HomeMy WebLinkAbout092187 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUl'ES OF '!HE CITY COUNCIL septanber 21, 1987 The Camoon Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on Monday, Septanber 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Olambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilrcenbers Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, White, City Manager Dave Unmacht, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Director Parks and Recreation Mangan, Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director Schmudlach, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 'lbe minutes of the Septanber 8, 1987 Council meeting were reviewed by Council. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERAID, SECONDED BY LARSCN, TO APPROVE '!HE MINurES ps Minutes SUBMITTFD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. The next order of business was the Consent Agerxla as follO\tls: a) Invoices b) Dog Catcher's Report <August) c) Fire and Rescue Report <August) d) Police Report <August) e) Treasurer's Report f) Reappointment of Econanic Development Committee Members g) Audit Agreement with George M. Hanson Company h) Approve Payment on Three Construction Projects i) CUotes for Pickup and Plow j) staff RecOInIremation on "Cities Week" k) Change of City Hall office hours 1) Resolution 87-53 Accepting Bid on Construction of Well i5 m) Raspberry Ridge First Addition Invoices Dog Ca tchl F & R Police Treasurer EDC Reapp. Audit Agr Payment- Plow/Pick1 Ci ties Wel Off. Hour: RS 87-53 Rasp. 1St Consent Agenda Item (m) was ranoved for further discussion. MJ'I'ION MADE BY LAR.SCN, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE '!HE <DNSENT AGENDA Con. Agnc ITEMS (a) '!HID (1). Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINtJl'ES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL september 21, 1987 '!be next order of business was Opening of Bids for the Water Tower Revenue Booos in the amount of $1.5 Million - Resolution 87-54. steve Mattson, Financial Consultant for Juran and Moody, op:!ned the bids fran Dain Bosworth, Piper Jaffery, Smith Barney and First Bank Systems. After presenting the bids to Council, Mattson turned the meeting back to Council in order to calculate the rates for the lowest bidder. 'lbe next order of business was discussion on a $100 donation to the Jays Baseball Team. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan introduced John Murray president of the team, who in turn introduced several people whose hard work and dedication had contributed to the Jays' successful sumner season. Discussion followed. MJ'I'ION MADE BY Sro:rr, SEXDNDED BY WHITE, APPRcm: '!HE DONATIOO OF $100 TO '!HE $100 . PRIOR LAKE JAYS FOR REPRESENl'ING lliE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AT '!HE STATE TaJRNAMENT ~on~ tlon WI'!H SUCH A FINE SH~ING. 0 ays Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. steve Mattson of Juran and Moody returned to the poditml after tabulating the bids for the $l.5 Million Water Tower Revenue Boms. 'Ibe lowest bidder was Smith Barney of Olicago. Mattson recanmemed acceptance of the bid fran Snith Barney. MJ'I'ION MADE BY Sro:rr, SEXDNDED BY LAR.SCN, ro ADOPl' RESOLurION 87-51 ACCEPl'ING '!HE I..,(M BID FRGt SMI'!H BARNEY OF CHICAGO IN '!HE .AM)UNl' OF $1,471,347.00 WI'!H AN INTEREST RATE OF 7.829493 FOR '!HE WATER RE.VENUE BONDS. RS87-51 Smith Barney Bid Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanilOOusly. 'Ibe next item on the ageooa was the recognition of John and Meda Kop. Mayor Andren read Resolution 87-51 - a Resolution of Conmemation and Congratulations to John and Meda on their many years of community service and on their 50th wedding anniversary. A City of Prior Lake paper weight and two City lapel pins were then presented to John and Meda. IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SEXDNDED BY Sro:rr, TO APPRcm: RESOLurIOO 87-51 <DMMENDING RS87-51 AND <D~'lULATING JOHN AND MEDA KOP FOR '!HEIR MANY YEARS OF <DMMUNITY SERVICE Medal Jon AND ON lliEIR 50'lH WIDDIN; ANNIVERSARY. Kop Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, larson, Scott, and White, the motion passed unaniIOOusly. A short recess was called at 8: 00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8: 05 p.m. and the public hearing for Prior Lake 2000 Report presentation was called to order. Prior Lake 2000 Canmittee Olairman John Fitzgerald reviewed the contents of the report beginning with the letter addressed to the Citizens of Prior Lake, through the Table of Contents, Executive Smnmary, Introduction (Credits and Purpose) through Canmunity Values and RecOlIlIremations beginning with A - Econanic Base and eming with F - 2 MINUl'ES OF 'mE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL September 21, 1987 Neighborhood. Presentation of the last six Camnuni ty Values and Reconuneooations fran G through L i and the last three sections -- Implementation, SUrvey and History will be presented at the next Council Meeting on Monday, October 5, 1987. The next order of business was a public hearing on the 1988 proposed budget which was called to order at 9:14 p.m. City Manager Unmacht presented to the Council a revised and pared down budget as requested by the Council at the last Council ftEeting on Tuesday, septanber 8, 1987. City Manager Unmacht reviewed the Municipal Tax Analysis which staff had compiled consisting of research using various sources. City Manager Unmacht then outlined proposed revenue increases for the City Fee Schedule and reviewed changes in expenditures fran the original budget proposal. Extensive discussion on the budget proposal followed. The proposed establishment of a South Metro Drug Enforcement Task Force and encompassing Resolution 87-55 for this issue was then discussed. IDTION MADE BY LARSCIil, SECnIDED BY WHITE, ro SUPIDRI' RESCLurION 87-55 FOR lliE RS87-55 EsrABLISHMENT OF A scum METRO IDLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT TPSK FORCE SUBJECr TO South A REVIEW OF 'mE FINAL AGREEMENT CLAUSE BEING INSERTED INTO '!HE RESCLurION. Metro Drug SCott, and White, the Enforcmn1 Task For( Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, motion passed unanimously. IDTION MADE BY LARSCN, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO APPRCNE lliE 1988 OPERATING BUOOET 1988 PS AMENDED. Opera tinl Budget Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, larson, SCott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called at 11:00 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 11: 05 p.m. The next order of business was Consent Agema Itan (m) RasPJerry Ridge First Addition. City Manager Unmacht gave a brief SllI'lmlary of the issue and turned the meeting over to City Planner Graser who reviewed the plat for the first construction phase of RasPJerry Ridge. The contingencies originally voted upon for the Developer's Agreanent stated that a Letter of Credit must be presented as security by Developer Bob Walsh for the construction of sewer and water utilities. Developer Bob Walsh then addressed the Council with a request that in lieu of the Letter of Credit he wished to place money in a Certificate of Deposit and Passbook savings Account in the City's name until the utilities were all installed. Discussion followed. City Attorney Kessel advised that Mr. Walsh's attorney should subnit an agreanent to spell out the terms to the City should this method be adopted in lieu of a Letter of Credit. 3 MINUl'ES OF '!HE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Septanber 21, 1987 Discussion followed. MJTION MADE BY SCOT!', SE<X>NDED BY, I.J.\RSCN, TO AMEND ORIGINAL DEVELOPER'S Raspberr) AGREEMENT TO SHCW CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AND PASSBOOK SAVINGS IN lliE AKXJNI' OF Ridge 125% OF '!HE CONSI'RUcrION <DSTS SUBJECl' TO APPROlAL BY CITY ATroRNEY KESSEL rn DETAILS OF '!HE DEPOSIT. Discussion followed. Developer Walsh objected to the 125% stipulation. It was pointed out that the new Subdivision Ordinance requiring the 125% instead of 100% had not gone into effect until after the original agreanent with Walsh. Councilnernber Scott asked the motion be withdrawn. IDTION MADE BY SCDTI', SECONDED BY WHITE, ro AMEND THE DEVELOPER'S AGREDmNT TO Develop SHClV '!HE ACCEPl'ANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AND PPSSBCXJ{ SAVINGS IN '!HE Agrment CITY'S NAME IN LIEU OF A LETTER OF CREDIT FOR 100% OF '!HE CDNSI'RUcrION <DSTS RaspberI') FRrn DEVELOPER OF RASffiERRY RIDGE, OCB WALSH, SINCE lliE APPLICATION WAS Ridge SUBMI'ITED PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF '!HE NEW SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REX;;lUIRING 125% OF <DNSI'RUcrION CDSTS, SUBJECl' TO APPROlAL BY CITY ATroRNEY ON DETAILS OF CERTIFICATE AND PASSBOOK AC<nJNI'. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, SCott, and White; nays by Andren and Larson, the motion passed. It was noted for the record that Mayor Andren voted nay because of the lack of municipal bidding for the construction of utilities. K>TION MADE BY WHITE, SECnIDED BY Sro:rr, ro APPRCNE '!HE FINAL PLAT FOR Raspberr~ RASffiERRY RIDGE FIRST ADDITION. Ridge Final PI Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, SCott, and White, the 1st Addn motion passed unanimously. Mr. Gail SVoboda addressed the Council with regard to the water tCMer design. Discussion followed on designs, feasibility of structures, cost of other designs and subnitting of bids. After hearing Mr. SVoboda's presentation it was a consensus of the Council that new requests for bids should be considered for the water tower. The next order of business was several miscellaneous subjects as follows: a) Seminar on "Developnent Impact Fees" by the American Planning Association and Metropolitan Council. Council directed staff to make reservations for those Councilmembers who wished to attem. b) Municipal Vacancy on the Transportation .Advisory Board (TAB). It was a consensus of the Council that Councilmember Fitzgerald should be naninated to serve on this board. c) Scott County Housing and Redevelopnent Authority vacancy. d) McWillies Liquor License hearing has been set for 9:00 a.m. October 5, 1987 at City Hall. 4 MINUl'ES OF lliE PRIOR LAKE CITY CDUNCIL Septanber 21, 1987 e> Franont Avenue sp:!ed check - City Manager Unmacht stated that signs will be erected at both ems of Franont Avenue indicating that the road is monitored by radar. f> Savage open house on Thursday, Septanber 24, 1987 between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. g> City Manager Unmacht read two letters he had recently received, one fran the Prior Lake SOCcer Association stating their appreciation of Parks and Recreation Director Mangan's coop:!ration and help with regard to the parks and playing fields. 'lbe secom letter was fran Tim 0' laughlin, Emergency Management Director for Scott County Civil Defense, commeming City Engineer Larry Anderson for his assistance on the Disaster Aid Planning for SCott County. The next Council meeting will be Morrlay, October 5 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12: 05 a.m. by general consent of the Council. av id J. Unmacht ity Manager Dee Bi rch Recording Secretary 5