated. The entire finish of interior architectural woodwork is work of this section, regardless of whether factory-applied or applied after installation. Factory Finishing: To the greatest extent possible, finish architectural woodwork at factory. Defer only final touch- up, cleaning and polishing for time after delivery and installation. Preparations for Finishing: Comply with referenced quality standard for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, sealing of concealed surfaces and similar preparations for finishing of architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work. Execution Erect work plumb, true and square and securely anchored to grounds or blocking. Install neatly, free of slivers, open joints and hammer and tool marks. Scribe and cut work to fit adjoining surfaces. Blind nail insofar as possible, and set surface nails. Drill hardwoods for nails. Securely anchor tops to base cabinets and scribe to walls. Tops shall be level. Complete the finishing work specified as work of this section, to whatever extent not completed at shop or prior to installation of woodwork. Adjustment And Cleaning Verify that moving parts are operating freely. clean exposed surfaces and touch-up marred finishes or replace components as necessary to eliminate evidence or deterioration. adjust joinery for uniform appearance. Clean, lubricate and adjust hardware. Clean woodwork on exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Touch-up shop applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. Protection provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and installer, which ensure products are without damage or deterioration at the time of substantial completion. END OF SECTION 06400 CD o 0) b I '" '" 4 ~w 29 TYP, SHT-I? (63) 63 63 A B 19'-8" / (, I N '" NON-FICTI 71 l!.!ill 65~~!f;::flI65 71 65~W'f'I~"El'V.5 (, I N '" PORCH om 68 62r~:w'm::~~f,j~16 PAPERBACKS 62 :;'~:' !-":., ,:~,," 68 -'.:~, . YOUNG ADULT 62r~1J?:1'~~'62 67 61 PROJECT ROOM lJITJ 1 MILLWORK PLAN @ SHT -0 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 31'-4" 63 63 63 63 MW 09 ~w SHT-IO 08 64 SHT-' k :1 '" 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 JUNIOR 1116BI c F 31'-0" 39' 4" WORK ROOM 110781 63 63 63 " 63 63 64 164 R~~RENCE . MW 70 02 SHT-2 _'_,' ,.i:':';",,,, , ~.\~..&:~.. 64 HALL @[] HALL ~ 6 63 RESOURCE CENTER 1131AI 63 MEETING ROOM Dill 103' 4" Ill' 4" RETRACTABLE DIVIDER SHADED AREAS INDICATE MILLWORK. G @ :0 I N '" RESOURCE CENTER 1131BI CD PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LmRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -0 MILLWORK PLAN Meyer, Scherer &; Rockcastle, Ltd. XI.9 North 1Dd Street Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 6I:z. 375.0336 phone 6I:z. 3042..2.2.16 fax '0 I ;.... " 1" PL YWO. DIVIDER BELOW, CENTERED ON TOP ~ L1NO. TOP WITH 6_1 HDWD EDGE V <D I N 'O~ I...J .......u ++FS~++ 6MP'~OftW~096 lS:L~:l~ 666~/~lISO L1NO. TORb W/EASED HDWD ED E I ACCURID~ DWR GLIDES 0']' EQUAL PROVIDE bENDAFLEX HANGING FILE HDWR OR EQUA~, TYP. HDWD TRI~ BLOCKINd AS REQ'D I $ a::: ...J U N 2'-8" 1'-3" MINIMUM I I I I L____---1 I I co I I N L_ I I I -- ] F- 2 CIRC. DESK END ELEVATION SHT-1 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 14'-0" 4} L1NO. TOP WITH HDWO EDGE BOOK RETURN SLOT W/ 3/8" EDGE BAND FULL PERIMETER PL YWD. VNR. HDWO TRIM f I GYB. BD. COLUMN ENCL. SCRIBE TOP TO COLMUMN - 3/4" ROUND HDWD TRIM @ COLUMN 1" PL YWD. DIVIDER BELOW, CENTERED ON TOP 4" HDWO EDGE BEYOND 1 CIRC. DESK - PLAN SHT -1 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 4" HDWO EDGE EO. EO. EO. 3' -0" MIN. e 5 1/2" '-- 5 1/2" '--5 1/2" C. 5 1/2" 7'-0" 14'-0" 3 CIRC. DESK - ELEV A TI ON 4 CIRC. DESK END ELEVATION SHT-l SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SHT-l SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" LOCKABLE 2~GYB. BD. FILE DRAWERS W/ COLUMN ENCL. FLUSH OVERLAY FRONT SCRIBE TOP TO MW01 (A) COLMUMN - 3/4" ROUND PLAM -1 SHEL YES HDWD TRIM @ PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRAR~ I~I W/ 3/4" HDWD EDGE COLUMN Prior Lab, Minnaola 0 <D ----I HDWO TRIM 1" PL YWO. DIVIDER Millwork Bid Package I EQUIP. BY I n BEYOND co BELOW, CENTERED May 21, 1999 OTHERS I 4" HDWO EDGE C\l ON TOP SHT-1 4" HDWO EDGE CIRClLA110N DESK ~ 2'-8" J J 1'-3" J 3'-0" Meyer, Scherer LIe Roc:kcastIe, Ltd U9 North 2.Dd Street INSIDE INSIDE Minneapolis MN 55-401.1-42.0 5 CLR. CLR. 6 611 37S.oH61honc CIRC. DESK - ELEV A TI ON CIRC. DESK - END ELEVATION 6u. 3042..2.2.I fax SHT-l SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SHT-1 SCALE: 3/8" = '"-0" v --I I I I 2'-8" '0 I N ~ ~ ~ L1NO. TOP WITH HDWO EDGE SUPPORT GROMMET W/ COVER 4- ELOW J 6'-2" J ~ 1 REFERENCE DESK - PLAN SHT - 2 SCALE: 3/8" = "-0" 1" PL YWD. DIVIDER BELOW, CENTERED ON TOP 4" HDWD EDGE BEYOND 3'-2 1/4" MIN. 2 1/4" 6'-2" 2 REF. DESK END ELEVATION SH T - 2 SCALE: 3/8" = "-0" ~ --=----=- L1NO. TOP WITH ~ /'" ~ _ HDIID EDGE ~ ,/' _____ PL YWO. VNR. r.-, HDWO TRIM 4" HDWO EDGE 3 REF. DESK - ELEVATION SH T - 2 SCALE: 3/8" = "-0" UNDER CTR. LIGHT (COORD, W/ ELEC.) TACK BD. ~ '0 1" PL YWD. DIVIDER I: BELOW, CENTERED to .....to ON TOP to to I I I I I") N 4" HDWO EDGE N r.-, BEYOND 4 REF. DESK - END ELEVATION SHT - 2 SCALE: 3/8" = "-0" 5 REF. DESK - ELEVATION SHT -2 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" to I N L1NO. TOP WITH HDWD EDGE SUPPORT TACK BD. ++rSJ++ GftP"20ftWE086 9':sr:2~ 666L/~2/S0 L1NO. TOP W /EASED HDWD EDGE 2'-6" 2 1/2" GROMMET W/COVER L____:=J ADJ. KEYBOARD TR PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHf VINYL POWER/DATA RACEWAY (SEE SPEC.) 3/4" PL YWO. VNR. BLOCKING AS REQ'D 4" HDWD BASE 3 REF. DESK - ELEVATION SHT - 2 SCALE: 3/8" == 1'-0" LOCKABLE FILE DRAWERS W / FLUSH OVERLAY FRONT 4" HDWD EDGE MW02 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBLIC LIBRAR'~ Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -2 Rl.J uil..NCE DESK Meyer, Scherer &; RockcastIe, Ltd. II' North 2J1d Street Minneapolis MN 5 j40I.I,,:z.o 6I2. 375.0336 phone 6I2. 3"2..2.2.16 fax 2'-8" 2'-8" 2 1/2" GROMMET L1NO. TOP W/COVER W/HDWO EDGE lINO. TOP W /EASED ACCURIDE DWR : 0:::: HDWD EDGE GLIDES OR N 0<{ 1'-0" SLIDING TRAY EQUAL )ow = 0:::: .-1 00.-1 PL YWD. VNR, to U VINYL u 3/4.' PL YWO. VNR. POWER/DATA VINYL RACEWAY 1'-3" POWER/DATA (SEE SPEC.) RACEWAY (SEE SPEC.) ADJ. KEYBOARD TRAY to to PROVIDED AND INSTAll MW01, 02 (A) I PROVIDE PENDAFLEX I BY OTHERS ;.., HANGING FILE HDWR I"') OR EQUAL, TYP. PRIOR LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY 3/4" PL YWD. VNR. Prior Lake, MinDesola = a:: PL YWD. VNR. BACK Millwork Bid Package 0<( Iw May 21, 1999 :--1 BLOCKING AS BLOCKING AS u SHT -3 REQ.D REQ'D MISC. DETALS 4" HDWD BASE 4" HDWD BASE Meye!; Scherer Ik; RockastIe, Ltd. n:9 North 2.IId Street 4 5 Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION 6u 375.0336 tt:e 612. 342..2.2.1 fax SH T - 3 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" SHT -3 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" 2'-8" L1NO. TOP W/HDWO EDGE ACCURIDE DWR GLIDES OR EQUAL 3/4" PL YWO. VNR. VINYL POWER/DATA RACEWAY (SEE SPEC) PROVIDE PENDAFLEX ~ HANGING FILE HDWR I"') OR EQUAL, TYP. PL YWD. VNR. BACK BLOCKING AS REQ'D 1'-3" MINIMUM I to I 1'0 = a:: 00<{ Iw - -I .....u --.j- 4" HDWD BASE 1 TYPICAL SECTION SHT -3 SCALE: 1. = 1'-0" ++rSJ++ 6Np'yzoftWr096 90:0~:ZL 666L/LZ/SD f 2'-8" /r- UNO. TOP W /EASED HDWD EDGE = 0:::: 00<{ IW . .-1 '--u TOUCH-LATCH ACCESS DOOR TO RACEWAY VINYL POWER/DATA RACEWAY (SEE SPEC) HDWD TRIM 2'-8" L1NO. TOP W/EASED HDWD EDGE BLOCKING AS REQ'D z ;.., 1" PL YWO. Vt- I N 4" HDWD BA~ 3 TYP. SECTION SH T - 3 SCALE: I" = 1'-0. = 0:::: 00<{ IW -:- d "-3" 3/4" PL YWO. VNR. 3/4" PLAM -1 SHELF W/HDWO EDGE PL YWO. VNR. BACK BLOCKING AS REQ'D to I N ':.t - 4" HDWO BASE 2 TYPICAL SECTION SHT -3 SCALE: 1. = 1'-0. 5 1/2" EQ.~EQ. ,~ ix:> "- I") UPHOLSTERED SEAT CUSHIONS BY OTHERS N "- ....... 1-1 L2" W[J HDWD EDGI NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED V 25' -6" UPH. CUSH (BY OTHER 3{4" WD-1 P YWD EQ.~EQ.~EQ.~EQ. 3/4" VNR PLY co I N G: N N N "- "- "- ....... ....... ....... N ....... I' I '--- - ....... '<t WD-1 BATl (BEYOND) o I 'C-.J HDWD TRIM BLOCKING ) REQ'D 4" WD-1 HDWD BASE 1 WINDOW BENCH - PLAN SHT -4 SCALE: 1/4. = 1'-0. 2 SECTION DETAIL SH T - 4 SCALE: 3. = 1'-0" 3 SOLID PANEL - SECTION SHT.:..4 SCALE: ,. = 1'-0. N "- D ...... --- N I - ...... ':,q- 1-lL2" WD- HDWD EDGE UPH. CUSHI( (BY OTHERS 3/4" WD-1 PL YWD --t-------ji-------i-- 3/4" WD-1 HbWD EDGE WD-1 BATIE (BEYOND) BLOCKING A~ REQ'D 4 STORAGE AREA - SECTION 4" WD-1 HDWD BASE SH T - 4 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" 5 1/2" 3'-6 3/4" 3'-6 3/4" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" HDWD TRIM 3/4" VNR PLY MW03 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesola MiIlwmk Bid Package May 21, 1999 3'-6 3/4" 3'-6 3/4" 4'-0 1/4" 4'-0 1/4" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" SHT -4 WINDOW BENCH 5 FRONT ELEVATION SHT -4 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0. 6 SECTION DETAIL Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. n 9 North :z.nd Street Minneapolis MN 5540z.142.0 6u 375.0336 phone 6u 342..2.2.16 fax SHT -4 SCALE: 3. = 1'-0. ~;c ~ 1 v 14'-6" 1 PARTITION - PLAN SHT -5 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" N I I"') ':.:t EO. ~5 1 2" lID EO. ~5 1/2" EO. ~5 1/2" 3 PARTITION - ELEVATION SHT -5 SCALE: J/B" = 1'-0" BUTT JOINT 2-1/2" HDWD TRIM VNR TOP EO. ~5 1/2" EO. ~5 1/2" 2 1/2" 1 N ;.-, )- 2 SECTION DETAIL SH T - 5 SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" VNR TOP WI TH HDWD EDGE VNR HDWD TRIM DUPLEX OUTLET ONE SIDE ONLY COORDINATE W/ ELEC 4'J HDWD BASE ~5 1/2" u 1'-2" 4 PARTITION - SIDE ELEVATION SH T - 5 SCAlE: J/8" = 1'-0" t C'\I I ,.,., Co / I \ " 1'-5 1/2" ':.:t 3/4" 1'-2" 5 PARTITION - SECTION SHT -5 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" VNR TOP EASE ALL EDGES APPROX. 1/8'J RADIUS (TYP.) HDWD EDGE HDWD TRIM OTR. ROUND HDWD TRIM 3/4JJ PLY FRAME HDWD TRIM 3/4" VNR PLY 3/4JJ PLY BLOCKING FIELD CUT OPENING FOR OU TLET CUT HOLE FOR INFLOOR POWER AS REQ'D 3/4" PLY FRAME 4" HDWD BASE FASTEN PARTITION TO BLKJG 2 X 6 CONTINUOUS 14'-0" LONG KWlK BOLT TO FLOOR UW04 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota MillWOJt Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -5 PARTTTlON MeyeJ; Scherer &: Roclccastle, Ltd. U9 North 2.Dd Street Minneapolis MN 5HoI.I42.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.2.16 fax I a I 'to T 1 1/2" VN~ PLY DIVlDE~~UPPORT WI HDvvu EDGE I 1 1 3'-0 1/4" ! INSIDE CLR. J 6'-0 1/2" INSIDE CLR. 15'-10 1/4" +/- T I I I I I FURN. BY OTHERS 6'-0 1/2" INSIDE CLR. J 1 CABINET - ELEVATION SHT -6 SCALE: 3/8' = 1'-0' I---- ~ ./ - il EO. il EO. il EO. il EO. il EO. il 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 5 1/2" 2 CABINET - REAR ELEVATION SH T - 6 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0' $ $ / o I I I I 3'-1" I 3'-1" I INSIDE CLEAR INSIDE CLEAR 3'-1" j, EO. j, EO. J EO. 10'-0" 3 DISPLAY - ELEVATION SHT-6 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0' 1/2" QTR. RND TRIM 3/8" TEMP'D GL. SHELVES POLISH ALL EDGES 1/4" TEMP'D NON-GLARE FINISH SLIDING DOORS POLISH ALL EDGES PL YWD. END PANEL FURN. BY OTHERS 1/2" VNR PLY DIVIDER /SUPPORT wi HDWO EDGE HDWD. TRIM 4" HD WD EDGE 0::: -.J U ,----, 12'-0" 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I N '" .- to I 'to .. ').. ..:..... .......... ..:....... .0 ...:.... ", ,.. '). . ....:....', ,...}.. ..:....', . 4 CABINET - SECTION SHT -6 SCALE: 1. = 1'-0' SIDE PANEL BEYOND FURNITURE BY OTHERS HDWD TRIM 4" HDWD BASE I >- ,!:!:: + ffi > '0 Cl I -.J j-.... W c;: 5 0::: -.J U N '" .- to I 1'0 ,----l 1 I I 1 1 1 12'-0" I I 1 LIGHT FIXTURE (SEE ELEC.) 1/2" QTR. RND TRIM ALUMINUM LOUVER 1/2" CUBE SIWE REMOVABLE TO ACCESS LIGHT FIXTURES) ANODIZED DARK BRONZE ALUM. FRAME SLIDING GLASS DOOR TRACK ASSEMBL Y 3/8" TEMPERED ADJ. GLASS SHELVES POLISH ALL EDGES 1/4" TEMPERED NON-GLARE FINISH SLIDING GLASS DOOR~ POLISH ALL EDGES SIDE PANEL BEYOND FURNITURE BY OTHERS LEDGER ..'" .....:.... ........"" .-..:........ .......:.... ", ,.. ... .....:-. ", .....'" .....~.... ", . SCALE: l' = 1'-0' DISPLAY - SECTION SHT-6 MWOS, 26 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRAR1 Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork: Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -6 MISC. DETAILS Meyes; Scherer &; Rockcastle, Ltd. :u 9 North 2.Ild Street Minneapolis MN 55401.1410 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.116 fax 6ENCH (ONE SIDE ONLY) HDWD EDGE, BUTT JOI~ 7 7'-4 1/4" 1'-6" 9'-0" 1 PLAN ~ SH T - 7 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" 2 1/2" *fT ~PLY. FRAME) ".q- I " .- .- " .- -:.r 5 SECTION SHT -7 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" ~~ 1/2" QTR. RND TRIM VNR PLY HDWD EDGE 4" HDWD BASE -:.r I " ..... 3" 3'-4" VNR PLY TOP W/ HDWD EDGE HDWD. TRIM VNR PLY BOOK LEDGE BENCH VNR PLY 4" HDWD BASE 2 END ELEVATION wi BENCH SHT -7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" to I -:.r -:.r I " .- 6 SIDE ELEVATION SHT - 7 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 3 END ELEVATION 4 EDGE DETAIL SH T - 7 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" SHT - 7 SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" VNR PLY wI HDWD EDGE' 2-1/2" HDWD EDGE 3/4.... HDWO EDGE 4" HDWD BASE UW06 (B) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LmRAR~ Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwmk Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT-7 NEW BOOKS DISPlAY Meyer, Scherer & Rockc:astIe, Ltd. U9 North 1Ild Street Minneapolis MN 55401.1.42.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 34:z..2.2.16 fax ~ 7'-0" 3'-6" 3' 6" N ........... .- CD I ('oJ --E1---- ~ co I :q. ~ :q. ........... --g--- v I N 3'-4 1/4" 3'-4 1/4" 6'-8 1/2" 1 COMPUTER STATION - PLAN SHT -8 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" . .- I .v 2'-1 3/4" 1'-6" r3/4" 5 1/2' I"") I I"") lD I . ..- lD: V 4 SECTION 9"~ 3~" ~9" NTS / NTS SHT -8 SCALE: I" = ''-a" L1NO-1 TOP W/ HDWO EDGE VNR SCREEN W / HDWD EDGE BRUSH GROMMET VNR SCREEN W/ HDWD EDGE L1NO-1 TOP W/ HDWO EDGE VNR W/ HDWO EDGE L1NO-1 TOP W / EASED HDWO EDGE HDWO TRIM 3/4-- VNR PLY BRUSH GROMMET L1NO-1 TOP W / EASED HDWO EDGE VNR PLY BRACING W/ 3/4" HDWO EDGE ACCESS PANEL TO CHASE W/ KEY ENTRY 6" DIA. HOLE 3/4" PLY FRAME- COORDINATE OPN-G FOR POWER W / ELEC 4'- HDWO BASE . .- I v 5 1/2" <t YNR PLY WI 3/4'- HDWO EDGE L1NO-1 TOP W/ HDWO EDGE VNR Pl.!. BRACING W/ 3/4 - HDWO EDGE '0 ..- r0 I ir) VNR PLY ACCESS PANEL TO CHASE W / KEY ENTRY 4-- HDWD BASE D "'- ~ ,/' /' 2 ELEVA TION FROM ADULT'S SIDE SHT -8 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" <t ~R PLY WI 3/4'- HDWO EDGE L1NO-1 TOP WITH HDWO EDGE '0 I N - VNR PLY L1NO-1 TOP WITH HDWO EDGE ACCESS PANEL TO CHASE W/ BRASS CAM LOCK VNR PLY BRACING W/ HDWD EDGE ~ 4" HOWD BASE J~ 'Ii CHILDREN'S SIDE ~ l.rl L I IIII If ~ lJl~. ~~l - o --- ........ 3 ELEVATION FROM SHT -8 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" 1 3/4" -rr 1 3/4" VNR PLY SCREEN W / 3/4" HDwD EOGE VNR PLY HDWO TRIM 4" HDWD BASE MW07 (B) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -8 COMPUTER STATlON 1'-3 1/2" 1'-9" 5 SIDE ELEVATION Meyer, Scherer &; Rocltcastle, Ltd. U9 North 2.Ild Street Minneapolis MN 5HoI.I42.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.116 fax SHT -8 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0. ~b 7~ 1 v <t I 4'-0" 4'-0" :r V " r<') - - ~ - -11- - - ~ - -11- - - - -- Q u Q "-2 1/2" 2 1/2" 12'-0" 4} COMPUTER STATION - PLAN SH T - 9 SCALE: 3/S" = 1'-0" .v I 'r0 to I C'J 4 SECTION SHT -9 SCALE: lw = 1'_Ow VNR wi 3/4" HDWO EDGE BRUSH GROMMET VNR PLY WIRE CHASE (BELOW) VNR PLY BRACING 4' -0" O.C. (BELOW) L1NO-1 TOP W/ 2 1/2" HDWO EDGE VNR WI HDWD EDGE L1NO-1 TOP WI EASED HDWD EDGE BRUSH GROMMET HDWD TRIM 3/4" VNR PLY ACCESS PANEL TO CH ASE wi KEY ENTRY VNR PLY BRACING W / 3/4" EDGE VNR PLY 3/4" PLY FRAME- COORDINATE OPN'G FOR POWER wi ELEC 4" HDWD BASE D VNR WI 3/4" HDWD EDGE L1NO-1 TOP wi HDWD EDGE VNR PLY VNR PLY BRACING W/ HDWD EDGE ACCESS PANEL TO CHANEL WI KEY ENTRY 4" HDWD BASE ./ 2 FRONT ELEVATION SH T - 9 SCALE: 3/S" = 1'-0" 1 3/4" a ..... ':.t I 'r0 to I C'J U EO. \. 5 1/2" U EO. \. 5 1/2" U EO, \. 5 1/2" WD VNR wI 3/4" HDWD EDGE: L1NO-1 TOP w/ HDWD EDGE WO VNR PLY HDWD TRIM U 4" HDWD BASE \. 5 1/2" 3 BACK ELEVATION ~~W{DGE L1NO-1 TOP WITH HDWD EDGE VNR PLY HDWD TRIM ~ 4" HDWD BASE )1'-9 1/2" C 5 1/2" 5 1/2" SHT -9 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'_Ow 3'-0" 1 3/4" / """" 5 END ELEVATION MWOS (B) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LmRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwmk Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -9 COMPUTER STATION Meyer, Scherer &: Rockcastle, Ltd. U9 North Uld Street Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 6u 375.0336 phone 612. 3420.2.2.16 fax SHT -9 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0" VNR PLY VNR wi 3/4" HDWO EDGE lINO-1 TOP WITH 2 1/2" HDWD EDGE o ~ VNR WI 3/4" HDWO EDGE lINO-1 TOP WITH 2 1/2" HDWD EDGE VNR PLY HDWO TRIM 4" HDWO BASE 5 1/2"~S 1/2" 1 ' - 9 1 /2" 1 3/4" 3 1 /2" DIA. GROMMET BRASS CAM LOCK e>' 0 HT-1 ! 3/4" VNR SCREEN '-.. ACCESS PANEL ........ W/ 3/4" HDWO EDGE TO CHASE W/ KEY ENTRY lINO-1 TOP WITH 2 1/2" HDWD EDGE 4" HDWD BASE 1'-5" . .- VNR PLY I ':q- I"') I t<') HDWD TRIM 4} 1 COMPUTER STATION - PLAN 4" HDWD BASE 5 1/2"-:llJJ-S 1/2" 1'-3 1/2" SHT-lO SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" '2 FRONT ELEVATION SH T -10 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0. 3 BACK ELEVATION SHT -10 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0. 4 SIDE ELEVATION SH T -1 0 SCALE: 3/B. = 1'-0. 3/4" / / 3/4" VNR W/ 3/4" HDWD EDGE 2 1/2" 'i0 N "- ~ 3/4", 3/4" VNR PLY HDWD N "- ."" "- I"') / --... lINO-1 TOP W / EASED HDWO EDGE 3 1/2" DrA. GROMMET : "" "- t<') HDWO TRIM . ..... 3/4" VNR PLY I ':q- : t<') I t<') () Z : 0... (00 I . 0::: ""'0 o Cl ACCESS PANEL TO CHASE W / KEY ENTRY 2 1/4" MW09 (B) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota MiI1work Bid Package May 21, 1999 3/4") 5 EDGE DETAIL - TYPICAL SHT -10 SCALE: 3. = 1'-0" 3/4" PLY FRAME- COORDINA TE OPN'G FOR POWER W/ ELEC 4" HDWD BASE 7 SECTION DETAIL - TYP. VNR PLY SHT -10 SCALE: 3. = 1'-0" SHT -10 COMPUTER STATlON 6 SECTION 9" NTS Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. XI9 North 2.Dd Street Minneapolis MN 5540r.r42.0 6u 375.0336 phone 6u. H2..2.2.r6 fax SHT -10 SCALE: 1. = 1'-0. ~: y-! D 1 ~:: -----[d:; -.:-- II II , " " 8'-8" +/- FIELD VERIFY COMPUTER STATION - PLAN SH T -11 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 2'-6" 2'-6" co I C'l >> 3 1/2" 2 COMPUTER STATION - ELEVATION SHT -11 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0. ___________1/2" OTR RND TRIM HDWO. TRIM 4" HDWO BASE 2'-9" 3 COMPUTER STATION - END ELEV. SHT -11 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" BRUSH GROMMET L1NO, TOP W/ HDWO EDGE SUPPORT BELOW AS REO'D L1NO. TOP W/ HDWO EDGE 1/2' OTR. RND TRIM CPU BRACKETS (N,I.C,) BRACING 2'-6" CD I C'l 1/2" OTR. RND HDWO TRIM BRUSH GROMMET ~ ~ L1NO. COUNTER W/HDWD EDGE BRACING - CENTERED ON COUNTER TOP CUT OPN'G THROUGH BRACING FOR CABLES VINYL DATA/POWER RACEWAY (SEE SPEC) ., .". ":~" ......... ": ...... ,'''.0 .':..'.. ,.. '.' ..:..... ~..'", ..:..... . 4 COMPUTER STATION - SECTION SHT -11 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" . ~ 2'-6" : co I C'l .) / 4 ~LAM ~H t.L~ W/HDWD EDGE 1/2" VNR PLY BRACING W/ 1/4" EDGE TO EACH SHELF 12" FROM EA. END UNDER SHELF LIGHT (COORD. W/ELEC.) 1/4 RND HDWD TRIM PLAM COUNTER W/HDWD EDGE BRACING WALL BRACING ,... ._..:..........." ._..:...........,_..:...... '0.... .....:...... ....... ._..:...... , 5 TYP. STUDY ROOM - SECTION SHT -11 SCALE:'" = 1'-0. GYP PARTITION HDWD TRIM N .......... BLOCKING AS REQ'D L{) COAT HOOK PROVIDED BY OTHERS, INSTALLED BY MILLWORK 12" O.C. 6 TYPICAL COAT RACK SHT-11 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" in I N 1'-10" N 7 ADA COMPLIANT 5 W/LEVER HANDLE (SEE MECH) J ':.t ......... 1'0 PLAM TOP AND BACKSPLASH 3/4" VNR PLY BRACKET W / HDWD EDGE TOILET MEN WOMEN BOYS GIRLS 109 - 1 BRACKET 122 - 2 BRACKETS 123 - 2 BRACKETS 124 - 1 BRACKET 125 - 2 BRACKETS TYPICAL LAVATORY SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" MW1O-13, 19-22 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBLIC LmRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota MiIlwmk Bid Package May 21,1999 SH T -11 SHT -11 MISC. DETAILS Meyer, Scherer & 1lockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2.IId Street Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 612. 375.0336 phone 6u. 342..2.2.I6 fax 1" X 1" HDWD EDGE 1" FABRIC WRAPPED T ACKABLE PANEL VNR TOP WI HDWD EDGE : ~ 1/2" OTR. ROUND I '" : PROVIDE 1 12" ~ VNR PL YWD. ADJUSTABLE :/ DIVIDERS WI k62" HDWD N GE 0 3/4" w "v HDWD TRIM "- 1'0 a "-- 3/4" I VNR PLY 1'0 VNR PLY 0 BACK w ':q- BLOCKING AS "- 1'0 REO'D "<t 4" HDWD BASE 1'-4" 1 NEWSP APER CUBBIES - SECTION SH T -12 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" ~ EO. 3/4" EO. 3/4" EO. 3/4" EO. "3/4" EQ. 3/4" 3/4" 9'-0" FIELD VERIFY 2 NEWSPAPER CUBBIES - ELEVATION SH T -12 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" [J VNR PLY TOP WI HDWD EDGE 9'-0" Ok ~ ENTRY ~ [D}] 3 NEWSPAPER CUBBIES - PLAN SHT -12 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MW15 (A) 66"W X 48"H BULLETIN BD. WI 1" HDWD TRIM 1" FABRIC WRAPPED TACK PANEL 1/2" OTR. ROU~ VNR TOP WI HDWD EDGE ADJ. DIVIDERS W / 1/2" HDWD EDGE HDWD BASE PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LffiRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota MiIlwort Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT-12 NEWSPAPER HOl...DER Meye!; Scherer &: Roc:kcastIe, Ltd. u 9 North 2.1ld Street Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.2.16 fax ================ ================ ================ '0 I 'r0 ft~ ---- -...... 1 10'-8" FIELD VERIFY 1 1 PROCESSING - FRONT ELEVATION SHT -13 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0. '0 I 'r0 1/2" QTR RND TRIM L1NO TOP WI HDWD EDGE ADJ. PLAM SHELF VNR PLY flUSH OVERLAY DOOR 4" HDWD TOE KICK 3 COPIER COUNTER - FRONT ELEVATION SHT -13 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 2'-0" SHEL~NG STANDARDS 3' -0" O,C. ADJUSTABLE PLAM -1 SHELVES DATA POWER PLAM -1 COUNTER TOP 1/2" QTR. ROUND TRIM ADJUSTABLE PLAM-1 SHELF a I I"') 4" VINYl BASE $ 2 COUNTER - SECTION SHT -13 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" N I ;.... : to I N 1/2" QTR RND TRIM ADJ. PLAM SHELF VNR PLY FLUSH OVERLA Y DOOR 1/2" QTR RND TRIM L1NO TOP wi HDWD EDGE ADJ. PLAM SHELF VNR PLY FLUSH OVERLA Y DOOR 4" HDWD TOE KICK a I 'r0 ':..t 4 VENDING COUNTER - FRONT ELEVATION SHT -13 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" L1NO. TOP W/ HDWD EDGE 1/2" QTR. RND ADJ PLAM SHELF PLAM INTERIOR, TYP. PL Y VNR flUSH OVERLA Y DOORS ON CONCEALED SELF -CLOSING HINGES 4" HDWD BASE ~ to to I I ;.... ~ 2'-6" N "- ~ to : o I 'r0 5 PROCESSING - SECTION SHT -13 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0. ADJ PLAM SHEL VES, TYP. SHEL ~NG STANDARD PLAM COUNTERTOP 1/2" QTR. RND TRIM PLAM DRA WEF FRONT ADJ PLAM SHELF PLAM INTERIOI TYP. PLAM FLUSH OVERLA Y 000 ON CONCEALE SELF -CLOSING HINGES 4" ~NYl BASI MWI4, 16, 23 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LffiRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT-13 COPY/PROCESSINQ/VENDIN Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. u~ North 2.Dd Street Minneapolis MN 554oI.142.0 6n 375.0336 phone 6n 342..2.2.I6 fax co I N =/ = /==== /. ""/ ---_--L - - - -,r -~ -~L/---- ro I . ~ ;,. a I 'i0 v 8'-9" FIELD VERIFY 1 1 STAFF AREA - FRONT ELEVATION SHT -14 SCALE: 3/B" = 1'-0' ADJ. PLAM SHEL VES LINE OF UNDER CAB LIGHT (SEE ELEC) SINK (SEE MECH) PLAM BACKSPLASH & COUNTER TOP P. TOWEL DISP. ADJ. PLAM SH ELF NO BASE UNDER SINK CAB - OPEN FOR WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 4" VINYL TOE-KICK 1 11'-7" FIELD VERIFY 2 MEETING ROOM - FRONT ELEVATION SH T -14 SCALE: 3/8' = 1'-0" Co I N . .- I ~ $> HT-t co lO I N Co '0 I I . i-r> . ~ ~ '0 ;,. I I . ~ I") ~ ADJ. PLAM SHELVES LINE OF UNDER CAB LIGHT (SEE ELEC) SINK (SEE MECH) PLAM BACKSPLASH & COUNTER TOP P. TOWEL DISP. ADJ. PLAM SHELF NO BASE UNDER SINK CAB - OPEN FOR WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 4" VINYL TOE-KICK 1'-0" ADJ PLAM SHELVES, TYP. FLUSH OVERLAY PLAM CONCEALED HINGES . UNDERCABINET FLUOR TASK LIGHT (SEE ELEC) GOOSENECK SINK W / LEVER HANDLE (SEE MECH) (ADA COMPLIANT) PLAM COUNTERTOP & BACKSPLASH FIXED FRONT PNL SINK W!GARBAGE DISP (SEE MECH) PLAM FLUSH OVERLAY DOORS ON CONCEALED SELF-CLOSING HINGES PLAM REMOVABLE PNL WA TER HTR (SEE MECH) 4" OPENING AT SINK ONLY (NO BASE) 4" VINYL BASE 3 STAFF AREA & MEETING ROOM SECTION SHT -14 SCALE: ,. = 1'-0. ~~O~J?~ -~~ L.n"~U~O 77.~U~k~ 066~J MW17-18 (A) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwork Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -14 STAFF/Mfa. AM COUNTERS Meyer, Scherer & Roc:kcastle, Ltd. II.9 North lIld Street Minneapolis MN 554oz.142.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.2.16 fax 1-1/4" 0 HDWD EDGE w a /4" I ':.t HDWD EDGE f") ""'- ..- 0 GROOVED RUBBER w MA T, BLACK (GLUED DOWN PARALLEL TO FRONT) 2 1-1/4" X 1/4" HDWD EDGE 1-1/4" X 1-1/4" HDWD EDGE (L) .~ ':.t .......... f") N I 3/4' X 1/4" HDWD EDGE . ..-~ P-LAM (SEE DWG. 6) .~ 3 EZ BIN - FRONT ELEVATION SH T -15 SCALE: '/2" = "-0" EZ BIN - FRONT ELEVATION OF ROW SH T -15 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 EZ BIN - PLAN A ^ A ... A A A A VNR SHT -15 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" .3'-0" 1-1/,4" 1'-4 1/8" ( -1/4' 1'-4 1/8" 2' 3/4" PLY VNR 'II / SLOPED BACK 5 PLAM LOCA liONS SHT -15 SCALE: '/2" = 1'-0" HDWD TRIM GROOVE~ RUBBER MAT ON .3/4 PARTICLE BD. P-LAM SCHEDULE CODE MFR. DESCRIPTION FINISH A NEVAMAR S-3-33T TEXTURED to P-LAM 3/8" HDWD EDGE PARTICLE BD. CORE W/ P-LAM SURFACE ON BOTH SIDES (SEE DWG. 6) 6 EZ BIN - PLAM SCHEDULE SH T -15 SCALE: NTS 7 PLAM LOCATIONS - AXON (L) I N .3/4" ... ':.:t '-.. f") N I SH T -15 SCALE: NTS . ..- ':.t .......... MW24 (B) QTY. - 8 MW25 (B) QTY. - 6 UW24-25 (B) 3/8" HDWD TRIM '.: HDWO EDGE VNR PLY (BOTH SIDES) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LmRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millwmt Bid Package May 21, 1999 ':.t .......... f") VNR PLY (BOTH SIDES) 4" HDWO BASE 1'-6" cr. SHT -15 CHILOFlEN'SEZ8INS MW25 IS SINGLE-SIDED. CONSTRUCTION SIMILAR TO MW24 4 EZ BIN - SECTION SHT -15 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" Meyer, Scherer &: Rockcastle, Ltd. :u 9 North 2.JId Street Minneapolis MN 55401.1.42.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.2.16 fax 4A SECTION DE 8 EZ BIN - PLAM SCHEDULE MW25 SCALE: NTS SH T -15 SCALE: 1-1/2" = "-0" v (" "<:t CURVED SCRE J "-6" CURVED VNR W~ HDWD E GE GROMMET CAB~E 7' 4" 7' OPN G '0 I I 8" DIA. " I ..-- SWIVEL I I If) I I n n r--. ! I . .- 3/4" 3/4" Co ......... F"') " ~ I /' ---- / '" I \ I \ / \ / '-. ./ VNR. PL YWD. SURFACES 1 MONITOR SHIELD - PLAN SHT -16 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" 6" X 2" GROt W/ COVER 8' DIA. SWlVE " ~ 3/8" EDGE BAND 4} 2 PLAN SECTION "v ......... F"') ~ SH T -16 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" . .- Co ......... F"') = '<t ......... -......... F"') ---......... N ......... .- .v ......... F"') '-- C'J j-.... I I -I /. '// 77 // // T/ <- "v ......... F"') Co I 5 SECTION SH T -16 SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" . ~ . .- ':.;t ......... F"') ~ ...... ~27 (B) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRAR Prior Lake, Minnesota . ~ //////////. //////. //////. /// //. /. //. Millwork Bid Package May 21,1999 3 ELEVATION FROM PATRON SIDE 4 ELEVATION FROM LIBRARIAN SIDE SHT -16 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" SHT -16 MONITOR SHELD SH T -16 SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" Meyer, Scherer &: llockcastle, b U9 North 2.Ild Street Minneapolis MN 55401.142.0 612. 375.0336 phone 612. 342..2.2.16 fax f VARIES - SEE SCHEDULE 1 W -1 :J o W I (/) U W (/) a:: w <t: w > (/) 1-1/2" HDWD EDGE \3/4" VNR. PL ywo)l **NOTE: WHERE SEAM OCCURS, SEAM MUST FALL ON SHELVING JOINT - COORD. WITH SHELVING MANUFACTURER. PROVIDE TOGGLE BOLTS AS REQUIRED. 1 CANOPY TOP - PLAN SHT -17 SCALE: I" = "-0" ~I 2 ~ 1-1/2" HDWO EDGE--------J (2) LAYERS 3/4" CANOPY TOP - SECTION VNR. PL YWO. SHT -17 SCALE: ," = 1'-0" FURN. CODE# DESCRIPTION SIZE QTY. 60 SHEL~NG END PANEL 1'-f'w x 5'-6"H 2 61 SHEL~NG END PANEL 1'-2"W x 5'-6"H 2 62 SHEL~NG END PANEL l' _glOW x 5' -6"H 12 63 SHEL~NG END PANEL l' _glOW x 6' -6'.H 32 64 SHEL~NG END PANEL 2'-1"W x 3'-6"H 6 65 SHEL~NG END PANEL 2'-2"W x 5'-6"H 4 66 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP 1'-2"0 x 6'-3 3/4"L 1 67 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP l' -g"O x 9'-3 3/4"L 1 68 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP l' -g"O x 12'-3 3/4"L 5 69 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP 2'-1"0 x 6'-3 3/4"L 1 70 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP 2'-1"0 x 12'-3 3/4"L 2 71 SHEL VING CANOPY TOP 2'-2"0 x 12'-3 3/4"L 2 CANOPY TOP (2) LAYERS 3/4" VNR. PL YWO. ~1/4" BEVEL HDWD BASE 4 END PANEL SECTION SHT -17 SCALE: '" = 1'-0" **NOTE: SIZES ARE APPROXIMATE. PRECISE SIZES TO BE COORD. WITH LIBRARY SHELVING MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 3 END PNL. /CANOPY TOP SCHEDULE SH T -17 ++6[J++ 6MP'92ftW[096 L~'~O'[L 666LI 4 HT-1 N "0.. ..,,--- CANOPY TOP _ _ -=~_ _ _ ~ (SEE SCHEDl W -1 :J o W I U tf) W W (/) (/) w a:: <t: > J ,----1 I I I I L____--.J VARIES SEE SCHEDULE BUTT JOINT 1 1/2" TYP SIGNAGE PROVIDED AN INSTALLED BY OTHERS 1-1/2" HDWD EDGE 3/4" VNR. PL YWO. HDWD BASE ), 5 END PANEL ELEVATION SH T -17 SCALE: I" = 1'-0" MW28-29 (8) PRIOR LAKE PUBUC LIBRARY Prior Lake, Minnesota Millworlt Bid Package May 21, 1999 SHT -17 END PNLS/CANOPY TOPS Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. U9 North 2.I1d Street Minneapolis MN 5Hoz.z42.0 6u 375.0336 phone 6u 342..2.u6 fax